Fix this lintian warning
usr/share/man/man1/img2webp.1.gz 44: warning: macro `loop' not defined
Origin: other
Reviewed-By: Jeff Breidenbach <>
Last-Update: 2018-03-01
Gbp-Pq: Name fix-lintian-warning
Webp 0.6.1 was totally busted on big endian machines. Backporting
the fixes, which will be part of 0.6.2. Close coordination with
upstream for this.
Gbp-Pq: Name big-endian
Upstream bumped soname, but didn't break ABI. Bump them back down
so we can avoid a package transition.
libwebp (0.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release
Gbp-Pq: Name soname_override