/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import * as codesign from 'electron-osx-sign'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as util from '../lib/util'; import * as product from '../../product.json'; import { spawn } from '@malept/cross-spawn-promise'; async function main(): Promise { const buildDir = process.env['AGENT_BUILDDIRECTORY']; const tempDir = process.env['AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY']; const arch = process.env['VSCODE_ARCH']; if (!buildDir) { throw new Error('$AGENT_BUILDDIRECTORY not set'); } if (!tempDir) { throw new Error('$AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY not set'); } const baseDir = path.dirname(__dirname); const appRoot = path.join(buildDir, `VSCode-darwin-${arch}`); const appName = product.nameLong + '.app'; const appFrameworkPath = path.join(appRoot, appName, 'Contents', 'Frameworks'); const helperAppBaseName = product.nameShort; const gpuHelperAppName = helperAppBaseName + ' Helper (GPU).app'; const rendererHelperAppName = helperAppBaseName + ' Helper (Renderer).app'; const infoPlistPath = path.resolve(appRoot, appName, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'); const defaultOpts: codesign.SignOptions = { app: path.join(appRoot, appName), platform: 'darwin', entitlements: path.join(baseDir, 'azure-pipelines', 'darwin', 'app-entitlements.plist'), 'entitlements-inherit': path.join(baseDir, 'azure-pipelines', 'darwin', 'app-entitlements.plist'), hardenedRuntime: true, 'pre-auto-entitlements': false, 'pre-embed-provisioning-profile': false, keychain: path.join(tempDir, 'buildagent.keychain'), version: util.getElectronVersion(), identity: '99FM488X57', 'gatekeeper-assess': false }; const appOpts = { ...defaultOpts, // TODO(deepak1556): Incorrectly declared type in electron-osx-sign ignore: (filePath: string) => { return filePath.includes(gpuHelperAppName) || filePath.includes(rendererHelperAppName); } }; const gpuHelperOpts: codesign.SignOptions = { ...defaultOpts, app: path.join(appFrameworkPath, gpuHelperAppName), entitlements: path.join(baseDir, 'azure-pipelines', 'darwin', 'helper-gpu-entitlements.plist'), 'entitlements-inherit': path.join(baseDir, 'azure-pipelines', 'darwin', 'helper-gpu-entitlements.plist'), }; const rendererHelperOpts: codesign.SignOptions = { ...defaultOpts, app: path.join(appFrameworkPath, rendererHelperAppName), entitlements: path.join(baseDir, 'azure-pipelines', 'darwin', 'helper-renderer-entitlements.plist'), 'entitlements-inherit': path.join(baseDir, 'azure-pipelines', 'darwin', 'helper-renderer-entitlements.plist'), }; // Only overwrite plist entries for x64 and arm64 builds, // universal will get its copy from the x64 build. if (arch !== 'universal') { await spawn('plutil', [ '-insert', 'NSAppleEventsUsageDescription', '-string', 'An application in Visual Studio Code wants to use AppleScript.', `${infoPlistPath}` ]); await spawn('plutil', [ '-replace', 'NSMicrophoneUsageDescription', '-string', 'An application in Visual Studio Code wants to use the Microphone.', `${infoPlistPath}` ]); await spawn('plutil', [ '-replace', 'NSCameraUsageDescription', '-string', 'An application in Visual Studio Code wants to use the Camera.', `${infoPlistPath}` ]); } await codesign.signAsync(gpuHelperOpts); await codesign.signAsync(rendererHelperOpts); await codesign.signAsync(appOpts as any); } if (require.main === module) { main().catch(err => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); }