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title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
02. Design | How does CCAI work | true | 2022-05-17T07:17:10.096Z | markdown | 2022-03-11T03:18:05.283Z |
The high level call flow of CCAI
This section available for
release. {.is-warning}
The picture below is showing the basic working model of CCAI as a whole services provider to provide high level APIs to external users of the services container. Basically, there are 2 methods to use those services which are provided in REST/gRPC APIs form. One is calling those APIs directly, the other one is calling simulation lib APIs (we will talk simulation lib later).
CCAI (1.1 release) stack architecture
This section available for
release. {.is-warning}
The architecture picture below is showing those modules and stacks in a high level picture, it shows CCAI’s components and their dependencies. It is up to date for CCAI 1.1 release.