
126 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { workspace } from 'vscode';
import { RemoteSourceProvider, RemoteSource } from './typings/git-base';
import { getOctokit } from './auth';
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest';
function getRepositoryFromUrl(url: string): { owner: string; repo: string } | undefined {
const match = /^https:\/\/github\.com\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)\.git/i.exec(url)
|| /^git@github\.com:([^/]+)\/([^/]+)\.git/i.exec(url);
return match ? { owner: match[1], repo: match[2] } : undefined;
function getRepositoryFromQuery(query: string): { owner: string; repo: string } | undefined {
const match = /^([^/]+)\/([^/]+)$/i.exec(query);
return match ? { owner: match[1], repo: match[2] } : undefined;
function asRemoteSource(raw: any): RemoteSource {
const protocol = workspace.getConfiguration('github').get<'https' | 'ssh'>('gitProtocol');
return {
name: `$(github) ${raw.full_name}`,
description: `${raw.stargazers_count > 0 ? `$(star-full) ${raw.stargazers_count}` : ''
detail: raw.description || undefined,
url: protocol === 'https' ? raw.clone_url : raw.ssh_url
export class GithubRemoteSourceProvider implements RemoteSourceProvider {
readonly name = 'GitHub';
readonly icon = 'github';
readonly supportsQuery = true;
private userReposCache: RemoteSource[] = [];
async getRemoteSources(query?: string): Promise<RemoteSource[]> {
const octokit = await getOctokit();
if (query) {
const repository = getRepositoryFromUrl(query);
if (repository) {
const raw = await octokit.repos.get(repository);
return [asRemoteSource(];
const all = await Promise.all([
this.getQueryRemoteSources(octokit, query),
this.getUserRemoteSources(octokit, query),
const map = new Map<string, RemoteSource>();
for (const group of all) {
for (const remoteSource of group) {
map.set(, remoteSource);
return [];
private async getUserRemoteSources(octokit: Octokit, query?: string): Promise<RemoteSource[]> {
if (!query) {
const user = await octokit.users.getAuthenticated({});
const username =;
const res = await octokit.repos.listForAuthenticatedUser({ username, sort: 'updated', per_page: 100 });
this.userReposCache =;
return this.userReposCache;
private async getQueryRemoteSources(octokit: Octokit, query?: string): Promise<RemoteSource[]> {
if (!query) {
return [];
const repository = getRepositoryFromQuery(query);
if (repository) {
query = `user:${repository.owner}+${repository.repo}`;
query += ` fork:true`;
const raw = await{ q: query, sort: 'stars' });
async getBranches(url: string): Promise<string[]> {
const repository = getRepositoryFromUrl(url);
if (!repository) {
return [];
const octokit = await getOctokit();
const branches: string[] = [];
let page = 1;
while (true) {
let res = await octokit.repos.listBranches({ ...repository, per_page: 100, page });
if ( === 0) {
branches.push( =>;
const repo = await octokit.repos.get(repository);
const defaultBranch =;
return branches.sort((a, b) => a === defaultBranch ? -1 : b === defaultBranch ? 1 : 0);