
84 lines
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# take a semicolon separated path list and turn it into a quoted
# list of paths that Text::Parsewords will grok
sub mungepath {
my $p = shift;
# remove leading/trailing semis/spaces
$p =~ s/^[ ;]+//;
$p =~ s/[ ;]+$//;
$p =~ s/'/"/g;
my @p = map { $_ = "\"$_\"" if /\s/ and !/^".*"$/; $_ } split /;/, $p;
return join(' ', @p);
# generate an array of option strings from command-line args
# or an option file
# -- added by BKS, 10-17-1999 to fix command-line overflow problems
sub loadopts {
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /--cfgsh-option-file/) {
shift @ARGV;
my $optfile = shift @ARGV;
local (*F);
open OPTF, '<', $optfile or die "Can't open $optfile: $!\n";
my @opts;
chomp(my $line = <OPTF>);
my @vars = split(/\t+~\t+/, $line);
for (@vars) {
push(@opts, $_) unless (/^\s*$/);
close OPTF;
return \@opts;
else {
return \@ARGV;
my %opt;
my $optref = loadopts();
while (@{$optref} && $optref->[0] =~ /^([\w_]+)=(.*)$/) {
my $pl_h = '../patchlevel.h';
if (-e $pl_h) {
open PL, '<', $pl_h or die "Can't open $pl_h: $!";
while (<PL>) {
if (/^#\s*define\s+(PERL_\w+)\s+([\d.]+)/) {
$opt{$1} = $2;
close PL;
else {
die "Can't find $pl_h: $!";
$opt{INST_VER} =~ s|~VERSION~|$opt{VERSION}|g;
$opt{'cf_by'} = $ENV{USERNAME} unless $opt{'cf_by'};
$opt{'cf_email'} = $opt{'cf_by'} . '@' . (gethostbyname('localhost'))[0]
unless $opt{'cf_email'};
$opt{'usemymalloc'} = 'y' if $opt{'d_mymalloc'} eq 'define';
$opt{libpth} = mungepath($opt{libpth}) if exists $opt{libpth};
$opt{incpath} = mungepath($opt{incpath}) if exists $opt{incpath};
while (<>) {
if (/^([\w_]+)=(.*)$/) {
my($k,$v) = ($1,$2);
# this depends on cf_time being empty in the template (or we'll
# get a loop)
if ($k eq 'cf_time') {
$_ = "$k='" . localtime(time) . "'\n" if $v =~ /^\s*'\s*'/;
elsif (exists $opt{$k}) {
$_ = "$k='$opt{$k}'\n";