249 lines
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249 lines
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tests for
- host specifications
- managing hosts
- manage rsyncing of hosts
import py
from py.__.execnet.gwmanage import GatewaySpec, GatewayManager
from py.__.execnet.gwmanage import HostRSync
class TestGatewaySpec:
socket:hostname:port:path SocketGateway
popen[-executable][:path] PopenGateway
[ssh:]spec:path SshGateway
* [SshGateway]
def test_popen_nopath(self):
for joinpath in ('', ':abc', ':ab:cd', ':/x/y'):
spec = GatewaySpec("popen" + joinpath)
assert spec.address == "popen"
assert spec.joinpath == joinpath[1:]
assert spec.type == "popen"
spec2 = GatewaySpec("popen" + joinpath)
self._equality(spec, spec2)
if joinpath == "":
assert spec.inplacelocal()
assert not spec.inplacelocal()
def test_ssh(self):
for prefix in ('ssh:', ''): # ssh is default
for hostpart in ('x.y', 'xyz@x.y'):
for joinpath in ('', ':abc', ':ab:cd', ':/tmp'):
specstring = prefix + hostpart + joinpath
spec = GatewaySpec(specstring)
assert spec.address == hostpart
if joinpath[1:]:
assert spec.joinpath == joinpath[1:]
assert spec.joinpath == "pyexecnetcache"
assert spec.type == "ssh"
spec2 = GatewaySpec(specstring)
self._equality(spec, spec2)
assert not spec.inplacelocal()
def test_socket(self):
for hostpart in ('x.y', 'x', 'popen'):
for port in ":80", ":1000":
for joinpath in ('', ':abc', ':abc:de'):
spec = GatewaySpec("socket:" + hostpart + port + joinpath)
assert spec.address == (hostpart, int(port[1:]))
if joinpath[1:]:
assert spec.joinpath == joinpath[1:]
assert spec.joinpath == "pyexecnetcache"
assert spec.type == "socket"
spec2 = GatewaySpec("socket:" + hostpart + port + joinpath)
self._equality(spec, spec2)
assert not spec.inplacelocal()
def _equality(self, spec1, spec2):
assert spec1 != spec2
assert hash(spec1) != hash(spec2)
assert not (spec1 == spec2)
class TestGatewaySpecAPI:
def test_popen_nopath_makegateway(self, testdir):
spec = GatewaySpec("popen")
gw = spec.makegateway()
p = gw.remote_exec("import os; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
curdir = py.std.os.getcwd()
assert curdir == p
def test_popen_makegateway(self, testdir):
spec = GatewaySpec("popen:" + str(testdir.tmpdir))
gw = spec.makegateway()
p = gw.remote_exec("import os; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
assert spec.joinpath == p
def test_popen_makegateway_python(self, testdir):
spec = GatewaySpec("popen")
gw = spec.makegateway(python=py.std.sys.executable)
res = gw.remote_exec("import sys ; channel.send(sys.executable)").receive()
assert py.std.sys.executable == res
def test_ssh(self):
sshhost = py.test.config.getvalueorskip("sshhost")
spec = GatewaySpec("ssh:" + sshhost)
gw = spec.makegateway()
p = gw.remote_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
@py.test.mark.xfail("implement socketserver test scenario")
def test_socketgateway(self):
gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
spec = GatewaySpec("ssh:" + sshhost)
class TestGatewayManagerPopen:
def test_hostmanager_popen_makegateway(self):
hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2)
assert len(hm.gateways) == 2
assert not len(hm.gateways)
def test_hostmanager_popens_rsync(self, source):
hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2)
assert len(hm.gateways) == 2
for gw in hm.gateways:
gw.remote_exec = None
l = []
hm.rsync(source, notify=lambda *args: l.append(args))
assert not l
assert not len(hm.gateways)
def test_hostmanager_rsync_popen_with_path(self, source, dest):
hm = GatewayManager(["popen:%s" %dest] * 1)
source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello")
l = []
hm.rsync(source, notify=lambda *args: l.append(args))
assert len(l) == 1
assert l[0] == ("rsyncrootready", hm.gateways[0].spec, source)
dest = dest.join(source.basename)
assert dest.join("dir1").check()
assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2").check()
assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2", 'hello').check()
def XXXtest_ssh_rsync_samehost_twice(self):
#XXX we have no easy way to have a temp directory remotely!
option = py.test.config.option
if option.sshhost is None:
py.test.skip("no known ssh target, use -S to set one")
host1 = Host("%s" % (option.sshhost, ))
host2 = Host("%s" % (option.sshhost, ))
hm = HostManager(config, hosts=[host1, host2])
events = []
print events
assert 0
def test_multi_chdir_popen_with_path(self, testdir):
import os
hm = GatewayManager(["popen:hello"] * 2)
hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello")
l = [x[1] for x in hm.multi_exec(
"import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())"
paths = [x[1] for x in l]
assert l == [str(hellopath)] * 2
py.test.raises(Exception, 'hm.multi_chdir("world", inplacelocal=False)')
worldpath = hellopath.mkdir("world")
hm.multi_chdir("world", inplacelocal=False)
l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
assert len(l) == 2
assert l[0] == l[1]
curwd = os.getcwd()
assert l[0].startswith(curwd)
assert l[0].endswith("world")
def test_multi_chdir_popen(self, testdir):
import os
hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2)
hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello")
hm.multi_chdir("hello", inplacelocal=False)
l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
assert len(l) == 2
assert l == [os.getcwd()] * 2
l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
assert len(l) == 2
assert l[0] == l[1]
curwd = os.getcwd()
assert l[0].startswith(curwd)
assert l[0].endswith("hello")
from py.__.execnet.gwmanage import MultiChannel
class TestMultiChannel:
def test_multichannel_receive_items(self):
class pseudochannel:
def receive(self):
return 12
pc1 = pseudochannel()
pc2 = pseudochannel()
multichannel = MultiChannel([pc1, pc2])
l = multichannel.receive_items()
assert len(l) == 2
assert l == [(pc1, 12), (pc2, 12)]
def test_multichannel_waitclose(self):
l = []
class pseudochannel:
def waitclose(self):
multichannel = MultiChannel([pseudochannel(), pseudochannel()])
assert len(l) == 2
def pytest_pyfuncarg_source(pyfuncitem):
return py.test.ensuretemp(pyfuncitem.getmodpath()).mkdir("source")
def pytest_pyfuncarg_dest(pyfuncitem):
return py.test.ensuretemp(pyfuncitem.getmodpath()).mkdir("dest")
class TestHRSync:
def test_hrsync_filter(self, source, dest):
source.ensure("dir", "file.txt")
source.ensure(".svn", "entries")
source.ensure(".somedotfile", "moreentries")
source.ensure("somedir", "editfile~")
syncer = HostRSync(source)
l = list(source.visit(rec=syncer.filter,
assert len(l) == 3
basenames = [x.basename for x in l]
assert 'dir' in basenames
assert 'file.txt' in basenames
assert 'somedir' in basenames
def test_hrsync_one_host(self, source, dest):
spec = GatewaySpec("popen:%s" % dest)
gw = spec.makegateway()
finished = []
rsync = HostRSync(source)
rsync.add_target_host(gw, finished=lambda: finished.append(1))
assert dest.join(source.basename, "hello.py").check()
assert len(finished) == 1