139 lines
4.9 KiB
139 lines
4.9 KiB
unless ('A' eq pack('U', 0x41)) {
print "1..0 # Unicode::Normalize cannot pack a Unicode code point\n";
exit 0;
unless (0x41 == unpack('U', 'A')) {
print "1..0 # Unicode::Normalize cannot get a Unicode code point\n";
exit 0;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
chdir('t') if -d 't';
@INC = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? qw(::lib) : qw(../lib);
use strict;
use warnings;
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..70\n"; }
my $count = 0;
sub ok ($;$) {
my $p = my $r = shift;
if (@_) {
my $x = shift;
$p = !defined $x ? !defined $r : !defined $r ? 0 : $r eq $x;
print $p ? "ok" : "not ok", ' ', ++$count, "\n";
use Unicode::Normalize qw(:all);
sub _pack_U { Unicode::Normalize::pack_U(@_) }
sub hexU { _pack_U map hex, split ' ', shift }
sub answer { defined $_[0] ? $_[0] ? "YES" : "NO" : "MAYBE" }
ok(FCD(''), "");
ok(FCC(''), "");
ok(FCD('A'), "A");
ok(FCC('A'), "A");
ok(normalize('FCD', ""), "");
ok(normalize('FCC', ""), "");
ok(normalize('FCC', "A"), "A");
ok(normalize('FCD', "A"), "A");
# 9
# if checkFCD is YES, the return value from FCD should be same as the original
ok(FCD(hexU("00C5")), hexU("00C5")); # A with ring above
ok(FCD(hexU("0041 030A")), hexU("0041 030A")); # A+ring
ok(FCD(hexU("0041 0327 030A")), hexU("0041 0327 030A")); # A+cedilla+ring
ok(FCD(hexU("AC01 1100 1161")), hexU("AC01 1100 1161")); # hangul
ok(FCD(hexU("212B F900")), hexU("212B F900")); # compat
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("00C5")), hexU("00C5"));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("0041 030A")), hexU("0041 030A"));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("0041 0327 030A")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("AC01 1100 1161")), hexU("AC01 1100 1161"));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("212B F900")), hexU("212B F900"));
# 19
# if checkFCD is MAYBE or NO, FCD returns NFD (this behavior isn't documented)
ok(FCD(hexU("00C5 0327")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(FCD(hexU("0041 030A 0327")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(FCD(hexU("00C5 0327")), NFD(hexU("00C5 0327")));
ok(FCD(hexU("0041 030A 0327")), NFD(hexU("0041 030A 0327")));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("00C5 0327")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("0041 030A 0327")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("00C5 0327")), NFD(hexU("00C5 0327")));
ok(normalize('FCD', hexU("0041 030A 0327")), NFD(hexU("0041 030A 0327")));
# 27
ok(answer(checkFCD('')), 'YES');
ok(answer(checkFCD('A')), 'YES');
ok(answer(checkFCD("\x{030A}")), 'YES'); # 030A;COMBINING RING ABOVE
ok(answer(checkFCD("\x{0327}")), 'YES'); # 0327;COMBINING CEDILLA
ok(answer(checkFCD(_pack_U(0x00C5))), 'YES'); # A with ring above
ok(answer(checkFCD(hexU("0041 030A"))), 'YES'); # A+ring
ok(answer(checkFCD(hexU("0041 0327 030A"))), 'YES'); # A+cedilla+ring
ok(answer(checkFCD(hexU("0041 030A 0327"))), 'NO'); # A+ring+cedilla
ok(answer(checkFCD(hexU("00C5 0327"))), 'NO'); # A-ring+cedilla
ok(answer(checkNFC(hexU("00C5 0327"))), 'MAYBE'); # NFC: A-ring+cedilla
ok(answer(check("FCD", hexU("00C5 0327"))), 'NO');
ok(answer(check("NFC", hexU("00C5 0327"))), 'MAYBE');
ok(answer(checkFCD("\x{AC01}\x{1100}\x{1161}")), 'YES'); # hangul
ok(answer(checkFCD("\x{212B}\x{F900}")), 'YES'); # compat
ok(answer(checkFCD(hexU("1EA7 05AE 0315 0062"))), "NO");
ok(answer(checkFCC(hexU("1EA7 05AE 0315 0062"))), "NO");
ok(answer(check('FCD', hexU("1EA7 05AE 0315 0062"))), "NO");
ok(answer(check('FCC', hexU("1EA7 05AE 0315 0062"))), "NO");
# 45
ok(FCC(hexU("00C5 0327")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(FCC(hexU("0045 0304 0300")), "\x{1E14}");
ok(FCC("\x{1100}\x{1161}\x{1100}\x{1173}\x{11AF}"), "\x{AC00}\x{AE00}");
ok(normalize('FCC', hexU("00C5 0327")), hexU("0041 0327 030A"));
ok(normalize('FCC', hexU("0045 0304 0300")), "\x{1E14}");
ok(normalize('FCC', hexU("1100 1161 1100 1173 11AF")), "\x{AC00}\x{AE00}");
ok(FCC("\x{0B47}\x{0300}\x{0B3E}"), "\x{0B47}\x{0300}\x{0B3E}");
ok(FCC("\x{1100}\x{0300}\x{1161}"), "\x{1100}\x{0300}\x{1161}");
ok(FCC("\x{0B47}\x{0B3E}\x{0300}"), "\x{0B4B}\x{0300}");
ok(FCC("\x{1100}\x{1161}\x{0300}"), "\x{AC00}\x{0300}");
ok(FCC("\x{0B47}\x{300}\x{0B3E}\x{327}"), "\x{0B47}\x{300}\x{0B3E}\x{327}");
ok(FCC("\x{1100}\x{300}\x{1161}\x{327}"), "\x{1100}\x{300}\x{1161}\x{327}");
# 57
ok(answer(checkFCC('')), 'YES');
ok(answer(checkFCC('A')), 'YES');
ok(answer(checkFCC("\x{030A}")), 'MAYBE'); # 030A;COMBINING RING ABOVE
ok(answer(checkFCC("\x{0327}")), 'MAYBE'); # 0327;COMBINING CEDILLA
ok(answer(checkFCC(hexU("00C5"))), 'YES'); # A with ring above
ok(answer(checkFCC(hexU("0041 030A"))), 'MAYBE'); # A+ring
ok(answer(checkFCC(hexU("0041 0327 030A"))), 'MAYBE'); # A+cedilla+ring
ok(answer(checkFCC(hexU("0041 030A 0327"))), 'NO'); # A+ring+cedilla
ok(answer(checkFCC(hexU("00C5 0327"))), 'NO'); # A-ring+cedilla
ok(answer(checkFCC("\x{AC01}\x{1100}\x{1161}")), 'MAYBE'); # hangul
ok(answer(checkFCC("\x{212B}\x{F900}")), 'NO'); # compat
ok(answer(checkFCC("\x{212B}\x{0327}")), 'NO'); # compat
ok(answer(checkFCC("\x{0327}\x{212B}")), 'NO'); # compat
# 70