#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e CURRENT_PATH=$(pwd) PROJECT_PATH=$(dirname "${CURRENT_PATH}") CONFIG_PATH=${PROJECT_PATH}/config BUILD_PATH=${CURRENT_PATH}/build RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' NC='\033[0m' N=4 function print_blue() { printf "${BLUE}%s${NC}\n" "$1" } # The sed commend with system judging # Examples: # sed -i 's/a/b/g' bob.txt => x_replace 's/a/b/g' bob.txt function x_replace() { system=$(uname) if [ "${system}" = "Linux" ]; then sed -i "$@" else sed -i '' "$@" fi } function prepare() { print_blue "===> Generating $N nodes configuration" rm -rf "${BUILD_PATH}" mkdir "${BUILD_PATH}" for ((i = 1; i < N + 1; i = i + 1)); do root=${BUILD_PATH}/node${i} mkdir -p "${root}" cp -rf "${CURRENT_PATH}"/certs/node${i}/certs "${root}" cp -rf "${CONFIG_PATH}"/* "${root}" echo " #!/usr/bin/env bash" >"${root}"/start.sh echo "./bitxhub --root \$(pwd)" start >>"${root}"/start.sh bitxhubConfig=${root}/bitxhub.toml networkConfig=${root}/network.toml x_replace "s/60011/6001${i}/g" "${bitxhubConfig}" x_replace "s/9091/909${i}/g" "${bitxhubConfig}" x_replace "s/53121/5312${i}/g" "${bitxhubConfig}" x_replace "s/40011/4001${i}/g" "${bitxhubConfig}" x_replace "s/9091/909${i}/g" "${root}"/api x_replace "1s/1/${i}/" "${networkConfig}" done print_blue "===> Building plugin" cd "${PROJECT_PATH}"/internal/plugins make raft for ((i = 1; i < N + 1; i = i + 1)); do cp -rf "${PROJECT_PATH}"/internal/plugins/build "${BUILD_PATH}"/node${i}/plugins done } function compile() { print_blue "===> Compiling bitxhub" cd "${PROJECT_PATH}" make install } function splitWindow() { tmux splitw -v -p 50 tmux splitw -h -p 50 tmux selectp -t 0 tmux splitw -h -p 50 } function start() { print_blue "===> Staring cluster" #osascript ${PROJECT_PATH}/scripts/split.scpt ${N} ${DUMP_PATH}/cluster/node tmux new -d -s bitxhub || (tmux kill-session -t bitxhub && tmux new -d -s bitxhub) for ((i = 0; i < N / 4; i = i + 1)); do splitWindow tmux new-window done splitWindow for ((i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1)); do tmux selectw -t $(($i / 4)) tmux selectp -t $(($i % 4)) tmux send-keys "bitxhub --repo=${BUILD_PATH}/node$(($i + 1)) start" C-m done tmux selectw -t 0 tmux attach-session -t bitxhub } function clear_config() { for ((i = 1; i < N + 1; i = i + 1)); do rm -rf ~/bitxhub${i} done } prepare start