94 lines
2.5 KiB
94 lines
2.5 KiB
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't';
use File::Spec;
@INC = (File::Spec->rel2abs('../lib') );
use strict;
#sub Pod::Simple::Search::DEBUG () {5};
use Pod::Simple::Search;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan 'no_plan' }
# print "# Test the scanning of the whole of \@INC ...\n";
my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new;
die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x;
ok $x->inc; # make sure inc=1 is the default
# print $x->_state_as_string;
use Pod::Simple;
*pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
my $found = 0;
$x->callback(sub {
# print "# ", join(" ", map "{$_}", @_), "\n";
# print "# \@INC == @INC\n";
my $t = time(); my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey();
$t = time() - $t;
ok $found;
# print "# Found $found items in $t seconds!\n# See...\n";
# my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n";
# $p =~ s/, +/,\n/g;
# $p =~ s/^/# /mg;
# print $p;
# print "# OK, making sure strict and strict.pm were in there...\n";
# print "# (On Debian-based distributions Pod is stripped from\n",
# "# strict.pm, so skip these tests.)\n";
my $nopod = not exists ($name2where->{'strict'});
skip 'No Pod for strict.pm', 3 if $nopod;
like $name2where->{'strict'}, '/strict\.(pod|pm)$/';
ok grep( m/strict\.(pod|pm)/, keys %$where2name);
ok my $strictpath = $name2where->{'strict'}, 'Should have strict path';
my @x = ($x->find('strict')||'(nil)', $strictpath);
# print "# Comparing \"$x[0]\" to \"$x[1]\"\n";
for(@x) { s{[/\\]}{/}g; }
# print "# => \"$x[0]\" to \"$x[1]\"\n";
is $x[0], $x[1], " find('strict') should match survey's name2where{strict}";
# print "# Test again on a module we know is present, in case the
# strict.pm tests were skipped...\n";
# Search for all files in $name2where.
while (my ($testmod, $testpath) = each %{ $name2where }) {
unless ( $testmod ) {
fail; # no 'thatpath/<name>.pm' means can't test find()
my @x = ($x->find($testmod)||'(nil)', $testpath);
# print "# Comparing \"$x[0]\" to \"$x[1]\"\n";
my $result = File::Spec->rel2abs($x[0]);
# print "# => \"$result\" to \"$x[1]\"\n";
if ($result ne $x[1]) {
local $TODO = 'unstable Pod::Simple::Search';
is( $result, $x[1],
" find('$testmod') should match survey's name2where{$testmod}");
} else {
is( $result, $x[1],
" find('$testmod') should match survey's name2where{$testmod}");
# print "# Byebye from ", __FILE__, "\n";
# print "# @INC\n";