
241 lines
8.1 KiB

pytest_doctest plugin
collect and execute doctests from modules and test files.
By default all files matching the ``test_*.txt`` pattern will
be run with the ``doctest`` module. If you issue::
py.test --doctest-modules
all python files in your projects will be doctest-run
as well.
command line options
search all python files for doctests
Getting and improving this plugin
Do you find the above documentation or the plugin itself lacking,
not fit for what you need? Here is a **30 seconds guide**
to get you started on improving the plugin:
1. Download `pytest_doctest.py`_ plugin source code
2. put it somewhere as ``pytest_doctest.py`` into your import path
3. a subsequent test run will now use your local version!
Further information: extend_ documentation, other plugins_ or contact_.
For your convenience here is also an inlined version of ``pytest_doctest.py``:
.. sourcecode:: python
collect and execute doctests from modules and test files.
By default all files matching the ``test_*.txt`` pattern will
be run with the ``doctest`` module. If you issue::
py.test --doctest-modules
all python files in your projects will be doctest-run
as well.
import py
from py.__.code.excinfo import Repr, ReprFileLocation
def pytest_addoption(parser):
group = parser.addgroup("doctest options")
action="store_true", default=False,
help="search all python files for doctests",
def pytest_collect_file(path, parent):
if path.ext == ".py":
if parent.config.getvalue("doctestmodules"):
return DoctestModule(path, parent)
if path.check(fnmatch="test_*.txt"):
return DoctestTextfile(path, parent)
class ReprFailDoctest(Repr):
def __init__(self, reprlocation, lines):
self.reprlocation = reprlocation
self.lines = lines
def toterminal(self, tw):
for line in self.lines:
class DoctestItem(py.test.collect.Item):
def __init__(self, path, parent):
name = self.__class__.__name__ + ":" + path.basename
super(DoctestItem, self).__init__(name=name, parent=parent)
self.fspath = path
def repr_failure(self, excinfo, outerr):
if excinfo.errisinstance(py.compat.doctest.DocTestFailure):
doctestfailure = excinfo.value
example = doctestfailure.example
test = doctestfailure.test
filename = test.filename
lineno = test.lineno + example.lineno + 1
message = excinfo.type.__name__
reprlocation = ReprFileLocation(filename, lineno, message)
checker = py.compat.doctest.OutputChecker()
REPORT_UDIFF = py.compat.doctest.REPORT_UDIFF
filelines = py.path.local(filename).readlines(cr=0)
i = max(test.lineno, max(0, lineno - 10)) # XXX?
lines = []
for line in filelines[i:lineno]:
lines.append("%03d %s" % (i+1, line))
i += 1
lines += checker.output_difference(example,
doctestfailure.got, REPORT_UDIFF).split("\n")
return ReprFailDoctest(reprlocation, lines)
elif excinfo.errisinstance(py.compat.doctest.UnexpectedException):
excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo(excinfo.value.exc_info)
return super(DoctestItem, self).repr_failure(excinfo, outerr)
return super(DoctestItem, self).repr_failure(excinfo, outerr)
class DoctestTextfile(DoctestItem):
def runtest(self):
if not self._deprecated_testexecution():
failed, tot = py.compat.doctest.testfile(
str(self.fspath), module_relative=False,
raise_on_error=True, verbose=0)
class DoctestModule(DoctestItem):
def runtest(self):
module = self.fspath.pyimport()
failed, tot = py.compat.doctest.testmod(
module, raise_on_error=True, verbose=0)
# Plugin tests
class TestDoctests:
def test_collect_testtextfile(self, testdir):
checkfile = testdir.maketxtfile(test_something="""
>>> i = 5
>>> i-1
for x in (testdir.tmpdir, checkfile):
#print "checking that %s returns custom items" % (x,)
items, reprec = testdir.inline_genitems(x)
assert len(items) == 1
assert isinstance(items[0], DoctestTextfile)
def test_collect_module(self, testdir):
path = testdir.makepyfile(whatever="#")
for p in (path, testdir.tmpdir):
items, reprec = testdir.inline_genitems(p, '--doctest-modules')
assert len(items) == 1
assert isinstance(items[0], DoctestModule)
def test_simple_doctestfile(self, testdir):
p = testdir.maketxtfile(test_doc="""
>>> x = 1
>>> x == 1
reprec = testdir.inline_run(p)
def test_doctest_unexpected_exception(self, testdir):
from py.__.test.outcome import Failed
p = testdir.maketxtfile("""
>>> i = 0
>>> i = 1
>>> x
reprec = testdir.inline_run(p)
call = reprec.getcall("pytest_runtest_logreport")
assert call.rep.failed
assert call.rep.longrepr
#testitem, = items
#excinfo = py.test.raises(Failed, "testitem.runtest()")
#repr = testitem.repr_failure(excinfo, ("", ""))
#assert repr.reprlocation
def test_doctestmodule(self, testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
>>> x = 1
>>> x == 1
reprec = testdir.inline_run(p, "--doctest-modules")
def test_doctestmodule_external(self, testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
def somefunc():
>>> i = 0
>>> i + 1
result = testdir.runpytest(p, "--doctest-modules")
'004 *>>> i = 0',
'005 *>>> i + 1',
"* 2",
"* 1",
"*:5: DocTestFailure"
def test_txtfile_failing(self, testdir):
p = testdir.maketxtfile("""
>>> i = 0
>>> i + 1
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
'001 >>> i = 0',
'002 >>> i + 1',
" 2",
" 1",
"*test_txtfile_failing.txt:2: DocTestFailure"
.. _`pytest_doctest.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/ea1f958813ebbff45161fdb468a6204be5396112/py/test/plugin/pytest_doctest.py
.. _`extend`: ../extend.html
.. _`plugins`: index.html
.. _`contact`: ../../contact.html
.. _`checkout the py.test development version`: ../../download.html#checkout