
210 lines
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Changes between 1.0.0b8 and 1.0.0b9
* fix svn-1.6 compat issue with py.path.svnwc().versioned()
(thanks Wouter Vanden Hove)
* dist-testing: properly handle test items that get locally
collected but cannot be collected on the remote side - often
due to platform/dependency reasons
* simplified py.test.mark API - see keyword plugin documentation
* integrate better with logging: capturing now by default captures
test functions and their immediate setup/teardown in a single stream
* capsys and capfd funcargs now have a readouterr() and a close() method
(underlyingly py.io.StdCapture/FD objects are used which grew a
readouterr() method as well to return snapshots of captured out/err)
* make assert-reinterpretation work better with comparisons not
returning bools (reported with numpy from thanks maciej fijalkowski)
* reworked per-test output capturing into the pytest_iocapture.py plugin
and thus removed capturing code from config object
* item.repr_failure(excinfo) instead of item.repr_failure(excinfo, outerr)
Changes between 1.0.0b7 and 1.0.0b8
* pytest_unittest-plugin is now enabled by default
* introduced pytest_keyboardinterrupt hook and
refined pytest_sessionfinish hooked, added tests.
* workaround a buggy logging module interaction ("closing already closed
files"). Thanks to Sridhar Ratnakumar for triggering.
* if plugins use "py.test.importorskip" for importing
a dependency only a warning will be issued instead
of exiting the testing process.
* many improvements to docs:
- refined funcargs doc , use the term "factory" instead of "provider"
- added a new talk/tutorial doc page
- better download page
- better plugin docstrings
- added new plugins page and automatic doc generation script
* fixed teardown problem related to partially failing funcarg setups
(thanks MrTopf for reporting), "pytest_runtest_teardown" is now
always invoked even if the "pytest_runtest_setup" failed.
* tweaked doctest output for docstrings in py modules,
thanks Radomir.
Changes between 1.0.0b3 and 1.0.0b7
* renamed py.test.xfail back to py.test.mark.xfail to avoid
two ways to decorate for xfail
* re-added py.test.mark decorator for setting keywords on functions
(it was actually documented so removing it was not nice)
* remove scope-argument from request.addfinalizer() because
request.cached_setup has the scope arg. TOOWTDI.
* perform setup finalization before reporting failures
* apply modified patches from Andreas Kloeckner to allow
test functions to have no func_code (#22) and to make
"-k" and function keywords work (#20)
* apply patch from Daniel Peolzleithner (issue #23)
* resolve issue #18, multiprocessing.Manager() and
redirection clash
* make __name__ == "__channelexec__" for remote_exec code
Changes between 1.0.0b1 and 1.0.0b3
* plugin classes are removed: one now defines
hooks directly in conftest.py or global pytest_*.py
* added new pytest_namespace(config) hook that allows
to inject helpers directly to the py.test.* namespace.
* documented and refined many hooks
* added new style of generative tests via
pytest_generate_tests hook that integrates
well with function arguments.
Changes between 0.9.2 and 1.0.0b1
* introduced new "funcarg" setup method,
see doc/test/funcarg.txt
* introduced plugin architecuture and many
new py.test plugins, see
* teardown_method is now guaranteed to get
called after a test method has run.
* new method: py.test.importorskip(mod,minversion)
will either import or call py.test.skip()
* completely revised internal py.test architecture
* new py.process.ForkedFunc object allowing to
fork execution of a function to a sub process
and getting a result back.
XXX lots of things missing here XXX
Changes between 0.9.1 and 0.9.2
* refined installation and metadata, created new setup.py,
now based on setuptools/ez_setup (thanks to Ralf Schmitt
for his support).
* improved the way of making py.* scripts available in
windows environments, they are now added to the
Scripts directory as ".cmd" files.
* py.path.svnwc.status() now is more complete and
uses xml output from the 'svn' command if available
(Guido Wesdorp)
* fix for py.path.svn* to work with svn 1.5
(Chris Lamb)
* fix path.relto(otherpath) method on windows to
use normcase for checking if a path is relative.
* py.test's traceback is better parseable from editors
(follows the filenames:LINENO: MSG convention)
(thanks to Osmo Salomaa)
* fix to javascript-generation, "py.test --runbrowser"
should work more reliably now
* removed previously accidentally added
py.test.broken and py.test.notimplemented helpers.
* there now is a py.__version__ attribute
Changes between 0.9.0 and 0.9.1
This is a fairly complete list of changes between 0.9 and 0.9.1, which can
serve as a reference for developers.
* allowing + signs in py.path.svn urls [39106]
* fixed support for Failed exceptions without excinfo in py.test [39340]
* added support for killing processes for Windows (as well as platforms that
support os.kill) in py.misc.killproc [39655]
* added setup/teardown for generative tests to py.test [40702]
* added detection of FAILED TO LOAD MODULE to py.test [40703, 40738, 40739]
* fixed problem with calling .remove() on wcpaths of non-versioned files in
py.path [44248]
* fixed some import and inheritance issues in py.test [41480, 44648, 44655]
* fail to run greenlet tests when pypy is available, but without stackless
* small fixes in rsession tests [45295]
* fixed issue with 2.5 type representations in py.test [45483, 45484]
* made that internal reporting issues displaying is done atomically in py.test
* made that non-existing files are igored by the py.lookup script [45519]
* improved exception name creation in py.test [45535]
* made that less threads are used in execnet [merge in 45539]
* removed lock required for atomical reporting issue displaying in py.test
* removed globals from execnet [45541, 45547]
* refactored cleanup mechanics, made that setDaemon is set to 1 to make atexit
get called in 2.5 (py.execnet) [45548]
* fixed bug in joining threads in py.execnet's servemain [45549]
* refactored py.test.rsession tests to not rely on exact output format anymore
* using repr() on test outcome [45647]
* added 'Reason' classes for py.test.skip() [45648, 45649]
* killed some unnecessary sanity check in py.test.collect [45655]
* avoid using os.tmpfile() in py.io.fdcapture because on Windows it's only
usable by Administrators [45901]
* added support for locking and non-recursive commits to py.path.svnwc [45994]
* locking files in py.execnet to prevent CPython from segfaulting [46010]
* added export() method to py.path.svnurl
* fixed -d -x in py.test [47277]
* fixed argument concatenation problem in py.path.svnwc [49423]
* restore py.test behaviour that it exits with code 1 when there are failures
* don't fail on html files that don't have an accompanying .txt file [50606]
* fixed 'utestconvert.py < input' [50645]
* small fix for code indentation in py.code.source [50755]
* fix _docgen.py documentation building [51285]
* improved checks for source representation of code blocks in py.test [51292]
* added support for passing authentication to py.path.svn* objects [52000,
* removed sorted() call for py.apigen tests in favour of [].sort() to support
Python 2.3 [52481]