490 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
490 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
package contracts
import (
appchainMgr "github.com/meshplus/bitxhub-core/appchain-mgr"
type InterchainManager struct {
type BxhValidators struct {
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
func (x *InterchainManager) Register(method string) *boltvm.Response {
interchain, ok := x.getInterchain(method)
if !ok {
interchain = &pb.Interchain{
ID: method,
InterchainCounter: make(map[string]uint64),
ReceiptCounter: make(map[string]uint64),
SourceReceiptCounter: make(map[string]uint64),
x.setInterchain(method, interchain)
body, err := interchain.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
return boltvm.Success(body)
func (x *InterchainManager) DeleteInterchain(id string) *boltvm.Response {
return boltvm.Success(nil)
// GetInterchain returns information of the interchain count, Receipt count and SourceReceipt count by id
func (x *InterchainManager) getInterchain(id string) (*pb.Interchain, bool) {
interchain := &pb.Interchain{}
ok, data := x.Get(AppchainKey(id))
if !ok {
return nil, false
if err := interchain.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
if interchain.InterchainCounter == nil {
interchain.InterchainCounter = make(map[string]uint64)
if interchain.ReceiptCounter == nil {
interchain.ReceiptCounter = make(map[string]uint64)
if interchain.SourceReceiptCounter == nil {
interchain.SourceReceiptCounter = make(map[string]uint64)
return interchain, true
// GetInterchain returns information of the interchain count, Receipt count and SourceReceipt count by id
func (x *InterchainManager) setInterchain(id string, interchain *pb.Interchain) {
data, err := interchain.Marshal()
if err != nil {
x.Set(AppchainKey(id), data)
// Interchain returns information of the interchain count, Receipt count and SourceReceipt count
func (x *InterchainManager) Interchain(method string) *boltvm.Response {
ok, data := x.Get(AppchainKey(method))
if !ok {
return boltvm.Error(fmt.Errorf("this appchain does not exist").Error())
return boltvm.Success(data)
// GetInterchain returns information of the interchain count, Receipt count and SourceReceipt count by id
func (x *InterchainManager) GetInterchain(id string) *boltvm.Response {
ok, data := x.Get(AppchainKey(id))
if !ok {
return boltvm.Error(fmt.Errorf("this appchain does not exist").Error())
return boltvm.Success(data)
func (x *InterchainManager) HandleIBTP(ibtp *pb.IBTP) *boltvm.Response {
if len(strings.Split(ibtp.From, "-")) == 2 {
return x.handleUnionIBTP(ibtp)
interchain, _, err := x.checkAppchain(ibtp.From)
if err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
if err := x.checkIBTP(ibtp, interchain); err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
res := boltvm.Success(nil)
if pb.IBTP_INTERCHAIN == ibtp.Type {
res = x.beginTransaction(ibtp)
} else if pb.IBTP_RECEIPT_SUCCESS == ibtp.Type || pb.IBTP_RECEIPT_FAILURE == ibtp.Type {
res = x.reportTransaction(ibtp)
} else if pb.IBTP_ASSET_EXCHANGE_INIT == ibtp.Type ||
res = x.handleAssetExchange(ibtp)
if !res.Ok {
return res
x.ProcessIBTP(ibtp, interchain)
return res
func (x *InterchainManager) HandleIBTPs(data []byte) *boltvm.Response {
ibtps := &pb.IBTPs{}
if err := ibtps.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
// check if all ibtp has the same src address
if len(ibtps.Ibtps) == 0 {
return boltvm.Error("empty pack of ibtps")
srcChainMethod := ibtps.Ibtps[0].From
for _, ibtp := range ibtps.Ibtps {
if ibtp.From != srcChainMethod {
return boltvm.Error("ibtp pack should have the same src chain method")
interchain, _, err := x.checkAppchain(srcChainMethod)
if err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
for _, ibtp := range ibtps.Ibtps {
if err := x.checkIBTP(ibtp, interchain); err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
if res := x.beginMultiTargetsTransaction(srcChainMethod, ibtps); !res.Ok {
return res
for _, ibtp := range ibtps.Ibtps {
x.ProcessIBTP(ibtp, interchain)
return boltvm.Success(nil)
func (x *InterchainManager) checkIBTP(ibtp *pb.IBTP, interchain *pb.Interchain) error {
if ibtp.To == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("empty destination chain id")
if _, ok := x.getInterchain(ibtp.To); !ok {
x.Logger().WithField("chain_id", ibtp.To).Debug("target appchain does not exist")
srcChainInfo, err := x.getAppchainInfo(ibtp.From)
if err != nil {
return err
if pb.IBTP_INTERCHAIN == ibtp.Type ||
if srcChainInfo.ChainType != appchainMgr.RelaychainType {
if err := x.checkPubKeyAndCaller(srcChainInfo.PublicKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("caller is not bind to ibtp from: %w", err)
idx := interchain.InterchainCounter[ibtp.To]
if ibtp.Index <= idx {
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("index already exists, required %d, but %d", idx+1, ibtp.Index))
if ibtp.Index > idx+1 {
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("wrong index, required %d, but %d", idx+1, ibtp.Index))
} else {
if srcChainInfo.ChainType != appchainMgr.RelaychainType {
destChainInfo, err := x.getAppchainInfo(ibtp.To)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := x.checkPubKeyAndCaller(destChainInfo.PublicKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("caller is not bind to ibtp to")
idx := interchain.ReceiptCounter[ibtp.To]
if ibtp.Index <= idx {
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("receipt index already exists, required %d, but %d", idx+1, ibtp.Index))
if ibtp.Index > idx+1 {
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("wrong receipt index, required %d, but %d", idx+1, ibtp.Index))
return nil
func (x *InterchainManager) checkPubKeyAndCaller(pub string) error {
pubKeyBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(pub)
if err != nil {
return err
pubKey, err := ecdsa.UnmarshalPublicKey(pubKeyBytes, crypto.Secp256k1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decrypt registerd public key error: %w", err)
addr, err := pubKey.Address()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decrypt registerd public key error: %w", err)
if addr.String() != x.Caller() {
return fmt.Errorf("chain pub key derived address != caller")
return nil
func (x *InterchainManager) checkAppchain(id string) (*pb.Interchain, *appchainMgr.Appchain, error) {
interchain, ok := x.getInterchain(id)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("this appchain does not exist")
app := &appchainMgr.Appchain{}
res := x.CrossInvoke(constant.AppchainMgrContractAddr.String(), "GetAppchain", pb.String(id))
if !res.Ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("get appchain info error: " + string(res.Result))
if err := json.Unmarshal(res.Result, app); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshal error: " + err.Error())
if app.Status != appchainMgr.AppchainAvailable {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("the appchain status is " + string(app.Status) + ", can not handle IBTP")
return interchain, app, nil
// isRelayIBTP returns whether ibtp.from is relaychain type
func (x *InterchainManager) getAppchainInfo(chainMethod string) (*appchainMgr.Appchain, error) {
srcChain := &appchainMgr.Appchain{}
res := x.CrossInvoke(constant.AppchainMgrContractAddr.String(), "GetAppchain", pb.String(chainMethod))
if err := json.Unmarshal(res.Result, srcChain); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshal appchain info error: %w", err)
return srcChain, nil
func (x *InterchainManager) ProcessIBTP(ibtp *pb.IBTP, interchain *pb.Interchain) {
m := make(map[string]uint64)
if pb.IBTP_INTERCHAIN == ibtp.Type ||
if interchain.InterchainCounter == nil {
x.Logger().Info("interchain counter is nil, make one")
interchain.InterchainCounter = make(map[string]uint64)
x.setInterchain(ibtp.From, interchain)
x.AddObject(x.indexMapKey(ibtp.ID()), x.GetTxHash())
m[ibtp.To] = x.GetTxIndex()
} else {
interchain.ReceiptCounter[ibtp.To] = ibtp.Index
x.setInterchain(ibtp.From, interchain)
m[ibtp.From] = x.GetTxIndex()
ic, _ := x.getInterchain(ibtp.To)
ic.SourceReceiptCounter[ibtp.From] = ibtp.Index
x.setInterchain(ibtp.To, ic)
x.SetObject(x.indexReceiptMapKey(ibtp.ID()), x.GetTxHash())
func (x *InterchainManager) beginMultiTargetsTransaction(srcChainMethod string, ibtps *pb.IBTPs) *boltvm.Response {
args := make([]*pb.Arg, 0)
globalId := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", srcChainMethod, x.GetTxHash())
args = append(args, pb.String(globalId))
for _, ibtp := range ibtps.Ibtps {
if ibtp.Type != pb.IBTP_INTERCHAIN {
return boltvm.Error("ibtp type != IBTP_INTERCHAIN")
childTxId := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", ibtp.From, ibtp.To, ibtp.Index)
args = append(args, pb.String(childTxId))
return x.CrossInvoke(constant.TransactionMgrContractAddr.String(), "BeginMultiTXs", args...)
func (x *InterchainManager) beginTransaction(ibtp *pb.IBTP) *boltvm.Response {
txId := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", ibtp.From, ibtp.To, ibtp.Index)
return x.CrossInvoke(constant.TransactionMgrContractAddr.String(), "Begin", pb.String(txId))
func (x *InterchainManager) reportTransaction(ibtp *pb.IBTP) *boltvm.Response {
txId := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", ibtp.From, ibtp.To, ibtp.Index)
result := int32(0)
if ibtp.Type == pb.IBTP_RECEIPT_FAILURE {
result = 1
return x.CrossInvoke(constant.TransactionMgrContractAddr.String(), "Report", pb.String(txId), pb.Int32(result))
func (x *InterchainManager) handleAssetExchange(ibtp *pb.IBTP) *boltvm.Response {
var method string
switch ibtp.Type {
method = "Init"
method = "Redeem"
method = "Refund"
return boltvm.Error("unsupported asset exchange type")
return x.CrossInvoke(constant.AssetExchangeContractAddr.String(), method, pb.String(ibtp.From),
pb.String(ibtp.To), pb.Bytes(ibtp.Extra))
func (x *InterchainManager) GetIBTPByID(id string) *boltvm.Response {
arr := strings.Split(id, "-")
if len(arr) != 3 {
return boltvm.Error("wrong ibtp id")
srcAppchainMethod := arr[0]
dstAppchainMethod := arr[1]
if !bitxid.DID(srcAppchainMethod).IsValidFormat() || !bitxid.DID(dstAppchainMethod).IsValidFormat() {
return boltvm.Error("invalid format of appchain method")
var hash types.Hash
exist := x.GetObject(x.indexMapKey(id), &hash)
if !exist {
return boltvm.Error("this ibtp id is not existed")
return boltvm.Success(hash.Bytes())
func (x *InterchainManager) handleUnionIBTP(ibtp *pb.IBTP) *boltvm.Response {
srcRelayChainID := strings.Split(ibtp.From, "-")[0]
_, app, err := x.checkAppchain(srcRelayChainID)
if err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
if ibtp.To == "" {
return boltvm.Error("empty destination chain id")
if ok := x.Has(AppchainKey(ibtp.To)); !ok {
return boltvm.Error(fmt.Sprintf("target appchain does not exist: %s", ibtp.To))
interchain, ok := x.getInterchain(ibtp.From)
if !ok {
interchain = &pb.Interchain{
ID: ibtp.From,
x.setInterchain(ibtp.From, interchain)
if err := x.checkUnionIBTP(app, ibtp, interchain); err != nil {
return boltvm.Error(err.Error())
x.ProcessIBTP(ibtp, interchain)
return boltvm.Success(nil)
func (x *InterchainManager) checkUnionIBTP(app *appchainMgr.Appchain, ibtp *pb.IBTP, interchain *pb.Interchain) error {
if pb.IBTP_INTERCHAIN == ibtp.Type ||
idx := interchain.InterchainCounter[ibtp.To]
if idx+1 != ibtp.Index {
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("wrong index, required %d, but %d", idx+1, ibtp.Index))
} else {
idx := interchain.ReceiptCounter[ibtp.To]
if idx+1 != ibtp.Index {
if interchain.SourceReceiptCounter[ibtp.To]+1 != ibtp.Index {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong receipt index, required %d, but %d", idx+1, ibtp.Index)
_, err := verifyMultiSign(app, ibtp, ibtp.Proof)
return err
// verifyMultiSign .
func verifyMultiSign(app *appchainMgr.Appchain, ibtp *pb.IBTP, proof []byte) (bool, error) {
if "" == app.Validators {
return false, fmt.Errorf("empty validators in relay chain:%s", app.ID)
var validators BxhValidators
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(app.Validators), &validators); err != nil {
return false, err
m := make(map[string]struct{}, 0)
for _, validator := range validators.Addresses {
m[validator] = struct{}{}
var signs pb.SignResponse
if err := signs.Unmarshal(ibtp.Proof); err != nil {
return false, err
threshold := (len(validators.Addresses) - 1) / 3 // TODO be dynamic
counter := 0
ibtpHash := ibtp.Hash()
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(ibtpHash.String()))
for v, sign := range signs.Sign {
if _, ok := m[v]; !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("wrong validator: %s", v)
delete(m, v)
addr := types.NewAddressByStr(v)
ok, _ := asym.Verify(crypto.Secp256k1, sign, hash[:], *addr)
if ok {
if counter > threshold {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("multi signs verify fail, counter: %d", counter)
func AppchainKey(id string) string {
return appchainMgr.PREFIX + id
func (x *InterchainManager) indexMapKey(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("index-tx-%s", id)
func (x *InterchainManager) indexReceiptMapKey(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("index-receipt-tx-%s", id)