214 lines
4.7 KiB
214 lines
4.7 KiB
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
my $d;
#use Pod::Simple::Debug (\$d, 0);
ok 1;
use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::ATTR_PAD = ' ';
$Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream::SORT_ATTRS = 1; # for predictably testable output
print "# A simple sanity test...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
'<Document><Para><F><C>foo</C> <I>bar</I></F> <B>stuff <X>thing</X>baz</B></Para></Document>'
print "# With lots of nesting, and Z's...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
'<Document><Para><F><C>foo</C> <I>bar</I></F> <B>stuff <X>thing</X>baz</B></Para></Document>'
sub mergy {$_[0]->merge_text(1)}
sub nixy {$_[0]->nix_X_codes(1)}
sub nixy_mergy {$_[0]->merge_text(1); $_[0]->nix_X_codes(1);}
print "# With no F/X\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
join "\n",
' <Para>',
' <F>',
' <C>',
' foo',
' </C>',
' ',
' <I>',
' bar',
' </I>',
' </F>',
' ',
' <B>',
' stuff ',
' <X>',
' thing',
' </X>',
' baz',
' </B>',
' </Para>',
print "# with just X-nixing...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&nixy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
join "\n",
' <Para>',
' <F>',
' <C>',
' foo',
' </C>',
' ',
' <I>',
' bar',
' </I>',
' </F>',
' ',
' <B>',
' stuff baz',
' </B>',
' </Para>',
print "# With merging...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&mergy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
join "\n",
' <Para>',
' <F>',
' <C>',
' foo',
' </C>',
' ',
' <I>',
' bar',
' </I>',
' </F>',
' ',
' <B>',
' stuff ',
' <X>',
' thing',
' </X>',
' baz',
' </B>',
' </Para>',
print "# With nixing and merging...\n";
#$d = 10;
ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&nixy_mergy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
join "\n",
' <Para>',
' <F>',
' <C>',
' foo',
' </C>',
' ',
' <I>',
' bar',
' </I>',
' </F>',
' ',
' <B>',
' stuff baz',
' </B>',
' </Para>',
# Now the scary bits... with L's!
print "# A wee L<...> sanity test...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out(qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
'<Document><Para><L content-implicit="yes" raw="E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">"Ping-pong" in Net::Ping</L></Para></Document>'
print "# Now a wee L<...> with mergy...\n";
$d = 10;
ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out(\&mergy, qq{=pod\n\nL<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>\n}),
join "\n",
' <Para>',
' <L content-implicit="yes" raw="E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">',
' "Ping-pong" in Net::Ping',
' </L>',
' </Para>',
print "# Now a complex tree with L's, with nixy+mergy...\n";
ok( Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_out( \&nixy_mergy, "=pod\n\nZ<>F<C<Z<>fE<111>L<E<78>et::Ping/Ping-E<112>ong>o> I<bar>> B<stuff X<thingZ<>>baz>\n"),
join "\n",
' <Para>',
' <F>',
' <C>',
' fo',
' <L content-implicit="yes" section="Ping-pong" to="Net::Ping" type="pod">',
' "Ping-pong" in Net::Ping',
' </L>',
' o',
' </C>',
' ',
' <I>',
' bar',
' </I>',
' </F>',
' ',
' <B>',
' stuff baz',
' </B>',
' </Para>',
print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
ok 1;
print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";