1608 lines
50 KiB
1608 lines
50 KiB
import sys
import textwrap
from typing import Any
from typing import List
from typing import MutableSequence
from typing import Optional
import attr
import _pytest.assertion as plugin
import pytest
from _pytest import outcomes
from _pytest.assertion import truncate
from _pytest.assertion import util
def mock_config(verbose=0):
class Config:
def getoption(self, name):
if name == "verbose":
return verbose
raise KeyError("Not mocked out: %s" % name)
return Config()
class TestImportHookInstallation:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("initial_conftest", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["plain", "rewrite"])
def test_conftest_assertion_rewrite(self, testdir, initial_conftest, mode):
"""Test that conftest files are using assertion rewrite on import (#1619)."""
conftest_path = "conftest.py" if initial_conftest else "foo/conftest.py"
contents = {
conftest_path: """
import pytest
def check_first():
def check(values, value):
assert values.pop(0) == value
return check
"foo/tests/test_foo.py": """
def test(check_first):
check_first([10, 30], 30)
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=%s" % mode)
if mode == "plain":
expected = "E AssertionError"
elif mode == "rewrite":
expected = "*assert 10 == 30*"
assert 0
def test_rewrite_assertions_pytester_plugin(self, testdir):
Assertions in the pytester plugin must also benefit from assertion
rewriting (#1920).
pytest_plugins = ['pytester']
def test_dummy_failure(testdir): # how meta!
testdir.makepyfile('def test(): assert 0')
r = testdir.inline_run()
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess()
"> r.assertoutcome(passed=1)",
"E AssertionError: ([[][]], [[][]], [[]<TestReport *>[]])*",
"E assert {'failed': 1,... 'skipped': 0} == {'failed': 0,... 'skipped': 0}",
"E Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show",
"E Differing items:",
"E Use -v to get the full diff",
# XXX: unstable output.
"E {'failed': 1} != {'failed': 0}",
"E {'passed': 0} != {'passed': 1}",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["plain", "rewrite"])
def test_pytest_plugins_rewrite(self, testdir, mode):
contents = {
"conftest.py": """
pytest_plugins = ['ham']
"ham.py": """
import pytest
def check_first():
def check(values, value):
assert values.pop(0) == value
return check
"test_foo.py": """
def test_foo(check_first):
check_first([10, 30], 30)
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=%s" % mode)
if mode == "plain":
expected = "E AssertionError"
elif mode == "rewrite":
expected = "*assert 10 == 30*"
assert 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["str", "list"])
def test_pytest_plugins_rewrite_module_names(self, testdir, mode):
"""Test that pluginmanager correct marks pytest_plugins variables
for assertion rewriting if they are defined as plain strings or
list of strings (#1888).
plugins = '"ham"' if mode == "str" else '["ham"]'
contents = {
"conftest.py": """
pytest_plugins = {plugins}
"ham.py": """
import pytest
"test_foo.py": """
def test_foo(pytestconfig):
assert 'ham' in pytestconfig.pluginmanager.rewrite_hook._must_rewrite
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=rewrite")
assert result.ret == 0
def test_pytest_plugins_rewrite_module_names_correctly(self, testdir):
"""Test that we match files correctly when they are marked for rewriting (#2939)."""
contents = {
"conftest.py": """\
pytest_plugins = "ham"
"ham.py": "",
"hamster.py": "",
"test_foo.py": """\
def test_foo(pytestconfig):
assert pytestconfig.pluginmanager.rewrite_hook.find_spec('ham') is not None
assert pytestconfig.pluginmanager.rewrite_hook.find_spec('hamster') is None
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=rewrite")
assert result.ret == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["plain", "rewrite"])
def test_installed_plugin_rewrite(self, testdir, mode, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False)
# Make sure the hook is installed early enough so that plugins
# installed via setuptools are rewritten.
contents = {
"hampkg/__init__.py": """\
import pytest
def check_first2():
def check(values, value):
assert values.pop(0) == value
return check
"spamplugin.py": """\
import pytest
from hampkg import check_first2
def check_first():
def check(values, value):
assert values.pop(0) == value
return check
"mainwrapper.py": """\
import pytest
from _pytest.compat import importlib_metadata
class DummyEntryPoint(object):
name = 'spam'
module_name = 'spam.py'
group = 'pytest11'
def load(self):
import spamplugin
return spamplugin
class DummyDistInfo(object):
version = '1.0'
files = ('spamplugin.py', 'hampkg/__init__.py')
entry_points = (DummyEntryPoint(),)
metadata = {'name': 'foo'}
def distributions():
return (DummyDistInfo(),)
importlib_metadata.distributions = distributions
"test_foo.py": """\
def test(check_first):
check_first([10, 30], 30)
def test2(check_first2):
check_first([10, 30], 30)
result = testdir.run(
sys.executable, "mainwrapper.py", "-s", "--assert=%s" % mode
if mode == "plain":
expected = "E AssertionError"
elif mode == "rewrite":
expected = "*assert 10 == 30*"
assert 0
def test_rewrite_ast(self, testdir):
contents = {
"pkg/__init__.py": """
import pytest
"pkg/helper.py": """
def tool():
a, b = 2, 3
assert a == b
"pkg/plugin.py": """
import pytest, pkg.helper
def tool():
return pkg.helper.tool
"pkg/other.py": """
values = [3, 2]
def tool():
assert values.pop() == 3
"conftest.py": """
pytest_plugins = ['pkg.plugin']
"test_pkg.py": """
import pkg.other
def test_tool(tool):
def test_other():
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=rewrite")
">*assert a == b*",
"E*assert 2 == 3*",
">*assert values.pop() == 3*",
def test_register_assert_rewrite_checks_types(self) -> None:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pytest.register_assert_rewrite(["pytest_tests_internal_non_existing"]) # type: ignore
"pytest_tests_internal_non_existing", "pytest_tests_internal_non_existing2"
class TestBinReprIntegration:
def test_pytest_assertrepr_compare_called(self, testdir):
import pytest
values = []
def pytest_assertrepr_compare(op, left, right):
values.append((op, left, right))
def list(request):
return values
def test_hello():
assert 0 == 1
def test_check(list):
assert list == [("==", 0, 1)]
result = testdir.runpytest("-v")
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_hello*FAIL*", "*test_check*PASS*"])
def callop(op: str, left: Any, right: Any, verbose: int = 0) -> Optional[List[str]]:
config = mock_config(verbose=verbose)
return plugin.pytest_assertrepr_compare(config, op, left, right)
def callequal(left: Any, right: Any, verbose: int = 0) -> Optional[List[str]]:
return callop("==", left, right, verbose)
class TestAssert_reprcompare:
def test_different_types(self):
assert callequal([0, 1], "foo") is None
def test_summary(self) -> None:
lines = callequal([0, 1], [0, 2])
assert lines is not None
summary = lines[0]
assert len(summary) < 65
def test_text_diff(self):
assert callequal("spam", "eggs") == [
"'spam' == 'eggs'",
"- eggs",
"+ spam",
def test_text_skipping(self) -> None:
lines = callequal("a" * 50 + "spam", "a" * 50 + "eggs")
assert lines is not None
assert "Skipping" in lines[1]
for line in lines:
assert "a" * 50 not in line
def test_text_skipping_verbose(self) -> None:
lines = callequal("a" * 50 + "spam", "a" * 50 + "eggs", verbose=1)
assert lines is not None
assert "- " + "a" * 50 + "eggs" in lines
assert "+ " + "a" * 50 + "spam" in lines
def test_multiline_text_diff(self) -> None:
left = "foo\nspam\nbar"
right = "foo\neggs\nbar"
diff = callequal(left, right)
assert diff is not None
assert "- eggs" in diff
assert "+ spam" in diff
def test_bytes_diff_normal(self):
"""Check special handling for bytes diff (#5260)"""
diff = callequal(b"spam", b"eggs")
assert diff == [
"b'spam' == b'eggs'",
"At index 0 diff: b's' != b'e'",
"Use -v to get the full diff",
def test_bytes_diff_verbose(self):
"""Check special handling for bytes diff (#5260)"""
diff = callequal(b"spam", b"eggs", verbose=1)
assert diff == [
"b'spam' == b'eggs'",
"At index 0 diff: b's' != b'e'",
"Full diff:",
"- b'eggs'",
"+ b'spam'",
def test_list(self) -> None:
expl = callequal([0, 1], [0, 2])
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
["left", "right", "expected"],
[0, 1],
[0, 2],
Full diff:
- [0, 2]
? ^
+ [0, 1]
? ^
{0: 1},
{0: 2},
Full diff:
- {0: 2}
? ^
+ {0: 1}
? ^
{0, 1},
{0, 2},
Full diff:
- {0, 2}
? ^
+ {0, 1}
? ^
def test_iterable_full_diff(self, left, right, expected) -> None:
"""Test the full diff assertion failure explanation.
When verbose is False, then just a -v notice to get the diff is rendered,
when verbose is True, then ndiff of the pprint is returned.
expl = callequal(left, right, verbose=0)
assert expl is not None
assert expl[-1] == "Use -v to get the full diff"
verbose_expl = callequal(left, right, verbose=1)
assert verbose_expl is not None
assert "\n".join(verbose_expl).endswith(textwrap.dedent(expected).strip())
def test_list_different_lengths(self) -> None:
expl = callequal([0, 1], [0, 1, 2])
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
expl = callequal([0, 1, 2], [0, 1])
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_list_wrap_for_multiple_lines(self):
long_d = "d" * 80
l1 = ["a", "b", "c"]
l2 = ["a", "b", "c", long_d]
diff = callequal(l1, l2, verbose=True)
assert diff == [
"['a', 'b', 'c'] == ['a', 'b', 'c...dddddddddddd']",
"Right contains one more item: '" + long_d + "'",
"Full diff:",
" [",
" 'a',",
" 'b',",
" 'c',",
"- '" + long_d + "',",
" ]",
diff = callequal(l2, l1, verbose=True)
assert diff == [
"['a', 'b', 'c...dddddddddddd'] == ['a', 'b', 'c']",
"Left contains one more item: '" + long_d + "'",
"Full diff:",
" [",
" 'a',",
" 'b',",
" 'c',",
"+ '" + long_d + "',",
" ]",
def test_list_wrap_for_width_rewrap_same_length(self):
long_a = "a" * 30
long_b = "b" * 30
long_c = "c" * 30
l1 = [long_a, long_b, long_c]
l2 = [long_b, long_c, long_a]
diff = callequal(l1, l2, verbose=True)
assert diff == [
"['aaaaaaaaaaa...cccccccccccc'] == ['bbbbbbbbbbb...aaaaaaaaaaaa']",
"At index 0 diff: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' != 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'",
"Full diff:",
" [",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',",
" 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',",
" 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',",
"- 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',",
" ]",
def test_list_dont_wrap_strings(self):
long_a = "a" * 10
l1 = ["a"] + [long_a for _ in range(0, 7)]
l2 = ["should not get wrapped"]
diff = callequal(l1, l2, verbose=True)
assert diff == [
"['a', 'aaaaaa...aaaaaaa', ...] == ['should not get wrapped']",
"At index 0 diff: 'a' != 'should not get wrapped'",
"Left contains 7 more items, first extra item: 'aaaaaaaaaa'",
"Full diff:",
" [",
"- 'should not get wrapped',",
"+ 'a',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
"+ 'aaaaaaaaaa',",
" ]",
def test_dict_wrap(self):
d1 = {"common": 1, "env": {"env1": 1, "env2": 2}}
d2 = {"common": 1, "env": {"env1": 1}}
diff = callequal(d1, d2, verbose=True)
assert diff == [
"{'common': 1,...1, 'env2': 2}} == {'common': 1,...: {'env1': 1}}",
"Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show",
"Differing items:",
"{'env': {'env1': 1, 'env2': 2}} != {'env': {'env1': 1}}",
"Full diff:",
"- {'common': 1, 'env': {'env1': 1}}",
"+ {'common': 1, 'env': {'env1': 1, 'env2': 2}}",
"? +++++++++++",
long_a = "a" * 80
sub = {"long_a": long_a, "sub1": {"long_a": "substring that gets wrapped " * 2}}
d1 = {"env": {"sub": sub}}
d2 = {"env": {"sub": sub}, "new": 1}
diff = callequal(d1, d2, verbose=True)
assert diff == [
"{'env': {'sub... wrapped '}}}} == {'env': {'sub...}}}, 'new': 1}",
"Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show",
"Right contains 1 more item:",
"{'new': 1}",
"Full diff:",
" {",
" 'env': {'sub': {'long_a': '" + long_a + "',",
" 'sub1': {'long_a': 'substring that gets wrapped substring '",
" 'that gets wrapped '}}},",
"- 'new': 1,",
" }",
def test_dict(self) -> None:
expl = callequal({"a": 0}, {"a": 1})
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_dict_omitting(self) -> None:
lines = callequal({"a": 0, "b": 1}, {"a": 1, "b": 1})
assert lines is not None
assert lines[1].startswith("Omitting 1 identical item")
assert "Common items" not in lines
for line in lines[1:]:
assert "b" not in line
def test_dict_omitting_with_verbosity_1(self) -> None:
"""Ensure differing items are visible for verbosity=1 (#1512)."""
lines = callequal({"a": 0, "b": 1}, {"a": 1, "b": 1}, verbose=1)
assert lines is not None
assert lines[1].startswith("Omitting 1 identical item")
assert lines[2].startswith("Differing items")
assert lines[3] == "{'a': 0} != {'a': 1}"
assert "Common items" not in lines
def test_dict_omitting_with_verbosity_2(self) -> None:
lines = callequal({"a": 0, "b": 1}, {"a": 1, "b": 1}, verbose=2)
assert lines is not None
assert lines[1].startswith("Common items:")
assert "Omitting" not in lines[1]
assert lines[2] == "{'b': 1}"
def test_dict_different_items(self):
lines = callequal({"a": 0}, {"b": 1, "c": 2}, verbose=2)
assert lines == [
"{'a': 0} == {'b': 1, 'c': 2}",
"Left contains 1 more item:",
"{'a': 0}",
"Right contains 2 more items:",
"{'b': 1, 'c': 2}",
"Full diff:",
"- {'b': 1, 'c': 2}",
"+ {'a': 0}",
lines = callequal({"b": 1, "c": 2}, {"a": 0}, verbose=2)
assert lines == [
"{'b': 1, 'c': 2} == {'a': 0}",
"Left contains 2 more items:",
"{'b': 1, 'c': 2}",
"Right contains 1 more item:",
"{'a': 0}",
"Full diff:",
"- {'a': 0}",
"+ {'b': 1, 'c': 2}",
def test_sequence_different_items(self):
lines = callequal((1, 2), (3, 4, 5), verbose=2)
assert lines == [
"(1, 2) == (3, 4, 5)",
"At index 0 diff: 1 != 3",
"Right contains one more item: 5",
"Full diff:",
"- (3, 4, 5)",
"+ (1, 2)",
lines = callequal((1, 2, 3), (4,), verbose=2)
assert lines == [
"(1, 2, 3) == (4,)",
"At index 0 diff: 1 != 4",
"Left contains 2 more items, first extra item: 2",
"Full diff:",
"- (4,)",
"+ (1, 2, 3)",
def test_set(self) -> None:
expl = callequal({0, 1}, {0, 2})
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_frozenzet(self) -> None:
expl = callequal(frozenset([0, 1]), {0, 2})
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_Sequence(self) -> None:
# Test comparing with a Sequence subclass.
class TestSequence(MutableSequence[int]):
def __init__(self, iterable):
self.elements = list(iterable)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.elements[item]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.elements)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
def __delitem__(self, item):
def insert(self, item, index):
expl = callequal(TestSequence([0, 1]), list([0, 2]))
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_list_tuples(self) -> None:
expl = callequal([], [(1, 2)])
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
expl = callequal([(1, 2)], [])
assert expl is not None
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_repr_verbose(self) -> None:
class Nums:
def __init__(self, nums):
self.nums = nums
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.nums)
list_x = list(range(5000))
list_y = list(range(5000))
list_y[len(list_y) // 2] = 3
nums_x = Nums(list_x)
nums_y = Nums(list_y)
assert callequal(nums_x, nums_y) is None
expl = callequal(nums_x, nums_y, verbose=1)
assert expl is not None
assert "+" + repr(nums_x) in expl
assert "-" + repr(nums_y) in expl
expl = callequal(nums_x, nums_y, verbose=2)
assert expl is not None
assert "+" + repr(nums_x) in expl
assert "-" + repr(nums_y) in expl
def test_list_bad_repr(self) -> None:
class A:
def __repr__(self):
raise ValueError(42)
expl = callequal([], [A()])
assert expl is not None
assert "ValueError" in "".join(expl)
expl = callequal({}, {"1": A()}, verbose=2)
assert expl is not None
assert expl[0].startswith("{} == <[ValueError")
assert "raised in repr" in expl[0]
assert expl[1:] == [
"(pytest_assertion plugin: representation of details failed:"
" {}:{}: ValueError: 42.".format(
__file__, A.__repr__.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1
" Probably an object has a faulty __repr__.)",
def test_one_repr_empty(self):
"""The faulty empty string repr did trigger an unbound local error in _diff_text."""
class A(str):
def __repr__(self):
return ""
expl = callequal(A(), "")
assert not expl
def test_repr_no_exc(self) -> None:
expl = callequal("foo", "bar")
assert expl is not None
assert "raised in repr()" not in " ".join(expl)
def test_unicode(self):
assert callequal("£€", "£") == [
"'£€' == '£'",
"- £",
"+ £€",
def test_nonascii_text(self):
:issue: 877
non ascii python2 str caused a UnicodeDecodeError
class A(str):
def __repr__(self):
return "\xff"
expl = callequal(A(), "1")
assert expl == ["ÿ == '1'", "- 1"]
def test_format_nonascii_explanation(self):
assert util.format_explanation("λ")
def test_mojibake(self) -> None:
# issue 429
left = b"e"
right = b"\xc3\xa9"
expl = callequal(left, right)
assert expl is not None
for line in expl:
assert isinstance(line, str)
msg = "\n".join(expl)
assert msg
class TestAssert_reprcompare_dataclass:
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 7), reason="Dataclasses in Python3.7+")
def test_dataclasses(self, testdir):
p = testdir.copy_example("dataclasses/test_compare_dataclasses.py")
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
result.assert_outcomes(failed=1, passed=0)
"E Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show",
"E Differing attributes:",
"E ['field_b']",
"E ",
"E Drill down into differing attribute field_b:",
"E field_b: 'b' != 'c'...",
"E ",
"E ...Full output truncated (3 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show",
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 7), reason="Dataclasses in Python3.7+")
def test_recursive_dataclasses(self, testdir):
p = testdir.copy_example("dataclasses/test_compare_recursive_dataclasses.py")
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
result.assert_outcomes(failed=1, passed=0)
"E Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show",
"E Differing attributes:",
"E ['g', 'h', 'j']",
"E ",
"E Drill down into differing attribute g:",
"E g: S(a=10, b='ten') != S(a=20, b='xxx')...",
"E ",
"E ...Full output truncated (52 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show",
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 7), reason="Dataclasses in Python3.7+")
def test_recursive_dataclasses_verbose(self, testdir):
p = testdir.copy_example("dataclasses/test_compare_recursive_dataclasses.py")
result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-vv")
result.assert_outcomes(failed=1, passed=0)
"E Matching attributes:",
"E ['i']",
"E Differing attributes:",
"E ['g', 'h', 'j']",
"E ",
"E Drill down into differing attribute g:",
"E g: S(a=10, b='ten') != S(a=20, b='xxx')",
"E ",
"E Differing attributes:",
"E ['a', 'b']",
"E ",
"E Drill down into differing attribute a:",
"E a: 10 != 20",
"E +10",
"E -20",
"E ",
"E Drill down into differing attribute b:",
"E b: 'ten' != 'xxx'",
"E - xxx",
"E + ten",
"E ",
"E Drill down into differing attribute h:",
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 7), reason="Dataclasses in Python3.7+")
def test_dataclasses_verbose(self, testdir):
p = testdir.copy_example("dataclasses/test_compare_dataclasses_verbose.py")
result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-vv")
result.assert_outcomes(failed=1, passed=0)
"*Matching attributes:*",
"*Differing attributes:*",
"*field_b: 'b' != 'c'*",
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 7), reason="Dataclasses in Python3.7+")
def test_dataclasses_with_attribute_comparison_off(self, testdir):
p = testdir.copy_example(
result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-vv")
result.assert_outcomes(failed=0, passed=1)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 7), reason="Dataclasses in Python3.7+")
def test_comparing_two_different_data_classes(self, testdir):
p = testdir.copy_example(
result = testdir.runpytest(p, "-vv")
result.assert_outcomes(failed=0, passed=1)
class TestAssert_reprcompare_attrsclass:
def test_attrs(self) -> None:
class SimpleDataObject:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib()
left = SimpleDataObject(1, "b")
right = SimpleDataObject(1, "c")
lines = callequal(left, right)
assert lines is not None
assert lines[2].startswith("Omitting 1 identical item")
assert "Matching attributes" not in lines
for line in lines[2:]:
assert "field_a" not in line
def test_attrs_recursive(self) -> None:
class OtherDataObject:
field_c = attr.ib()
field_d = attr.ib()
class SimpleDataObject:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib()
left = SimpleDataObject(OtherDataObject(1, "a"), "b")
right = SimpleDataObject(OtherDataObject(1, "b"), "b")
lines = callequal(left, right)
assert lines is not None
assert "Matching attributes" not in lines
for line in lines[1:]:
assert "field_b:" not in line
assert "field_c:" not in line
def test_attrs_recursive_verbose(self) -> None:
class OtherDataObject:
field_c = attr.ib()
field_d = attr.ib()
class SimpleDataObject:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib()
left = SimpleDataObject(OtherDataObject(1, "a"), "b")
right = SimpleDataObject(OtherDataObject(1, "b"), "b")
lines = callequal(left, right)
assert lines is not None
# indentation in output because of nested object structure
assert " field_d: 'a' != 'b'" in lines
def test_attrs_verbose(self) -> None:
class SimpleDataObject:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib()
left = SimpleDataObject(1, "b")
right = SimpleDataObject(1, "c")
lines = callequal(left, right, verbose=2)
assert lines is not None
assert lines[2].startswith("Matching attributes:")
assert "Omitting" not in lines[2]
assert lines[3] == "['field_a']"
def test_attrs_with_attribute_comparison_off(self):
class SimpleDataObject:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib(eq=False)
left = SimpleDataObject(1, "b")
right = SimpleDataObject(1, "b")
lines = callequal(left, right, verbose=2)
assert lines is not None
assert lines[2].startswith("Matching attributes:")
assert "Omitting" not in lines[1]
assert lines[3] == "['field_a']"
for line in lines[3:]:
assert "field_b" not in line
def test_comparing_two_different_attrs_classes(self):
class SimpleDataObjectOne:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib()
class SimpleDataObjectTwo:
field_a = attr.ib()
field_b = attr.ib()
left = SimpleDataObjectOne(1, "b")
right = SimpleDataObjectTwo(1, "c")
lines = callequal(left, right)
assert lines is None
class TestFormatExplanation:
def test_special_chars_full(self, testdir):
# Issue 453, for the bug this would raise IndexError
def test_foo():
assert '\\n}' == ''
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert result.ret == 1
def test_fmt_simple(self):
expl = "assert foo"
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == "assert foo"
def test_fmt_where(self):
expl = "\n".join(["assert 1", "{1 = foo", "} == 2"])
res = "\n".join(["assert 1 == 2", " + where 1 = foo"])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_and(self):
expl = "\n".join(["assert 1", "{1 = foo", "} == 2", "{2 = bar", "}"])
res = "\n".join(["assert 1 == 2", " + where 1 = foo", " + and 2 = bar"])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_where_nested(self):
expl = "\n".join(["assert 1", "{1 = foo", "{foo = bar", "}", "} == 2"])
res = "\n".join(["assert 1 == 2", " + where 1 = foo", " + where foo = bar"])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_newline(self):
expl = "\n".join(['assert "foo" == "bar"', "~- foo", "~+ bar"])
res = "\n".join(['assert "foo" == "bar"', " - foo", " + bar"])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_newline_escaped(self):
expl = "\n".join(["assert foo == bar", "baz"])
res = "assert foo == bar\\nbaz"
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_newline_before_where(self):
expl = "\n".join(
"the assertion message here",
">assert 1",
"{1 = foo",
"} == 2",
"{2 = bar",
res = "\n".join(
"the assertion message here",
"assert 1 == 2",
" + where 1 = foo",
" + and 2 = bar",
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_multi_newline_before_where(self):
expl = "\n".join(
"the assertion",
"~message here",
">assert 1",
"{1 = foo",
"} == 2",
"{2 = bar",
res = "\n".join(
"the assertion",
" message here",
"assert 1 == 2",
" + where 1 = foo",
" + and 2 = bar",
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
class TestTruncateExplanation:
# The number of lines in the truncation explanation message. Used
# to calculate that results have the expected length.
def test_doesnt_truncate_when_input_is_empty_list(self) -> None:
expl = [] # type: List[str]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=100)
assert result == expl
def test_doesnt_truncate_at_when_input_is_5_lines_and_LT_max_chars(self):
expl = ["a" * 100 for x in range(5)]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=8 * 80)
assert result == expl
def test_truncates_at_8_lines_when_given_list_of_empty_strings(self):
expl = ["" for x in range(50)]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=100)
assert result != expl
assert len(result) == 8 + self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG
assert "Full output truncated" in result[-1]
assert "43 lines hidden" in result[-1]
last_line_before_trunc_msg = result[-self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG - 1]
assert last_line_before_trunc_msg.endswith("...")
def test_truncates_at_8_lines_when_first_8_lines_are_LT_max_chars(self):
expl = ["a" for x in range(100)]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=8 * 80)
assert result != expl
assert len(result) == 8 + self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG
assert "Full output truncated" in result[-1]
assert "93 lines hidden" in result[-1]
last_line_before_trunc_msg = result[-self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG - 1]
assert last_line_before_trunc_msg.endswith("...")
def test_truncates_at_8_lines_when_first_8_lines_are_EQ_max_chars(self):
expl = ["a" * 80 for x in range(16)]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=8 * 80)
assert result != expl
assert len(result) == 8 + self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG
assert "Full output truncated" in result[-1]
assert "9 lines hidden" in result[-1]
last_line_before_trunc_msg = result[-self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG - 1]
assert last_line_before_trunc_msg.endswith("...")
def test_truncates_at_4_lines_when_first_4_lines_are_GT_max_chars(self):
expl = ["a" * 250 for x in range(10)]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=999)
assert result != expl
assert len(result) == 4 + self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG
assert "Full output truncated" in result[-1]
assert "7 lines hidden" in result[-1]
last_line_before_trunc_msg = result[-self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG - 1]
assert last_line_before_trunc_msg.endswith("...")
def test_truncates_at_1_line_when_first_line_is_GT_max_chars(self):
expl = ["a" * 250 for x in range(1000)]
result = truncate._truncate_explanation(expl, max_lines=8, max_chars=100)
assert result != expl
assert len(result) == 1 + self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG
assert "Full output truncated" in result[-1]
assert "1000 lines hidden" in result[-1]
last_line_before_trunc_msg = result[-self.LINES_IN_TRUNCATION_MSG - 1]
assert last_line_before_trunc_msg.endswith("...")
def test_full_output_truncated(self, monkeypatch, testdir):
"""Test against full runpytest() output."""
line_count = 7
line_len = 100
expected_truncated_lines = 2
def test_many_lines():
a = list([str(i)[0] * %d for i in range(%d)])
b = a[::2]
a = '\n'.join(map(str, a))
b = '\n'.join(map(str, b))
assert a == b
% (line_len, line_count)
monkeypatch.delenv("CI", raising=False)
result = testdir.runpytest()
# without -vv, truncate the message showing a few diff lines only
"*+ 1*",
"*+ 3*",
"*+ 5*",
"*truncated (%d lines hidden)*use*-vv*" % expected_truncated_lines,
result = testdir.runpytest("-vv")
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["* 6*"])
monkeypatch.setenv("CI", "1")
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["* 6*"])
def test_python25_compile_issue257(testdir):
def test_rewritten():
assert 1 == 2
# some comment
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert result.ret == 1
*E*assert 1 == 2*
*1 failed*
def test_rewritten(testdir):
def test_rewritten():
assert "@py_builtins" in globals()
assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0
def test_reprcompare_notin() -> None:
assert callop("not in", "foo", "aaafoobbb") == [
"'foo' not in 'aaafoobbb'",
"'foo' is contained here:",
" aaafoobbb",
"? +++",
def test_reprcompare_whitespaces():
assert callequal("\r\n", "\n") == [
r"'\r\n' == '\n'",
r"Strings contain only whitespace, escaping them using repr()",
r"- '\n'",
r"+ '\r\n'",
r"? ++",
def test_pytest_assertrepr_compare_integration(testdir):
def test_hello():
x = set(range(100))
y = x.copy()
assert x == y
result = testdir.runpytest()
"*def test_hello():*",
"*assert x == y*",
"*E*Extra items*left*",
"*= 1 failed in*",
def test_sequence_comparison_uses_repr(testdir):
def test_hello():
x = set("hello x")
y = set("hello y")
assert x == y
result = testdir.runpytest()
"*def test_hello():*",
"*assert x == y*",
"*E*Extra items*left*",
"*E*Extra items*right*",
def test_assertrepr_loaded_per_dir(testdir):
testdir.makepyfile(test_base=["def test_base(): assert 1 == 2"])
a = testdir.mkdir("a")
a_test = a.join("test_a.py")
a_test.write("def test_a(): assert 1 == 2")
a_conftest = a.join("conftest.py")
a_conftest.write('def pytest_assertrepr_compare(): return ["summary a"]')
b = testdir.mkdir("b")
b_test = b.join("test_b.py")
b_test.write("def test_b(): assert 1 == 2")
b_conftest = b.join("conftest.py")
b_conftest.write('def pytest_assertrepr_compare(): return ["summary b"]')
result = testdir.runpytest()
"*def test_base():*",
"*E*assert 1 == 2*",
"*def test_a():*",
"*E*assert summary a*",
"*def test_b():*",
"*E*assert summary b*",
def test_assertion_options(testdir):
def test_hello():
x = 3
assert x == 4
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert "3 == 4" in result.stdout.str()
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=plain")
result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*3 == 4*")
def test_triple_quoted_string_issue113(testdir):
def test_hello():
assert "" == '''
result = testdir.runpytest("--fulltrace")
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 failed*"])
def test_traceback_failure(testdir):
p1 = testdir.makepyfile(
def g():
return 2
def f(x):
assert x == g()
def test_onefails():
result = testdir.runpytest(p1, "--tb=long")
"*test_traceback_failure.py F*",
"====* FAILURES *====",
" def test_onefails():",
"> f(3)",
"*test_*.py:6: ",
"_ _ _ *",
# "",
" def f(x):",
"> assert x == g()",
"E assert 3 == 2",
"E + where 2 = g()",
"*test_traceback_failure.py:4: AssertionError",
result = testdir.runpytest(p1) # "auto"
"*test_traceback_failure.py F*",
"====* FAILURES *====",
" def test_onefails():",
"> f(3)",
"*test_*.py:6: ",
" def f(x):",
"> assert x == g()",
"E assert 3 == 2",
"E + where 2 = g()",
"*test_traceback_failure.py:4: AssertionError",
def test_exception_handling_no_traceback(testdir):
"""Handle chain exceptions in tasks submitted by the multiprocess module (#1984)."""
p1 = testdir.makepyfile(
from multiprocessing import Pool
def process_task(n):
assert n == 10
def multitask_job():
tasks = [1]
with Pool(processes=1) as pool:
pool.map(process_task, tasks)
def test_multitask_job():
result = testdir.runpytest(p1, "--tb=long")
"====* FAILURES *====",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"*assert n == 10",
"The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:",
"> * multitask_job()",
@pytest.mark.skipif("'__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names")
"cmdline_args, warning_output",
["-OO", "-m", "pytest", "-h"],
["warning :*PytestConfigWarning:*assert statements are not executed*"],
["-OO", "-m", "pytest"],
"=*= warnings summary =*=",
"*PytestConfigWarning:*assert statements are not executed*",
["-OO", "-m", "pytest", "--assert=plain"],
"=*= warnings summary =*=",
"Are you using python -O?",
def test_warn_missing(testdir, cmdline_args, warning_output):
result = testdir.run(sys.executable, *cmdline_args)
def test_recursion_source_decode(testdir):
def test_something():
python_files = *.py
result = testdir.runpytest("--collect-only")
def test_AssertionError_message(testdir):
def test_hello():
x,y = 1,2
assert 0, (x,y)
result = testdir.runpytest()
*def test_hello*
*assert 0, (x,y)*
*AssertionError: (1, 2)*
def test_diff_newline_at_end(testdir):
def test_diff():
assert 'asdf' == 'asdf\n'
result = testdir.runpytest()
*assert 'asdf' == 'asdf\n'
* - asdf
* ? -
* + asdf
def test_assert_tuple_warning(testdir):
msg = "assertion is always true"
def test_tuple():
assert(False, 'you shall not pass')
result = testdir.runpytest()
# tuples with size != 2 should not trigger the warning
def test_tuple():
assert ()
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert msg not in result.stdout.str()
def test_assert_indirect_tuple_no_warning(testdir):
def test_tuple():
tpl = ('foo', 'bar')
assert tpl
result = testdir.runpytest()
output = "\n".join(result.stdout.lines)
assert "WR1" not in output
def test_assert_with_unicode(testdir):
def test_unicode():
assert '유니코드' == 'Unicode'
result = testdir.runpytest()
def test_raise_unprintable_assertion_error(testdir):
def test_raise_assertion_error():
raise AssertionError('\xff')
result = testdir.runpytest()
[r"> raise AssertionError('\xff')", "E AssertionError: *"]
def test_raise_assertion_error_raisin_repr(testdir):
class RaisingRepr(object):
def __repr__(self):
raise Exception()
def test_raising_repr():
raise AssertionError(RaisingRepr())
result = testdir.runpytest()
["E AssertionError: <unprintable AssertionError object>"]
def test_issue_1944(testdir):
def f():
assert f() == 10
result = testdir.runpytest()
result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 error*"])
assert (
"AttributeError: 'Module' object has no attribute '_obj'"
not in result.stdout.str()
def test_exit_from_assertrepr_compare(monkeypatch):
def raise_exit(obj):
outcomes.exit("Quitting debugger")
monkeypatch.setattr(util, "istext", raise_exit)
with pytest.raises(outcomes.Exit, match="Quitting debugger"):
callequal(1, 1)
def test_assertion_location_with_coverage(testdir):
"""This used to report the wrong location when run with coverage (#5754)."""
p = testdir.makepyfile(
def test():
assert False, 1
assert False, 2
result = testdir.runpytest(str(p))
"> assert False, 1",
"E AssertionError: 1",
"E assert False",
"*= 1 failed in*",