75 lines
2.4 KiB
75 lines
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'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const cp = require('child_process');
if (process.argv[2] === 'child') {
setTimeout(() => {
// The following console statements are part of the test.
console.log('child stdout');
console.error('child stderr');
}, common.platformTimeout(1000));
const cmd = `"${process.execPath}" "${__filename}" child`;
// Test the case where a timeout is set, and it expires.
cp.exec(cmd, { timeout: 1 }, common.mustCall((err, stdout, stderr) => {
let sigterm = 'SIGTERM';
assert.strictEqual(err.killed, true);
// TODO OpenBSD returns a null signal and 143 for code
if (common.isOpenBSD) {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 143);
sigterm = null;
} else {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, null);
// At least starting with Darwin Kernel Version 16.4.0, sending a SIGTERM to a
// process that is still starting up kills it with SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM.
// See: https://github.com/libuv/libuv/issues/1226
if (common.isOSX)
assert.ok(err.signal === 'SIGTERM' || err.signal === 'SIGKILL');
assert.strictEqual(err.signal, sigterm);
assert.strictEqual(err.cmd, cmd);
assert.strictEqual(stdout.trim(), '');
assert.strictEqual(stderr.trim(), '');
// Test with a different kill signal.
cp.exec(cmd, {
timeout: 1,
killSignal: 'SIGKILL'
}, common.mustCall((err, stdout, stderr) => {
assert.strictEqual(err.killed, true);
assert.strictEqual(err.code, null);
assert.strictEqual(err.signal, 'SIGKILL');
assert.strictEqual(err.cmd, cmd);
assert.strictEqual(stdout.trim(), '');
assert.strictEqual(stderr.trim(), '');
// Test the case where a timeout is set, but not expired.
cp.exec(cmd, { timeout: 2 ** 30 }, common.mustCall((err, stdout, stderr) => {
assert.strictEqual(stdout.trim(), 'child stdout');
assert.strictEqual(stderr.trim(), 'child stderr');
// Workaround for Windows Server 2008R2
// When CMD is used to launch a process and CMD is killed too quickly, the
// process can stay behind running in suspended state, never completing.
if (common.isWindows) {
process.once('beforeExit', () => {
const basename = __filename.replace(/.*[/\\]/g, '');
cp.execFileSync(`${process.env.SystemRoot}\\System32\\wbem\\WMIC.exe`, [
`commandline like '%${basename}%child'`,