660 lines
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660 lines
23 KiB
# Common tools for test files files to find the locales which exist on the
# system. Caller should have verified that this isn't miniperl before calling
# the functions.
# Note that it's okay that some languages have their native names
# capitalized here even though that's not "right". They are lowercased
# anyway later during the scanning process (and besides, some clueless
# vendor might have them capitalized erroneously anyway).
# Functions whose names begin with underscore are internal helper functions
# for this file, and are not to be used by outside callers.
use Config;
use strict;
eval { require POSIX; import POSIX 'locale_h'; };
my $has_locale_h = ! $@;
my @platform_categories;
# LC_ALL can be -1 on some platforms. And, in fact the implementors could
# legally use any integer to represent any category. But it makes the most
# sense for them to have used small integers. Below, we create new locale
# numbers for ones missing from this machine. We make them very negative,
# hopefully more negative than anything likely to be a valid category on the
# platform, but also below is a check to be sure that our guess is valid.
my $max_bad_category_number = -1000000;
# Initialize this hash so that it looks like e.g.,
# 6 => 'CTYPE',
# where 6 is the value of &POSIX::LC_CTYPE
my %category_name;
my %category_number;
if ($has_locale_h) {
my $number_for_missing_category = $max_bad_category_number;
foreach my $name (@known_categories) {
my $number = eval "&POSIX::$name";
if ($@) {
# Use a negative number (smaller than any legitimate category
# number) if the platform doesn't support this category, so we
# have an entry for all the ones that might be specified in calls
# to us.
$number = $number_for_missing_category-- if $@;
elsif ( $number !~ / ^ -? \d+ $ /x
|| $number <= $max_bad_category_number)
# We think this should be an int. And it has to be larger than
# any of our synthetic numbers.
die "Unexpected locale category number '$number' for $name"
else {
push @platform_categories, $name;
$name =~ s/LC_//;
$category_name{$number} = "$name";
$category_number{$name} = $number;
sub _my_diag($) {
my $message = shift;
if (defined &main::diag) {
else {
local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
print STDERR $message, "\n";
sub _my_fail($) {
my $message = shift;
if (defined &main::fail) {
else {
local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
print "not ok 0 $message\n";
sub _trylocale ($$$$) { # For use only by other functions in this file!
# Adds the locale given by the first parameter to the list given by the
# 3rd iff the platform supports the locale in each of the category numbers
# given by the 2nd parameter, which is either a single category or a
# reference to a list of categories. The list MUST be sorted so that
# CTYPE is first, COLLATE is last unless ALL is present, in which case
# that comes after COLLATE. This is because locale.c detects bad locales
# only with CTYPE, and COLLATE on some platforms can core dump if it is a
# bad locale.
# The 4th parameter is true if to accept locales that aren't apparently
# fully compatible with Perl.
my $locale = shift;
my $categories = shift;
my $list = shift;
my $allow_incompatible = shift;
return if ! $locale || grep { $locale eq $_ } @$list;
# This is a toy (pig latin) locale that is not fully implemented on some
# systems
return if $locale =~ / ^ pig $ /ix;
# Certain platforms have a crippled locale system in which setlocale
# returns success for just about any possible locale name, but if anything
# actually happens as a result of the call, it is that the underlying
# locale is set to a system default, likely C or C.UTF-8. We can't test
# such systems fully, but we shouldn't disable the user from using
# locales, as it may work out for them (or not).
return if defined $Config{d_setlocale_accepts_any_locale_name}
&& $locale !~ / ^ (?: C | POSIX | C\.UTF-8 ) $/ix;
$categories = [ $categories ] unless ref $categories;
my $badutf8 = 0;
my $plays_well = 1;
use warnings 'locale';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
$badutf8 = 1 if grep { /Malformed UTF-8/ } @_;
$plays_well = 0 if grep {
/Locale .* may not work well(?#
)|The Perl program will use the expected meanings/i
} @_;
# Incompatible locales aren't warned about unless using locales.
use locale;
foreach my $category (@$categories) {
die "category '$category' must instead be a number"
unless $category =~ / ^ -? \d+ $ /x;
return unless setlocale($category, $locale);
last if $badutf8 || ! $plays_well;
if ($badutf8) {
_my_fail("Verify locale name doesn't contain malformed utf8");
push @$list, $locale if $plays_well || $allow_incompatible;
sub _decode_encodings { # For use only by other functions in this file!
my @enc;
foreach (split(/ /, shift)) {
if (/^(\d+)$/) {
push @enc, "ISO8859-$1";
push @enc, "iso8859$1"; # HP
if ($1 eq '1') {
push @enc, "roman8"; # HP
push @enc, $_;
push @enc, "$_.UTF-8";
push @enc, "$_.65001"; # Windows UTF-8
push @enc, "$_.ACP"; # Windows ANSI code page
push @enc, "$_.OCP"; # Windows OEM code page
push @enc, "$_.1252"; # Windows
if ($^O eq 'os390') {
push @enc, qw(IBM-037 IBM-819 IBM-1047);
push @enc, "UTF-8";
push @enc, "65001"; # Windows UTF-8
return @enc;
sub valid_locale_categories() {
# Returns a list of the locale categories (expressed as strings, like
# "LC_ALL) known to this program that are available on this platform.
return @platform_categories;
sub locales_enabled(;$) {
# Returns 0 if no locale handling is available on this platform; otherwise
# 1.
# The optional parameter is a reference to a list of individual POSIX
# locale categories. If any of the individual categories specified by the
# optional parameter is all digits (and an optional leading minus), it is
# taken to be the C enum for the category (e.g., &POSIX::LC_CTYPE).
# Otherwise it should be a string name of the category, like 'LC_TIME'.
# The initial 'LC_' is optional. It is a fatal error to call this with
# something that isn't a known category to this file.
# This optional parameter denotes which POSIX locale categories must be
# available on the platform. If any aren't available, this function
# returns 0; otherwise it returns 1 and changes the list for the caller so
# that any category names are converted into their equivalent numbers, and
# sorts it to match the expectations of _trylocale.
# It is acceptable for the second parameter to be just a simple scalar
# denoting a single category (either name or number). No conversion into
# a number is done in this case.
# khw cargo-culted the '?' in the pattern on the next line.
return 0 if $Config{ccflags} =~ /\bD?NO_LOCALE\b/;
# If we can't load the POSIX XS module, we can't have locales even if they
# normally would be available
return 0 if ! defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader;
if (! $Config{d_setlocale}) {
return 0 if $Config{ccflags} =~ /\bD?NO_POSIX_2008_LOCALE\b/;
return 0 unless $Config{d_newlocale};
return 0 unless $Config{d_uselocale};
return 0 unless $Config{d_duplocale};
return 0 unless $Config{d_freelocale};
# Done with the global possibilities. Now check if any passed in category
# is disabled.
my $categories_ref = shift;
my $return_categories_numbers = 0;
my @categories_numbers;
my $has_LC_ALL = 0;
my $has_LC_COLLATE = 0;
if (defined $categories_ref) {
my @local_categories_copy;
if (ref $categories_ref) {
@local_categories_copy = @$$categories_ref;
$return_categories_numbers = 1;
else { # Single category passed in
@local_categories_copy = $categories_ref;
for my $category_name_or_number (@local_categories_copy) {
my $name;
my $number;
if ($category_name_or_number =~ / ^ -? \d+ $ /x) {
$number = $category_name_or_number;
die "Invalid locale category number '$number'"
unless grep { $number == $_ } keys %category_name;
$name = $category_name{$number};
else {
$name = $category_name_or_number;
$name =~ s/ ^ LC_ //x;
foreach my $trial (keys %category_name) {
if ($category_name{$trial} eq $name) {
$number = $trial;
die "Invalid locale category name '$name'"
unless defined $number;
return 0 if $number <= $max_bad_category_number
|| $Config{ccflags} =~ /\bD?NO_LOCALE_$name\b/;
eval "defined &POSIX::LC_$name";
return 0 if $@;
if ($return_categories_numbers) {
if ($name eq 'CTYPE') {
unshift @categories_numbers, $number; # Always first
elsif ($name eq 'ALL') {
$has_LC_ALL = 1;
elsif ($name eq 'COLLATE') {
$has_LC_COLLATE = 1;
else {
push @categories_numbers, $number;
if ($return_categories_numbers) {
# COLLATE comes after all other locales except ALL, which comes last
if ($has_LC_COLLATE) {
push @categories_numbers, $category_number{'COLLATE'};
if ($has_LC_ALL) {
push @categories_numbers, $category_number{'ALL'};
$$categories_ref = \@categories_numbers;
return 1;
sub find_locales ($;$) {
# Returns an array of all the locales we found on the system. If the
# optional 2nd parameter is non-zero, the list includes all found locales;
# otherwise it is restricted to those locales that play well with Perl, as
# far as we can easily determine.
# The first parameter is either a single locale category or a reference to
# a list of categories to find valid locales for it (or in the case of
# multiple) for all of them. Each category can be a name (like 'LC_ALL'
# or simply 'ALL') or the C enum value for the category.
my $categories = shift;
my $allow_incompatible = shift // 0;
$categories = [ $categories ] unless ref $categories;
return unless locales_enabled(\$categories);
# Note, the subroutine call above converts the $categories into a form
# suitable for _trylocale().
# Visual C's CRT goes silly on strings of the form "en_US.ISO8859-1"
# and mingw32 uses said silly CRT
# This doesn't seem to be an issue any more, at least on Windows XP,
# so re-enable the tests for Windows XP onwards.
my $winxp = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && defined &Win32::GetOSVersion &&
join('.', (Win32::GetOSVersion())[1..2]) >= 5.1);
return if ((($^O eq 'MSWin32' && !$winxp) || $^O eq 'NetWare')
&& $Config{cc} =~ /^(cl|gcc|g\+\+|ici)/i);
# UWIN seems to loop after taint tests, just skip for now
return if ($^O =~ /^uwin/);
my @Locale;
_trylocale("C", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("POSIX", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
if ($Config{d_has_C_UTF8} eq 'true') {
_trylocale("C.UTF-8", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
# There's no point in looking at anything more if we know that setlocale
# will return success on any garbage or non-garbage name.
return sort @Locale if defined $Config{d_setlocale_accepts_any_locale_name};
foreach (1..16) {
_trylocale("ISO8859-$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("iso8859$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("iso8859-$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("iso_8859_$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("isolatin$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("isolatin-$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
_trylocale("iso_latin_$_", $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
# Sanitize the environment so that we can run the external 'locale'
# program without the taint mode getting grumpy.
# $ENV{PATH} is special in VMS.
delete local $ENV{PATH} if $^O ne 'VMS' or $Config{d_setenv};
# Other subversive stuff.
delete local @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)};
if (-x "/usr/bin/locale"
&& open(LOCALES, '-|', "/usr/bin/locale -a 2>/dev/null"))
while (<LOCALES>) {
# It seems that /usr/bin/locale steadfastly outputs 8 bit data, which
# ain't great when we're running this testPERL_UNICODE= so that utf8
# locales will cause all IO hadles to default to (assume) utf8
next unless utf8::valid($_);
_trylocale($_, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
} elsif ($^O eq 'VMS'
&& defined($ENV{'SYS$I18N_LOCALE'})
&& -d 'SYS$I18N_LOCALE')
# The SYS$I18N_LOCALE logical name search list was not present on
# VAX VMS V5.5-12, but was on AXP && VAX VMS V6.2 as well as later versions.
opendir(LOCALES, "SYS\$I18N_LOCALE:");
while ($_ = readdir(LOCALES)) {
_trylocale($_, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
} elsif (($^O eq 'openbsd' || $^O eq 'bitrig' ) && -e '/usr/share/locale') {
# OpenBSD doesn't have a locale executable, so reading
# /usr/share/locale is much easier and faster than the last resort
# method.
opendir(LOCALES, '/usr/share/locale');
while ($_ = readdir(LOCALES)) {
_trylocale($_, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
} else { # Final fallback. Try our list of locales hard-coded here
# This is going to be slow.
my @Data;
# Locales whose name differs if the utf8 bit is on are stored in these
# two files with appropriate encodings.
my $data_file = ($^H & 0x08 || (${^OPEN} || "") =~ /:utf8/)
? _source_location() . "/lib/locale/utf8"
: _source_location() . "/lib/locale/latin1";
if (-e $data_file) {
@Data = do $data_file;
else {
_my_diag(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": '$data_file' doesn't exist");
# The rest of the locales are in this file.
push @Data, <DATA>;
foreach my $line (@Data) {
my ($locale_name, $language_codes, $country_codes, $encodings) =
split /:/, $line;
_my_diag(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Unexpected syntax in '$line'")
unless defined $locale_name;
my @enc = _decode_encodings($encodings);
foreach my $loc (split(/ /, $locale_name)) {
_trylocale($loc, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
foreach my $enc (@enc) {
_trylocale("$loc.$enc", $categories, \@Locale,
$loc = lc $loc;
foreach my $enc (@enc) {
_trylocale("$loc.$enc", $categories, \@Locale,
foreach my $lang (split(/ /, $language_codes)) {
_trylocale($lang, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
foreach my $country (split(/ /, $country_codes)) {
my $lc = "${lang}_${country}";
_trylocale($lc, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
foreach my $enc (@enc) {
_trylocale("$lc.$enc", $categories, \@Locale,
my $lC = "${lang}_\U${country}";
_trylocale($lC, $categories, \@Locale, $allow_incompatible);
foreach my $enc (@enc) {
_trylocale("$lC.$enc", $categories, \@Locale,
@Locale = sort @Locale;
return @Locale;
sub is_locale_utf8 ($) { # Return a boolean as to if core Perl thinks the input
# is a UTF-8 locale
# On z/OS, even locales marked as UTF-8 aren't.
return 0 if ord "A" != 65;
return 0 unless locales_enabled('LC_CTYPE');
my $locale = shift;
use locale;
no warnings 'locale'; # We may be trying out a weird locale
my $save_locale = setlocale(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE());
if (! $save_locale) {
ok(0, "Verify could save previous locale");
return 0;
if (! setlocale(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE(), $locale)) {
ok(0, "Verify could setlocale to $locale");
return 0;
my $ret = 0;
# Use an op that gives different results for UTF-8 than any other locale.
# If a platform has UTF-8 locales, there should be at least one locale on
# most platforms with UTF-8 in its name, so if there is a bug in the op
# giving a false negative, we should get a failure for those locales as we
# go through testing all the locales on the platform.
if (CORE::fc(chr utf8::unicode_to_native(0xdf)) ne "ss") {
if ($locale =~ /UTF-?8/i) {
ok (0, "Verify $locale with UTF-8 in name is a UTF-8 locale");
else {
$ret = 1;
die "Couldn't restore locale '$save_locale'"
unless setlocale(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE(), $save_locale);
return $ret;
sub find_utf8_ctype_locales (;$) { # Return the names of the locales that core
# Perl thinks are UTF-8 LC_CTYPE locales.
# Optional parameter is a reference to a
# list of locales to try; if omitted, this
# tries all locales it can find on the
# platform
return unless locales_enabled('LC_CTYPE');
my $locales_ref = shift;
my @return;
if (! defined $locales_ref) {
my @locales = find_locales(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE());
$locales_ref = \@locales;
foreach my $locale (@$locales_ref) {
push @return, $locale if is_locale_utf8($locale);
return @return;
sub find_utf8_ctype_locale (;$) { # Return the name of a locale that core Perl
# thinks is a UTF-8 LC_CTYPE non-turkic
# locale.
# Optional parameter is a reference to a
# list of locales to try; if omitted, this
# tries all locales it can find on the
# platform
my $try_locales_ref = shift;
my @utf8_locales = find_utf8_ctype_locales($try_locales_ref);
my @turkic_locales = find_utf8_turkic_locales($try_locales_ref);
my %seen_turkic;
# Create undef elements in the hash for turkic locales
@seen_turkic{@turkic_locales} = ();
foreach my $locale (@utf8_locales) {
return $locale unless exists $seen_turkic{$locale};
sub find_utf8_turkic_locales (;$) {
# Return the name of all the locales that core Perl thinks are UTF-8
# Turkic LC_CTYPE. Optional parameter is a reference to a list of locales
# to try; if omitted, this tries all locales it can find on the platform
my @return;
return unless locales_enabled('LC_CTYPE');
my $save_locale = setlocale(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE());
foreach my $locale (find_utf8_ctype_locales(shift)) {
use locale;
setlocale(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE(), $locale);
push @return, $locale if uc('i') eq "\x{130}";
setlocale(&POSIX::LC_CTYPE(), $save_locale);
return @return;
sub find_utf8_turkic_locale (;$) {
my @turkics = find_utf8_turkic_locales(shift);
return unless @turkics;
return $turkics[0]
# returns full path to the directory containing the current source
# file, inspired by mauke's Dir::Self
sub _source_location {
require File::Spec;
my $caller_filename = (caller)[1];
my $loc = File::Spec->rel2abs(
(File::Spec->splitpath($caller_filename))[0, 1], ''
return ($loc =~ /^(.*)$/)[0]; # untaint
# Format of data is: locale_name, language_codes, country_codes, encodings
Afrikaans:af:za:1 15
Arabic:ar:dz eg sa:6 arabic8
Brezhoneg Breton:br:fr:1 15
Bulgarski Bulgarian:bg:bg:5
Chinese:zh:cn tw:cn.EUC eucCN eucTW euc.CN euc.TW Big5 GB2312 tw.EUC
Hrvatski Croatian:hr:hr:2
Cymraeg Welsh:cy:cy:1 14 15
Dansk Danish:da:dk:1 15
Nederlands Dutch:nl:be nl:1 15
English American British:en:au ca gb ie nz us uk zw:1 15 cp850
Eesti Estonian:et:ee:4 6 13
Suomi Finnish:fi:fi:1 15
Flamish::fl:1 15
Deutsch German:de:at be ch de lu:1 15
Euskaraz Basque:eu:es fr:1 15
Galego Galician:gl:es:1 15
Ellada Greek:el:gr:7 g8
Frysk:fy:nl:1 15
Greenlandic:kl:gl:4 6
Hebrew:iw:il:8 hebrew8
Indonesian:id:id:1 15
Gaeilge Irish:ga:IE:1 14 15
Italiano Italian:it:ch it:1 15
Nihongo Japanese:ja:jp:euc eucJP jp.EUC sjis
Latine Latin:la:va:1 15
Latvian:lv:lv:4 6 13
Lithuanian:lt:lt:4 6 13
Macedonian:mk:mk:1 15
Norsk Norwegian:no no\@nynorsk nb nn:no:1 15
Occitan:oc:es:1 15
Polski Polish:pl:pl:2
Russki Russian:ru:ru su ua:5 koi8 koi8r KOI8-R koi8u cp1251 cp866
Serbski Serbian:sr:yu:5
Slovene Slovenian:sl:si:2
Sqhip Albanian:sq:sq:1 15
Svenska Swedish:sv:fi se:1 15
Thai:th:th:11 tis620
Turkish:tr:tr:9 turkish8
Yiddish:yi::1 15