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"""nose-compatibility plugin: allow to run nose test suites natively.
This is an experimental plugin for allowing to run tests written
in 'nosetests' style with py.test.
py.test # instead of 'nosetests'
and you should be able to run nose style tests. You will of course
get py.test style reporting and its feature set.
If you find issues or have suggestions please run::
py.test --pastebin=all
and send the resulting URL to a some contact channel.
Known issues
- nose-style doctests are not collected and executed correctly,
also fixtures don't work.
- no nose-configuration is recognized
import py
import inspect
import sys
def pytest_runtest_makereport(__multicall__, item, call):
SkipTest = getattr(sys.modules.get('nose', None), 'SkipTest', None)
if SkipTest:
if call.excinfo and call.excinfo.errisinstance(SkipTest):
# let's substitute the excinfo with a py.test.skip one
call2 = call.__class__(lambda: py.test.skip(str(call.excinfo.value)), call.when)
call.excinfo = call2.excinfo
def pytest_report_iteminfo(item):
# nose 0.11.1 uses decorators for "raises" and other helpers.
# for reporting progress by filename we fish for the filename
if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Function):
obj = item.obj
if hasattr(obj, 'compat_co_firstlineno'):
fn = sys.modules[obj.__module__].__file__
if fn.endswith(".pyc"):
fn = fn[:-1]
#assert 0
#fn = inspect.getsourcefile(obj) or inspect.getfile(obj)
lineno = obj.compat_co_firstlineno
return py.path.local(fn), lineno, obj.__module__
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
if isinstance(item, (py.test.collect.Function)):
if isinstance(item.parent, py.test.collect.Generator):
gen = item.parent
if not hasattr(gen, '_nosegensetup'):
call_optional(gen.obj, 'setup')
if isinstance(gen.parent, py.test.collect.Instance):
call_optional(gen.parent.obj, 'setup')
gen._nosegensetup = True
call_optional(item.obj, 'setup')
def pytest_runtest_teardown(item):
if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Function):
call_optional(item.obj, 'teardown')
#if hasattr(item.parent, '_nosegensetup'):
# #call_optional(item._nosegensetup, 'teardown')
# del item.parent._nosegensetup
def pytest_make_collect_report(collector):
if isinstance(collector, py.test.collect.Generator):
call_optional(collector.obj, 'setup')
def call_optional(obj, name):
method = getattr(obj, name, None)
if method: