165 lines
3.5 KiB
165 lines
3.5 KiB
chdir 't';
@INC = '../lib';
} else {
push @INC, '../lib';
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 26 };
use Pod::Simple::TextContent;
use Pod::Simple::Text;
*mytime = defined(&Win32::GetTickCount)
? sub () {Win32::GetTickCount() / 1000}
: sub () {time()}
$Pod::Simple::Text::FREAKYMODE = 1;
use Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH ();
chdir 't' unless $ENV{PERL_CORE};
sub source_path {
my $file = shift;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
require File::Spec;
my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir ($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't');
return File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $file);
} else {
return $file;
my $outfile = '10000';
foreach my $file (
) {
unless(-e source_path($file)) {
ok 0;
print "# But $file doesn't exist!!\n";
exit 1;
my @out;
my $precooked = source_path($file);
$precooked =~ s<\.pod><o.txt>s;
unless(-e $precooked) {
ok 0;
print "# But $precooked doesn't exist!!\n";
exit 1;
print "#\n#\n#\n###################\n# $file\n";
foreach my $class ('Pod::Simple::TextContent', 'Pod::Simple::Text') {
my $p = $class->new;
push @out, '';
my $t = mytime();
printf "# %s %s %sb, %.03fs\n",
ref($p), source_path($file), length($out[-1]), mytime() - $t ;
ok 1;
print "# Reading $precooked...\n";
open(IN, $precooked) or die "Can't read-open $precooked: $!";
local $/;
push @out, <IN>;
print "# ", length($out[-1]), " bytes pulled in.\n";
for (@out) { s/\s+/ /g; s/^\s+//s; s/\s+$//s; }
my $faily = 0;
print "#\n#Now comparing 1 and 2...\n";
$faily += compare2($out[0], $out[1]);
print "#\n#Now comparing 2 and 3...\n";
$faily += compare2($out[1], $out[2]);
print "#\n#Now comparing 1 and 3...\n";
$faily += compare2($out[0], $out[2]);
if($faily) {
my @outnames = map $outfile . $_ , qw(0 1);
open(OUT2, ">$outnames[0].txt") || die "Can't write-open $outnames[0].txt: $!";
foreach my $out (@out) { push @outnames, $outnames[-1]; ++$outnames[-1] };
pop @outnames;
printf "# Writing to %s.txt .. %s.txt\n", $outnames[0], $outnames[-1];
shift @outnames;
foreach my $out (@out) {
my $outname = shift @outnames;
open(OUT, ">$outname.txt") || die "Can't write-open $outname.txt: $!";
print OUT $out, "\n";
print OUT2 $out, "\n";
print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
ok 1;
print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";
sub compare2 {
my @out = @_;
if($out[0] eq $out[1]) {
ok 1;
return 0;
} elsif( do{
for ($out[0], $out[1]) { tr/ //d; };
$out[0] eq $out[1];
print "# Differ only in whitespace.\n";
ok 1;
return 0;
} else {
#ok $out[0], $out[1];
my $x = $out[0] ^ $out[1];
$x =~ m/^(\x00*)/s or die;
my $at = length($1);
print "# Difference at byte $at...\n";
if($at > 10) {
$at -= 5;
print "# ", substr($out[0],$at,20), "\n";
print "# ", substr($out[1],$at,20), "\n";
print "# ^...";
ok 0;
printf "# Unequal lengths %s and %s\n", length($out[0]), length($out[1]);
return 1;