SHELL := /bin/bash CURRENT_PATH = $(shell pwd) APP_NAME = bitxhub APP_VERSION = 1.4.0 # build with verison infos VERSION_DIR =${APP_NAME} BUILD_DATE = $(shell date +%FT%T) GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1) GIT_BRANCH = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) GOLDFLAGS += -X "${VERSION_DIR}.BuildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" GOLDFLAGS += -X "${VERSION_DIR}.CurrentCommit=${GIT_COMMIT}" GOLDFLAGS += -X "${VERSION_DIR}.CurrentBranch=${GIT_BRANCH}" GOLDFLAGS += -X "${VERSION_DIR}.CurrentVersion=${APP_VERSION}" GO = GO111MODULE=on go TEST_PKGS := $(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v 'mock_*' | grep -v 'tester' | grep -v 'proto' | grep -v 'cmd') RED=\033[0;31m GREEN=\033[0;32m BLUE=\033[0;34m NC=\033[0m help: Makefile @printf "${BLUE}Choose a command run:${NC}\n" @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /' ## make prepare: Preparation before development prepare: @cd scripts && bash ## make test: Run go unittest test: go generate ./... @$(GO) test ${TEST_PKGS} -count=1 ## make test-coverage: Test project with cover test-coverage: go generate ./... @go test -short -coverprofile cover.out -covermode=atomic ${TEST_PKGS} @cat cover.out | grep -v "pb.go" >> coverage.txt ## make tester: Run integration test tester: cd tester && $(GO) test -v -run TestTester ## make install: Go install the project install: cd internal/repo && packr $(GO) install -ldflags '${GOLDFLAGS}' ./cmd/${APP_NAME} @printf "${GREEN}Install bitxhub successfully!${NC}\n" build: cd internal/repo && packr @mkdir -p bin $(GO) build -ldflags '${GOLDFLAGS}' ./cmd/${APP_NAME} @mv ./bitxhub bin @printf "${GREEN}Build bitxhub successfully!${NC}\n" installent: cd internal/repo && packr $(GO) install -tags ent -ldflags '${GOLDFLAGS}' -modfile goent.mod ./cmd/${APP_NAME} @printf "${GREEN}Install bitxhub ent successfully!${NC}\n" buildent: cd internal/repo && packr @mkdir -p bin $(GO) build -tags ent -ldflags '${GOLDFLAGS}' -modfile goent.mod ./cmd/${APP_NAME} @mv ./bitxhub bin @printf "${GREEN}Build bitxhub ent successfully!${NC}\n" ## make linter: Run golanci-lint linter: golangci-lint run ## make cluster: Run cluster including 4 nodes cluster:install${TAGS} @cd scripts && bash ## make solo: Run one node in solo mode solo:install${TAGS} @cd scripts && bash .PHONY: tester build