90 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File
90 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File
# check that the Perl modules listed in STDIN can be used with only
# modules under the current directory (or the one given as the
# only argument)
# Copyright 2010 Niko Tyni <ntyni@debian.org>
# This program is free software;
# you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
# itself.
# only look under the specified directory, default to cwd
my $dir = shift || '.';
chdir $dir or die("chdir $dir: $!");
@INC=map { qq{.$_} } grep m|^/|, @INC;
# unbuffer output
$| = 1;
# supported input format variations:
# ./usr/share/perl/5.12/Tie/Hash.pm
# usr/share/perl/5.12/Tie/Hash.pm
# usr/*/perl/*/Tie/Hash.pm
# Tie::Hash
# usr/*/perl/*/File/Glob
# usr/share/perl/5.12/Config_heavy.pl
# Config_heavy.pl
# Config
# unicore/heavy.pl
# sys/ioctl.ph
sub canonicalize {
local $_ = shift;
/\*/ and do {
my @files = glob;
die("no files globbed by $_") if !@files;
return map { canonicalize($_) } @files;
-d and do {
return canonicalize("$_/*");
# usr/*/perl/*/auto/File/Glob/Glob.so and the like should be ignored
return () if m|/| && !/\.p[hlm]$/;
s|/|::|g if s/\.pm$//;
return ($_);
while (<>) {
next if !/\S/ || /^\s*#/;
check($_) for canonicalize($_);
my %seen;
sub check {
local $_ = shift;
return if $seen{$_}++;
# "use IO" and "use re" are deprecated and/or useless
return if $_ eq 'IO' || $_ eq 're';
# "use feature" dies without an argument
return if $_ eq 'feature';
# this file does not return a true value, and is not to be used
# directly
return if $_ eq 'unicore/To/Isc.pl';
if (m|([^/]+)_heavy\.pl|) {
# bytes_heavy.pl needs bytes.pm loaded first
print "$_: ";
if (/\.p[hl]$/) { # require "unicore/To/Upper.pl";
require $_;
} else { # require Fcntl; Fcntl->import;
eval qq{require $_; $_->import;};
die $@ if $@;
print "ok\n";