412 lines
9.7 KiB
412 lines
9.7 KiB
package txpool
import (
raftproto "github.com/meshplus/bitxhub/pkg/order/etcdraft/proto"
type getTransactionFunc func(hash types.Hash) (*pb.Transaction, error)
type TxPool struct {
sync.RWMutex //lock for the pendingTxs
nodeId uint64 //node id
height uint64 //current block height
isExecuting bool //only raft leader can execute
pendingTxs *list.List //pending tx pool
presenceTxs sync.Map //tx cache
ackTxs map[types.Hash]bool //ack tx means get tx by pb.RaftMessage_GET_TX_ACK
readyC chan *raftproto.Ready //ready channel, receive by raft Propose channel
peerMgr peermgr.PeerManager //network manager
logger logrus.FieldLogger //logger
reqLookUp *order.ReqLookUp //bloom filter
storage storage.Storage //storage pending tx
config *Config //tx pool config
ctx context.Context //context
cancel context.CancelFunc //stop Execute
getTransactionFunc getTransactionFunc //get transaction by ledger
type Config struct {
PackSize int //how many transactions should the primary pack
BlockTick time.Duration //block packaging time period
PoolSize int //how many transactions could the txPool stores in total
SetSize int //how many transactions should the node broadcast at once
//New txpool
func New(config *order.Config, storage storage.Storage, txPoolConfig *Config) (*TxPool, chan *raftproto.Ready) {
readyC := make(chan *raftproto.Ready)
reqLookUp, err := order.NewReqLookUp(storage, config.Logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &TxPool{
nodeId: config.ID,
peerMgr: config.PeerMgr,
logger: config.Logger,
readyC: readyC,
height: config.Applied,
pendingTxs: list.New(),
ackTxs: make(map[types.Hash]bool),
reqLookUp: reqLookUp,
storage: storage,
getTransactionFunc: config.GetTransactionFunc,
config: txPoolConfig,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
}, readyC
//AddPendingTx add pending transaction into txpool
func (tp *TxPool) AddPendingTx(tx *pb.Transaction, isAckTx bool) error {
if tp.PoolSize() >= tp.config.PoolSize {
tp.logger.Debugf("Tx pool size: %d is full", tp.PoolSize())
return nil
hash := tx.TransactionHash
if e := tp.get(hash); e != nil {
return nil
//look up by bloom filter
if ok := tp.reqLookUp.LookUp(hash.Bytes()); ok {
//find the tx again by ledger if hash in bloom filter
if tx, _ := tp.getTransactionFunc(hash); tx != nil {
return nil
//add pending tx
tp.pushBack(hash, tx, isAckTx)
//immediately pack if it is greater than the total amount of block transactions
if tp.isExecuting {
return nil
//packFullBlock immediately pack if it is greater than the total amount of block transactions
func (tp *TxPool) packFullBlock() {
defer tp.Unlock()
l := tp.pendingTxs.Len()
if l < tp.config.PackSize {
if r := tp.ready(tp.config.PackSize); r != nil {
tp.readyC <- r
//Current txpool's size
func (tp *TxPool) PoolSize() int {
defer tp.RUnlock()
return tp.pendingTxs.Len()
//RemoveTxs remove txs from the cache
func (tp *TxPool) RemoveTxs(hashes []types.Hash, isLeader bool) {
defer tp.Unlock()
for _, hash := range hashes {
if !isLeader {
if e := tp.get(hash); e != nil {
//BuildReqLookUp store the bloom filter
func (tp *TxPool) BuildReqLookUp() {
if err := tp.reqLookUp.Build(); err != nil {
tp.logger.Errorf("bloom filter persistence error:", err)
//CheckExecute checks the txpool status, only leader node can run Execute()
func (tp *TxPool) CheckExecute(isLeader bool) {
if isLeader {
if !tp.isExecuting {
go tp.execute()
} else {
if tp.isExecuting {
//execute init
func (tp *TxPool) executeInit() {
defer tp.Unlock()
tp.isExecuting = true
tp.presenceTxs = sync.Map{}
tp.logger.Infoln("start txpool execute")
//execute schedule to collect txs to the ready channel
func (tp *TxPool) execute() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(tp.config.BlockTick)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-tp.ctx.Done():
tp.isExecuting = false
tp.logger.Infoln("done txpool execute")
func (tp *TxPool) periodPackBlock() {
defer tp.Unlock()
l := tp.pendingTxs.Len()
if l == 0 {
var size int
if l > tp.config.PackSize {
size = tp.config.PackSize
} else {
size = l
if r := tp.ready(size); r != nil {
tp.readyC <- r
//ready pack the block
func (tp *TxPool) ready(size int) *raftproto.Ready {
hashes := make([]types.Hash, 0, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
front := tp.pendingTxs.Front()
tx := front.Value.(*pb.Transaction)
hash := tx.TransactionHash
if _, ok := tp.ackTxs[hash]; ok {
delete(tp.ackTxs, hash)
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
if len(hashes) == 0 {
return nil
height := tp.UpdateHeight()
return &raftproto.Ready{
TxHashes: hashes,
Height: height,
//UpdateHeight add the block height
func (tp *TxPool) UpdateHeight() uint64 {
return atomic.AddUint64(&tp.height, 1)
//GetHeight get current block height
func (tp *TxPool) GetHeight() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&tp.height)
//GetTx get the transaction by txpool or ledger
func (tp *TxPool) GetTx(hash types.Hash, findByStore bool) (*pb.Transaction, bool) {
if e := tp.get(hash); e != nil {
return e.Value.(*pb.Transaction), true
if findByStore {
// find by txpool store
tx, ok := tp.load(hash)
if ok {
return tx, true
// find by ledger
tx, err := tp.getTransactionFunc(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, false
return tx, true
return nil, false
//Broadcast the new transaction to other nodes
func (tp *TxPool) Broadcast(tx *pb.Transaction) error {
data, err := tx.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
rm := &raftproto.RaftMessage{
Type: raftproto.RaftMessage_BROADCAST_TX,
Data: data,
cmData, err := rm.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
msg := &pb.Message{
Type: pb.Message_CONSENSUS,
Data: cmData,
for id := range tp.peerMgr.Peers() {
if id == tp.nodeId {
if err := tp.peerMgr.AsyncSend(id, msg); err != nil {
tp.logger.Debugf("send tx to:%d %s", id, err.Error())
return nil
// Fetch tx by local txpool or network
func (tp *TxPool) FetchTx(hash types.Hash, height uint64) *pb.Transaction {
if tx, ok := tp.GetTx(hash, false); ok {
return tx
raftMessage := &raftproto.RaftMessage{
Type: raftproto.RaftMessage_GET_TX,
FromId: tp.nodeId,
Data: hash.Bytes(),
rmData, err := raftMessage.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return nil
m := &pb.Message{
Type: pb.Message_CONSENSUS,
Data: rmData,
asyncGet := func() (tx *pb.Transaction, err error) {
if tx, ok := tp.GetTx(hash, false); ok {
return tx, nil
if err := tp.peerMgr.Broadcast(m); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't get tx: %s, block_height:%d", hash.String(), height)
var tx *pb.Transaction
if err := retry.Retry(func(attempt uint) (err error) {
tx, err = asyncGet()
if err != nil {
//retry times > 2
if attempt > 2 {
return err
return nil
}, strategy.Wait(50*time.Millisecond)); err != nil {
return tx
func (tp *TxPool) get(key types.Hash) *list.Element {
e, ok := tp.presenceTxs.Load(key)
if ok {
return e.(*list.Element)
return nil
func (tp *TxPool) pushBack(key types.Hash, value interface{}, isAckTx bool) *list.Element {
defer tp.Unlock()
if e := tp.get(key); e != nil {
return nil
if isAckTx {
tp.ackTxs[key] = true
e := tp.pendingTxs.PushBack(value)
tp.presenceTxs.Store(key, e)
return e
func compositeKey(value interface{}) []byte {
var prefix = []byte("tx-")
return append(prefix, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))...)
func (tp *TxPool) store(tx *pb.Transaction) {
txKey := compositeKey(tx.TransactionHash.Bytes())
txData, _ := tx.Marshal()
tp.storage.Put(txKey, txData)
func (tp *TxPool) load(hash types.Hash) (*pb.Transaction, bool) {
txKey := compositeKey(hash.Bytes())
txData := tp.storage.Get(txKey)
if txData == nil {
return nil, false
var tx pb.Transaction
if err := tx.Unmarshal(txData); err != nil {
return nil, false
return &tx, true
//BatchStore batch store txs
func (tp *TxPool) BatchStore(hashes []types.Hash) {
batch := tp.storage.NewBatch()
for _, hash := range hashes {
e := tp.get(hash)
if e == nil {
tp.logger.Debugln("BatchStore not found tx:", hash.String())
tx := e.Value.(*pb.Transaction)
txKey := compositeKey(hash.Bytes())
txData, _ := tx.Marshal()
batch.Put(txKey, txData)
//BatchDelete batch delete txs
func (tp *TxPool) BatchDelete(hashes []types.Hash) {
batch := tp.storage.NewBatch()
for _, hash := range hashes {
txKey := compositeKey(hash.Bytes())