120 lines
2.3 KiB
120 lines
2.3 KiB
# install.cfg
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.
# This file details what library files to include in the perlXYZlib.sis,
# and what extensions to build for the perlXYZext.sis.
# The lines beginning with "lib" are # included as-is from the lib/.
# The lines beginning with "ext" tell either how to build and package
# the extensions - or not.
# Libraries.
lib AnyDBM_File.pm
lib AutoLoader.pm
lib base.pm
lib Benchmark.pm
lib Carp.pm
lib Carp/Heavy.pm
lib Cwd.pm
lib constant.pm
lib DBM_Filter.pm
lib Digest/base.pm
lib DirHandle.pm
lib Exporter.pm
lib Exporter/Heavy.pm
lib File/Basename.pm
lib File/Compare.pm
lib File/Copy.pm
lib File/DosGlob.pm
lib File/Find.pm
lib File/Path.pm
lib File/Spec.pm
lib File/Spec/Unix.pm
lib File/Spec/Win32.pm
lib File/Temp.pm
lib FileHandle.pm
lib Filter/Simple.pm
lib if.pm
lib integer.pm
lib IO/Zlib.pm
lib lib.pm
lib Net/Cmd.pm
lib Net/Config.pm
lib Net/Domain.pm
lib Net/FTP.pm
lib Net/FTP/A.pm
lib Net/FTP/E.pm
lib Net/FTP/I.pm
lib Net/FTP/L.pm
lib Net/FTP/dataconn.pm
lib Net/NNTP.pm
lib Net/Netrc.pm
lib Net/Ping.pm
lib Net/POP3.pm
lib Net/SMTP.pm
lib Net/Time.pm
lib NEXT.pm
lib overload.pm
lib SelectSaver.pm
lib strict.pm
lib Symbol.pm
# lib utf8.pm
# lib utf8_heavy.pl
lib vars.pm
lib warnings.pm
lib warnings/register.pm
# Extensions.
ext attributes
ext Compress/Raw/Zlib -zlib-src
ext Cwd
ext Data/Dumper
ext Devel/Peek
ext Digest/MD5
ext Digest/SHA
ext Errno
ext Fcntl CONST
ext File/Glob CONST
ext Filter/Util/Call
ext Hash/Util
ext IO
ext List/Util
ext Math/BigInt/FastCalc
ext MIME/Base64
ext PerlIO/scalar
ext PerlIO/via
ext SDBM_File -sdbm/db?.c -sdbm/util.c
ext Socket CONST
ext Storable
ext Text/Soundex
ext Time/HiRes CONST
ext Time/Piece
ext XSLoader
# ext B ERROR
# ext ByteLoader byterun.c ERROR VERSION
# ext Devel/DProf nonconst
# ext Devel/PPPort PORT
# ext Encode nonconst Encode/encode.h def_t.c encengine.c
ext I18N/Langinfo PORT
# ext IPC/SysV PORT
# ext NDBM_File PORT
# ext ODBM_File PORT
# ext Opcode ERROR
# ext PerlIO/encoding Encode
# ext re ERROR
# ext Sys/Hostname PORT
# ext Sys/Syslog PORT
# ext threads PORT
# ext threads/shared PORT
# ext Unicode/Normalize nonconst
# ext Unicode/Collate nonconst
# ext Win32 USELESS
# ext XS/APItest USELESS
# ext XS/Typemap nonconst USELESS