104 lines
2.5 KiB
104 lines
2.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
require LWP::UserAgent;
my %votemap = (
'unexamined' => 0,
'rejected' => 1,
'vote' => 4,
'picked' => 5,
chomp(my $git_addr = `git config --get cherrymaint.address`);
my $addr = length $git_addr ? $git_addr : 'localhost:3000';
# Usage
my $program = basename $0;
my $usage = << "HERE";
Usage: $program [--address address] [ACTION] [COMMIT]
ACTIONS: (default is 'vote' if omitted)
$usage .= join( "\n", map { " --$_" } (sort keys %votemap), 'help' );
$usage .= "\n" . << "HERE";
COMMIT: a git revision ID (SHA1 or symbolic reference like HEAD)
You must first tunnel $addr to perl5.git.perl.org:3000? E.g.
\$ ssh -C -L${\ join q{:} => reverse split /:/, $addr}:3000 perl5.git.perl.org
die $usage if grep { /^(--help|-h)$/ } @ARGV;
# Determine action
my %opt = (address => \$addr);
GetOptions( \%opt, 'address=s', keys %votemap ) or die $usage;
if ( keys(%opt) > 2 ) {
die "Error: cherrymaint takes only one action argument\n\n$usage"
my ($action) = grep { exists $votemap{$_} } keys %opt;
$action ||= 'vote';
# Determine commit SHA1
my $commit = shift @ARGV;
unless ( defined $commit ) {
die "Error: cherrymaint requires an explicit commit ID\n\n$usage"
my $short_id = qx/git rev-parse --short $commit/;
if ( $? ) {
die "Error: couldn't get git commit SHA1 from '$commit'\n";
chomp $short_id;
# Confirm actions
unless ( $action eq 'vote' ) {
say "Are you sure you want to mark $short_id as $action? (y/n)";
my $ans = <STDIN>;
exit 0 unless $ans =~ /^y/i;
# Send the action to cherrymaint
my $n = $votemap{$action};
my $url = "http://$addr/mark?commit=${short_id}&value=${n}";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => 'Porting/cherrymaint ',
timeout => 30,
env_proxy => 1,
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
say "Done.";
else {
die $response->status_line . << "HERE";
Have you remembered to tunnel $addr to perl5.git.perl.org:3000? E.g.
\$ ssh -C -L${\ join q{:} => reverse split /:/, $addr}:3000 perl5.git.perl.org
Or maybe you created a different tunnel? You can specify the address to use
either on the command line with --address, or by doing
\$ git config cherrymaint.address host:port
# Note that you can vote through your browser by pointing it at the local
# end of the tunnel. For example, L<http://localhost:3000/> if you went with
# the suggested default values
exit 0;