316 lines
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316 lines
9.1 KiB
python version compatibility code
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import inspect
import types
import re
import functools
import py
import _pytest
import enum
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# Only available in Python 3.4+ or as a backport
enum = None
_PY3 = sys.version_info > (3, 0)
_PY2 = not _PY3
NoneType = type(None)
NOTSET = object()
PY35 = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5)
PY36 = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6)
MODULE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'ModuleNotFoundError' if PY36 else 'ImportError'
if hasattr(inspect, 'signature'):
def _format_args(func):
return str(inspect.signature(func))
def _format_args(func):
return inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(func))
isfunction = inspect.isfunction
isclass = inspect.isclass
# used to work around a python2 exception info leak
exc_clear = getattr(sys, 'exc_clear', lambda: None)
# The type of re.compile objects is not exposed in Python.
REGEX_TYPE = type(re.compile(''))
def is_generator(func):
genfunc = inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func)
return genfunc and not iscoroutinefunction(func)
def iscoroutinefunction(func):
"""Return True if func is a decorated coroutine function.
Note: copied and modified from Python 3.5's builtin couroutines.py to avoid import asyncio directly,
which in turns also initializes the "logging" module as side-effect (see issue #8).
return (getattr(func, '_is_coroutine', False) or
(hasattr(inspect, 'iscoroutinefunction') and inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func)))
def getlocation(function, curdir):
import inspect
fn = py.path.local(inspect.getfile(function))
lineno = py.builtin._getcode(function).co_firstlineno
if fn.relto(curdir):
fn = fn.relto(curdir)
return "%s:%d" % (fn, lineno + 1)
def num_mock_patch_args(function):
""" return number of arguments used up by mock arguments (if any) """
patchings = getattr(function, "patchings", None)
if not patchings:
return 0
mock = sys.modules.get("mock", sys.modules.get("unittest.mock", None))
if mock is not None:
return len([p for p in patchings
if not p.attribute_name and p.new is mock.DEFAULT])
return len(patchings)
def getfuncargnames(function, startindex=None):
# XXX merge with main.py's varnames
# assert not isclass(function)
realfunction = function
while hasattr(realfunction, "__wrapped__"):
realfunction = realfunction.__wrapped__
if startindex is None:
startindex = inspect.ismethod(function) and 1 or 0
if realfunction != function:
startindex += num_mock_patch_args(function)
function = realfunction
if isinstance(function, functools.partial):
argnames = inspect.getargs(_pytest._code.getrawcode(function.func))[0]
partial = function
argnames = argnames[len(partial.args):]
if partial.keywords:
for kw in partial.keywords:
argnames = inspect.getargs(_pytest._code.getrawcode(function))[0]
defaults = getattr(function, 'func_defaults',
getattr(function, '__defaults__', None)) or ()
numdefaults = len(defaults)
if numdefaults:
return tuple(argnames[startindex:-numdefaults])
return tuple(argnames[startindex:])
if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6):
def isclass(object):
""" Return true if the object is a class. Overrides inspect.isclass for
python 2.6 because it will return True for objects which always return
something on __getattr__ calls (see #1035).
Backport of https://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/35bf8f7a8edc
return isinstance(object, (type, types.ClassType))
if _PY3:
import codecs
imap = map
STRING_TYPES = bytes, str
def _ascii_escaped(val):
"""If val is pure ascii, returns it as a str(). Otherwise, escapes
bytes objects into a sequence of escaped bytes:
b'\xc3\xb4\xc5\xd6' -> u'\\xc3\\xb4\\xc5\\xd6'
and escapes unicode objects into a sequence of escaped unicode
ids, e.g.:
the obvious "v.decode('unicode-escape')" will return
valid utf-8 unicode if it finds them in bytes, but we
want to return escaped bytes for any byte, even if they match
a utf-8 string.
if isinstance(val, bytes):
if val:
# source: http://goo.gl/bGsnwC
encoded_bytes, _ = codecs.escape_encode(val)
return encoded_bytes.decode('ascii')
# empty bytes crashes codecs.escape_encode (#1087)
return ''
return val.encode('unicode_escape').decode('ascii')
STRING_TYPES = bytes, str, unicode
UNICODE_TYPES = unicode,
from itertools import imap # NOQA
def _ascii_escaped(val):
"""In py2 bytes and str are the same type, so return if it's a bytes
object, return it unchanged if it is a full ascii string,
otherwise escape it into its binary form.
If it's a unicode string, change the unicode characters into
unicode escapes.
if isinstance(val, bytes):
return val.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return val.encode('string-escape')
return val.encode('unicode-escape')
def get_real_func(obj):
""" gets the real function object of the (possibly) wrapped object by
functools.wraps or functools.partial.
start_obj = obj
for i in range(100):
new_obj = getattr(obj, '__wrapped__', None)
if new_obj is None:
obj = new_obj
raise ValueError(
("could not find real function of {start}"
"\nstopped at {current}").format(
if isinstance(obj, functools.partial):
obj = obj.func
return obj
def getfslineno(obj):
# xxx let decorators etc specify a sane ordering
obj = get_real_func(obj)
if hasattr(obj, 'place_as'):
obj = obj.place_as
fslineno = _pytest._code.getfslineno(obj)
assert isinstance(fslineno[1], int), obj
return fslineno
def getimfunc(func):
return func.__func__
except AttributeError:
return func.im_func
except AttributeError:
return func
def safe_getattr(object, name, default):
""" Like getattr but return default upon any Exception.
Attribute access can potentially fail for 'evil' Python objects.
See issue #214.
return getattr(object, name, default)
except Exception:
return default
def _is_unittest_unexpected_success_a_failure():
"""Return if the test suite should fail if a @expectedFailure unittest test PASSES.
From https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html?highlight=unittest#unittest.TestResult.wasSuccessful:
Changed in version 3.4: Returns False if there were any
unexpectedSuccesses from tests marked with the expectedFailure() decorator.
return sys.version_info >= (3, 4)
if _PY3:
def safe_str(v):
"""returns v as string"""
return str(v)
def safe_str(v):
"""returns v as string, converting to ascii if necessary"""
return str(v)
except UnicodeError:
if not isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicode(v)
errors = 'replace'
return v.encode('utf-8', errors)
def _setup_collect_fakemodule():
from types import ModuleType
import pytest
pytest.collect = ModuleType('pytest.collect')
pytest.collect.__all__ = [] # used for setns
setattr(pytest.collect, attr, getattr(pytest, attr))
if _PY2:
# Without this the test_dupfile_on_textio will fail, otherwise CaptureIO could directly inherit from StringIO.
from py.io import TextIO
class CaptureIO(TextIO):
def encoding(self):
return getattr(self, '_encoding', 'UTF-8')
import io
class CaptureIO(io.TextIOWrapper):
def __init__(self):
super(CaptureIO, self).__init__(
encoding='UTF-8', newline='', write_through=True,
def getvalue(self):
return self.buffer.getvalue().decode('UTF-8')
class FuncargnamesCompatAttr(object):
""" helper class so that Metafunc, Function and FixtureRequest
don't need to each define the "funcargnames" compatibility attribute.
def funcargnames(self):
""" alias attribute for ``fixturenames`` for pre-2.3 compatibility"""
return self.fixturenames