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submit failure or test session information to a pastebin service.
**Creating a URL for each test failure**::
py.test --pastebin=failed
This will submit test run information to a remote Paste service and
provide a URL for each failure. You may select tests as usual or add
for example ``-x`` if you only want to send one particular failure.
**Creating a URL for a whole test session log**::
py.test --pastebin=all
Currently only pasting to the http://paste.pocoo.org service is implemented.
import py, sys
class url:
base = "http://paste.pocoo.org"
xmlrpc = base + "/xmlrpc/"
show = base + "/show/"
def pytest_addoption(parser):
group = parser.getgroup("general")
group._addoption('--pastebin', metavar="mode",
action='store', dest="pastebin", default=None,
type="choice", choices=['failed', 'all'],
help="send failed|all info to Pocoo pastebin service.")
def pytest_configure(__multicall__, config):
import tempfile
if config.option.pastebin == "all":
config._pastebinfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+')
tr = config.pluginmanager.impname2plugin['terminalreporter']
oldwrite = tr._tw.write
def tee_write(s, **kwargs):
oldwrite(s, **kwargs)
tr._tw.write = tee_write
def pytest_unconfigure(config):
if hasattr(config, '_pastebinfile'):
sessionlog = config._pastebinfile.read()
del config._pastebinfile
proxyid = getproxy().newPaste("python", sessionlog)
pastebinurl = "%s%s" % (url.show, proxyid)
sys.stderr.write("session-log: %s" % pastebinurl)
tr = config.pluginmanager.impname2plugin['terminalreporter']
del tr._tw.__dict__['write']
def getproxy():
return py.std.xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url.xmlrpc).pastes
def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter):
if terminalreporter.config.option.pastebin != "failed":
tr = terminalreporter
if 'failed' in tr.stats:
terminalreporter.write_sep("=", "Sending information to Paste Service")
if tr.config.option.debug:
terminalreporter.write_line("xmlrpcurl: %s" %(url.xmlrpc,))
serverproxy = getproxy()
for rep in terminalreporter.stats.get('failed'):
msg = rep.longrepr.reprtraceback.reprentries[-1].reprfileloc
except AttributeError:
msg = tr._getfailureheadline(rep)
tw = py.io.TerminalWriter(stringio=True)
s = tw.stringio.getvalue()
assert len(s)
proxyid = serverproxy.newPaste("python", s)
pastebinurl = "%s%s" % (url.show, proxyid)
tr.write_line("%s --> %s" %(msg, pastebinurl))