188 lines
4.1 KiB
188 lines
4.1 KiB
# Testing a corpus of Pod files
chdir 't';
@INC = '../lib';
use Config;
if ($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bEncode\b/) {
print "1..0 # Skip: Encode was not built\n";
exit 0;
if (ord("A") != 65) {
print "1..0 # Skip: Encode not fully working on non-ASCII platforms at this time\n";
exit 0;
#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
use Test qw(plan ok skip);
use File::Spec;
#use utf8;
use strict;
my(@testfiles, %xmlfiles, %wouldxml);
#use Pod::Simple::Debug (10);
sub source_path {
my $file = shift;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
require File::Spec;
my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
} else {
return $file;
my @bits;
if(-e( File::Spec::->catdir( @bits =
source_path('corpus') ) ) )
# OK
print "# 1Bits: @bits\n";
} elsif( -e (File::Spec::->catdir( @bits =
(File::Spec::->curdir, 'corpus') ) )
) {
# OK
print "# 2Bits: @bits\n";
} elsif ( -e (File::Spec::->catdir( @bits =
(File::Spec::->curdir, 't', 'corpus') ) )
) {
# OK
print "# 3Bits: @bits\n";
} else {
die "Can't find the corpusdir";
my $corpusdir = File::Spec::->catdir( @bits);
print "#Corpusdir: $corpusdir\n";
opendir(INDIR, $corpusdir) or die "Can't opendir corpusdir : $!";
my @f = map File::Spec::->catfile(@bits, $_), readdir(INDIR);
my %f;
@f{@f} = ();
foreach my $maybetest (sort @f) {
my $xml = $maybetest;
$xml =~ s/\.(txt|pod)$/\.xml/is or next;
$wouldxml{$maybetest} = $xml;
push @testfiles, $maybetest;
foreach my $x ($xml, uc($xml), lc($xml)) {
next unless exists $f{$x};
$xmlfiles{$maybetest} = $x;
die "Too few test files (".@testfiles.")" unless @ARGV or @testfiles > 20;
@testfiles = @ARGV if @ARGV and !grep !m/\.txt/, @ARGV;
plan tests => (2 + 2*@testfiles - 1);
my $HACK = 1;
#@testfiles = ('nonesuch.txt');
ok 1;
my $skippy = ($] < 5.008) ? "skip because perl ($]) pre-dates v5.8.0" : 0;
if($skippy) {
print "# This is just perl v$], so I'm skipping many many tests.\n";
my @x = @testfiles;
print "# Files to test:\n";
while(@x) { print "# ", join(' ', splice @x,0,3), "\n" }
require Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
foreach my $f (@testfiles) {
my $xml = $xmlfiles{$f};
if($xml) {
print "#\n#To test $f against $xml\n";
} else {
print "#\n# $f has no xml to test it against\n";
my $outstring;
eval {
my $p = Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->new;
$p->output_string( \$outstring );
$p->parse_file( $f );
undef $p;
if($@) {
my $x = "#** Couldn't parse $f:\n $@";
$x =~ s/([\n\r]+)/\n#** /g;
print $x, "\n";
ok 0;
ok 0;
} else {
print "# OK, parsing $f generated ", length($outstring), " bytes\n";
ok 1;
die "Null outstring?" unless $outstring;
next if $f =~ /nonesuch/;
my $outfilename = ($HACK > 1) ? $wouldxml{$f} : "$wouldxml{$f}\_out";
if($HACK) {
open OUT, ">$outfilename" or die "Can't write-open $outfilename: $!\n";
print OUT $outstring;
unless($xml) {
print "# (no comparison done)\n";
ok 1;
open(IN, "<$xml") or die "Can't read-open $xml: $!";
local $/;
my $xmlsource = <IN>;
print "# There's errata!\n" if $outstring =~ m/start_line="-321"/;
$xmlsource eq $outstring
or do {
$xmlsource =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/g;
$outstring =~ s/[\n\r]+/\n/g;
$xmlsource eq $outstring;
) {
print "# (Perfect match to $xml)\n";
unlink $outfilename unless $outfilename =~ m/\.xml$/is;
ok 1;
if($skippy) {
skip $skippy, 0;
} else {
print STDERR "# $outfilename and $xml don't match!\n";
print STDERR `diff $xml $outfilename`;
ok 0;
print "#\n# I've been using Encode v",
$Encode::VERSION ? $Encode::VERSION : "(NONE)", "\n";
print "# Byebye\n";
ok 1;
print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";