120 lines
2.6 KiB
120 lines
2.6 KiB
# Testing HTMLBatch
chdir 't';
@INC = '../lib';
# Time-stamp: "2004-05-24 02:07:47 ADT"
use strict;
my $DEBUG = 0;
#sub Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch::DEBUG () {5};
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 17 }
require Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
my $cwd = cwd();
print "# CWD: $cwd\n" if $DEBUG;
my $t_dir;
my $corpus_dir;
foreach my $t_maybe (
File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->updir(), 'lib','Pod','Simple','t'),
File::Spec->catdir( $cwd ),
File::Spec->catdir( $cwd, 't' ),
) {
die "Can't find the test corpus" if $t_maybe eq 'OHSNAP';
next unless -e $t_maybe;
$t_dir = $t_maybe;
$corpus_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $t_maybe, 'testlib1' );
next unless -e $corpus_dir;
print "# OK, found the test corpus as $corpus_dir\n" if $DEBUG;
ok 1;
my $outdir;
while(1) {
my $rand = sprintf "%05x", rand( 0x100000 );
$outdir = File::Spec->catdir( $t_dir, "delme-$rand-out" );
last unless -e $outdir;
use File::Path;
rmtree $outdir, 0, 0;
ok 1;
print "# Output dir: $outdir\n" if $DEBUG;
mkdir $outdir, 0777 or die "Can't mkdir $outdir: $!";
print "# Converting $corpus_dir => $outdir\n" if $DEBUG;
my $conv = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
$conv->batch_convert( [$corpus_dir], $outdir );
ok 1;
print "# OK, back from converting.\n" if $DEBUG;
my @files;
use File::Find;
find( sub {
push @files, $File::Find::name;
if (/[.]html$/ && $_ !~ /perl|index/) {
# Make sure an index was generated.
open HTML, $_ or die "Cannot open $_: $!\n";
my $html = do { local $/; <HTML> };
close HTML;
ok $html =~ /<div class='indexgroup'>/;
}, $outdir );
my $long = ( grep m/zikzik\./i, @files )[0];
ok($long) or print "# How odd, no zikzik file in $outdir!?\n";
if($long) {
$long =~ s{zikzik\.html?$}{}s;
for(@files) { substr($_, 0, length($long)) = '' }
@files = grep length($_), @files;
if ($DEBUG) {
print "#Produced in $outdir ...\n";
foreach my $f (sort @files) {
print "# $f\n";
print "# (", scalar(@files), " items total)\n";
# Some minimal sanity checks:
ok scalar(grep m/\.css/i, @files) > 5;
ok scalar(grep m/\.html?/i, @files) > 5;
ok scalar grep m{squaa\W+Glunk.html?}i, @files;
if (my @long = grep { /^[^.]{9,}/ } map { s{^[^/]/}{} } @files) {
ok 0;
print "# File names too long:\n",
map { "# $_\n" } @long;
} else {
ok 1;
# use Pod::Simple;
# *pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
print "# Bye from ", __FILE__, "\n" if $DEBUG;
ok 1;