
309 lines
13 KiB

# Testing verbatim formatted sections
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 62 };
#use Pod::Simple::Debug (6);
ok 1;
use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(\&without_vf, @_) }
sub ev ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(\&with_vf, @_) }
sub with_vf { $_[0]-> accept_codes('VerbatimFormatted') }
sub without_vf { $_[0]->unaccept_codes('VerbatimFormatted') }
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
print "# Testing VerbatimFormatted...\n";
# A formatty line has to have #: in the first two columns, and uses
# "^" to mean bold, "/" to mean underline, and "%" to mean bold italic.
# Example:
# What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
# #:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
}) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI>\n Hooboy.</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
}) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI>\n Hooboy.</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
}) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////}
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //////////////////}
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///}
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or</VerbatimI> whatever]</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///}
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or</VerbatimI> whatever]\n#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ///</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
# with a tab:
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// }
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i like pie. <VerbatimI>[or</VerbatimI> whatever]</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
# Now testing the % too:
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %%%% //////////////////}
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> <VerbatimB>What do you want?</VerbatimB> i <VerbatimBI>like</VerbatimBI> pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
&ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf,
What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
#: ^^^^^ %%%% //////////////////}
) => qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> Hooboy!\n What do you <VerbatimB>want?</VerbatimB> i <VerbatimBI>like</VerbatimBI> pie. <VerbatimI>[or whatever]</VerbatimI></VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
print "# Now running some tests adapted from verbatims.t...\n#\n#\n";
print "# Without VerbatimFormatted...\n";
&ok( e "", "" );
&ok( e "\n", "", );
&ok( e "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz" );
&ok( e "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n" );
print "# With VerbatimFormatted...\n";
&ok( ev "", "" );
&ok( ev "\n", "", );
&ok( ev "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz" );
&ok( ev "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz", "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n" );
print "# Now testing via XMLOutStream without VerbatimFormatted...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n"),
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim></Document>}
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\nquux\n"),
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\nquux</Verbatim></Document>}
print "# Contiguous verbatims...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n\n quux</Verbatim></Document>}
print "# Testing =cut...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim></Document>}
print "#\n# Now retesting with VerbatimFormatted...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n"),
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n quux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\nquux\n"),
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\nquux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
print "# Contiguous verbatims...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n quux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz\n\n\n quux</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
print "# Testing =cut...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n quux\n"),
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
my $it =
qq{<Document><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</Verbatim><head1>Foo</head1><Verbatim\nxml:space="preserve"> quux\nquum</Verbatim></Document>}
print "# Various \\n-(in)significance sanity checks...\n";
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity zero...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity one...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity two...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity three...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity four...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&without_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
# : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
print "#\n# Now retesting with VerbatimFormatted...\n";
my $it =
qq{<Document><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> foo bar baz</VerbatimFormatted><head1>Foo</head1><VerbatimFormatted\nxml:space="preserve"> quux\nquum</VerbatimFormatted></Document>}
print "# Various \\n-(in)significance sanity checks...\n";
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity zero...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity one...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity two...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\n\nsome code here...\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity three...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# verbatim/cut/head/verbatim sanity four...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(\&with_vf, "\n=pod\n\n foo bar baz\n\n\n\n\n\n=cut\n\nsome code here...\n\n\n=head1 Foo\n\n quux\nquum\n"), $it);
print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
ok 1;
print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";