
400 lines
10 KiB

# bump-perl-version, DAPM 14 Jul 2009
# A utility to find, and optionally bump, references to the perl version
# number in various files within the perl source
# It's designed to work in two phases. First, when run with -s (scan),
# it searches all the files in MANIFEST looking for strings that appear to
# match the current perl version (or which it knows are *supposed* to
# contain the current version), and produces a list of them to stdout,
# along with a suggested edit. For example:
# $ Porting/bump-perl-version -s 5.10.0 5.10.1 > /tmp/scan
# $ cat /tmp/scan
# Porting/
# 52: -archlib='/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/i686-linux-64int'
# +archlib='/opt/perl/lib/5.10.1/i686-linux-64int'
# ....
# At this point there will be false positives. Edit the file to remove
# those changes you don't want made. Then in the second phase, feed that
# list in, and it will change those lines in the files:
# $ Porting/bump-perl-version -u < /tmp/scan
# (so line 52 of Porting/ is now updated)
# The -i option can be used to combine these two steps (if you prefer to make
# all of the changes at once and then edit the results via git).
# This utility 'knows' about certain files and formats, and so can spot
# 'hidden' version numbers, like PERL_SUBVERSION=9.
# A third variant makes use of this knowledge to check that all the things
# it knows about are at the current version:
# $ Porting/bump-perl-version -c 5.10.0
# XXX this script hasn't been tested against a major version bump yet,
# eg 5.11.0 to 5.12.0; there may be things it missed - DAPM 14 Jul 09
# Note there are various files and directories that it skips; these are
# ones that are unlikely to contain anything needing bumping, but which
# will generate lots of false positives (eg pod/*). These are listed on
# STDERR as they are skipped.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Getopt::Std;
use ExtUtils::Manifest;
sub usage { die <<EOF }
usage: $0 -c <C.C.C>
-s <C.C.C> <N.N.N>
-i <C.C.C> <N.N.N>
-c check files and warn if any known string values (eg
PERL_SUBVERSION) don't match the specified version
-s scan files and produce list of possible change lines to stdout
-u read in the scan file from stdin, and change all the lines specified
-i scan files and make changes inplace
C.C.C the current perl version, eg 5.10.0
N.N.N the new perl version, eg 5.10.1
my %opts;
getopts('csui', \%opts) or usage;
if ($opts{u}) {
@ARGV == 0 or usage('no version version numbers should be specified');
# fake to stop warnings when calculating $oldx etc
@ARGV = qw(99.99.99 99.99.99);
elsif ($opts{c}) {
@ARGV == 1 or usage('required one version number');
push @ARGV, $ARGV[0];
else {
@ARGV == 2 or usage('require two version numbers');
usage('only one of -c, -s, -u and -i') if keys %opts > 1;
my ($oldx, $oldy, $oldz) = $ARGV[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
or usage("bad version: $ARGV[0]");
my ($newx, $newy, $newz) = $ARGV[1] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
or usage("bad version: $ARGV[1]");
my $old_decimal = sprintf "%d.%03d%03d", $oldx, $oldy, $oldz; # 5.011001
# each entry is
# 0 a regexp that matches strings that might contain versions;
# 1 a sub that returns two strings based on $1 etc values:
# * string containing captured values (for -c)
# * a string containing the replacement value
# 2 what we expect the sub to return as its first arg; undef implies
# don't match
# 3 a regex restricting which files this applies to (undef is all files)
# Note that @maps entries are checks in order, and only the first to match
# is used.
my @maps = (
qr{^((?:api_)?version(?:=|\s+)'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, "$1$newy$3" },
qr{^(subversion(?:=|\s+)'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, "$1$newz$3" },
qr{^(api_subversion(?:=|\s+)'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, ($newy % 2) ? "$1$newz$3" : "${1}0$3" },
($oldy % 2) ? $oldz : 0,
qr{^(api_versionstring(?:=|\s+)'?) ([\d\.]+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, ($newy % 2) ? "$1$newx.$newy.$newz$3": "$1$newx.$newy.0$3" },
($oldy % 2) ? "$oldx.$oldy.$oldz" : "$oldx.$oldy.0",
qr{(version\s+'?) (\d+) ('?\s+subversion\s+'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { "$2-$4", "$1$newy$3$newz$5" },
qr{\b (PERL_(?:API_)?VERSION(?:=|\s+)'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, "$1$newy$3"},
qr{\b (PERL_SUBVERSION(?:=|\s+)'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, "$1$newz$3"},
($oldy % 2) ? $oldz : 0,
qr{\b (PERL_API_SUBVERSION(?:=|\s+)'?) (\d+) ('?) (?!\.)}x,
sub { $2, ($newy % 2) ? "$1$newz$3" : "${1}0$3" },
# these two formats are in README.vms
qr{\b perl-(\d+\^\.\d+\^\.\d+) \b}x,
sub { $1, "perl-$newx^.$newy^.$newz"},
qr{\b ($oldx _ $oldy _$oldz) \b}x,
sub { $1, ($newx . '_' . $newy . '_' . $newz)},
# 5.8.9
qr{ $oldx\.$oldy\.$oldz \b}x,
sub {"", "$newx.$newy.$newz"},
# 5.008009
qr{ $old_decimal \b}x,
sub {"", sprintf "%d.%03d%03d", $newx, $newy, $newz },
# perl511, perl511.dll, perl511.lib, perl511s.lib, libperl511.a
qr{\b ((?:lib)?) perl (\d\d\d) (s?) \b }x,
sub {$2, "$1perl$newx$newy$3" },
qr/win32|hints/, # README.win32, win32/*, hints/*
# microperl locations should be bumped for major versions
sub { $2, "$1$newx.$newy$3" },
# win32/Makefile.ce
sub { $2, "$1$newx$newy" },
# files and dirs that we likely don't want to change version numbers on.
my %SKIP_FILES = map { ($_ => 1) } qw(
my @SKIP_DIRS = qw(
my @mani_files = sort keys %{ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread('MANIFEST')};
my %mani_files = map { ($_ => 1) } @mani_files;
die "No entries found in MANIFEST; aborting\n" unless @mani_files;
if ($opts{c} or $opts{s} or $opts{i}) {
elsif ($opts{u}) {
else {
usage('one of -c, -s or -u must be specified');
exit 0;
sub do_scan {
for my $file (@mani_files) {
next if grep $file =~ m{^$_/}, @SKIP_DIRS;
if ($SKIP_FILES{$file}) {
warn "(skipping $file)\n";
open my $fh, '<', $file;
my $header = 0;
my @stat = stat $file;
my $mode = $stat[2];
my $file_changed = 0;
my $new_contents = '';
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
my $oldline = $line;
my $line_changed = 0;
for my $map (@maps) {
my ($pat, $sub, $expected, $file_pat) = @$map;
next if defined $file_pat and $file !~ $file_pat;
next unless $line =~ $pat;
my ($got, $replacement) = $sub->();
if ($opts{c}) {
# only report unexpected
next unless defined $expected and $got ne $expected;
$line =~ s/$pat/$replacement/
or die "Internal error: substitution failed: [$pat]\n";
if ($line ne $oldline) {
$line_changed = 1;
$new_contents .= $line if $opts{i};
if ($line_changed) {
$file_changed = 1;
if ($opts{s}) {
print "\n$file\n" unless $header;
printf "\n%5d: -%s +%s", $., $oldline, $line;
if ($opts{i} && $file_changed) {
warn "Updating $file inplace\n";
open my $fh, '>', $file;
binmode $fh;
print $fh $new_contents;
close $fh;
chmod $mode & 0777, $file;
warn "(skipped $_/*)\n" for @SKIP_DIRS;
sub do_update {
my %changes;
my $file;
my $line;
# read in config
while (<STDIN>) {
next unless /\S/;
if (/^(\S+)$/) {
$file = $1;
die "No such file in MANIFEST: '$file'\n" unless $mani_files{$file};
die "file already seen; '$file'\n" if exists $changes{$file};
undef $line;
elsif (/^\s+(\d+): -(.*)/) {
my $old;
($line, $old) = ($1,$2);
die "$.: old line without preceding filename\n"
unless defined $file;
die "Dup line number: $line\n" if exists $changes{$file}{$line};
$changes{$file}{$line}[0] = $old;
elsif (/^\s+\+(.*)/) {
my $new = $1;
die "$.: replacement line seen without old line\n" unless $line;
$changes{$file}{$line}[1] = $new;
undef $line;
else {
die "Unexpected line at ;line $.: $_\n";
# suck in file contents to memory, then update that in-memory copy
my %contents;
for my $file (sort keys %changes) {
open my $fh, '<', $file;
binmode $fh;
$contents{$file} = [ <$fh> ];
chomp @{$contents{$file}};
close $fh;
my $entries = $changes{$file};
for my $line (keys %$entries) {
die "$file: no such line: $line\n"
unless defined $contents{$file}[$line-1];
if ($contents{$file}[$line-1] ne $entries->{$line}[0]) {
die "$file: line mismatch at line $line:\n"
. "File: [$contents{$file}[$line-1]]\n"
. "Config: [$entries->{$line}[0]]\n"
$contents{$file}[$line-1] = $entries->{$line}[1];
# check the temp files don't already exist
for my $file (sort keys %contents) {
my $nfile = "$file-new";
die "$nfile already exists in MANIFEST; aborting\n"
if $mani_files{$nfile};
# write out the new files
for my $file (sort keys %contents) {
my $nfile = "$file-new";
open my $fh, '>', $nfile;
binmode $fh;
print $fh $_, "\n" for @{$contents{$file}};
close $fh;
my @stat = stat $file;
my $mode = $stat[2];
die "stat $file fgailed to give a mode!\n" unless defined $mode;
chmod $mode & 0777, $nfile;
# and rename them
for my $file (sort keys %contents) {
my $nfile = "$file-new";
warn "updating $file ...\n";
rename $nfile, $file;