254 lines
6.4 KiB
254 lines
6.4 KiB
chdir 't' if -d 't';
require './test.pl';
# FIXME - more of these could be tested without Encode or full perl
# Makes testing easier.
$ENV{PERLIO} = 'stdio' if exists $ENV{PERLIO} && $ENV{PERLIO} eq '';
skip_all("PERLIO='$ENV{PERLIO}' unknown")
if exists $ENV{PERLIO} && $ENV{PERLIO} !~ /^(stdio|perlio|mmap)$/;
$PERLIO = exists $ENV{PERLIO} ? $ENV{PERLIO} : "(undef)";
use Config;
my $DOSISH = $^O =~ /^(?:MSWin32|os2|dos|NetWare)$/ ? 1 : 0;
$DOSISH = 1 if !$DOSISH and $^O =~ /^uwin/;
my $NONSTDIO = exists $ENV{PERLIO} && $ENV{PERLIO} ne 'stdio' ? 1 : 0;
my $FASTSTDIO = $Config{d_faststdio} && $Config{usefaststdio} ? 1 : 0;
if (${^UNICODE} & 1) {
if (${^UNICODE} & 64) {
# Conditional on the locale
} else {
# Unconditional
$UTF8_STDIN = 1;
} else {
$UTF8_STDIN = 0;
my $NTEST = 60 - (($DOSISH || !$FASTSTDIO) ? 7 : 0) - ($DOSISH ? 7 : 0)
sub PerlIO::F_UTF8 () { 0x00008000 } # from perliol.h
plan tests => $NTEST;
print <<__EOH__;
sub check {
my ($result, $expected, $id) = @_;
# An interesting dance follows where we try to make the following
# IO layer stack setups to compare equal:
# PERLIO UNIX-like DOS-like
# unset / "" unix perlio / stdio [1] unix crlf
# stdio unix perlio / stdio [1] stdio
# perlio unix perlio unix perlio
# mmap unix mmap unix mmap
# [1] "stdio" if Configure found out how to do "fast stdio" (depends
# on the stdio implementation) and in Perl 5.8, otherwise "unix perlio"
if ($NONSTDIO) {
# Get rid of "unix".
shift @$result if $result->[0] eq "unix";
# Change expectations.
$expected->[0] = $ENV{PERLIO};
} else {
$expected->[0] = $ENV{PERLIO} if $expected->[0] eq "stdio";
} elsif (!$FASTSTDIO && !$DOSISH) {
splice(@$result, 0, 2, "stdio")
if @$result >= 2 &&
$result->[0] eq "unix" &&
$result->[1] eq "perlio";
} elsif ($DOSISH) {
splice(@$result, 0, 2, "stdio")
if @$result >= 2 &&
$result->[0] eq "unix" &&
$result->[1] eq "crlf";
if ($DOSISH && grep { $_ eq 'crlf' } @$expected) {
# 5 tests potentially skipped because
# DOSISH systems already have a CRLF layer
# which will make new ones not stick.
splice @$expected, 1, 1 if $expected->[1] eq 'crlf';
my $n = scalar @$expected;
is(scalar @$result, $n, "$id - layers == $n");
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $j = $expected->[$i];
if (ref $j eq 'CODE') {
ok($j->($result->[$i]), "$id - $i is ok");
} else {
is($result->[$i], $j,
sprintf("$id - $i is %s",
defined $j ? $j : "undef"));
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(STDIN) ],
$UTF8_STDIN ? [ "stdio", "utf8" ] : [ "stdio" ],
my $afile = tempfile();
open(F, ">:crlf", $afile);
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw(stdio crlf) ],
"open :crlf");
binmode(F, ":crlf");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw(stdio crlf) ],
"binmode :crlf");
binmode(F, ":encoding(cp1047)");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw[stdio crlf encoding(cp1047) utf8] ],
binmode(F, ":crlf");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw[stdio crlf encoding(cp1047) utf8 crlf utf8] ],
binmode(F, ":pop:pop");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw(stdio crlf) ],
binmode(F, ":raw");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ "stdio" ],
binmode(F, ":utf8");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw(stdio utf8) ],
binmode(F, ":bytes");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ "stdio" ],
binmode(F, ":encoding(utf8)");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw[stdio encoding(utf8) utf8] ],
binmode(F, ":raw :crlf");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ qw(stdio crlf) ],
binmode(F, ":raw :encoding(latin1)"); # "latin1" will be canonized
# 7 tests potentially skipped.
unless ($DOSISH || !$FASTSTDIO) {
my @results = PerlIO::get_layers(F, details => 1);
# Get rid of the args and the flags.
splice(@results, 1, 2) if $NONSTDIO;
check([ @results ],
[ "stdio", undef, sub { $_[0] > 0 },
"encoding", "iso-8859-1", sub { $_[0] & PerlIO::F_UTF8() } ],
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F) ],
[ "stdio" ],
# RT78844
local $@ = "foo";
binmode(F, ":encoding(utf8)");
is( $@, "foo", '$@ not clobbered by binmode and :encoding');
close F;
use open(IN => ":crlf", OUT => ":encoding(cp1252)");
open F, '<', $afile;
open G, '>', $afile;
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(F, input => 1) ],
[ qw(stdio crlf) ],
"use open IN");
check([ PerlIO::get_layers(G, output => 1) ],
[ qw[stdio encoding(cp1252) utf8] ],
"use open OUT");
close F;
close G;
# Check that PL_sigwarn's reference count is correct, and that
# &PerlIO::Layer::NoWarnings isn't prematurely freed.
fresh_perl_like (<<"EOT", qr/^CODE/, {}, "Check PL_sigwarn's reference count");
open(UTF, "<:raw:encoding(utf8)", '$afile') or die \$!;
print ref *PerlIO::Layer::NoWarnings{CODE};
# [perl #97956] Not calling FETCH all the time on tied variables
my $f;
sub TIESCALAR { bless [] }
sub FETCH { ++$f; $_[0][0] = $_[1] }
sub STORE { $_[0][0] }
tie my $t, "";
$t = *f;
$f = 0; PerlIO::get_layers $t;
is $f, 1, '1 fetch on tied glob';
$t = \*f;
$f = 0; PerlIO::get_layers $t;
is $f, 1, '1 fetch on tied globref';
$t = *f;
$f = 0; PerlIO::get_layers \$t;
is $f, 1, '1 fetch on referenced tied glob';
$t = '';
$f = 0; PerlIO::get_layers $t;
is $f, 1, '1 fetch on tied string';
# No distinction between nums and strings
open "12", "<:crlf", "test.pl" or die "$0 cannot open test.pl: $!";
ok PerlIO::get_layers(12), 'str/num arguments are treated identically';