feat(pprof): add runtime type for pprof
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -60,7 +62,12 @@ func start(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if repo.Config.PProf.Enable {
switch repo.Config.PProf.PType {
case "runtime":
go runtimePProf(repo.Config.PProf.Mode, repo.NetworkConfig.ID, repo.Config.PProf.Duration)
case "http":
if repo.Config.Monitor.Enable {
@ -135,7 +142,45 @@ func handleShutdown(node *app.BitXHub, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
func runPProf(port int64) {
// runtimePProf will record the cpu or memory profiles every 5 second.
func runtimePProf(mode string, id uint64, duration time.Duration) {
tick := time.NewTicker(duration)
rootPath := fmt.Sprint("./scripts/build/", "node", id, "/pprof/")
exist := fileExist(rootPath)
if !exist {
err := os.Mkdir(rootPath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
var cpuFile *os.File
if mode == "cpu" {
cpuPath := fmt.Sprint(rootPath,"cpu-", time.Now().Format("20060102-15:04:05"))
cpuFile, _ = os.Create(cpuPath)
_ = pprof.StartCPUProfile(cpuFile)
for {
select {
case <- tick.C:
switch mode {
case "cpu":
_ = cpuFile.Close()
cpuPath := fmt.Sprint(rootPath,"cpu-", time.Now().Format("20060102-15:04:05"))
cpuFile, _ := os.Create(cpuPath)
_ = pprof.StartCPUProfile(cpuFile)
case "memory":
memPath := fmt.Sprint(rootPath,"mem-", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02-15:04:05"))
memFile, _ := os.Create(memPath)
_ = pprof.WriteHeapProfile(memFile)
_ = memFile.Close()
func httpPProf(port int64) {
go func() {
addr := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port)
logger.WithField("port", port).Info("Start pprof")
@ -163,3 +208,14 @@ func runMonitor(port int64) {
func fileExist(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
return true
return false
return true
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ solo = false
enable = true
ptype = "runtime" # including two types: runtime (recommended for use during the development phase) and http
mode = "cpu" # only required for runtime ptype, including two modes: cpu、memory
duration = "5s" # only required for runtime ptype, every duration will generation a profile.
enable = true
@ -53,7 +53,10 @@ type Monitor struct {
type PProf struct {
Enable bool
Enable bool `toml:"enbale" json:"enable"`
PType string `toml:"ptype" json:"ptype"`
Mode string `toml:"mode" json:"mode"`
Duration time.Duration `toml:"duration" json:"duration"`
type Gateway struct {
@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ func (mpi *mempoolImpl) processCommitTransactions(ready *raftproto.Ready) {
for account := range dirtyAccounts {
commitNonce := mpi.txStore.nonceCache.getCommitNonce(account)
if list, ok := mpi.txStore.allTxs[account]; ok {
// removeBySortedNonceKey all previous seq number txs for this account.
// remove all previous seq number txs for this account.
removedTxs := list.forward(commitNonce)
// removeBySortedNonceKey index smaller than commitNonce delete index.
// remove index smaller than commitNonce delete index.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func(ready map[string][]*pb.Transaction) {
@ -13,84 +13,84 @@ import (
func TestRecvTransaction(t *testing.T) {
ast := assert.New(t)
mempool, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
mpi, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
defer cleanTestData()
privKey1 := genPrivKey()
tx1 := constructTx(uint64(1), &privKey1)
go mempool.txCache.listenEvent()
go mpi.txCache.listenEvent()
go func() {
_ = mempool.RecvTransaction(tx1)
_ = mpi.RecvTransaction(tx1)
select {
case txSet := <-mempool.txCache.txSetC:
case txSet := <-mpi.txCache.txSetC:
ast.Equal(1, len(txSet.TxList))
err := mempool.Start()
err := mpi.Start()
privKey2 := genPrivKey()
go func() {
_ = mempool.RecvTransaction(tx1)
_ = mpi.RecvTransaction(tx1)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
ast.Equal(1, mempool.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(0, mempool.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mpi.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(0, mpi.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size())
tx2 := constructTx(uint64(2), &privKey1)
tx3 := constructTx(uint64(1), &privKey2)
tx4 := constructTx(uint64(2), &privKey2)
go func() {
_ = mempool.RecvTransaction(tx4)
_ = mpi.RecvTransaction(tx4)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
ast.Equal(1, mempool.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mempool.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mpi.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mpi.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size())
go func() {
_ = mempool.RecvTransaction(tx2)
_ = mpi.RecvTransaction(tx2)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
ast.Equal(2, mempool.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mempool.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size())
ast.Equal(2, mpi.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mpi.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size())
go func() {
_ = mempool.RecvTransaction(tx3)
_ = mpi.RecvTransaction(tx3)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
ast.Equal(4, mempool.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mempool.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size(), "delete tx4 until finishing executor")
ast.Equal(4, mpi.txStore.priorityIndex.size())
ast.Equal(1, mpi.txStore.parkingLotIndex.size(), "delete tx4 until finishing executor")
func TestRecvForwardTxs(t *testing.T) {
ast := assert.New(t)
mempool, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
mpi, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
defer cleanTestData()
privKey1 := genPrivKey()
tx := constructTx(uint64(1), &privKey1)
txList := []*pb.Transaction{tx}
txSlice := &TxSlice{TxList: txList}
go mempool.RecvForwardTxs(txSlice)
go mpi.RecvForwardTxs(txSlice)
select {
case txSet := <-mempool.subscribe.txForwardC:
case txSet := <-mpi.subscribe.txForwardC:
ast.Equal(1, len(txSet.TxList))
func TestUpdateLeader(t *testing.T) {
ast := assert.New(t)
mempool, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
mpi, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
defer cleanTestData()
go mempool.UpdateLeader(uint64(2))
go mpi.UpdateLeader(uint64(2))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
ast.Equal(uint64(2), mempool.leader)
ast.Equal(uint64(2), mpi.leader)
func TestGetBlock(t *testing.T) {
ast := assert.New(t)
mempool, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
err := mempool.Start()
mpi, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
err := mpi.Start()
defer cleanTestData()
@ -105,20 +105,34 @@ func TestGetBlock(t *testing.T) {
var txHashList []types.Hash
txList = append(txList, tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4)
txHashList = append(txHashList, tx1.TransactionHash, tx2.TransactionHash, tx3.TransactionHash, tx5.TransactionHash)
err = mempool.processTransactions(txList)
err = mpi.processTransactions(txList)
ready := &raftproto.Ready{
Height: uint64(2),
TxHashes: txHashList,
missingTxnHashList, txList := mempool.GetBlock(ready)
missingTxnHashList, txList := mpi.GetBlock(ready)
ast.Equal(1, len(missingTxnHashList), "missing tx5")
ast.Equal(3, len(txList))
// mock leader to getBlock
mpi.leader = uint64(1)
missingTxnHashList, txList = mpi.GetBlock(ready)
ast.Equal(4, len(missingTxnHashList))
ast.Equal(0, len(txList))
// mock follower
mpi.leader = uint64(2)
txList = []*pb.Transaction{}
txList = append(txList, tx5)
err = mempool.processTransactions(txList)
missingTxnHashList, txList = mempool.GetBlock(ready)
err = mpi.processTransactions(txList)
missingTxnHashList, txList = mpi.GetBlock(ready)
ast.Equal(0, len(missingTxnHashList))
ast.Equal(4, len(txList))
// mock leader to getBlock
mpi.leader = uint64(1)
missingTxnHashList, txList = mpi.GetBlock(ready)
ast.Equal(0, len(missingTxnHashList))
ast.Equal(4, len(txList))
@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ package mempool
import (
func TestGetAccount(t *testing.T) {
@ -27,3 +29,15 @@ func TestGetAccount(t *testing.T) {
_, err = getAccount(tx)
ast.NotNil(err.Error(), "unmarshal invoke payload faile")
func TestPoolIsFull(t *testing.T) {
ast := assert.New(t)
mpi, _ := mockMempoolImpl()
defer cleanTestData()
isFull := mpi.poolIsFull()
ast.Equal(false, isFull)
mpi.txStore.poolSize = DefaultPoolSize
isFull = mpi.poolIsFull()
ast.Equal(true, isFull)
Reference in New Issue