1058 lines
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1058 lines
32 KiB
import inspect
import os
import sys
import types
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
import py
import _pytest._code
import pytest
from _pytest import outcomes
from _pytest import reports
from _pytest import runner
from _pytest.compat import TYPE_CHECKING
from _pytest.config import ExitCode
from _pytest.outcomes import OutcomeException
from typing import Type
class TestSetupState:
def test_setup(self, testdir) -> None:
ss = runner.SetupState()
item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
values = [1]
ss.addfinalizer(values.pop, colitem=item)
assert values
assert not values
def test_teardown_exact_stack_empty(self, testdir) -> None:
item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
ss = runner.SetupState()
ss.teardown_exact(item, None)
ss.teardown_exact(item, None)
ss.teardown_exact(item, None)
def test_setup_fails_and_failure_is_cached(self, testdir) -> None:
item = testdir.getitem(
def setup_module(mod):
raise ValueError(42)
def test_func(): pass
ss = runner.SetupState()
pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ss.prepare(item))
pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ss.prepare(item))
def test_teardown_multiple_one_fails(self, testdir) -> None:
r = []
def fin1():
def fin2():
raise Exception("oops")
def fin3():
item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
ss = runner.SetupState()
ss.addfinalizer(fin1, item)
ss.addfinalizer(fin2, item)
ss.addfinalizer(fin3, item)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
assert err.value.args == ("oops",)
assert r == ["fin3", "fin1"]
def test_teardown_multiple_fail(self, testdir) -> None:
# Ensure the first exception is the one which is re-raised.
# Ideally both would be reported however.
def fin1():
raise Exception("oops1")
def fin2():
raise Exception("oops2")
item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
ss = runner.SetupState()
ss.addfinalizer(fin1, item)
ss.addfinalizer(fin2, item)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as err:
assert err.value.args == ("oops2",)
def test_teardown_multiple_scopes_one_fails(self, testdir) -> None:
module_teardown = []
def fin_func():
raise Exception("oops1")
def fin_module():
item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
ss = runner.SetupState()
ss.addfinalizer(fin_module, item.listchain()[-2])
ss.addfinalizer(fin_func, item)
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="oops1"):
ss.teardown_exact(item, None)
assert module_teardown
class BaseFunctionalTests:
def test_passfunction(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
def test_func():
rep = reports[1]
assert rep.passed
assert not rep.failed
assert rep.outcome == "passed"
assert not rep.longrepr
def test_failfunction(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
def test_func():
assert 0
rep = reports[1]
assert not rep.passed
assert not rep.skipped
assert rep.failed
assert rep.when == "call"
assert rep.outcome == "failed"
# assert isinstance(rep.longrepr, ReprExceptionInfo)
def test_skipfunction(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def test_func():
rep = reports[1]
assert not rep.failed
assert not rep.passed
assert rep.skipped
assert rep.outcome == "skipped"
# assert rep.skipped.when == "call"
# assert rep.skipped.when == "call"
# assert rep.skipped == "%sreason == "hello"
# assert rep.skipped.location.lineno == 3
# assert rep.skipped.location.path
# assert not rep.skipped.failurerepr
def test_skip_in_setup_function(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def setup_function(func):
def test_func():
rep = reports[0]
assert not rep.failed
assert not rep.passed
assert rep.skipped
# assert rep.skipped.reason == "hello"
# assert rep.skipped.location.lineno == 3
# assert rep.skipped.location.lineno == 3
assert len(reports) == 2
assert reports[1].passed # teardown
def test_failure_in_setup_function(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def setup_function(func):
raise ValueError(42)
def test_func():
rep = reports[0]
assert not rep.skipped
assert not rep.passed
assert rep.failed
assert rep.when == "setup"
assert len(reports) == 2
def test_failure_in_teardown_function(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def teardown_function(func):
raise ValueError(42)
def test_func():
assert len(reports) == 3
rep = reports[2]
assert not rep.skipped
assert not rep.passed
assert rep.failed
assert rep.when == "teardown"
# assert rep.longrepr.reprcrash.lineno == 3
# assert rep.longrepr.reprtraceback.reprentries
def test_custom_failure_repr(self, testdir) -> None:
import pytest
class Function(pytest.Function):
def repr_failure(self, excinfo):
return "hello"
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def test_func():
assert 0
rep = reports[1]
assert not rep.skipped
assert not rep.passed
assert rep.failed
# assert rep.outcome.when == "call"
# assert rep.failed.where.lineno == 3
# assert rep.failed.where.path.basename == "test_func.py"
# assert rep.failed.failurerepr == "hello"
def test_teardown_final_returncode(self, testdir) -> None:
rec = testdir.inline_runsource(
def test_func():
def teardown_function(func):
raise ValueError(42)
assert rec.ret == 1
def test_logstart_logfinish_hooks(self, testdir) -> None:
rec = testdir.inline_runsource(
import pytest
def test_func():
reps = rec.getcalls("pytest_runtest_logstart pytest_runtest_logfinish")
assert [x._name for x in reps] == [
for rep in reps:
assert rep.nodeid == "test_logstart_logfinish_hooks.py::test_func"
assert rep.location == ("test_logstart_logfinish_hooks.py", 1, "test_func")
def test_exact_teardown_issue90(self, testdir) -> None:
rec = testdir.inline_runsource(
import pytest
class TestClass(object):
def test_method(self):
def teardown_class(cls):
raise Exception()
def test_func():
import sys
# on python2 exc_info is keept till a function exits
# so we would end up calling test functions while
# sys.exc_info would return the indexerror
# from guessing the lastitem
excinfo = sys.exc_info()
import traceback
assert excinfo[0] is None, \
def teardown_function(func):
raise ValueError(42)
reps = rec.getreports("pytest_runtest_logreport")
for i in range(2):
assert reps[i].nodeid.endswith("test_method")
assert reps[i].passed
assert reps[2].when == "teardown"
assert reps[2].failed
assert len(reps) == 6
for i in range(3, 5):
assert reps[i].nodeid.endswith("test_func")
assert reps[i].passed
assert reps[5].when == "teardown"
assert reps[5].nodeid.endswith("test_func")
assert reps[5].failed
def test_exact_teardown_issue1206(self, testdir) -> None:
"""issue shadowing error with wrong number of arguments on teardown_method."""
rec = testdir.inline_runsource(
import pytest
class TestClass(object):
def teardown_method(self, x, y, z):
def test_method(self):
assert True
reps = rec.getreports("pytest_runtest_logreport")
assert len(reps) == 3
assert reps[0].nodeid.endswith("test_method")
assert reps[0].passed
assert reps[0].when == "setup"
assert reps[1].nodeid.endswith("test_method")
assert reps[1].passed
assert reps[1].when == "call"
assert reps[2].nodeid.endswith("test_method")
assert reps[2].failed
assert reps[2].when == "teardown"
assert reps[2].longrepr.reprcrash.message in (
# python3 error
"TypeError: teardown_method() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'y' and 'z'",
# python2 error
"TypeError: teardown_method() takes exactly 4 arguments (2 given)",
def test_failure_in_setup_function_ignores_custom_repr(self, testdir) -> None:
import pytest
class Function(pytest.Function):
def repr_failure(self, excinfo):
assert 0
reports = testdir.runitem(
def setup_function(func):
raise ValueError(42)
def test_func():
assert len(reports) == 2
rep = reports[0]
assert not rep.skipped
assert not rep.passed
assert rep.failed
# assert rep.outcome.when == "setup"
# assert rep.outcome.where.lineno == 3
# assert rep.outcome.where.path.basename == "test_func.py"
# assert instanace(rep.failed.failurerepr, PythonFailureRepr)
def test_systemexit_does_not_bail_out(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
def test_func():
raise SystemExit(42)
except SystemExit:
assert False, "runner did not catch SystemExit"
rep = reports[1]
assert rep.failed
assert rep.when == "call"
def test_exit_propagates(self, testdir) -> None:
import pytest
def test_func():
raise pytest.exit.Exception()
except pytest.exit.Exception:
assert False, "did not raise"
class TestExecutionNonForked(BaseFunctionalTests):
def getrunner(self):
def f(item):
return runner.runtestprotocol(item, log=False)
return f
def test_keyboardinterrupt_propagates(self, testdir) -> None:
def test_func():
raise KeyboardInterrupt("fake")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
assert False, "did not raise"
class TestSessionReports:
def test_collect_result(self, testdir) -> None:
col = testdir.getmodulecol(
def test_func1():
class TestClass(object):
rep = runner.collect_one_node(col)
assert not rep.failed
assert not rep.skipped
assert rep.passed
locinfo = rep.location
assert locinfo[0] == col.fspath.basename
assert not locinfo[1]
assert locinfo[2] == col.fspath.basename
res = rep.result
assert len(res) == 2
assert res[0].name == "test_func1"
assert res[1].name == "TestClass"
reporttypes = [
] # type: List[Type[reports.BaseReport]]
"reporttype", reporttypes, ids=[x.__name__ for x in reporttypes]
def test_report_extra_parameters(reporttype: "Type[reports.BaseReport]") -> None:
args = list(inspect.signature(reporttype.__init__).parameters.keys())[1:]
basekw = dict.fromkeys(args, []) # type: Dict[str, List[object]]
report = reporttype(newthing=1, **basekw)
assert report.newthing == 1
def test_callinfo() -> None:
ci = runner.CallInfo.from_call(lambda: 0, "collect")
assert ci.when == "collect"
assert ci.result == 0
assert "result" in repr(ci)
assert repr(ci) == "<CallInfo when='collect' result: 0>"
assert str(ci) == "<CallInfo when='collect' result: 0>"
ci2 = runner.CallInfo.from_call(lambda: 0 / 0, "collect")
assert ci2.when == "collect"
assert not hasattr(ci2, "result")
assert repr(ci2) == "<CallInfo when='collect' excinfo={!r}>".format(ci2.excinfo)
assert str(ci2) == repr(ci2)
assert ci2.excinfo
# Newlines are escaped.
def raise_assertion():
assert 0, "assert_msg"
ci3 = runner.CallInfo.from_call(raise_assertion, "call")
assert repr(ci3) == "<CallInfo when='call' excinfo={!r}>".format(ci3.excinfo)
assert "\n" not in repr(ci3)
# design question: do we want general hooks in python files?
# then something like the following functional tests makes sense
def test_runtest_in_module_ordering(testdir) -> None:
p1 = testdir.makepyfile(
import pytest
def pytest_runtest_setup(item): # runs after class-level!
class TestClass(object):
def pytest_runtest_setup(self, item):
assert not hasattr(item.function, 'mylist')
item.function.mylist = ['class']
def mylist(self, request):
return request.function.mylist
def pytest_runtest_call(self, item):
except ValueError:
def test_hello1(self, mylist):
assert mylist == ['class', 'module'], mylist
raise ValueError()
def test_hello2(self, mylist):
assert mylist == ['class', 'module'], mylist
def pytest_runtest_teardown(item):
del item.function.mylist
result = testdir.runpytest(p1)
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*2 passed*"])
def test_outcomeexception_exceptionattributes() -> None:
outcome = outcomes.OutcomeException("test")
assert outcome.args[0] == outcome.msg
def test_outcomeexception_passes_except_Exception() -> None:
with pytest.raises(outcomes.OutcomeException):
raise outcomes.OutcomeException("test")
except Exception as e:
raise NotImplementedError from e
def test_pytest_exit() -> None:
with pytest.raises(pytest.exit.Exception) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.errisinstance(pytest.exit.Exception)
def test_pytest_fail() -> None:
with pytest.raises(pytest.fail.Exception) as excinfo:
s = excinfo.exconly(tryshort=True)
assert s.startswith("Failed")
def test_pytest_exit_msg(testdir) -> None:
import pytest
def pytest_configure(config):
pytest.exit('oh noes')
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stderr.fnmatch_lines(["Exit: oh noes"])
def _strip_resource_warnings(lines):
# Assert no output on stderr, except for unreliable ResourceWarnings.
# (https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/5088)
return [
for x in lines
if not x.startswith(("Exception ignored in:", "ResourceWarning"))
def test_pytest_exit_returncode(testdir) -> None:
import pytest
def test_foo():
pytest.exit("some exit msg", 99)
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*! *Exit: some exit msg !*"])
assert _strip_resource_warnings(result.stderr.lines) == []
assert result.ret == 99
# It prints to stderr also in case of exit during pytest_sessionstart.
import pytest
def pytest_sessionstart():
pytest.exit("during_sessionstart", 98)
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*! *Exit: during_sessionstart !*"])
assert _strip_resource_warnings(result.stderr.lines) == [
"Exit: during_sessionstart"
assert result.ret == 98
def test_pytest_fail_notrace_runtest(testdir) -> None:
"""Test pytest.fail(..., pytrace=False) does not show tracebacks during test run."""
import pytest
def test_hello():
pytest.fail("hello", pytrace=False)
def teardown_function(function):
pytest.fail("world", pytrace=False)
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["world", "hello"])
result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*def teardown_function*")
def test_pytest_fail_notrace_collection(testdir) -> None:
"""Test pytest.fail(..., pytrace=False) does not show tracebacks during collection."""
import pytest
def some_internal_function():
pytest.fail("hello", pytrace=False)
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*def some_internal_function()*")
def test_pytest_fail_notrace_non_ascii(testdir) -> None:
"""Fix pytest.fail with pytrace=False with non-ascii characters (#1178).
This tests with native and unicode strings containing non-ascii chars.
import pytest
def test_hello():
pytest.fail('oh oh: ☺', pytrace=False)
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_hello*", "oh oh: ☺"])
result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*def test_hello*")
def test_pytest_no_tests_collected_exit_status(testdir) -> None:
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*collected 0 items*"])
assert result.ret == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED
def test_foo():
assert 1
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*collected 1 item*"])
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 passed*"])
assert result.ret == ExitCode.OK
result = testdir.runpytest("-k nonmatch")
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*collected 1 item*"])
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 deselected*"])
assert result.ret == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED
def test_exception_printing_skip() -> None:
assert pytest.skip.Exception == pytest.skip.Exception
except pytest.skip.Exception:
excinfo = _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.from_current()
s = excinfo.exconly(tryshort=True)
assert s.startswith("Skipped")
def test_importorskip(monkeypatch) -> None:
importorskip = pytest.importorskip
def f():
sysmod = importorskip("sys")
assert sysmod is sys
# path = pytest.importorskip("os.path")
# assert path == os.path
excinfo = pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception, f)
assert excinfo is not None
excrepr = excinfo.getrepr()
assert excrepr is not None
assert excrepr.reprcrash is not None
path = py.path.local(excrepr.reprcrash.path)
# check that importorskip reports the actual call
# in this test the test_runner.py file
assert path.purebasename == "test_runner"
pytest.raises(SyntaxError, pytest.importorskip, "x y z")
pytest.raises(SyntaxError, pytest.importorskip, "x=y")
mod = types.ModuleType("hello123")
mod.__version__ = "1.3" # type: ignore
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "hello123", mod)
with pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception):
pytest.importorskip("hello123", minversion="1.3.1")
mod2 = pytest.importorskip("hello123", minversion="1.3")
assert mod2 == mod
except pytest.skip.Exception: # pragma: no cover
assert False, "spurious skip: {}".format(
def test_importorskip_imports_last_module_part() -> None:
ospath = pytest.importorskip("os.path")
assert os.path == ospath
def test_importorskip_dev_module(monkeypatch) -> None:
mod = types.ModuleType("mockmodule")
mod.__version__ = "0.13.0.dev-43290" # type: ignore
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "mockmodule", mod)
mod2 = pytest.importorskip("mockmodule", minversion="0.12.0")
assert mod2 == mod
with pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception):
pytest.importorskip("mockmodule1", minversion="0.14.0")
except pytest.skip.Exception: # pragma: no cover
assert False, "spurious skip: {}".format(
def test_importorskip_module_level(testdir) -> None:
"""importorskip must be able to skip entire modules when used at module level"""
import pytest
foobarbaz = pytest.importorskip("foobarbaz")
def test_foo():
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*collected 0 items / 1 skipped*"])
def test_importorskip_custom_reason(testdir) -> None:
"""make sure custom reasons are used"""
import pytest
foobarbaz = pytest.importorskip("foobarbaz2", reason="just because")
def test_foo():
result = testdir.runpytest("-ra")
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*just because*"])
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*collected 0 items / 1 skipped*"])
def test_pytest_cmdline_main(testdir) -> None:
p = testdir.makepyfile(
import pytest
def test_hello():
assert 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
import subprocess
popen = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, str(p)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ret = popen.wait()
assert ret == 0
def test_unicode_in_longrepr(testdir) -> None:
import pytest
def pytest_runtest_makereport():
outcome = yield
rep = outcome.get_result()
if rep.when == "call":
rep.longrepr = 'ä'
def test_out():
assert 0
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert result.ret == 1
assert "UnicodeEncodeError" not in result.stderr.str()
def test_failure_in_setup(testdir) -> None:
def setup_module():
def test_func():
result = testdir.runpytest("--tb=line")
result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*def setup_module*")
def test_makereport_getsource(testdir) -> None:
def test_foo():
if False: pass
else: assert False
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*else: assert False*"])
def test_makereport_getsource_dynamic_code(testdir, monkeypatch) -> None:
"""Test that exception in dynamically generated code doesn't break getting the source line."""
import inspect
original_findsource = inspect.findsource
def findsource(obj):
# Can be triggered by dynamically created functions
if obj.__name__ == "foo":
raise IndexError()
return original_findsource(obj)
monkeypatch.setattr(inspect, "findsource", findsource)
import pytest
def foo(missing):
def test_fix(foo):
assert False
result = testdir.runpytest("-vv")
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_fix*", "*fixture*'missing'*not found*"])
def test_store_except_info_on_error() -> None:
""" Test that upon test failure, the exception info is stored on
sys.last_traceback and friends.
# Simulate item that might raise a specific exception, depending on `raise_error` class var
class ItemMightRaise:
nodeid = "item_that_raises"
raise_error = True
def runtest(self):
if self.raise_error:
raise IndexError("TEST")
runner.pytest_runtest_call(ItemMightRaise()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
except IndexError:
# Check that exception info is stored on sys
assert sys.last_type is IndexError
assert isinstance(sys.last_value, IndexError)
assert sys.last_value.args[0] == "TEST"
assert sys.last_traceback
# The next run should clear the exception info stored by the previous run
ItemMightRaise.raise_error = False
runner.pytest_runtest_call(ItemMightRaise()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
assert not hasattr(sys, "last_type")
assert not hasattr(sys, "last_value")
assert not hasattr(sys, "last_traceback")
def test_current_test_env_var(testdir, monkeypatch) -> None:
pytest_current_test_vars = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
sys, "pytest_current_test_vars", pytest_current_test_vars, raising=False
import pytest
import sys
import os
def fix():
sys.pytest_current_test_vars.append(('setup', os.environ['PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST']))
sys.pytest_current_test_vars.append(('teardown', os.environ['PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST']))
def test(fix):
sys.pytest_current_test_vars.append(('call', os.environ['PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST']))
result = testdir.runpytest_inprocess()
assert result.ret == 0
test_id = "test_current_test_env_var.py::test"
assert pytest_current_test_vars == [
("setup", test_id + " (setup)"),
("call", test_id + " (call)"),
("teardown", test_id + " (teardown)"),
assert "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" not in os.environ
class TestReportContents:
Test user-level API of ``TestReport`` objects.
def getrunner(self):
return lambda item: runner.runtestprotocol(item, log=False)
def test_longreprtext_pass(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
def test_func():
rep = reports[1]
assert rep.longreprtext == ""
def test_longreprtext_skip(self, testdir) -> None:
"""TestReport.longreprtext can handle non-str ``longrepr`` attributes (#7559)"""
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def test_func():
_, call_rep, _ = reports
assert isinstance(call_rep.longrepr, tuple)
assert "Skipped" in call_rep.longreprtext
def test_longreprtext_collect_skip(self, testdir) -> None:
"""CollectReport.longreprtext can handle non-str ``longrepr`` attributes (#7559)"""
import pytest
rec = testdir.inline_run()
calls = rec.getcalls("pytest_collectreport")
_, call = calls
assert isinstance(call.report.longrepr, tuple)
assert "Skipped" in call.report.longreprtext
def test_longreprtext_failure(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
def test_func():
x = 1
assert x == 4
rep = reports[1]
assert "assert 1 == 4" in rep.longreprtext
def test_captured_text(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
import sys
def fix():
sys.stdout.write('setup: stdout\\n')
sys.stderr.write('setup: stderr\\n')
sys.stdout.write('teardown: stdout\\n')
sys.stderr.write('teardown: stderr\\n')
assert 0
def test_func(fix):
sys.stdout.write('call: stdout\\n')
sys.stderr.write('call: stderr\\n')
assert 0
setup, call, teardown = reports
assert setup.capstdout == "setup: stdout\n"
assert call.capstdout == "setup: stdout\ncall: stdout\n"
assert teardown.capstdout == "setup: stdout\ncall: stdout\nteardown: stdout\n"
assert setup.capstderr == "setup: stderr\n"
assert call.capstderr == "setup: stderr\ncall: stderr\n"
assert teardown.capstderr == "setup: stderr\ncall: stderr\nteardown: stderr\n"
def test_no_captured_text(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
def test_func():
rep = reports[1]
assert rep.capstdout == ""
assert rep.capstderr == ""
def test_longrepr_type(self, testdir) -> None:
reports = testdir.runitem(
import pytest
def test_func():
rep = reports[1]
assert isinstance(rep.longrepr, _pytest._code.code.ExceptionRepr)
def test_outcome_exception_bad_msg() -> None:
"""Check that OutcomeExceptions validate their input to prevent confusing errors (#5578)"""
def func() -> None:
raise NotImplementedError()
expected = (
"OutcomeException expected string as 'msg' parameter, got 'function' instead.\n"
"Perhaps you meant to use a mark?"
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
OutcomeException(func) # type: ignore
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected