
9893 lines
370 KiB

# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <time.h>
# include "fitsio2.h"
#define NULL_VALUE -2147483647 /* value used to represent undefined pixels */
#define ZERO_VALUE -2147483646 /* value used to represent zero-valued pixels */
/* nearest integer function */
# define NINT(x) ((x >= 0.) ? (int) (x + 0.5) : (int) (x - 0.5))
/* special quantize level value indicates that floating point image pixels */
/* should not be quantized and instead losslessly compressed (with GZIP) */
#define NO_QUANTIZE 9999
/* string array for storing the individual column compression stats */
char results[999][30];
float *fits_rand_value = 0;
int imcomp_write_nocompress_tile(fitsfile *outfptr, long row, int datatype,
void *tiledata, long tilelen, int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tshort(fitsfile *outfptr, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix, double scale,
double zero, double actual_bzero, int *intlength, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tushort(fitsfile *outfptr, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix, double scale,
double zero, int *intlength, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tint(fitsfile *outfptr, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix, double scale,
double zero, int *intlength, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tuint(fitsfile *outfptr, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix, double scale,
double zero, int *intlength, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tbyte(fitsfile *outfptr, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix, double scale,
double zero, int *intlength, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tsbyte(fitsfile *outfptr, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix, double scale,
double zero, int *intlength, int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tfloat(fitsfile *outfptr, long row, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
long tilenx, long tileny, int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix,
double scale, double zero, int *intlength, int *flag, double *bscale, double *bzero,int *status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tdouble(fitsfile *outfptr, long row, void *tiledata, long tilelen,
long tilenx, long tileny, int nullcheck, void *nullflagval, int nullval, int zbitpix,
double scale, double zero, int *intlength, int *flag, double *bscale, double *bzero, int *status);
static int unquantize_i1r4(long row,
unsigned char *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - which subtractive dither method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned char tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
float nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
float *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status); /* IO - error status */
static int unquantize_i2r4(long row,
short *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - which subtractive dither method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
short tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
float nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
float *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status); /* IO - error status */
static int unquantize_i4r4(long row,
INT32BIT *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - which subtractive dither method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
INT32BIT tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
float nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
float *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status); /* IO - error status */
static int unquantize_i1r8(long row,
unsigned char *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - which subtractive dither method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned char tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
double nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
double *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status); /* IO - error status */
static int unquantize_i2r8(long row,
short *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - which subtractive dither method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
short tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
double nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
double *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status); /* IO - error status */
static int unquantize_i4r8(long row,
INT32BIT *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - which subtractive dither method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
INT32BIT tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
double nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
double *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status); /* IO - error status */
static int imcomp_float2nan(float *indata, long tilelen, int *outdata,
float nullflagval, int *status);
static int imcomp_double2nan(double *indata, long tilelen, LONGLONG *outdata,
double nullflagval, int *status);
static int fits_read_write_compressed_img(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be returned */
LONGLONG *infpixel, /* I - 'bottom left corner' of the subsection */
LONGLONG *inlpixel, /* I - 'top right corner' of the subsection */
long *ininc, /* I - increment to be applied in each dimension */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: set undefined pixels = nullval */
void *nullval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
fitsfile *outfptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int *status);
static int fits_shuffle_8bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status);
static int fits_shuffle_4bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status);
static int fits_shuffle_2bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status);
static int fits_unshuffle_8bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status);
static int fits_unshuffle_4bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status);
static int fits_unshuffle_2bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status);
static int fits_int_to_longlong_inplace(int *intarray, long length, int *status);
static int fits_short_to_int_inplace(short *intarray, long length, int shift, int *status);
static int fits_ushort_to_int_inplace(unsigned short *intarray, long length, int shift, int *status);
static int fits_sbyte_to_int_inplace(signed char *intarray, long length, int *status);
static int fits_ubyte_to_int_inplace(unsigned char *intarray, long length, int *status);
static int fits_calc_tile_rows(long *tlpixel, long *tfpixel, int ndim, long *trowsize, long *ntrows, int *status);
/* only used for diagnoitic purposes */
/* int fits_get_case(int *c1, int*c2, int*c3); */
int fits_init_randoms(void) {
/* initialize an array of random numbers */
int ii;
double a = 16807.0;
double m = 2147483647.0;
double temp, seed;
if (fits_rand_value) {
return(0); /* array is already initialized */
/* allocate array for the random number sequence */
fits_rand_value = calloc(N_RANDOM, sizeof(float));
if (!fits_rand_value) {
/* We need a portable algorithm that anyone can use to generate this
exact same sequence of random number. The C 'rand' function is not
suitable because it is not available to Fortran or Java programmers.
Instead, use a well known simple algorithm published here:
"Random number generators: good ones are hard to find", Communications of the ACM,
Volume 31 , Issue 10 (October 1988) Pages: 1192 - 1201
/* initialize the random numbers */
seed = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < N_RANDOM; ii++) {
temp = a * seed;
seed = temp -m * ((int) (temp / m) );
fits_rand_value[ii] = (float) (seed / m);
IMPORTANT NOTE: the 10000th seed value must have the value 1043618065 if the
algorithm has been implemented correctly */
if ( (int) seed != 1043618065) {
ffpmsg("fits_init_randoms generated incorrect random number sequence");
} else {
void bz_internal_error(int errcode)
/* external function declared by the bzip2 code in bzlib_private.h */
ffpmsg("bzip2 returned an internal error");
ffpmsg("This should never happen");
int fits_set_compression_type(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int ctype, /* image compression type code; */
/* allowed values: RICE_1, GZIP_1, GZIP_2, PLIO_1, */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the image compression algorithm that should be
used when writing a FITS image. The image is divided into tiles, and
each tile is compressed and stored in a row of at variable length binary
table column.
if (ctype != RICE_1 &&
ctype != GZIP_1 &&
ctype != GZIP_2 &&
ctype != PLIO_1 &&
ctype != HCOMPRESS_1 &&
ctype != BZIP2_1 &&
ctype != NOCOMPRESS &&
ctype != 0)
ffpmsg("unknown compression algorithm (fits_set_compression_type)");
} else {
(fptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type = ctype;
int fits_set_tile_dim(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int ndim, /* number of dimensions in the compressed image */
long *dims, /* size of image compression tile in each dimension */
/* default tile size = (NAXIS1, 1, 1, ...) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the size (dimension) of the image
compression tiles that should be used when writing a FITS
image. The image is divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed
and stored in a row of at variable length binary table column.
int ii;
if (ndim < 0 || ndim > MAX_COMPRESS_DIM)
*status = BAD_DIMEN;
ffpmsg("illegal number of tile dimensions (fits_set_tile_dim)");
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
(fptr->Fptr)->request_tilesize[ii] = dims[ii];
int fits_set_quantize_level(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
float qlevel, /* floating point quantization level */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the value of the quantization level, q, that
should be used when compressing floating point images. The image is
divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed and stored in a row
of at variable length binary table column.
if (qlevel == 0.)
/* this means don't quantize the floating point values. Instead, */
/* the floating point values will be losslessly compressed */
(fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level = NO_QUANTIZE;
} else {
(fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level = qlevel;
int fits_set_quantize_method(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int method, /* quantization method */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies what type of dithering (randomization) should
be performed when quantizing floating point images to integer prior to
compression. A value of -1 means do no dithering. A value of 0 means
use the default SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 (which is equivalent to dither = 1).
A value of 2 means use SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2.
if (method < -1 || method > 2)
ffpmsg("illegal dithering value (fits_set_quantize_method)");
} else {
if (method == 0) method = 1;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method = method;
int fits_set_quantize_dither(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int dither, /* dither type */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
the name of this routine has changed. This is kept here only for backwards
compatibility for any software that may be calling the old routine.
fits_set_quantize_method(fptr, dither, status);
int fits_set_dither_seed(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int seed, /* random dithering seed value (1 to 10000) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the value of the offset that should be applied when
calculating the random dithering when quantizing floating point iamges.
A random offset should be applied to each image to avoid quantization
effects when taking the difference of 2 images, or co-adding a set of
images. Without this random offset, the corresponding pixel in every image
will have exactly the same dithering.
offset = 0 means use the default random dithering based on system time
offset = negative means randomly chose dithering based on 1st tile checksum
offset = [1 - 10000] means use that particular dithering pattern
/* if positive, ensure that the value is in the range 1 to 10000 */
if (seed > 10000) {
ffpmsg("illegal dithering seed value (fits_set_dither_seed)");
} else {
(fptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed = seed;
int fits_set_dither_offset(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int offset, /* random dithering offset value (1 to 10000) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
The name of this routine has changed. This is kept just for
backwards compatibility with any software that calls the old name
fits_set_dither_seed(fptr, offset, status);
int fits_set_noise_bits(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int noisebits, /* noise_bits parameter value */
/* (default = 4) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the value of the noice_bits parameter that
should be used when compressing floating point images. The image is
divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed and stored in a row
of at variable length binary table column.
Feb 2008: the "noisebits" parameter has been replaced with the more
general "quantize level" parameter.
float qlevel;
if (noisebits < 1 || noisebits > 16)
ffpmsg("illegal number of noise bits (fits_set_noise_bits)");
qlevel = (float) pow (2., (double)noisebits);
fits_set_quantize_level(fptr, qlevel, status);
int fits_set_hcomp_scale(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
float scale, /* hcompress scale parameter value */
/* (default = 0.) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the value of the hcompress scale parameter.
(fptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_scale = scale;
int fits_set_hcomp_smooth(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int smooth, /* hcompress smooth parameter value */
/* if scale > 1 and smooth != 0, then */
/* the image will be smoothed when it is */
/* decompressed to remove some of the */
/* 'blockiness' in the image produced */
/* by the lossy compression */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies the value of the hcompress scale parameter.
(fptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_smooth = smooth;
int fits_set_lossy_int(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int lossy_int, /* I - True (!= 0) or False (0) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies whether images with integer pixel values should
quantized and compressed the same way float images are compressed.
The default is to not do this, and instead apply a lossless compression
algorithm to integer images.
(fptr->Fptr)->request_lossy_int_compress = lossy_int;
int fits_set_huge_hdu(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int huge, /* I - True (!= 0) or False (0) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine specifies whether the HDU that is being compressed is so large
(i.e., > 4 GB) that the 'Q' type variable length array columns should be used
rather than the normal 'P' type. The allows the heap pointers to be stored
as 64-bit quantities, rather than just 32-bits.
(fptr->Fptr)->request_huge_hdu = huge;
int fits_get_compression_type(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int *ctype, /* image compression type code; */
/* allowed values: */
/* RICE_1, GZIP_1, GZIP_2, PLIO_1, HCOMPRESS_1, BZIP2_1 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine returns the image compression algorithm that should be
used when writing a FITS image. The image is divided into tiles, and
each tile is compressed and stored in a row of at variable length binary
table column.
*ctype = (fptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type;
if (*ctype != RICE_1 &&
*ctype != GZIP_1 &&
*ctype != GZIP_2 &&
*ctype != PLIO_1 &&
*ctype != HCOMPRESS_1 &&
*ctype != BZIP2_1 &&
*ctype != NOCOMPRESS &&
*ctype != 0 )
ffpmsg("unknown compression algorithm (fits_get_compression_type)");
int fits_get_tile_dim(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int ndim, /* number of dimensions in the compressed image */
long *dims, /* size of image compression tile in each dimension */
/* default tile size = (NAXIS1, 1, 1, ...) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine returns the size (dimension) of the image
compression tiles that should be used when writing a FITS
image. The image is divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed
and stored in a row of at variable length binary table column.
int ii;
if (ndim < 0 || ndim > MAX_COMPRESS_DIM)
*status = BAD_DIMEN;
ffpmsg("illegal number of tile dimensions (fits_get_tile_dim)");
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
dims[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->request_tilesize[ii];
int fits_unset_compression_param(
fitsfile *fptr,
int *status)
int ii;
(fptr->Fptr)->compress_type = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->quantize_level = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->quantize_method = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->dither_seed = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->hcomp_scale = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
(fptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii] = 0;
int fits_unset_compression_request(
fitsfile *fptr,
int *status)
int ii;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_scale = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_lossy_int_compress = 0;
(fptr->Fptr)->request_huge_hdu = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
(fptr->Fptr)->request_tilesize[ii] = 0;
int fits_set_compression_pref(
fitsfile *infptr,
fitsfile *outfptr,
int *status)
Set the preference for various compression options, based
on keywords in the input file that
provide guidance about how the HDU should be compressed when written
to the output file.
int ii, naxis, nkeys, comptype;
int ivalue;
long tiledim[6]= {1,1,1,1,1,1};
char card[FLEN_CARD], value[FLEN_VALUE];
double qvalue;
float hscale;
LONGLONG datastart, dataend;
if (*status > 0)
/* check the size of the HDU that is to be compressed */
fits_get_hduaddrll(infptr, NULL, &datastart, &dataend, status);
if ( (LONGLONG)(dataend - datastart) > UINT32_MAX) {
/* use 64-bit '1Q' variable length columns instead of '1P' columns */
/* for large files, in case the heap size becomes larger than 2**32 bytes*/
fits_set_huge_hdu(outfptr, 1, status);
fits_get_hdrspace(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, status);
/* look for a image compression directive keywords (begin with 'FZ') */
for (ii = 2; ii <= nkeys; ii++) {
fits_read_record(infptr, ii, card, status);
if (!strncmp(card, "FZ", 2) ){
/* get the keyword value string */
fits_parse_value(card, value, NULL, status);
if (!strncmp(card+2, "ALGOR", 5) ) {
/* set the desired compression algorithm */
/* allowed values: RICE_1, GZIP_1, GZIP_2, PLIO_1, */
if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'RICE_1", 7) ) {
comptype = RICE_1;
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'GZIP_1", 7) ) {
comptype = GZIP_1;
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'GZIP_2", 7) ) {
comptype = GZIP_2;
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'PLIO_1", 7) ) {
comptype = PLIO_1;
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'HCOMPRESS_1", 12) ) {
comptype = HCOMPRESS_1;
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'NONE", 5) ) {
comptype = NOCOMPRESS;
} else {
ffpmsg("Unknown FZALGOR keyword compression algorithm:");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
fits_set_compression_type (outfptr, comptype, status);
} else if (!strncmp(card+2, "TILE ", 6) ) {
if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'row", 4) ) {
tiledim[0] = -1;
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'whole", 6) ) {
tiledim[0] = -1;
tiledim[1] = -1;
tiledim[2] = -1;
} else {
ffdtdm(infptr, value, 0,6, &naxis, tiledim, status);
/* set the desired tile size */
fits_set_tile_dim (outfptr, 6, tiledim, status);
} else if (!strncmp(card+2, "QVALUE", 6) ) {
/* set the desired Q quantization value */
qvalue = atof(value);
fits_set_quantize_level (outfptr, (float) qvalue, status);
} else if (!strncmp(card+2, "QMETHD", 6) ) {
if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'no_dither", 10) ) {
ivalue = -1; /* just quantize, with no dithering */
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'subtractive_dither_1", 21) ) {
ivalue = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1; /* use subtractive dithering */
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'subtractive_dither_2", 21) ) {
ivalue = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2; /* dither, except preserve zero-valued pixels */
} else {
ffpmsg("Unknown value for FZQUANT keyword: (set_compression_pref)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
fits_set_quantize_method(outfptr, ivalue, status);
} else if (!strncmp(card+2, "DTHRSD", 6) ) {
if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'checksum", 9) ) {
ivalue = -1; /* use checksum of first tile */
} else if (!fits_strncasecmp(value, "'clock", 6) ) {
ivalue = 0; /* set dithering seed based on system clock */
} else { /* read integer value */
if (*value == '\'')
ivalue = (int) atol(value+1); /* allow for leading quote character */
ivalue = (int) atol(value);
if (ivalue < 1 || ivalue > 10000) {
ffpmsg("Invalid value for FZDTHRSD keyword: (set_compression_pref)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* set the desired dithering */
fits_set_dither_seed(outfptr, ivalue, status);
} else if (!strncmp(card+2, "I2F", 3) ) {
/* set whether to convert integers to float then use lossy compression */
if (!fits_strcasecmp(value, "t") ) {
fits_set_lossy_int (outfptr, 1, status);
} else if (!fits_strcasecmp(value, "f") ) {
fits_set_lossy_int (outfptr, 0, status);
} else {
ffpmsg("Unknown value for FZI2F keyword: (set_compression_pref)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
} else if (!strncmp(card+2, "HSCALE ", 6) ) {
/* set the desired Hcompress scale value */
hscale = (float) atof(value);
fits_set_hcomp_scale (outfptr, hscale, status);
int fits_get_noise_bits(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int *noisebits, /* noise_bits parameter value */
/* (default = 4) */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine returns the value of the noice_bits parameter that
should be used when compressing floating point images. The image is
divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed and stored in a row
of at variable length binary table column.
Feb 2008: code changed to use the more general "quantize level" parameter
rather than the "noise bits" parameter. If quantize level is greater than
zero, then the previous noisebits parameter is approximately given by
noise bits = natural logarithm (quantize level) / natural log (2)
This result is rounded to the nearest integer.
double qlevel;
qlevel = (fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level;
if (qlevel > 0. && qlevel < 65537. )
*noisebits = (int) ((log(qlevel) / log(2.0)) + 0.5);
*noisebits = 0;
int fits_get_quantize_level(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
float *qlevel, /* quantize level parameter value */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine returns the value of the noice_bits parameter that
should be used when compressing floating point images. The image is
divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed and stored in a row
of at variable length binary table column.
if ((fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
*qlevel = 0;
} else {
*qlevel = (fptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level;
int fits_get_dither_seed(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int *offset, /* dithering offset parameter value */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine returns the value of the dithering offset parameter that
is used when compressing floating point images. The image is
divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed and stored in a row
of at variable length binary table column.
*offset = (fptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed;
int fits_get_hcomp_scale(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
float *scale, /* Hcompress scale parameter value */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine returns the value of the noice_bits parameter that
should be used when compressing floating point images. The image is
divided into tiles, and each tile is compressed and stored in a row
of at variable length binary table column.
*scale = (fptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_scale;
int fits_get_hcomp_smooth(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int *smooth, /* Hcompress smooth parameter value */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
*smooth = (fptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_smooth;
int fits_img_compress(fitsfile *infptr, /* pointer to image to be compressed */
fitsfile *outfptr, /* empty HDU for output compressed image */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine initializes the output table, copies all the keywords,
and loops through the input image, compressing the data and
writing the compressed tiles to the output table.
This is a high level routine that is called by the fpack and funpack
FITS compression utilities.
int bitpix, naxis;
long naxes[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
/* int c1, c2, c3; */
if (*status > 0)
/* get datatype and size of input image */
if (fits_get_img_param(infptr, MAX_COMPRESS_DIM, &bitpix,
&naxis, naxes, status) > 0)
if (naxis < 1 || naxis > MAX_COMPRESS_DIM)
ffpmsg("Image cannot be compressed: NAXIS out of range");
return(*status = BAD_NAXIS);
/* create a new empty HDU in the output file now, before setting the */
/* compression preferences. This HDU will become a binary table that */
/* contains the compressed image. If necessary, create a dummy primary */
/* array, which much precede the binary table extension. */
ffcrhd(outfptr, status); /* this does nothing if the output file is empty */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu == 0) /* have to create dummy primary array */
ffcrim(outfptr, 16, 0, NULL, status);
ffcrhd(outfptr, status);
} else {
/* unset any compress parameter preferences that may have been
set when closing the previous HDU in the output file */
fits_unset_compression_param(outfptr, status);
/* set any compress parameter preferences as given in the input file */
fits_set_compression_pref(infptr, outfptr, status);
/* special case: the quantization level is not given by a keyword in */
/* the HDU header, so we have to explicitly copy the requested value */
/* to the actual value */
/* do this in imcomp_get_compressed_image_par, instead
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level != 0.)
(outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level = (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level;
/* if requested, treat integer images same as a float image. */
/* Then the pixels will be quantized (lossy algorithm) to achieve */
/* higher amounts of compression than with lossless algorithms */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_lossy_int_compress != 0 && bitpix > 0)
bitpix = FLOAT_IMG; /* compress integer images as if float */
/* initialize output table */
if (imcomp_init_table(outfptr, bitpix, naxis, naxes, 0, status) > 0)
return (*status);
/* Copy the image header keywords to the table header. */
if (imcomp_copy_img2comp(infptr, outfptr, status) > 0)
return (*status);
/* turn off any intensity scaling (defined by BSCALE and BZERO */
/* keywords) so that unscaled values will be read by CFITSIO */
/* (except if quantizing an int image, same as a float image) */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_lossy_int_compress == 0 && bitpix > 0)
ffpscl(infptr, 1.0, 0.0, status);
/* force a rescan of the output file keywords, so that */
/* the compression parameters will be copied to the internal */
/* fitsfile structure used by CFITSIO */
ffrdef(outfptr, status);
/* turn off any intensity scaling (defined by BSCALE and BZERO */
/* keywords) so that unscaled values will be written by CFITSIO */
/* (except if quantizing an int image, same as a float image) */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_lossy_int_compress == 0 && bitpix > 0)
ffpscl(outfptr, 1.0, 0.0, status);
/* Read each image tile, compress, and write to a table row. */
imcomp_compress_image (infptr, outfptr, status);
/* force another rescan of the output file keywords, to */
/* update PCOUNT and TFORMn = '1PB(iii)' keyword values. */
ffrdef(outfptr, status);
/* unset any previously set compress parameter preferences */
fits_unset_compression_request(outfptr, status);
fits_get_case(&c1, &c2, &c3);
printf("c1, c2, c3 = %d, %d, %d\n", c1, c2, c3);
return (*status);
int imcomp_init_table(fitsfile *outfptr,
int inbitpix,
int naxis,
long *naxes,
int writebitpix, /* write the ZBITPIX, ZNAXIS, and ZNAXES keyword? */
int *status)
create a BINTABLE extension for the output compressed image.
char keyname[FLEN_KEYWORD], zcmptype[12];
int ii, remain, ndiv, addToDim, ncols, bitpix;
long nrows;
char *ttype[] = {"COMPRESSED_DATA", "ZSCALE", "ZZERO"};
char *tform[3];
char tf0[4], tf1[4], tf2[4];
char *tunit[] = {"\0", "\0", "\0" };
char comm[FLEN_COMMENT];
long actual_tilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* Actual size to use for tiles */
int is_primary=0; /* Is this attempting to write to the primary? */
int nQualifyDims=0; /* For Hcompress, number of image dimensions with required pixels. */
int noHigherDims=1; /* Set to true if all tile dims other than x are size 1. */
int firstDim=-1, secondDim=-1; /* Indices of first and second tiles dimensions
with width > 1 */
if (*status > 0)
/* check for special case of losslessly compressing floating point */
/* images. Only compression algorithm that supports this is GZIP */
if ( (inbitpix < 0) && ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) ) {
if (((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type != GZIP_1) &&
((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type != GZIP_2)) {
ffpmsg("Lossless compression of floating point images must use GZIP (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* set default compression parameter values, if undefined */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == 0) {
/* use RICE_1 by default */
(outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type = RICE_1;
if (inbitpix < 0 && (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level != NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* set defaults for quantizing floating point images */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method == 0) {
/* set default dithering method */
(outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level == 0) {
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method == NO_DITHER) {
/* must use finer quantization if no dithering is done */
(outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level = 16;
} else {
(outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level = 4;
/* special case: the quantization level is not given by a keyword in */
/* the HDU header, so we have to explicitly copy the requested value */
/* to the actual value */
/* do this in imcomp_get_compressed_image_par, instead
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level != 0.)
(outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level = (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level;
/* test for the 2 special cases that represent unsigned integers */
if (inbitpix == USHORT_IMG)
bitpix = SHORT_IMG;
else if (inbitpix == ULONG_IMG)
bitpix = LONG_IMG;
else if (inbitpix == SBYTE_IMG)
bitpix = BYTE_IMG;
bitpix = inbitpix;
/* reset default tile dimensions too if required */
memcpy(actual_tilesize, outfptr->Fptr->request_tilesize, MAX_COMPRESS_DIM * sizeof(long));
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
/* Tiles must ultimately have 2 (and only 2) dimensions, each with
at least 4 pixels. First catch the case where the image
itself won't allow this. */
if (naxis < 2 ) {
ffpmsg("Hcompress cannot be used with 1-dimensional images (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
for (ii=0; ii<naxis; ii++)
if (naxes[ii] >= 4)
if (nQualifyDims < 2)
ffpmsg("Hcompress minimum image dimension is 4 pixels (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* Handle 2 special cases for backwards compatibility.
1) If both X and Y tile dims are set to full size, ignore
any other requested dimensions and just set their sizes to 1.
2) If X is full size and all the rest are size 1, attempt to
find a reasonable size for Y. All other 1-D tile specifications
will be rejected. */
for (ii=1; ii<naxis; ++ii)
if (actual_tilesize[ii] != 0 && actual_tilesize[ii] != 1)
noHigherDims = 0;
if ((actual_tilesize[0] <= 0) &&
(actual_tilesize[1] == -1) ){
/* compress the whole image as a single tile */
actual_tilesize[0] = naxes[0];
actual_tilesize[1] = naxes[1];
for (ii = 2; ii < naxis; ii++) {
/* set all higher tile dimensions = 1 */
actual_tilesize[ii] = 1;
} else if ((actual_tilesize[0] <= 0) && noHigherDims) {
The Hcompress algorithm is inherently 2D in nature, so the row by row
tiling that is used for other compression algorithms is not appropriate.
If the image has less than 30 rows, then the entire image will be compressed
as a single tile. Otherwise the tiles will consist of 16 rows of the image.
This keeps the tiles to a reasonable size, and it also includes enough rows
to allow good compression efficiency. If the last tile of the image
happens to contain less than 4 rows, then find another tile size with
between 14 and 30 rows (preferably even), so that the last tile has
at least 4 rows
/* 1st tile dimension is the row length of the image */
actual_tilesize[0] = naxes[0];
if (naxes[1] <= 30) { /* use whole image if it is small */
actual_tilesize[1] = naxes[1];
} else {
/* look for another good tile dimension */
if (naxes[1] % 16 == 0 || naxes[1] % 16 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 16;
} else if (naxes[1] % 24 == 0 || naxes[1] % 24 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 24;
} else if (naxes[1] % 20 == 0 || naxes[1] % 20 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 20;
} else if (naxes[1] % 30 == 0 || naxes[1] % 30 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 30;
} else if (naxes[1] % 28 == 0 || naxes[1] % 28 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 28;
} else if (naxes[1] % 26 == 0 || naxes[1] % 26 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 26;
} else if (naxes[1] % 22 == 0 || naxes[1] % 22 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 22;
} else if (naxes[1] % 18 == 0 || naxes[1] % 18 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 18;
} else if (naxes[1] % 14 == 0 || naxes[1] % 14 > 3) {
actual_tilesize[1] = 14;
} else {
actual_tilesize[1] = 17;
} else {
if (actual_tilesize[0] <= 0)
actual_tilesize[0] = naxes[0];
for (ii=1; ii<naxis; ++ii)
if (actual_tilesize[ii] < 0)
actual_tilesize[ii] = naxes[ii];
else if (actual_tilesize[ii] == 0)
actual_tilesize[ii] = 1;
for (ii=0; ii<naxis; ++ii)
if (actual_tilesize[ii] > 1)
if (firstDim < 0)
firstDim = ii;
else if (secondDim < 0)
secondDim = ii;
ffpmsg("Hcompress tiles can only have 2 dimensions (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
if (firstDim < 0 || secondDim < 0)
ffpmsg("Hcompress tiles must have 2 dimensions (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
if (actual_tilesize[firstDim] < 4 || actual_tilesize[secondDim] < 4)
ffpmsg("Hcompress minimum tile dimension is 4 pixels (imcomp_init_table)");
return (*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* check if requested tile size causes the last tile to to have less than 4 pixels */
remain = naxes[firstDim] % (actual_tilesize[firstDim]); /* 1st dimension */
if (remain > 0 && remain < 4) {
ndiv = naxes[firstDim]/actual_tilesize[firstDim]; /* integer truncation is intentional */
addToDim = ceil((double)remain/ndiv);
(actual_tilesize[firstDim]) += addToDim; /* increase tile size */
remain = naxes[firstDim] % (actual_tilesize[firstDim]);
if (remain > 0 && remain < 4) {
ffpmsg("Last tile along 1st dimension has less than 4 pixels (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
remain = naxes[secondDim] % (actual_tilesize[secondDim]); /* 2nd dimension */
if (remain > 0 && remain < 4) {
ndiv = naxes[secondDim]/actual_tilesize[secondDim]; /* integer truncation is intentional */
addToDim = ceil((double)remain/ndiv);
(actual_tilesize[secondDim]) += addToDim; /* increase tile size */
remain = naxes[secondDim] % (actual_tilesize[secondDim]);
if (remain > 0 && remain < 4) {
ffpmsg("Last tile along 2nd dimension has less than 4 pixels (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
} /* end, if HCOMPRESS_1 */
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++) {
if (ii == 0) { /* first axis is different */
if (actual_tilesize[ii] <= 0) {
actual_tilesize[ii] = naxes[ii];
} else {
if (actual_tilesize[ii] < 0) {
actual_tilesize[ii] = naxes[ii]; /* negative value maean use whole length */
} else if (actual_tilesize[ii] == 0) {
actual_tilesize[ii] = 1; /* zero value means use default value = 1 */
/* ---- set up array of TFORM strings -------------------------------*/
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_huge_hdu != 0) {
strcpy(tf0, "1QB");
} else {
strcpy(tf0, "1PB");
strcpy(tf1, "1D");
strcpy(tf2, "1D");
tform[0] = tf0;
tform[1] = tf1;
tform[2] = tf2;
/* calculate number of rows in output table */
nrows = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)
nrows = nrows * ((naxes[ii] - 1)/ (actual_tilesize[ii]) + 1);
/* determine the default number of columns in the output table */
if (bitpix < 0 && (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level != NO_QUANTIZE)
ncols = 3; /* quantized and scaled floating point image */
ncols = 1; /* default table has just one 'COMPRESSED_DATA' column */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == RICE_1)
strcpy(zcmptype, "RICE_1");
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == GZIP_1)
strcpy(zcmptype, "GZIP_1");
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == GZIP_2)
strcpy(zcmptype, "GZIP_2");
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == BZIP2_1)
strcpy(zcmptype, "BZIP2_1");
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == PLIO_1)
strcpy(zcmptype, "PLIO_1");
/* the PLIO compression algorithm outputs short integers, not bytes */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_huge_hdu != 0) {
strcpy(tform[0], "1QI");
} else {
strcpy(tform[0], "1PI");
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1)
strcpy(zcmptype, "HCOMPRESS_1");
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == NOCOMPRESS)
strcpy(zcmptype, "NOCOMPRESS");
ffpmsg("unknown compression type (imcomp_init_table)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* If attempting to write compressed image to primary, the
call to ffcrtb will increment Fptr->curhdu to 1. Therefore
we need to test now for setting is_primary */
is_primary = (outfptr->Fptr->curhdu == 0);
/* create the bintable extension to contain the compressed image */
ffcrtb(outfptr, BINARY_TBL, nrows, ncols, ttype,
tform, tunit, 0, status);
/* Add standard header keywords. */
ffpkyl (outfptr, "ZIMAGE", 1,
"extension contains compressed image", status);
if (writebitpix) {
/* write the keywords defining the datatype and dimensions of */
/* the uncompressed image. If not, these keywords will be */
/* copied later from the input uncompressed image */
if (is_primary)
ffpkyl (outfptr, "ZSIMPLE", 1,
"file does conform to FITS standard", status);
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZBITPIX", bitpix,
"data type of original image", status);
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZNAXIS", naxis,
"dimension of original image", status);
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)
snprintf (keyname, FLEN_KEYWORD,"ZNAXIS%d", ii+1);
ffpkyj (outfptr, keyname, naxes[ii],
"length of original image axis", status);
for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)
snprintf (keyname, FLEN_KEYWORD,"ZTILE%d", ii+1);
ffpkyj (outfptr, keyname, actual_tilesize[ii],
"size of tiles to be compressed", status);
if (bitpix < 0) {
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
ffpkys(outfptr, "ZQUANTIZ", "NONE",
"Lossless compression without quantization", status);
} else {
/* Unless dithering has been specifically turned off by setting */
/* request_quantize_method = -1, use dithering by default */
/* when quantizing floating point images. */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method == 0)
(outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1;
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1) {
ffpkys(outfptr, "ZQUANTIZ", "SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1",
"Pixel Quantization Algorithm", status);
/* also write the associated ZDITHER0 keyword with a default value */
/* which may get updated later. */
ffpky(outfptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &((outfptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed),
"dithering offset when quantizing floats", status);
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2) {
ffpkys(outfptr, "ZQUANTIZ", "SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2",
"Pixel Quantization Algorithm", status);
/* also write the associated ZDITHER0 keyword with a default value */
/* which may get updated later. */
ffpky(outfptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &((outfptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed),
"dithering offset when quantizing floats", status);
if (!strcmp(zcmptype, "RICE_1")) {
/* when using this new dithering method, change the compression type */
/* to an alias, so that old versions of funpack will not be able to */
/* created a corrupted uncompressed image. */
/* ******* can remove this cludge after about June 2015, after most old versions of fpack are gone */
strcpy(zcmptype, "RICE_ONE");
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_method == NO_DITHER) {
ffpkys(outfptr, "ZQUANTIZ", "NO_DITHER",
"No dithering during quantization", status);
ffpkys (outfptr, "ZCMPTYPE", zcmptype,
"compression algorithm", status);
/* write any algorithm-specific keywords */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == RICE_1)
ffpkys (outfptr, "ZNAME1", "BLOCKSIZE",
"compression block size", status);
/* for now at least, the block size is always 32 */
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZVAL1", 32,
"pixels per block", status);
ffpkys (outfptr, "ZNAME2", "BYTEPIX",
"bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8)", status);
if (bitpix == BYTE_IMG)
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZVAL2", 1,
"bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8)", status);
else if (bitpix == SHORT_IMG)
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZVAL2", 2,
"bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8)", status);
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZVAL2", 4,
"bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8)", status);
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1)
ffpkys (outfptr, "ZNAME1", "SCALE",
"HCOMPRESS scale factor", status);
ffpkye (outfptr, "ZVAL1", (outfptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_scale,
7, "HCOMPRESS scale factor", status);
ffpkys (outfptr, "ZNAME2", "SMOOTH",
"HCOMPRESS smooth option", status);
ffpkyj (outfptr, "ZVAL2", (long) (outfptr->Fptr)->request_hcomp_smooth,
"HCOMPRESS smooth option", status);
/* Write the BSCALE and BZERO keywords, if an unsigned integer image */
if (inbitpix == USHORT_IMG)
strcpy(comm, "offset data range to that of unsigned short");
ffpkyg(outfptr, "BZERO", 32768., 0, comm, status);
strcpy(comm, "default scaling factor");
ffpkyg(outfptr, "BSCALE", 1.0, 0, comm, status);
else if (inbitpix == SBYTE_IMG)
strcpy(comm, "offset data range to that of signed byte");
ffpkyg(outfptr, "BZERO", -128., 0, comm, status);
strcpy(comm, "default scaling factor");
ffpkyg(outfptr, "BSCALE", 1.0, 0, comm, status);
else if (inbitpix == ULONG_IMG)
strcpy(comm, "offset data range to that of unsigned long");
ffpkyg(outfptr, "BZERO", 2147483648., 0, comm, status);
strcpy(comm, "default scaling factor");
ffpkyg(outfptr, "BSCALE", 1.0, 0, comm, status);
int imcomp_calc_max_elem (int comptype, int nx, int zbitpix, int blocksize)
/* This function returns the maximum number of bytes in a compressed
image line.
nx = maximum number of pixels in a tile
blocksize is only relevant for RICE compression
if (comptype == RICE_1)
if (zbitpix == 16)
return (sizeof(short) * nx + nx / blocksize + 2 + 4);
return (sizeof(float) * nx + nx / blocksize + 2 + 4);
else if ((comptype == GZIP_1) || (comptype == GZIP_2))
/* gzip usually compressed by at least a factor of 2 for I*4 images */
/* and somewhat less for I*2 images */
/* If this size turns out to be too small, then the gzip */
/* compression routine will allocate more space as required */
/* to be on the safe size, allocate buffer same size as input */
if (zbitpix == 16)
return(nx * 2);
else if (zbitpix == 8)
return(nx * 4);
else if (comptype == BZIP2_1)
/* To guarantee that the compressed data will fit, allocate an output
buffer of size 1% larger than the uncompressed data, plus 600 bytes */
return((int) (nx * 1.01 * zbitpix / 8. + 601.));
else if (comptype == HCOMPRESS_1)
/* Imperical evidence suggests in the worst case,
the compressed stream could be up to 10% larger than the original
image. Add 26 byte overhead, only significant for very small tiles
Possible improvement: may need to allow a larger size for 32-bit images */
if (zbitpix == 16 || zbitpix == 8)
return( (int) (nx * 2.2 + 26)); /* will be compressing 16-bit int array */
return( (int) (nx * 4.4 + 26)); /* will be compressing 32-bit int array */
return(nx * sizeof(int));
int imcomp_compress_image (fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
/* This routine does the following:
- reads an image one tile at a time
- if it is a float or double image, then it tries to quantize the pixels
into scaled integers.
- it then compressess the integer pixels, or if the it was not
possible to quantize the floating point pixels, then it losslessly
compresses them with gzip
- writes the compressed byte stream to the output FITS file
double *tiledata;
int anynul, gotnulls = 0, datatype;
long ii, row;
int naxis;
double dummy = 0., dblnull = DOUBLENULLVALUE;
float fltnull = FLOATNULLVALUE;
long maxtilelen, tilelen, incre[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
long tilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, trowsize, ntrows;
char card[FLEN_CARD];
if (*status > 0)
maxtilelen = (outfptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen;
Allocate buffer to hold 1 tile of data; size depends on which compression
algorithm is used:
Rice and GZIP will compress byte, short, or int arrays without conversion.
PLIO requires 4-byte int values, so byte and short arrays must be converted to int.
HCompress internally converts byte or short values to ints, and
converts int values to 8-byte longlong integers.
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == FLOAT_IMG)
datatype = TFLOAT;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
/* need twice as much scratch space (8 bytes per pixel) */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * 2 *sizeof (float));
} else {
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * sizeof (float));
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == DOUBLE_IMG)
datatype = TDOUBLE;
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * sizeof (double));
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG)
datatype = TSHORT;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == NOCOMPRESS) {
/* only need buffer of I*2 pixels for gzip, bzip2, and Rice */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * sizeof (short));
} else {
/* need buffer of I*4 pixels for Hcompress and PLIO */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * sizeof (int));
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG)
datatype = TBYTE;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2) {
/* only need buffer of I*1 pixels for gzip, bzip2, and Rice */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen);
} else {
/* need buffer of I*4 pixels for Hcompress and PLIO */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * sizeof (int));
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == LONG_IMG)
datatype = TINT;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
/* need twice as much scratch space (8 bytes per pixel) */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * 2 * sizeof (int));
} else {
/* only need buffer of I*4 pixels for gzip, bzip2, Rice, and PLIO */
tiledata = (double*) malloc (maxtilelen * sizeof (int));
ffpmsg("Bad image datatype. (imcomp_compress_image)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
if (tiledata == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory. (imcomp_compress_image)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* calculate size of tile in each dimension */
naxis = (outfptr->Fptr)->zndim;
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
if (ii < naxis)
naxes[ii] = (outfptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii];
tilesize[ii] = (outfptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii];
naxes[ii] = 1;
tilesize[ii] = 1;
row = 1;
/* set up big loop over up to 6 dimensions */
for (i5 = 1; i5 <= naxes[5]; i5 += tilesize[5])
fpixel[5] = i5;
lpixel[5] = minvalue(i5 + tilesize[5] - 1, naxes[5]);
tile[5] = lpixel[5] - fpixel[5] + 1;
for (i4 = 1; i4 <= naxes[4]; i4 += tilesize[4])
fpixel[4] = i4;
lpixel[4] = minvalue(i4 + tilesize[4] - 1, naxes[4]);
tile[4] = lpixel[4] - fpixel[4] + 1;
for (i3 = 1; i3 <= naxes[3]; i3 += tilesize[3])
fpixel[3] = i3;
lpixel[3] = minvalue(i3 + tilesize[3] - 1, naxes[3]);
tile[3] = lpixel[3] - fpixel[3] + 1;
for (i2 = 1; i2 <= naxes[2]; i2 += tilesize[2])
fpixel[2] = i2;
lpixel[2] = minvalue(i2 + tilesize[2] - 1, naxes[2]);
tile[2] = lpixel[2] - fpixel[2] + 1;
for (i1 = 1; i1 <= naxes[1]; i1 += tilesize[1])
fpixel[1] = i1;
lpixel[1] = minvalue(i1 + tilesize[1] - 1, naxes[1]);
tile[1] = lpixel[1] - fpixel[1] + 1;
for (i0 = 1; i0 <= naxes[0]; i0 += tilesize[0])
fpixel[0] = i0;
lpixel[0] = minvalue(i0 + tilesize[0] - 1, naxes[0]);
tile[0] = lpixel[0] - fpixel[0] + 1;
/* number of pixels in this tile */
tilelen = tile[0];
for (ii = 1; ii < naxis; ii++)
tilelen *= tile[ii];
/* read next tile of data from image */
anynul = 0;
if (datatype == TFLOAT)
ffgsve(infptr, 1, naxis, naxes, fpixel, lpixel, incre,
FLOATNULLVALUE, (float *) tiledata, &anynul, status);
else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
ffgsvd(infptr, 1, naxis, naxes, fpixel, lpixel, incre,
DOUBLENULLVALUE, tiledata, &anynul, status);
else if (datatype == TINT)
ffgsvk(infptr, 1, naxis, naxes, fpixel, lpixel, incre,
0, (int *) tiledata, &anynul, status);
else if (datatype == TSHORT)
ffgsvi(infptr, 1, naxis, naxes, fpixel, lpixel, incre,
0, (short *) tiledata, &anynul, status);
else if (datatype == TBYTE)
ffgsvb(infptr, 1, naxis, naxes, fpixel, lpixel, incre,
0, (unsigned char *) tiledata, &anynul, status);
ffpmsg("Error bad datatype of image tile to compress");
return (*status);
/* now compress the tile, and write to row of binary table */
/* NOTE: we don't have to worry about the presence of null values in the
array if it is an integer array: the null value is simply encoded
in the compressed array just like any other pixel value.
If it is a floating point array, then we need to check for null
only if the anynul parameter returned a true value when reading the tile
/* Collapse sizes of higher dimension tiles into 2 dimensional
equivalents needed by the quantizing algorithms for
floating point types */
fits_calc_tile_rows(lpixel, fpixel, naxis, &trowsize,
&ntrows, status);
if (anynul && datatype == TFLOAT) {
imcomp_compress_tile(outfptr, row, datatype, tiledata, tilelen,
trowsize, ntrows, 1, &fltnull, status);
} else if (anynul && datatype == TDOUBLE) {
imcomp_compress_tile(outfptr, row, datatype, tiledata, tilelen,
trowsize, ntrows, 1, &dblnull, status);
} else {
imcomp_compress_tile(outfptr, row, datatype, tiledata, tilelen,
trowsize, ntrows, 0, &dummy, status);
/* set flag if we found any null values */
if (anynul)
gotnulls = 1;
/* check for any error in the previous operations */
if (*status > 0)
ffpmsg("Error writing compressed image to table");
return (*status);
free (tiledata); /* finished with this buffer */
/* insert ZBLANK keyword if necessary; only for TFLOAT or TDOUBLE images */
if (gotnulls)
ffgcrd(outfptr, "ZCMPTYPE", card, status);
ffikyj(outfptr, "ZBLANK", COMPRESS_NULL_VALUE,
"null value in the compressed integer array", status);
return (*status);
int imcomp_compress_tile (fitsfile *outfptr,
long row, /* tile number = row in the binary table that holds the compressed data */
int datatype,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
long tilenx,
long tileny,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int *status)
This is the main compression routine.
This routine does the following to the input tile of pixels:
- if it is a float or double image, then it quantizes the pixels
- compresses the integer pixel values
- writes the compressed byte stream to the FITS file.
If the tile cannot be quantized than the raw float or double values
are losslessly compressed with gzip and then written to the output table.
This input array may be modified by this routine. If the array is of type TINT
or TFLOAT, and the compression type is HCOMPRESS, then it must have been
allocated to be twice as large (8 bytes per pixel) to provide scratch space.
Note that this routine does not fully support the implicit datatype conversion that
is supported when writing to normal FITS images. The datatype of the input array
must have the same datatype (either signed or unsigned) as the output (compressed)
FITS image in some cases.
int *idata; /* quantized integer data */
int cn_zblank, zbitpix, nullval;
int flag = 1; /* true by default; only = 0 if float data couldn't be quantized */
int intlength; /* size of integers to be compressed */
double scale, zero, actual_bzero;
long ii;
size_t clen; /* size of cbuf */
short *cbuf; /* compressed data */
int nelem = 0; /* number of bytes */
int tilecol;
size_t gzip_nelem = 0;
unsigned int bzlen;
int ihcompscale;
float hcompscale;
double noise2, noise3, noise5;
double bscale[1] = {1.}, bzero[1] = {0.}; /* scaling parameters */
long hcomp_len;
LONGLONG *lldata;
if (*status > 0)
/* check for special case of losslessly compressing floating point */
/* images. Only compression algorithm that supports this is GZIP */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
if (((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type != GZIP_1) &&
((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type != GZIP_2)) {
switch (datatype) {
case TFLOAT:
ffpmsg("Lossless compression of floating point images must use GZIP (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* free the previously saved tile if the input tile is for the same row */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->tilerow) { /* has the tile cache been allocated? */
/* calculate the column bin of the compressed tile */
tilecol = (row - 1) % ((long)(((outfptr->Fptr)->znaxis[0] - 1) / ((outfptr->Fptr)->tilesize[0])) + 1);
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->tilerow[tilecol] == row) {
if (((outfptr->Fptr)->tiledata)[tilecol]) {
if (((outfptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray)[tilecol]) {
((outfptr->Fptr)->tiledata)[tilecol] = 0;
((outfptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray)[tilecol] = 0;
(outfptr->Fptr)->tilerow[tilecol] = 0;
(outfptr->Fptr)->tiledatasize[tilecol] = 0;
(outfptr->Fptr)->tiletype[tilecol] = 0;
(outfptr->Fptr)->tileanynull[tilecol] = 0;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == NOCOMPRESS) {
/* Special case when using NOCOMPRESS for diagnostic purposes in fpack */
if (imcomp_write_nocompress_tile(outfptr, row, datatype, tiledata, tilelen,
nullcheck, nullflagval, status) > 0) {
/* =========================================================================== */
/* initialize various parameters */
idata = (int *) tiledata; /* may overwrite the input tiledata in place */
/* zbitpix is the BITPIX keyword value in the uncompressed FITS image */
zbitpix = (outfptr->Fptr)->zbitpix;
/* if the tile/image has an integer datatype, see if a null value has */
/* been defined (with the BLANK keyword in a normal FITS image). */
/* If so, and if the input tile array also contains null pixels, */
/* (represented by pixels that have a value = nullflagval) then */
/* any pixels whose value = nullflagval, must be set to the value = nullval */
/* before the pixel array is compressed. These null pixel values must */
/* not be inverse scaled by the BSCALE/BZERO values, if present. */
cn_zblank = (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank;
nullval = (outfptr->Fptr)->zblank;
if (zbitpix > 0 && cn_zblank != -1) /* If the integer image has no defined null */
nullcheck = 0; /* value, then don't bother checking input array for nulls. */
/* if the BSCALE and BZERO keywords exist, then the input values must */
/* be inverse scaled by this factor, before the values are compressed. */
/* (The program may have turned off scaling, which over rides the keywords) */
scale = (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale;
zero = (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero;
actual_bzero = (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_actual_bzero;
/* =========================================================================== */
/* prepare the tile of pixel values for compression */
if (datatype == TSHORT) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tshort(outfptr, tiledata, tilelen, nullcheck, nullflagval,
nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, actual_bzero, &intlength, status);
} else if (datatype == TUSHORT) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tushort(outfptr, tiledata, tilelen, nullcheck, nullflagval,
nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, status);
} else if (datatype == TBYTE) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tbyte(outfptr, tiledata, tilelen, nullcheck, nullflagval,
nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, status);
} else if (datatype == TSBYTE) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tsbyte(outfptr, tiledata, tilelen, nullcheck, nullflagval,
nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, status);
} else if (datatype == TINT) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tint(outfptr, tiledata, tilelen, nullcheck, nullflagval,
nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, status);
} else if (datatype == TUINT) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tuint(outfptr, tiledata, tilelen, nullcheck, nullflagval,
nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, status);
} else if (datatype == TLONG && sizeof(long) == 8) {
ffpmsg("Integer*8 Long datatype is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
} else if (datatype == TULONG && sizeof(long) == 8) {
ffpmsg("Unsigned integer*8 datatype is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
} else if (datatype == TFLOAT) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tfloat(outfptr, row, tiledata, tilelen, tilenx, tileny, nullcheck,
nullflagval, nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, &flag, bscale, bzero, status);
} else if (datatype == TDOUBLE) {
imcomp_convert_tile_tdouble(outfptr, row, tiledata, tilelen, tilenx, tileny, nullcheck,
nullflagval, nullval, zbitpix, scale, zero, &intlength, &flag, bscale, bzero, status);
} else {
ffpmsg("unsupported image datatype (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
if (*status > 0)
return(*status); /* return if error occurs */
/* =========================================================================== */
if (flag) /* now compress the integer data array */
/* allocate buffer for the compressed tile bytes */
clen = (outfptr->Fptr)->maxelem;
cbuf = (short *) calloc (clen, sizeof (unsigned char));
if (cbuf == NULL) {
ffpmsg("Memory allocation failure. (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* =========================================================================== */
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1)
if (intlength == 2) {
nelem = fits_rcomp_short ((short *)idata, tilelen, (unsigned char *) cbuf,
clen, (outfptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize);
} else if (intlength == 1) {
nelem = fits_rcomp_byte ((signed char *)idata, tilelen, (unsigned char *) cbuf,
clen, (outfptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize);
} else {
nelem = fits_rcomp (idata, tilelen, (unsigned char *) cbuf,
clen, (outfptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize);
if (nelem < 0) /* data compression error condition */
free (cbuf);
ffpmsg("error Rice compressing image tile (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return (*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* Write the compressed byte stream. */
ffpclb(outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, row, 1,
nelem, (unsigned char *) cbuf, status);
/* =========================================================================== */
else if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1)
for (ii = 0; ii < tilelen; ii++) {
if (idata[ii] < 0 || idata[ii] > 16777215)
/* plio algorithn only supports positive 24 bit ints */
ffpmsg("data out of range for PLIO compression (0 - 2**24)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
nelem = pl_p2li (idata, 1, cbuf, tilelen);
if (nelem < 0) /* data compression error condition */
free (cbuf);
ffpmsg("error PLIO compressing image tile (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return (*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* Write the compressed byte stream. */
ffpcli(outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, row, 1,
nelem, cbuf, status);
/* =========================================================================== */
else if ( ((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1) ||
((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2) ) {
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE && datatype == TFLOAT) {
/* Special case of losslessly compressing floating point pixels with GZIP */
/* In this case we compress the input tile array directly */
ffswap4((int*) tiledata, tilelen);
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_shuffle_4bytes((char *) tiledata, tilelen, status);
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) tiledata, tilelen * sizeof(float),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE && datatype == TDOUBLE) {
/* Special case of losslessly compressing double pixels with GZIP */
/* In this case we compress the input tile array directly */
ffswap8((double *) tiledata, tilelen);
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_shuffle_8bytes((char *) tiledata, tilelen, status);
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) tiledata, tilelen * sizeof(double),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
} else {
/* compress the integer idata array */
if (intlength == 2)
ffswap2((short *) idata, tilelen);
else if (intlength == 4)
ffswap4(idata, tilelen);
if (intlength == 2) {
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_shuffle_2bytes((char *) tiledata, tilelen, status);
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) idata, tilelen * sizeof(short),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
} else if (intlength == 1) {
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) idata, tilelen * sizeof(unsigned char),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
} else {
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_shuffle_4bytes((char *) tiledata, tilelen, status);
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) idata, tilelen * sizeof(int),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
/* Write the compressed byte stream. */
ffpclb(outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, row, 1,
gzip_nelem, (unsigned char *) cbuf, status);
/* =========================================================================== */
} else if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1) {
if (intlength == 2)
ffswap2((short *) idata, tilelen);
else if (intlength == 4)
ffswap4(idata, tilelen);
bzlen = (unsigned int) clen;
/* call bzip2 with blocksize = 900K, verbosity = 0, and default workfactor */
/* bzip2 is not supported in the public release. This is only for test purposes.
if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress( (char *) cbuf, &bzlen,
(char *) idata, (unsigned int) (tilelen * intlength), 9, 0, 0) )
ffpmsg("bzip2 compression error");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* Write the compressed byte stream. */
ffpclb(outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, row, 1,
bzlen, (unsigned char *) cbuf, status);
/* =========================================================================== */
} else if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
if hcompscale is positive, then we have to multiply
the value by the RMS background noise to get the
absolute scale value. If negative, then it gives the
absolute scale value directly.
hcompscale = (outfptr->Fptr)->hcomp_scale;
if (hcompscale > 0.) {
fits_img_stats_int(idata, tilenx, tileny, nullcheck,
nullval, 0,0,0,0,0,0,&noise2,&noise3,&noise5,status);
/* use the minimum of the 3 noise estimates */
if (noise2 != 0. && noise2 < noise3) noise3 = noise2;
if (noise5 != 0. && noise5 < noise3) noise3 = noise5;
hcompscale = (float) (hcompscale * noise3);
} else if (hcompscale < 0.) {
hcompscale = hcompscale * -1.0F;
ihcompscale = (int) (hcompscale + 0.5);
hcomp_len = clen; /* allocated size of the buffer */
if (zbitpix == BYTE_IMG || zbitpix == SHORT_IMG) {
fits_hcompress(idata, tilenx, tileny,
ihcompscale, (char *) cbuf, &hcomp_len, status);
} else {
/* have to convert idata to an I*8 array, in place */
/* idata must have been allocated large enough to do this */
fits_int_to_longlong_inplace(idata, tilelen, status);
lldata = (LONGLONG *) idata;
fits_hcompress64(lldata, tilenx, tileny,
ihcompscale, (char *) cbuf, &hcomp_len, status);
/* Write the compressed byte stream. */
ffpclb(outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, row, 1,
hcomp_len, (unsigned char *) cbuf, status);
/* =========================================================================== */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale > 0)
/* write the linear scaling parameters for this tile */
ffpcld (outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale, row, 1, 1,
bscale, status);
ffpcld (outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_zzero, row, 1, 1,
bzero, status);
free(cbuf); /* finished with this buffer */
/* =========================================================================== */
} else { /* if flag == 0., floating point data couldn't be quantized */
/* losslessly compress the data with gzip. */
/* if gzip2 compressed data column doesn't exist, create it */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data < 1) {
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_huge_hdu != 0) {
fits_insert_col(outfptr, 999, "GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA", "1QB", status);
} else {
fits_insert_col(outfptr, 999, "GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA", "1PB", status);
if (*status <= 0) /* save the number of this column */
&(outfptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data, status);
if (datatype == TFLOAT) {
/* allocate buffer for the compressed tile bytes */
/* make it 10% larger than the original uncompressed data */
clen = (size_t) (tilelen * sizeof(float) * 1.1);
cbuf = (short *) calloc (clen, sizeof (unsigned char));
if (cbuf == NULL)
ffpmsg("Memory allocation error. (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* convert null values to NaNs in place, if necessary */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
imcomp_float2nan((float *) tiledata, tilelen, (int *) tiledata,
*(float *) (nullflagval), status);
ffswap4((int*) tiledata, tilelen);
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) tiledata, tilelen * sizeof(float),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
} else { /* datatype == TDOUBLE */
/* allocate buffer for the compressed tile bytes */
/* make it 10% larger than the original uncompressed data */
clen = (size_t) (tilelen * sizeof(double) * 1.1);
cbuf = (short *) calloc (clen, sizeof (unsigned char));
if (cbuf == NULL)
ffpmsg("Memory allocation error. (imcomp_compress_tile)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* convert null values to NaNs in place, if necessary */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
imcomp_double2nan((double *) tiledata, tilelen, (LONGLONG *) tiledata,
*(double *) (nullflagval), status);
ffswap8((double*) tiledata, tilelen);
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) tiledata, tilelen * sizeof(double),
(char **) &cbuf, &clen, realloc, &gzip_nelem, status);
/* Write the compressed byte stream. */
ffpclb(outfptr, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data, row, 1,
gzip_nelem, (unsigned char *) cbuf, status);
free(cbuf); /* finished with this buffer */
int imcomp_write_nocompress_tile(fitsfile *outfptr,
long row,
int datatype,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int *status)
char coltype[4];
/* Write the uncompressed image tile pixels to the tile-compressed image file. */
/* This is a special case when using NOCOMPRESS for diagnostic purposes in fpack. */
/* Currently, this only supports a limited number of data types and */
/* does not fully support null-valued pixels in the image. */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed < 1) {
/* uncompressed data column doesn't exist, so append new column to table */
if (datatype == TSHORT) {
strcpy(coltype, "1PI");
} else if (datatype == TINT) {
strcpy(coltype, "1PJ");
} else if (datatype == TFLOAT) {
strcpy(coltype, "1QE");
} else {
ffpmsg("NOCOMPRESSION option only supported for int*2, int*4, and float*4 images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
fits_insert_col(outfptr, 999, "UNCOMPRESSED_DATA", coltype, status); /* create column */
fits_get_colnum(outfptr, CASEINSEN, "UNCOMPRESSED_DATA",
&(outfptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed, status); /* save col. num. */
fits_write_col(outfptr, datatype, (outfptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed, row, 1,
tilelen, tiledata, status); /* write the tile data */
return (*status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tshort(
fitsfile *outfptr,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
double actual_bzero,
int *intlength,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input integer*2 tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, convert 4 or 8-byte ints and do null value substitution. */
/* Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough */
/* to be able to do this. */
short *sbuff;
int flagval, *idata;
long ii;
/* We only support writing this integer*2 tile data to a FITS image with
BITPIX = 16 and with BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 1. */
if (zbitpix != SHORT_IMG || scale != 1.0 || zero != 0.0) {
ffpmsg("Datatype conversion/scaling is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
sbuff = (short *) tiledata;
idata = (int *) tiledata;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1
|| (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 )
/* don't have to convert to int if using gzip, bzip2 or Rice compression */
*intlength = 2;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(short *) (nullflagval);
if (flagval != nullval) {
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (sbuff[ii] == (short) flagval)
sbuff[ii] = (short) nullval;
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
/* have to convert to int if using HCOMPRESS */
*intlength = 4;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(short *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (sbuff[ii] == (short) flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
idata[ii] = (int) sbuff[ii];
} else { /* just do the data type conversion to int */
/* have to convert sbuff to an I*4 array, in place */
/* sbuff must have been allocated large enough to do this */
fits_short_to_int_inplace(sbuff, tilelen, 0, status);
} else {
/* have to convert to int if using PLIO */
*intlength = 4;
if (zero == 0. && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* Here we are compressing unsigned 16-bit integers that have */
/* been offset by -32768 using the standard FITS convention. */
/* Since PLIO cannot deal with negative values, we must apply */
/* the shift of 32786 to the values to make them all positive. */
/* The inverse negative shift will be applied in */
/* imcomp_decompress_tile when reading the compressed tile. */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(short *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (sbuff[ii] == (short) flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
idata[ii] = (int) sbuff[ii] + 32768;
} else {
/* have to convert sbuff to an I*4 array, in place */
/* sbuff must have been allocated large enough to do this */
fits_short_to_int_inplace(sbuff, tilelen, 32768, status);
} else {
/* This is not an unsigned 16-bit integer array, so process normally */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(short *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (sbuff[ii] == (short) flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
idata[ii] = (int) sbuff[ii];
} else { /* just do the data type conversion to int */
/* have to convert sbuff to an I*4 array, in place */
/* sbuff must have been allocated large enough to do this */
fits_short_to_int_inplace(sbuff, tilelen, 0, status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tushort(
fitsfile *outfptr,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input unsigned integer*2 tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, convert 4 or 8-byte ints and do null value substitution. */
/* Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough */
/* to be able to do this. */
unsigned short *usbuff;
short *sbuff;
int flagval, *idata;
long ii;
/* datatype of input array is unsigned short. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = 16 and with BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 32768. */
if (zbitpix != SHORT_IMG || scale != 1.0 || zero != 32768.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
usbuff = (unsigned short *) tiledata;
sbuff = (short *) tiledata;
idata = (int *) tiledata;
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1
|| (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1)
/* don't have to convert to int if using gzip, bzip2, or Rice compression */
*intlength = 2;
/* offset the unsigned value by -32768 to a signed short value. */
/* It is more efficient to do this by just flipping the most significant of the 16 bits */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(unsigned short *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (usbuff[ii] == (unsigned short) flagval)
sbuff[ii] = (short) nullval;
usbuff[ii] = (usbuff[ii]) ^ 0x8000;
} else {
/* just offset the pixel values by 32768 (by flipping the MSB */
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
usbuff[ii] = (usbuff[ii]) ^ 0x8000;
} else {
/* have to convert to int if using HCOMPRESS or PLIO */
*intlength = 4;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* offset the pixel values by 32768, and */
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to nullval */
flagval = *(unsigned short *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (usbuff[ii] == (unsigned short) flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
idata[ii] = ((int) usbuff[ii]) - 32768;
} else { /* just do the data type conversion to int */
/* for HCOMPRESS we need to simply subtract 32768 */
/* for PLIO, have to convert usbuff to an I*4 array, in place */
/* usbuff must have been allocated large enough to do this */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
fits_ushort_to_int_inplace(usbuff, tilelen, -32768, status);
} else {
fits_ushort_to_int_inplace(usbuff, tilelen, 0, status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tint(
fitsfile *outfptr,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input integer tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, do null value substitution. */
int flagval, *idata;
long ii;
/* datatype of input array is int. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = 32 and with BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 1. */
if (zbitpix != LONG_IMG || scale != 1.0 || zero != 0.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
idata = (int *) tiledata;
*intlength = 4;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* no datatype conversion is required for any of the compression algorithms,
except possibly for HCOMPRESS (to I*8), which is handled later.
Just reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value */
flagval = *(int *) (nullflagval);
if (flagval != nullval) {
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (idata[ii] == flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
int imcomp_convert_tile_tuint(
fitsfile *outfptr,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input unsigned integer tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, do null value substitution. */
int *idata;
unsigned int *uintbuff, uintflagval;
long ii;
/* datatype of input array is unsigned int. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = 32 and with BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 2147483648. */
if (zbitpix != LONG_IMG || scale != 1.0 || zero != 2147483648.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
*intlength = 4;
idata = (int *) tiledata;
uintbuff = (unsigned int *) tiledata;
/* offset the unsigned value by -2147483648 to a signed int value. */
/* It is more efficient to do this by just flipping the most significant of the 32 bits */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to nullval and */
/* offset the other pixel values (by flipping the MSB) */
uintflagval = *(unsigned int *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (uintbuff[ii] == uintflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
uintbuff[ii] = (uintbuff[ii]) ^ 0x80000000;
} else {
/* just offset the pixel values (by flipping the MSB) */
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
uintbuff[ii] = (uintbuff[ii]) ^ 0x80000000;
int imcomp_convert_tile_tbyte(
fitsfile *outfptr,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input unsigned integer*1 tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, convert 4 or 8-byte ints and do null value substitution. */
/* Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough */
/* to be able to do this. */
int flagval, *idata;
long ii;
unsigned char *usbbuff;
/* datatype of input array is unsigned byte. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = 8 and with BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 1. */
if (zbitpix != BYTE_IMG || scale != 1.0 || zero != 0.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
idata = (int *) tiledata;
usbbuff = (unsigned char *) tiledata;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1
|| (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 )
/* don't have to convert to int if using gzip, bzip2, or Rice compression */
*intlength = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(unsigned char *) (nullflagval);
if (flagval != nullval) {
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (usbbuff[ii] == (unsigned char) flagval)
usbbuff[ii] = (unsigned char) nullval;
} else {
/* have to convert to int if using HCOMPRESS or PLIO */
*intlength = 4;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(unsigned char *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (usbbuff[ii] == (unsigned char) flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
idata[ii] = (int) usbbuff[ii];
} else { /* just do the data type conversion to int */
/* have to convert usbbuff to an I*4 array, in place */
/* usbbuff must have been allocated large enough to do this */
fits_ubyte_to_int_inplace(usbbuff, tilelen, status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tsbyte(
fitsfile *outfptr,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input integer*1 tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, convert 4 or 8-byte ints and do null value substitution. */
/* Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough */
/* to be able to do this. */
int flagval, *idata;
long ii;
signed char *sbbuff;
/* datatype of input array is signed byte. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = 8 and with BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = -128. */
if (zbitpix != BYTE_IMG|| scale != 1.0 || zero != -128.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
idata = (int *) tiledata;
sbbuff = (signed char *) tiledata;
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1
|| (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 || (outfptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 )
/* don't have to convert to int if using gzip, bzip2 or Rice compression */
*intlength = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
/* offset the other pixel values (by flipping the MSB) */
flagval = *(signed char *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (sbbuff[ii] == (signed char) flagval)
sbbuff[ii] = (signed char) nullval;
sbbuff[ii] = (sbbuff[ii]) ^ 0x80; }
} else { /* just offset the pixel values (by flipping the MSB) */
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
sbbuff[ii] = (sbbuff[ii]) ^ 0x80;
} else {
/* have to convert to int if using HCOMPRESS or PLIO */
*intlength = 4;
if (nullcheck == 1) {
/* reset pixels equal to flagval to the FITS null value, prior to compression */
flagval = *(signed char *) (nullflagval);
for (ii = tilelen - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (sbbuff[ii] == (signed char) flagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
idata[ii] = ((int) sbbuff[ii]) + 128;
} else { /* just do the data type conversion to int */
/* have to convert sbbuff to an I*4 array, in place */
/* sbbuff must have been allocated large enough to do this */
fits_sbyte_to_int_inplace(sbbuff, tilelen, status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tfloat(
fitsfile *outfptr,
long row,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
long tilenx,
long tileny,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *flag,
double *bscale,
double *bzero,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input float tile array in place to 4 or 8-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, convert 4 or 8-byte ints and do null value substitution. */
/* Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough */
/* to be able to do this. */
int *idata;
long irow, ii;
float floatnull;
unsigned char *usbbuff;
unsigned long dithersum;
int iminval = 0, imaxval = 0; /* min and max quantized integers */
/* datatype of input array is double. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = -64 or -32, except we also support the special case where
BITPIX = 32 and BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 1. */
if ((zbitpix != LONG_IMG && zbitpix != DOUBLE_IMG && zbitpix != FLOAT_IMG) || scale != 1.0 || zero != 0.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
*intlength = 4;
idata = (int *) tiledata;
/* if the tile-compressed table contains zscale and zzero columns */
/* then scale and quantize the input floating point data. */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale > 0) {
/* quantize the float values into integers */
if (nullcheck == 1)
floatnull = *(float *) (nullflagval);
floatnull = FLOATNULLVALUE; /* NaNs are represented by this, by default */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2) {
/* see if the dithering offset value needs to be initialized */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed == 0 && (outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed == 0) {
/* This means randomly choose the dithering offset based on the system time. */
/* The offset will have a value between 1 and 10000, inclusive. */
/* The time function returns an integer value that is incremented each second. */
/* The clock function returns the elapsed CPU time, in integer CLOCKS_PER_SEC units. */
/* The CPU time returned by clock is typically (on linux PC) only good to 0.01 sec */
/* Summing the 2 quantities may help avoid cases where 2 executions of the program */
/* (perhaps in a multithreaded environoment) end up with exactly the same dither seed */
/* value. The sum is incremented by the current HDU number in the file to provide */
/* further randomization. This randomization is desireable if multiple compressed */
/* images will be summed (or differenced). In such cases, the benefits of dithering */
/* may be lost if all the images use exactly the same sequence of random numbers when */
/* calculating the dithering offsets. */
(outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed =
(( (int)time(NULL) + ( (int) clock() / (int) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 100)) + (outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu) % 10000) + 1;
/* update the header keyword with this new value */
fits_update_key(outfptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &((outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed),
NULL, status);
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed < 0 && (outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed < 0) {
/* this means randomly choose the dithering offset based on some hash function */
/* of the first input tile of data to be quantized and compressed. This ensures that */
/* the same offset value is used for a given image every time it is compressed. */
usbbuff = (unsigned char *) tiledata;
dithersum = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 4 * tilelen; ii++) {
dithersum += usbbuff[ii]; /* doesn't matter if there is an integer overflow */
(outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed = ((int) (dithersum % 10000)) + 1;
/* update the header keyword with this new value */
fits_update_key(outfptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &((outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed),
NULL, status);
/* subtract 1 to convert from 1-based to 0-based element number */
irow = row + (outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1; /* dither the quantized values */
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == -1) {
irow = 0; /* do not dither the quantized values */
} else {
ffpmsg("Unknown dithering method.");
ffpmsg("May need to install a newer version of CFITSIO.");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
*flag = fits_quantize_float (irow, (float *) tiledata, tilenx, tileny,
nullcheck, floatnull, (outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level,
(outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, idata, bscale, bzero, &iminval, &imaxval);
if (*flag > 1)
return(*status = *flag);
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level != NO_QUANTIZE)
/* if floating point pixels are not being losslessly compressed, then */
/* input float data is implicitly converted (truncated) to integers */
if ((scale != 1. || zero != 0.)) /* must scale the values */
imcomp_nullscalefloats((float *) tiledata, tilelen, idata, scale, zero,
nullcheck, *(float *) (nullflagval), nullval, status);
imcomp_nullfloats((float *) tiledata, tilelen, idata,
nullcheck, *(float *) (nullflagval), nullval, status);
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE)
/* just convert null values to NaNs in place, if necessary, then do lossless gzip compression */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
imcomp_float2nan((float *) tiledata, tilelen, (int *) tiledata,
*(float *) (nullflagval), status);
int imcomp_convert_tile_tdouble(
fitsfile *outfptr,
long row,
void *tiledata,
long tilelen,
long tilenx,
long tileny,
int nullcheck,
void *nullflagval,
int nullval,
int zbitpix,
double scale,
double zero,
int *intlength,
int *flag,
double *bscale,
double *bzero,
int *status)
/* Prepare the input tile array of pixels for compression. */
/* Convert input double tile array in place to 4-byte ints for compression, */
/* If needed, convert 4 or 8-byte ints and do null value substitution. */
/* Note that the calling routine must have allocated the input array big enough */
/* to be able to do this. */
int *idata;
long irow, ii;
double doublenull;
unsigned char *usbbuff;
unsigned long dithersum;
int iminval = 0, imaxval = 0; /* min and max quantized integers */
/* datatype of input array is double. We only support writing this datatype
to a FITS image with BITPIX = -64 or -32, except we also support the special case where
BITPIX = 32 and BZERO = 0 and BSCALE = 1. */
if ((zbitpix != LONG_IMG && zbitpix != DOUBLE_IMG && zbitpix != FLOAT_IMG) || scale != 1.0 || zero != 0.) {
ffpmsg("Implicit datatype conversion is not supported when writing to compressed images");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
*intlength = 4;
idata = (int *) tiledata;
/* if the tile-compressed table contains zscale and zzero columns */
/* then scale and quantize the input floating point data. */
/* Otherwise, just truncate the floats to integers. */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale > 0)
if (nullcheck == 1)
doublenull = *(double *) (nullflagval);
/* quantize the double values into integers */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 ||
(outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2) {
/* see if the dithering offset value needs to be initialized (see above) */
if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed == 0 && (outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed == 0) {
(outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed =
(( (int)time(NULL) + ( (int) clock() / (int) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 100)) + (outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu) % 10000) + 1;
/* update the header keyword with this new value */
fits_update_key(outfptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &((outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed),
NULL, status);
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->request_dither_seed < 0 && (outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed < 0) {
usbbuff = (unsigned char *) tiledata;
dithersum = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 8 * tilelen; ii++) {
dithersum += usbbuff[ii];
(outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed = ((int) (dithersum % 10000)) + 1;
/* update the header keyword with this new value */
fits_update_key(outfptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &((outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed),
NULL, status);
irow = row + (outfptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1; /* dither the quantized values */
} else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == -1) {
irow = 0; /* do not dither the quantized values */
} else {
ffpmsg("Unknown subtractive dithering method.");
ffpmsg("May need to install a newer version of CFITSIO.");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
*flag = fits_quantize_double (irow, (double *) tiledata, tilenx, tileny,
nullcheck, doublenull, (outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level,
(outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, idata,
bscale, bzero, &iminval, &imaxval);
if (*flag > 1)
return(*status = *flag);
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level != NO_QUANTIZE)
/* if floating point pixels are not being losslessly compressed, then */
/* input float data is implicitly converted (truncated) to integers */
if ((scale != 1. || zero != 0.)) /* must scale the values */
imcomp_nullscaledoubles((double *) tiledata, tilelen, idata, scale, zero,
nullcheck, *(double *) (nullflagval), nullval, status);
imcomp_nulldoubles((double *) tiledata, tilelen, idata,
nullcheck, *(double *) (nullflagval), nullval, status);
else if ((outfptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE)
/* just convert null values to NaNs in place, if necessary, then do lossless gzip compression */
if (nullcheck == 1) {
imcomp_double2nan((double *) tiledata, tilelen, (LONGLONG *) tiledata,
*(double *) (nullflagval), status);
int imcomp_nullscale(
int *idata,
long tilelen,
int nullflagval,
int nullval,
double scale,
double zero,
int *status)
do null value substitution AND scaling of the integer array.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the value to nullval.
Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.
long ii;
double dvalue;
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (idata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
dvalue = (idata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nullvalues(
int *idata,
long tilelen,
int nullflagval,
int nullval,
int *status)
do null value substitution.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the value to nullval.
long ii;
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (idata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
int imcomp_scalevalues(
int *idata,
long tilelen,
double scale,
double zero,
int *status)
do inverse scaling the integer values.
long ii;
double dvalue;
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
dvalue = (idata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nullscalei2(
short *idata,
long tilelen,
short nullflagval,
short nullval,
double scale,
double zero,
int *status)
do null value substitution AND scaling of the integer array.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the value to nullval.
Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.
long ii;
double dvalue;
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (idata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
dvalue = (idata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DSHRT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = SHRT_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DSHRT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = SHRT_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nullvaluesi2(
short *idata,
long tilelen,
short nullflagval,
short nullval,
int *status)
do null value substitution.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the value to nullval.
long ii;
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (idata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
int imcomp_scalevaluesi2(
short *idata,
long tilelen,
double scale,
double zero,
int *status)
do inverse scaling the integer values.
long ii;
double dvalue;
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
dvalue = (idata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DSHRT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = SHRT_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DSHRT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = SHRT_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nullfloats(
float *fdata,
long tilelen,
int *idata,
int nullcheck,
float nullflagval,
int nullval,
int *status)
do null value substitution of the float array.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE.
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 1) /* must check for null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (fdata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
dvalue = fdata[ii];
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
else /* don't have to worry about null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
dvalue = fdata[ii];
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nullscalefloats(
float *fdata,
long tilelen,
int *idata,
double scale,
double zero,
int nullcheck,
float nullflagval,
int nullval,
int *status)
do null value substitution of the float array.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE.
Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 1) /* must check for null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (fdata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
dvalue = (fdata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0.)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
else /* don't have to worry about null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
dvalue = (fdata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0.)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nulldoubles(
double *fdata,
long tilelen,
int *idata,
int nullcheck,
double nullflagval,
int nullval,
int *status)
do null value substitution of the float array.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE.
Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 1) /* must check for null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (fdata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
dvalue = fdata[ii];
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0.)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
else /* don't have to worry about null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
dvalue = fdata[ii];
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0.)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int imcomp_nullscaledoubles(
double *fdata,
long tilelen,
int *idata,
double scale,
double zero,
int nullcheck,
double nullflagval,
int nullval,
int *status)
do null value substitution of the float array.
If array value = nullflagval, then set the output value to FLOATNULLVALUE.
Otherwise, inverse scale the integer value.
long ii;
double dvalue;
if (nullcheck == 1) /* must check for null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
if (fdata[ii] == nullflagval)
idata[ii] = nullval;
dvalue = (fdata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0.)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
else /* don't have to worry about null values */
for (ii=0; ii < tilelen; ii++)
dvalue = (fdata[ii] - zero) / scale;
if (dvalue < DINT_MIN)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MIN;
else if (dvalue > DINT_MAX)
*status = OVERFLOW_ERR;
idata[ii] = INT32_MAX;
if (dvalue >= 0.)
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue + .5);
idata[ii] = (int) (dvalue - .5);
int fits_write_compressed_img(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be written */
long *infpixel, /* I - 'bottom left corner' of the subsection */
long *inlpixel, /* I - 'top right corner' of the subsection */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: pixels that are = nullval will be */
/* written with the FITS null pixel value */
/* (floating point arrays only) */
void *array, /* I - array of values to be written */
void *nullval, /* I - undefined pixel value */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Write a section of a compressed image.
int tiledim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long naxis[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long tilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], thistilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long tfpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], tlpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long rowdim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], offset[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM],ntemp;
long fpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], lpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, i0, irow, trowsize, ntrows;
int ii, ndim, pixlen, tilenul;
int tstatus, buffpixsiz;
void *buffer;
char *bnullarray = 0, card[FLEN_CARD];
if (*status > 0)
if (!fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status) )
ffpmsg("CHDU is not a compressed image (fits_write_compressed_img)");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
/* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
/* rescan header if data structure is undefined */
else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)
/* ===================================================================== */
if (datatype == TSHORT || datatype == TUSHORT)
pixlen = sizeof(short);
else if (datatype == TINT || datatype == TUINT)
pixlen = sizeof(int);
else if (datatype == TBYTE || datatype == TSBYTE)
pixlen = 1;
else if (datatype == TLONG || datatype == TULONG)
pixlen = sizeof(long);
else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
pixlen = sizeof(float);
else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
pixlen = sizeof(double);
ffpmsg("unsupported datatype for compressing image");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
/* ===================================================================== */
/* allocate scratch space for processing one tile of the image */
buffpixsiz = pixlen; /* this is the minimum pixel size */
if ( (fptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) { /* need 4 or 8 bytes per pixel */
if ((fptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG ||
(fptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG )
buffpixsiz = maxvalue(buffpixsiz, 4);
buffpixsiz = 8;
else if ( (fptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1) { /* need 4 bytes per pixel */
buffpixsiz = maxvalue(buffpixsiz, 4);
else if ( (fptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 ||
(fptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1 ||
(fptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 ||
(fptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1) { /* need 1, 2, or 4 bytes per pixel */
if ((fptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG)
buffpixsiz = maxvalue(buffpixsiz, 1);
else if ((fptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG)
buffpixsiz = maxvalue(buffpixsiz, 2);
buffpixsiz = maxvalue(buffpixsiz, 4);
ffpmsg("unsupported image compression algorithm");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
/* cast to double to force alignment on 8-byte addresses */
buffer = (double *) calloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen, buffpixsiz);
if (buffer == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory (fits_write_compress_img)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* ===================================================================== */
/* initialize all the arrays */
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
naxis[ii] = 1;
tiledim[ii] = 1;
tilesize[ii] = 1;
ftile[ii] = 1;
ltile[ii] = 1;
rowdim[ii] = 1;
ndim = (fptr->Fptr)->zndim;
ntemp = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
fpixel[ii] = infpixel[ii];
lpixel[ii] = inlpixel[ii];
/* calc number of tiles in each dimension, and tile containing */
/* the first and last pixel we want to read in each dimension */
naxis[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii];
if (fpixel[ii] < 1)
return(*status = BAD_PIX_NUM);
tilesize[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii];
tiledim[ii] = (naxis[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1;
ftile[ii] = (fpixel[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1;
ltile[ii] = minvalue((lpixel[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1,
rowdim[ii] = ntemp; /* total tiles in each dimension */
ntemp *= tiledim[ii];
/* support up to 6 dimensions for now */
/* tfpixel and tlpixel are the first and last image pixels */
/* along each dimension of the compression tile */
for (i5 = ftile[5]; i5 <= ltile[5]; i5++)
tfpixel[5] = (i5 - 1) * tilesize[5] + 1;
tlpixel[5] = minvalue(tfpixel[5] + tilesize[5] - 1,
thistilesize[5] = tlpixel[5] - tfpixel[5] + 1;
offset[5] = (i5 - 1) * rowdim[5];
for (i4 = ftile[4]; i4 <= ltile[4]; i4++)
tfpixel[4] = (i4 - 1) * tilesize[4] + 1;
tlpixel[4] = minvalue(tfpixel[4] + tilesize[4] - 1,
thistilesize[4] = thistilesize[5] * (tlpixel[4] - tfpixel[4] + 1);
offset[4] = (i4 - 1) * rowdim[4] + offset[5];
for (i3 = ftile[3]; i3 <= ltile[3]; i3++)
tfpixel[3] = (i3 - 1) * tilesize[3] + 1;
tlpixel[3] = minvalue(tfpixel[3] + tilesize[3] - 1,
thistilesize[3] = thistilesize[4] * (tlpixel[3] - tfpixel[3] + 1);
offset[3] = (i3 - 1) * rowdim[3] + offset[4];
for (i2 = ftile[2]; i2 <= ltile[2]; i2++)
tfpixel[2] = (i2 - 1) * tilesize[2] + 1;
tlpixel[2] = minvalue(tfpixel[2] + tilesize[2] - 1,
thistilesize[2] = thistilesize[3] * (tlpixel[2] - tfpixel[2] + 1);
offset[2] = (i2 - 1) * rowdim[2] + offset[3];
for (i1 = ftile[1]; i1 <= ltile[1]; i1++)
tfpixel[1] = (i1 - 1) * tilesize[1] + 1;
tlpixel[1] = minvalue(tfpixel[1] + tilesize[1] - 1,
thistilesize[1] = thistilesize[2] * (tlpixel[1] - tfpixel[1] + 1);
offset[1] = (i1 - 1) * rowdim[1] + offset[2];
for (i0 = ftile[0]; i0 <= ltile[0]; i0++)
tfpixel[0] = (i0 - 1) * tilesize[0] + 1;
tlpixel[0] = minvalue(tfpixel[0] + tilesize[0] - 1,
thistilesize[0] = thistilesize[1] * (tlpixel[0] - tfpixel[0] + 1);
/* calculate row of table containing this tile */
irow = i0 + offset[1];
/* read and uncompress this row (tile) of the table */
/* also do type conversion and undefined pixel substitution */
/* at this point */
imcomp_decompress_tile(fptr, irow, thistilesize[0],
datatype, nullcheck, nullval, buffer, bnullarray, &tilenul,
if (*status == NO_COMPRESSED_TILE)
/* tile doesn't exist, so initialize to zero */
memset(buffer, 0, pixlen * thistilesize[0]);
*status = 0;
/* copy the intersecting pixels to this tile from the input */
imcomp_merge_overlap(buffer, pixlen, ndim, tfpixel, tlpixel,
bnullarray, array, fpixel, lpixel, nullcheck, status);
/* Collapse sizes of higher dimension tiles into 2 dimensional
equivalents needed by the quantizing algorithms for
floating point types */
fits_calc_tile_rows(tlpixel, tfpixel, ndim, &trowsize,
&ntrows, status);
/* compress the tile again, and write it back to the FITS file */
imcomp_compress_tile (fptr, irow, datatype, buffer,
nullcheck, nullval,
if ((fptr->Fptr)->zbitpix < 0 && nullcheck != 0) {
This is a floating point FITS image with possible null values.
It is too messy to test if any null values are actually written, so
just assume so. We need to make sure that the
ZBLANK keyword is present in the compressed image header. If it is not
there then we need to insert the keyword.
tstatus = 0;
ffgcrd(fptr, "ZBLANK", card, &tstatus);
if (tstatus) { /* have to insert the ZBLANK keyword */
ffgcrd(fptr, "ZCMPTYPE", card, status);
"null value in the compressed integer array", status);
/* set this value into the internal structure; it is used if */
/* the program reads back the values from the array */
(fptr->Fptr)->zblank = COMPRESS_NULL_VALUE;
(fptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank = -1; /* flag for a constant ZBLANK */
int fits_write_compressed_pixels(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be written */
LONGLONG fpixel, /* I - 'first pixel to write */
LONGLONG npixel, /* I - number of pixels to write */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: pixels that are = nullval will be */
/* written with the FITS null pixel value */
/* (floating point arrays only) */
void *array, /* I - array of values to write */
void *nullval, /* I - value used to represent undefined pixels*/
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Write a consecutive set of pixels to a compressed image. This routine
interpretes the n-dimensional image as a long one-dimensional array.
This is actually a rather inconvenient way to write compressed images in
general, and could be rather inefficient if the requested pixels to be
written are located in many different image compression tiles.
The general strategy used here is to write the requested pixels in blocks
that correspond to rectangular image sections.
int naxis, ii, bytesperpixel;
long naxes[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], nread;
LONGLONG tfirst, tlast, last0, last1, dimsize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long nplane, firstcoord[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], lastcoord[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
char *arrayptr;
if (*status > 0)
arrayptr = (char *) array;
/* get size of array pixels, in bytes */
bytesperpixel = ffpxsz(datatype);
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
naxes[ii] = 1;
firstcoord[ii] = 0;
lastcoord[ii] = 0;
/* determine the dimensions of the image to be written */
ffgidm(fptr, &naxis, status);
ffgisz(fptr, MAX_COMPRESS_DIM, naxes, status);
/* calc the cumulative number of pixels in each successive dimension */
dimsize[0] = 1;
for (ii = 1; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
dimsize[ii] = dimsize[ii - 1] * naxes[ii - 1];
/* determine the coordinate of the first and last pixel in the image */
/* Use zero based indexes here */
tfirst = fpixel - 1;
tlast = tfirst + npixel - 1;
for (ii = naxis - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
firstcoord[ii] = (long) (tfirst / dimsize[ii]);
lastcoord[ii] = (long) (tlast / dimsize[ii]);
tfirst = tfirst - firstcoord[ii] * dimsize[ii];
tlast = tlast - lastcoord[ii] * dimsize[ii];
/* to simplify things, treat 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D images as separate cases */
if (naxis == 1)
/* Simple: just write the requested range of pixels */
firstcoord[0] = firstcoord[0] + 1;
lastcoord[0] = lastcoord[0] + 1;
fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, firstcoord, lastcoord,
nullcheck, array, nullval, status);
else if (naxis == 2)
nplane = 0; /* write 1st (and only) plane of the image */
fits_write_compressed_img_plane(fptr, datatype, bytesperpixel,
nplane, firstcoord, lastcoord, naxes, nullcheck,
array, nullval, &nread, status);
else if (naxis == 3)
/* test for special case: writing an integral number of planes */
if (firstcoord[0] == 0 && firstcoord[1] == 0 &&
lastcoord[0] == naxes[0] - 1 && lastcoord[1] == naxes[1] - 1)
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
/* convert from zero base to 1 base */
/* we can write the contiguous block of pixels in one go */
fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, firstcoord, lastcoord,
nullcheck, array, nullval, status);
/* save last coordinate in temporary variables */
last0 = lastcoord[0];
last1 = lastcoord[1];
if (firstcoord[2] < lastcoord[2])
/* we will write up to the last pixel in all but the last plane */
lastcoord[0] = naxes[0] - 1;
lastcoord[1] = naxes[1] - 1;
/* write one plane of the cube at a time, for simplicity */
for (nplane = firstcoord[2]; nplane <= lastcoord[2]; nplane++)
if (nplane == lastcoord[2])
lastcoord[0] = (long) last0;
lastcoord[1] = (long) last1;
fits_write_compressed_img_plane(fptr, datatype, bytesperpixel,
nplane, firstcoord, lastcoord, naxes, nullcheck,
arrayptr, nullval, &nread, status);
/* for all subsequent planes, we start with the first pixel */
firstcoord[0] = 0;
firstcoord[1] = 0;
/* increment pointers to next elements to be written */
arrayptr = arrayptr + nread * bytesperpixel;
ffpmsg("only 1D, 2D, or 3D images are currently supported");
return(*status = DATA_COMPRESSION_ERR);
int fits_write_compressed_img_plane(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be written */
int bytesperpixel, /* I - number of bytes per pixel in array */
long nplane, /* I - which plane of the cube to write */
long *firstcoord, /* I coordinate of first pixel to write */
long *lastcoord, /* I coordinate of last pixel to write */
long *naxes, /* I size of each image dimension */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: pixels that are = nullval will be */
/* written with the FITS null pixel value */
/* (floating point arrays only) */
void *array, /* I - array of values that are written */
void *nullval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
long *nread, /* O - total number of pixels written */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
in general we have to write the first partial row of the image,
followed by the middle complete rows, followed by the last
partial row of the image. If the first or last rows are complete,
then write them at the same time as all the middle rows.
/* bottom left coord. and top right coord. */
char *arrayptr;
*nread = 0;
arrayptr = (char *) array;
blc[2] = nplane + 1;
trc[2] = nplane + 1;
if (firstcoord[0] != 0)
/* have to read a partial first row */
blc[0] = firstcoord[0] + 1;
blc[1] = firstcoord[1] + 1;
trc[1] = blc[1];
if (lastcoord[1] == firstcoord[1])
trc[0] = lastcoord[0] + 1; /* 1st and last pixels in same row */
trc[0] = naxes[0]; /* read entire rest of the row */
fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, blc, trc,
nullcheck, arrayptr, nullval, status);
*nread = *nread + trc[0] - blc[0] + 1;
if (lastcoord[1] == firstcoord[1])
return(*status); /* finished */
/* set starting coord to beginning of next line */
firstcoord[0] = 0;
firstcoord[1] += 1;
arrayptr = arrayptr + (trc[0] - blc[0] + 1) * bytesperpixel;
/* write contiguous complete rows of the image, if any */
blc[0] = 1;
blc[1] = firstcoord[1] + 1;
trc[0] = naxes[0];
if (lastcoord[0] + 1 == naxes[0])
/* can write the last complete row, too */
trc[1] = lastcoord[1] + 1;
/* last row is incomplete; have to read it separately */
trc[1] = lastcoord[1];
if (trc[1] >= blc[1]) /* must have at least one whole line to read */
fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, blc, trc,
nullcheck, arrayptr, nullval, status);
*nread = *nread + (trc[1] - blc[1] + 1) * naxes[0];
if (lastcoord[1] + 1 == trc[1])
return(*status); /* finished */
/* increment pointers for the last partial row */
arrayptr = arrayptr + (trc[1] - blc[1] + 1) * naxes[0] * bytesperpixel;
if (trc[1] == lastcoord[1] + 1)
return(*status); /* all done */
/* set starting and ending coord to last line */
trc[0] = lastcoord[0] + 1;
trc[1] = lastcoord[1] + 1;
blc[1] = trc[1];
fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, blc, trc,
nullcheck, arrayptr, nullval, status);
*nread = *nread + trc[0] - blc[0] + 1;
/* ######################################################################## */
/* ### Image Decompression Routines ### */
/* ######################################################################## */
int fits_img_decompress (fitsfile *infptr, /* image (bintable) to uncompress */
fitsfile *outfptr, /* empty HDU for output uncompressed image */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine decompresses the whole image and writes it to the output file.
int ii, datatype = 0;
int nullcheck, anynul;
long imgsize;
float *nulladdr, fnulval;
double dnulval;
if (fits_img_decompress_header(infptr, outfptr, status) > 0)
return (*status);
/* force a rescan of the output header keywords, then reset the scaling */
/* in case the BSCALE and BZERO keywords are present, so that the */
/* decompressed values won't be scaled when written to the output image */
ffrdef(outfptr, status);
ffpscl(outfptr, 1.0, 0.0, status);
ffpscl(infptr, 1.0, 0.0, status);
/* initialize; no null checking is needed for integer images */
nullcheck = 0;
nulladdr = &fnulval;
/* determine datatype for image */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG)
datatype = TBYTE;
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG)
datatype = TSHORT;
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == LONG_IMG)
datatype = TINT;
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == FLOAT_IMG)
/* In the case of float images we must check for NaNs */
nullcheck = 1;
nulladdr = &fnulval;
datatype = TFLOAT;
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == DOUBLE_IMG)
/* In the case of double images we must check for NaNs */
nullcheck = 1;
nulladdr = (float *) &dnulval;
datatype = TDOUBLE;
/* calculate size of the image (in pixels) */
imgsize = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < (infptr->Fptr)->zndim; ii++)
imgsize *= (infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii];
fpixel[ii] = 1; /* Set first and last pixel to */
lpixel[ii] = (infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii]; /* include the entire image. */
inc[ii] = 1;
/* uncompress the input image and write to output image, one tile at a time */
fits_read_write_compressed_img(infptr, datatype, fpixel, lpixel, inc,
nullcheck, nulladdr, &anynul, outfptr, status);
return (*status);
int fits_decompress_img (fitsfile *infptr, /* image (bintable) to uncompress */
fitsfile *outfptr, /* empty HDU for output uncompressed image */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
THIS IS AN OBSOLETE ROUTINE. USE fits_img_decompress instead!!!
This routine decompresses the whole image and writes it to the output file.
double *data;
int ii, datatype = 0, byte_per_pix = 0;
int nullcheck, anynul;
long imgsize, memsize;
float *nulladdr, fnulval;
double dnulval;
if (*status > 0)
if (!fits_is_compressed_image(infptr, status) )
ffpmsg("CHDU is not a compressed image (fits_decompress_img)");
return(*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* create an empty output image with the correct dimensions */
if (ffcrim(outfptr, (infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix, (infptr->Fptr)->zndim,
(infptr->Fptr)->znaxis, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error creating output decompressed image HDU");
return (*status);
/* Copy the table header to the image header. */
if (imcomp_copy_imheader(infptr, outfptr, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error copying header of compressed image");
return (*status);
/* force a rescan of the output header keywords, then reset the scaling */
/* in case the BSCALE and BZERO keywords are present, so that the */
/* decompressed values won't be scaled when written to the output image */
ffrdef(outfptr, status);
ffpscl(outfptr, 1.0, 0.0, status);
ffpscl(infptr, 1.0, 0.0, status);
/* initialize; no null checking is needed for integer images */
nullcheck = 0;
nulladdr = &fnulval;
/* determine datatype for image */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG)
datatype = TBYTE;
byte_per_pix = 1;
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG)
datatype = TSHORT;
byte_per_pix = sizeof(short);
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == LONG_IMG)
datatype = TINT;
byte_per_pix = sizeof(int);
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == FLOAT_IMG)
/* In the case of float images we must check for NaNs */
nullcheck = 1;
nulladdr = &fnulval;
datatype = TFLOAT;
byte_per_pix = sizeof(float);
else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == DOUBLE_IMG)
/* In the case of double images we must check for NaNs */
nullcheck = 1;
nulladdr = (float *) &dnulval;
datatype = TDOUBLE;
byte_per_pix = sizeof(double);
/* calculate size of the image (in pixels) */
imgsize = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < (infptr->Fptr)->zndim; ii++)
imgsize *= (infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii];
fpixel[ii] = 1; /* Set first and last pixel to */
lpixel[ii] = (infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii]; /* include the entire image. */
inc[ii] = 1;
/* Calc equivalent number of double pixels same size as whole the image. */
/* We use double datatype to force the memory to be aligned properly */
memsize = ((imgsize * byte_per_pix) - 1) / sizeof(double) + 1;
/* allocate memory for the image */
data = (double*) calloc (memsize, sizeof(double));
if (!data)
ffpmsg("Couldn't allocate memory for the uncompressed image");
return(*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* uncompress the entire image into memory */
/* This routine should be enhanced sometime to only need enough */
/* memory to uncompress one tile at a time. */
fits_read_compressed_img(infptr, datatype, fpixel, lpixel, inc,
nullcheck, nulladdr, data, NULL, &anynul, status);
/* write the image to the output file */
if (anynul)
fits_write_imgnull(outfptr, datatype, 1, imgsize, data, nulladdr,
fits_write_img(outfptr, datatype, 1, imgsize, data, status);
return (*status);
int fits_img_decompress_header(fitsfile *infptr, /* image (bintable) to uncompress */
fitsfile *outfptr, /* empty HDU for output uncompressed image */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This routine reads the header of the input tile compressed image and
converts it to that of a standard uncompress FITS image.
int writeprime = 0;
int hdupos, inhdupos, numkeys;
int nullprime = 0, copyprime = 0, norec = 0, tstatus;
char card[FLEN_CARD];
int ii, naxis, bitpix;
long naxes[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
if (*status > 0)
else if (*status == -1) {
*status = 0;
writeprime = 1;
if (!fits_is_compressed_image(infptr, status) )
ffpmsg("CHDU is not a compressed image (fits_img_decompress)");
return(*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* get information about the state of the output file; does it already */
/* contain any keywords and HDUs? */
fits_get_hdu_num(infptr, &inhdupos); /* Get the current output HDU position */
fits_get_hdu_num(outfptr, &hdupos); /* Get the current output HDU position */
fits_get_hdrspace(outfptr, &numkeys, 0, status);
/* Was the input compressed HDU originally the primary array image? */
tstatus = 0;
if (!fits_read_card(infptr, "ZSIMPLE", card, &tstatus)) {
/* yes, input HDU was a primary array (not an IMAGE extension) */
/* Now determine if we can uncompress it into the primary array of */
/* the output file. This is only possible if the output file */
/* currently only contains a null primary array, with no addition */
/* header keywords and with no following extension in the FITS file. */
if (hdupos == 1) { /* are we positioned at the primary array? */
if (numkeys == 0) { /* primary HDU is completely empty */
nullprime = 1;
} else {
fits_get_img_param(outfptr, MAX_COMPRESS_DIM, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, status);
if (naxis == 0) { /* is this a null image? */
nullprime = 1;
if (inhdupos == 2) /* must be at the first extension */
copyprime = 1;
if (nullprime) {
/* We will delete the existing keywords in the null primary array
and uncompress the input image into the primary array of the output.
Some of these keywords may be added back to the uncompressed image
header later.
for (ii = numkeys; ii > 0; ii--)
fits_delete_record(outfptr, ii, status);
} else {
/* if the ZTENSION keyword doesn't exist, then we have to
write the required keywords manually */
tstatus = 0;
if (fits_read_card(infptr, "ZTENSION", card, &tstatus)) {
/* create an empty output image with the correct dimensions */
if (ffcrim(outfptr, (infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix, (infptr->Fptr)->zndim,
(infptr->Fptr)->znaxis, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error creating output decompressed image HDU");
return (*status);
norec = 1; /* the required keywords have already been written */
} else { /* the input compressed image does have ZTENSION keyword */
if (writeprime) { /* convert the image extension to a primary array */
/* have to write the required keywords manually */
/* create an empty output image with the correct dimensions */
if (ffcrim(outfptr, (infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix, (infptr->Fptr)->zndim,
(infptr->Fptr)->znaxis, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error creating output decompressed image HDU");
return (*status);
norec = 1; /* the required keywords have already been written */
} else { /* write the input compressed image to an image extension */
if (numkeys == 0) { /* the output file is currently completely empty */
/* In this case, the input is a compressed IMAGE extension. */
/* Since the uncompressed output file is currently completely empty, */
/* we need to write a null primary array before uncompressing the */
/* image extension */
ffcrim(outfptr, 8, 0, naxes, status); /* naxes is not used */
/* now create the empty extension to uncompress into */
if (fits_create_hdu(outfptr, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error creating output decompressed image HDU");
return (*status);
} else {
/* just create a new empty extension, then copy all the required */
/* keywords into it. */
fits_create_hdu(outfptr, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("error creating output decompressed image HDU");
return (*status);
/* Copy the table header to the image header. */
if (imcomp_copy_comp2img(infptr, outfptr, norec, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error copying header keywords from compressed image");
if (copyprime) {
/* append any unexpected keywords from the primary array.
This includes any keywords except SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS,
fits_movabs_hdu(infptr, 1, NULL, status); /* move to primary array */
/* do this so that any new keywords get written before any blank
keywords that may have been appended by imcomp_copy_comp2img */
fits_set_hdustruc(outfptr, status);
if (imcomp_copy_prime2img(infptr, outfptr, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("error copying primary keywords from compressed file");
fits_movabs_hdu(infptr, 2, NULL, status); /* move back to where we were */
return (*status);
int fits_read_compressed_img(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be returned */
LONGLONG *infpixel, /* I - 'bottom left corner' of the subsection */
LONGLONG *inlpixel, /* I - 'top right corner' of the subsection */
long *ininc, /* I - increment to be applied in each dimension */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: set undefined pixels = nullval */
/* 2: set nullarray=1 for undefined pixels */
void *nullval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
void *array, /* O - array of values that are returned */
char *nullarray, /* O - array of flags = 1 if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read a section of a compressed image; Note: lpixel may be larger than the
size of the uncompressed image. Only the pixels within the image will be
long naxis[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], tiledim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long tilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], thistilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long tfpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], tlpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long rowdim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], offset[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM],ntemp;
long fpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], lpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, i0, irow;
int ii, ndim, pixlen, tilenul;
void *buffer;
char *bnullarray = 0;
double testnullval = 0.;
if (*status > 0)
if (!fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status) )
ffpmsg("CHDU is not a compressed image (fits_read_compressed_img)");
return(*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* get temporary space for uncompressing one image tile */
if (datatype == TSHORT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (short));
pixlen = sizeof(short);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(short *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TINT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (int));
pixlen = sizeof(int);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(int *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TLONG)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (long));
pixlen = sizeof(long);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(long *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (float));
pixlen = sizeof(float);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(float *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (double));
pixlen = sizeof(double);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(double *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TUSHORT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (unsigned short));
pixlen = sizeof(short);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(unsigned short *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TUINT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (unsigned int));
pixlen = sizeof(int);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(unsigned int *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TULONG)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (unsigned long));
pixlen = sizeof(long);
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(unsigned long *) nullval;
else if (datatype == TBYTE || datatype == TSBYTE)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (char));
pixlen = 1;
if (nullval)
testnullval = *(unsigned char *) nullval;
ffpmsg("unsupported datatype for uncompressing image");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
/* If nullcheck ==1 and nullval == 0, then this means that the */
/* calling routine does not want to check for null pixels in the array */
if (nullcheck == 1 && testnullval == 0.)
nullcheck = 0;
if (buffer == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory (fits_read_compress_img)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* allocate memory for a null flag array, if needed */
if (nullcheck == 2)
bnullarray = calloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen, sizeof (char));
if (bnullarray == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory (fits_read_compress_img)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize all the arrays */
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
naxis[ii] = 1;
tiledim[ii] = 1;
tilesize[ii] = 1;
ftile[ii] = 1;
ltile[ii] = 1;
rowdim[ii] = 1;
ndim = (fptr->Fptr)->zndim;
ntemp = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
/* support for mirror-reversed image sections */
if (infpixel[ii] <= inlpixel[ii])
fpixel[ii] = (long) infpixel[ii];
lpixel[ii] = (long) inlpixel[ii];
inc[ii] = ininc[ii];
fpixel[ii] = (long) inlpixel[ii];
lpixel[ii] = (long) infpixel[ii];
inc[ii] = -ininc[ii];
/* calc number of tiles in each dimension, and tile containing */
/* the first and last pixel we want to read in each dimension */
naxis[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii];
if (fpixel[ii] < 1)
if (nullcheck == 2)
return(*status = BAD_PIX_NUM);
tilesize[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii];
tiledim[ii] = (naxis[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1;
ftile[ii] = (fpixel[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1;
ltile[ii] = minvalue((lpixel[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1,
rowdim[ii] = ntemp; /* total tiles in each dimension */
ntemp *= tiledim[ii];
if (anynul)
*anynul = 0; /* initialize */
/* support up to 6 dimensions for now */
/* tfpixel and tlpixel are the first and last image pixels */
/* along each dimension of the compression tile */
for (i5 = ftile[5]; i5 <= ltile[5]; i5++)
tfpixel[5] = (i5 - 1) * tilesize[5] + 1;
tlpixel[5] = minvalue(tfpixel[5] + tilesize[5] - 1,
thistilesize[5] = tlpixel[5] - tfpixel[5] + 1;
offset[5] = (i5 - 1) * rowdim[5];
for (i4 = ftile[4]; i4 <= ltile[4]; i4++)
tfpixel[4] = (i4 - 1) * tilesize[4] + 1;
tlpixel[4] = minvalue(tfpixel[4] + tilesize[4] - 1,
thistilesize[4] = thistilesize[5] * (tlpixel[4] - tfpixel[4] + 1);
offset[4] = (i4 - 1) * rowdim[4] + offset[5];
for (i3 = ftile[3]; i3 <= ltile[3]; i3++)
tfpixel[3] = (i3 - 1) * tilesize[3] + 1;
tlpixel[3] = minvalue(tfpixel[3] + tilesize[3] - 1,
thistilesize[3] = thistilesize[4] * (tlpixel[3] - tfpixel[3] + 1);
offset[3] = (i3 - 1) * rowdim[3] + offset[4];
for (i2 = ftile[2]; i2 <= ltile[2]; i2++)
tfpixel[2] = (i2 - 1) * tilesize[2] + 1;
tlpixel[2] = minvalue(tfpixel[2] + tilesize[2] - 1,
thistilesize[2] = thistilesize[3] * (tlpixel[2] - tfpixel[2] + 1);
offset[2] = (i2 - 1) * rowdim[2] + offset[3];
for (i1 = ftile[1]; i1 <= ltile[1]; i1++)
tfpixel[1] = (i1 - 1) * tilesize[1] + 1;
tlpixel[1] = minvalue(tfpixel[1] + tilesize[1] - 1,
thistilesize[1] = thistilesize[2] * (tlpixel[1] - tfpixel[1] + 1);
offset[1] = (i1 - 1) * rowdim[1] + offset[2];
for (i0 = ftile[0]; i0 <= ltile[0]; i0++)
tfpixel[0] = (i0 - 1) * tilesize[0] + 1;
tlpixel[0] = minvalue(tfpixel[0] + tilesize[0] - 1,
thistilesize[0] = thistilesize[1] * (tlpixel[0] - tfpixel[0] + 1);
/* calculate row of table containing this tile */
irow = i0 + offset[1];
printf("row %d, %d %d, %d %d, %d %d; %d\n",
irow, tfpixel[0],tlpixel[0],tfpixel[1],tlpixel[1],tfpixel[2],tlpixel[2],
/* test if there are any intersecting pixels in this tile and the output image */
if (imcomp_test_overlap(ndim, tfpixel, tlpixel,
fpixel, lpixel, inc, status)) {
/* read and uncompress this row (tile) of the table */
/* also do type conversion and undefined pixel substitution */
/* at this point */
imcomp_decompress_tile(fptr, irow, thistilesize[0],
datatype, nullcheck, nullval, buffer, bnullarray, &tilenul,
if (tilenul && anynul)
*anynul = 1; /* there are null pixels */
printf(" pixlen=%d, ndim=%d, %d %d %d, %d %d %d, %d %d %d\n",
pixlen, ndim, fpixel[0],lpixel[0],inc[0],fpixel[1],lpixel[1],inc[1],
/* copy the intersecting pixels from this tile to the output */
imcomp_copy_overlap(buffer, pixlen, ndim, tfpixel, tlpixel,
bnullarray, array, fpixel, lpixel, inc, nullcheck,
nullarray, status);
if (nullcheck == 2)
int fits_read_write_compressed_img(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be returned */
LONGLONG *infpixel, /* I - 'bottom left corner' of the subsection */
LONGLONG *inlpixel, /* I - 'top right corner' of the subsection */
long *ininc, /* I - increment to be applied in each dimension */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: set undefined pixels = nullval */
void *nullval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
fitsfile *outfptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
This is similar to fits_read_compressed_img, except that it writes
the pixels to the output image, on a tile by tile basis instead of returning
the array.
long naxis[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], tiledim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long tilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], thistilesize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long tfpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], tlpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long rowdim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], offset[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM],ntemp;
long fpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], lpixel[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
long i5, i4, i3, i2, i1, i0, irow;
int ii, ndim, tilenul;
void *buffer;
char *bnullarray = 0, *cnull;
LONGLONG firstelem;
if (*status > 0)
if (!fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status) )
ffpmsg("CHDU is not a compressed image (fits_read_compressed_img)");
return(*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
cnull = (char *) nullval; /* used to test if the nullval = 0 */
/* get temporary space for uncompressing one image tile */
/* If nullval == 0, then this means that the */
/* calling routine does not want to check for null pixels in the array */
if (datatype == TSHORT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (short));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 ) {
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TINT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (int));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 && cnull[2] == 0 && cnull[3] == 0 ) {
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TLONG)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (long));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 && cnull[2] == 0 && cnull[3] == 0 ) {
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (float));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 && cnull[2] == 0 && cnull[3] == 0 ) {
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (double));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 && cnull[2] == 0 && cnull[3] == 0 &&
cnull[4] == 0 && cnull[5] == 0 && cnull[6] == 0 && cnull[7] == 0 ) {
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TUSHORT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (unsigned short));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 ){
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TUINT)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (unsigned int));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 && cnull[2] == 0 && cnull[3] == 0 ){
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TULONG)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (unsigned long));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0 && cnull[1] == 0 && cnull[2] == 0 && cnull[3] == 0 ){
nullcheck = 0;
else if (datatype == TBYTE || datatype == TSBYTE)
buffer = malloc ((fptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen * sizeof (char));
if (cnull) {
if (cnull[0] == 0){
nullcheck = 0;
ffpmsg("unsupported datatype for uncompressing image");
return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);
if (buffer == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory (fits_read_compress_img)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize all the arrays */
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
naxis[ii] = 1;
tiledim[ii] = 1;
tilesize[ii] = 1;
ftile[ii] = 1;
ltile[ii] = 1;
rowdim[ii] = 1;
ndim = (fptr->Fptr)->zndim;
ntemp = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
/* support for mirror-reversed image sections */
if (infpixel[ii] <= inlpixel[ii])
fpixel[ii] = (long) infpixel[ii];
lpixel[ii] = (long) inlpixel[ii];
inc[ii] = ininc[ii];
fpixel[ii] = (long) inlpixel[ii];
lpixel[ii] = (long) infpixel[ii];
inc[ii] = -ininc[ii];
/* calc number of tiles in each dimension, and tile containing */
/* the first and last pixel we want to read in each dimension */
naxis[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii];
if (fpixel[ii] < 1)
return(*status = BAD_PIX_NUM);
tilesize[ii] = (fptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii];
tiledim[ii] = (naxis[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1;
ftile[ii] = (fpixel[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1;
ltile[ii] = minvalue((lpixel[ii] - 1) / tilesize[ii] + 1,
rowdim[ii] = ntemp; /* total tiles in each dimension */
ntemp *= tiledim[ii];
if (anynul)
*anynul = 0; /* initialize */
firstelem = 1;
/* support up to 6 dimensions for now */
/* tfpixel and tlpixel are the first and last image pixels */
/* along each dimension of the compression tile */
for (i5 = ftile[5]; i5 <= ltile[5]; i5++)
tfpixel[5] = (i5 - 1) * tilesize[5] + 1;
tlpixel[5] = minvalue(tfpixel[5] + tilesize[5] - 1,
thistilesize[5] = tlpixel[5] - tfpixel[5] + 1;
offset[5] = (i5 - 1) * rowdim[5];
for (i4 = ftile[4]; i4 <= ltile[4]; i4++)
tfpixel[4] = (i4 - 1) * tilesize[4] + 1;
tlpixel[4] = minvalue(tfpixel[4] + tilesize[4] - 1,
thistilesize[4] = thistilesize[5] * (tlpixel[4] - tfpixel[4] + 1);
offset[4] = (i4 - 1) * rowdim[4] + offset[5];
for (i3 = ftile[3]; i3 <= ltile[3]; i3++)
tfpixel[3] = (i3 - 1) * tilesize[3] + 1;
tlpixel[3] = minvalue(tfpixel[3] + tilesize[3] - 1,
thistilesize[3] = thistilesize[4] * (tlpixel[3] - tfpixel[3] + 1);
offset[3] = (i3 - 1) * rowdim[3] + offset[4];
for (i2 = ftile[2]; i2 <= ltile[2]; i2++)
tfpixel[2] = (i2 - 1) * tilesize[2] + 1;
tlpixel[2] = minvalue(tfpixel[2] + tilesize[2] - 1,
thistilesize[2] = thistilesize[3] * (tlpixel[2] - tfpixel[2] + 1);
offset[2] = (i2 - 1) * rowdim[2] + offset[3];
for (i1 = ftile[1]; i1 <= ltile[1]; i1++)
tfpixel[1] = (i1 - 1) * tilesize[1] + 1;
tlpixel[1] = minvalue(tfpixel[1] + tilesize[1] - 1,
thistilesize[1] = thistilesize[2] * (tlpixel[1] - tfpixel[1] + 1);
offset[1] = (i1 - 1) * rowdim[1] + offset[2];
for (i0 = ftile[0]; i0 <= ltile[0]; i0++)
tfpixel[0] = (i0 - 1) * tilesize[0] + 1;
tlpixel[0] = minvalue(tfpixel[0] + tilesize[0] - 1,
thistilesize[0] = thistilesize[1] * (tlpixel[0] - tfpixel[0] + 1);
/* calculate row of table containing this tile */
irow = i0 + offset[1];
/* read and uncompress this row (tile) of the table */
/* also do type conversion and undefined pixel substitution */
/* at this point */
imcomp_decompress_tile(fptr, irow, thistilesize[0],
datatype, nullcheck, nullval, buffer, bnullarray, &tilenul,
/* write the image to the output file */
if (tilenul && anynul) {
/* this assumes that the tiled pixels are in the same order
as in the uncompressed FITS image. This is not necessarily
the case, but it almost alway is in practice.
Note that null checking is not performed for integer images,
so this could only be a problem for tile compressed floating
point images that use an unconventional tiling pattern.
fits_write_imgnull(outfptr, datatype, firstelem, thistilesize[0],
buffer, nullval, status);
} else {
fits_write_subset(outfptr, datatype, tfpixel, tlpixel,
buffer, status);
firstelem += thistilesize[0];
int fits_read_compressed_pixels(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file pointer */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be returned */
LONGLONG fpixel, /* I - 'first pixel to read */
LONGLONG npixel, /* I - number of pixels to read */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: set undefined pixels = nullval */
/* 2: set nullarray=1 for undefined pixels */
void *nullval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
void *array, /* O - array of values that are returned */
char *nullarray, /* O - array of flags = 1 if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Read a consecutive set of pixels from a compressed image. This routine
interpretes the n-dimensional image as a long one-dimensional array.
This is actually a rather inconvenient way to read compressed images in
general, and could be rather inefficient if the requested pixels to be
read are located in many different image compression tiles.
The general strategy used here is to read the requested pixels in blocks
that correspond to rectangular image sections.
int naxis, ii, bytesperpixel, planenul;
long naxes[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM], nread;
long nplane, inc[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
LONGLONG tfirst, tlast, last0, last1, dimsize[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM];
char *arrayptr, *nullarrayptr;
if (*status > 0)
arrayptr = (char *) array;
nullarrayptr = nullarray;
/* get size of array pixels, in bytes */
bytesperpixel = ffpxsz(datatype);
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
naxes[ii] = 1;
firstcoord[ii] = 0;
lastcoord[ii] = 0;
inc[ii] = 1;
/* determine the dimensions of the image to be read */
ffgidm(fptr, &naxis, status);
ffgisz(fptr, MAX_COMPRESS_DIM, naxes, status);
/* calc the cumulative number of pixels in each successive dimension */
dimsize[0] = 1;
for (ii = 1; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
dimsize[ii] = dimsize[ii - 1] * naxes[ii - 1];
/* determine the coordinate of the first and last pixel in the image */
/* Use zero based indexes here */
tfirst = fpixel - 1;
tlast = tfirst + npixel - 1;
for (ii = naxis - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
firstcoord[ii] = tfirst / dimsize[ii];
lastcoord[ii] = tlast / dimsize[ii];
tfirst = tfirst - firstcoord[ii] * dimsize[ii];
tlast = tlast - lastcoord[ii] * dimsize[ii];
/* to simplify things, treat 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D images as separate cases */
if (naxis == 1)
/* Simple: just read the requested range of pixels */
firstcoord[0] = firstcoord[0] + 1;
lastcoord[0] = lastcoord[0] + 1;
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, firstcoord, lastcoord, inc,
nullcheck, nullval, array, nullarray, anynul, status);
else if (naxis == 2)
nplane = 0; /* read 1st (and only) plane of the image */
fits_read_compressed_img_plane(fptr, datatype, bytesperpixel,
nplane, firstcoord, lastcoord, inc, naxes, nullcheck, nullval,
array, nullarray, anynul, &nread, status);
else if (naxis == 3)
/* test for special case: reading an integral number of planes */
if (firstcoord[0] == 0 && firstcoord[1] == 0 &&
lastcoord[0] == naxes[0] - 1 && lastcoord[1] == naxes[1] - 1)
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
/* convert from zero base to 1 base */
/* we can read the contiguous block of pixels in one go */
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, firstcoord, lastcoord, inc,
nullcheck, nullval, array, nullarray, anynul, status);
if (anynul)
*anynul = 0; /* initialize */
/* save last coordinate in temporary variables */
last0 = lastcoord[0];
last1 = lastcoord[1];
if (firstcoord[2] < lastcoord[2])
/* we will read up to the last pixel in all but the last plane */
lastcoord[0] = naxes[0] - 1;
lastcoord[1] = naxes[1] - 1;
/* read one plane of the cube at a time, for simplicity */
for (nplane = (long) firstcoord[2]; nplane <= lastcoord[2]; nplane++)
if (nplane == lastcoord[2])
lastcoord[0] = last0;
lastcoord[1] = last1;
fits_read_compressed_img_plane(fptr, datatype, bytesperpixel,
nplane, firstcoord, lastcoord, inc, naxes, nullcheck, nullval,
arrayptr, nullarrayptr, &planenul, &nread, status);
if (planenul && anynul)
*anynul = 1; /* there are null pixels */
/* for all subsequent planes, we start with the first pixel */
firstcoord[0] = 0;
firstcoord[1] = 0;
/* increment pointers to next elements to be read */
arrayptr = arrayptr + nread * bytesperpixel;
if (nullarrayptr && (nullcheck == 2) )
nullarrayptr = nullarrayptr + nread;
ffpmsg("only 1D, 2D, or 3D images are currently supported");
return(*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
int fits_read_compressed_img_plane(fitsfile *fptr, /* I - FITS file */
int datatype, /* I - datatype of the array to be returned */
int bytesperpixel, /* I - number of bytes per pixel in array */
long nplane, /* I - which plane of the cube to read */
LONGLONG *firstcoord, /* coordinate of first pixel to read */
LONGLONG *lastcoord, /* coordinate of last pixel to read */
long *inc, /* increment of pixels to read */
long *naxes, /* size of each image dimension */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
/* 1: set undefined pixels = nullval */
/* 2: set nullarray=1 for undefined pixels */
void *nullval, /* I - value for undefined pixels */
void *array, /* O - array of values that are returned */
char *nullarray, /* O - array of flags = 1 if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynul, /* O - set to 1 if any values are null; else 0 */
long *nread, /* O - total number of pixels read and returned*/
int *status) /* IO - error status */
in general we have to read the first partial row of the image,
followed by the middle complete rows, followed by the last
partial row of the image. If the first or last rows are complete,
then read them at the same time as all the middle rows.
/* bottom left coord. and top right coord. */
char *arrayptr, *nullarrayptr;
int tnull;
if (anynul)
*anynul = 0;
*nread = 0;
arrayptr = (char *) array;
nullarrayptr = nullarray;
blc[2] = nplane + 1;
trc[2] = nplane + 1;
if (firstcoord[0] != 0)
/* have to read a partial first row */
blc[0] = firstcoord[0] + 1;
blc[1] = firstcoord[1] + 1;
trc[1] = blc[1];
if (lastcoord[1] == firstcoord[1])
trc[0] = lastcoord[0] + 1; /* 1st and last pixels in same row */
trc[0] = naxes[0]; /* read entire rest of the row */
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, blc, trc, inc,
nullcheck, nullval, arrayptr, nullarrayptr, &tnull, status);
*nread = *nread + (long) (trc[0] - blc[0] + 1);
if (tnull && anynul)
*anynul = 1; /* there are null pixels */
if (lastcoord[1] == firstcoord[1])
return(*status); /* finished */
/* set starting coord to beginning of next line */
firstcoord[0] = 0;
firstcoord[1] += 1;
arrayptr = arrayptr + (trc[0] - blc[0] + 1) * bytesperpixel;
if (nullarrayptr && (nullcheck == 2) )
nullarrayptr = nullarrayptr + (trc[0] - blc[0] + 1);
/* read contiguous complete rows of the image, if any */
blc[0] = 1;
blc[1] = firstcoord[1] + 1;
trc[0] = naxes[0];
if (lastcoord[0] + 1 == naxes[0])
/* can read the last complete row, too */
trc[1] = lastcoord[1] + 1;
/* last row is incomplete; have to read it separately */
trc[1] = lastcoord[1];
if (trc[1] >= blc[1]) /* must have at least one whole line to read */
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, blc, trc, inc,
nullcheck, nullval, arrayptr, nullarrayptr, &tnull, status);
*nread = *nread + (long) ((trc[1] - blc[1] + 1) * naxes[0]);
if (tnull && anynul)
*anynul = 1;
if (lastcoord[1] + 1 == trc[1])
return(*status); /* finished */
/* increment pointers for the last partial row */
arrayptr = arrayptr + (trc[1] - blc[1] + 1) * naxes[0] * bytesperpixel;
if (nullarrayptr && (nullcheck == 2) )
nullarrayptr = nullarrayptr + (trc[1] - blc[1] + 1) * naxes[0];
if (trc[1] == lastcoord[1] + 1)
return(*status); /* all done */
/* set starting and ending coord to last line */
trc[0] = lastcoord[0] + 1;
trc[1] = lastcoord[1] + 1;
blc[1] = trc[1];
fits_read_compressed_img(fptr, datatype, blc, trc, inc,
nullcheck, nullval, arrayptr, nullarrayptr, &tnull, status);
if (tnull && anynul)
*anynul = 1;
*nread = *nread + (long) (trc[0] - blc[0] + 1);
int imcomp_get_compressed_image_par(fitsfile *infptr, int *status)
This routine reads keywords from a BINTABLE extension containing a
compressed image.
char keyword[FLEN_KEYWORD];
char value[FLEN_VALUE];
int ii, tstatus, doffset;
long expect_nrows, maxtilelen;
if (*status > 0)
/* Copy relevant header keyword values to structure */
if (ffgky (infptr, TSTRING, "ZCMPTYPE", value, NULL, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("required ZCMPTYPE compression keyword not found in");
ffpmsg(" imcomp_get_compressed_image_par");
(infptr->Fptr)->zcmptype[0] = '\0';
strncat((infptr->Fptr)->zcmptype, value, 11);
if (!FSTRCMP(value, "RICE_1") || !FSTRCMP(value, "RICE_ONE") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = RICE_1;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "HCOMPRESS_1") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = HCOMPRESS_1;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "GZIP_1") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = GZIP_1;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "GZIP_2") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = GZIP_2;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "BZIP2_1") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = BZIP2_1;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "PLIO_1") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = PLIO_1;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "NOCOMPRESS") )
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type = NOCOMPRESS;
ffpmsg("Unknown image compression type:");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* get the floating point to integer quantization type, if present. */
/* FITS files produced before 2009 will not have this keyword */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TSTRING, "ZQUANTIZ", value, NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method = 0;
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level = 0;
} else {
if (!FSTRCMP(value, "NONE") ) {
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level = NO_QUANTIZE;
} else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1") )
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2") )
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2;
else if (!FSTRCMP(value, "NO_DITHER") )
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method = NO_DITHER;
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method = 0;
/* get the floating point quantization dithering offset, if present. */
/* FITS files produced before October 2009 will not have this keyword */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TINT, "ZDITHER0", &doffset, NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
/* by default start with 1st element of random sequence */
(infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed = 1;
} else {
(infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed = doffset;
if (ffgky (infptr, TINT, "ZBITPIX", &(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix,
NULL, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("required ZBITPIX compression keyword not found");
if (ffgky (infptr,TINT, "ZNAXIS", &(infptr->Fptr)->zndim, NULL, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("required ZNAXIS compression keyword not found");
if ((infptr->Fptr)->zndim < 1)
ffpmsg("Compressed image has no data (ZNAXIS < 1)");
return (*status = BAD_NAXIS);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->zndim > MAX_COMPRESS_DIM)
ffpmsg("Compressed image has too many dimensions");
return(*status = BAD_NAXIS);
expect_nrows = 1;
maxtilelen = 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < (infptr->Fptr)->zndim; ii++)
/* get image size */
snprintf (keyword, FLEN_KEYWORD,"ZNAXIS%d", ii+1);
ffgky (infptr, TLONG,keyword, &(infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii],NULL,status);
if (*status > 0)
ffpmsg("required ZNAXISn compression keyword not found");
/* get compression tile size */
snprintf (keyword, FLEN_KEYWORD,"ZTILE%d", ii+1);
/* set default tile size in case keywords are not present */
if (ii == 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[0] = (infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[0];
(infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii] = 1;
tstatus = 0;
ffgky (infptr, TLONG, keyword, &(infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii], NULL,
expect_nrows *= (((infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[ii] - 1) /
(infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii]+ 1);
maxtilelen *= (infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[ii];
/* check number of rows */
if (expect_nrows != (infptr->Fptr)->numrows)
"number of table rows != the number of tiles in compressed image");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* read any algorithm specific parameters */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 )
if (ffgky(infptr, TINT,"ZVAL1", &(infptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize,
NULL, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("required ZVAL1 compression keyword not found");
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TINT,"ZVAL2", &(infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix,
NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix = 4; /* default value */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize < 16 &&
(infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix > 8) {
/* values are reversed */
tstatus = (infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix;
(infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix = (infptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize;
(infptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize = tstatus;
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1 ) {
if (ffgky(infptr, TFLOAT,"ZVAL1", &(infptr->Fptr)->hcomp_scale,
NULL, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("required ZVAL1 compression keyword not found");
tstatus = 0;
ffgky(infptr, TINT,"ZVAL2", &(infptr->Fptr)->hcomp_smooth,
NULL, &tstatus);
/* store number of pixels in each compression tile, */
/* and max size of the compressed tile buffer */
(infptr->Fptr)->maxtilelen = maxtilelen;
(infptr->Fptr)->maxelem =
imcomp_calc_max_elem ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type, maxtilelen,
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix, (infptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize);
/* Get Column numbers. */
if (ffgcno(infptr, CASEINSEN, "COMPRESSED_DATA",
&(infptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, status) > 0)
ffpmsg("couldn't find COMPRESSED_DATA column (fits_get_compressed_img_par)");
return(*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
ffpmrk(); /* put mark on message stack; erase any messages after this */
tstatus = 0;
&(infptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed, &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
&(infptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data, &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgcno(infptr, CASEINSEN, "ZSCALE", &(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale,
&tstatus) > 0)
/* CMPSCALE column doesn't exist; see if there is a keyword */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TDOUBLE, "ZSCALE", &(infptr->Fptr)->zscale, NULL,
&tstatus) <= 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale = -1; /* flag for a constant ZSCALE */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgcno(infptr, CASEINSEN, "ZZERO", &(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zzero,
&tstatus) > 0)
/* CMPZERO column doesn't exist; see if there is a keyword */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TDOUBLE, "ZZERO", &(infptr->Fptr)->zzero, NULL,
&tstatus) <= 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zzero = -1; /* flag for a constant ZZERO */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgcno(infptr, CASEINSEN, "ZBLANK", &(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank,
&tstatus) > 0)
/* ZBLANK column doesn't exist; see if there is a keyword */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TINT, "ZBLANK", &(infptr->Fptr)->zblank, NULL,
&tstatus) <= 0) {
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank = -1; /* flag for a constant ZBLANK */
} else {
/* ZBLANK keyword doesn't exist; see if there is a BLANK keyword */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky(infptr, TINT, "BLANK", &(infptr->Fptr)->zblank, NULL,
&tstatus) <= 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank = -1; /* flag for a constant ZBLANK */
/* read the conventional BSCALE and BZERO scaling keywords, if present */
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky (infptr, TDOUBLE, "BSCALE", &(infptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale,
NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale = 1.0;
tstatus = 0;
if (ffgky (infptr, TDOUBLE, "BZERO", &(infptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero,
NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero = 0.0;
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_actual_bzero = 0.0;
} else {
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_actual_bzero = (infptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero;
/* special case: the quantization level is not given by a keyword in */
/* the HDU header, so we have to explicitly copy the requested value */
/* to the actual value */
if ( (infptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level != 0.)
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level = (infptr->Fptr)->request_quantize_level;
ffcmrk(); /* clear any spurious error messages, back to the mark */
return (*status);
int imcomp_copy_imheader(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
This routine reads the header keywords from the input image and
copies them to the output image; the manditory structural keywords
and the checksum keywords are not copied. If the DATE keyword is copied,
then it is updated with the current date and time.
int nkeys, ii, keyclass;
char card[FLEN_CARD]; /* a header record */
if (*status > 0)
ffghsp(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, status); /* get number of keywords in image */
for (ii = 5; ii <= nkeys; ii++) /* skip the first 4 keywords */
ffgrec(infptr, ii, card, status);
keyclass = ffgkcl(card); /* Get the type/class of keyword */
/* don't copy structural keywords or checksum keywords */
if ((keyclass <= TYP_CMPRS_KEY) || (keyclass == TYP_CKSUM_KEY))
if (FSTRNCMP(card, "DATE ", 5) == 0) /* write current date */
ffpdat(outfptr, status);
else if (FSTRNCMP(card, "EXTNAME ", 8) == 0)
/* don't copy default EXTNAME keyword from a compressed image */
/* if EXTNAME keyword already exists, overwrite it */
/* otherwise append a new EXTNAME keyword */
ffucrd(outfptr, "EXTNAME", card, status);
/* just copy the keyword to the output header */
ffprec (outfptr, card, status);
if (*status > 0)
return (*status);
return (*status);
int imcomp_copy_img2comp(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
This routine copies the header keywords from the uncompressed input image
and to the compressed image (in a binary table)
char card[FLEN_CARD], card2[FLEN_CARD]; /* a header record */
int nkeys, nmore, ii, jj, tstatus, bitpix;
/* tile compressed image keyword translation table */
/* 01234567 01234567 */
char *patterns[][2] = {{"SIMPLE", "ZSIMPLE" },
{"NAXISm", "ZNAXISm" },
{"CHECKSUM","ZHECKSUM"}, /* save original checksums */
{"*", "+" }}; /* copy all other keywords */
int npat;
if (*status > 0)
/* write a default EXTNAME keyword if it doesn't exist in input file*/
fits_read_card(infptr, "EXTNAME", card, status);
if (*status) {
*status = 0;
strcpy(card, "EXTNAME = 'COMPRESSED_IMAGE'");
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
/* copy all the keywords from the input file to the output */
npat = sizeof(patterns)/sizeof(patterns[0][0])/2;
fits_translate_keywords(infptr, outfptr, 1, patterns, npat,
0, 0, 0, status);
if ( (outfptr->Fptr)->request_lossy_int_compress != 0) {
/* request was made to compress integer images as if they had float pixels. */
/* If input image has positive bitpix value, then reset the output ZBITPIX */
/* value to -32. */
fits_read_key(infptr, TINT, "BITPIX", &bitpix, NULL, status);
if (*status <= 0 && bitpix > 0) {
fits_modify_key_lng(outfptr, "ZBITPIX", -32, NULL, status);
/* also delete the BSCALE, BZERO, and BLANK keywords */
tstatus = 0;
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "BSCALE", &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "BZERO", &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "BLANK", &tstatus);
For compatibility with software that uses an older version of CFITSIO,
we must make certain that the new ZQUANTIZ keyword, if it exists, must
occur after the other peudo-required keywords (e.g., ZSIMPLE, ZBITPIX,
etc.). Do this by trying to delete the keyword. If that succeeds (and
thus the keyword did exist) then rewrite the keyword at the end of header.
In principle this should not be necessary once all software has upgraded
to a newer version of CFITSIO (version number greater than 3.181, newer
than August 2009).
Do the same for the new ZDITHER0 keyword.
tstatus = 0;
if (fits_read_card(outfptr, "ZQUANTIZ", card, &tstatus) == 0)
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZQUANTIZ", status);
/* rewrite the deleted keyword at the end of the header */
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
/* write some associated HISTORY keywords */
fits_parse_value(card, card2, NULL, status);
if (fits_strncasecmp(card2, "'NONE", 5) ) {
/* the value is not 'NONE' */
"Image was compressed by CFITSIO using scaled integer quantization:", status);
snprintf(card2, FLEN_CARD," q = %f / quantized level scaling parameter",
fits_write_history(outfptr, card2, status);
fits_write_history(outfptr, card+10, status);
tstatus = 0;
if (fits_read_card(outfptr, "ZDITHER0", card, &tstatus) == 0)
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZDITHER0", status);
/* rewrite the deleted keyword at the end of the header */
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
ffghsp(infptr, &nkeys, &nmore, status); /* get number of keywords in image */
nmore = nmore / 36; /* how many completely empty header blocks are there? */
/* preserve the same number of spare header blocks in the output header */
for (jj = 0; jj < nmore; jj++)
for (ii = 0; ii < 36; ii++)
fits_write_record(outfptr, " ", status);
return (*status);
int imcomp_copy_comp2img(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr,
int norec, int *status)
This routine copies the header keywords from the compressed input image
and to the uncompressed image (in a binary table)
char card[FLEN_CARD]; /* a header record */
char *patterns[40][2];
char negative[] = "-";
int ii,jj, npat, nreq, nsp, tstatus = 0;
int nkeys, nmore;
/* tile compressed image keyword translation table */
/* 01234567 01234567 */
/* only translate these if required keywords not already written */
char *reqkeys[][2] = {
{"ZNAXISm", "NAXISm" },
{"ZHECKSUM", "CHECKSUM"}, /* restore original checksums */
/* other special keywords */
char *spkeys[][2] = {
{"XTENSION", "-" },
{"BITPIX", "-" },
{"NAXIS", "-" },
{"NAXISm", "-" },
{"PCOUNT", "-" },
{"GCOUNT", "-" },
{"TFIELDS", "-" },
{"TTYPEm", "-" },
{"TFORMm", "-" },
{"THEAP", "-" },
{"ZIMAGE", "-" },
{"ZQUANTIZ", "-" },
{"ZDITHER0", "-" },
{"ZTILEm", "-" },
{"ZCMPTYPE", "-" },
{"ZBLANK", "-" },
{"ZNAMEm", "-" },
{"ZVALm", "-" },
{"CHECKSUM","-" }, /* delete checksums */
{"DATASUM", "-" },
{"EXTNAME", "+" }, /* we may change this, below */
{"*", "+" }};
if (*status > 0)
nreq = sizeof(reqkeys)/sizeof(reqkeys[0][0])/2;
nsp = sizeof(spkeys)/sizeof(spkeys[0][0])/2;
/* construct translation patterns */
for (ii = 0; ii < nreq; ii++) {
patterns[ii][0] = reqkeys[ii][0];
if (norec)
patterns[ii][1] = negative;
patterns[ii][1] = reqkeys[ii][1];
for (ii = 0; ii < nsp; ii++) {
patterns[ii+nreq][0] = spkeys[ii][0];
patterns[ii+nreq][1] = spkeys[ii][1];
npat = nreq + nsp;
/* see if the EXTNAME keyword should be copied or not */
fits_read_card(infptr, "EXTNAME", card, &tstatus);
if (tstatus == 0) {
if (!strncmp(card, "EXTNAME = 'COMPRESSED_IMAGE'", 28))
patterns[npat-2][1] = negative;
/* translate and copy the keywords from the input file to the output */
fits_translate_keywords(infptr, outfptr, 1, patterns, npat,
0, 0, 0, status);
ffghsp(infptr, &nkeys, &nmore, status); /* get number of keywords in image */
nmore = nmore / 36; /* how many completely empty header blocks are there? */
/* preserve the same number of spare header blocks in the output header */
for (jj = 0; jj < nmore; jj++)
for (ii = 0; ii < 36; ii++)
fits_write_record(outfptr, " ", status);
return (*status);
int imcomp_copy_prime2img(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
This routine copies any unexpected keywords from the primary array
of the compressed input image into the header of the uncompressed image
(which is the primary array of the output file).
int nsp;
/* keywords that will not be copied */
char *spkeys[][2] = {
{"SIMPLE", "-" },
{"BITPIX", "-" },
{"NAXIS", "-" },
{"NAXISm", "-" },
{"PCOUNT", "-" },
{"EXTEND", "-" },
{"GCOUNT", "-" },
{"CHECKSUM","-" },
{"DATASUM", "-" },
{"EXTNAME", "-" },
{"HISTORY", "-" },
{"COMMENT", "-" },
{"*", "+" }};
if (*status > 0)
nsp = sizeof(spkeys)/sizeof(spkeys[0][0])/2;
/* translate and copy the keywords from the input file to the output */
fits_translate_keywords(infptr, outfptr, 1, spkeys, nsp,
0, 0, 0, status);
return (*status);
int imcomp_decompress_tile (fitsfile *infptr,
int nrow, /* I - row of table to read and uncompress */
int tilelen, /* I - number of pixels in the tile */
int datatype, /* I - datatype to be returned in 'buffer' */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0 for no null checking */
void *nulval, /* I - value to be used for undefined pixels */
void *buffer, /* O - buffer for returned decompressed values */
char *bnullarray, /* O - buffer for returned null flags */
int *anynul, /* O - any null values returned? */
int *status)
/* This routine decompresses one tile of the image */
int *idata = 0;
int tiledatatype, pixlen = 0; /* uncompressed integer data */
size_t idatalen, tilebytesize;
int ii, tnull; /* value in the data which represents nulls */
unsigned char *cbuf; /* compressed data */
unsigned char charnull = 0;
short snull = 0;
int blocksize, ntilebins, tilecol = 0;
float fnulval=0;
float *tempfloat = 0;
double dnulval=0;
double bscale, bzero, actual_bzero, dummy = 0; /* scaling parameters */
long tilesize; /* number of bytes */
int smooth, nx, ny, scale; /* hcompress parameters */
LONGLONG nelemll = 0, offset = 0;
if (*status > 0)
/* **************************************************************** */
/* allocate pointers to array of cached uncompressed tiles, if not already done */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->tilerow == 0) {
/* calculate number of column bins of compressed tile */
ntilebins = (((infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[0] - 1) / ((infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[0])) + 1;
if ((infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[0] != (infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[0] ||
(infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[1] != 1 ) { /* don't cache the tile if only single row of the image */
(infptr->Fptr)->tilerow = (int *) calloc (ntilebins, sizeof(int));
(infptr->Fptr)->tiledata = (void**) calloc (ntilebins, sizeof(void*));
(infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray = (void **) calloc (ntilebins, sizeof(char*));
(infptr->Fptr)->tiledatasize = (long *) calloc (ntilebins, sizeof(long));
(infptr->Fptr)->tiletype = (int *) calloc (ntilebins, sizeof(int));
(infptr->Fptr)->tileanynull = (int *) calloc (ntilebins, sizeof(int));
/* **************************************************************** */
/* check if this tile was cached; if so, just copy it out */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->tilerow) {
/* calculate the column bin of the compressed tile */
tilecol = (nrow - 1) % ((long)(((infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[0] - 1) / ((infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[0])) + 1);
if (nrow == (infptr->Fptr)->tilerow[tilecol] && datatype == (infptr->Fptr)->tiletype[tilecol] ) {
memcpy(buffer, ((infptr->Fptr)->tiledata)[tilecol], (infptr->Fptr)->tiledatasize[tilecol]);
if (nullcheck == 2)
memcpy(bnullarray, (infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray[tilecol], tilelen);
*anynul = (infptr->Fptr)->tileanynull[tilecol];
/* **************************************************************** */
/* get length of the compressed byte stream */
ffgdesll (infptr, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, nrow, &nelemll, &offset,
/* EOF error here indicates that this tile has not yet been written */
if (*status == END_OF_FILE)
return(*status = NO_COMPRESSED_TILE);
/* **************************************************************** */
if (nelemll == 0) /* special case: tile was not compressed normally */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed >= 1 ) {
/* This option of writing the uncompressed floating point data */
/* to the tile compressed file was used until about May 2011. */
/* This was replaced by the more efficient option of gzipping the */
/* floating point data before writing it to the tile-compressed file */
/* no compressed data, so simply read the uncompressed data */
/* directly from the UNCOMPRESSED_DATA column */
ffgdesll (infptr, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed, nrow, &nelemll,
&offset, status);
if (nelemll == 0 && offset == 0) /* this should never happen */
return (*status = NO_COMPRESSED_TILE);
if (nullcheck <= 1) { /* set any null values in the array = nulval */
fits_read_col(infptr, datatype, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed,
nrow, 1, (long) nelemll, nulval, buffer, anynul, status);
} else { /* set the bnullarray = 1 for any null values in the array */
fits_read_colnull(infptr, datatype, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_uncompressed,
nrow, 1, (long) nelemll, buffer, bnullarray, anynul, status);
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data >= 1) {
/* This is the newer option, that was introduced in May 2011 */
/* floating point data was not quantized, so read the losslessly */
/* compressed data from the GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA column */
ffgdesll (infptr, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data, nrow, &nelemll,
&offset, status);
if (nelemll == 0 && offset == 0) /* this should never happen */
return (*status = NO_COMPRESSED_TILE);
/* allocate memory for the compressed tile of data */
cbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc ((long) nelemll);
if (cbuf == NULL) {
ffpmsg("error allocating memory for gzipped tile (imcomp_decompress_tile)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* read array of compressed bytes */
if (fits_read_col(infptr, TBYTE, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_gzip_data, nrow,
1, (long) nelemll, &charnull, cbuf, NULL, status) > 0) {
ffpmsg("error reading compressed byte stream from binary table");
free (cbuf);
return (*status);
/* size of the returned (uncompressed) data buffer, in bytes */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == FLOAT_IMG) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(float);
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == DOUBLE_IMG) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(double);
} else {
/* this should never happen! */
ffpmsg("incompatible data type in gzipped floating-point tile-compressed image");
free (cbuf);
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
if (datatype == TDOUBLE && (infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == FLOAT_IMG) {
/* have to allocat a temporary buffer for the uncompressed data in the */
/* case where a gzipped "float" tile is returned as a "double" array */
tempfloat = (float*) malloc (idatalen);
if (tempfloat == NULL) {
ffpmsg("Memory allocation failure for tempfloat. (imcomp_decompress_tile)");
free (cbuf);
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* uncompress the data into temp buffer */
if (uncompress2mem_from_mem ((char *)cbuf, (long) nelemll,
(char **) &tempfloat, &idatalen, NULL, &tilebytesize, status)) {
ffpmsg("failed to gunzip the image tile");
free (tempfloat);
free (cbuf);
return (*status);
} else {
/* uncompress the data directly into the output buffer in all other cases */
if (uncompress2mem_from_mem ((char *)cbuf, (long) nelemll,
(char **) &buffer, &idatalen, NULL, &tilebytesize, status)) {
ffpmsg("failed to gunzip the image tile");
free (cbuf);
return (*status);
/* do byte swapping and null value substitution for the tile of pixels */
if (tilebytesize == 4 * tilelen) { /* float pixels */
if (tempfloat)
ffswap4((int *) tempfloat, tilelen);
ffswap4((int *) buffer, tilelen);
if (datatype == TFLOAT) {
if (nulval) {
fnulval = *(float *) nulval;
fffr4r4((float *) buffer, (long) tilelen, 1., 0., nullcheck,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
} else if (datatype == TDOUBLE) {
if (nulval) {
dnulval = *(double *) nulval;
/* note that the R*4 data are in the tempfloat array in this case */
fffr4r8((float *) tempfloat, (long) tilelen, 1., 0., nullcheck,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else {
ffpmsg("implicit data type conversion is not supported for gzipped image tiles");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
} else if (tilebytesize == 8 * tilelen) { /* double pixels */
ffswap8((double *) buffer, tilelen);
if (datatype == TFLOAT) {
if (nulval) {
fnulval = *(float *) nulval;
fffr8r4((double *) buffer, (long) tilelen, 1., 0., nullcheck,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
} else if (datatype == TDOUBLE) {
if (nulval) {
dnulval = *(double *) nulval;
fffr8r8((double *) buffer, (long) tilelen, 1., 0., nullcheck,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else {
ffpmsg("implicit data type conversion is not supported in tile-compressed images");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
} else {
ffpmsg("error: uncompressed tile has wrong size");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* end of special case of losslessly gzipping a floating-point image tile */
} else { /* this should never happen */
/* **************************************************************** */
/* deal with the normal case of a compressed tile of pixels */
if (nullcheck == 2) {
for (ii = 0; ii < tilelen; ii++) /* initialize the null flage array */
bnullarray[ii] = 0;
if (anynul)
*anynul = 0;
/* get linear scaling and offset values, if they exist */
actual_bzero = (infptr->Fptr)->cn_actual_bzero;
if ((infptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale == 0) {
/* set default scaling, if scaling is not defined */
bscale = 1.;
bzero = 0.;
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale == -1) {
bscale = (infptr->Fptr)->zscale;
bzero = (infptr->Fptr)->zzero;
} else {
/* read the linear scale and offset values for this row */
ffgcvd (infptr, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_zscale, nrow, 1, 1, 0.,
&bscale, NULL, status);
ffgcvd (infptr, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_zzero, nrow, 1, 1, 0.,
&bzero, NULL, status);
if (*status > 0)
ffpmsg("error reading scaling factor and offset for compressed tile");
return (*status);
/* test if floating-point FITS image also has non-default BSCALE and */
/* BZERO keywords. If so, we have to combine the 2 linear scaling factors. */
if ( ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == FLOAT_IMG ||
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == DOUBLE_IMG )
((infptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale != 1.0 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero != 0.0 ) )
bscale = bscale * (infptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale;
bzero = bzero * (infptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale + (infptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero;
if (bscale == 1.0 && bzero == 0.0 ) {
/* if no other scaling has been specified, try using the values
given by the BSCALE and BZERO keywords, if any */
bscale = (infptr->Fptr)->cn_bscale;
bzero = (infptr->Fptr)->cn_bzero;
/* ************************************************************* */
/* get the value used to represent nulls in the int array */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank == 0) {
nullcheck = 0; /* no null value; don't check for nulls */
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank == -1) {
tnull = (infptr->Fptr)->zblank; /* use the the ZBLANK keyword */
} else {
/* read the null value for this row */
ffgcvk (infptr, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_zblank, nrow, 1, 1, 0,
&tnull, NULL, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("error reading null value for compressed tile");
return (*status);
/* ************************************************************* */
/* allocate memory for the uncompressed array of tile integers */
/* The size depends on the datatype and the compression type. */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1 &&
((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix != BYTE_IMG &&
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix != SHORT_IMG) ) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(LONGLONG); /* 8 bytes per pixel */
} else if ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 &&
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG &&
(infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix == 1) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(char); /* 1 byte per pixel */
} else if ( ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 ) &&
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG ) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(char); /* 1 byte per pixel */
} else if ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1 &&
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG &&
(infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix == 2) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(short); /* 2 bytes per pixel */
} else if ( ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 ) &&
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG ) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(short); /* 2 bytes per pixel */
} else if ( ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1 ) &&
(infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == DOUBLE_IMG ) {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(double); /* 8 bytes per pixel */
} else {
idatalen = tilelen * sizeof(int); /* all other cases have int pixels */
idata = (int*) malloc (idatalen);
if (idata == NULL) {
ffpmsg("Memory allocation failure for idata. (imcomp_decompress_tile)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* ************************************************************* */
/* allocate memory for the compressed bytes */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1) {
cbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc ((long) nelemll * sizeof (short));
} else {
cbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc ((long) nelemll);
if (cbuf == NULL) {
ffpmsg("Out of memory for cbuf. (imcomp_decompress_tile)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* ************************************************************* */
/* read the compressed bytes from the FITS file */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1) {
fits_read_col(infptr, TSHORT, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, nrow,
1, (long) nelemll, &snull, (short *) cbuf, NULL, status);
} else {
fits_read_col(infptr, TBYTE, (infptr->Fptr)->cn_compressed, nrow,
1, (long) nelemll, &charnull, cbuf, NULL, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("error reading compressed byte stream from binary table");
free (cbuf);
return (*status);
/* ************************************************************* */
/* call the algorithm-specific code to uncompress the tile */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == RICE_1) {
blocksize = (infptr->Fptr)->rice_blocksize;
if ((infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix == 1 ) {
*status = fits_rdecomp_byte (cbuf, (long) nelemll, (unsigned char *)idata,
tilelen, blocksize);
tiledatatype = TBYTE;
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->rice_bytepix == 2 ) {
*status = fits_rdecomp_short (cbuf, (long) nelemll, (unsigned short *)idata,
tilelen, blocksize);
tiledatatype = TSHORT;
} else {
*status = fits_rdecomp (cbuf, (long) nelemll, (unsigned int *)idata,
tilelen, blocksize);
tiledatatype = TINT;
/* ************************************************************* */
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
smooth = (infptr->Fptr)->hcomp_smooth;
if ( ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG || (infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG)) {
*status = fits_hdecompress(cbuf, smooth, idata, &nx, &ny,
&scale, status);
} else { /* zbitpix = LONG_IMG (32) */
/* idata must have been allocated twice as large for this to work */
*status = fits_hdecompress64(cbuf, smooth, (LONGLONG *) idata, &nx, &ny,
&scale, status);
tiledatatype = TINT;
/* ************************************************************* */
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1) {
pl_l2pi ((short *) cbuf, 1, idata, tilelen); /* uncompress the data */
tiledatatype = TINT;
/* ************************************************************* */
} else if ( ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_1) ||
((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2) ) {
uncompress2mem_from_mem ((char *)cbuf, (long) nelemll,
(char **) &idata, &idatalen, realloc, &tilebytesize, status);
/* determine the data type of the uncompressed array, and */
/* do byte unshuffling and unswapping if needed */
if (tilebytesize == (size_t) (tilelen * 2)) {
/* this is a short I*2 array */
tiledatatype = TSHORT;
if ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_unshuffle_2bytes((char *) idata, tilelen, status);
ffswap2((short *) idata, tilelen);
} else if (tilebytesize == (size_t) (tilelen * 4)) {
/* this is a int I*4 array (or maybe R*4) */
tiledatatype = TINT;
if ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_unshuffle_4bytes((char *) idata, tilelen, status);
ffswap4(idata, tilelen);
} else if (tilebytesize == (size_t) (tilelen * 8)) {
/* this is a R*8 double array */
tiledatatype = TDOUBLE;
if ( (infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == GZIP_2 )
fits_unshuffle_8bytes((char *) idata, tilelen, status);
ffswap8((double *) idata, tilelen);
} else if (tilebytesize == (size_t) tilelen) {
/* this is an unsigned char I*1 array */
tiledatatype = TBYTE;
} else {
ffpmsg("error: uncompressed tile has wrong size");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
/* ************************************************************* */
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == BZIP2_1) {
/* BZIP2 is not supported in the public release; this is only for test purposes
if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress ((char *) idata, &idatalen,
(char *)cbuf, (unsigned int) nelemll, 0, 0) )
ffpmsg("bzip2 decompression error");
free (cbuf);
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == BYTE_IMG) {
tiledatatype = TBYTE;
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->zbitpix == SHORT_IMG) {
tiledatatype = TSHORT;
ffswap2((short *) idata, tilelen);
} else {
tiledatatype = TINT;
ffswap4(idata, tilelen);
/* ************************************************************* */
} else {
ffpmsg("unknown compression algorithm");
return (*status = DATA_DECOMPRESSION_ERR);
if (*status) { /* error uncompressing the tile */
return (*status);
/* ************************************************************* */
/* copy the uncompressed tile data to the output buffer, doing */
/* null checking, datatype conversion and linear scaling, if necessary */
if (nulval == 0)
nulval = &dummy; /* set address to dummy value */
if (datatype == TSHORT)
pixlen = sizeof(short);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4i2((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(short *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8i2((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(short *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4i2(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
*(short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(short *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4i2(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(short *) buffer, status);
Hcompress is a special case: ignore any numerical overflow
errors that may have occurred during the integer*4 to integer*2
convertion. Overflows can happen when a lossy Hcompress algorithm
is invoked (with a non-zero scale factor). The fffi4i2 routine
clips the returned values to be within the legal I*2 range, so
all we need to is to reset the error status to zero.
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
if ((*status == NUM_OVERFLOW) || (*status == OVERFLOW_ERR))
*status = 0;
} else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT) {
fffi2i2((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(short *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE) {
fffi1i2((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(short *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TINT)
pixlen = sizeof(int);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4int((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(int *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8int((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(int *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TINT)
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4int(idata, (long) tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
*(int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(int *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4int(idata, (long) tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(int *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2int((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(int *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1int((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(int *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TLONG)
pixlen = sizeof(long);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4i4((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(long *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8i4((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(long *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TINT)
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4i4(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
*(long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(long *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4i4(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(long *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2i4((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(long *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1i4((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(long *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
pixlen = sizeof(float);
if (nulval) {
fnulval = *(float *) nulval;
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4r4((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8r4((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2) {
/* use the new dithering algorithm (introduced in July 2009) */
if (tiledatatype == TINT)
unquantize_i4r4(nrow + (infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1, idata,
tilelen, bscale, bzero, (infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, nullcheck, tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
unquantize_i2r4(nrow + (infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1, (short *)idata,
tilelen, bscale, bzero, (infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
unquantize_i1r4(nrow + (infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1, (unsigned char *)idata,
tilelen, bscale, bzero, (infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
} else { /* use the old "round to nearest level" quantization algorithm */
if (tiledatatype == TINT)
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4r4(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4r4(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2r4((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1r4((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
fnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(float *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
pixlen = sizeof(double);
if (nulval) {
dnulval = *(double *) nulval;
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4r8((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8r8((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 ||
(infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2) {
/* use the new dithering algorithm (introduced in July 2009) */
if (tiledatatype == TINT)
unquantize_i4r8(nrow + (infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1, idata,
tilelen, bscale, bzero, (infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, nullcheck, tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
unquantize_i2r8(nrow + (infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1, (short *)idata,
tilelen, bscale, bzero, (infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
unquantize_i1r8(nrow + (infptr->Fptr)->dither_seed - 1, (unsigned char *)idata,
tilelen, bscale, bzero, (infptr->Fptr)->quantize_method, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else { /* use the old "round to nearest level" quantization algorithm */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4r8(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4r8(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT) {
fffi2r8((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1r8((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
dnulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(double *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TBYTE)
pixlen = sizeof(char);
if (tiledatatype == TINT)
fffi4i1(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned char *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned char *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2i1((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(unsigned char *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned char *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1i1((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(unsigned char *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned char *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TSBYTE)
pixlen = sizeof(char);
if (tiledatatype == TINT)
fffi4s1(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(signed char *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(signed char *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2s1((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(signed char *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(signed char *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1s1((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(signed char *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(signed char *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TUSHORT)
pixlen = sizeof(short);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4u2((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(unsigned short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned short *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8u2((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(unsigned short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned short *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TINT)
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4u2(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned short *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4u2(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned short *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2u2((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(unsigned short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned short *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1u2((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(unsigned short *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned short *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TUINT)
pixlen = sizeof(int);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4uint((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(unsigned int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned int *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8uint((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(unsigned int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned int *) buffer, status);
} else
if (tiledatatype == TINT)
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4uint(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned int *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4uint(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned int *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2uint((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(unsigned int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned int *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1uint((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(unsigned int *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned int *) buffer, status);
else if (datatype == TULONG)
pixlen = sizeof(long);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->quantize_level == NO_QUANTIZE) {
/* the floating point pixels were losselessly compressed with GZIP */
/* Just have to copy the values to the output array */
if (tiledatatype == TINT) {
fffr4u4((float *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(unsigned long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned long *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffr8u4((double *) idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck,
*(unsigned long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned long *) buffer, status);
} else if (tiledatatype == TINT)
if ((infptr->Fptr)->compress_type == PLIO_1 && actual_bzero == 32768.) {
/* special case where unsigned 16-bit integers have been */
/* offset by +32768 when using PLIO */
fffi4u4(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero - 32768., nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned long *) buffer, status);
} else {
fffi4u4(idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, tnull,
*(unsigned long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned long *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TSHORT)
fffi2u4((short *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (short) tnull,
*(unsigned long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned long *) buffer, status);
else if (tiledatatype == TBYTE)
fffi1u4((unsigned char *)idata, tilelen, bscale, bzero, nullcheck, (unsigned char) tnull,
*(unsigned long *) nulval, bnullarray, anynul,
(unsigned long *) buffer, status);
*status = BAD_DATATYPE;
free(idata); /* don't need the uncompressed tile any more */
/* **************************************************************** */
/* cache the tile, in case the application wants it again */
/* Don't cache the tile if tile is a single row of the image;
it is less likely that the cache will be used in this cases,
so it is not worth the time and the memory overheads.
if ((infptr->Fptr)->tilerow) { /* make sure cache has been allocated */
if ((infptr->Fptr)->znaxis[0] != (infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[0] ||
(infptr->Fptr)->tilesize[1] != 1 )
tilesize = pixlen * tilelen;
/* check that tile size/type has not changed */
if (tilesize != (infptr->Fptr)->tiledatasize[tilecol] ||
datatype != (infptr->Fptr)->tiletype[tilecol] ) {
if (((infptr->Fptr)->tiledata)[tilecol]) {
if (((infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray)[tilecol]) {
((infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray)[tilecol] = 0;
((infptr->Fptr)->tilerow)[tilecol] = 0;
((infptr->Fptr)->tiledatasize)[tilecol] = 0;
((infptr->Fptr)->tiletype)[tilecol] = 0;
/* allocate new array(s) */
((infptr->Fptr)->tiledata)[tilecol] = malloc(tilesize);
if (((infptr->Fptr)->tiledata)[tilecol] == 0)
return (*status);
if (nullcheck == 2) { /* also need array of null pixel flags */
(infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray[tilecol] = malloc(tilelen);
if ((infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray[tilecol] == 0)
return (*status);
(infptr->Fptr)->tiledatasize[tilecol] = tilesize;
(infptr->Fptr)->tiletype[tilecol] = datatype;
/* copy the tile array(s) into cache buffer */
memcpy((infptr->Fptr)->tiledata[tilecol], buffer, tilesize);
if (nullcheck == 2) {
if ((infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray == 0) {
(infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray[tilecol] = malloc(tilelen);
memcpy((infptr->Fptr)->tilenullarray[tilecol], bnullarray, tilelen);
(infptr->Fptr)->tilerow[tilecol] = nrow;
(infptr->Fptr)->tileanynull[tilecol] = *anynul;
return (*status);
int imcomp_test_overlap (
int ndim, /* I - number of dimension in the tile and image */
long *tfpixel, /* I - first pixel number in each dim. of the tile */
long *tlpixel, /* I - last pixel number in each dim. of the tile */
long *fpixel, /* I - first pixel number in each dim. of the image */
long *lpixel, /* I - last pixel number in each dim. of the image */
long *ininc, /* I - increment to be applied in each image dimen. */
int *status)
test if there are any intersecting pixels between this tile and the section
of the image defined by fixel, lpixel, ininc.
long imgdim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* product of preceding dimensions in the */
/* output image, allowing for inc factor */
long tiledim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* product of preceding dimensions in the */
/* tile, array; inc factor is not relevant */
long imgfpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* 1st img pix overlapping tile: 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long imglpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* last img pix overlapping tile 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long tilefpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* 1st tile pix overlapping img 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long inc[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* local copy of input ininc */
int ii;
long tf, tl;
if (*status > 0)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* calc amount of overlap in each dimension; if there is zero */
/* overlap in any dimension then just return */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
if (tlpixel[ii] < fpixel[ii] || tfpixel[ii] > lpixel[ii])
return(0); /* there are no overlapping pixels */
inc[ii] = ininc[ii];
/* calc dimensions of the output image section */
imgdim[ii] = (lpixel[ii] - fpixel[ii]) / labs(inc[ii]) + 1;
if (imgdim[ii] < 1) {
*status = NEG_AXIS;
/* calc dimensions of the tile */
tiledim[ii] = tlpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii] + 1;
if (tiledim[ii] < 1) {
*status = NEG_AXIS;
if (ii > 0)
tiledim[ii] *= tiledim[ii - 1]; /* product of dimensions */
/* first and last pixels in image that overlap with the tile, 0 base */
tf = tfpixel[ii] - 1;
tl = tlpixel[ii] - 1;
/* skip this plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while ((tf-(fpixel[ii] - 1)) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tf > tl)
return(0); /* no overlapping pixels */
while ((tl-(fpixel[ii] - 1)) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tf > tl)
return(0); /* no overlapping pixels */
imgfpix[ii] = maxvalue((tf - fpixel[ii] +1) / labs(inc[ii]) , 0);
imglpix[ii] = minvalue((tl - fpixel[ii] +1) / labs(inc[ii]) ,
imgdim[ii] - 1);
/* first pixel in the tile that overlaps with the image (0 base) */
tilefpix[ii] = maxvalue(fpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii], 0);
while ((tfpixel[ii] + tilefpix[ii] - fpixel[ii]) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tilefpix[ii] >= tiledim[ii])
return(0); /* no overlapping pixels */
if (ii > 0)
imgdim[ii] *= imgdim[ii - 1]; /* product of dimensions */
return(1); /* there appears to be intersecting pixels */
int imcomp_copy_overlap (
char *tile, /* I - multi dimensional array of tile pixels */
int pixlen, /* I - number of bytes in each tile or image pixel */
int ndim, /* I - number of dimension in the tile and image */
long *tfpixel, /* I - first pixel number in each dim. of the tile */
long *tlpixel, /* I - last pixel number in each dim. of the tile */
char *bnullarray, /* I - array of null flags; used if nullcheck = 2 */
char *image, /* O - multi dimensional output image */
long *fpixel, /* I - first pixel number in each dim. of the image */
long *lpixel, /* I - last pixel number in each dim. of the image */
long *ininc, /* I - increment to be applied in each image dimen. */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0, 1: do nothing; 2: set nullarray for nulls */
char *nullarray,
int *status)
copy the intersecting pixels from a decompressed tile to the output image.
Both the tile and the image must have the same number of dimensions.
long imgdim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* product of preceding dimensions in the */
/* output image, allowing for inc factor */
long tiledim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* product of preceding dimensions in the */
/* tile, array; inc factor is not relevant */
long imgfpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* 1st img pix overlapping tile: 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long imglpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* last img pix overlapping tile 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long tilefpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* 1st tile pix overlapping img 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long inc[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* local copy of input ininc */
long i1, i2, i3, i4; /* offset along each axis of the image */
long it1, it2, it3, it4;
long im1, im2, im3, im4; /* offset to image pixel, allowing for inc */
long ipos, tf, tl;
long t2, t3, t4; /* offset along each axis of the tile */
long tilepix, imgpix, tilepixbyte, imgpixbyte;
int ii, overlap_bytes, overlap_flags;
if (*status > 0)
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
/* set default values for higher dimensions */
inc[ii] = 1;
imgdim[ii] = 1;
tiledim[ii] = 1;
imgfpix[ii] = 0;
imglpix[ii] = 0;
tilefpix[ii] = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* calc amount of overlap in each dimension; if there is zero */
/* overlap in any dimension then just return */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
if (tlpixel[ii] < fpixel[ii] || tfpixel[ii] > lpixel[ii])
return(*status); /* there are no overlapping pixels */
inc[ii] = ininc[ii];
/* calc dimensions of the output image section */
imgdim[ii] = (lpixel[ii] - fpixel[ii]) / labs(inc[ii]) + 1;
if (imgdim[ii] < 1)
return(*status = NEG_AXIS);
/* calc dimensions of the tile */
tiledim[ii] = tlpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii] + 1;
if (tiledim[ii] < 1)
return(*status = NEG_AXIS);
if (ii > 0)
tiledim[ii] *= tiledim[ii - 1]; /* product of dimensions */
/* first and last pixels in image that overlap with the tile, 0 base */
tf = tfpixel[ii] - 1;
tl = tlpixel[ii] - 1;
/* skip this plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while ((tf-(fpixel[ii] - 1)) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tf > tl)
return(*status); /* no overlapping pixels */
while ((tl-(fpixel[ii] - 1)) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tf > tl)
return(*status); /* no overlapping pixels */
imgfpix[ii] = maxvalue((tf - fpixel[ii] +1) / labs(inc[ii]) , 0);
imglpix[ii] = minvalue((tl - fpixel[ii] +1) / labs(inc[ii]) ,
imgdim[ii] - 1);
/* first pixel in the tile that overlaps with the image (0 base) */
tilefpix[ii] = maxvalue(fpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii], 0);
while ((tfpixel[ii] + tilefpix[ii] - fpixel[ii]) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tilefpix[ii] >= tiledim[ii])
return(*status); /* no overlapping pixels */
printf("ii tfpixel, tlpixel %d %d %d \n",ii, tfpixel[ii], tlpixel[ii]);
printf("ii, tf, tl, imgfpix,imglpix, tilefpix %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",ii,
tf,tl,imgfpix[ii], imglpix[ii],tilefpix[ii]);
if (ii > 0)
imgdim[ii] *= imgdim[ii - 1]; /* product of dimensions */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calc number of pixels in each row (first dimension) that overlap */
/* multiply by pixlen to get number of bytes to copy in each loop */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (inc[0] != 1)
overlap_flags = 1; /* can only copy 1 pixel at a time */
overlap_flags = imglpix[0] - imgfpix[0] + 1; /* can copy whole row */
overlap_bytes = overlap_flags * pixlen;
/* support up to 5 dimensions for now */
for (i4 = 0, it4=0; i4 <= imglpix[4] - imgfpix[4]; i4++, it4++)
/* increment plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 4 && (tfpixel[4] + tilefpix[4] - fpixel[4] + it4)
% labs(inc[4]) != 0)
/* offset to start of hypercube */
if (inc[4] > 0)
im4 = (i4 + imgfpix[4]) * imgdim[3];
im4 = imgdim[4] - (i4 + 1 + imgfpix[4]) * imgdim[3];
t4 = (tilefpix[4] + it4) * tiledim[3];
for (i3 = 0, it3=0; i3 <= imglpix[3] - imgfpix[3]; i3++, it3++)
/* increment plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 3 && (tfpixel[3] + tilefpix[3] - fpixel[3] + it3)
% labs(inc[3]) != 0)
/* offset to start of cube */
if (inc[3] > 0)
im3 = (i3 + imgfpix[3]) * imgdim[2] + im4;
im3 = imgdim[3] - (i3 + 1 + imgfpix[3]) * imgdim[2] + im4;
t3 = (tilefpix[3] + it3) * tiledim[2] + t4;
/* loop through planes of the image */
for (i2 = 0, it2=0; i2 <= imglpix[2] - imgfpix[2]; i2++, it2++)
/* incre plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 2 && (tfpixel[2] + tilefpix[2] - fpixel[2] + it2)
% labs(inc[2]) != 0)
/* offset to start of plane */
if (inc[2] > 0)
im2 = (i2 + imgfpix[2]) * imgdim[1] + im3;
im2 = imgdim[2] - (i2 + 1 + imgfpix[2]) * imgdim[1] + im3;
t2 = (tilefpix[2] + it2) * tiledim[1] + t3;
/* loop through rows of the image */
for (i1 = 0, it1=0; i1 <= imglpix[1] - imgfpix[1]; i1++, it1++)
/* incre row if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 1 && (tfpixel[1] + tilefpix[1] - fpixel[1] + it1)
% labs(inc[1]) != 0)
/* calc position of first pixel in tile to be copied */
tilepix = tilefpix[0] + (tilefpix[1] + it1) * tiledim[0] + t2;
/* offset to start of row */
if (inc[1] > 0)
im1 = (i1 + imgfpix[1]) * imgdim[0] + im2;
im1 = imgdim[1] - (i1 + 1 + imgfpix[1]) * imgdim[0] + im2;
printf("inc = %d %d %d %d\n",inc[0],inc[1],inc[2],inc[3]);
printf("im1,im2,im3,im4 = %d %d %d %d\n",im1,im2,im3,im4);
/* offset to byte within the row */
if (inc[0] > 0)
imgpix = imgfpix[0] + im1;
imgpix = imgdim[0] - 1 - imgfpix[0] + im1;
printf("tilefpix0,1, imgfpix1, it1, inc1, t2= %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
tilefpix[0],tilefpix[1],imgfpix[1],it1,inc[1], t2);
printf("i1, it1, tilepix, imgpix %d %d %d %d \n", i1, it1, tilepix, imgpix);
/* loop over pixels along one row of the image */
for (ipos = imgfpix[0]; ipos <= imglpix[0]; ipos += overlap_flags)
if (nullcheck == 2)
/* copy overlapping null flags from tile to image */
memcpy(nullarray + imgpix, bnullarray + tilepix,
/* convert from image pixel to byte offset */
tilepixbyte = tilepix * pixlen;
imgpixbyte = imgpix * pixlen;
printf(" tilepix, tilepixbyte, imgpix, imgpixbyte= %d %d %d %d\n",
tilepix, tilepixbyte, imgpix, imgpixbyte);
/* copy overlapping row of pixels from tile to image */
memcpy(image + imgpixbyte, tile + tilepixbyte, overlap_bytes);
tilepix += (overlap_flags * labs(inc[0]));
if (inc[0] > 0)
imgpix += overlap_flags;
imgpix -= overlap_flags;
int imcomp_merge_overlap (
char *tile, /* O - multi dimensional array of tile pixels */
int pixlen, /* I - number of bytes in each tile or image pixel */
int ndim, /* I - number of dimension in the tile and image */
long *tfpixel, /* I - first pixel number in each dim. of the tile */
long *tlpixel, /* I - last pixel number in each dim. of the tile */
char *bnullarray, /* I - array of null flags; used if nullcheck = 2 */
char *image, /* I - multi dimensional output image */
long *fpixel, /* I - first pixel number in each dim. of the image */
long *lpixel, /* I - last pixel number in each dim. of the image */
int nullcheck, /* I - 0, 1: do nothing; 2: set nullarray for nulls */
int *status)
Similar to imcomp_copy_overlap, except it copies the overlapping pixels from
the 'image' to the 'tile'.
long imgdim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* product of preceding dimensions in the */
/* output image, allowing for inc factor */
long tiledim[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* product of preceding dimensions in the */
/* tile, array; inc factor is not relevant */
long imgfpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* 1st img pix overlapping tile: 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long imglpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* last img pix overlapping tile 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long tilefpix[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* 1st tile pix overlapping img 0 base, */
/* allowing for inc factor */
long inc[MAX_COMPRESS_DIM]; /* local copy of input ininc */
long i1, i2, i3, i4; /* offset along each axis of the image */
long it1, it2, it3, it4;
long im1, im2, im3, im4; /* offset to image pixel, allowing for inc */
long ipos, tf, tl;
long t2, t3, t4; /* offset along each axis of the tile */
long tilepix, imgpix, tilepixbyte, imgpixbyte;
int ii, overlap_bytes, overlap_flags;
if (*status > 0)
for (ii = 0; ii < MAX_COMPRESS_DIM; ii++)
/* set default values for higher dimensions */
inc[ii] = 1;
imgdim[ii] = 1;
tiledim[ii] = 1;
imgfpix[ii] = 0;
imglpix[ii] = 0;
tilefpix[ii] = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* calc amount of overlap in each dimension; if there is zero */
/* overlap in any dimension then just return */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
for (ii = 0; ii < ndim; ii++)
if (tlpixel[ii] < fpixel[ii] || tfpixel[ii] > lpixel[ii])
return(*status); /* there are no overlapping pixels */
/* calc dimensions of the output image section */
imgdim[ii] = (lpixel[ii] - fpixel[ii]) / labs(inc[ii]) + 1;
if (imgdim[ii] < 1)
return(*status = NEG_AXIS);
/* calc dimensions of the tile */
tiledim[ii] = tlpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii] + 1;
if (tiledim[ii] < 1)
return(*status = NEG_AXIS);
if (ii > 0)
tiledim[ii] *= tiledim[ii - 1]; /* product of dimensions */
/* first and last pixels in image that overlap with the tile, 0 base */
tf = tfpixel[ii] - 1;
tl = tlpixel[ii] - 1;
/* skip this plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while ((tf-(fpixel[ii] - 1)) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tf > tl)
return(*status); /* no overlapping pixels */
while ((tl-(fpixel[ii] - 1)) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tf > tl)
return(*status); /* no overlapping pixels */
imgfpix[ii] = maxvalue((tf - fpixel[ii] +1) / labs(inc[ii]) , 0);
imglpix[ii] = minvalue((tl - fpixel[ii] +1) / labs(inc[ii]) ,
imgdim[ii] - 1);
/* first pixel in the tile that overlaps with the image (0 base) */
tilefpix[ii] = maxvalue(fpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii], 0);
while ((tfpixel[ii] + tilefpix[ii] - fpixel[ii]) % labs(inc[ii]))
if (tilefpix[ii] >= tiledim[ii])
return(*status); /* no overlapping pixels */
printf("ii tfpixel, tlpixel %d %d %d \n",ii, tfpixel[ii], tlpixel[ii]);
printf("ii, tf, tl, imgfpix,imglpix, tilefpix %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",ii,
tf,tl,imgfpix[ii], imglpix[ii],tilefpix[ii]);
if (ii > 0)
imgdim[ii] *= imgdim[ii - 1]; /* product of dimensions */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* calc number of pixels in each row (first dimension) that overlap */
/* multiply by pixlen to get number of bytes to copy in each loop */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (inc[0] != 1)
overlap_flags = 1; /* can only copy 1 pixel at a time */
overlap_flags = imglpix[0] - imgfpix[0] + 1; /* can copy whole row */
overlap_bytes = overlap_flags * pixlen;
/* support up to 5 dimensions for now */
for (i4 = 0, it4=0; i4 <= imglpix[4] - imgfpix[4]; i4++, it4++)
/* increment plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 4 && (tfpixel[4] + tilefpix[4] - fpixel[4] + it4)
% labs(inc[4]) != 0)
/* offset to start of hypercube */
if (inc[4] > 0)
im4 = (i4 + imgfpix[4]) * imgdim[3];
im4 = imgdim[4] - (i4 + 1 + imgfpix[4]) * imgdim[3];
t4 = (tilefpix[4] + it4) * tiledim[3];
for (i3 = 0, it3=0; i3 <= imglpix[3] - imgfpix[3]; i3++, it3++)
/* increment plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 3 && (tfpixel[3] + tilefpix[3] - fpixel[3] + it3)
% labs(inc[3]) != 0)
/* offset to start of cube */
if (inc[3] > 0)
im3 = (i3 + imgfpix[3]) * imgdim[2] + im4;
im3 = imgdim[3] - (i3 + 1 + imgfpix[3]) * imgdim[2] + im4;
t3 = (tilefpix[3] + it3) * tiledim[2] + t4;
/* loop through planes of the image */
for (i2 = 0, it2=0; i2 <= imglpix[2] - imgfpix[2]; i2++, it2++)
/* incre plane if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 2 && (tfpixel[2] + tilefpix[2] - fpixel[2] + it2)
% labs(inc[2]) != 0)
/* offset to start of plane */
if (inc[2] > 0)
im2 = (i2 + imgfpix[2]) * imgdim[1] + im3;
im2 = imgdim[2] - (i2 + 1 + imgfpix[2]) * imgdim[1] + im3;
t2 = (tilefpix[2] + it2) * tiledim[1] + t3;
/* loop through rows of the image */
for (i1 = 0, it1=0; i1 <= imglpix[1] - imgfpix[1]; i1++, it1++)
/* incre row if it falls in the cracks of the subsampled image */
while (ndim > 1 && (tfpixel[1] + tilefpix[1] - fpixel[1] + it1)
% labs(inc[1]) != 0)
/* calc position of first pixel in tile to be copied */
tilepix = tilefpix[0] + (tilefpix[1] + it1) * tiledim[0] + t2;
/* offset to start of row */
if (inc[1] > 0)
im1 = (i1 + imgfpix[1]) * imgdim[0] + im2;
im1 = imgdim[1] - (i1 + 1 + imgfpix[1]) * imgdim[0] + im2;
printf("inc = %d %d %d %d\n",inc[0],inc[1],inc[2],inc[3]);
printf("im1,im2,im3,im4 = %d %d %d %d\n",im1,im2,im3,im4);
/* offset to byte within the row */
if (inc[0] > 0)
imgpix = imgfpix[0] + im1;
imgpix = imgdim[0] - 1 - imgfpix[0] + im1;
printf("tilefpix0,1, imgfpix1, it1, inc1, t2= %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
tilefpix[0],tilefpix[1],imgfpix[1],it1,inc[1], t2);
printf("i1, it1, tilepix, imgpix %d %d %d %d \n", i1, it1, tilepix, imgpix);
/* loop over pixels along one row of the image */
for (ipos = imgfpix[0]; ipos <= imglpix[0]; ipos += overlap_flags)
/* convert from image pixel to byte offset */
tilepixbyte = tilepix * pixlen;
imgpixbyte = imgpix * pixlen;
printf(" tilepix, tilepixbyte, imgpix, imgpixbyte= %d %d %d %d\n",
tilepix, tilepixbyte, imgpix, imgpixbyte);
/* copy overlapping row of pixels from image to tile */
memcpy(tile + tilepixbyte, image + imgpixbyte, overlap_bytes);
tilepix += (overlap_flags * labs(inc[0]));
if (inc[0] > 0)
imgpix += overlap_flags;
imgpix -= overlap_flags;
static int unquantize_i1r4(long row, /* tile number = row number in table */
unsigned char *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - dithering method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned char tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
float nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
float *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Unquantize byte values into the scaled floating point values
long ii;
int nextrand, iseed;
if (!fits_rand_value)
if (fits_init_randoms()) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize the index to the next random number in the list */
iseed = (int) ((row - 1) % N_RANDOM);
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (float) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
else /* must check for null values */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (float) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
static int unquantize_i2r4(long row, /* seed for random values */
short *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - dithering method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
short tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
float nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
float *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Unquantize short integer values into the scaled floating point values
long ii;
int nextrand, iseed;
if (!fits_rand_value)
if (fits_init_randoms()) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize the index to the next random number in the list */
iseed = (int) ((row - 1) % N_RANDOM);
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (float) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
else /* must check for null values */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (float) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
static int unquantize_i4r4(long row, /* tile number = row number in table */
INT32BIT *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - dithering method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
INT32BIT tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
float nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
float *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Unquantize int integer values into the scaled floating point values
long ii;
int nextrand, iseed;
if (fits_rand_value == 0)
if (fits_init_randoms()) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize the index to the next random number in the list */
iseed = (int) ((row - 1) % N_RANDOM);
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (float) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
else /* must check for null values */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (float) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
static int unquantize_i1r8(long row, /* tile number = row number in table */
unsigned char *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - dithering method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
unsigned char tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
double nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
double *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Unquantize byte values into the scaled floating point values
long ii;
int nextrand, iseed;
if (!fits_rand_value)
if (fits_init_randoms()) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize the index to the next random number in the list */
iseed = (int) ((row - 1) % N_RANDOM);
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (double) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
else /* must check for null values */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (double) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
static int unquantize_i2r8(long row, /* tile number = row number in table */
short *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - dithering method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
short tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
double nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
double *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Unquantize short integer values into the scaled floating point values
long ii;
int nextrand, iseed;
if (!fits_rand_value)
if (fits_init_randoms()) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize the index to the next random number in the list */
iseed = (int) ((row - 1) % N_RANDOM);
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (double) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
else /* must check for null values */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
/* if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (double) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
static int unquantize_i4r8(long row, /* tile number = row number in table */
INT32BIT *input, /* I - array of values to be converted */
long ntodo, /* I - number of elements in the array */
double scale, /* I - FITS TSCALn or BSCALE value */
double zero, /* I - FITS TZEROn or BZERO value */
int dither_method, /* I - dithering method to use */
int nullcheck, /* I - null checking code; 0 = don't check */
/* 1:set null pixels = nullval */
/* 2: if null pixel, set nullarray = 1 */
INT32BIT tnull, /* I - value of FITS TNULLn keyword if any */
double nullval, /* I - set null pixels, if nullcheck = 1 */
char *nullarray, /* I - bad pixel array, if nullcheck = 2 */
int *anynull, /* O - set to 1 if any pixels are null */
double *output, /* O - array of converted pixels */
int *status) /* IO - error status */
Unquantize int integer values into the scaled floating point values
long ii;
int nextrand, iseed;
if (fits_rand_value == 0)
if (fits_init_randoms()) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
/* initialize the index to the next random number in the list */
iseed = (int) ((row - 1) % N_RANDOM);
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
if (nullcheck == 0) /* no null checking required */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (double) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
else /* must check for null values */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
if (input[ii] == tnull)
*anynull = 1;
if (nullcheck == 1)
output[ii] = nullval;
nullarray[ii] = 1;
if (dither_method == SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 && input[ii] == ZERO_VALUE)
output[ii] = 0.0;
output[ii] = (double) (((double) input[ii] - fits_rand_value[nextrand] + 0.5) * scale + zero);
if (nextrand == N_RANDOM) {
if (iseed == N_RANDOM) iseed = 0;
nextrand = (int) (fits_rand_value[iseed] * 500);
static int imcomp_float2nan(float *indata,
long tilelen,
int *outdata,
float nullflagval,
int *status)
convert pixels that are equal to nullflag to NaNs.
Note that indata and outdata point to the same location.
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < tilelen; ii++) {
if (indata[ii] == nullflagval)
outdata[ii] = -1; /* integer -1 has the same bit pattern as a real*4 NaN */
static int imcomp_double2nan(double *indata,
long tilelen,
LONGLONG *outdata,
double nullflagval,
int *status)
convert pixels that are equal to nullflag to NaNs.
Note that indata and outdata point to the same location.
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < tilelen; ii++) {
if (indata[ii] == nullflagval)
outdata[ii] = -1; /* integer -1 has the same bit pattern as a real*8 NaN */
/* ======================================================================= */
/* =-====================================================================== */
int fits_compress_table(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
Compress the input FITS Binary Table.
First divide the table into equal sized chunks (analogous to image tiles) where all
the contain the same number of rows (except perhaps for the last chunk
which may contain fewer rows). The chunks should not be too large to copy into memory
(currently, about 100 MB max seems a reasonable size).
Then, on a chunk by piece basis, do the following:
1. Transpose the table from its original row-major order, into column-major order.
All the bytes for each column are then continuous. In addition, the bytes within
each table element may be shuffled so that the most significant
byte of every element occurs first in the array, followed by the next most
significant byte, and so on to the least significant byte. Byte shuffling often
improves the gzip compression of floating-point arrays.
2. Compress the contiguous array of bytes in each column using the specified
compression method. If no method is specifed, then a default method for that
data type is chosen.
3. Store the compressed stream of bytes into a column that has the same name
as in the input table, but which has a variable-length array data type (1QB).
The output table will contain one row for each piece of the original table.
4. If the input table contain variable-length arrays, then each VLA
is compressed individually, and written to the heap in the output table.
Note that the output table will contain 2 sets of pointers for each VLA column.
The first set contains the pointers to the uncompressed VLAs from the input table
and the second is the set of pointers to the compressed VLAs in the output table.
The latter set of pointers is used to reconstruct table when it is uncompressed,
so that the heap has exactly the same structure as in the original file. The 2
sets of pointers are concatinated together, compressed with gzip, and written to
the output table. When reading the compressed table, the only VLA that is directly
visible is this compressed array of descriptors. One has to uncompress this array
to be able to to read all the descriptors to the individual VLAs in the column.
long maxchunksize = 10000000; /* default value for the size of each chunk of the table */
char *cm_buffer; /* memory buffer for the transposed, Column-Major, chunk of the table */
LONGLONG cm_colstart[1000]; /* starting offset of each column in the cm_buffer */
LONGLONG rm_repeat[1000]; /* repeat count of each column in the input row-major table */
LONGLONG rm_colwidth[999]; /* width in bytes of each column in the input row-major table */
LONGLONG cm_repeat[999]; /* total number of elements in each column of the transposed column-major table */
int coltype[999]; /* data type code for each column */
int compalgor[999], default_algor = 0; /* compression algorithm to be applied to each column */
float cratio[999]; /* compression ratio for each column (for diagnostic purposes) */
float compressed_size, uncompressed_size, tot_compressed_size, tot_uncompressed_size;
LONGLONG nrows, firstrow;
LONGLONG headstart, datastart, dataend, startbyte, jj, kk, naxis1;
LONGLONG vlalen, vlamemlen, vlastart, bytepos;
long repeat, width, nchunks, rowspertile, lastrows;
int ii, ll, ncols, hdutype, ltrue = 1, print_report = 0, tstatus;
char *cptr, keyname[9], tform[40], *cdescript;
char comm[FLEN_COMMENT], keyvalue[FLEN_VALUE], *cvlamem, tempstring[FLEN_VALUE], card[FLEN_CARD];
LONGLONG *descriptors, *outdescript, *vlamem;
int *pdescriptors;
size_t dlen, datasize, compmemlen;
/* ================================================================================== */
/* perform initial sanity checks */
/* ================================================================================== */
/* special input flag value that means print out diagnostics */
if (*status == -999) {
print_report = 1;
*status = 0;
if (*status > 0)
fits_get_hdu_type(infptr, &hdutype, status);
if (hdutype != BINARY_TBL) {
*status = NOT_BTABLE;
if (infptr == outfptr) {
ffpmsg("Cannot compress table 'in place' (fits_compress_table)");
ffpmsg(" outfptr cannot be the same as infptr.");
/* get dimensions of the table */
fits_get_num_rowsll(infptr, &nrows, status);
fits_get_num_cols(infptr, &ncols, status);
fits_read_key(infptr, TLONGLONG, "NAXIS1", &naxis1, NULL, status);
/* get offset to the start of the data and total size of the table (including the heap) */
fits_get_hduaddrll(infptr, &headstart, &datastart, &dataend, status);
if (*status > 0)
tstatus = 0;
if (!fits_read_key(infptr, TSTRING, "FZALGOR", tempstring, NULL, &tstatus)) {
if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "NONE")) {
default_algor = NOCOMPRESS;
} else if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "GZIP") || !fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "GZIP_1")) {
default_algor = GZIP_1;
} else if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "GZIP_2")) {
default_algor = GZIP_2;
} else if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "RICE_1")) {
default_algor = RICE_1;
} else {
ffpmsg("FZALGOR specifies unsupported table compression algorithm:");
/* just copy the HDU verbatim if the table has 0 columns or rows or if the table */
/* is less than 5760 bytes (2 blocks) in size, or compression directive keyword = "NONE" */
if (nrows < 1 || ncols < 1 || (dataend - datastart) < 5760 || default_algor == NOCOMPRESS) {
fits_copy_hdu (infptr, outfptr, 0, status);
/* Check if the chunk size has been specified with the FZTILELN keyword. */
/* If not, calculate a default number of rows per chunck, */
tstatus = 0;
if (fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "FZTILELN", &rowspertile, NULL, &tstatus)) {
rowspertile = (long) (maxchunksize / naxis1);
if (rowspertile < 1) rowspertile = 1;
if (rowspertile > nrows) rowspertile = (long) nrows;
nchunks = (long) ((nrows - 1) / rowspertile + 1); /* total number of chunks */
lastrows = (long) (nrows - ((nchunks - 1) * rowspertile)); /* number of rows in last chunk */
/* allocate space for the transposed, column-major chunk of the table */
cm_buffer = calloc((size_t) naxis1, (size_t) rowspertile);
if (!cm_buffer) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate cm_buffer for transposed table");
/* ================================================================================== */
/* Construct the header of the output compressed table */
/* ================================================================================== */
fits_copy_header(infptr, outfptr, status); /* start with verbatim copy of the input header */
fits_write_key(outfptr, TLOGICAL, "ZTABLE", &ltrue, "this is a compressed table", status);
fits_write_key(outfptr, TLONG, "ZTILELEN", &rowspertile, "number of rows in each tile", status);
fits_read_card(outfptr, "NAXIS1", card, status); /* copy NAXIS1 to ZNAXIS1 */
strncpy(card, "ZNAXIS1", 7);
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
fits_read_card(outfptr, "NAXIS2", card, status); /* copy NAXIS2 to ZNAXIS2 */
strncpy(card, "ZNAXIS2", 7);
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
fits_read_card(outfptr, "PCOUNT", card, status); /* copy PCOUNT to ZPCOUNT */
strncpy(card, "ZPCOUNT", 7);
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
fits_modify_key_lng(outfptr, "NAXIS2", nchunks, "&", status); /* 1 row per chunk */
fits_modify_key_lng(outfptr, "NAXIS1", ncols * 16, "&", status); /* 16 bytes for each 1QB column */
fits_modify_key_lng(outfptr, "PCOUNT", 0L, "&", status); /* reset PCOUNT to 0 */
/* rename the Checksum keywords, if they exist */
tstatus = 0;
fits_modify_name(outfptr, "CHECKSUM", "ZHECKSUM", &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
fits_modify_name(outfptr, "DATASUM", "ZDATASUM", &tstatus);
/* ================================================================================== */
/* Now loop over each column of the input table: write the column-specific keywords */
/* and determine which compression algorithm to use. */
/* Also calculate various offsets to the start of the column data in both the */
/* original row-major table and in the transposed column-major form of the table. */
/* ================================================================================== */
cm_colstart[0] = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) {
/* get the structural parameters of the original uncompressed column */
fits_make_keyn("TFORM", ii+1, keyname, status);
fits_read_key(outfptr, TSTRING, keyname, tform, comm, status);
fits_binary_tform(tform, coltype+ii, &repeat, &width, status); /* get the repeat count and the width */
/* preserve the original TFORM value and comment string in a ZFORMn keyword */
fits_read_card(outfptr, keyname, card, status);
card[0] = 'Z';
fits_write_record(outfptr, card, status);
/* All columns in the compressed table will have a variable-length array type. */
fits_modify_key_str(outfptr, keyname, "1QB", "&", status); /* Use 'Q' pointers (64-bit) */
/* deal with special cases: bit, string, and variable length array columns */
if (coltype[ii] == TBIT) {
repeat = (repeat + 7) / 8; /* convert from bits to equivalent number of bytes */
} else if (coltype[ii] == TSTRING) {
width = 1; /* ignore the optional 'w' in 'rAw' format */
} else if (coltype[ii] < 0) { /* pointer to variable length array */
if (strchr(tform,'Q') ) {
width = 16; /* 'Q' descriptor has 64-bit pointers */
} else {
width = 8; /* 'P' descriptor has 32-bit pointers */
repeat = 1;
rm_repeat[ii] = repeat;
rm_colwidth[ii] = repeat * width; /* column width (in bytes)in the input table */
/* starting offset of each field in the OUTPUT transposed column-major table */
cm_colstart[ii + 1] = cm_colstart[ii] + rm_colwidth[ii] * rowspertile;
/* total number of elements in each column of the transposed column-major table */
cm_repeat[ii] = rm_repeat[ii] * rowspertile;
compalgor[ii] = default_algor; /* initialize the column compression algorithm to the default */
/* check if a compression method has been specified for this column */
fits_make_keyn("FZALG", ii+1, keyname, status);
tstatus = 0;
if (!fits_read_key(outfptr, TSTRING, keyname, tempstring, NULL, &tstatus)) {
if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "GZIP") || !fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "GZIP_1")) {
compalgor[ii] = GZIP_1;
} else if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "GZIP_2")) {
compalgor[ii] = GZIP_2;
} else if (!fits_strcasecmp(tempstring, "RICE_1")) {
compalgor[ii] = RICE_1;
} else {
ffpmsg("Unsupported table compression algorithm specification.");
/* do sanity check of the requested algorithm and override if necessary */
if ( abs(coltype[ii]) == TLOGICAL || abs(coltype[ii]) == TBIT || abs(coltype[ii]) == TSTRING) {
if (compalgor[ii] != GZIP_1) {
compalgor[ii] = GZIP_1;
} else if ( abs(coltype[ii]) == TCOMPLEX || abs(coltype[ii]) == TDBLCOMPLEX ||
abs(coltype[ii]) == TFLOAT || abs(coltype[ii]) == TDOUBLE ||
abs(coltype[ii]) == TLONGLONG ) {
if (compalgor[ii] != GZIP_1 && compalgor[ii] != GZIP_2) {
compalgor[ii] = GZIP_2; /* gzip_2 usually works better gzip_1 */
} else if ( abs(coltype[ii]) == TSHORT ) {
if (compalgor[ii] != GZIP_1 && compalgor[ii] != GZIP_2 && compalgor[ii] != RICE_1) {
compalgor[ii] = GZIP_2; /* gzip_2 usually works better rice_1 */
} else if ( abs(coltype[ii]) == TLONG ) {
if (compalgor[ii] != GZIP_1 && compalgor[ii] != GZIP_2 && compalgor[ii] != RICE_1) {
compalgor[ii] = RICE_1;
} else if ( abs(coltype[ii]) == TBYTE ) {
if (compalgor[ii] != GZIP_1 && compalgor[ii] != RICE_1 ) {
compalgor[ii] = GZIP_1;
} /* end of loop over columns */
/* ================================================================================== */
/* now process each chunk of the table, in turn */
/* ================================================================================== */
tot_uncompressed_size = 0.;
tot_compressed_size = 0;
firstrow = 1;
for (ll = 0; ll < nchunks; ll++) {
if (ll == nchunks - 1) { /* the last chunk may have fewer rows */
rowspertile = lastrows;
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) {
cm_colstart[ii + 1] = cm_colstart[ii] + (rm_colwidth[ii] * rowspertile);
cm_repeat[ii] = rm_repeat[ii] * rowspertile;
/* move to the start of the chunk in the input table */
ffmbyt(infptr, datastart, 0, status);
/* ================================================================================*/
/* First, transpose this chunck from row-major order to column-major order */
/* At the same time, shuffle the bytes in each datum, if doing GZIP_2 compression */
/* ================================================================================*/
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over rows */
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) { /* loop over columns */
if (rm_repeat[ii] > 0) { /* skip virtual columns that have 0 elements */
kk = 0;
/* if the GZIP_2 compression algorithm is used, shuffle the bytes */
if (coltype[ii] == TSHORT && compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2) {
while(kk < rm_colwidth[ii]) {
cptr = cm_buffer + (cm_colstart[ii] + (jj * rm_repeat[ii]) + kk/2);
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 1st byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 2nd byte */
kk += 2;
} else if ((coltype[ii] == TFLOAT || coltype[ii] == TLONG) && compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2) {
while(kk < rm_colwidth[ii]) {
cptr = cm_buffer + (cm_colstart[ii] + (jj * rm_repeat[ii]) + kk/4);
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 1st byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 2nd byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 3rd byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 4th byte */
kk += 4;
} else if ( (coltype[ii] == TDOUBLE || coltype[ii] == TLONGLONG) && compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2) {
while(kk < rm_colwidth[ii]) {
cptr = cm_buffer + (cm_colstart[ii] + (jj * rm_repeat[ii]) + kk/8);
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 1st byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 2nd byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 3rd byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 4th byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 5th byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 6th byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 7th byte */
cptr += cm_repeat[ii];
ffgbyt(infptr, 1, cptr, status); /* get 8th byte */
kk += 8;
} else { /* all other cases: don't shuffle the bytes; simply transpose the column */
cptr = cm_buffer + (cm_colstart[ii] + (jj * rm_colwidth[ii])); /* addr to copy to */
startbyte = (infptr->Fptr)->bytepos; /* save the starting byte location */
ffgbyt(infptr, rm_colwidth[ii], cptr, status); /* copy all the bytes */
if (rm_colwidth[ii] >= MINDIRECT) { /* have to explicitly move to next byte */
ffmbyt(infptr, startbyte + rm_colwidth[ii], 0, status);
} /* end of test of coltypee */
} /* end of not virtual column */
} /* end of loop over columns */
} /* end of loop over rows */
/* ================================================================================*/
/* now compress each column in the transposed chunk of the table */
/* ================================================================================*/
fits_set_hdustruc(outfptr, status); /* initialize structures in the output table */
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) { /* loop over columns */
/* initialize the diagnostic compression results string */
snprintf(results[ii],30,"%3d %3d %3d ", ii+1, coltype[ii], compalgor[ii]);
cratio[ii] = 0;
if (rm_repeat[ii] > 0) { /* skip virtual columns with zero width */
if (coltype[ii] < 0) { /* this is a variable length array (VLA) column */
/* variable-length array columns are a complicated special case */
/* allocate memory to hold all the VLA descriptors from the input table, plus */
/* room to hold the descriptors to the compressed VLAs in the output table */
/* In total, there will be 2 descriptors for each row in this chunk */
uncompressed_size = 0.;
compressed_size = 0;
datasize = (size_t) (cm_colstart[ii + 1] - cm_colstart[ii]); /* size of input descriptors */
cdescript = calloc(datasize + (rowspertile * 16), 1); /* room for both descriptors */
if (!cdescript) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for descriptors");
/* copy the input descriptors to this array */
memcpy(cdescript, &cm_buffer[cm_colstart[ii]], datasize);
/* byte-swap the integer values into the native machine representation */
if (rm_colwidth[ii] == 16) {
ffswap8((double *) cdescript, rowspertile * 2);
} else {
ffswap4((int *) cdescript, rowspertile * 2);
descriptors = (LONGLONG *) cdescript; /* use this for Q type descriptors */
pdescriptors = (int *) cdescript; /* use this instead for or P type descriptors */
/* pointer to the 2nd set of descriptors */
outdescript = (LONGLONG *) (cdescript + datasize); /* this is a LONGLONG pointer */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop to compress each VLA in turn */
if (rm_colwidth[ii] == 16) { /* if Q pointers */
vlalen = descriptors[jj * 2];
vlastart = descriptors[(jj * 2) + 1];
} else { /* if P pointers */
vlalen = (LONGLONG) pdescriptors[jj * 2];
vlastart = (LONGLONG) pdescriptors[(jj * 2) + 1];
if (vlalen > 0) { /* skip zero-length VLAs */
vlamemlen = vlalen * (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10);
vlamem = (LONGLONG *) malloc((size_t) vlamemlen); /* memory for the input uncompressed VLA */
if (!vlamem) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for VLA");
free(cdescript); free(cm_buffer);
compmemlen = (size_t) (vlalen * ((LONGLONG) (-coltype[ii] / 10)) * 1.5);
if (compmemlen < 100) compmemlen = 100;
cvlamem = malloc(compmemlen); /* memory for the output compressed VLA */
if (!cvlamem) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for compressed data");
free(vlamem); free(cdescript); free(cm_buffer);
/* read the raw bytes directly from the heap, without any byte-swapping or null value detection */
bytepos = (infptr->Fptr)->datastart + (infptr->Fptr)->heapstart + vlastart;
ffmbyt(infptr, bytepos, REPORT_EOF, status);
ffgbyt(infptr, vlamemlen, vlamem, status); /* read the bytes */
uncompressed_size += vlamemlen; /* total size of the uncompressed VLAs */
tot_uncompressed_size += vlamemlen; /* total size of the uncompressed file */
/* compress the VLA with the appropriate algorithm */
if (compalgor[ii] == RICE_1) {
if (-coltype[ii] == TSHORT) {
ffswap2((short *) (vlamem), (long) vlalen);
dlen = fits_rcomp_short ((short *)(vlamem), (int) vlalen, (unsigned char *) cvlamem,
(int) compmemlen, 32);
} else if (-coltype[ii] == TLONG) {
ffswap4((int *) (vlamem), (long) vlalen);
dlen = fits_rcomp ((int *)(vlamem), (int) vlalen, (unsigned char *) cvlamem,
(int) compmemlen, 32);
} else if (-coltype[ii] == TBYTE) {
dlen = fits_rcomp_byte ((signed char *)(vlamem), (int) vlalen, (unsigned char *) cvlamem,
(int) compmemlen, 32);
} else {
/* this should not happen */
ffpmsg(" Error: cannot compress this column type with the RICE algorthm");
free(vlamem); free(cdescript); free(cm_buffer); free(cvlamem);
} else if (compalgor[ii] == GZIP_1 || compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2){
if (compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2 ) { /* shuffle the bytes before gzipping them */
if ( (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10) == 2) {
fits_shuffle_2bytes((char *) vlamem, vlalen, status);
} else if ( (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10) == 4) {
fits_shuffle_4bytes((char *) vlamem, vlalen, status);
} else if ( (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10) == 8) {
fits_shuffle_8bytes((char *) vlamem, vlalen, status);
/*: gzip compress the array of bytes */
compress2mem_from_mem( (char *) vlamem, (size_t) vlamemlen,
&cvlamem, &compmemlen, realloc, &dlen, status);
} else {
/* this should not happen */
ffpmsg(" Error: unknown compression algorthm");
free(vlamem); free(cdescript); free(cm_buffer); free(cvlamem);
/* write the compressed array to the output table, but... */
/* We use a trick of always writing the array to the same row of the output table */
/* and then copy the descriptor into the array of descriptors that we allocated. */
/* First, reset the descriptor */
fits_write_descript(outfptr, ii+1, ll+1, 0, 0, status);
/* write the compressed VLA if it is smaller than the original, else write */
/* the uncompressed array */
fits_set_tscale(outfptr, ii + 1, 1.0, 0.0, status); /* turn off any data scaling, first */
if (dlen < vlamemlen) {
fits_write_col(outfptr, TBYTE, ii + 1, ll+1, 1, dlen, cvlamem, status);
compressed_size += dlen; /* total size of the compressed VLAs */
tot_compressed_size += dlen; /* total size of the compressed file */
} else {
if ( -coltype[ii] != TBYTE && compalgor[ii] != GZIP_1) {
/* it is probably faster to reread the raw bytes, rather than unshuffle or unswap them */
bytepos = (infptr->Fptr)->datastart + (infptr->Fptr)->heapstart + vlastart;
ffmbyt(infptr, bytepos, REPORT_EOF, status);
ffgbyt(infptr, vlamemlen, vlamem, status); /* read the bytes */
fits_write_col(outfptr, TBYTE, ii + 1, ll+1, 1, vlamemlen, vlamem, status);
compressed_size += vlamemlen; /* total size of the compressed VLAs */
tot_compressed_size += vlamemlen; /* total size of the compressed file */
/* read back the descriptor and save it in the array of descriptors */
fits_read_descriptll(outfptr, ii + 1, ll + 1, outdescript+(jj*2), outdescript+(jj*2)+1, status);
free(cvlamem); free(vlamem);
} /* end of vlalen > 0 */
} /* end of loop over rows */
if (compressed_size != 0)
cratio[ii] = uncompressed_size / compressed_size;
snprintf(tempstring,FLEN_VALUE," r=%6.2f",cratio[ii]);
strncat(results[ii],tempstring, 29-strlen(results[ii]));
/* now we just have to compress the array of descriptors (both input and output) */
/* and write them to the output table. */
/* allocate memory for the compressed descriptors */
cvlamem = malloc(datasize + (rowspertile * 16) );
if (!cvlamem) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for compressed data");
free(cdescript); free(cm_buffer);
/* byte swap the input and output descriptors */
if (rm_colwidth[ii] == 16) {
ffswap8((double *) cdescript, rowspertile * 2);
} else {
ffswap4((int *) cdescript, rowspertile * 2);
ffswap8((double *) outdescript, rowspertile * 2);
/* compress the array contain both sets of descriptors */
compress2mem_from_mem((char *) cdescript, datasize + (rowspertile * 16),
&cvlamem, &datasize, realloc, &dlen, status);
/* write the compressed descriptors to the output column */
fits_set_tscale(outfptr, ii + 1, 1.0, 0.0, status); /* turn off any data scaling, first */
fits_write_descript(outfptr, ii+1, ll+1, 0, 0, status); /* First, reset the descriptor */
fits_write_col(outfptr, TBYTE, ii + 1, ll+1, 1, dlen, cvlamem, status);
if (ll == 0) { /* only write the ZCTYPn keyword once, while processing the first column */
fits_make_keyn("ZCTYP", ii+1, keyname, status);
if (compalgor[ii] == RICE_1) {
strcpy(keyvalue, "RICE_1");
} else if (compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2) {
strcpy(keyvalue, "GZIP_2");
} else {
strcpy(keyvalue, "GZIP_1");
fits_write_key(outfptr, TSTRING, keyname, keyvalue,
"compression algorithm for column", status);
continue; /* jump to end of loop, to go to next column */
} /* end of VLA case */
/* ================================================================================*/
/* deal with all the normal fixed-length columns here */
/* ================================================================================*/
/* allocate memory for the compressed data */
datasize = (size_t) (cm_colstart[ii + 1] - cm_colstart[ii]);
cvlamem = malloc(datasize*2);
tot_uncompressed_size += datasize;
if (!cvlamem) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for compressed data");
if (compalgor[ii] == RICE_1) {
if (coltype[ii] == TSHORT) {
ffswap2((short *) (cm_buffer + cm_colstart[ii]), datasize / 2);
dlen = fits_rcomp_short ((short *)(cm_buffer + cm_colstart[ii]), datasize / 2, (unsigned char *) cvlamem,
datasize * 2, 32);
} else if (coltype[ii] == TLONG) {
ffswap4((int *) (cm_buffer + cm_colstart[ii]), datasize / 4);
dlen = fits_rcomp ((int *)(cm_buffer + cm_colstart[ii]), datasize / 4, (unsigned char *) cvlamem,
datasize * 2, 32);
} else if (coltype[ii] == TBYTE) {
dlen = fits_rcomp_byte ((signed char *)(cm_buffer + cm_colstart[ii]), datasize, (unsigned char *) cvlamem,
datasize * 2, 32);
} else { /* this should not happen */
ffpmsg(" Error: cannot compress this column type with the RICE algorthm");
free(cvlamem); free(cm_buffer);
} else {
/* all other cases: gzip compress the column (bytes may have been shuffled previously) */
compress2mem_from_mem(cm_buffer + cm_colstart[ii], datasize,
&cvlamem, &datasize, realloc, &dlen, status);
if (ll == 0) { /* only write the ZCTYPn keyword once, while processing the first column */
fits_make_keyn("ZCTYP", ii+1, keyname, status);
if (compalgor[ii] == RICE_1) {
strcpy(keyvalue, "RICE_1");
} else if (compalgor[ii] == GZIP_2) {
strcpy(keyvalue, "GZIP_2");
} else {
strcpy(keyvalue, "GZIP_1");
fits_write_key(outfptr, TSTRING, keyname, keyvalue,
"compression algorithm for column", status);
/* write the compressed data to the output column */
fits_set_tscale(outfptr, ii + 1, 1.0, 0.0, status); /* turn off any data scaling, first */
fits_write_col(outfptr, TBYTE, ii + 1, ll+1, 1, dlen, cvlamem, status);
tot_compressed_size += dlen;
free(cvlamem); /* don't need the compressed data any more */
/* create diagnostic messages */
if (dlen != 0)
cratio[ii] = (float) datasize / (float) dlen; /* compression ratio of the column */
snprintf(tempstring,FLEN_VALUE," r=%6.2f",cratio[ii]);
} /* end of not a virtual column */
} /* end of loop over columns */
datastart += (rowspertile * naxis1); /* increment to start of next chunk */
firstrow += rowspertile; /* increment first row in next chunk */
if (print_report) {
printf("\nChunk = %d\n",ll+1);
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) {
printf("%s\n", results[ii]);
} /* end of loop over chunks of the table */
/* =================================================================================*/
/* all done; just clean up and return */
/* ================================================================================*/
fits_set_hdustruc(outfptr, status); /* reset internal structures */
if (print_report) {
if (tot_compressed_size != 0)
printf("\nTotal data size (MB) %.3f -> %.3f, ratio = %.3f\n", tot_uncompressed_size/1000000.,
tot_compressed_size/1000000., tot_uncompressed_size/tot_compressed_size);
int fits_uncompress_table(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, int *status)
Uncompress the table that was compressed with fits_compress_table
char colcode[999]; /* column data type code character */
char coltype[999]; /* column data type numeric code value */
char *cm_buffer; /* memory buffer for the transposed, Column-Major, chunk of the table */
char *rm_buffer; /* memory buffer for the original, Row-Major, chunk of the table */
LONGLONG nrows, rmajor_colwidth[999], rmajor_colstart[1000], cmajor_colstart[1000];
LONGLONG cmajor_repeat[999], rmajor_repeat[999], cmajor_bytespan[999], kk;
LONGLONG headstart, datastart = 0, dataend, rowsremain, *descript, *qdescript = 0;
LONGLONG rowstart, cvlalen, cvlastart, vlalen, vlastart;
long repeat, width, vla_repeat, vla_address, rowspertile, ntile;
int ncols, hdutype, inttype, anynull, tstatus, zctype[999], addspace = 0, *pdescript = 0;
char *cptr, keyname[9], tform[40];
long pcount, zheapptr, naxis1, naxis2, ii, jj;
char *ptr, comm[FLEN_COMMENT], zvalue[FLEN_VALUE], *uncompressed_vla = 0, *compressed_vla;
char card[FLEN_CARD];
size_t dlen, fullsize, cm_size, bytepos, vlamemlen;
/* ================================================================================== */
/* perform initial sanity checks */
/* ================================================================================== */
if (*status > 0)
fits_get_hdu_type(infptr, &hdutype, status);
if (hdutype != BINARY_TBL) {
ffpmsg("This is not a binary table, so cannot uncompress it!");
*status = NOT_BTABLE;
if (fits_read_key(infptr, TLOGICAL, "ZTABLE", &tstatus, NULL, status)) {
/* just copy the HDU if the table is not compressed */
if (infptr != outfptr) {
fits_copy_hdu (infptr, outfptr, 0, status);
fits_get_num_rowsll(infptr, &nrows, status);
fits_get_num_cols(infptr, &ncols, status);
if ((ncols < 1)) {
/* just copy the HDU if the table does not have more than 0 columns */
if (infptr != outfptr) {
fits_copy_hdu (infptr, outfptr, 0, status);
fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "ZTILELEN", &rowspertile, comm, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("Could not find the required ZTILELEN keyword");
/**** get size of the uncompressed table */
fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "ZNAXIS1", &naxis1, comm, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("Could not find the required ZNAXIS1 keyword");
fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "ZNAXIS2", &naxis2, comm, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("Could not find the required ZNAXIS2 keyword");
/* silently ignore illegal ZTILELEN value if too large */
if (rowspertile > naxis2) rowspertile = naxis2;
fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "ZPCOUNT", &pcount, comm, status);
if (*status > 0) {
ffpmsg("Could not find the required ZPCOUNT keyword");
tstatus = 0;
fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "ZHEAPPTR", &zheapptr, comm, &tstatus);
if (tstatus > 0) {
zheapptr = 0; /* uncompressed table has no heap */
/* ================================================================================== */
/* copy of the input header, then recreate the uncompressed table keywords */
/* ================================================================================== */
fits_copy_header(infptr, outfptr, status);
/* reset the NAXIS1, NAXIS2. and PCOUNT keywords to the original */
fits_read_card(outfptr, "ZNAXIS1", card, status);
strncpy(card, "NAXIS1 ", 7);
fits_update_card(outfptr, "NAXIS1", card, status);
fits_read_card(outfptr, "ZNAXIS2", card, status);
strncpy(card, "NAXIS2 ", 7);
fits_update_card(outfptr, "NAXIS2", card, status);
fits_read_card(outfptr, "ZPCOUNT", card, status);
strncpy(card, "PCOUNT ", 7);
fits_update_card(outfptr, "PCOUNT", card, status);
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZTABLE", status);
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZTILELEN", status);
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZNAXIS1", status);
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZNAXIS2", status);
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "ZPCOUNT", status);
tstatus = 0;
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "CHECKSUM", &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
fits_delete_key(outfptr, "DATASUM", &tstatus);
/* restore the Checksum keywords, if they exist */
tstatus = 0;
fits_modify_name(outfptr, "ZHECKSUM", "CHECKSUM", &tstatus);
tstatus = 0;
fits_modify_name(outfptr, "ZDATASUM", "DATASUM", &tstatus);
/* ================================================================================== */
/* determine compression paramters for each column and write column-specific keywords */
/* ================================================================================== */
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) {
/* get the original column type, repeat count, and unit width */
fits_make_keyn("ZFORM", ii+1, keyname, status);
fits_read_key(infptr, TSTRING, keyname, tform, comm, status);
/* restore the original TFORM value and comment */
fits_read_card(outfptr, keyname, card, status);
card[0] = 'T';
keyname[0] = 'T';
fits_update_card(outfptr, keyname, card, status);
/* now delete the ZFORM keyword */
keyname[0] = 'Z';
fits_delete_key(outfptr, keyname, status);
cptr = tform;
while(isdigit(*cptr)) cptr++;
colcode[ii] = *cptr; /* save the column type code */
fits_binary_tform(tform, &inttype, &repeat, &width, status);
coltype[ii] = inttype;
/* deal with special cases */
if (abs(coltype[ii]) == TBIT) {
repeat = (repeat + 7) / 8 ; /* convert from bits to bytes */
} else if (abs(coltype[ii]) == TSTRING) {
width = 1;
} else if (coltype[ii] < 0) { /* pointer to variable length array */
if (colcode[ii] == 'P')
width = 8; /* this is a 'P' column */
width = 16; /* this is a 'Q' not a 'P' column */
addspace += 16; /* need space for a second set of Q pointers for this column */
rmajor_repeat[ii] = repeat;
/* width (in bytes) of each field in the row-major table */
rmajor_colwidth[ii] = rmajor_repeat[ii] * width;
/* construct the ZCTYPn keyword name then read the keyword */
fits_make_keyn("ZCTYP", ii+1, keyname, status);
tstatus = 0;
fits_read_key(infptr, TSTRING, keyname, zvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
if (tstatus) {
zctype[ii] = GZIP_2;
} else {
if (!strcmp(zvalue, "GZIP_2")) {
zctype[ii] = GZIP_2;
} else if (!strcmp(zvalue, "GZIP_1")) {
zctype[ii] = GZIP_1;
} else if (!strcmp(zvalue, "RICE_1")) {
zctype[ii] = RICE_1;
} else {
ffpmsg("Unrecognized ZCTYPn keyword compression code:");
/* delete this keyword from the uncompressed header */
fits_delete_key(outfptr, keyname, status);
/* rescan header keywords to reset internal table structure parameters */
fits_set_hdustruc(outfptr, status);
/* ================================================================================== */
/* allocate memory for the transposed and untransposed tile of the table */
/* ================================================================================== */
fullsize = naxis1 * rowspertile;
cm_size = fullsize + (addspace * rowspertile);
cm_buffer = malloc(cm_size);
if (!cm_buffer) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for transformed column-major table");
rm_buffer = malloc(fullsize);
if (!rm_buffer) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for untransformed row-major table");
/* ================================================================================== */
/* Main loop over all the tiles */
/* ================================================================================== */
rowsremain = naxis2;
rowstart = 1;
ntile = 0;
while(rowsremain) {
/* ================================================================================== */
/* loop over each column: read and uncompress the bytes */
/* ================================================================================== */
rmajor_colstart[0] = 0;
cmajor_colstart[0] = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) {
cmajor_repeat[ii] = rmajor_repeat[ii] * rowspertile;
/* starting offset of each field in the column-major table */
if (coltype[ii] > 0) { /* normal fixed length column */
cmajor_colstart[ii + 1] = cmajor_colstart[ii] + rmajor_colwidth[ii] * rowspertile;
} else { /* VLA column: reserve space for the 2nd set of Q pointers */
cmajor_colstart[ii + 1] = cmajor_colstart[ii] + (rmajor_colwidth[ii] + 16) * rowspertile;
/* length of each sequence of bytes, after sorting them in signicant order */
cmajor_bytespan[ii] = (rmajor_repeat[ii] * rowspertile);
/* starting offset of each field in the row-major table */
rmajor_colstart[ii + 1] = rmajor_colstart[ii] + rmajor_colwidth[ii];
if (rmajor_repeat[ii] > 0) { /* ignore columns with 0 elements */
/* read compressed bytes from input table */
fits_read_descript(infptr, ii + 1, ntile, &vla_repeat, &vla_address, status);
/* allocate memory and read in the compressed bytes */
ptr = malloc(vla_repeat);
if (!ptr) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for uncompressed bytes");
free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
fits_set_tscale(infptr, ii + 1, 1.0, 0.0, status); /* turn off any data scaling, first */
fits_read_col_byt(infptr, ii + 1, ntile, 1, vla_repeat, 0, (unsigned char *) ptr, &anynull, status);
cptr = cm_buffer + cmajor_colstart[ii];
/* size in bytes of the uncompressed column of bytes */
fullsize = (size_t) (cmajor_colstart[ii+1] - cmajor_colstart[ii]);
switch (colcode[ii]) {
case 'I':
if (zctype[ii] == RICE_1) {
dlen = fits_rdecomp_short((unsigned char *)ptr, vla_repeat, (unsigned short *)cptr,
fullsize / 2, 32);
ffswap2((short *) cptr, fullsize / 2);
} else { /* gunzip the data into the correct location */
uncompress2mem_from_mem(ptr, vla_repeat, &cptr, &fullsize, realloc, &dlen, status);
case 'J':
if (zctype[ii] == RICE_1) {
dlen = fits_rdecomp ((unsigned char *) ptr, vla_repeat, (unsigned int *)cptr,
fullsize / 4, 32);
ffswap4((int *) cptr, fullsize / 4);
} else { /* gunzip the data into the correct location */
uncompress2mem_from_mem(ptr, vla_repeat, &cptr, &fullsize, realloc, &dlen, status);
case 'B':
if (zctype[ii] == RICE_1) {
dlen = fits_rdecomp_byte ((unsigned char *) ptr, vla_repeat, (unsigned char *)cptr,
fullsize, 32);
} else { /* gunzip the data into the correct location */
uncompress2mem_from_mem(ptr, vla_repeat, &cptr, &fullsize, realloc, &dlen, status);
/* all variable length array columns are included in this case */
/* gunzip the data into the correct location in the full table buffer */
uncompress2mem_from_mem(ptr, vla_repeat,
&cptr, &fullsize, realloc, &dlen, status);
} /* end of switch block */
} /* end of rmajor_repeat > 0 */
} /* end of loop over columns */
/* now transpose the rows and columns (from cm_buffer to rm_buffer) */
/* move each byte, in turn, from the cm_buffer to the appropriate place in the rm_buffer */
for (ii = 0; ii < ncols; ii++) { /* loop over columns */
ptr = (char *) (cm_buffer + cmajor_colstart[ii]); /* initialize ptr to start of the column in the cm_buffer */
if (rmajor_repeat[ii] > 0) { /* skip columns with zero elements */
if (coltype[ii] > 0) { /* normal fixed length array columns */
if (zctype[ii] == GZIP_2) { /* need to unshuffle the bytes */
/* recombine the byte planes for the 2-byte, 4-byte, and 8-byte numeric columns */
switch (colcode[ii]) {
case 'I':
/* get the 1st byte of each I*2 value */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]));
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 2;
/* get the 2nd byte of each I*2 value */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 1);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 2;
case 'J':
case 'E':
/* get the 1st byte of each 4-byte value */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]));
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 4;
/* get the 2nd byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 1);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 4;
/* get the 3rd byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 2);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 4;
/* get the 4th byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 3);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 4;
case 'D':
case 'K':
/* get the 1st byte of each 8-byte value */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]));
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 2nd byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 1);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 3rd byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 2);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 4th byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 3);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 5th byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 4);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 6th byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 5);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 7th byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 6);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
/* get the 8th byte */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + (jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]) + 7);
for (kk = 0; kk < rmajor_repeat[ii]; kk++) {
*cptr = *ptr; /* copy 1 byte */
cptr += 8;
default: /* should never get here */
ffpmsg("Error: unexpected attempt to use GZIP_2 to compress a column unsuitable data type");
free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
} /* end of switch for shuffling the bytes*/
} else { /* not GZIP_2, don't have to shuffle bytes, so just transpose the rows and columns */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]); /* addr to copy to */
memcpy(cptr, ptr, (size_t) rmajor_colwidth[ii]);
ptr += (rmajor_colwidth[ii]);
} else { /* transpose the variable length array pointers */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over number of rows in the output uncompressed table */
cptr = rm_buffer + (rmajor_colstart[ii] + jj * rmajor_colstart[ncols]); /* addr to copy to */
memcpy(cptr, ptr, (size_t) rmajor_colwidth[ii]);
ptr += (rmajor_colwidth[ii]);
if (rmajor_colwidth[ii] == 8 ) { /* these are P-type descriptors */
pdescript = (int *) (cm_buffer + cmajor_colstart[ii]);
ffswap4((int *) pdescript, rowspertile * 2); /* byte-swap the descriptor */
} else if (rmajor_colwidth[ii] == 16 ) { /* these are Q-type descriptors */
qdescript = (LONGLONG *) (cm_buffer + cmajor_colstart[ii]);
ffswap8((double *) qdescript, rowspertile * 2); /* byte-swap the descriptor */
} else { /* this should never happen */
ffpmsg("Error: Descriptor column is neither 8 nor 16 bytes wide");
free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
/* First, set pointer to the Q descriptors, and byte-swap them, if needed */
descript = (LONGLONG*) (cm_buffer + cmajor_colstart[ii] + (rmajor_colwidth[ii] * rowspertile));
/* byte-swap the descriptor */
ffswap8((double *) descript, rowspertile * 2);
/* now uncompress all the individual VLAs, and */
/* write them to their original location in the uncompressed file */
for (jj = 0; jj < rowspertile; jj++) { /* loop over rows */
/* get the size and location of the compressed VLA in the compressed table */
cvlalen = descript[jj * 2];
cvlastart = descript[(jj * 2) + 1];
if (cvlalen > 0 ) {
/* get the size and location to write the uncompressed VLA in the uncompressed table */
if (rmajor_colwidth[ii] == 8 ) {
vlalen = pdescript[jj * 2];
vlastart = pdescript[(jj * 2) + 1];
} else {
vlalen = qdescript[jj * 2];
vlastart = qdescript[(jj * 2) + 1];
vlamemlen = (size_t) (vlalen * (-coltype[ii] / 10)); /* size of the uncompressed VLA, in bytes */
/* allocate memory for the compressed vla */
compressed_vla = malloc( (size_t) cvlalen);
if (!compressed_vla) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for compressed VLA");
free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
/* read the compressed VLA from the heap in the input compressed table */
bytepos = (size_t) ((infptr->Fptr)->datastart + (infptr->Fptr)->heapstart + cvlastart);
ffmbyt(infptr, bytepos, REPORT_EOF, status);
ffgbyt(infptr, cvlalen, compressed_vla, status); /* read the bytes */
/* if the VLA couldn't be compressed, just copy it directly to the output uncompressed table */
if (cvlalen == vlamemlen ) {
bytepos = (size_t) ((outfptr->Fptr)->datastart + (outfptr->Fptr)->heapstart + vlastart);
ffmbyt(outfptr, bytepos, IGNORE_EOF, status);
ffpbyt(outfptr, cvlalen, compressed_vla, status); /* write the bytes */
} else { /* uncompress the VLA */
/* allocate memory for the uncompressed VLA */
uncompressed_vla = malloc(vlamemlen);
if (!uncompressed_vla) {
ffpmsg("Could not allocate buffer for uncompressed VLA");
free(compressed_vla); free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
/* uncompress the VLA with the appropriate algorithm */
if (zctype[ii] == RICE_1) {
if (-coltype[ii] == TSHORT) {
dlen = fits_rdecomp_short((unsigned char *) compressed_vla, (int) cvlalen, (unsigned short *)uncompressed_vla,
(int) vlalen, 32);
ffswap2((short *) uncompressed_vla, (long) vlalen);
} else if (-coltype[ii] == TLONG) {
dlen = fits_rdecomp((unsigned char *) compressed_vla, (int) cvlalen, (unsigned int *)uncompressed_vla,
(int) vlalen, 32);
ffswap4((int *) uncompressed_vla, (long) vlalen);
} else if (-coltype[ii] == TBYTE) {
dlen = fits_rdecomp_byte((unsigned char *) compressed_vla, (int) cvlalen, (unsigned char *) uncompressed_vla,
(int) vlalen, 32);
} else {
/* this should not happen */
ffpmsg(" Error: cannot uncompress this column type with the RICE algorthm");
free(uncompressed_vla); free(compressed_vla); free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
} else if (zctype[ii] == GZIP_1 || zctype[ii] == GZIP_2){
/*: gzip uncompress the array of bytes */
uncompress2mem_from_mem( compressed_vla, (size_t) cvlalen, &uncompressed_vla, &vlamemlen, realloc, &vlamemlen, status);
if (zctype[ii] == GZIP_2 ) {
/* unshuffle the bytes after ungzipping them */
if ( (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10) == 2) {
fits_unshuffle_2bytes((char *) uncompressed_vla, vlalen, status);
} else if ( (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10) == 4) {
fits_unshuffle_4bytes((char *) uncompressed_vla, vlalen, status);
} else if ( (int) (-coltype[ii] / 10) == 8) {
fits_unshuffle_8bytes((char *) uncompressed_vla, vlalen, status);
} else {
/* this should not happen */
ffpmsg(" Error: unknown compression algorthm");
free(uncompressed_vla); free(compressed_vla); free(rm_buffer); free(cm_buffer);
bytepos = (size_t) ((outfptr->Fptr)->datastart + (outfptr->Fptr)->heapstart + vlastart);
ffmbyt(outfptr, bytepos, IGNORE_EOF, status);
ffpbyt(outfptr, vlamemlen, uncompressed_vla, status); /* write the bytes */
} /* end of uncompress VLA */
} /* end of vlalen > 0 */
} /* end of loop over rowspertile */
} /* end of variable length array section*/
} /* end of if column repeat > 0 */
} /* end of ncols loop */
/* copy the buffer of data to the output data unit */
if (datastart == 0) fits_get_hduaddrll(outfptr, &headstart, &datastart, &dataend, status);
ffmbyt(outfptr, datastart, 1, status);
ffpbyt(outfptr, naxis1 * rowspertile, rm_buffer, status);
/* increment pointers for next tile */
rowstart += rowspertile;
rowsremain -= rowspertile;
datastart += (naxis1 * rowspertile);
if (rowspertile > rowsremain) rowspertile = (long) rowsremain;
} /* end of while rows still remain */
/* reset internal table structure parameters */
fits_set_hdustruc(outfptr, status);
static int fits_shuffle_2bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status)
/* shuffle the bytes in an array of 2-byte integers in the heap */
char *ptr, *cptr, *heapptr;
ptr = malloc((size_t) (length * 2));
heapptr = heap;
cptr = ptr;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
*cptr = *heapptr;
*(cptr + length) = *heapptr;
memcpy(heap, ptr, (size_t) (length * 2));
static int fits_shuffle_4bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status)
/* shuffle the bytes in an array of 4-byte integers or floats */
char *ptr, *cptr, *heapptr;
ptr = malloc((size_t) (length * 4));
if (!ptr) {
ffpmsg("malloc failed\n");
heapptr = heap;
cptr = ptr;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
*cptr = *heapptr;
*(cptr + length) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 2)) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 3)) = *heapptr;
memcpy(heap, ptr, (size_t) (length * 4));
static int fits_shuffle_8bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status)
/* shuffle the bytes in an array of 8-byte integers or doubles in the heap */
char *ptr, *cptr, *heapptr;
ptr = calloc(1, (size_t) (length * 8));
heapptr = heap;
/* for some bizarre reason this loop fails to compile under OpenSolaris using
the proprietary SunStudioExpress C compiler; use the following equivalent
loop instead.
cptr = ptr;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
*cptr = *heapptr;
*(cptr + length) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 2)) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 3)) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 4)) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 5)) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 6)) = *heapptr;
*(cptr + (length * 7)) = *heapptr;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
cptr = ptr + ii;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
cptr += length;
*cptr = *heapptr;
memcpy(heap, ptr, (size_t) (length * 8));
static int fits_unshuffle_2bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status)
/* unshuffle the bytes in an array of 2-byte integers */
char *ptr, *cptr, *heapptr;
ptr = malloc((size_t) (length * 2));
heapptr = heap + (2 * length) - 1;
cptr = ptr + (2 * length) - 1;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
*cptr = *heapptr;
*cptr = *(heapptr - length);
memcpy(heap, ptr, (size_t) (length * 2));
static int fits_unshuffle_4bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status)
/* unshuffle the bytes in an array of 4-byte integers or floats */
char *ptr, *cptr, *heapptr;
ptr = malloc((size_t) (length * 4));
heapptr = heap + (4 * length) -1;
cptr = ptr + (4 * length) -1;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
*cptr = *heapptr;
*cptr = *(heapptr - length);
*cptr = *(heapptr - (2 * length));
*cptr = *(heapptr - (3 * length));
memcpy(heap, ptr, (size_t) (length * 4));
static int fits_unshuffle_8bytes(char *heap, LONGLONG length, int *status)
/* unshuffle the bytes in an array of 8-byte integers or doubles */
char *ptr, *cptr, *heapptr;
ptr = malloc((size_t) (length * 8));
heapptr = heap + (8 * length) - 1;
cptr = ptr + (8 * length) -1;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) {
*cptr = *heapptr;
*cptr = *(heapptr - length);
*cptr = *(heapptr - (2 * length));
*cptr = *(heapptr - (3 * length));
*cptr = *(heapptr - (4 * length));
*cptr = *(heapptr - (5 * length));
*cptr = *(heapptr - (6 * length));
*cptr = *(heapptr - (7 * length));
memcpy(heap, ptr, (size_t) (length * 8));
static int fits_int_to_longlong_inplace(int *intarray, long length, int *status)
/* convert the input array of 32-bit integers into an array of 64-bit integers,
in place. This will overwrite the input array with the new longer array starting
at the same memory location.
Note that aliasing the same memory location with pointers of different datatypes is
not allowed in strict ANSI C99, however it is used here for efficency. In principle,
one could simply copy the input array in reverse order to the output array,
but this only works if the compiler performs the operation in strict order. Certain
compiler optimization techniques may vioate this assumption. Therefore, we first
copy a section of the input array to a temporary intermediate array, before copying
the longer datatype values back to the original array.
LONGLONG *longlongarray, *aliasarray;
long ii, ntodo, firstelem, nmax = 10000;
if (*status > 0)
ntodo = nmax;
if (length < nmax) ntodo = length;
firstelem = length - ntodo; /* first element to be converted */
longlongarray = (LONGLONG *) malloc(ntodo * sizeof(LONGLONG));
if (longlongarray == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory. (fits_int_to_longlong_inplace)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
aliasarray = (LONGLONG *) intarray; /* alias pointer to the input array */
while (ntodo > 0) {
/* do datatype conversion into temp array */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
longlongarray[ii] = intarray[ii + firstelem];
/* copy temp array back to alias */
memcpy(&(aliasarray[firstelem]), longlongarray, ntodo * 8);
if (firstelem == 0) { /* we are all done */
ntodo = 0;
} else { /* recalculate ntodo and firstelem for next loop */
if (firstelem > nmax) {
firstelem -= nmax;
} else {
ntodo = firstelem;
firstelem = 0;
static int fits_short_to_int_inplace(short *shortarray, long length, int shift, int *status)
/* convert the input array of 16-bit integers into an array of 32-bit integers,
in place. This will overwrite the input array with the new longer array starting
at the same memory location.
Note that aliasing the same memory location with pointers of different datatypes is
not allowed in strict ANSI C99, however it is used here for efficency. In principle,
one could simply copy the input array in reverse order to the output array,
but this only works if the compiler performs the operation in strict order. Certain
compiler optimization techniques may vioate this assumption. Therefore, we first
copy a section of the input array to a temporary intermediate array, before copying
the longer datatype values back to the original array.
int *intarray, *aliasarray;
long ii, ntodo, firstelem, nmax = 10000;
if (*status > 0)
ntodo = nmax;
if (length < nmax) ntodo = length;
firstelem = length - ntodo; /* first element to be converted */
intarray = (int *) malloc(ntodo * sizeof(int));
if (intarray == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory. (fits_short_to_int_inplace)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
aliasarray = (int *) shortarray; /* alias pointer to the input array */
while (ntodo > 0) {
/* do datatype conversion into temp array */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
intarray[ii] = (int)(shortarray[ii + firstelem]) + shift;
/* copy temp array back to alias */
memcpy(&(aliasarray[firstelem]), intarray, ntodo * 4);
if (firstelem == 0) { /* we are all done */
ntodo = 0;
} else { /* recalculate ntodo and firstelem for next loop */
if (firstelem > nmax) {
firstelem -= nmax;
} else {
ntodo = firstelem;
firstelem = 0;
static int fits_ushort_to_int_inplace(unsigned short *ushortarray, long length,
int shift, int *status)
/* convert the input array of 16-bit unsigned integers into an array of 32-bit integers,
in place. This will overwrite the input array with the new longer array starting
at the same memory location.
Note that aliasing the same memory location with pointers of different datatypes is
not allowed in strict ANSI C99, however it is used here for efficency. In principle,
one could simply copy the input array in reverse order to the output array,
but this only works if the compiler performs the operation in strict order. Certain
compiler optimization techniques may vioate this assumption. Therefore, we first
copy a section of the input array to a temporary intermediate array, before copying
the longer datatype values back to the original array.
int *intarray, *aliasarray;
long ii, ntodo, firstelem, nmax = 10000;
if (*status > 0)
ntodo = nmax;
if (length < nmax) ntodo = length;
firstelem = length - ntodo; /* first element to be converted */
intarray = (int *) malloc(ntodo * sizeof(int));
if (intarray == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory. (fits_ushort_to_int_inplace)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
aliasarray = (int *) ushortarray; /* alias pointer to the input array */
while (ntodo > 0) {
/* do datatype conversion into temp array */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
intarray[ii] = (int)(ushortarray[ii + firstelem]) + shift;
/* copy temp array back to alias */
memcpy(&(aliasarray[firstelem]), intarray, ntodo * 4);
if (firstelem == 0) { /* we are all done */
ntodo = 0;
} else { /* recalculate ntodo and firstelem for next loop */
if (firstelem > nmax) {
firstelem -= nmax;
} else {
ntodo = firstelem;
firstelem = 0;
static int fits_ubyte_to_int_inplace(unsigned char *ubytearray, long length,
int *status)
/* convert the input array of 8-bit unsigned integers into an array of 32-bit integers,
in place. This will overwrite the input array with the new longer array starting
at the same memory location.
Note that aliasing the same memory location with pointers of different datatypes is
not allowed in strict ANSI C99, however it is used here for efficency. In principle,
one could simply copy the input array in reverse order to the output array,
but this only works if the compiler performs the operation in strict order. Certain
compiler optimization techniques may vioate this assumption. Therefore, we first
copy a section of the input array to a temporary intermediate array, before copying
the longer datatype values back to the original array.
int *intarray, *aliasarray;
long ii, ntodo, firstelem, nmax = 10000;
if (*status > 0)
ntodo = nmax;
if (length < nmax) ntodo = length;
firstelem = length - ntodo; /* first element to be converted */
intarray = (int *) malloc(ntodo * sizeof(int));
if (intarray == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory. (fits_ubyte_to_int_inplace)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
aliasarray = (int *) ubytearray; /* alias pointer to the input array */
while (ntodo > 0) {
/* do datatype conversion into temp array */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
intarray[ii] = ubytearray[ii + firstelem];
/* copy temp array back to alias */
memcpy(&(aliasarray[firstelem]), intarray, ntodo * 4);
if (firstelem == 0) { /* we are all done */
ntodo = 0;
} else { /* recalculate ntodo and firstelem for next loop */
if (firstelem > nmax) {
firstelem -= nmax;
} else {
ntodo = firstelem;
firstelem = 0;
static int fits_sbyte_to_int_inplace(signed char *sbytearray, long length,
int *status)
/* convert the input array of 8-bit signed integers into an array of 32-bit integers,
in place. This will overwrite the input array with the new longer array starting
at the same memory location.
Note that aliasing the same memory location with pointers of different datatypes is
not allowed in strict ANSI C99, however it is used here for efficency. In principle,
one could simply copy the input array in reverse order to the output array,
but this only works if the compiler performs the operation in strict order. Certain
compiler optimization techniques may vioate this assumption. Therefore, we first
copy a section of the input array to a temporary intermediate array, before copying
the longer datatype values back to the original array.
int *intarray, *aliasarray;
long ii, ntodo, firstelem, nmax = 10000;
if (*status > 0)
ntodo = nmax;
if (length < nmax) ntodo = length;
firstelem = length - ntodo; /* first element to be converted */
intarray = (int *) malloc(ntodo * sizeof(int));
if (intarray == NULL)
ffpmsg("Out of memory. (fits_sbyte_to_int_inplace)");
return (*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);
aliasarray = (int *) sbytearray; /* alias pointer to the input array */
while (ntodo > 0) {
/* do datatype conversion into temp array */
for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++) {
intarray[ii] = sbytearray[ii + firstelem] + 128; /* !! Note the offset !! */
/* copy temp array back to alias */
memcpy(&(aliasarray[firstelem]), intarray, ntodo * 4);
if (firstelem == 0) { /* we are all done */
ntodo = 0;
} else { /* recalculate ntodo and firstelem for next loop */
if (firstelem > nmax) {
firstelem -= nmax;
} else {
ntodo = firstelem;
firstelem = 0;
int fits_calc_tile_rows(long *tlpixel, long *tfpixel, int ndim, long *trowsize, long *ntrows, int *status)
/* The quantizing algorithms treat all N-dimensional tiles as if they
were 2 dimensions (trowsize * ntrows). This sets trowsize to the
first dimensional size encountered that's > 1 (typically the X dimension).
ntrows will then be the product of the remaining dimensional sizes.
Examples: Tile = (5,4,1,3): trowsize=5, ntrows=12
Tile = (1,1,5): trowsize=5, ntrows=1
int ii;
long np;
if (*status)
return (*status);
*trowsize = 0;
*ntrows = 1;
for (ii=0; ii<ndim; ++ii)
np = tlpixel[ii] - tfpixel[ii] + 1;
if (np > 1)
if (!(*trowsize))
*trowsize = np;
*ntrows *= np;
if (!(*trowsize))
/* Should only get here for the unusual case of all tile dimensions
having size = 1 */
*trowsize = 1;
return (*status);