
140 lines
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sysinfo.py [host1] [host2] [options]
obtain system info from remote machine.
import py
import sys
parser = py.std.optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
parser.add_option("-f", "--sshconfig", action="store", dest="ssh_config", default=None,
help="use given ssh config file, and add info all contained hosts for getting info")
parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore", action="store", dest="ignores", default=None,
help="ignore hosts (useful if the list of hostnames come from a file list)")
def parsehosts(path):
path = py.path.local(path)
l = []
rex = py.std.re.compile(r'Host\s*(\S+)')
for line in path.readlines():
m = rex.match(line)
if m is not None:
sshname, = m.groups()
return l
class RemoteInfo:
def __init__(self, gateway):
self.gw = gateway
self._cache = {}
def exreceive(self, execstring):
if execstring not in self._cache:
channel = self.gw.remote_exec(execstring)
self._cache[execstring] = channel.receive()
return self._cache[execstring]
def getmodattr(self, modpath):
module = modpath.split(".")[0]
return self.exreceive("""
import %s
""" %(module, modpath))
def islinux(self):
return self.getmodattr('sys.platform').find("linux") != -1
def getfqdn(self):
return self.exreceive("""
import socket
def getmemswap(self):
if self.islinux():
return self.exreceive("""
import commands, re
out = commands.getoutput("free")
mem = re.search(r"Mem:\s+(\S*)", out).group(1)
swap = re.search(r"Swap:\s+(\S*)", out).group(1)
channel.send((mem, swap))
def getcpuinfo(self):
if self.islinux():
return self.exreceive("""
# a hyperthreaded cpu core only counts as 1, although it
# is present as 2 in /proc/cpuinfo. Counting it as 2 is
# misleading because it is *by far* not as efficient as
# two independent cores.
cpus = {}
cpuinfo = {}
f = open("/proc/cpuinfo")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines + ['']:
if line.strip():
key, value = line.split(":", 1)
cpuinfo[key.strip()] = value.strip()
corekey = (cpuinfo.get("physical id"),
cpuinfo.get("core id"))
cpus[corekey] = 1
numcpus = len(cpus)
model = cpuinfo.get("model name")
channel.send((numcpus, model))
def debug(*args):
print >>sys.stderr, " ".join(map(str, args))
def error(*args):
debug("ERROR", args[0] + ":", *args[1:])
def getinfo(sshname, ssh_config=None, loginfo=sys.stdout):
debug("connecting to", sshname)
gw = execnet.SshGateway(sshname, ssh_config=ssh_config)
except IOError:
error("could not get sshagteway", sshname)
ri = RemoteInfo(gw)
#print "%s info:" % sshname
prefix = sshname.upper() + " "
print >>loginfo, prefix, "fqdn:", ri.getfqdn()
for attr in (
loginfo.write("%s %s: " %(prefix, attr,))
value = ri.getmodattr(attr)
memswap = ri.getmemswap()
if memswap:
mem,swap = memswap
print >>loginfo, prefix, "Memory:", mem, "Swap:", swap
cpuinfo = ri.getcpuinfo()
if cpuinfo:
numcpu, model = cpuinfo
print >>loginfo, prefix, "number of cpus:", numcpu
print >>loginfo, prefix, "cpu model", model
return ri
if __name__ == '__main__':
options, args = parser.parse_args()
hosts = list(args)
ssh_config = options.ssh_config
if ssh_config:
ignores = options.ignores or ()
if ignores:
ignores = ignores.split(",")
for host in hosts:
if host not in ignores:
getinfo(host, ssh_config=ssh_config)