
147 lines
4.7 KiB

import py
import os
html = py.xml.html
def getrelfspath(dotted_name):
# XXX need to make sure its imported on non-py lib
return eval(dotted_name, {"py": py})
class LazyHref(object):
def __init__(self, linker, linkid):
self._linker = linker
self._linkid = linkid
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self._linker.get_target(self._linkid))
class Linker(object):
fromlocation = None
def __init__(self):
self._linkid2target = {}
def get_lazyhref(self, linkid):
return LazyHref(self, linkid)
def set_link(self, linkid, target):
assert (linkid not in self._linkid2target,
'linkid %r already used' % (linkid,))
self._linkid2target[linkid] = target
def get_target(self, linkid):
linktarget = self._linkid2target[linkid]
if self.fromlocation is not None:
linktarget = relpath(self.fromlocation, linktarget)
return linktarget
def call_withbase(self, base, func, *args, **kwargs):
assert self.fromlocation is None
self.fromlocation = base
return func(*args, **kwargs)
del self.fromlocation
class TempLinker(object):
""" performs a similar role to the Linker, but with a different approach
instead of returning 'lazy' hrefs, this returns a simple URL-style
the 'temporary urls' are replaced on the filesystem after building the
files, so that means even though a second pass is still required,
things don't have to be built in-memory (as with the Linker)
fromlocation = None
def __init__(self):
self._linkid2target = {}
def get_lazyhref(self, linkid):
return 'apigen.linker://%s' % (linkid,)
def set_link(self, linkid, target):
assert linkid not in self._linkid2target
self._linkid2target[linkid] = target
def get_target(self, tempurl, fromlocation=None):
linkid = '://'.join(tempurl.split('://')[1:])
linktarget = self._linkid2target[linkid]
if fromlocation is not None:
linktarget = relpath(fromlocation, linktarget)
return linktarget
_reg_tempurl = py.std.re.compile('"(apigen.linker:\/\/[^"\s]*)"')
def replace_dirpath(self, dirpath, stoponerrors=True):
""" replace temporary links in all html files in dirpath and below """
for fpath in dirpath.visit('*.html'):
html = fpath.read()
while 1:
match = self._reg_tempurl.search(html)
if not match:
tempurl = match.group(1)
html = html.replace('"' + tempurl + '"',
'"' + self.get_target(tempurl,
fpath.relto(dirpath)) + '"')
except KeyError:
if stoponerrors:
html = html.replace('"' + tempurl + '"',
'"apigen.notfound://%s"' % (tempurl,))
def relpath(p1, p2, sep=os.path.sep, back='..', normalize=True):
""" create a relative path from p1 to p2
sep is the seperator used for input and (depending
on the setting of 'normalize', see below) output
back is the string used to indicate the parent directory
when 'normalize' is True, any backslashes (\) in the path
will be replaced with forward slashes, resulting in a consistent
output on Windows and the rest of the world
paths to directories must end on a / (URL style)
if normalize:
p1 = p1.replace(sep, '/')
p2 = p2.replace(sep, '/')
sep = '/'
# XXX would be cool to be able to do long filename expansion and drive
# letter fixes here, and such... iow: windows sucks :(
if (p1.startswith(sep) ^ p2.startswith(sep)):
raise ValueError("mixed absolute relative path: %r -> %r" %(p1, p2))
fromlist = p1.split(sep)
tolist = p2.split(sep)
# AA
# AA BB -> AA/BB
# AA CC -> CC
# AA -> ../AA
diffindex = 0
for x1, x2 in zip(fromlist, tolist):
if x1 != x2:
diffindex += 1
commonindex = diffindex - 1
fromlist_diff = fromlist[diffindex:]
tolist_diff = tolist[diffindex:]
if not fromlist_diff:
return sep.join(tolist[commonindex:])
backcount = len(fromlist_diff)
if tolist_diff:
return sep.join([back,]*(backcount-1) + tolist_diff)
return sep.join([back,]*(backcount) + tolist[commonindex:])