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2022-05-14 02:40:32 +08:00
# This auxiliary script makes five header files
# used for building XSUB of Unicode::Normalize.
# Usage:
# <do 'mkheader'> in perl, or <perl mkheader> in command line
# Input files:
# unicore/ (or unicode/
# unicore/ (or unicode/
# Output files:
# unfcan.h
# unfcpt.h
# unfcmb.h
# unfcmp.h
# unfexc.h
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Spec;
use SelectSaver;
unless ('A' eq pack('U', 0x41)) {
die "Unicode::Normalize cannot stringify a Unicode code point\n";
unless (0x41 == unpack('U', 'A')) {
die "Unicode::Normalize cannot get Unicode code point\n";
our $PACKAGE = 'Unicode::Normalize, mkheader';
our $prefix = "UNF_";
our $structname = "${prefix}complist";
# Starting in v5.20, the tables in lib/unicore are built using the platform's
# native character set for code points 0-255.
*pack_U = ($] ge 5.020)
? sub { return pack('W*', @_).pack('U*'); } # The empty pack returns
# an empty UTF-8 string,
# so the effect is to
# force the return into
# being UTF-8.
: sub { return pack('U*', @_); };
# %Canon and %Compat will be ($codepoint => $hexstring) after _U_stringify()
our %Comp1st; # $codepoint => $listname : may be composed with a next char.
our %CompList; # $listname,$2nd => $codepoint : composite
##### The below part is common to mkheader and PP #####
our %Combin; # $codepoint => $number : combination class
our %Canon; # $codepoint => \@codepoints : canonical decomp.
our %Compat; # $codepoint => \@codepoints : compat. decomp.
our %Compos; # $1st,$2nd => $codepoint : composite
our %Exclus; # $codepoint => 1 : composition exclusions
our %Single; # $codepoint => 1 : singletons
our %NonStD; # $codepoint => 1 : non-starter decompositions
our %Comp2nd; # $codepoint => 1 : may be composed with a prev char.
# from core Unicode database
our $Combin = do "unicore/"
|| do "unicode/"
|| croak "$PACKAGE: not found";
our $Decomp = do "unicore/"
|| do "unicode/"
|| croak "$PACKAGE: not found";
# CompositionExclusions.txt since Unicode 3.2.0. If this ever changes, it
# would be better to get the values from Unicode::UCD rather than hard-code
# them here, as that will protect from having to make fixes for future
# changes.
our @CompEx = qw(
0958 0959 095A 095B 095C 095D 095E 095F 09DC 09DD 09DF 0A33 0A36
0A59 0A5A 0A5B 0A5E 0B5C 0B5D 0F43 0F4D 0F52 0F57 0F5C 0F69 0F76
0F78 0F93 0F9D 0FA2 0FA7 0FAC 0FB9 FB1D FB1F FB2A FB2B FB2C FB2D
FB2E FB2F FB30 FB31 FB32 FB33 FB34 FB35 FB36 FB38 FB39 FB3A FB3B
FB3C FB3E FB40 FB41 FB43 FB44 FB46 FB47 FB48 FB49 FB4A FB4B FB4C
FB4D FB4E 2ADC 1D15E 1D15F 1D160 1D161 1D162 1D163 1D164 1D1BB
1D1BC 1D1BD 1D1BE 1D1BF 1D1C0
# definition of Hangul constants
use constant SBase => 0xAC00;
use constant SFinal => 0xD7A3; # SBase -1 + SCount
use constant SCount => 11172; # LCount * NCount
use constant NCount => 588; # VCount * TCount
use constant LBase => 0x1100;
use constant LFinal => 0x1112;
use constant LCount => 19;
use constant VBase => 0x1161;
use constant VFinal => 0x1175;
use constant VCount => 21;
use constant TBase => 0x11A7;
use constant TFinal => 0x11C2;
use constant TCount => 28;
sub decomposeHangul {
my $sindex = $_[0] - SBase;
my $lindex = int( $sindex / NCount);
my $vindex = int(($sindex % NCount) / TCount);
my $tindex = $sindex % TCount;
my @ret = (
LBase + $lindex,
VBase + $vindex,
$tindex ? (TBase + $tindex) : (),
return wantarray ? @ret : pack_U(@ret);
########## getting full decomposition ##########
## converts string "hhhh hhhh hhhh" to a numeric list
## (hex digits separated by spaces)
sub _getHexArray { map hex, $_[0] =~ /\G *([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/g }
while ($Combin =~ /(.+)/g) {
my @tab = split /\t/, $1;
my $ini = hex $tab[0];
if ($tab[1] eq '') {
$Combin{$ini} = $tab[2];
} else {
$Combin{$_} = $tab[2] foreach $ini .. hex($tab[1]);
while ($Decomp =~ /(.+)/g) {
my @tab = split /\t/, $1;
my $compat = $tab[2] =~ s/<[^>]+>//;
my $dec = [ _getHexArray($tab[2]) ]; # decomposition
my $ini = hex($tab[0]); # initial decomposable character
my $end = $tab[1] eq '' ? $ini : hex($tab[1]);
# ($ini .. $end) is the range of decomposable characters.
foreach my $u ($ini .. $end) {
$Compat{$u} = $dec;
$Canon{$u} = $dec if ! $compat;
for my $s (@CompEx) {
my $u = hex $s;
next if !$Canon{$u}; # not assigned
next if $u == 0xFB1D && !$Canon{0x1D15E}; # 3.0.1 before Corrigendum #2
$Exclus{$u} = 1;
foreach my $u (keys %Canon) {
my $dec = $Canon{$u};
if (@$dec == 2) {
if ($Combin{ $dec->[0] }) {
$NonStD{$u} = 1;
} else {
$Compos{ $dec->[0] }{ $dec->[1] } = $u;
$Comp2nd{ $dec->[1] } = 1 if ! $Exclus{$u};
} elsif (@$dec == 1) {
$Single{$u} = 1;
} else {
my $h = sprintf '%04X', $u;
croak("Weird Canonical Decomposition of U+$h");
foreach my $j (0x1161..0x1175, 0x11A8..0x11C2) {
$Comp2nd{$j} = 1;
sub getCanonList {
my @src = @_;
my @dec = map {
(SBase <= $_ && $_ <= SFinal) ? decomposeHangul($_)
: $Canon{$_} ? @{ $Canon{$_} } : $_
} @src;
return join(" ",@src) eq join(" ",@dec) ? @dec : getCanonList(@dec);
# condition @src == @dec is not ok.
sub getCompatList {
my @src = @_;
my @dec = map {
(SBase <= $_ && $_ <= SFinal) ? decomposeHangul($_)
: $Compat{$_} ? @{ $Compat{$_} } : $_
} @src;
return join(" ",@src) eq join(" ",@dec) ? @dec : getCompatList(@dec);
# condition @src == @dec is not ok.
# exhaustive decomposition
foreach my $key (keys %Canon) {
$Canon{$key} = [ getCanonList($key) ];
# exhaustive decomposition
foreach my $key (keys %Compat) {
$Compat{$key} = [ getCompatList($key) ];
##### The above part is common to mkheader and PP #####
foreach my $comp1st (keys %Compos) {
my $listname = sprintf("${structname}_%06x", $comp1st);
# %04x is bad since it'd place _3046 after _1d157.
$Comp1st{$comp1st} = $listname;
my $rh1st = $Compos{$comp1st};
foreach my $comp2nd (keys %$rh1st) {
my $uc = $rh1st->{$comp2nd};
$CompList{$listname}{$comp2nd} = $uc;
sub split_into_char {
use bytes;
my $uni = shift;
my $len = length($uni);
my @ary;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
push @ary, ord(substr($uni,$i,1));
return @ary;
sub _U_stringify {
sprintf '"%s"', join '',
map sprintf("\\x%02x", $_), split_into_char(pack_U(@_));
foreach my $hash (\%Canon, \%Compat) {
foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
$hash->{$key} = _U_stringify( @{ $hash->{$key} } );
########## writing header files ##########
my @boolfunc = (
name => "Exclusion",
type => "bool",
hash => \%Exclus,
name => "Singleton",
type => "bool",
hash => \%Single,
name => "NonStDecomp",
type => "bool",
hash => \%NonStD,
name => "Comp2nd",
type => "bool",
hash => \%Comp2nd,
my $orig_fh = SelectSaver->new;
my $file = "unfexc.h";
open FH, ">$file" or croak "$PACKAGE: $file can't be made";
binmode FH; select FH;
print << 'EOF';
* This file is auto-generated by mkheader.
* Any changes here will be lost!
foreach my $tbl (@boolfunc) {
my @temp = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$tbl->{hash}};
my $type = $tbl->{type};
my $name = $tbl->{name};
print "$type is$name (UV uv)\n{\nreturn\n\t";
while (@temp) {
my $cur = shift @temp;
if (@temp && $cur + 1 == $temp[0]) {
print "($cur <= uv && uv <= ";
while (@temp && $cur + 1 == $temp[0]) {
$cur = shift @temp;
print "$cur)";
print "\n\t|| " if @temp;
} else {
print "uv == $cur";
print "\n\t|| " if @temp;
print "\n\t? TRUE : FALSE;\n}\n\n";
close FH;
my $compinit =
"typedef struct { UV nextchar; UV composite; } $structname;\n\n";
foreach my $i (sort keys %CompList) {
$compinit .= "$structname $i [] = {\n";
$compinit .= join ",\n",
map sprintf("\t{ %d, %d }", $_, $CompList{$i}{$_}),
sort {$a <=> $b } keys %{ $CompList{$i} };
$compinit .= ",\n{0,0}\n};\n\n"; # with sentinel
my @tripletable = (
file => "unfcmb",
name => "combin",
type => "STDCHAR",
hash => \%Combin,
null => 0,
file => "unfcan",
name => "canon",
type => "char*",
hash => \%Canon,
null => "NULL",
file => "unfcpt",
name => "compat",
type => "char*",
hash => \%Compat,
null => "NULL",
file => "unfcmp",
name => "compos",
type => "$structname *",
hash => \%Comp1st,
null => "NULL",
init => $compinit,
foreach my $tbl (@tripletable) {
my $file = "$tbl->{file}.h";
my $head = "${prefix}$tbl->{name}";
my $type = $tbl->{type};
my $hash = $tbl->{hash};
my $null = $tbl->{null};
my $init = $tbl->{init};
open FH, ">$file" or croak "$PACKAGE: $file can't be made";
binmode FH; select FH;
my %val;
print FH << 'EOF';
* This file is auto-generated by mkheader.
* Any changes here will be lost!
print $init if defined $init;
foreach my $uv (keys %$hash) {
croak sprintf("a Unicode code point 0x%04X over 0x10FFFF.", $uv)
unless $uv <= 0x10FFFF;
my @c = unpack 'CCCC', pack 'N', $uv;
$val{ $c[1] }{ $c[2] }{ $c[3] } = $hash->{$uv};
foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %val) {
next if ! $val{ $p };
for (my $r = 0; $r < 256; $r++) {
next if ! $val{ $p }{ $r };
printf "static $type ${head}_%02x_%02x [256] = {\n", $p, $r;
for (my $c = 0; $c < 256; $c++) {
print "\t", defined $val{$p}{$r}{$c}
? "($type)".$val{$p}{$r}{$c}
: $null;
print ',' if $c != 255;
print "\n" if $c % 8 == 7;
print "};\n\n";
foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %val) {
next if ! $val{ $p };
printf "static $type* ${head}_%02x [256] = {\n", $p;
for (my $r = 0; $r < 256; $r++) {
print $val{ $p }{ $r }
? sprintf("${head}_%02x_%02x", $p, $r)
: "NULL";
print ',' if $r != 255;
print "\n" if $val{ $p }{ $r } || ($r+1) % 8 == 0;
print "};\n\n";
print "static $type** $head [] = {\n";
for (my $p = 0; $p <= 0x10; $p++) {
print $val{ $p } ? sprintf("${head}_%02x", $p) : "NULL";
print ',' if $p != 0x10;
print "\n";
print "};\n\n";
close FH;
} # End of block for SelectSaver