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2022-05-14 03:23:49 +08:00
/* This file, getcolk.c, contains routines that read data elements from */
/* a FITS image or table, with 'unsigned int' data type. */
/* The FITSIO software was written by William Pence at the High Energy */
/* Astrophysic Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at the NASA */
/* Goddard Space Flight Center. */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fitsio2.h"
int ffgpvuk( fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
long group, /* I - group to read (1 = 1st group) */
LONGLONG firstelem, /* I - first vector element to read (1 = 1st) */
LONGLONG nelem, /* I - number of values to read */
unsigned int nulval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array of values that are returned */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an array of values from the primary array. Data conversion
and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
the FITS array is not the same as the array being read).
Undefined elements will be set equal to NULVAL, unless NULVAL=0
in which case no checking for undefined values will be performed.
ANYNUL is returned with a value of .true. if any pixels are undefined.
long row;
char cdummy;
int nullcheck = 1;
unsigned int nullvalue;
if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
/* this is a compressed image in a binary table */
nullvalue = nulval; /* set local variable */
fits_read_compressed_pixels(fptr, TUINT, firstelem, nelem,
nullcheck, &nullvalue, array, NULL, anynul, status);
the primary array is represented as a binary table:
each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
where the first column contains the group parameters
and the second column contains the image itself.
ffgcluk(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, 1, 1, nulval,
array, &cdummy, anynul, status);
int ffgpfuk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
long group, /* I - group to read (1 = 1st group) */
LONGLONG firstelem, /* I - first vector element to read (1 = 1st) */
LONGLONG nelem, /* I - number of values to read */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array of values that are returned */
char *nularray, /* O - array of null pixel flags */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an array of values from the primary array. Data conversion
and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
the FITS array is not the same as the array being read).
Any undefined pixels in the returned array will be set = 0 and the
corresponding nularray value will be set = 1.
ANYNUL is returned with a value of .true. if any pixels are undefined.
long row;
int nullcheck = 2;
if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
/* this is a compressed image in a binary table */
fits_read_compressed_pixels(fptr, TUINT, firstelem, nelem,
nullcheck, NULL, array, nularray, anynul, status);
the primary array is represented as a binary table:
each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
where the first column contains the group parameters
and the second column contains the image itself.
ffgcluk(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, 1, 2, 0L,
array, nularray, anynul, status);
int ffg2duk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
long group, /* I - group to read (1 = 1st group) */
unsigned int nulval, /* set undefined pixels equal to this */
LONGLONG ncols, /* I - number of pixels in each row of array */
LONGLONG naxis1, /* I - FITS image NAXIS1 value */
LONGLONG naxis2, /* I - FITS image NAXIS2 value */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array to be filled and returned */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an entire 2-D array of values to the primary array. Data conversion
and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of the
FITS array is not the same as the array being read). Any null
values in the array will be set equal to the value of nulval, unless
nulval = 0 in which case no null checking will be performed.
/* call the 3D reading routine, with the 3rd dimension = 1 */
ffg3duk(fptr, group, nulval, ncols, naxis2, naxis1, naxis2, 1, array,
anynul, status);
int ffg3duk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
long group, /* I - group to read (1 = 1st group) */
unsigned int nulval, /* set undefined pixels equal to this */
LONGLONG ncols, /* I - number of pixels in each row of array */
LONGLONG nrows, /* I - number of rows in each plane of array */
LONGLONG naxis1, /* I - FITS image NAXIS1 value */
LONGLONG naxis2, /* I - FITS image NAXIS2 value */
LONGLONG naxis3, /* I - FITS image NAXIS3 value */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array to be filled and returned */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an entire 3-D array of values to the primary array. Data conversion
and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of the
FITS array is not the same as the array being read). Any null
values in the array will be set equal to the value of nulval, unless
nulval = 0 in which case no null checking will be performed.
long tablerow, ii, jj;
char cdummy;
int nullcheck = 1;
long inc[] = {1,1,1};
LONGLONG fpixel[] = {1,1,1}, nfits, narray;
LONGLONG lpixel[3];
unsigned int nullvalue;
if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
/* this is a compressed image in a binary table */
lpixel[0] = ncols;
lpixel[1] = nrows;
lpixel[2] = naxis3;
nullvalue = nulval; /* set local variable */
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, TUINT, fpixel, lpixel, inc,
nullcheck, &nullvalue, array, NULL, anynul, status);
the primary array is represented as a binary table:
each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
where the first column contains the group parameters
and the second column contains the image itself.
if (ncols == naxis1 && nrows == naxis2) /* arrays have same size? */
/* all the image pixels are contiguous, so read all at once */
ffgcluk(fptr, 2, tablerow, 1, naxis1 * naxis2 * naxis3, 1, 1, nulval,
array, &cdummy, anynul, status);
if (ncols < naxis1 || nrows < naxis2)
return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);
nfits = 1; /* next pixel in FITS image to read */
narray = 0; /* next pixel in output array to be filled */
/* loop over naxis3 planes in the data cube */
for (jj = 0; jj < naxis3; jj++)
/* loop over the naxis2 rows in the FITS image, */
/* reading naxis1 pixels to each row */
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis2; ii++)
if (ffgcluk(fptr, 2, tablerow, nfits, naxis1, 1, 1, nulval,
&array[narray], &cdummy, anynul, status) > 0)
nfits += naxis1;
narray += ncols;
narray += (nrows - naxis2) * ncols;
int ffgsvuk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int colnum, /* I - number of the column to read (1 = 1st) */
int naxis, /* I - number of dimensions in the FITS array */
long *naxes, /* I - size of each dimension */
long *blc, /* I - 'bottom left corner' of the subsection */
long *trc, /* I - 'top right corner' of the subsection */
long *inc, /* I - increment to be applied in each dimension */
unsigned int nulval, /* I - value to set undefined pixels */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array to be filled and returned */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read a subsection of data values from an image or a table column.
This routine is set up to handle a maximum of nine dimensions.
long ii,i0, i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,row,rstr,rstp,rinc;
long str[9],stp[9],incr[9];
long nelem, nultyp, ninc, numcol;
LONGLONG felem, dsize[10], blcll[9], trcll[9];
int hdutype, anyf;
char ldummy, msg[FLEN_ERRMSG];
int nullcheck = 1;
unsigned int nullvalue;
if (naxis < 1 || naxis > 9)
snprintf(msg, FLEN_ERRMSG,"NAXIS = %d in call to ffgsvuk is out of range", naxis);
return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);
if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
/* this is a compressed image in a binary table */
for (ii=0; ii < naxis; ii++) {
blcll[ii] = blc[ii];
trcll[ii] = trc[ii];
nullvalue = nulval; /* set local variable */
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, TUINT, blcll, trcll, inc,
nullcheck, &nullvalue, array, NULL, anynul, status);
if this is a primary array, then the input COLNUM parameter should
be interpreted as the row number, and we will alway read the image
data from column 2 (any group parameters are in column 1).
if (ffghdt(fptr, &hdutype, status) > 0)
if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU)
/* this is a primary array, or image extension */
if (colnum == 0)
rstr = 1;
rstp = 1;
rstr = colnum;
rstp = colnum;
rinc = 1;
numcol = 2;
/* this is a table, so the row info is in the (naxis+1) elements */
rstr = blc[naxis];
rstp = trc[naxis];
rinc = inc[naxis];
numcol = colnum;
nultyp = 1;
if (anynul)
*anynul = FALSE;
i0 = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++)
str[ii] = 1;
stp[ii] = 1;
incr[ii] = 1;
dsize[ii] = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)
if (trc[ii] < blc[ii])
snprintf(msg, FLEN_ERRMSG,"ffgsvuk: illegal range specified for axis %ld", ii + 1);
return(*status = BAD_PIX_NUM);
str[ii] = blc[ii];
stp[ii] = trc[ii];
incr[ii] = inc[ii];
dsize[ii + 1] = dsize[ii] * naxes[ii];
if (naxis == 1 && naxes[0] == 1)
/* This is not a vector column, so read all the rows at once */
nelem = (rstp - rstr) / rinc + 1;
ninc = rinc;
rstp = rstr;
/* have to read each row individually, in all dimensions */
nelem = (stp[0] - str[0]) / inc[0] + 1;
ninc = incr[0];
for (row = rstr; row <= rstp; row += rinc)
for (i8 = str[8]; i8 <= stp[8]; i8 += incr[8])
for (i7 = str[7]; i7 <= stp[7]; i7 += incr[7])
for (i6 = str[6]; i6 <= stp[6]; i6 += incr[6])
for (i5 = str[5]; i5 <= stp[5]; i5 += incr[5])
for (i4 = str[4]; i4 <= stp[4]; i4 += incr[4])
for (i3 = str[3]; i3 <= stp[3]; i3 += incr[3])
for (i2 = str[2]; i2 <= stp[2]; i2 += incr[2])
for (i1 = str[1]; i1 <= stp[1]; i1 += incr[1])
felem=str[0] + (i1 - 1) * dsize[1] + (i2 - 1) * dsize[2] +
(i3 - 1) * dsize[3] + (i4 - 1) * dsize[4] +
(i5 - 1) * dsize[5] + (i6 - 1) * dsize[6] +
(i7 - 1) * dsize[7] + (i8 - 1) * dsize[8];
if ( ffgcluk(fptr, numcol, row, felem, nelem, ninc, nultyp,
nulval, &array[i0], &ldummy, &anyf, status) > 0)
if (anyf && anynul)
*anynul = TRUE;
i0 += nelem;
int ffgsfuk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int colnum, /* I - number of the column to read (1 = 1st) */
int naxis, /* I - number of dimensions in the FITS array */
long *naxes, /* I - size of each dimension */
long *blc, /* I - 'bottom left corner' of the subsection */
long *trc, /* I - 'top right corner' of the subsection */
long *inc, /* I - increment to be applied in each dimension */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array to be filled and returned */
char *flagval, /* O - set to 1 if corresponding value is null */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read a subsection of data values from an image or a table column.
This routine is set up to handle a maximum of nine dimensions.
long ii,i0, i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,row,rstr,rstp,rinc;
long str[9],stp[9],incr[9],dsize[10];
LONGLONG blcll[9], trcll[9];
long felem, nelem, nultyp, ninc, numcol;
long nulval = 0;
int hdutype, anyf;
char msg[FLEN_ERRMSG];
int nullcheck = 2;
if (naxis < 1 || naxis > 9)
snprintf(msg, FLEN_ERRMSG,"NAXIS = %d in call to ffgsvj is out of range", naxis);
return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);
if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
/* this is a compressed image in a binary table */
for (ii=0; ii < naxis; ii++) {
blcll[ii] = blc[ii];
trcll[ii] = trc[ii];
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, TUINT, blcll, trcll, inc,
nullcheck, NULL, array, flagval, anynul, status);
if this is a primary array, then the input COLNUM parameter should
be interpreted as the row number, and we will alway read the image
data from column 2 (any group parameters are in column 1).
if (ffghdt(fptr, &hdutype, status) > 0)
if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU)
/* this is a primary array, or image extension */
if (colnum == 0)
rstr = 1;
rstp = 1;
rstr = colnum;
rstp = colnum;
rinc = 1;
numcol = 2;
/* this is a table, so the row info is in the (naxis+1) elements */
rstr = blc[naxis];
rstp = trc[naxis];
rinc = inc[naxis];
numcol = colnum;
nultyp = 2;
if (anynul)
*anynul = FALSE;
i0 = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++)
str[ii] = 1;
stp[ii] = 1;
incr[ii] = 1;
dsize[ii] = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)
if (trc[ii] < blc[ii])
snprintf(msg, FLEN_ERRMSG,"ffgsvj: illegal range specified for axis %ld", ii + 1);
return(*status = BAD_PIX_NUM);
str[ii] = blc[ii];
stp[ii] = trc[ii];
incr[ii] = inc[ii];
dsize[ii + 1] = dsize[ii] * naxes[ii];
if (naxis == 1 && naxes[0] == 1)
/* This is not a vector column, so read all the rows at once */
nelem = (rstp - rstr) / rinc + 1;
ninc = rinc;
rstp = rstr;
/* have to read each row individually, in all dimensions */
nelem = (stp[0] - str[0]) / inc[0] + 1;
ninc = incr[0];
for (row = rstr; row <= rstp; row += rinc)
for (i8 = str[8]; i8 <= stp[8]; i8 += incr[8])
for (i7 = str[7]; i7 <= stp[7]; i7 += incr[7])
for (i6 = str[6]; i6 <= stp[6]; i6 += incr[6])
for (i5 = str[5]; i5 <= stp[5]; i5 += incr[5])
for (i4 = str[4]; i4 <= stp[4]; i4 += incr[4])
for (i3 = str[3]; i3 <= stp[3]; i3 += incr[3])
for (i2 = str[2]; i2 <= stp[2]; i2 += incr[2])
for (i1 = str[1]; i1 <= stp[1]; i1 += incr[1])
felem=str[0] + (i1 - 1) * dsize[1] + (i2 - 1) * dsize[2] +
(i3 - 1) * dsize[3] + (i4 - 1) * dsize[4] +
(i5 - 1) * dsize[5] + (i6 - 1) * dsize[6] +
(i7 - 1) * dsize[7] + (i8 - 1) * dsize[8];
if ( ffgcluk(fptr, numcol, row, felem, nelem, ninc, nultyp,
nulval, &array[i0], &flagval[i0], &anyf, status) > 0)
if (anyf && anynul)
*anynul = TRUE;
i0 += nelem;
int ffggpuk( fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
long group, /* I - group to read (1 = 1st group) */
long firstelem, /* I - first vector element to read (1 = 1st) */
long nelem, /* I - number of values to read */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array of values that are returned */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an array of group parameters from the primary array. Data conversion
and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
the FITS array is not the same as the array being read).
long row;
int idummy;
char cdummy;
the primary array is represented as a binary table:
each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
where the first column contains the group parameters
and the second column contains the image itself.
ffgcluk(fptr, 1, row, firstelem, nelem, 1, 1, 0L,
array, &cdummy, &idummy, status);
int ffgcvuk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int colnum, /* I - number of column to read (1 = 1st col) */
LONGLONG firstrow, /* I - first row to read (1 = 1st row) */
LONGLONG firstelem, /* I - first vector element to read (1 = 1st) */
LONGLONG nelem, /* I - number of values to read */
unsigned int nulval, /* I - value for null pixels */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array of values that are read */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an array of values from a column in the current FITS HDU. Automatic
datatype conversion will be performed if the datatype of the column does not
match the datatype of the array parameter. The output values will be scaled
by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if these values have been defined.
Any undefined pixels will be set equal to the value of 'nulval' unless
nulval = 0 in which case no checks for undefined pixels will be made.
char cdummy;
ffgcluk(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, 1, 1, nulval,
array, &cdummy, anynul, status);
int ffgcfuk(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int colnum, /* I - number of column to read (1 = 1st col) */
LONGLONG firstrow, /* I - first row to read (1 = 1st row) */
LONGLONG firstelem, /* I - first vector element to read (1 = 1st) */
LONGLONG nelem, /* I - number of values to read */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array of values that are read */
char *nularray, /* O - array of flags: 1 if null pixel; else 0 */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an array of values from a column in the current FITS HDU. Automatic
datatype conversion will be performed if the datatype of the column does not
match the datatype of the array parameter. The output values will be scaled
by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if these values have been defined.
Nularray will be set = 1 if the corresponding array pixel is undefined,
otherwise nularray will = 0.
int dummy = 0;
ffgcluk(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, 1, 2, dummy,
array, nularray, anynul, status);
int ffgcluk( fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int colnum, /* I - number of column to read (1 = 1st col) */
LONGLONG firstrow, /* I - first row to read (1 = 1st row) */
LONGLONG firstelem, /* I - first vector element to read (1 = 1st) */
LONGLONG nelem, /* I - number of values to read */
long elemincre, /* I - pixel increment; e.g., 2 = every other */
int nultyp, /* I - null value handling code: */
/* 1: set undefined pixels = nulval */
/* 2: set nularray=1 for undefined pixels */
unsigned int nulval, /* I - value for null pixels if nultyp = 1 */
unsigned int *array, /* O - array of values that are read */
char *nularray, /* O - array of flags = 1 if nultyp = 2 */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read an array of values from a column in the current FITS HDU.
The column number may refer to a real column in an ASCII or binary table,
or it may refer be a virtual column in a 1 or more grouped FITS primary
array or image extension. FITSIO treats a primary array as a binary table
with 2 vector columns: the first column contains the group parameters (often
with length = 0) and the second column contains the array of image pixels.
Each row of the table represents a group in the case of multigroup FITS
The output array of values will be converted from the datatype of the column
and will be scaled by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if necessary.
double scale, zero, power = 1., dtemp;
int tcode, maxelem2, hdutype, xcode, decimals;
long twidth, incre;
long ii, xwidth, ntodo;
int nulcheck;
LONGLONG repeat, startpos, elemnum, readptr, tnull;
LONGLONG rowlen, rownum, remain, next, rowincre, maxelem;
char tform[20];
char message[FLEN_ERRMSG];
char snull[20]; /* the FITS null value if reading from ASCII table */
double cbuff[DBUFFSIZE / sizeof(double)]; /* align cbuff on word boundary */
void *buffer;
if (*status > 0 || nelem == 0) /* inherit input status value if > 0 */
/* call the 'short' or 'long' version of this routine, if possible */
if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(short))
ffgclui(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, elemincre, nultyp,
(unsigned short) nulval, (unsigned short *) array, nularray, anynul,
else if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(long))
ffgcluj(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, elemincre, nultyp,
(unsigned long) nulval, (unsigned long *) array, nularray, anynul,
This is a special case: sizeof(int) is not equal to sizeof(short) or
sizeof(long). This occurs on Alpha OSF systems where short = 2 bytes,
int = 4 bytes, and long = 8 bytes.
buffer = cbuff;
if (anynul)
*anynul = 0;
if (nultyp == 2)
memset(nularray, 0, (size_t) nelem); /* initialize nullarray */
/* Check input and get parameters about the column: */
if ( ffgcprll( fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, 0, &scale, &zero,
tform, &twidth, &tcode, &maxelem2, &startpos, &elemnum, &incre,
&repeat, &rowlen, &hdutype, &tnull, snull, status) > 0 )
maxelem = maxelem2;
incre *= elemincre; /* multiply incre to just get every nth pixel */
if (tcode == TSTRING) /* setup for ASCII tables */
/* get the number of implied decimal places if no explicit decmal point */
ffasfm(tform, &xcode, &xwidth, &decimals, status);
for(ii = 0; ii < decimals; ii++)
power *= 10.;
/* Decide whether to check for null values in the input FITS file: */
nulcheck = nultyp; /* by default check for null values in the FITS file */
if (nultyp == 1 && nulval == 0)
nulcheck = 0; /* calling routine does not want to check for nulls */
else if (tcode%10 == 1 && /* if reading an integer column, and */
tnull == NULL_UNDEFINED) /* if a null value is not defined, */
nulcheck = 0; /* then do not check for null values. */
else if (tcode == TSHORT && (tnull > SHRT_MAX || tnull < SHRT_MIN) )
nulcheck = 0; /* Impossible null value */
else if (tcode == TBYTE && (tnull > 255 || tnull < 0) )
nulcheck = 0; /* Impossible null value */
else if (tcode == TSTRING && snull[0] == ASCII_NULL_UNDEFINED)
nulcheck = 0;
/* If FITS column and output data array have same datatype, then we do */
/* not need to use a temporary buffer to store intermediate datatype. */
if (tcode == TLONG) /* Special Case: */
{ /* data are 4-bytes long, so read */
/* data directly into output buffer. */
if (nelem < (LONGLONG)INT32_MAX/4) {
maxelem = nelem;
} else {
maxelem = INT32_MAX/4;
/* Now read the pixels from the FITS column. If the column does not */
/* have the same datatype as the output array, then we have to read */
/* the raw values into a temporary buffer (of limited size). In */
/* the case of a vector colum read only 1 vector of values at a time */
/* then skip to the next row if more values need to be read. */
/* After reading the raw values, then call the fffXXYY routine to (1) */
/* test for undefined values, (2) convert the datatype if necessary, */
/* and (3) scale the values by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn linear */
/* scaling parameters. */
remain = nelem; /* remaining number of values to read */
next = 0; /* next element in array to be read */
rownum = 0; /* row number, relative to firstrow */
while (remain)
/* limit the number of pixels to read at one time to the number that
will fit in the buffer or to the number of pixels that remain in
the current vector, which ever is smaller.
ntodo = (long) minvalue(remain, maxelem);
ntodo = (long) minvalue(ntodo, ((repeat - elemnum - 1)/elemincre +1));
readptr = startpos + ((LONGLONG)rownum * rowlen) + (elemnum * (incre / elemincre));
switch (tcode)
case (TLONG):
ffgi4b(fptr, readptr, ntodo, incre, (INT32BIT *) &array[next],
fffi4uint((INT32BIT *) &array[next], ntodo, scale, zero,
nulcheck, (INT32BIT) tnull, nulval, &nularray[next],
anynul, &array[next], status);
ffgi8b(fptr, readptr, ntodo, incre, (long *) buffer, status);
fffi8uint( (LONGLONG *) buffer, ntodo, scale, zero,
nulcheck, tnull, nulval, &nularray[next],
anynul, &array[next], status);
case (TBYTE):
ffgi1b(fptr, readptr, ntodo, incre, (unsigned char *) buffer,
fffi1uint((unsigned char *) buffer, ntodo, scale, zero,nulcheck,
(unsigned char) tnull, nulval, &nularray[next], anynul,
&array[next], status);
case (TSHORT):
ffgi2b(fptr, readptr, ntodo, incre, (short *) buffer, status);
fffi2uint((short *) buffer, ntodo, scale, zero, nulcheck,
(short) tnull, nulval, &nularray[next], anynul,
&array[next], status);
case (TFLOAT):
ffgr4b(fptr, readptr, ntodo, incre, (float *) buffer, status);
fffr4uint((float *) buffer, ntodo, scale, zero, nulcheck,
nulval, &nularray[next], anynul,
&array[next], status);
case (TDOUBLE):
ffgr8b(fptr, readptr, ntodo, incre, (double *) buffer, status);
fffr8uint((double *) buffer, ntodo, scale, zero, nulcheck,
nulval, &nularray[next], anynul,
&array[next], status);
case (TSTRING):
ffmbyt(fptr, readptr, REPORT_EOF, status);
if (incre == twidth) /* contiguous bytes */
ffgbyt(fptr, ntodo * twidth, buffer, status);
ffgbytoff(fptr, twidth, ntodo, incre - twidth, buffer,
fffstruint((char *) buffer, ntodo, scale, zero, twidth, power,
nulcheck, snull, nulval, &nularray[next], anynul,
&array[next], status);
default: /* error trap for invalid column format */
snprintf(message, FLEN_ERRMSG,
"Cannot read numbers from column %d which has format %s",
colnum, tform);
if (hdutype == ASCII_TBL)
return(*status = BAD_ATABLE_FORMAT);
return(*status = BAD_BTABLE_FORMAT);
} /* End of switch block */
/* Check for fatal error */
if (*status > 0) /* test for error during previous read operation */
dtemp = (double) next;
if (hdutype > 0)
"Error reading elements %.0f thru %.0f from column %d (ffgcluk).",
dtemp+1., dtemp+ntodo, colnum);
"Error reading elements %.0f thru %.0f from image (ffgcluk).",
dtemp+1., dtemp+ntodo);
/* increment the counters for the next loop */
remain -= ntodo;
if (remain)
next += ntodo;
elemnum = elemnum + (ntodo * elemincre);
if (elemnum >= repeat) /* completed a row; start on later row */
rowincre = elemnum / repeat;
rownum += rowincre;
elemnum = elemnum - (rowincre * repeat);
} /* End of main while Loop */
/* check for numerical overflow */
if (*status == OVERFLOW_ERR)
"Numerical overflow during type conversion while reading FITS data.");
*status = NUM_OVERFLOW;
} /* end of DEC Alpha special case */
int fffi1uint(unsigned char *input,/* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned char tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file.
Check for null values and do datatype conversion and scaling if required.
The nullcheck code value determines how any null values in the input array
are treated. A null value is an input pixel that is equal to tnull. If
nullcheck = 0, then no checking for nulls is performed and any null values
will be transformed just like any other pixel. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii]; /* copy input */
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
else /* must check for null values */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
int fffi2uint(short *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
short tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file.
Check for null values and do datatype conversion and scaling if required.
The nullcheck code value determines how any null values in the input array
are treated. A null value is an input pixel that is equal to tnull. If
nullcheck = 0, then no checking for nulls is performed and any null values
will be transformed just like any other pixel. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] < 0)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
else /* must check for null values */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (input[ii] < 0)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
int fffi4uint(INT32BIT *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
INT32BIT tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file.
Check for null values and do datatype conversion and scaling if required.
The nullcheck code value determines how any null values in the input array
are treated. A null value is an input pixel that is equal to tnull. If
nullcheck = 0, then no checking for nulls is performed and any null values
will be transformed just like any other pixel. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 2147483648.)
/* Instead of adding 2147483648, it is more efficient */
/* to just flip the sign bit with the XOR operator */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
output[ii] = ( *(unsigned int *) &input[ii] ) ^ 0x80000000;
else if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] < 0)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii]; /* copy to output */
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
else /* must check for null values */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 2147483648.)
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
output[ii] = ( *(unsigned int *) &input[ii] ) ^ 0x80000000;
else if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
else if (input[ii] < 0)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
int fffi8uint(LONGLONG *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
LONGLONG tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file.
Check for null values and do datatype conversion and scaling if required.
The nullcheck code value determines how any null values in the input array
are treated. A null value is an input pixel that is equal to tnull. If
nullcheck = 0, then no checking for nulls is performed and any null values
will be transformed just like any other pixel. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
long ii;
double dvalue;
ULONGLONG ulltemp;
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 9223372036854775808.)
/* The column we read contains unsigned long long values. */
/* Instead of adding 9223372036854775808, it is more efficient */
/* and more precise to just flip the sign bit with the XOR operator */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
ulltemp = (ULONGLONG) (((LONGLONG) input[ii]) ^ 0x8000000000000000);
if (ulltemp > UINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) ulltemp;
else if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] < 0)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (input[ii] > UINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
else /* must check for null values */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 9223372036854775808.)
/* The column we read contains unsigned long long values. */
/* Instead of adding 9223372036854775808, it is more efficient */
/* and more precise to just flip the sign bit with the XOR operator */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
ulltemp = (ULONGLONG) (((LONGLONG) input[ii]) ^ 0x8000000000000000);
if (ulltemp > UINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) ulltemp;
else if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (input[ii] < 0)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (input[ii] > UINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
int fffr4uint(float *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file.
Check for null values and do datatype conversion and scaling if required.
The nullcheck code value determines how any null values in the input array
are treated. A null value is an input pixel that is equal to NaN. If
nullcheck = 0, then no checking for nulls is performed and any null values
will be transformed just like any other pixel. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
long ii;
double dvalue;
short *sptr, iret;
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (input[ii] > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
else /* must check for null values */
sptr = (short *) input;
sptr++; /* point to MSBs */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++, sptr += 2)
if (0 != (iret = fnan(*sptr) ) ) /* test for NaN or underflow */
if (iret == 1) /* is it a NaN? */
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
else /* it's an underflow */
output[ii] = 0;
if (input[ii] < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (input[ii] > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++, sptr += 2)
if (0 != (iret = fnan(*sptr) ) ) /* test for NaN or underflow */
if (iret == 1) /* is it a NaN? */
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
else /* it's an underflow */
if (zero < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (zero > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) zero;
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
int fffr8uint(double *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file.
Check for null values and do datatype conversion and scaling if required.
The nullcheck code value determines how any null values in the input array
are treated. A null value is an input pixel that is equal to NaN. If
nullcheck = 0, then no checking for nulls is performed and any null values
will be transformed just like any other pixel. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
long ii;
double dvalue;
short *sptr, iret;
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (input[ii] > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
else /* must check for null values */
sptr = (short *) input;
sptr += 3; /* point to MSBs */
if (scale == 1. && zero == 0.) /* no scaling */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++, sptr += 4)
if (0 != (iret = dnan(*sptr)) ) /* test for NaN or underflow */
if (iret == 1) /* is it a NaN? */
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
else /* it's an underflow */
output[ii] = 0;
if (input[ii] < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (input[ii] > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) input[ii];
else /* must scale the data */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++, sptr += 4)
if (0 != (iret = dnan(*sptr)) ) /* test for NaN or underflow */
if (iret == 1) /* is it a NaN? */
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
else /* it's an underflow */
if (zero < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (zero > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) zero;
dvalue = input[ii] * scale + zero;
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (unsigned int) dvalue;
int fffstruint(char *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
long twidth, /* I - width of each substring of chars */
double implipower, /* I - power of 10 of implied decimal */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
char *snull, /* I - value of FITS null string, if any */
unsigned int nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
unsigned int *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Copy input to output following reading of the input from a FITS file. Check
for null values and do scaling if required. The nullcheck code value
determines how any null values in the input array are treated. A null
value is an input pixel that is equal to snull. If nullcheck= 0, then
no special checking for nulls is performed. If nullcheck = 1, then the
output pixel will be set = nullval if the corresponding input pixel is null.
If nullcheck = 2, then if the pixel is null then the corresponding value of
nullarray will be set to 1; the value of nullarray for non-null pixels
will = 0. The anynull parameter will be set = 1 if any of the returned
pixels are null, otherwise anynull will be returned with a value = 0;
int nullen;
long ii;
double dvalue;
char *cstring, message[FLEN_ERRMSG];
char *cptr, *tpos;
char tempstore, chrzero = '0';
double val, power;
int exponent, sign, esign, decpt;
nullen = strlen(snull);
cptr = input; /* pointer to start of input string */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
cstring = cptr;
/* temporarily insert a null terminator at end of the string */
tpos = cptr + twidth;
tempstore = *tpos;
*tpos = 0;
/* check if null value is defined, and if the */
/* column string is identical to the null string */
if (snull[0] != ASCII_NULL_UNDEFINED &&
!strncmp(snull, cptr, nullen) )
if (nullcheck)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
cptr += twidth;
/* value is not the null value, so decode it */
/* remove any embedded blank characters from the string */
decpt = 0;
sign = 1;
val = 0.;
power = 1.;
exponent = 0;
esign = 1;
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip leading blanks */
if (*cptr == '-' || *cptr == '+') /* check for leading sign */
if (*cptr == '-')
sign = -1;
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip blanks between sign and value */
while (*cptr >= '0' && *cptr <= '9')
val = val * 10. + *cptr - chrzero; /* accumulate the value */
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip embedded blanks in the value */
if (*cptr == '.' || *cptr == ',') /* check for decimal point */
decpt = 1; /* set flag to show there was a decimal point */
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip any blanks */
while (*cptr >= '0' && *cptr <= '9')
val = val * 10. + *cptr - chrzero; /* accumulate the value */
power = power * 10.;
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip embedded blanks in the value */
if (*cptr == 'E' || *cptr == 'D') /* check for exponent */
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip blanks */
if (*cptr == '-' || *cptr == '+') /* check for exponent sign */
if (*cptr == '-')
esign = -1;
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip blanks between sign and exp */
while (*cptr >= '0' && *cptr <= '9')
exponent = exponent * 10 + *cptr - chrzero; /* accumulate exp */
while (*cptr == ' ') /* skip embedded blanks */
if (*cptr != 0) /* should end up at the null terminator */
snprintf(message, FLEN_ERRMSG,"Cannot read number from ASCII table");
snprintf(message, FLEN_ERRMSG,"Column field = %s.", cstring);
/* restore the char that was overwritten by the null */
*tpos = tempstore;
return(*status = BAD_C2D);
if (!decpt) /* if no explicit decimal, use implied */
power = implipower;
dvalue = (sign * val / power) * pow(10., (double) (esign * exponent));
dvalue = dvalue * scale + zero; /* apply the scaling */
if (dvalue < DUINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = 0;
else if (dvalue > DUINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
output[ii] = UINT_MAX;
output[ii] = (long) dvalue;
/* restore the char that was overwritten by the null */
*tpos = tempstore;