
94 lines
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#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fitsio.h"
This program illustrates how to use the CFITSIO iterator function.
It reads and modifies the input '' image file by setting
all the pixel values to zero (DESTROYING THE ORIGINAL IMAGE!!!)
extern zero_image(); /* external work function is passed to the iterator */
fitsfile *fptr;
iteratorCol cols[3]; /* structure used by the iterator function */
int n_cols;
long rows_per_loop, offset;
int status, nkeys, keypos, hdutype, ii, jj;
char filename[] = ""; /* name of rate FITS file */
status = 0;
fits_open_file(&fptr, filename, READWRITE, &status); /* open file */
n_cols = 1;
/* define input column structure members for the iterator function */
fits_iter_set_file(&cols[0], fptr);
fits_iter_set_iotype(&cols[0], InputOutputCol);
fits_iter_set_datatype(&cols[0], 0);
rows_per_loop = 0; /* use default optimum number of rows */
offset = 0; /* process all the rows */
/* apply the rate function to each row of the table */
printf("Calling iterator function...%d\n", status);
fits_iterate_data(n_cols, cols, offset, rows_per_loop,
zero_image, 0L, &status);
fits_close_file(fptr, &status); /* all done */
if (status)
fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print out error messages */
int zero_image(long totalrows, long offset, long firstrow, long nrows,
int ncols, iteratorCol *cols, void *user_strct )
Sample iterator function that calculates the output flux 'rate' column
by dividing the input 'counts' by the 'time' column.
It also applies a constant deadtime correction factor if the 'deadtime'
keyword exists. Finally, this creates or updates the 'LIVETIME'
keyword with the sum of all the individual integration times.
int ii, status = 0;
/* declare variables static to preserve their values between calls */
static int *counts;
/* Initialization procedures: execute on the first call */
if (firstrow == 1)
if (ncols != 1)
return(-1); /* number of columns incorrect */
/* assign the input pointers to the appropriate arrays and null ptrs*/
counts = (int *) fits_iter_get_array(&cols[0]);
/* Main loop: process all the rows of data */
/* NOTE: 1st element of array is the null pixel value! */
/* Loop from 1 to nrows, not 0 to nrows - 1. */
for (ii = 1; ii <= nrows; ii++)
counts[ii] = 1.;
printf("firstrows, nrows = %d %d\n", firstrow, nrows);
return(0); /* return successful status */