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Release Procedure
Our current policy for releasing is to aim for a bugfix every few weeks and a minor release every 2-3 months. The idea
is to get fixes and new features out instead of trying to cram a ton of features into a release and by consequence
taking a lot of time to make a new one.
.. important::
pytest releases must be prepared on **Linux** because the docs and examples expect
to be executed on that platform.
#. Create a branch ``release-X.Y.Z`` with the version for the release.
* **maintenance releases**: from ``4.6-maintenance``;
* **patch releases**: from the latest ``master``;
* **minor releases**: from the latest ``features``; then merge with the latest ``master``;
Ensure your are in a clean work tree.
#. Using ``tox``, generate docs, changelog, announcements::
$ tox -e release -- <VERSION>
This will generate a commit with all the changes ready for pushing.
#. Open a PR for this branch targeting ``master`` (or ``4.6-maintenance`` for
maintenance releases).
#. After all tests pass and the PR has been approved, publish to PyPI by pushing the tag::
git tag <VERSION>
git push git@github.com:pytest-dev/pytest.git <VERSION>
Wait for the deploy to complete, then make sure it is `available on PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/pytest>`_.
#. Merge the PR.
#. If this is a maintenance release, cherry-pick the CHANGELOG / announce
files to the ``master`` branch::
git fetch --all --prune
git checkout origin/master -b cherry-pick-maintenance-release
git cherry-pick --no-commit -m1 origin/4.6-maintenance
git checkout origin/master -- changelog
git commit # no arguments
#. Send an email announcement with the contents from::
To the following mailing lists:
* pytest-dev@python.org (all releases)
* python-announce-list@python.org (all releases)
* testing-in-python@lists.idyll.org (only major/minor releases)
And announce it on `Twitter <https://twitter.com/>`_ with the ``#pytest`` hashtag.