
532 lines
21 KiB

pytest_restdoc plugin
perform ReST syntax, local and remote reference tests on .rst/.txt files.
command line options
``-R, --urlcheck``
urlopen() remote links found in ReST text files.
timeout in seconds for remote urlchecks
force generation of html files.
Getting and improving this plugin
Do you find the above documentation or the plugin itself lacking,
not fit for what you need? Here is a **30 seconds guide**
to get you started on improving the plugin:
1. Download `pytest_restdoc.py`_ plugin source code
2. put it somewhere as ``pytest_restdoc.py`` into your import path
3. a subsequent test run will now use your local version!
Further information: extend_ documentation, other plugins_ or contact_.
For your convenience here is also an inlined version of ``pytest_restdoc.py``:
.. sourcecode:: python
perform ReST syntax, local and remote reference tests on .rst/.txt files.
import py
def pytest_addoption(parser):
group = parser.addgroup("ReST", "ReST documentation check options")
group.addoption('-R', '--urlcheck',
action="store_true", dest="urlcheck", default=False,
help="urlopen() remote links found in ReST text files.")
group.addoption('--urltimeout', action="store", metavar="secs",
type="int", dest="urlcheck_timeout", default=5,
help="timeout in seconds for remote urlchecks")
action="store_true", dest="forcegen", default=False,
help="force generation of html files.")
def pytest_collect_file(path, parent):
if path.ext in (".txt", ".rst"):
project = getproject(path)
if project is not None:
return ReSTFile(path, parent=parent, project=project)
def getproject(path):
for parent in path.parts(reverse=True):
confrest = parent.join("confrest.py")
if confrest.check():
Project = confrest.pyimport().Project
return Project(parent)
class ReSTFile(py.test.collect.File):
def __init__(self, fspath, parent, project=None):
super(ReSTFile, self).__init__(fspath=fspath, parent=parent)
if project is None:
project = getproject(fspath)
assert project is not None
self.project = project
def collect(self):
return [
ReSTSyntaxTest(self.project, "ReSTSyntax", parent=self),
LinkCheckerMaker("checklinks", parent=self),
DoctestText("doctest", parent=self),
def deindent(s, sep='\n'):
leastspaces = -1
lines = s.split(sep)
for line in lines:
if not line.strip():
spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if leastspaces == -1 or spaces < leastspaces:
leastspaces = spaces
if leastspaces == -1:
return s
for i, line in py.builtin.enumerate(lines):
if not line.strip():
lines[i] = ''
lines[i] = line[leastspaces:]
return sep.join(lines)
class ReSTSyntaxTest(py.test.collect.Item):
def __init__(self, project, *args, **kwargs):
super(ReSTSyntaxTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.project = project
def reportinfo(self):
return self.fspath, None, "syntax check"
def runtest(self):
def restcheck(self, path):
from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
self._checkskip(path, self.project.get_htmloutputpath(path))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except SystemMessage:
# we assume docutils printed info on stdout
py.test.fail("docutils processing failed, see captured stderr")
def register_linkrole(self):
from py.__.rest import directive
directive.register_linkrole('api', self.resolve_linkrole)
directive.register_linkrole('source', self.resolve_linkrole)
# XXX fake sphinx' "toctree" and refs
directive.register_linkrole('ref', self.resolve_linkrole)
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
def toctree_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
return []
toctree_directive.content = 1
toctree_directive.options = {'maxdepth': int, 'glob': directives.flag,
'hidden': directives.flag}
directives.register_directive('toctree', toctree_directive)
def register_pygments(self):
# taken from pygments-main/external/rst-directive.py
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
except ImportError:
def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
return []
# The default formatter
DEFAULT = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)
# Add name -> formatter pairs for every variant you want to use
# 'linenos': HtmlFormatter(noclasses=INLINESTYLES, linenos=True),
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, TextLexer
def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
except ValueError:
# no lexer found - use the text one instead of an exception
lexer = TextLexer()
# take an arbitrary option if more than one is given
formatter = options and VARIANTS[options.keys()[0]] or DEFAULT
parsed = highlight(u'\n'.join(content), lexer, formatter)
return [nodes.raw('', parsed, format='html')]
pygments_directive.arguments = (1, 0, 1)
pygments_directive.content = 1
pygments_directive.options = dict([(key, directives.flag) for key in VARIANTS])
directives.register_directive('sourcecode', pygments_directive)
def resolve_linkrole(self, name, text, check=True):
apigen_relpath = self.project.apigen_relpath
if name == 'api':
if text == 'py':
return ('py', apigen_relpath + 'api/index.html')
assert text.startswith('py.'), (
'api link "%s" does not point to the py package') % (text,)
dotted_name = text
if dotted_name.find('(') > -1:
dotted_name = dotted_name[:text.find('(')]
# remove pkg root
path = dotted_name.split('.')[1:]
dotted_name = '.'.join(path)
obj = py
if check:
for chunk in path:
obj = getattr(obj, chunk)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError(
'problem with linkrole :api:`%s`: can not resolve '
'dotted name %s' % (text, dotted_name,))
return (text, apigen_relpath + 'api/%s.html' % (dotted_name,))
elif name == 'source':
assert text.startswith('py/'), ('source link "%s" does not point '
'to the py package') % (text,)
relpath = '/'.join(text.split('/')[1:])
if check:
pkgroot = py.__pkg__.getpath()
abspath = pkgroot.join(relpath)
assert pkgroot.join(relpath).check(), (
'problem with linkrole :source:`%s`: '
'path %s does not exist' % (text, relpath))
if relpath.endswith('/') or not relpath:
relpath += 'index.html'
relpath += '.html'
return (text, apigen_relpath + 'source/%s' % (relpath,))
elif name == 'ref':
return ("", "")
def _checkskip(self, lpath, htmlpath=None):
if not self.config.getvalue("forcegen"):
lpath = py.path.local(lpath)
if htmlpath is not None:
htmlpath = py.path.local(htmlpath)
if lpath.ext == '.txt':
htmlpath = htmlpath or lpath.new(ext='.html')
if htmlpath.check(file=1) and htmlpath.mtime() >= lpath.mtime():
py.test.skip("html file is up to date, use --forcegen to regenerate")
#return [] # no need to rebuild
class DoctestText(py.test.collect.Item):
def reportinfo(self):
return self.fspath, None, "doctest"
def runtest(self):
content = self._normalize_linesep()
newcontent = self.config.hook.pytest_doctest_prepare_content(content=content)
if newcontent is not None:
content = newcontent
s = content
l = []
prefix = '.. >>> '
mod = py.std.types.ModuleType(self.fspath.purebasename)
skipchunk = False
for line in deindent(s).split('\n'):
stripped = line.strip()
if skipchunk and line.startswith(skipchunk):
print "skipping", line
skipchunk = False
if stripped.startswith(prefix):
exec py.code.Source(stripped[len(prefix):]).compile() in \
except ValueError, e:
if e.args and e.args[0] == "skipchunk":
skipchunk = " " * (len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
docstring = "\n".join(l)
mod.__doc__ = docstring
failed, tot = py.compat.doctest.testmod(mod, verbose=1)
if failed:
py.test.fail("doctest %s: %s failed out of %s" %(
self.fspath, failed, tot))
def _normalize_linesep(self):
# XXX quite nasty... but it works (fixes win32 issues)
s = self.fspath.read()
linesep = '\n'
if '\r' in s:
if '\n' not in s:
linesep = '\r'
linesep = '\r\n'
s = s.replace(linesep, '\n')
return s
class LinkCheckerMaker(py.test.collect.Collector):
def collect(self):
return list(self.genlinkchecks())
def genlinkchecks(self):
path = self.fspath
# generating functions + args as single tests
timeout = self.config.getvalue("urlcheck_timeout")
for lineno, line in py.builtin.enumerate(path.readlines()):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('.. _'):
if line.startswith('.. _`'):
delim = '`:'
delim = ':'
l = line.split(delim, 1)
if len(l) != 2:
tryfn = l[1].strip()
name = "%s:%d" %(tryfn, lineno)
if tryfn.startswith('http:') or tryfn.startswith('https'):
if self.config.getvalue("urlcheck"):
yield CheckLink(name, parent=self,
args=(tryfn, path, lineno, timeout), checkfunc=urlcheck)
elif tryfn.startswith('webcal:'):
i = tryfn.find('#')
if i != -1:
checkfn = tryfn[:i]
checkfn = tryfn
if checkfn.strip() and (1 or checkfn.endswith('.html')):
yield CheckLink(name, parent=self,
args=(tryfn, path, lineno), checkfunc=localrefcheck)
class CheckLink(py.test.collect.Item):
def __init__(self, name, parent, args, checkfunc):
super(CheckLink, self).__init__(name, parent)
self.args = args
self.checkfunc = checkfunc
def runtest(self):
return self.checkfunc(*self.args)
def reportinfo(self, basedir=None):
return (self.fspath, self.args[2], "checklink: %s" % self.args[0])
def urlcheck(tryfn, path, lineno, TIMEOUT_URLOPEN):
old = py.std.socket.getdefaulttimeout()
print "trying remote", tryfn
except (py.std.urllib2.URLError, py.std.urllib2.HTTPError), e:
if getattr(e, 'code', None) in (401, 403): # authorization required, forbidden
py.test.skip("%s: %s" %(tryfn, str(e)))
py.test.fail("remote reference error %r in %s:%d\n%s" %(
tryfn, path.basename, lineno+1, e))
def localrefcheck(tryfn, path, lineno):
# assume it should be a file
i = tryfn.find('#')
if tryfn.startswith('javascript:'):
return # don't check JS refs
if i != -1:
anchor = tryfn[i+1:]
tryfn = tryfn[:i]
anchor = ''
fn = path.dirpath(tryfn)
ishtml = fn.ext == '.html'
fn = ishtml and fn.new(ext='.txt') or fn
print "filename is", fn
if not fn.check(): # not ishtml or not fn.check():
if not py.path.local(tryfn).check(): # the html could be there
py.test.fail("reference error %r in %s:%d" %(
tryfn, path.basename, lineno+1))
if anchor:
source = unicode(fn.read(), 'latin1')
source = source.lower().replace('-', ' ') # aehem
anchor = anchor.replace('-', ' ')
match2 = ".. _`%s`:" % anchor
match3 = ".. _%s:" % anchor
candidates = (anchor, match2, match3)
print "candidates", repr(candidates)
for line in source.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if line in candidates:
py.test.fail("anchor reference error %s#%s in %s:%d" %(
tryfn, anchor, path.basename, lineno+1))
# PLUGIN tests
def test_deindent():
assert deindent('foo') == 'foo'
assert deindent('foo\n bar') == 'foo\n bar'
assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == 'foo\nbar\n'
assert deindent(' foo\n\n bar\n') == 'foo\n\nbar\n'
assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == 'foo\n bar\n'
assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == ' foo\nbar\n'
class TestApigenLinkRole:
disabled = True
# these tests are moved here from the former py/doc/conftest.py
def test_resolve_linkrole(self):
from py.__.doc.conftest import get_apigen_relpath
apigen_relpath = get_apigen_relpath()
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.foo.bar', False) == (
'py.foo.bar', apigen_relpath + 'api/foo.bar.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.foo.bar()', False) == (
'py.foo.bar()', apigen_relpath + 'api/foo.bar.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py', False) == (
'py', apigen_relpath + 'api/index.html')
py.test.raises(AssertionError, 'resolve_linkrole("api", "foo.bar")')
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/foo/bar.py', False) == (
'py/foo/bar.py', apigen_relpath + 'source/foo/bar.py.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/foo/', False) == (
'py/foo/', apigen_relpath + 'source/foo/index.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/', False) == (
'py/', apigen_relpath + 'source/index.html')
py.test.raises(AssertionError, 'resolve_linkrole("source", "/foo/bar/")')
def test_resolve_linkrole_check_api(self):
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.test.ensuretemp')
py.test.raises(AssertionError, "resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.foo.baz')")
def test_resolve_linkrole_check_source(self):
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/path/common.py')
"resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/foo/bar.py')")
class TestDoctest:
def pytest_funcarg__testdir(self, request):
testdir = request.getfuncargvalue("testdir")
assert request.module.__name__ == __name__
testdir.makepyfile(confrest="from py.__.misc.rest import Project")
for p in testdir.plugins:
if p == globals():
return testdir
def test_doctest_extra_exec(self, testdir):
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x="""
.. >>> raise ValueError
>>> None
reprec = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 1
def test_doctest_basic(self, testdir):
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x="""
>>> from os.path import abspath
hello world
>>> assert abspath
>>> i=3
>>> print i
yes yes
>>> i
reprec = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert passed + skipped == 2
def test_doctest_eol(self, testdir):
ytxt = testdir.maketxtfile(y=".. >>> 1 + 1\r\n 2\r\n\r\n")
reprec = testdir.inline_run(ytxt)
passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert passed + skipped == 2
def test_doctest_indentation(self, testdir):
footxt = testdir.maketxtfile(foo=
'..\n >>> print "foo\\n bar"\n foo\n bar\n')
reprec = testdir.inline_run(footxt)
passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert skipped + passed == 2
def test_js_ignore(self, testdir):
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(xtxt="""
.. _`blah`: javascript:some_function()
reprec = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert skipped + passed == 3
def test_pytest_doctest_prepare_content(self, testdir):
l = []
class MyPlugin:
def pytest_doctest_prepare_content(self, content):
return content.replace("False", "True")
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x="""
>>> 2 == 2
reprec = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
assert len(l) == 1
passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes()
assert passed >= 1
assert not failed
assert skipped <= 1
.. _`pytest_restdoc.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/raw/ea1f958813ebbff45161fdb468a6204be5396112/py/test/plugin/pytest_restdoc.py
.. _`extend`: ../extend.html
.. _`plugins`: index.html
.. _`contact`: ../../contact.html
.. _`checkout the py.test development version`: ../../download.html#checkout