
265 lines
8.4 KiB

from __future__ import generators
import py
import types
import sys
def checksubpackage(name):
obj = getattr(py, name)
if hasattr(obj, '__map__'): # isinstance(obj, Module):
keys = dir(obj)
assert len(keys) > 0
assert getattr(obj, '__map__') == {}
def test_dir():
from py.__.initpkg import Module
for name in dir(py):
if name == 'magic': # greenlets don't work everywhere, we don't care here
if not name.startswith('_'):
yield checksubpackage, name
from py.initpkg import Module
glob = []
class MyModule(Module):
def __init__(self, *args):
assert isinstance(glob[-1], (dict, type(None)))
Module.__init__(self, *args)
def test_early__dict__access():
mymod = MyModule("whatever", "myname")
assert isinstance(mymod.__dict__, dict)
def test_resolve_attrerror():
extpyish = "./initpkg.py", "hello"
excinfo = py.test.raises(AttributeError, "py.__package__._resolve(extpyish)")
s = str(excinfo.value)
assert s.find(extpyish[0]) != -1
assert s.find(extpyish[1]) != -1
def test_virtual_module_identity():
from py import path as path1
from py import path as path2
assert path1 is path2
from py.path import local as local1
from py.path import local as local2
assert local1 is local2
def test_importall():
base = py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath()
nodirs = (
base.join('test', 'testing', 'data'),
base.join('apigen', 'tracer', 'testing', 'package'),
base.join('test', 'testing', 'test'),
base.join('test', 'rsession', 'webjs.py'),
base.join('apigen', 'source', 'server.py'),
base.join('magic', 'greenlet.py'),
base.join('path', 'gateway',),
base.join('rest', 'directive.py'),
base.join('test', 'testing', 'import_test'),
base.join('magic', 'greenlet.py'),
base.join('execnet', 'script'),
base.join('compat', 'testing'),
for p in base.visit('*.py', lambda x: x.check(dotfile=0)):
if p.basename == '__init__.py':
relpath = p.new(ext='').relto(base)
if base.sep in relpath: # not py/*.py itself
for x in nodirs:
if p == x or p.relto(x):
relpath = relpath.replace(base.sep, '.')
modpath = 'py.__.%s' % relpath
yield check_import, modpath
def check_import(modpath):
print "checking import", modpath
assert __import__(modpath)
def test_shahexdigest():
hex = py.__package__.shahexdigest()
assert len(hex) == 40
def test_getzipdata():
s = py.__package__.getzipdata()
def test_getrev():
if not py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath('.svn').check():
py.test.skip("py package is not a svn checkout")
d = py.__package__.getrev()
svnversion = py.path.local.sysfind('svnversion')
if svnversion is None:
py.test.skip("cannot test svnversion, 'svnversion' binary not found")
v = svnversion.sysexec(py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath())
assert v.startswith(str(d))
# the following test should abasically work in the future
def XXXtest_virtual_on_the_fly():
py.initpkg('my', {
'x.abspath' : 'os.path.abspath',
'x.local' : 'py.path.local',
'y' : 'smtplib',
'z.cmdexec' : 'py.process.cmdexec',
from my.x import abspath
from my.x import local
import smtplib
from my import y
assert y is smtplib
from my.z import cmdexec
from py.process import cmdexec as cmdexec2
assert cmdexec is cmdexec2
# test support for importing modules
class TestRealModule:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_initpkg')
sys.path = [str(cls.tmpdir)] + sys.path
pkgdir = cls.tmpdir.ensure('realtest', dir=1)
tfile = pkgdir.join('__init__.py')
import py
py.initpkg('realtest', {
'x.module.__doc__': ('./testmodule.py', '__doc__'),
'x.module': ('./testmodule.py', '*'),
tfile = pkgdir.join('testmodule.py')
'test module'
__all__ = ['mytest0', 'mytest1', 'MyTest']
def mytest0():
def mytest1():
class MyTest:
import realtest # need to mimic what a user would do
#py.initpkg('realtest', {
# 'module': ('./testmodule.py', None)
def setup_method(self, *args):
"""Unload the test modules before each test."""
module_names = ['realtest', 'realtest.x', 'realtest.x.module']
for modname in module_names:
if modname in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[modname]
def test_realmodule(self):
"""Testing 'import realtest.x.module'"""
import realtest.x.module
assert 'realtest.x.module' in sys.modules
assert getattr(realtest.x.module, 'mytest0')
def test_realmodule_from(self):
"""Testing 'from test import module'."""
from realtest.x import module
assert getattr(module, 'mytest1')
def test_realmodule_star(self):
"""Testing 'from test.module import *'."""
tfile = self.tmpdir.join('startest.py')
from realtest.x.module import *
import startest # an exception will be raise if an error occurs
def test_realmodule_dict_import(self):
"Test verifying that accessing the __dict__ invokes the import"
import realtest.x.module
moddict = realtest.x.module.__dict__
assert 'mytest0' in moddict
assert 'mytest1' in moddict
assert 'MyTest' in moddict
def test_realmodule___doc__(self):
"""test whether the __doc__ attribute is set properly from initpkg"""
import realtest.x.module
assert realtest.x.module.__doc__ == 'test module'
#class TestStdHook:
# """Tests imports for the standard Python library hook."""
# def setup_method(self, *args):
# """Unload the test modules before each test."""
# module_names = ['py.std.StringIO', 'py.std', 'py']
# for modname in module_names:
# if modname in sys.modules:
# del sys.modules[modname]
# def test_std_import_simple(self):
# import py
# StringIO = py.std.StringIO
# assert 'py' in sys.modules
# assert 'py.std' in sys.modules
# assert 'py.std.StringIO' in sys.modules
# assert hasattr(py.std.StringIO, 'StringIO')
# def test_std_import0(self):
# """Testing 'import py.std.StringIO'."""
# import py.std.StringIO
# assert 'py' in sys.modules
# assert 'py.std' in sys.modules
# assert 'py.std.StringIO' in sys.modules
# assert hasattr(py.std.StringIO, 'StringIO')
# def test_std_import1(self):
# """Testing 'from py import std'."""
# from py import std
# assert 'py' in sys.modules
# assert 'py.std' in sys.modules
# def test_std_from(self):
# """Testing 'from py.std import StringIO'."""
# from py.std import StringIO
# assert getattr(StringIO, 'StringIO')
# def test_std_star(self):
# "Test from py.std.string import *"
# """Testing 'from test.module import *'."""
# tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_initpkg')
# tfile = tmpdir.join('stdstartest.py')
# tfile.write(py.code.Source("""if True:
# from realtest.module import *
# globals()['mytest0']
# globals()['mytest1']
# globals()['MyTest']
# """))
# import stdstartest # an exception will be raise if an error occurs
##def test_help():
# help(std.path)
# #assert False
def test_url_of_version():
#py.test.skip("FAILING! - provide a proper URL or upload pylib tgz")
from urllib import URLopener
url = py.__package__.download_url
if url.lower() == "xxx":
assert py.__package__.version.find("alpha") != -1