Import Upstream version 2.3.24

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openKylinBot 2022-05-14 02:44:00 +08:00
commit 3b77d65d94
50 changed files with 35569 additions and 0 deletions

0dns-down Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id: 0dns-down,v 1.2 2004/07/31 20:49:04 john Exp $
# 0dns-down by John Hasler 1999-2004
# Any possessor of a copy of this program may treat it as if it
# were in the public domain. I waive all rights.
# Rev. Apr 12 2004 to use resolvconf if installed.
# 0dns-down takes down what 0dns-up sets up.
# If pppconfig has been removed we are not supposed to do anything.
test -f /usr/sbin/pppconfig || exit 0
# Strip options.
PROVIDER=`echo "$PPP_IPPARAM" | cut -d' ' -f1`
if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
[ "$1" = "0dns-clean" ] && exit 0
test -n "$PPP_IFACE" || exit 1
/sbin/resolvconf -d "${PPP_IFACE}.pppconfig"
umask 022
cd "$RUNDIR" || exit 1
# Are we being called by dns-clean? If so fix up /etc/resolv.conf
# and clean out /var/run/pppconfig.
if [ "$1" = "0dns-clean" ]
# Get the name of the provider active when we went down. Assume there was only one.
PROVIDER=`ls -t resolv.conf.bak.* 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS = "." } /resolv\.conf\.bak/ {print $NF} {exit}'`
# If we don't have a provider we have nothing to do.
if [ -n "$PROVIDER " ]
[ -s "$RESOLVBAK" ] && /bin/cp -Lp "$RESOLVBAK" "$RESOLVCONF"
exit 0
# If we don't have a provider we have nothing to do.
[ -z "$PROVIDER" ] && exit 0
# Is PROVIDER something we can use?
test -f "$PPPRESOLV/$PROVIDER" || exit 0
# It is not an error for RESOLVBAK not to exist.
if [ ! -f "$RESOLVBAK" ]
exit 0
# Make sure that the resolv.conf that 0dns-up installed has not been
# altered. If has give up.
if [ `stat -c %Y "$TEMPRESOLV"` -ne `stat -c %Y "$RESOLVCONF"` ]
exit 0
# Restore resolv.conf. Follow symlinks.
/bin/cp -Lp "$RESOLVBAK" "$RESOLVCONF" || exit 1
# Tell nscd about what we've done.
# Restart nscd because resolv.conf has changed
[ -x /etc/init.d/nscd ] && { invoke-rc.d nscd restart || true ; }

0dns-up Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# $Id: 0dns-up,v 2004/05/07 03:12:59 john Exp $
# 0dns-up by John Hasler 1999-2006.
# Any possessor of a copy of this program may treat it as if it
# were in the public domain. I waive all rights.
# Rev. Dec 22 1999 to put dynamic nameservers last.
# Rev. Aug 20 2001 to use patch from Sergio Gelato <>.
# Rev. Dec 12 2002 to delete USEPEERDNS variable and add MS_DNS1 and MS_DNS2.
# Rev. Jan 5 2003 added explanatory text.
# Rev. May 15 2003 to move operations to /var/run/pppconfig.
# Rev. Apr 12 2004 to use resolvconf if installed.
# 0dns-up sets up /etc/resolv.conf for the provider being connected to. In
# conjunction with pppd's usepeerdns option it also handles dynamic dns.
# It expects to be passed the provider name in PPP_IPPARAM.
# Pppconfig creates a file in /etc/ppp/resolv for each provider for which the
# administrator chooses 'Static' or 'Dynamic' in the 'Configure Nameservers'
# screen. The files for providers for which 'Static' was chosen contain the
# nameservers given by the administrator. Those for which 'Dynamic' was chosen
# are empty. 0dns-up fills in the nameservers when pppd gets them from the
# provider when the connection comes up. You can edit these files, adding
# 'search' or 'domain' directives or additional nameservers. Read the
# resolv.conf manual first, though.
# If pppconfig has been removed we are not supposed to do anything.
test -f /usr/sbin/pppconfig || exit 0
# If we don't have a provider we have nothing to do.
test -z "$PPP_IPPARAM" && exit 0
# Strip options.
PROVIDER=`echo "$PPP_IPPARAM" | cut -d' ' -f1`
# Is PROVIDER something we can use?
test -f "$PPPRESOLV/$PROVIDER" || exit 0
if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
test -n "$PPP_IFACE" || exit 1
/sbin/resolvconf -a "${PPP_IFACE}.pppconfig" < "$PPPRESOLV/$PROVIDER"
umask 022
cd "$RUNDIR" || exit 1
# Is resolv.conf a non-symlink on a ro root? If so give up.
[ -e /proc/mounts ] || { echo "$0: Error: Could not read /proc/mounts" ; exit 1 ; }
[ -L "$RESOLVCONF" ] || grep " / " /proc/mounts | grep -q " rw " || exit 0
# Put the resolv.conf for this provider in a temp file. If we are using
# dynamic dns it will be empty or contain any resolver options the user
# added. Otherwise it will be a complete resolv.conf for this provider.
TEMPRESOLV=`mktemp $TEMPLATE` || exit 1
mv "$TEMPRESOLV" "$RUNDIR/0dns.$PROVIDER" || exit 1
# DNS1 and DNS2 are variables exported by pppd when using 'usepeerdns'.
# Do we have them? If so, we are using "dynamic dns". Append a couple of
# nameserver lines to the temp file.
if [ "$DNS1" ] ; then
echo '' >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
echo "nameserver $DNS1" >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
if [ "$DNS2" ] ; then
echo '' >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
echo "nameserver $DNS2" >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
# ipppd uses MS_DNS1 and MS_DNS2 instead of DNS1 and DNS2.
elif [ "$MS_DNS1" ] ; then
echo '' >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
echo "nameserver $MS_DNS1" >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
if [ "$MS_DNS2" ] ; then
echo '' >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
echo "nameserver $MS_DNS2" >> "$TEMPRESOLV"
# We should have something in TEMPRESOLV by now. If not we'd
# better quit.
if [ ! -s "$TEMPRESOLV" ]
exit 1
# We better not do anything if a RESOLVBAK already exists.
if ls | grep -q "resolv.conf.bak"
exit 1
# Back up resolv.conf. Follow symlinks. Keep TEMPRESOLV
# around for 0dns-down to look at.
/bin/cp -Lp "$RESOLVCONF" "$RESOLVBAK" || exit 1
/bin/cp -Lp "$TEMPRESOLV" "$RESOLVCONF" || exit 1
chmod 644 "$RESOLVCONF" || exit 1
# Restart nscd because resolv.conf has changed
[ -x /etc/init.d/nscd ] && { invoke-rc.d nscd restart || true ; }

COPYING Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

dns-clean Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id: dns-clean,v 2004/05/07 03:12:59 john Exp $
# dns-clean by John Hasler 1999-2003
# Any possessor of a copy of this program may treat it as if it
# were in the public domain. I waive all rights.
# This script should be run at bootup to clean up any mess left by 0dns-up.
# It should be run before ppp is started.
# It should never be run while ppp is up.
# Provides: dns-clean
# X-Start-Before: networking ifupdown resolvconf
# Required-Start: $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs
# Default-Start: S
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: Cleans up any mess left by 0dns-up
# Description: 0dns-up often leaves behind some cruft. This Script is meant
# to clean up any such mess.
test -f /usr/sbin/pppconfig || exit 0
mkdir /var/run/pppconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
test -f /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down || exit 0
case "$1" in
/bin/echo -n "Running 0dns-down to make sure resolv.conf is ok..."
/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down "0dns-clean" && /bin/echo "done."
exit 0

dns-clean.service Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Description=Clean up any mess left by 0dns-up
Before=network-manager.service systemd-networkd.service networking.service resolvconf.service
ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/pppconfig
ExecStart=/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down "0dns-clean"

man/po/de.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
# Translation of pppconfig man page template to German
# Copyright (C) Helge Kreutzmann <>, 2011.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig man page\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-01 16:39+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-01 16:45+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Helge Kreutzmann <>\n"
"Language-Team: de <>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: utf-8\n"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgstr "PPPCONFIG"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Version 2.3.16"
msgstr "Version 2.3.16"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NAME"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
msgid "pppconfig - configure pppd to connect to the Internet"
msgstr "pppconfig - konfiguriert Pppd für Verbindungen in das Internet"
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "ÜBERSICHT"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:8
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]"
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [Provider-Name]]"
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:9
#, no-wrap
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:22
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> is a B<dialog> based interactive, menu driven utility to help "
"automate setting up a dial out ppp connection. It provides extensive "
"explanations at each step. pppconfig supports PAP, CHAP, and chat methods "
"of authentication. It uses the standard ppp configuration files and sets "
"ppp up so that the standard pon and poff commands can be used to control "
"ppp. Some features supported by pppconfig are:"
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> ist ein auf B<Dialog> basierendes, interaktives, menügesteuert "
"Hilfswerkzeug, um beim automatischen Einrichten einer PPP-Einwählverbindung "
"zu helfen. Es stellt bei jedem Schritt umfangreiche Erläuterungen bereit. "
"Pppconfig unterstützt PAP, CHAP und Chat-Methoden zur Authentifizierung. Es "
"verwendet normale PPP-Konfigurationsdateien und richtet PPP so ein, dass die "
"normalen Befehle »pon« und »poff« zum Steuern von Ppp verwandt werden "
"können. Einige der von Pppconfig unterstützten Funktionen sind:"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:24
msgid "- Multiple ISP's with separate nameservers."
msgstr ""
"- Mehrere ISPs (Internet-Einwahldienstleister) mit verschiedenen Nameservern"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:26
msgid "- Modem detection."
msgstr "- Modem-Erkennung"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:28
msgid "- Dynamic DNS."
msgstr "- Dynamisches DNS"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:30
msgid "- Dial on demand."
msgstr "- Einwahl auf Verlangen"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:32
msgid "- Allow non-root users to run ppp."
msgstr "- Erlaubt normalen Benutzern, Ppp auszuführen"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:34
msgid "- Uses the gdialog GUI dialog replacement if possible."
msgstr ""
"- Verwendet die graphische Benutzerschnittstelle Gdialog als Ersatz für "
"Dialog wo möglich"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:44
msgid ""
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the "
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will also "
"need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and "
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your "
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the procedure "
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other "
msgstr ""
"Bevor Sie Pppconfig ausführen, sollten Sie die Art der Authentifizierung "
"Ihres ISPs, den zu verwendenden Benutzernamen und das Passwort und die "
"Telefonnummer kennen. Falls Chat-Authentifizierung verwandt werden muss, "
"müssen Sie auch die Anmelde- und Passworteingabeaufforderungen sowie alle "
"für die Anmeldung relevanten weiteren Eingabeaufforderungen und "
"Rückmeldungen kennen. Falls Sie diese Informationen nicht von Ihrem ISP "
"bekommen können, können Sie eine Einwahl mit Minicom versuchen und sich "
"durch die Anmeldeprozedur arbeiten, bis Sie Müll erhalten, woran Sie den "
"Start von PPP auf der anderen Seite erkennen."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:52
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> allows you to configure connections to multiple providers. For "
"example, you might call your isp 'provider', your employer 'theoffice' and "
"your university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', "
"your office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'."
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> erlaubt Ihnen Verbindungen zu mehreren Anbietern zu "
"konfigurieren. Beispielsweise könnten Sie Ihren ISP »provider«, Ihren "
"Arbeitgeber »Büro« und Ihre Universität »Schule« nennen. Dann können Sie "
"sich mit Ihrem ISP mit »pon«, mit Ihrem Büro mit »pon Büro« und mit Ihrer "
"Universität mit »pon Schule« verbinden."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:55
msgid ""
"It can determine which serial port your modem is on, but the serial port "
"must already be configured. This is normally done when installing Linux."
msgstr ""
"Es kann ermitteln, an welcher seriellen Schnittstelle sich Ihr Modem "
"befindet. Dazu muss vorher die serielle Schnittstelle konfiguriert worden "
"sein, was normalerweise bei der Installation von Linux erfolgt."
# FIXME \(em verwenden?
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:58
msgid ""
"It can help you set your nameservers, or, if your ISP uses 'dynamic DNS', it "
"can set up ppp to use that."
msgstr ""
"Es kann bei der Einrichtung der Nameserver helfen oder -- falls Ihr ISP "
"»dynamic DNS« (dynamisches DNS) verwendet -- kann es PPP so einrichten, dass "
"es dies verwendet."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:63
msgid ""
"It can configure ppp for demand dialing, so that your ppp connection will "
"come up automatically. It will not, however, start pppd for you. You must "
"still start pppd yourself ('pon' will do it). Pppd will then wait in the "
"background for you to attempt to access the Net and bring up the link."
msgstr ""
"Es kann Ppp für die Einwahl auf Verlangen konfigurieren, so dass Ihre PPP-"
"Verbindungen automatisch aufgebaut wird. Allerdings wird es nicht Pppd für "
"Sie starten. Sie müssen weiterhin Pppd selbst starten (»pon« erledigt dies). "
"Pppd wird dann im Hintergrund darauf warten, dass Sie auf das Netz "
"zugreifen, und dann die Verbindung aufbauen."
# FIXME Lokalisierung?
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:75
msgid ""
"If you select \"Static\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create a file in the /etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider "
"you are configuring and containing \"nameserver\" lines for each of the IP "
"numbers you gave. This file will be substituted for /etc/resolv.conf when "
"the connection comes up. The provider name is passed in the ipparam "
"variable so that 0dns-up knows which file to use. The original resolv.conf "
"will be put back when the connection goes down. You can edit this file if "
"you wish and add such things as \"search\" or \"domain\" directives or "
"additional nameservers. Be sure and read the resolv.conf man page first, "
"though. The \"search\" and \"domain\" directives probably do not do what "
"you think they do."
msgstr ""
"Falls Sie im Bildschirm »Namensserver konfigurieren« den Wert »Static« "
"auswählen, wird Pppconfig eine Datei im Verzeichnis /etc/ppp/resolv mit dem "
"Namen des Anbieters, den Sie gerade konfigurieren, erstellen. In dieser "
"Datei werden die »nameserver«-Zeilen für jede angegebene IP-Nummer "
"eingetragen. Diese Datei ersetzt /etc/resolv.conf, wenn die Verbindung "
"aufgebaut wurde. Der Name des Anbieters wird in der Variablen »ipparam« "
"übergeben, so dass 0dns-up weiß, welche Datei zu verwenden ist. Die "
"ursprüngliche resolv.conf wird zurück transferiert, wenn die Verbindung "
"wieder abgebaut wurde. Sie können diese Datei bearbeiten, wenn Sie möchten, "
"und Direktiven wie »search« oder »domain« oder zusätzliche Nameserver "
"hinzufügen. Lesen Sie auf jeden Fall zuerst die Handbuchseite von resolv."
"conf durch. Die Direktiven »search« und »domain« erledigen wahrscheinlich "
"nicht das, was Sie von Ihnen erwarten."
# FIXME Lokalisierung?
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:83
msgid ""
"If you select \"dynamic\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will configure pppd for 'dynamic DNS' and create a file in the /etc/ppp/"
"resolv directory named after the provider you are configuring but containing "
"nothing. When the connection comes up the nameservers supplied by your ISP "
"will be added and the file substituted for /etc/resolv.conf. You can edit "
"this file if you wish and add such things as \"search\" or \"domain\" "
"directives or additional nameservers."
msgstr ""
"Falls Sie im Bildschirm »Namensserver konfigurieren« den Wert »dynamic« "
"auswählen, wird Pppd für »dynamic DNS« konfiguriert und Pppconfig eine Datei "
"im Verzeichnis /etc/ppp/resolv mit dem Namen des Anbieters, den Sie gerade "
"konfigurieren, erstellen. Diese Datei wird nichts enthalten. Wenn die "
"Verbindung aufgebaut wird, werden die von Ihrem ISP übergebenen Nameserver "
"hinzugefügt und diese Datei an Stelle von /etc/resolv.conf verwandt. Sie "
"können diese Datei bearbeiten, wenn Sie möchten, und Direktiven wie »search« "
"oder »domain« oder zusätzliche Nameserver hinzufügen."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:88
msgid ""
"If you select \"None\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create no file in /etc/ppp/resolv and will leave /etc/resolv.conf "
"alone. ipparam is not set to the provider name and so is free for the "
"administrator to use."
msgstr ""
"Falls Sie im Bildschirm »Namensserver konfigurieren« den Wert »None« "
"auswählen, wird Pppconfig keine Datei in /etc/ppp/resolv erstellen und /etc/"
"resolv.conf in Ruhe lassen. »ipparam« wird nicht auf den Namen des Anbieters "
"gesetzt und kann daher vom Administrator frei verwandt werden."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:89
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "DATEIEN"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:92
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> is the standard pppd options file for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> ist die Standard-Optionsdatei für Pppd für den "
"voreingestellten Diensteanbieter."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:95
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the pppd options file for the provider "
"that you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>NameE<gt>> ist die Optionsdatei von Pppd für den "
"Anbieter mit dem Namen E<lt>NameE<gt>."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:98
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> is a backup copy of /etc/ppp/peers/provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> ist eine Sicherungskopie von /etc/ppp/peers/"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:101
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> is the standard chat script for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> ist das Standard-Chat-Skript für den "
"voreingestellten Diensteanbieter."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:104
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the chat script for the provider that "
"you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>NameE<gt>> ist das Chat-Skript für den Anbieter mit "
"dem Namen E<lt>NameE<gt>."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:107
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> is a backup copy of /etc/chatscripts/"
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> ist eine Sicherungskopie von /etc/"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:110
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> is a directory where resolv.conf files for each provider "
"are stored."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> ist ein Verzeichnis, in dem die resolv.conf-Dateien für "
"jeden Anbieter gespeichert werden."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:114
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> is a script that arranges for the correct resolv."
"conf file to be copied into place when a connection comes up."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> ist ein Skript, dass dafür sorgt, dass die "
"korrekte resolv.conf-Datei an den richtigen Platz kopiert wird, wenn die "
"Verbindung aufgebaut wird."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:118
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> is a script that arranges for the original "
"resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection goes down."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> ist ein Skript, dass dafür sorgt, dass die "
"ursprüngliche resolv.conf-Datei an den richtigen Platz kopiert wird, wenn "
"die Verbindung abgebaut wird."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:122
msgid ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> is a script that runs 0dns-down at bootup to clean "
"up any mess left by a crash."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> ist ein Skript, das 0dns-down beim Systemstart "
"ausführt, um alle Überbleibsel nach einem Systemabsturz zu entfernen."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:125
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> is a directory where temporary files created by 0dns-"
"up are stored."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> ist ein Verzeichnis, in dem alle von 0dns-up "
"erstellten temporären Dateien gespeichert werden."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:129
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of "
"the original resolv.conf file. 0dns-down restores /etc/resolv.conf from it."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>AnbieterE<gt>> ist eine "
"Sicherungskopie der ursprünglichen Datei resolv.conf. 0dns-down stellt "
"daraus /etc/resolv.conf wieder her."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:134
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of the resolv."
"conf file for E<lt>providerE<gt>. 0dns-down uses it to determine if /etc/"
"resolv.conf has been overwritten by another process."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>AnbieterE<gt>> ist eine Sicherungskopie von "
"resolv.conf für E<lt>AnbieterE<gt>. 0dns-down verwendet es, um zu ermitteln, "
"ob /etc/resolv.conf von einem anderen Prozess überschrieben wurde."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> and B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> are described in the "
"pppd documentation. pppconfig may add lines to these files and will change "
"lines that it previously added."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> und B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> werden in der "
"Dokumentation von Pppd beschrieben. Pppconfig kann zu diesen Dateien Zeilen "
"hinzufügen und es wird Zeilen ändern, die es vorher hinzugefügt hat."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
#, no-wrap
msgid "NOTES"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
msgid "B<pppconfig> requires pppd 2.3.7 or higher."
msgstr "B<pppconfig> benötigt Pppd 2.3.7 oder neuer."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "TO DO"
msgstr "OFFEN"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
msgid "Add full support for MSCHAP."
msgstr "Komplette Unterstützung für MSCHAP hinzufügen"
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr "FEHLER"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
msgid "Don't tell pppconfig to find your modem while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
"Versuchen Sie nicht, mit Pppconfig Ihr Modem zu finden, während Pppd läuft."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
msgid ""
"B<chat(8), gpppon(1), plog(1), poff(1), pon(1), pppd(8),> and B<whiptail(1).>"
msgstr ""
"B<chat(8)>, B<gpppon(1)>, B<plog(1)>, B<poff(1)>, B<pon(1)>, B<pppd(8)> und "
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTOR"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
msgid "B<pppconfig> was written by John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> wurde von John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt> geschrieben."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
#, no-wrap
msgstr "COPYRIGHT"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:158
msgid ""
"B<This man page may be treated as if it were> B<in the public domain. I "
"waive all rights.>"
msgstr ""
"Diese Handbuchseite kann so behandelt werden, als ob sie Teil des »Public "
"Domain« wäre. Ich verzichte auf alle Rechte."

man/po/fr.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
# French translation of pppconfig(8)
# <>, 2004.
# Gregory Colpart <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-01 16:39+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-01 16:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Gregory Colpart <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
# type: TH
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgstr "PPPCONFIG"
# type: TH
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Version 2.3.16"
msgstr "Version 2.3.16"
# type: TH
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOM"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
msgid "pppconfig - configure pppd to connect to the Internet"
msgstr "pppconfig - Configurer le démon pppd afin de se connecter à Internet"
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SYNOPSIS"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:8
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]"
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> [\\-\\-version] | [\\-\\-help] | [[\\-\\-dialog] | [\\-\\-"
"whiptail] | [\\-\\-gdialog] [\\-\\-noname] | [fichier_fournisseur]]"
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:9
#, no-wrap
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:22
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> is a B<dialog> based interactive, menu driven utility to help "
"automate setting up a dial out ppp connection. It provides extensive "
"explanations at each step. pppconfig supports PAP, CHAP, and chat methods "
"of authentication. It uses the standard ppp configuration files and sets "
"ppp up so that the standard pon and poff commands can be used to control "
"ppp. Some features supported by pppconfig are:"
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> est un utilitaire basé sur une interface « B<dialog> », piloté "
"par menu, afin d'automatiser la configuration d'une connexion PPP. Il "
"fournit des explications étendues à chaque étape. pppconfig gère les "
"méthodes d'identification « PAP », « CHAP » et « chat ». Il utilise les "
"fichiers de configuration standard de ppp et active ppp, les commandes "
"standard « pon » et « poff » peuvent dès lors être utilisées pour contrôler "
"ppp. Les autres fonctionnalités gérées par pppconfig sont :"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:24
msgid "- Multiple ISP's with separate nameservers."
msgstr ""
"- Différents fournisseurs d'accès Internet avec serveurs de domaines (DNS) "
"distincts ;"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:26
msgid "- Modem detection."
msgstr "- Détection du modem ;"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:28
msgid "- Dynamic DNS."
msgstr "- DNS dynamique ;"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:30
msgid "- Dial on demand."
msgstr "- Connexion à la demande ;"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:32
msgid "- Allow non-root users to run ppp."
msgstr "- Permettre l'emploi de ppp aux utilisateurs non privilégiés ;"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:34
msgid "- Uses the gdialog GUI dialog replacement if possible."
msgstr ""
"- Utilisation de l'interface graphique « gdialog » en remplacement de "
 dialog » si possible."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:44
msgid ""
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the "
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will also "
"need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and "
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your "
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the procedure "
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other "
msgstr ""
"Avant de lancer pppconfig, vous devez savoir quelle méthode d'identification "
"votre fournisseur requiert, le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe à "
"utiliser qu'il vous a fourni, et le numéro de téléphone. S'il faut utiliser "
"la méthode « chat », vous aurez aussi besoin de connaître les invites de "
 login » et « password » ainsi que toutes autres invites et réponses "
"requises pour se connecter. Si vous ne pouvez pas obtenir ces informations "
"auprès du fournisseur, vous pouvez essayer de vous connecter avec "
"l'utilitaire minicom et tenter de passer à travers la procédure jusqu'à ce "
"que vous obteniez les parasites indiquant que le démon ppp a démarré à "
"l'autre bout."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:52
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> allows you to configure connections to multiple providers. For "
"example, you might call your isp 'provider', your employer 'theoffice' and "
"your university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', "
"your office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'."
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> vous permet de configurer des connexions avec plusieurs "
"fournisseurs. Par exemple, vous pouvez appeler votre fournisseur d'accès "
 fai », votre bureau « lebureau » et votre université « univ ». Il suffit "
"alors de lancer la commande « pon fai » pour vous connecter avec votre "
"fournisseur d'accès, « pon lebureau » pour votre bureau, et « pon univ » "
"pour votre université."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:55
msgid ""
"It can determine which serial port your modem is on, but the serial port "
"must already be configured. This is normally done when installing Linux."
msgstr ""
"Il peut déterminer sur quel port série votre modem est connecté, mais la "
"gestion doit être déjà configurée. C'est normalement fait lors de "
"l'installation d'une distribution Linux."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:58
msgid ""
"It can help you set your nameservers, or, if your ISP uses 'dynamic DNS', it "
"can set up ppp to use that."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez configurer vos serveurs de noms, ou, si votre fournisseur "
"utilise un DNS dynamique, vous pouvez dire à ppp de l'utiliser."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:63
msgid ""
"It can configure ppp for demand dialing, so that your ppp connection will "
"come up automatically. It will not, however, start pppd for you. You must "
"still start pppd yourself ('pon' will do it). Pppd will then wait in the "
"background for you to attempt to access the Net and bring up the link."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez configurer ppp pour la connexion à la demande, pour que votre "
"connexion ppp soit établie automatiquement. Cependant, il ne lancera pas le "
"démon pppd pour vous. Vous devrez toujours démarrer pppd vous-même (« pon » "
"le fera). Une fois démarré, il attendra en tâche de fond un accès au Net et "
"créera la connexion."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:75
msgid ""
"If you select \"Static\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create a file in the /etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider "
"you are configuring and containing \"nameserver\" lines for each of the IP "
"numbers you gave. This file will be substituted for /etc/resolv.conf when "
"the connection comes up. The provider name is passed in the ipparam "
"variable so that 0dns-up knows which file to use. The original resolv.conf "
"will be put back when the connection goes down. You can edit this file if "
"you wish and add such things as \"search\" or \"domain\" directives or "
"additional nameservers. Be sure and read the resolv.conf man page first, "
"though. The \"search\" and \"domain\" directives probably do not do what "
"you think they do."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez sélectionné « Static » dans l'étape « Configuration des "
"serveurs de noms », pppconfig va créer un fichier dans le répertoire /etc/"
"ppp/resolv/ nommé avec le fournisseur que vous avez configuré et contenant "
"une ligne commencant par « nameserver » pour chaque adresse IP que vous avez "
"fournies. Ce fichier remplacera /etc/resolv.conf quand la connexion sera "
"prête. Le nom du fournisseur sera passé dans la variable « ipparam » pour "
"que le script 0dns-up sache quel fichier employer. Le fichier /etc/resolv."
"conf original sera remis en place une fois la connexion terminée. Vous "
"pouvez éditer ce fichier si vous voulez et ajouter des paramètres tels que "
 search » ou « domain » ou encore des serveurs de noms supplémentaires. "
"Soyez certain d'avoir lu le manuel de resolv.conf. Les paramètres « search » "
"et « domain » ne permettent probablement pas de faire ce que vous pensez."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:83
msgid ""
"If you select \"dynamic\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will configure pppd for 'dynamic DNS' and create a file in the /etc/ppp/"
"resolv directory named after the provider you are configuring but containing "
"nothing. When the connection comes up the nameservers supplied by your ISP "
"will be added and the file substituted for /etc/resolv.conf. You can edit "
"this file if you wish and add such things as \"search\" or \"domain\" "
"directives or additional nameservers."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez sélectionné « dynamic » dans l'étape « Configuration des "
"serveurs de noms », pppconfig va créer un fichier dans le répertoire /etc/"
"ppp/resolv/ nommé avec le fournisseur que vous avez configuré mais ne "
"contenant rien. Lorsque la connexion sera prête, les serveurs de noms "
"fournis par votre fournisseur seront ajoutés et ce fichier remplacera /etc/"
"resolv.conf. Vous pouvez éditer ce fichier si vous voulez, et ajouter des "
"paramètres tels que « search » ou « domain » ou encore des serveurs de noms "
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:88
msgid ""
"If you select \"None\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create no file in /etc/ppp/resolv and will leave /etc/resolv.conf "
"alone. ipparam is not set to the provider name and so is free for the "
"administrator to use."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez sélectionné « None » dans l'étape « Configuration des serveurs "
"de noms », pppconfig ne créera aucun fichier dans le répertoire /etc/ppp/"
"resolv/ et laissera le fichier /etc/resolv.conf libre. La variable "
 ipparam » ne sera pas configurée et sera libre d'utilisation par "
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:89
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "FICHIERS"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:92
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> is the standard pppd options file for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> est le fichier d'options standard pour pppd du "
"service « provider » par défaut."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:95
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the pppd options file for the provider "
"that you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>nomE<gt>> est le fichier d'options de pppd pour le "
"fournisseur nommé E<lt>nomE<gt>."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:98
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> is a backup copy of /etc/ppp/peers/provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> est la copie de sauvegarde du fichier /etc/"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:101
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> is the standard chat script for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> est le script « chat » standard pour le "
"fournisseur par défaut."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:104
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the chat script for the provider that "
"you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>nomE<gt>> est le script « chat » pour le fournisseur "
"nommé E<lt>nomE<gt>."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:107
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> is a backup copy of /etc/chatscripts/"
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> est la copie de sauvegarde du fichier /etc/"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:110
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> is a directory where resolv.conf files for each provider "
"are stored."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> est un répertoire où sont stockés les fichiers resolv."
"conf de chaque fournisseur."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:114
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> is a script that arranges for the correct resolv."
"conf file to be copied into place when a connection comes up."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> est un script qui copie le fichier resolv.conf "
"correct au bon endroit quand la connexion démarre."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:118
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> is a script that arranges for the original "
"resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection goes down."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> est un script qui replace le fichier resolv."
"conf original au bon endroit quand la connexion s'arrête."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:122
msgid ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> is a script that runs 0dns-down at bootup to clean "
"up any mess left by a crash."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> est un script qui démarre le script 0dns-down au "
"démarrage pour nettoyer tout résidu laissé par un arrêt inopiné."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:125
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> is a directory where temporary files created by 0dns-"
"up are stored."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> est un répertoire où sont stockés les fichiers "
"temporaires créés par le script 0dns-up."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:129
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of "
"the original resolv.conf file. 0dns-down restores /etc/resolv.conf from it."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>providerE<gt>> est une copie de "
"sauvegarde du fichier resolv.conf original. 0dns-down restaure le fichier /"
"etc/resolv.conf depuis ce fichier."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:134
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of the resolv."
"conf file for E<lt>providerE<gt>. 0dns-down uses it to determine if /etc/"
"resolv.conf has been overwritten by another process."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>providerE<gt>> est une copie de sauvegarde du "
"fichier resolv.conf pour le fournisseur E<lt>providerE<gt>. 0dns-down "
"l'utilise pour déterminer si le fichier /etc/resolv.conf a été écrasé par un "
"autre processus."
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> and B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> are described in the "
"pppd documentation. pppconfig may add lines to these files and will change "
"lines that it previously added."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> et B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> sont décrits dans la "
"documentation de pppd. pppconfig peut ajouter des lignes dans ces fichiers "
"et modifier des lignes déjà présentes."
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
#, no-wrap
msgid "NOTES"
msgstr "NOTES"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
msgid "B<pppconfig> requires pppd 2.3.7 or higher."
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> nécessite une version de pppd supérieure ou égale à 2.3.7."
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "TO DO"
msgstr "À FAIRE"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
msgid "Add full support for MSCHAP."
msgstr "Ajouter la gestion complète de « MSCHAP »."
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr "BOGUES"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
msgid "Don't tell pppconfig to find your modem while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
"Ne lancez pas pppconfig pour localiser un modem pendant que le démon pppd "
"est lancé."
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
msgid ""
"B<chat(8), gpppon(1), plog(1), poff(1), pon(1), pppd(8),> and B<whiptail(1).>"
msgstr ""
"B<chat(8)>, B<gpppon(1)>, B<plog(1)>, B<poff(1)>, B<pon(1)>, B<pppd(8)>, et "
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTEUR"
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
msgid "B<pppconfig> was written by John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt>."
msgstr "B<pppconfig> a été écrit par John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt>."
# type: SH
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
#, no-wrap
# type: Plain text
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:158
msgid ""
"B<This man page may be treated as if it were> B<in the public domain. I "
"waive all rights.>"
msgstr ""
"Cette page de manuel peut être traitée comme si elle était dans le domaine "
"public. Je cède tous les droits."

man/po/pppconfig.pot Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-07 20:27+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Version 2.3.16"
msgstr ""
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
msgid "pppconfig - configure pppd to connect to the Internet"
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:8
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]"
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:9
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:22
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> is a B<dialog> based interactive, menu driven utility to help "
"automate setting up a dial out ppp connection. It provides extensive "
"explanations at each step. pppconfig supports PAP, CHAP, and chat methods "
"of authentication. It uses the standard ppp configuration files and sets "
"ppp up so that the standard pon and poff commands can be used to control "
"ppp. Some features supported by pppconfig are:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:24
msgid "- Multiple ISP's with separate nameservers."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:26
msgid "- Modem detection."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:28
msgid "- Dynamic DNS."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:30
msgid "- Dial on demand."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:32
msgid "- Allow non-root users to run ppp."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:34
msgid "- Uses the gdialog GUI dialog replacement if possible."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:44
msgid ""
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the "
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will also "
"need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and "
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your "
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the procedure "
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other "
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:52
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> allows you to configure connections to multiple providers. For "
"example, you might call your isp 'provider', your employer 'theoffice' and "
"your university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', "
"your office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:55
msgid ""
"It can determine which serial port your modem is on, but the serial port "
"must already be configured. This is normally done when installing Linux."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:58
msgid ""
"It can help you set your nameservers, or, if your ISP uses 'dynamic DNS', it "
"can set up ppp to use that."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:63
msgid ""
"It can configure ppp for demand dialing, so that your ppp connection will "
"come up automatically. It will not, however, start pppd for you. You must "
"still start pppd yourself ('pon' will do it). Pppd will then wait in the "
"background for you to attempt to access the Net and bring up the link."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:75
msgid ""
"If you select \"Static\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create a file in the /etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider "
"you are configuring and containing \"nameserver\" lines for each of the IP "
"numbers you gave. This file will be substituted for /etc/resolv.conf when "
"the connection comes up. The provider name is passed in the ipparam "
"variable so that 0dns-up knows which file to use. The original resolv.conf "
"will be put back when the connection goes down. You can edit this file if "
"you wish and add such things as \"search\" or \"domain\" directives or "
"additional nameservers. Be sure and read the resolv.conf man page first, "
"though. The \"search\" and \"domain\" directives probably do not do what "
"you think they do."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:83
msgid ""
"If you select \"dynamic\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will configure pppd for 'dynamic DNS' and create a file in the "
"/etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider you are configuring but "
"containing nothing. When the connection comes up the nameservers supplied "
"by your ISP will be added and the file substituted for /etc/resolv.conf. "
"You can edit this file if you wish and add such things as \"search\" or "
"\"domain\" directives or additional nameservers."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:88
msgid ""
"If you select \"None\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create no file in /etc/ppp/resolv and will leave /etc/resolv.conf "
"alone. ipparam is not set to the provider name and so is free for the "
"administrator to use."
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:89
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:92
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> is the standard pppd options file for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:95
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the pppd options file for the provider "
"that you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:98
msgid "B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> is a backup copy of /etc/ppp/peers/provider."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:101
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> is the standard chat script for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:104
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the chat script for the provider that "
"you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:107
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> is a backup copy of "
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:110
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> is a directory where resolv.conf files for each provider "
"are stored."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:114
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> is a script that arranges for the correct "
"resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection comes up."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:118
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> is a script that arranges for the original "
"resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection goes down."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:122
msgid ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> is a script that runs 0dns-down at bootup to clean "
"up any mess left by a crash."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:125
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> is a directory where temporary files created by "
"0dns-up are stored."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:129
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of "
"the original resolv.conf file. 0dns-down restores /etc/resolv.conf from it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:134
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of the "
"resolv.conf file for E<lt>providerE<gt>. 0dns-down uses it to determine if "
"/etc/resolv.conf has been overwritten by another process."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> and B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> are described in the "
"pppd documentation. pppconfig may add lines to these files and will change "
"lines that it previously added."
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
#, no-wrap
msgid "NOTES"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
msgid "B<pppconfig> requires pppd 2.3.7 or higher."
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "TO DO"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
msgid "Add full support for MSCHAP."
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
msgid "Don't tell pppconfig to find your modem while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
msgid ""
"B<chat(8), gpppon(1), plog(1), poff(1), pon(1), pppd(8),> and "
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
msgid "B<pppconfig> was written by John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt>."
msgstr ""
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:158
msgid ""
"B<This man page may be treated as if it were> B<in the public domain. I "
"waive all rights.>"
msgstr ""

man/po/pt.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
# Translation of pppconfig's manpage to European Portuguese
# Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# Américo Monteiro <>, 2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig 2.3.21\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-07 20:27+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-24 13:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Américo Monteiro <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
"Language: pt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgstr "PPPCONFIG"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Version 2.3.16"
msgstr "Versão 2.3.16"
#. type: TH
#: man/pppconfig.8:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOME"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
msgid "pppconfig - configure pppd to connect to the Internet"
msgstr "pppconfig - configura o pppd para ligação à Internet."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SINOPSE"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:8
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]"
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [nome-do-provedor]]"
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:9
#, no-wrap
msgstr "DESCRIÇÃO"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:22
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> is a B<dialog> based interactive, menu driven utility to help "
"automate setting up a dial out ppp connection. It provides extensive "
"explanations at each step. pppconfig supports PAP, CHAP, and chat methods "
"of authentication. It uses the standard ppp configuration files and sets "
"ppp up so that the standard pon and poff commands can be used to control "
"ppp. Some features supported by pppconfig are:"
msgstr ""
"B<pppconfig> é um utilitário de menus interactivo baseado em B<dialog> "
"para ajudar a automatizar a configuração de uma ligação ppp de marcação. "
"Disponibiliza explicações extensivas para cada passo. O pppconfig suporta "
"os métodos de autenticação PAP, CHAP e chat. Usa os ficheiros standard "
"de configuração ppp e define o ppp de maneira que os comandos standard "
"pon e poff possam ser usados para controlar o ppp. Algumas características "
"suportadas pelo pppconfig são:"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:24
msgid "- Multiple ISP's with separate nameservers."
msgstr " - Múltiplos ISPs com nomes de servidores separados."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:26
msgid "- Modem detection."
msgstr " - Detecção de modem."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:28
msgid "- Dynamic DNS."
msgstr "- DNS Dinâmico"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:30
msgid "- Dial on demand."
msgstr " - Marcação a pedido."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:32
msgid "- Allow non-root users to run ppp."
msgstr " - Permite aos utilizadores não-root correr o ppp."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:34
msgid "- Uses the gdialog GUI dialog replacement if possible."
msgstr "- Usa a GUI gdialog como substituto do dialog se possível."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:44
msgid ""
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the "
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will also "
"need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and "
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your "
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the procedure "
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other "
msgstr ""
"Antes de correr o pppconfig você deve saber que tipo de autenticação o "
"seu isp requer, o nome de utilizador e palavra passe que eles querem que "
"você use, e o número de telefone. Se eles quiserem que você use "
"autenticação chat, você também precisa de saber os avisos de utilizador "
"e palavra passe e quaisquer outros avisos e respostas necessárias para "
"autenticação. Se você não consegue esta informação do seu isp você pode "
"tentar ligar com o minicom e trabalhar através do processo até conseguir "
"indicação do outro lado de que o ppp foi iniciado."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:52
msgid ""
"B<pppconfig> allows you to configure connections to multiple providers. For "
"example, you might call your isp 'provider', your employer 'theoffice' and "
"your university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', "
"your office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'."
msgstr ""
"O B<pppconfig> permite-lhe configurar ligações para vários provedores. "
"Por exemplo, você pode chamar ao seu isp \"provedor\", no seu trabalho "
"\"escritório\" e na sua universidade \"escola\". Depois você pode ligar ao "
"seu isp com 'pon', ao seu trabalho com 'pon escritório', e à sua "
"universidade com 'pon escola'."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:55
msgid ""
"It can determine which serial port your modem is on, but the serial port "
"must already be configured. This is normally done when installing Linux."
msgstr ""
"Consegue determinar em qual porta série o seu modem está ligado, mas a "
"porta série tem que já estar configurada. Isto normalmente é feito quando "
"se instala o Linux."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:58
msgid ""
"It can help you set your nameservers, or, if your ISP uses 'dynamic DNS', it "
"can set up ppp to use that."
msgstr ""
"Pode ajudá-lo a configurar os seus nomes de servidores, ou se o seu ISP "
"usar 'DNS dinâmico', pode configurar o ppp para o usar."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:63
msgid ""
"It can configure ppp for demand dialing, so that your ppp connection will "
"come up automatically. It will not, however, start pppd for you. You must "
"still start pppd yourself ('pon' will do it). Pppd will then wait in the "
"background for you to attempt to access the Net and bring up the link."
msgstr ""
"Pode configurar o ppp para marcação a pedido, para que a sua ligação ppp "
"arranque automaticamente. No entanto, não irá arrancar o pppd para si. "
"Você tem sempre que arrancar o pppd (o 'pon' não o vai fazer). O pppd "
"irá depois esperar em segundo plano por tentativa de aceder à Rede "
"e activar a ligação."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:75
msgid ""
"If you select \"Static\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create a file in the /etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider "
"you are configuring and containing \"nameserver\" lines for each of the IP "
"numbers you gave. This file will be substituted for /etc/resolv.conf when "
"the connection comes up. The provider name is passed in the ipparam "
"variable so that 0dns-up knows which file to use. The original resolv.conf "
"will be put back when the connection goes down. You can edit this file if "
"you wish and add such things as \"search\" or \"domain\" directives or "
"additional nameservers. Be sure and read the resolv.conf man page first, "
"though. The \"search\" and \"domain\" directives probably do not do what "
"you think they do."
msgstr ""
"Se você seleccionar \"Estático\" no ecrã \"Configurar Servidores de Nomes\", "
"o pppconfig irá criar um ficheiro no directório /etc/ppp/resolv com o nome "
"do provedor que está a configurar e que contém linhas \"nameserver\" para "
"cada uma dos números IP que você fornecer. Este ficheiro será substituto "
"do /etc/resolv.conf quando a ligação for estabelecida. O nome do provedor "
"é passado na variável ipparam para que o 0dns-up saiba qual ficheiro usar. "
"O resolv.conf original será reposto quando a ligação terminar. Você pode "
"editar este ficheiro se desejar e adicionar coisas como as directivas "
"\"search\" ou \"domain\" ou servidores de nomes adicionais. Certifique-se,"
"no entanto, de ler primeiro o manual do resolv.conf. As directivas "
"\"search\" e \"domain\" provavelmente não fazem o que você pensa que "
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:83
msgid ""
"If you select \"dynamic\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will configure pppd for 'dynamic DNS' and create a file in the "
"/etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider you are configuring but "
"containing nothing. When the connection comes up the nameservers supplied "
"by your ISP will be added and the file substituted for /etc/resolv.conf. "
"You can edit this file if you wish and add such things as \"search\" or "
"\"domain\" directives or additional nameservers."
msgstr ""
"Se você seleccionar \"Dinâmico\" no ecrã \"Configurar Servidores de Nomes\", "
"o pppconfig irá configurar o pppd para 'DNS dinâmico' e criar um ficheiro "
"no directório /etc/ppp/resolv com o nome do provedor que está a configurar, "
"mas contendo nada. Quando a ligação ficar activa os servidores de nomes "
"fornecidos pelo seu ISP serão adicionados e o ficheiro um substituto para "
"o /etc/resolv.conf. Você pode editar este ficheiro se desejar e adicionar "
"coisas como as directivas \"search\" ou \"domain\" ou servidores de nomes "
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:88
msgid ""
"If you select \"None\" in the \"Configure Nameservers\" screen pppconfig "
"will create no file in /etc/ppp/resolv and will leave /etc/resolv.conf "
"alone. ipparam is not set to the provider name and so is free for the "
"administrator to use."
msgstr ""
"Se você seleccionar \"Nenhum\" no ecrã \"Configurar Servidores de Nomes\", o "
"pppconfig irá criar um ficheiro em /etc/ppp/resolv e não fará nada ao "
"/etc/resolv.conf. O ipparam não é definido para o nome do provedor e "
"por isso fica livre para o administrador usar."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:89
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "FICHEIROS"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:92
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> is the standard pppd options file for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider> é o ficheiro standard de opções do pppd para o "
"provedor de serviço predefinido."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:95
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the pppd options file for the provider "
"that you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/E<lt>nomeE<gt>> é o ficheiro de opções do pppd para o "
"provedor que você nomeou de E<lt>nomeE<gt>."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:98
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> is a backup copy of /etc/ppp/peers/provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak> é uma cópia de salvaguarda de "
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:101
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> is the standard chat script for the default "
"service provider."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider> é o script standard de chat para o provedor "
"de serviço predefinido."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:104
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>nameE<gt>> is the chat script for the provider that "
"you have named E<lt>nameE<gt>."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/E<lt>nomeE<gt>> é o script de chat para o provedor que "
"você nomeou de E<lt>nomeE<gt>."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:107
msgid ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> is a backup copy of "
msgstr ""
"B</etc/chatscripts/provider.bak> é uma cópia de salvaguarda de "
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:110
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> is a directory where resolv.conf files for each provider "
"are stored."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/resolv> é um directório onde são armazenados os ficheiros "
"resolv.conf de cada provedor de serviço."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:114
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> is a script that arranges for the correct "
"resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection comes up."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up> é um script que trata de copiar o ficheiro "
"resolv.conf correcto para o lugar dele quando uma ligação é activada."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:118
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> is a script that arranges for the original "
"resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection goes down."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down> é um script que trata de copiar o ficheiro "
"resolv.conf original para o lugar dele quando uma ligação termina."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:122
msgid ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> is a script that runs 0dns-down at bootup to clean "
"up any mess left by a crash."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/init.d/dns-clean> é um script que corre 0dns-down no arranque do "
"sistema para limpar quaisquer lixos deixados por um terminar em erro "
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:125
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> is a directory where temporary files created by "
"0dns-up are stored."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig> é um directório onde são armazenados os ficheiros "
"temporários criados pelo 0dns-up."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:129
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of "
"the original resolv.conf file. 0dns-down restores /etc/resolv.conf from it."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.E<lt>provedorE<gt>> é uma cópia de "
"salvaguarda do ficheiro resolv.conf original. O 0dns-down restaura o "
"/etc/resolv.conf a partir dele."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:134
msgid ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>providerE<gt>> is a backup copy of the "
"resolv.conf file for E<lt>providerE<gt>. 0dns-down uses it to determine if "
"/etc/resolv.conf has been overwritten by another process."
msgstr ""
"B</var/run/pppconfig/0dns.E<lt>provedorE<gt>> é uma cópia de salvaguarda "
"do ficheiro resolv.conf para o E<lt>provedorE<gt>. O 0dns-down usa-o para "
"determinar se o /etc/resolv.conf foi sobrescrito por outro processo."
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
msgid ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> and B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> are described in the "
"pppd documentation. pppconfig may add lines to these files and will change "
"lines that it previously added."
msgstr ""
"B</etc/ppp/pap-secrets> e B</etc/ppp/chap-secrets> estão descritos na "
"documentação do pppd. O pppconfig pode adicionar linhas a estes ficheiros "
"e pode mudar linhas que adicionou previamente."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:141
#, no-wrap
msgid "NOTES"
msgstr "NOTAS"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
msgid "B<pppconfig> requires pppd 2.3.7 or higher."
msgstr "B<pppconfig> requer pppd 2.3.7 ou superior."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "TO DO"
msgstr "A FAZER"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
msgid "Add full support for MSCHAP."
msgstr "Adicionar suporte completo para MSCHAP."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:146
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr "BUGS"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
msgid "Don't tell pppconfig to find your modem while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
"Não diga ao pppconfig para encontrar o seu modem enquanto o pppd está "
"a correr."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:148
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "VEJA TAMBÉM"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
msgid ""
"B<chat(8), gpppon(1), plog(1), poff(1), pon(1), pppd(8),> and "
msgstr ""
"B<chat(8), gpppon(1), plog(1), poff(1), pon(1), pppd(8),> e "
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTOR"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
msgid "B<pppconfig> was written by John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt>."
msgstr "B<pppconfig> foi escrito por John Hasler E<lt>jhasler@debian.orgE<gt>."
#. type: SH
#: man/pppconfig.8:155
#, no-wrap
msgstr "COPYRIGHT"
#. type: Plain text
#: man/pppconfig.8:158
msgid ""
"B<This man page may be treated as if it were> B<in the public domain. I "
"waive all rights.>"
msgstr ""
"B<This man page may be treated as if it were> B<in the public domain. I "
"waive all rights.>"

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.\" Someone tell emacs that this is an -*- nroff -*- source file.
.TH PPPCONFIG 8 "Version 2.3.16" "Debian GNU/Linux"
pppconfig \- configure pppd to connect to the Internet
.B pppconfig
[--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]
.B pppconfig
is a
.B dialog
based interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting up a dial
out ppp connection.
It provides extensive explanations at each step.
pppconfig supports PAP, CHAP, and chat methods of authentication.
It uses
the standard ppp configuration files and sets ppp up so that the standard
pon and poff commands can be used to control ppp.
Some features supported by pppconfig are:
- Multiple ISP's with separate nameservers.
- Modem detection.
- Dynamic DNS.
- Dial on demand.
- Allow non-root users to run ppp.
- Uses the gdialog GUI dialog replacement if possible.
Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your
isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the
phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will
also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and
responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your
isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the procedure
until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other
.B pppconfig
allows you to configure connections to multiple providers.
For example, you might call your isp 'provider', your employer 'theoffice'
and your university 'theschool'.
Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon',
your office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon
It can determine which serial port your modem is on, but the serial port
must already be configured. This is normally done when installing Linux.
It can help you set your nameservers, or, if your ISP uses 'dynamic DNS',
it can set up ppp to use that.
It can configure ppp for demand dialing, so that your ppp connection will
come up automatically. It will not, however, start pppd for you. You must
still start pppd yourself ('pon' will do it). Pppd will then wait in the
background for you to attempt to access the Net and bring up the link.
If you select "Static" in the "Configure Nameservers" screen pppconfig will
create a file in the /etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider you
are configuring and containing "nameserver" lines for each of the IP
numbers you gave. This file will be substituted for /etc/resolv.conf when
the connection comes up. The provider name is passed in the ipparam
variable so that 0dns-up knows which file to use. The original resolv.conf
will be put back when the connection goes down. You can edit this file if
you wish and add such things as "search" or "domain" directives or
additional nameservers. Be sure and read the resolv.conf man page first,
though. The "search" and "domain" directives probably do not do what you
think they do.
If you select "dynamic" in the "Configure Nameservers" screen pppconfig
will configure pppd for 'dynamic DNS' and create a file in the
/etc/ppp/resolv directory named after the provider you are configuring but
containing nothing. When the connection comes up the nameservers supplied
by your ISP will be added and the file substituted for /etc/resolv.conf.
You can edit this file if you wish and add such things as "search" or
"domain" directives or additional nameservers.
If you select "None" in the "Configure Nameservers" screen pppconfig will
create no file in /etc/ppp/resolv and will leave /etc/resolv.conf
alone. ipparam is not set to the provider name and so is free for the
administrator to use.
.B /etc/ppp/peers/provider
is the standard pppd options file for the default service provider.
.B /etc/ppp/peers/<name>
is the pppd options file for the provider that you have named <name>.
.B /etc/ppp/peers/provider.bak
is a backup copy of /etc/ppp/peers/provider.
.B /etc/chatscripts/provider
is the standard chat script for the default service provider.
.B /etc/chatscripts/<name>
is the chat script for the provider that you have named <name>.
.B /etc/chatscripts/provider.bak
is a backup copy of /etc/chatscripts/provider.
.B /etc/ppp/resolv
is a directory where resolv.conf files for each provider are stored.
.B /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up
is a script that arranges for the correct
resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection comes up.
.B /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0dns-down
is a script that arranges for the original
resolv.conf file to be copied into place when a connection goes down.
.B /etc/init.d/dns-clean
is a script that runs 0dns-down at bootup to clean up any mess left
by a crash.
.B /var/run/pppconfig
is a directory where temporary files created by 0dns-up are stored.
.B /var/run/pppconfig/resolv.conf.bak.<provider>
is a backup copy of the
original resolv.conf file. 0dns-down restores /etc/resolv.conf from it.
.B /var/run/pppconfig/0dns.<provider>
is a backup copy of the resolv.conf
file for <provider>. 0dns-down uses it to determine if /etc/resolv.conf
has been overwritten by another process.
.B /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
.B /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
are described in the pppd documentation.
pppconfig may add lines to these files and will change lines that
it previously added.
.B pppconfig
requires pppd 2.3.7 or higher.
Add full support for MSCHAP.
Don't tell pppconfig to find your modem while pppd is running.
.B chat(8), gpppon(1), plog(1), poff(1), pon(1), pppd(8),
.B whiptail(1).
.B pppconfig
was written by John Hasler <>.
.B This man page may be treated as if it were
.B in the public domain. I waive all rights.

man/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=^\.TH;beginboundary=^\.SH "AUTOR"
Diese Übersetzung wurde 2011 von Helge Kreutzmann erstellt. Sie unterliegt
der GNU GPL Version 2 (oder neuer).
Um die englische Originalversion zu lesen, geben Sie »man -L C BEFEHL« ein.
Fehler in der Übersetzung melden Sie bitte über die Fehlerdatenbank (BTS)
von Debian oder indem Sie eine E-Mail an

man/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
PO4A-HEADER: mode=after; position=DROITS D'AUTEURS; beginboundary=^\.SH
Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet <>

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po/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
These translations have not been checked. If you find errors, please
report them as bugs against the package and consider the use of
X-debbugs-CC to the original translator (see Last-Translator field in
the relevant PO file).

po/ca.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

po/cs.po Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
# Czech translation of pppconfig.
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Miroslav Kure <>, 2004-2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-02 10:38+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"Program pro nastavení PPP v GNU/Linuxu\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Žádné UI\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Pro spuštění tohoto programu musíte být root.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s neexistuje.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "U rodiče nelze zavřít WTR: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "U rodiče nelze zavřít RDR: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "Nelze rozdvojit: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "U potomka nelze zavřít RDR: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Nelze přesměrovat stderr: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Selhalo spuštění: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Vnitřní chyba: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Vytvořit spojení"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Změnit spojení nazvané %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Vytvořit spojení nazvané %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Toto je nástroj pro nastavení PPP připojení. PPPconfig samotný se "
"nepřipojuje k poskytovateli, ale pouze nastaví systém tak, abyste se mohli "
"připojit např. programem pon. Budete dotázáni na uživatelské jméno, heslo, "
"telefonní číslo a typ autentizace, kterou váš poskytovatel vyžaduje. Musíte-"
"li použít chat autentizaci, musíte znát i veškeré výzvy vyžadované pro "
"přihlášení. Pokud nevíte, jakou autentizaci váš poskytovatel používá, zkuste "
"PAP. Pro pohyb v menu použijte šipky nahoru a dolů, výběr potvrďte klávesou "
"Enter. Klávesou Tab můžete přeskakovat mezi menu a tlačítky <OK> a <Cancel>, "
"jež vás v průvodci přesouvají dopředu/zpět."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hlavní menu"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Změnit spojení"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Smazat spojení"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Skončit a uložit soubory"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Vyberte autentizační metodu pro toto spojení. Na Windows se nejčastěji "
"používá metoda PAP, takže je pravděpodobné, že ji váš poskytovatel "
"podporuje. Momentálně vybraná metoda je %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Autentizační metoda pro %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "PAP (Peer Authentication Protocol)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Pro autentizaci pomocí výzvy:/hesla: použijte metodu \"chat\""
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "CHAP (Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol)"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Vyberte vlastnost, kterou chcete upravit, \"Cancel\" pro návrat zpět, nebo "
"\"Hotovo\" pro uložení provedených změn."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"Vlastnosti připojení %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Telefonní číslo"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Výzva k přihlášení"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Uživatelské jméno"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Výzva pro zadání hesla"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Heslo pro připojení"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Rychlost portu"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Port pro modem"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Autentizační metoda"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Rozšířené možnosti"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Zapsat soubory a vrátit se zpět do hlavního menu."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Toto menu vám umožňuje změnit některé z méně obvyklých nastavení. Až budete "
"s nastavováním hotovi, zvolte \"Předchozí\"."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"Rozšířené možnosti pro %s\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Inicializační řetězec modemu"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Odpověď na připojení"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Konverzace před připojením"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Stav implicitního směrování"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Nastaví ip adresy"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Zapne/vypne ladění"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Zapne/vypne vytáčení na žádost"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Zapne/vypne trvalé spojení"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Změní DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Přidá ppp uživatele"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Konverzace po připojení"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Změní vzdálené jméno"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Doba nečinnosti"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Návrat do předchozího menu"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Ukončení tohoto programu"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Vnitřní chyba: %s neexistuje, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Pokud jej používáte, zadejte text potvrzující spojení. Tento řetězec bude "
"odeslán po obdržení řetězce CONNECT. Pokud stoprocentně nevíte, zda váš "
"poskytovatel toto potvrzení vyžaduje, měli byste zde ponechat prázdný "
"řetězec, tj. ''.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Potvrzovací řetězec"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte text výzvy k přihlášení. Chat jako odpověď odešle vaše uživatelské "
"jméno. Nejčastější výzvy jsou login: a username:. Občas bývá první písmeno "
"velké, tudíž se vynechává a porovnává se pouze zbytek slova. Poskytovatel "
"někdy vynechává i závěrečnou dvojtečku. Pro začátek zkuste ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Výzva k přihlášení"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte text výzvy k zadání hesla. Chat jako odpověď odešle vaše heslo. "
"Nejčastější výzva je password:. Občas bývá první písmeno velké, tudíž se "
"vynechává a porovnává se pouze zbytek slova."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Výzva k zadání hesla"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Velmi pravděpodobně zde nemusíte zadávat nic. Pokud váš poskytovatel "
"vyžaduje tuto položku, zadejte nejprve očekávanou výzvu a pak odpověď. "
"Například: Poskytovatel pošle výzvu 'Server:' a očekává, že odpovíte "
"'trilobit'. V tomto případě zde zadejte 'erver trilobit' (bez apostrofů). "
"Všechny položky musí být odděleny bílým místem. Můžete použít několik párů "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Před přihlášením"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Pravděpodobně zde nemusíte nic měnit. Implicitně je zde '' \\d\\c, což "
"znamená, že chat nemá nic očekávat, má počkat jednu sekundu a poté se nemá "
"nic odesílat. To dá vašemu poskytovateli dostatek času pro spuštění ppp. "
"Vyžaduje-li poskytovatel nějaké další odezvy, můžete je zadat zde. "
"Například: Poskytovatel pošle výzvu 'Protokol' a očekává, že odpovíte 'ppp'. "
"V takovém případě zde zadejte 'otocol ppp' (bez apostrofů). Všechny položky "
"musí být odděleny bílým místem. Můžete použít několik párů výzva-odpověď."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Po přihlášení"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Zadejte uživatelské jméno přidělené poskytovatelem."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Pokud chcete, aby pppconfig automaticky rozpoznal port, na kterém je modem "
"připojen, odpovězte 'ano'. (Zkoušení každého portu může trvat několik "
"sekund.) Chcete-li zadat port ručně, odpovězte 'ne'."
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Vyberte způsob nastavení modemu"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Nelze zkoušet zatímco pppd běží."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Zkouším %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Níže je seznam všech sériových portů, které by k sobě mohly mít připojen "
"modem. Port, ke kterému je modem pravděpodobně připojen, je předvybrán. "
"Pokud nebyl modem nalezen, je vybrána možnost 'Ruční'. Pro pohyb mezi "
"volbami použijte šipku nahoru a dolů, výběr provedete klávesou mezera. Po "
"skončení výběru skočte na tlačítko <OK> klávesou Tab a potvrďte klávesou "
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Vyberte port modemu"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Zadat port ručně. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte port, na kterém se nachází modem. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 je v DOSu COM1. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 je v DOSu COM2. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 je v DOSu COM3. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 je v DOSu COM4. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 je nejčastější. Při zadávání si dejte pozor na velká a malá "
"písmena: ttyS1 není stejné jako ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Ručně vybrat port modemu"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Povolením implicitního směrování říkáte systému, že cesta k neznámým "
"počítačům má vést přes vašeho poskytovatele, což je obvykle to, co chcete. "
"Pro pohyb mezi volbami použijte šipku nahoru a dolů, výběr provedete "
"klávesou mezera. Po skončení výběru skočte na tlačítko <OK> klávesou Tab a "
"potvrďte klávesou Enter."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Implicitní směrování"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Povolit implicitní směrování"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Zakázat implicitní směrování"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Téměř jistě zde chcete ponechat výchozí hodnotu noipdefault. Konkrétní IP "
"adresu sem zadejte pouze v případě, že vám poskytovatel přidělil statickou "
"adresu. Máte-li pouze lokální statickou ip adresu, zadejte ji s dvojtečkou "
"na konci - např. Znáte-li lokální i vzdálenou statickou ip "
"adresu, zadejte lokální ip adresu, dvojtečku a vzdálenou ip adresu - např. "
" "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP adresy"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte rychlost modemu (např. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). "
"Doporučuji ponechat 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Rychlost"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte inicializační řetězec modemu. Výchozí hodnota je ATZ, což říká, že "
"se má použít tovární nastavení. Protože je většina modemů nastavena správně "
"již od výrobce, doporučuji tuto hodnotu neměnit."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Inicializace modemu"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte způsob vytáčení. Pulzní vytáčení vyberte pouze v případě, že jste "
"připojeni na velmi starou ústřednu. Pro pohyb mezi volbami použijte šipku "
"nahoru a dolů, výběr provedete klávesou mezera. Po skončení výběru skočte na "
"tlačítko <OK> klávesou Tab a potvrďte klávesou Enter."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "pulsní nebo tónová"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte telefonní číslo, které se bude vytáčet. Vynechejte mezery a pomlčky. "
"Pro případné speciality se podívejte do návodu ke svému modemu."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefonní číslo"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Zadejte heslo, které vám poskytovatel přidělil."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte jméno, kterým se chcete odkazovat na tohoto poskytovatele. Hlavnímu "
"poskytovateli můžete ponechat výchozí jméno 'provider', protože pak se "
"můžete připojit příkazem 'pon' bez dalších parametrů. Dalším poskytovatelům "
"pak přidělte vhodná jedinečná jména, jako 'monopol' nebo 'univerzita'. K "
"těmto poskytovatelům se pak můžete připojit příkazem 'pon monopol' nebo 'pon "
"univerzita'. Poznámka: jména nesmí obsahovat mezery."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Jméno poskytovatele"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Toto spojení již existuje. Chcete jej přepsat?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Spojení existuje"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Spojení je nastaveno a změny uloženy. Řetězce pro chat jsou uloženy v /etc/"
"chatscripts/%s, parametry pro pppd jsou v /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Tyto soubory "
"můžete upravit i ručně. Nyní můžete opustit program, vytvořit nové "
"připojení, nebo upravit některé stávající."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Hotovo"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Vytvořit spojení"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Žádná spojení pro úpravu."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Vyberte spojení"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Vyberte spojení, které chcete změnit."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Žádná spojení pro smazání."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Smazat spojení"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Vyberte spojení, které chcete smazat."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Návrat do předchozího menu"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Chcete skončit bez uložení provedených změn?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Ukončit"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Ladění je momentálně povoleno."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Ladění je momentálně zakázáno."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"Výběrem ANO povolíte informace pro ladění, výběrem NE tyto informace "
"zakážete. %s."
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Ladění"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Výběrem ANO/NE povolíte/zakážete pro tohoto poskytovatele vytáčení na "
"vyžádání. Poznamenejme, že pppd stále budete muset spustit ručně příkazem "
"pon. pppd se tak spustí na pozadí, kde bude čekat, až zachytí pokus o "
"přístup k Internetu a pak se automaticky připojí k poskytovateli. Při "
"zapnutí této volby také budete chtít nastavit dobu nečinnosti, po které se "
"má linka shodit. Vytáčení na vyžádání je momentálně %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Vytáčení na vyžádání"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Výběrem ANO/NE povolíte/zakážete trvalý režim. Tímto způsobíte, že pppd se "
"bude snažit připojit tak dlouho, dokud se mu to nepovede. Spadne-li spojení, "
"pppd se jej bude snažit obnovit. Trvalý režim je neslučitelný s vytáčením na "
"vyžádání (zapnete-li jedno, druh0 se vypne). Trvalý režim je nyní %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Trvalý režim"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Vyberte způsob práce s DNS. 'Statické DNS' znamená, že se pokaždé použijí "
"stejné DNS servery, na jejichž ip adresy budete dotázáni na další obrazovce. "
"'Dynamické DNS' znamená, že pppd získá ip adresy jmenných serverů při každém "
"připojení k poskytovateli. 'Jiný způsob' znamená, že budete DNS spravovat "
"jiným způsobem, např. pomocí BINDu (named) nebo ruční úpravou /etc/resolv."
"conf. Pro pohyb mezi volbami použijte šipku nahoru a dolů, výběr provedete "
"klávesou mezera. Po skončení výběru skočte na tlačítko <OK> klávesou Tab a "
"potvrďte klávesou Enter."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Nastavit jmenné servery (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Použít statické DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Použít dynamické DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS bude spravováno jiným způsobem"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte IP adresu primárního jmenného serveru."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP adresa"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Zadejte IP adresu sekundárního jmenného serveru (pokud existuje)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Zadejte uživatele, který má mít právo spustit a zastavit ppp. (Může pak "
"spustit libovolné spojení.) Chcete-li uživateli odebrat práva na spuštění "
"ppp, spusťte program vigr a odeberte uživatele ze skupiny dip. "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Přidat uživatele "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Uživatel %s neexistuje. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Tuto položku pravděpodobně nepotřebujete měnit. PPPD používá vzdálené jméno "
"zároveň s uživatelským jménem pro nalezení správného hesla v utajovaném "
"souboru. Výchozí vzdálené jméno je jméno poskytovatele, což vám umožňuje "
"použít stejné přihlašovací jméno pro různé poskytovatele. Pro zakázání této "
"vlastnosti zadejte prázdné jméno - tato volba pak bude v souboru o "
"poskytovateli vynechána a do tajného souboru s hesly se místo vzdáleného "
"jména vloží hvězdička."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Vzdálené jméno"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Chcete-li, aby se toto PPP spojení automaticky ukončilo po určité době "
"nečinnosti, zadejte zde požadovaný počet sekund. Nechcete-li spojení "
"ukončovat, ponechte prázdné."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Doba nečinnosti"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze zamknout %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze zapisovat do %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Nelze přejmenovat %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Použití: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [jméno_poskytovatele]]\n"
"'--version' zobrazí verzi.\n"
"'--help' zobrazí nápovědu.\n"
"'--dialog' místo gdialogu použije dialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' použije whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' použije gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' vynutí název poskytovatele 'provider'.\n"
"'jméno_poskytovatele' vynutí tento název poskytovatele.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig je interaktivní nástroj pro vytvoření a správu vytáčeného ppp\n"
"připojení. Momentálně podporuje autentizace PAP, CHAP a chat. PPPconfig\n"
"samotný neprovádí připojení k poskytovateli, ale pouze nastaví systém tak,\n"
"abyste se mohli připojit např. programem pon. Používá standardní\n"
"konfigurační soubory programu pppd, umí rozpoznat připojený modem a zvládá\n"
"i pokročilejší funkce jako vytáčení na vyžádání.\n"
"Před spuštěním pppconfigu byste si měli zjistit uživatelské jméno, heslo,\n"
"telefonní číslo a typ autentizace, kterou váš poskytovatel vyžaduje. Při\n"
"použití chat autentizace musíte znát i veškeré výzvy vyžadované pro\n"
"přihlášení. Nemůžete-li tyto informace od svého poskytovatele získat,\n"
"můžete se zkusit přihlásit minicomem a prokousat se přihlášením ručně.\n"
"Protože pppconfig mění některé systémové soubory, musíte být přihlášeni\n"
"jako root, nebo použít program sudo.\n"

po/da.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
# Danish translation of pppconfig.
# Copyright (C) 2012 pppconfig & nedenstående oversættere.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# Claus Hindsgaul <>, 2004.
# Joe Hansen <>, 2012.
# providername -> udbydernavn (ikke leverandørnavn)
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-06 10:07+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Joe Hansen <>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish <>\n"
"Language: da\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "»GNU/Linux PPP-opsætningsværktøj«"
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Ingen brugerflade\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Du skal være root for at køre dette program.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s findes ikke.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Kan ikke lukke WTR i forælder: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Kan ikke lukke RDR i forælder: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "kan ikke forgrene: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Kan ikke lukke RDR i barn: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Kan ikke omdirigere stderr: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Kørsel fejlede: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Intern fejl: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Opret en forbindelse"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Ret forbindelsen med navnet %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Opret forbindelse med navnet %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Dette er PPP-opsætningsværktøjet. Det opretter ikke forbindelsen til din\n"
"internetudbyder. Det sætter blot ppp op, så du kan gøre dette med et\n"
"andet værktøj såsom pon. Det vil spørge efter det brugernavn, adgangskode\n"
"og telefonnummer, du har fået af din udbyder. Hvis din udbyder bruger PAP\n"
"eller CHAP, er dette alt hvad du har brug for. Hvis du er nødt til at bruge\n"
"et chat-skript, skal du vide hvordan din udbyder spørger efter dit\n"
"brugernavn og adgangskode. Hvis du ikke ved, hvad din udbyder bruger, så\n"
"prøv PAP. Brug piletasterne op og ned til at flytte rundt i menuerne.\n"
"Tryk RETUR for at vælge et menupunkt. Brug tabulatortasten til at hoppe\n"
"fra menuen til <O.k.>, <AFBRYD> og tilbage. Når du er parat til at gå\n"
"videre til næste menu, så hop til <O.k.> og tryk RETUR. For at gå tilbage\n"
"til den forrige menu skal du hoppe til <CANCEL> og trykke RETUR."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hovedmenu"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Ret en forbindelse"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Slet en forbindelse"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Afslut og gem filerne"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Vælg hvilken godkendelsesmetode, der bruges til denne forbindelse. PAP er "
"den oftest benyttede metode under Windows 95, så hvis din udbyder "
"understøtter opkaldsprogrammet i NT eller Windows 95, bør du prøve PAP. "
"Metoden er nu sat til %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Godkendelsesmetode for %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Brug »chat« til login:/adgangskode:-godkendelse"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Vælg den indstilling, du ønsker at ændre, tryk på »Afbryd« for at gå tilbage "
"for at starte forfra eller vælg »Færdig« for at skrive de ændrede filer."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "»Indstillinger for %s«"
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Telefonnummer"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Logind-prompt"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Brugernavn hos udbyder"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Adgangskode-prompt"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Adgangskode hos udbyder"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Porthastighed"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Modemmets COM-port"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Godkendelsesmetode"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Avancerede indstillinger"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Skriv filer og returner til hovedmenuen."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Denne menu giver dig mulighed for at ændre nogle af de sjældnere "
"indstillinger. Vælg den indstilling, du ønsker at ændre og vælg »Forrige«, "
"når du er færdig. Brug piletasterne til at komme rundt i listen."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "»Avancerede indstillinger for %s«"
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Modemmets initialiseringsstreng"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Forbindelsessvar (Connect response)"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Før-logind udveksling (Pre-login chat)"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Standardrutetilstand (Default route state)"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Sæt IP-adresser"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Slå fejlsporing til eller fra"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Slå automatisk opkald til eller fra"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Slå vedvarende forbindelse til eller fra"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Ret DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Tilføj ppp-bruger"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Efter-logind udveksling (Post-login chat)"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Ret eksternt navn "
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Tidsudløb ved tomgang "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Returner til forrige menu"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Afslut dette værktøj"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Intern fejl: %s findes ikke, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Angiv teksten for en eventuel forbindelsesbekræftelsen. Denne streng vil "
"blive sendt, når CONNECT-strengen er modtaget fra modemmet. Medmindre du er "
"sikker på, at din udbyder kræver en bekræftelse, bør du lade feltet stå som "
"en null-streng: det vil sige ''.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Bekræftelsesstreng"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Angiv teksten i logind-prompten. Programmet vil sende dit brugernavn som "
"svar. De oftest benyttede prompter er »login:« og »username:«. Nogle gange "
"står første bogstav stort, så vi udelader dette og forsøger at matche resten "
"af ordet. Somme tider udelades kolonnet. Hvis du er usikker, så prøv med "
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Logind-prompt"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Angiv teksten i adgangskode-prompten. Programmet vil sende din adgangskode "
"som svar. Den oftest benyttede prompt er »password:«. Nogle gange står det "
"første bogstav med stort, så vi udelader dette og forsøger at matche resten "
"af ordet."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Adgangskode-prompt"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Du behøver sikkert ikke at skrive noget her. Angiv de ekstra inddata din "
"udbyder måtte kræve, før du logger på. Hvis du vil indsætte en tekst, så "
"skriv først den prompt, du forventer, efterfulgt af dit svar. Eksempel: Din "
"udbyder sender »Server:« og forventer at du svarer med »trilobite«. Du kan "
"da skrive (uden citationstegn): »erver trilobite«. Alle poster skal "
"adskilles med mellemrum. Du kan godt have flere sådanne »forvent-send«-par."
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Før-logind"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Du behøver sikkert ikke at ændre dette. Det er som udgangspunkt '' \\d\\c, "
"hvilket betyder at chat intet forventer, venter et sekund og ingenting "
"sender. Det giver din udbyder tid til at få startet ppp. Hvis din udbyder "
"kræver yderligere inddata efter du har logget på, skal du angive det her. "
"Det kan f.eks. være et programnavn såsom ppp som svar på en menuprompt. Hvis "
"du skal indsætte et punkt, skal du først skrive den prompt, du forventer og "
"derefter det krævede svar. Hvis f.eks. din udbyder sender »Protocol« og "
"forventer at du svarer med »ppp«, skal du skrive »otocol ppp« her (uden "
"citationstegn). Felterne skal adskilles med mellemrum. Du kan godt angive "
"flere sådanne »forvent send«-par."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Efter-logind"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Angiv det brugernavn, din udbyder har givet dig."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Brugernavn"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Svar »ja« for automatisk søgning efter den port, dit modem er på. Det vil "
"tage flere sekunder at tjekke hver seriel port. Svar »nej« hvis du hellere "
"vil angive den serielle port selv"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Vælg modemopsætningsmetode"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Kan ikke søge mens pppd kører."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Søger %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Herunder finder du en liste over alle de serielle porte, der lader til at "
"have udstyr, som ppp kan bruge. Hvis en af dem ser ud til at have et modem, "
"er den forvalgt. Hvis der ikke blev fundet noget modem, er »Manuel« "
"forvalgt. For at acceptere forvalget, skal du blot trykke TAB og RETUR. Brug "
"piletasterne til at ændre dit valg, og tryk mellemrum for at vælge. Når du "
"er færdig, skal du bruge TAB for at vælge <O.k.> og RETUR for at gå videre "
"til næste punkt. "
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Vælg modemport"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Angiv port i hånden. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Angiv hvilken port, dit modem sidder i. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 er COM1 under DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 er COM2 under DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 er COM3 under DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 er COM4 under DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 er den mest almindelige. Bemærk at porten skal skrives nøjagtigt "
"som vist herover. Der er forskel på store og små bogstaver: /dev/ttyS1 er "
"ikke det samme som /dev/ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Vælg modemport manuelt"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du aktiverer standardrutning, fortæller du dit system, at det skal nå "
"maskiner, det ikke er direkte forbundet med via din internetudbyder. Dette "
"er næsten helt sikkert, hvad du ønsker. Brug piletasterne til at ændre dit "
"valg og tryk mellemrum for at vælge. Når du er færdig, så brug TAB for at "
"vælge <O.k.> og RETUR for at fortsætte til næste punkt."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Standardrute"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Aktiver standardrute"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Deaktiver standardrute"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Du bør næsten helt sikkert ikke ændre dette fra standardværdien noipdefault. "
"Det er ikke her, navneservernes IP-numre skal angives. Her skal dit eget IP-"
"nummer angives hvis - og kun hvis - din udbyder har tildelt dig et statisk "
"IP-nummer. Hvis du kun har fået et lokalt statisk IP-nummer, så angiv det "
"efterfulgt af et kolon, som f.eks. Hvis du både har fået et "
"lokalt og et eksternt IP-nummer, så angiv det lokale IP-nummer, et kolon og "
"derefter det eksterne IP-nummer som f.eks.:"
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP-numre"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Angiv dit modems porthastighed (f.eks. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). "
"Jeg foreslår, at du lader den stå på 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Hastighed"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Angiv modemmets initialiseringsstreng. Standardværdien er ATZ, som beder "
"modemmet benytte sine standardindstillinger. Da de fleste modemmer har "
"standardindstillinger, der passer til ppp fra fabrikken, foreslås det at du "
"ikke ændrer den."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Modem-initialisering"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Vælg opkaldsmetode. Da de allerfleste har toneopkald, bør du beholde tone-"
"indstillingen, medmindre du er sikker på, at du skal bruge puls. Brug "
"piletasterne til at ændre dit valg og tryk mellemrum for at vælge. Når du er "
"færdig, så brug TAB for at vælge <O.k.> og RETUR for at fortsætte til næste "
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Puls eller tone"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Angiv det nummer, der skal ringes til. Medtag ikke bindestreger. Se din "
"modemmanual, hvis du har brug for at gøre andet end at ringe gennem en "
"normal telefoncentral (PBX)."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefonnummer"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Angiv den adgangskode, du har fået af din udbyder."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Adgangskode"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Angiv det navn, du vil bruge til at referere til denne udbyder. Det er en "
"god ide at give standardnavnet »provider« til din primære udbyder. Hvis du "
"gør det, kan du kalde den op med kommandoen »pon«. Giv hver enkelt udbyder "
"et unikt navn. Du kan f.eks. kalde din arbejdsgiver »kontoret« og "
"universitetet for »skolen«. Så kan du forbinde dig til din udbyder med "
"»pon«, kontoret med »pon kontoret« og universitetet med »pon skolen«. "
"Bemærk: navnet må ikke indeholde mellemrum."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Udbydernavn"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Denne forbindelse findes allerede. Vil du overskrive den?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Forbindelsen findes"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Afsluttede opsætningen af forbindelsen og skrivning af ændrede filer. Chat-"
"skriptet til at forbinde dig til udbyderen er i /etc/chatscripts/%s, mens "
"pppd's indstillinger er i /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Du kan redigere disse filer "
"manuelt, hvis du ønsker det. Du kan nu afslutte programmet, sætte endnu en "
"forbindelse op eller rette i denne eller andre forbindelser."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Færdig"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Opret forbindelse"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Ingen forbindelser at ændre."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Vælg en forbindelse"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Vælg en forbindelse at ændre."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Ingen forbindelser at ændre."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Slet en forbindelse"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Vælg en forbindelse at slette."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Returner til forrige menu"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Vil du afbryde uden at gemme dine ændringer?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Afbryd"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Fejlsøgning er i øjeblikket aktiveret."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Fejlsøgning er i øjeblikket deaktiveret."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr "Vælger du JA, aktiveres fejlsøgningen. NEJ vil deaktivere den. %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Fejlsporingskommando"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Ved at vælge JA, aktiverer du automatisk opkald til denne udbyder. Vælger du "
"NEJ, deaktiverer du dette. Bemærk at du stadig skal starte pppd med pon:. "
"pppconfig vil ikke gøre dette for dig. Når du gør dette, vil pppd gå i "
"baggrunden og vente på, at du forsøger at nå noget på netværket, hvorefter "
"den vil kalde op til din udbyder. Hvis du aktiverer automatisk opkald, bør "
"du også sætte et tomgangstidsudløb op, således at forbindelsen bliver "
"nedlagt, når den ikke benyttes. Automatisk opkald er aktuelt %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Automatisk opkald"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Vælger du JA, aktiveres vedvarende tilstand. NEJ vil deaktivere den. Det vil "
"få pppd til at blive ved med at forsøge indtil den opnår forbindelse og "
"forsøge at forbinde sig igen, hvis forbindelsen går ned. Vedvarende tilstand "
"er inkompatibel med automatisk opkald. Hvis du aktiverer automatisk opkald, "
"deaktiveres vedvarende tilstand. Vedvarende tilstand er aktuelt %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Vedvarende kommando"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Vælg en metode. »Statisk« betyder, at de samme navneservere vil blive brugt "
"hver gang denne udbyder bliver brugt. Du vil blive bedt om navneservernes IP-"
"numre på næste skærm. »Dynamisk« betyder, at pppd automatisk vil hente "
"navneservernes IP-numre hver gang du forbinder dig til denne udbyder. "
"»Ingen« betyder at DNS vil blive håndteret på anden måde, såsom BIND (named) "
"eller manuel redigering af /etc/resolv.conf. Vælg »Ingen« hvis du ikke "
"ønsker at /etc/resolv.conf skal ændres, når du forbinder dig til denne "
"udbyder. Brug piletasterne til at ændre dit valg og tryk mellemrum for at "
"vælge. Når du er færdig, så brug TAB for at vælge <O.k.> og RETUR for at "
"fortsætte til næste punkt."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Sæt navneservere op (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Benyt statisk DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Benyt dynamisk DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS bliver håndteret på anden måde"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Angiv din primære navneservers IP-nummer."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP-nummer"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Angiv din sekundære navneservers IP-nummer (hvis du har sådan en)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Angiv brugernavnet på en bruger, som skal kunne starte og stoppe ppp. "
"Personen vil kunne starte enhver forbindelse. Hvis du vil fjerne en bruger, "
"skal du gøre programmet vigr og fjerne brugeren fra gruppen dip. "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Tilføj bruger "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Ingen bruger som %s. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Du bør nok ikke ændre dette. pppd bruger det eksterne navn sammen med "
"brugernavnet til at finde den rigtige adgangskode i »secrets-filen«. Det "
"normale eksterne navn er udbyderens navn. På denne måde kan du bruge det "
"samme brugernavn ved flere udbydere. For at slå indstillingen for det "
"eksterne navn fra, kan du angive et tomt eksternt navn. Indstillingen for "
"det eksterne navn (»remotename«) vil da blive udeladt i din udbyderfil og en "
"linje med en * i stedet for et eksternt navn vil blive placeret i »secrets-"
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Eksternt navnt"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du vil have at denne PPP-forbindelse lukkes ned automatisk, når den har "
"været ubenyttet i et bestemt antal sekunder, så skriv dette antal her. Hvis "
"du ikke ønsker at forbindelsen skal lukkes ned automatisk, hvis den ikke "
"benyttes, så lad feltet stå tomt."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Tidsudløb ved tomgang"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunne ikke åbne %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Kan ikke åbne %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Kan ikke låse %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunne ikke skrive til %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunne ikke omdøbe %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Brug: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [udbydernavn]]\n"
"»--version« viser versionen.\n"
"»--help« viser en hjælpebesked.\n"
"»--dialog« benytter dialog i stedet for gdialog.\n"
"»--whiptail« benytter whiptail.\n"
"»--gdialog« benytter gdialog.\n"
"»--noname« tvinger udbydernavnet til at være »provider«.\n"
"»udbydernavn« tvinger udbydernavnet til at være »udbydernavn«.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig er et interaktivt, menudrevet værktøj, der hjælper med at sætte \n"
"en opkalds-ppp-forbindelse op. Den understøtter godkendelsesmetoderne \n"
"PAP, CHAP og chat. Den benytter de almindelige pppd-opsætningsfiler. Den \n"
"forbinder dig ikke til din internetudbyder, men sætter blot dit system op, \n"
"så du kan gøre dette med et værktøj såsom pon. Den kan finde dit modem og \n"
"sætte ppp op til at benytte dynamisk dns, flere udbydere og automatisk \n"
"forbindelse (demand dialing).\n"
"Før du kører pppconfig, skal du vide hvilken form for godkendelse, din \n"
"udbyder kræver, det brugernavn samt adgangskode, de vil have, at du bruger \n"
"samt det telefonnummer, du skal ringe op til. Hvis de kræver, at du bruger \n"
"chat-godkendelse, skal du også kende de logind- og adgangskodeprompter og \n"
"alle andre prompter og svar, der kræves for at logge på. Hvis du ikke kan \n"
"få disse oplysninger fra din udbyder, kan du prøve at kalde op med minicom \n"
"og arbejde dig gennem proceduren indtil du modtager det nonsens, der \n"
"indikerer at ppp er blevet startet i den anden ende.\n"
"Da pppconfig foretager ændringer i dit systems opsætningsfiler, skal du \n"
"være logget på som administrator (root) eller bruger sudo for at køre det. \n"

po/de.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
# translation of pppconfig_po-eu.po to
# translation of pppconfig_po-eu.po to
# Pppconfig Potfile
# Copyright (C) 2004 John Hasler
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# John Hasler <>, 2004, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig_po-eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-23 11:56+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"GNU/Linux PPP konfigurazio tresna\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "UI-rik ez\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "'root' supererabiltzaileak soilik exekuta dezake programa hau.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s ez da existitzen.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Ezin da WTR gurasoan itxi: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Ezin da RDR gurasoan itxi: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "ezin da sardetu: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Ezin da RDR umean itxi: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Ezin da stderr birbideratu: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Exekuzioak huts egin du: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Barneko errorea: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Sortu konexioa"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Aldatu %s izeneko konexioa"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Sortu %s izeneko konexioa"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Hau PPP konfiguratzeko tresna da. Ez du zure ISParekin konektatzen, ppp "
"konfiguratzen du bakarrik, gero zuk 'pon' bezalako tresna erabiltzeko. "
"Erabiltzaile-izena, pasahitza eta ISPak emandako telefono zenbakia zehaztek "
"eskatuko dizu. ISPak PAP edo CHAP erabiltzen badu, honekin nahikoa daukazu. "
"Berriketarako script bat erabili behar baduzu, zure ISPak erabiltzaile-izena "
"eta pasahitza nola eskatzen duen jakin beharko duzu. ISPak zer erabiltzen "
"duen ez badakizu, saiatu PAPrekin. Erabili teklatuko gora eta behera geziak "
"menuetan zehar ibiltzeko. Sakatu <Sartu> tekla elementu bat hautatzeko. "
"Erabili TAB tekla <Ados>era, <Utzi>ra joateko edota atzera itzultzeko. "
"Hurrengo menuan higitzeko, joan <Ados>era eta sakatu <Sartu> tekla. Aurreko "
"menura itzultzeko joan <Utzi>ra eta sakatu Sartu tekla."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Menu nagusia"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Aldatu konexioa"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Ezabatu konexioa"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Amaitu eta gorde fitxategiak"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu konexioaren autentifikazio metodoa. PAP gehien erabiltzen den "
"metodoa da (Windows 95 sisteman). ISPak NT edo Win95 bezeroen deiak onartzen "
"baditu, saiatu PAP metodoarekin.Metodoa %s gisa ezarrita dago."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr "%s(r)En autentifikazio metodoa"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Erabili \"chat\" saio-hasiera/pasahitza autentifikatzeko"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu propietatea aldatzeko, hautatu \"Uzti\" atzera itzultzeko, edo "
"hautatu \"Amaituta\" fitxategien aldaketak gordetzeko."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"%s(r)en propietateak\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s(r)en telefono zenbakia"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s: Saio-hasiera"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s: ISPko erabiltzaile-izena"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Pasahitza"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s ISPko pasahitza"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Atakaren abiadura"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s: Modemaren kom. ataka"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s: Autentifikazio metodoa"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Aukera aurreratuak"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Idatzi fitxategiak eta itzuli menu nagusira."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Menu honek ezarpen korapilotsuago batzuk aldatzen utziko dizu. Hautatu "
"aldatzea nahi duzun ezarpenak, eta hautatu \"Aurrekoa\" egindakoan. Erabili "
"teklatuko geziak zerrendan higitzeko."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"%s(r)en aukera aurreratuak\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Modemaren hasierako esaldia"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Konexio-erantzuna"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Saioaren aurreko berriketa"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Bideratzailearen egoera lehenetsia"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Ezarri IP helbidea"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Piztu/Itzali arazketa"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Piztu/Itzali deia eskatzean"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Piztu/Itzali jarraitzea"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Aldatu DNSa"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Gehitu ppp-ko erabiltzailea"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Saio-hasieraren ondorengo berriketa"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Aldatu urruneko izena"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Idle denbora-muga "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Itzuli aurreko menura"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Irten utilitate honetatik"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Barneko errorea: ez dago %s bezalakorik, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Sartu konexio-aitorpenaren testua, baldin badu. Kate hau bidaliko da modemak "
"CONNECT katea jasotakoan. Ziur ez bazaude ISPak aitorpen gisa zer behar "
"duen, kate hau hutsik utzi.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Ait. katea"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Sartu saio-hasieraren eskaerako katea. Berriketak zure erabiltzaile-izena "
"bidaliko du erantzun gisa. Eskaera gehienak login: eta username: izan ohi "
"dira. Batzuetan aurreneko hizkia maiuskulekin izaten denez, kendu egiten da "
"eta hitzaren beste zatia jartzen da. Batzuetan bi puntuko ikurra kendu "
"egiten da. Ez bazaude ziur, saiatu honekin: 'ogin:'"
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Sahio-hasieraren eskaera"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Sartu pasahitzaren eskaerako katea. Berriketak zure pasahitza bidaliko du "
"erantzun gisa. Eskaera gehienak password: izan ohi dira. Batzuetan aurreneko "
"hizkia maiuskulekin izaten denez, kendu egiten da eta hitzaren beste zatia "
"jartzen da. Batzuetan bi puntuko ikurra kendu egiten da."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Pasahitzaren eskaera"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Baliteke hemen ezer idatzi beharrik ez izatea. Sartu ISPak (saioa hasi "
"aurretik) eskatzen duen sarrera gehigarria. Sarrera bat egin behar baduzu, "
"sartu lehenik espero duzun eskaeraren sarrera, eta bigarrenik behar duen "
"erantzuna. Adibidea: zure ISPak 'Server:' bidaltzen badu, eta 'tribolite' "
"erantzuna jasotzea espero badu, honakoa idatzi hemen (komatxorik gabe): "
"'erver trilobite' Sarrera guztiak zuriuneekin bereizi behar dira. Eskaera-"
"erantzuna bikote bat baino gehiago eduki ditzakezu."
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Saio-hasieraren aurrekoa"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Litekeena da hau aldatu beharrik ez izatea. Hasierakoa '' \\d\\c izan ohi "
"da, eta berriketari ezer espero ez izateko, segundo bat itxaron eta ezer ez "
"bidaltzeko adierazten dio. Honek zure ISPari denbora eskaintzen dio ppp "
"hasteko. ISPak bestelako sarrera gehigarri bat behar badu (saioa-hasi "
"ondoren) idatz ezazu hemen. Programa baten izena izan beharko luke, ppp "
"gisakoa, menuko eskaerari erantzuteko. Sarrera bat sortu behar baduzu, sartu "
"lehenik espero duzun eskaeraren sarrera, eta bigarrenik behar duen "
"erantzuna. Adibidea: zure ISPak 'Protocol' bidaltzen badu, eta 'ppp' "
"erantzuna jasotzea espero badu, honakoa idatzi hemen (komatxorik gabe): "
"'otocol ppp' Sarrera guztiak zuriuneekin bereizi behar dira. Eskaera-"
"erantzuna bikote bat baino gehiago eduki ditzakezu."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Sahio-hasieraren ondorengoa"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Sartu erabiltzaile-izena, ISPak emandakoa."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Erantzun 'bai' modemaren ataka automatikoki zehazteko. Hainbat segundo "
"iraungo du serieko ataka bakoitza probatzen. Erantzun 'ez' serieko ataka "
"eskuz zehazteko."
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Aukeratu Modema konfiguratzeko metodoa"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Ezin da probarik egin pppd exekutazen ari den bitartean."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "%s probatzen"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Azpikoa hardwareak dituen serieko ataken (ppp-ek erabil ditzakeen) zerrenda "
"da. Modema eduki dezakeena aurrez hautatuta dago. Ez badu modema aurkitu, "
"'Eskuz' aurre-hautatuko da. Aurre-hautapena onartzeko, sakatu TAB tekla eta "
"gero Sartu tekla. Erabili teklatuko gora eta behera geziak hautapenetan "
"higitzeko, eta sakatu zuriune tekla bat hautatzeko. Amaitutakoan, erabili "
"TAB tekla <Ados> hautatzeko, eta sakatu Sartu tekla hurrengo elementura "
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Hautatu modemaren ataka"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Sartu ataka eskuz:"
#: pppconfig:649
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Sartu modema lotuta dagoen ataka.\n"
"/dev/ttyS0 ataka COM1 da DOS sisteman. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 ataka COM2 da DOS sisteman. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 ataka COM3 da DOS sisteman. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 ataka COM4 da DOS sisteman. \n"
"Arruntena /dev/ttyS1 izaten da. Jakin ezaazu erakutsi bezala idatzi behar "
"dela. Letra maiuskulak garrantzitsuak dira: ttyS1 ez da ttys1 katearen "
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Hautatu eskuz modemaren ataka"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Lehenespeneko bideratzailea gaitzeak zuzenean konektatuta ez dauden "
"ostalariekin harremanetan jartzeko ISParen bidea dela adierazten dio "
"sistemari. Azken finean, hau baita nahi duzuna. Erabili teklatuko gora eta "
"behera geziak hautapenetan higitzeko, eta sakatu zuriunea bat hautatzeko. "
"Amaitutakoan erabili TAB tekla <Ados> hautatzeko, eta gero sakatu Sartu "
"tekla hurrengo elementura joateko."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Bideratzaile lehenetsia"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Gaitu bideratzaile lehenetsia"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Desgaitu bideratzaile lehenetsia"
#: pppconfig:680
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
#| "noipdefault. This not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
#| "the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
#| "static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with "
#| "a colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both "
#| "a local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, "
#| "like this: "
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Litekeena da hemen IP helbiderik sartu beharrik ez izatea.Hau ez da izen-"
"zerbitzarien IP helbidea jartzeko lekua. Zure IP helbide propioa ezartzeko "
"da, ISPak helbide estatikoa eman dizun kasuan bakarrik. IP estatikoa "
"eskuratu baduzu, sartu ezazu eta idatzi baita ere helbidearen amaieran bi "
"puntu (:), honela '' (baina komatxorik gabe). Lokaleko eta "
"urruneko IP helbideak eskuratu badituzu, lehenik sartu lokaleko IP helbidea, "
"gero bi puntu, eta ondoren urruneko IP helbidea (adib. "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP helbideak"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Sartu modemaren atakaren abiadura (adib. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, "
"115200). 115200 balioa ezartzea gomendatzen da."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Abiadura"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Sartu modemaren hasieratzeko katea. Lehenespeneko balioa ATZ da, honek "
"modemari konfigurazio lehenetsia erabiltzeko adierazten dio. Modem gehienek "
"ppp-rentzako egokiak diren lehenespeneko konfigurazioekin etortzen dira. Hau "
"ez aldatzea gomendatzen da."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Modema hasieratzea"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu deia egiteko metodoa. Egoera gehienetan tonua erabiltzen denez, utz "
"ezazu deitzeko metodoa 'tomua' ezarpenarekin, baldin eta pultsua ez baduzu "
"behar. Erabili teklatuko gora eta behera geziak hautapenetan higitzeko, eta "
"sakatu zuriunea bat hautatzeko. Amaitutakoan erabili TAB tekla <Ados> "
"hautatzeko, eta gero sakatu Sartu tekla hurrengo elementura joateko."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Pultsua edo Tonua"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Sartu telefono zenbakia deia egiteko. Ez idatzi marratxorik. Irakurri "
"modemaren eskuliburua bestelako dei mota erabili behar baduzu, PBX motako "
"deia adibidez."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefono zenbakia"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Sartu pasahitza, ISPak eman dizuna."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasahitza"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Sartu izena, IPSari erreferentzia egiteko. Baliteke 'provider' izen "
"lehenetsia mantendu nahi izatea zure ISP nagusiarentzako. Honela egiten "
"baduzu, 'pon' komandoa bakarrik exekutatuz deia egin dezakezu. Beste ISP "
"gehigarri batentzako eman dagokion izen propioa. Adibidez, laneko ISPa bada "
"'Lanekoa' dei ezaiokezu, eta ikastolakoa bada 'ikastetxea'. Horrela "
"bulegotik ISPra deitzean 'pon Lanekoa' erabili, eta ikastetxean berriz 'pon "
"ikastetxea'. Oharra: izenak ezin du zuriunerik eduki."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Hornitzailearen izena"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Konexio hau dagoeneko existitzen da. Gainidaztea nahi duzu?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Konexioa existitzen da"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Amaitu konexioa konfiguratzea eta gorde aldatutako fitxategiak. Berriketako "
"kateak (ISParekin konektatzeko) /etc/chatscripts/%s fitxategian daude, eta "
"pppd daemonarentzako aukerak /etc/ppp/peers/%s helbidean. Nahi izanez gero, "
"fitxtaegiok eskuz edita ditzakezu. Orain programatik irtetzeko, beste "
"konexio bat konfiguratzeko, edo hau edo beste bat gainbegiratzeko aukera "
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Amaituta"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Sortu konexioa"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Ez da konexiorik aldatu"
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Hautatu konexioa"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Hautatu konexioa aldatzeko."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Ez dago konexiorik ezabatzeko."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Ezabatu konexio bat"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Hautatu konexioa ezabatzeko."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Itzuli aurreko menura"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Aldaketak gorde gabe irtetzea nahi duzu?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:939
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"BAI hautatzeak arazketa gaitzen du. EZ hautatzeak desgaitu egiten du. "
"Arazketa hemen dago: %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Arazteko komandoa"
#: pppconfig:954
#, fuzzy, perl-format
#| msgid ""
#| "Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
#| "will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
#| "pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into "
#| "the background and wait for you to attempt access something on the Net, "
#| "and then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also "
#| "want to set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is "
#| "idle. Demand dialing is presently %s."
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"BAI hautatuz hornitzaileari eskaerako deia egitea gaitzen da. EZ hautatu "
"desgaitu egiten du. Jakin ezazu pppd daemona 'pon' komandoarekin abiatzen "
"dela, pppconfig-ek ez du lan hori egingo. Komandoa exekutatzean pppd atzeko "
"planoan exekutatzen hasiko da, eta saretik zerbait atzitzen saiatuko eta "
"ISPari deituko dio. Eskaerako deia ez baduzu gaitzen, inaktibitate-denbora "
"(idle-timeout) ezar dezakezu, eta esteka amaituko da denbora-muga heltzean."
"Eskaerako deia hemen dago: %s"
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Eskaerako komandoa"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"BAI hautatuz jarraitasun modua gaitzen du. EZ hautatuz desgaitu egiten du. "
"Honek pppd daemonak konexioa lortu arte saiatzen jarraitzea eragiten du, eta "
"konexioa erortzen bada berriro konektatzea. Jarraitasun modua ez da "
"eskaerako deiarekin bateragarria, beraz eskaerako modua gaitzen bada "
"jarraitasun modua desgaituko du. Jarraitasuna %s(e)n dago."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Jarraitasun komandoa"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu metodo bat. 'Estatikoa' metodoak izen-zerbitzari berdina erabiltzea "
"adierazten du, hornitzaile hau erabiltzen den bakoitzean. Hurrengo pantailan "
"izen-zerbitzariaren helbidea eskatuko zaizu. 'Dinamikoa' metodoak pppd "
"daemonak automatikoki izen-zerbitzariaren helbidea lortuko duela adierazten "
"du, hornitzaile hau erabiltzen den bakoitzean. 'Bat ere ez' metodoak DNSa "
"beste bide batetik kudeatuko dela adierazten du, BIND bezalakoa edo eskuz "
"editatutako /etc/resolv.conf erabiliz. Hautatu 'Bat ere ez' /etc/resolv."
"conf fitxategia aldatzerik ez baduzu nahi, hornitzaile honekin konektatzean. "
"Erabili teklatuko gora eta behera geziak hautapenetan higitzeko, eta sakatu "
"zuriunea bat hautatzeko. Amaitutakoan erabili TAB tekla <Ados> hautatzeko, "
"eta gero sakatu Sartu tekla hurrengo elementura joateko."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Konfiguratu izen-zerbitzaria (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Erabili DNS estatikoa"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Erabili DNS dinamikoa"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNSa beste bide batzuekin kudeatuko da"
#: pppconfig:1001
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Sartu IP helbidea, izen-zerbitzari nagusiarena."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP helbidea"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Sartu IP helbidea, bigarren izen-zerbitzariarena (egonez gero)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Sartu erabiltzaile-izena, ppp abiatu eta gelditu dezakeen erabiltzailearena. "
"Erabiltzaile hori edozein konexio abiatzeko gai izango da. Eraibltzailea "
"kentzeko exekutatu 'vigr' programa eta kendu erabiltzailea 'dip' taldetik."
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Gehitu erabiltzailea "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Ez dago %s gisako erabiltzailerik. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Litekeena da hau aldatu nahi ez izatea. Pppd daemonak bai bideratzaile-izena "
"bai erabiltzaile-izena erabil ditzake fitxategi sekretuan pasahitz zuzena "
"aurkitzeko. Bideratzaile-izen lehenetsia hornitzailearena izaten da. Honela "
"hornitzaile ezberdinekin erabiltzaile-izen berdina erabil daiteke. "
"Bideratzaile-izena aukera desgaitzeko, urruneko izena hutsik utzi. Urruneko "
"izena aukera hornitzailearen fitxategitik ken daiteke, eta * duen lerroa "
"fitxategi sekretuan jar daiteke urruneko-izenaren ordez."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Urruneko izena"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Sartu zenbaki bat hemen, hainbat segundo inaktibo igaro ondoren automatikoki "
"PPP esteka itzaltzeko. Hutsik utzi inaktibo dagoenean ez itzaltzeko."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Inaktibitate denbora-muga"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da %s ireki.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Ezin da %s ireki.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Ezin da %s blokeatu. \n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Ezin da %s(e)ra inprimatu.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Ezin da %s izenez aldatu. \n"
#: pppconfig:1698
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Erabilera: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
" [--noname] | [hornitzaile-izena]]\n"
"'--version' bertsioa bistaratzen du. '--help' laguntzako mezua bistaratzen "
"'--dialog' dialog erabiltzea, gdialog ordez. '--whiptail' whiptail "
"'--gdialog' gdialog erabiltzea. '--noname' hornitzailearen izena 'provider' "
"izatea derrigortzen du. \n"
"'hornitzaile-izena' horrnitzailearen izena 'hornitzaile-izena' izatea "
"derrigortzen du.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig programa menuen bidez interaktiboki ppp konexio deia konfiguratzen "
"laguntzeko tresna da.\n"
"PAP, CHAP, eta berriketako autentifikazioa onartzen ditu.\n"
"pppd daemonaren konfigurazio fitxategi estandarrak erabiltzen ditu. \n"
"Ez du ISParekin konexiorik irekitzen, sistema konfiguratzen du, gero 'pon' "
"bezalako programarekin zeuk konektatzeko.\n"
"Modema detektatu eta ppp konfiguratu dezake DNS dinamikoa eta hainbat ISP "
"erabiltzeko, eta eskaerako deiak egiteko.\n"
"pppconfig exekutatu aurretik ISPak eskatzen duen autentifikazio metodoa, "
"telefono zenbakia, erabiltzaile-izena \n"
"eta pasahitza jakitea komeni zaizu. Berriketako autentifikazioa erabiltzeko "
"eskatzen bada, saio-hasieraren eta pasahitzaren \n"
"edota bestelako eskaera mota ere jakin beharko duzu.\n"
"ISPak informazio hau ez badizu ematen, minicom programa erabili deitzen "
"saiatzeko, eta prozedura hau jarraituz ppp \n"
"bestaldekoarekin komunikatzen ari dela adierazten duten zakarrak eskuratuko "
"pppconfig tresnak sistemako konfigurazioko fitxategiak aldatzen dituenez, "
"supererabiltzaile (root) gisa edo sudo \n"
"erabiliz exekutatu beharko duzu. \n"

po/fi.po Normal file

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po/he.po Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
# translation of pppconfig-2.3.18+nmu3-he.po to Hebrew
# Pppconfig Template File
# Copyright (C) 2004 John Hasler
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# John Hasler <>, 2004.
# Omer Zak <>, 2010, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig-2.3.18+nmu3-he\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-03 05:44+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Omer Zak <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hebrew <>\n"
"Language: he\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"כלי הגדרת PPP של GNU/Linux\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "ללא ממשק משתמש\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "אתה חייב להיות root כדי להריץ את תוכנית זאת.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s לא קיים.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "לא יכול לסגור WTR בהורה: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "לא יכול לסגור RDR בהורה: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "לא יכול להתפצל"
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "לא יכול לסגור RDR בבן: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "לא יכול להפנות מחדש את פלט השגיאות: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "הרצה נכשלה: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "שגיאה פנימית: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "יצירת חיבור"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "שינוי החיבור בשם %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "יצירת חיבור בשם %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"זהו הכלי להגדרת PPP. הוא אינו מתחבר לספק האינטרנט שלך, אלא רק מגדיר את ppp "
"כדי שתוכל להתחבר בעזרת כלי אחר כמו pon. הכלי יבקש ממך את שם המשתמש, הסיסמה "
"ומספר הטלפון שניתנו לך ע\"י ספק האינטרנט שלך. אם ספק האינטרנט שלך משתמש ב-"
"PAP או CHAP, זה כל מה שדרוש לך. אם הינך חייב להשתמש בתסריט דיאלוג, תצטרך "
"לדעת איך הספק מבקש את שם המשתמש והסיסמה שלך. אם אינך יודע באיזו שיטת אימות "
"משתמש הספק שלך, נסה PAP. השתמש במקשי החיצים למעלה/למטה כדי לנווט את דרכך "
"בתפריטים. לחץ על מקש ENTER כדי לבחור פריט. לחץ על מקש TAB כדי לעבור מהתפריט "
"ל-<OK> ול-<CANCEL> וחזרה לתפריט. כדי לעבור לתפריט הבא, עבור ל-<OK> ולחץ על "
"ENTER. כדי לחזור לתפריט הקודם, לך ל-<CANCEL> ולחץ על ENTER."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "תפריט ראשי"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "שינוי חיבור"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "מחיקת חיבור"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "סיום ושמירת הקבצים"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"אנא בחר בשיטת האימות לחיבור זה. PAP היא שיטת האימות הנפוצה ביותר בחלונות 95, "
"כך שאם ספק האינטרנט שלך תומך בחייגן של NT או של Win95, נסה PAP. נכון לעכשיו, "
"שיטת האימות הנבחרת היא %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr "שיטת זיהוי עבור %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol (PAP)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "השתמש ב-\"chat\" לאימות login:/password:"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol (CHAP)"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"בחר את המאפיין שברצונך לשנות, בחר \"ביטול\" כדי להתחיל מחדש, או בחר \"סיום\" "
"כדי לכתוב את הקבצים ששונו."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"מאפיינים של %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s מספר טלפון"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s בקשת כניסה"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s שם משתמש אצל ספק האינטרנט"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s בקשת סיסמה"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s סיסמה אצל ספק האינטרנט"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s מהירות היציאה הטורית"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s היציאה הטורית של המודם"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s שיטת אימות"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "אפשרויות מתקדמות"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "כתיבת הקבצים וחזרה לתפריט הראשי."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"תפריט הזה מרשה לך לשנות חלק מהאפשרויות למתקדמים. בחר את האפשרות שברצונך "
"לשנות, ובחר \"חזרה\" כשתסיים. השתמש במקשי החיצים כדי לגלול את הרשימה."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "הגדרות מתקדמות עבור %s"
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s מחרוזת אתחול של המודם"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s תגובת חיבור"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s דיאלוג לפני כניסה"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s מצב ניתוב ברירת מחדל"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s קביעת כתובות IP"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s הפעלת או ניטרול מצב ניפוי שגיאות"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s הפעל או הפסק חיוג לפי דרישה"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s הפעלה או ביטול מצב חיבור מתמיד"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s שינוי DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " הוסף משתמש PPP"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s דיאלוג לאחר כניסה"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s שינוי שם מרוחק"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s פרק זמן לניתוק בגלל חוסר פעילות"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "חזרה לתפריט הקודם"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "יציאה מכלי זה"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "שגיאה פנימית: אין כזה דבר %s, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"הכנס את הטקסט של אישור ההתחברות, אם קיים כזה. מחרוזת זאת תישלח כאשר המחרוזת "
"CONNECT תתקבל מהמודם. אלא אם ידוע לך בוודאות, שספק האינטרנט שלך דורש אישור "
"כזה, עדיף שתשאיר את המחרוזת הזאת ריקה: כלומר ''.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "מחרוזת אישור"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את הטקסט של בקשת הכניסה. chat תשלח את שם המשתמש שלך בתגובה. הבקשות הכי "
"נפוצות הן login: ו-username:. לפעמים האות הראשונה רישית, ולכן מקובל להשמיט "
"אותה ולחפש התאמה לשאר המילה. לפעמים גם הנקודותיים לא נכללות. אם אינך בטוח, "
"נסה את הטקסט ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "בקשת כניסה"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את הטקסט של בקשת הסיסמה. chat תשלח את שם הסיסמה שלך בתגובה. הבקשה הכי "
"נפוצה היא password:. לפעמים האות הראשונה רישית, ולכן מקובל להשמיט אותה ולחפש "
"התאמה לשאר המילה."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "בקשת סיסמה"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"קרוב לוודאי שאין צורך שתוסיף כלום כאן. הוסף כל קלט נוסף שספק האינטרנט שלך "
"דורש לפני שהינך מתחבר. אם צריך להוסיף משהו, הקלט הראשון יהיה הבקשה שהינך "
"מצפה לקבל והשני - התגובה הדרושה. לדוגמא: הספק שלך שולח את הבקשה 'Server:' "
"ומצפה ממך לענות 'trilobite'. במקרה כזה תוסיף כאן 'erver trilobite' (בלי "
"גרשיים). יש להפריד את כל הטקסטים ע\"י מרווחים. ניתן להוסיף יותר מזוג אחד של "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "לפני כניסה"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"קרוב לוודאי שאין צורך שתשנה כאן. הערך ההתחלתי הינו '' \\d\\c שאומר ל-chat לא "
"לצפות לכלום, לחכות שניה אחת ואז לא לשלוח כלום. המטרה היא לתת לספק האינטרנט "
"שלך מספיק זמן כדי להתחיל בתקשורת ppp. אם הספק שלך צריך קלט כלשהו אחרי "
"שנכנסת, עליך להוסיף כאן קלט זה. הקלט יכול להיות שם תוכנה כמו ppp בתגובה "
"לתפריט. אם עליך להוסיף קלט, הקלט הראשון יהיה הבקשה שהינך מצפה לו והשני - "
"התגובה הדרושה. לדוגמא: הספק שלך שולח 'Protocol' ומצפה ממך לתגובה 'ppp'. "
"במקרה כזה, עליך לשים כאן 'otocol ppp' (בלי הגרשיים). יש להפריד בין השדות עלי "
"ידי מרווחים. ניתן להוסיף יותר מזוג אחד של בקשה-תגובה."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "אחרי כניסה"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "הכנס את שם המשתמש שניתן לך ע\"י ספק האינטרנט שלך."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "שם משתמש"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"השב 'כן' כדי לזהות אוטומטית את היציאה הטורית שאליה מחובר המודם שלך. תהליך "
"הבדיקה של כל יציאה טורית דורש שניות רבות. השב 'לא' אם תרצה לבחור בעצמך את "
"היציאה הטורית"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "בחר צורת הגדרת מודם"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "לא יכול לבחון בזמן ש-pppd רץ."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "בודק %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"להלן מופיעה רשימה של כל היציאות הטוריות, שנראה שמחוברת אליהן חומרה שיכולה "
"לשמש לתקשורת ppp. בחרנו עבורך יציאה טורית, שכנראה מחובר אליה מודם. אם לא "
"נמצא אף מודם, בחרנו עבורך 'ידני'. כדי לאשר את הבחירה, פשוט לחץ על TAB ואחר "
"כך על ENTER. השתמש במקשי החיצים למעלה/למטה כדי לעבור לבחירה אחרת, ולחץ על "
"מקש הרווחים כדי לבחור יציאה. כשתסיים, לחץ על TAB כדי לבחור <OK> ואחר כך לחץ "
"על ENTER כדי לעבור לפריט הבא."
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "בחירת יציאה טורית שאליה מחובר מודם"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "בחירה ידנית של היציאה הטורית. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את היציאה הטורית שאליה מחובר המודם.\n"
"/dev/ttyS0 הינו COM1 ב-DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 הינו COM2 ב-DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS2 הינו COM3 ב-DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS3 הינו COM4 ב-DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 הינו הנפוץ ביותר. שים לב שיש להקליד את שם היציאה הטורית בדיוק כמו "
"שהיא מופיעה כאן. חשוב לשים לב לאותיות רישיות: ttyS1 אינו אותו הדבר כמו ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "בחירה ידנית של יציאה טורית שאליה מחובר מודם"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"בחירת ניתוב ברירת מחדל מסמנת למערכת שלך, שהדרך להגיע למחשבים, שאליהם המערכת "
"לא מחוברת ישירות, היא באמצעות ספק האינטרנט שלך. קרוב לוודאי שזה מה שאתה "
"רוצה. השתמש במקשי חיצים למעלה/למטה כדי לעבור בין הברירות ולחץ על מקש הרווחים "
"כדי לבחור בברירה אחת. כשתסיים, השתמש ב-TAB כדי לבחור <OK> ואז לחץ על ENTER "
"כדי לעבור לפריט הבא."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "נתיב ברירת מחדל"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "אפשר נתיב ברירת מחדל"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "בטל נתיב ברירת מחדל"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"כמעט וודאי שלא תרצה לשנות פריט זה מברירת המחדל של noipdefault. זה לא המקום "
"לכתובות IP של שרת השמות (nameserver) שלך. זה המקום לכתובת IP שלך אם ורק אם "
"ספק האינטרנט שלך הקצה לך כתובת IP קבועה. אם קבלת רק כתובת IP סטטית מקומית, "
"הכנס אותה עם נקודותיים בסוף כמו בדוגמא: ''. אם קבלת גם כתובת IP "
"מקומית וגם כתובת IP מרוחקת, הכנס את כתובת IP המקומית, נקודותיים וכתובת IP "
"מרוחקת כמו בדוגמא: ''"
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "מספרי IP"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את מהירות היציאה הטורית שאליה מחובר המודם שלך (לדוגמא 9600, 19200, "
"38400, 57600, 115200). מומלץ שתשאיר אותה בערך 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "מהירות"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את מחרוזת האתחול של המודם. ברירת המחדל היא ATZ, שאומרת למודם להשתמש "
"בהגדרות ברירת המחדל שלו. מכיוון שרוב המודמים יוצאים מהיצרן עם הגדרות ברירת "
"מחדל המתאימות ל-ppp, לא מומלץ שתשנה את מחרוזת האתחול."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "אתחול מודם"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"בחר שיטת חיוג. מכיוון שיש כמעט לכל אחד חיוג טונים, עליך להשאיר את שיטת החיוג "
"הנבחרת על מצב זה, אלא אם אתה בטוח שאתה צריך חיוג פולסים. השתמש במקשי החיצים "
"למעלה/למטה כדי לעבור בין הברירות, ולחץ על מקש הרווחים כדי לבחור באפשרות אחת. "
"כשתסיים, לחץ על TAB כדי לבחור <OK> על ENTER כדי לעבור לפריט הבא."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "פולסים או טונים"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את המספר לחייג. אל תכלול מקפים. קרא את המדריך למשתמש של המודם שלך אם "
"אתה צריך לבצע פעולה חריגה כלשהי כגון חיוג דרך מרכזיה פרטית."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "מספר טלפון"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "הכנס את הסיסמה שספק האינטרנט נתן לך."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "סיסמה"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את השם שברצונך להשתמש בו כדי לזהות את ספק האינטרנט הזה. קרוב לוודאי "
"שתרצה לתת את שם ברירת המחדל של 'provider' לספק האינטרנט הראשי שלך. בדרך זו, "
"תוכל להתחבר אליו פשוט על ידי מתן הפקודה 'pon'. תן לכל ספק אינטרנט נוסף שם "
"ייחודי. לדוגמא, הינך יכול לתת למעסיק שלך את השם 'theoffice' ולאוניברסיטה שלך "
"את השם 'theschool'. בצורה זו, תוכל להתקשר לספק האינטרנט שלך ע\"י 'pon', "
"למשרד שלך ע\"י 'pon theoffice', ולאוניברסיטה ע\"י 'pon theschool'. הערה: "
"אסור שהשם יכלול רווחים."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "שם ספק"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "חיבור זה קיים. האם תרצה לדרוס אותו?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "החיבור קיים"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"הסתיימה הגדרת החיבור וכתיבת קבצים שהשתנו. מחרוזות הדיאלוג לחיבור לספק "
"האינטרנט נמצאות ב-/etc/chatscripts/%s בעוד שההגדרות עבור pppd נמצאות ב-/etc/"
"ppp/peers/%s. ביכולתך לערוך ידנית קבצים אלה אם תרצה. כעת ביכולתך לצאת "
"מהתוכנה, להגדיר חיבור נוסף, לערוך חיבור זה, או לערוך חיבור אחר."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "סיום"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "יצירת חיבור"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "אין חיבורים לשינוי."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "בחירת חיבור"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "בחירת חיבור לשינוי."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "אין חיבורים למחיקה."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "מחיקת חיבור"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "בחירת חיבור למחיקה."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "חזרה לתפריט הקודם"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "האם אתה רוצה לצאת בלי לשמור על השינויים?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "עזיבה"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "מצב ניפוי שגיאות מאופשר כעת."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "מצב ניפוי שגיאות מנוטרל כעת."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr "בחירת כן תאפשר מצב ניפוי שגיאות. בחירת לא תנטרל מצב ניפוי שגיאות. %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "פקודת ניפוי שגיאות"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"בחירת כן תאפשר חיוג לפי דרישה אל הספק הזה. בחירת לא תנטרל זאת. שים לב שעדיין "
"תצטרך להפעיל את pppd ע\"י pon: זה לא יבוצע אוטומטית על ידי pppconfig. במצב "
"חיוג לפי דרישה, pppd יישאר ברקע ויחכה עד שתנסה לגשת למחשב כלשהו ברשת ואז "
"יחייג לספק האינטרנט. אם הינך מאפשר חיוג לפי דרישה, תרצה גם להגדיר פרק זמן "
"לניתוק הקשר באם לא תהיה בו פעילות. מצב חיוג לפי דרישה הינו כעת %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "פקודת חיוג לפי דרישה"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"בחירת כן תאפשר מצב חיבור מתמיד. בחירת לא תבטל מצב חיבור מתמיד. מצב חיבור "
"מתמיד גורם ל-pppd לנסות עד שהוא מתחבר ואז לנסות להתחבר מחדש אם הקשר מתנתק. "
"מצב חיבור מתמיד שולל מצב חיוג לפי דרישה. אפשור חיוג לפי דרישה יבטל מצב חיבור "
"מתמיד. מצב חיבור מתמיד הינו כעת %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "פקודת חיבור מתמיד"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"קבל את מספרי שרתי השמות כל פעם שהינך מתחבר לספק זה. 'None' פרושו ש-DNS יבוצע "
"באמצעים אחרים כמו ע\"י BIND (ידוע גם כ-named) או עריכה ידנית של /etc/resolv."
"conf. בחר 'None' אם איך רוצה ש-/etc/resolv.conf ישתנה כשאתה מתחבר לספק זה. "
"השתמש במקשי החיצים למעלה/למטה כדי לעבור בין הברירות, ולחץ על מקש הרווחים כדי "
"לבחור ברירה אחת. כשתסיים, לחץ על TAB כדי לבחור ב-<OK> ועל ENTER כדי לעבור "
"לפריט הבא."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "הגדרת שרתי שמות (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "השתמש ב-DNS קבוע"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "השתמש ב-DNS דינמי"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS יטופל באמצעים אחרים"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את כתובת ה-IP של שרת השמות הראשי שלך."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "כתובת IP"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "הכנס את כתובת ה-IP של שרת ה-DNS המשני שלך (אם יש כזה)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"הכנס את שם המשתמש של משתמש, שברצונך שיהיה מסוגל להתחיל ולעצור את ppp. יהיה "
"ביכולת המשתמש להתחיל חיבור כלשהו. כדי למחוק משתמש, הפעל את התוכנה vigr ומחק "
"את המשתמש מקבוצת dip. "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "הוספת משתמש"
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"המשתמש %s לא קיים. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"קרוב לוודאי שלא תרצה לשנות את זה. pppd משתמש ב-remotename וגם בשם המשתמש כדי "
"לבחור את הסיסמה הנכונה בקובץ secrets. ברירת המחדל ל-remotename הוא שם ספק "
"האינטרנט. הדבר מאפשר לך להשתמש באותו שם משתמש עבור ספקים שונים. כדי לבטל את "
"אפשרות ה-remotename, הכנס remotename ריק. במקרה כזה, אפשרות ה-remotename "
"תוסר מקובץ הספקים. כמו כן, שורה עם * במקום remotename תוכנס לקובץ secrets."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "שם מרוחק"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"אם ברצונך שקשר ה-PPP ינותק אוטומטית לאחר תקופה מסוימת ללא פעילות, הכנס כאן "
"מספר. השאר ריק אם אינך מעוניין בניתוק בגלל העדר פעילות."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "פרק זמן ללא פעילות"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "לא הצליח לפתוח את %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "לא מצליח לפתוח את %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "לא מצליח לנעול את %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "לא מצליח להדפיס ל-%s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "לא מצליח לשנות את השם של %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"שימוש: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' מדפיס את הגירסה.\n"
" '--help' מדפיס הודעת עזרה.\n"
"'--dialog' משתמש ב-dialog במקום ב-gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' משתמש ב-whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' משתמש ב-gdialog\n"
"'--noname' מאלץ את שם ספק האינטרנט להיות 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' מאלץ את שם ספק האינטרנט להיות 'providername'.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig הינה תוכנת עזר הידברותית, מבוססת על תפריטים שייעודה לסייע בהגדרת\n"
" חיבור ppp מבוסס על חיוג. התוכנה כרגע תומכת באימות זהות ע\"י -PAP, CHAP\n"
"ובאמצעות דיאלוג (chat). התוכנה משתמשת בקבצי ההגדרה התקניים של pppd. התוכנה\n"
"אינה מתחברת לספק האינטרנט שלך, אלא רק מכניסה למערכת שלך את ההגדרות הדרושות\n"
"כדי לאפשר לך להתחבר באמצעות תוכנת עזר כמו pon. התוכנה יכולה למצוא את המודם\n"
"שלך ולהגדיר את ppp ל-DNS דינמי, ספקי אינטרנט מרובים וחיוג לפי דרישה.\n"
"לפני הפעלת pppconfig, עליך לדעת איזו שיטת אימות נדרשת על ידי ספק האינטרנט "
"שלך, שם\n"
"המשתמש והסיסמה שברצונם שתשתמש, ומספר הטלפון. אם הם דורשים ממך להשתמש "
"אימות, תצטרך לדעת גם באלו הודעות הם משתמשים כדי לבקש שם משתמש וסיסמה וכל\n"
"הודעות אחרות והתגובות המתאימות להן. אם אינך יכול להשיג מידע זה מספק "
"שלך, ביכולתך לנסות להתחבר אליו באמצעות minicom ולעבור את תהליך החיבור עד\n"
"שהינך מקבל את ה\"זבל\" שמציין את תחילת ppp בצד השני. \n"
"מכיוון ש-pppconfig מבצע שינויים בקבצי הגדרות של המערכת, עליך להיות מזוהה\n"
"כמשתמש-על או להשתמש ב-sudo כדי להריץ את pppconfig.\n"

po/id.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
# Pppconfig Potfile
# Copyright (C) 2004 John Hasler
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# John Hasler <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig 1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-11 18:47+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: T. Surya Fajri <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian <>\n"
"Language: id\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"Utilitas Pengonfigurasi GNU/Linux PPP\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Tidak ada UI\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Anda harus menjadi root untuk dapat menjalankan program ini.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s tidak ada.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Tidak dapat menutup WTR di induk:"
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Tidak dapat menutup RDR di induk:"
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "tidak dapat membuat cabang:"
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Tidak dapat menutup RDR di turunan:"
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengarahkan stderr:"
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Eksekusi gagal:"
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Kesalahan internal:"
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Membuat sebuah koneksi"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Mengubah sebuah koneksi bernama %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Membuat sebuah koneksi bernama %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah utilitas pengonfigurasian PPP. Utilitas ini bukan untuk "
"menyambungkan hubungan ke ISP Anda: hanya mengonfigurasikan ppp agar Anda "
"dapat menggunakan utilitas lain seperti misalnya pon. Utilitas ini akan "
"menanyakan nama pengguna, kata kunci dan nomor telepon yang diberikan ISP "
"kepada Anda. Jika ISP Anda menggunakan PAP atau CHAP, hanya itu yang Anda "
"butuhkan. Jika Anda harus menggunakan sebuah skrip chat, Anda harus tahu "
"cara ISP Anda menampilkan prompt bagi permintaan nama pengguna dan kata "
"kunci. Jika Anda tidak tahu jenis yang digunakan oleh ISP Anda , coba "
"gunakan PAP. Gunakan tombol panah atas dan bawah untuk menjelajahi menu. "
"Tekan ENTER untuk memilih sebuah item. Gunakan tombol TAB untuk berpindah "
"dari menu ke <OK> ke <CANCEL> dan sebaliknya. Untuk berpindah ke menu "
"selanjutnya pilihlah <OK> dan tekan ENTER. Untuk kembali ke menu sebelumnya "
"pilihlah <CANCEL> dan tekan ENTER."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Menu Utama"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Mengubah sebuah koneksi"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Menghapus sebuah koneksi"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Selesai dan menyimpan berkas"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Silakan pilih metode otentikasi bagi koneksi ini. PAP adalah metode yang "
"sering digunakan pada Windows 95, sehingga jika ISP Anda mendukung NT atau "
"klien dial up Win95, cobalah PAP. Metode saat ini ditentukan sebagai %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Metode Otentikasi bagi %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Gunakan \"chat\" bagi otentikasi login:/password:"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Silakan pilih properti yang ingin Anda ubah, pilih \"Cancel\" untuk kembali "
"ke awal, atau pilih \"Finished\" untuk menuliskan perubahan-perubahan ke "
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"Properti-properti dari %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Nomor telepon"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Prompt login"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Nama pengguna ISP"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Prompt kata kunci"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Kata kunci ISP"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Kecepatan port"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Port com modem"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Metode otentikasi"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Pilihan Tingkat Lanjut"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Tuliskan ke berkas dan kembali menu utama."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Menu ini memperbolehkan Anda untuk mengubah beberapa kondisi yang lebih "
"tidak dikenal. Pilih kondisi yang ingin Anda ubah, dan pilih \"Previous\" "
"setelah Anda selesai. Gunakan tombol-tombol panah untuk melihat daftar."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"Kondisi Lebih Lanjut bagi %s\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s String init modem"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Tanggapan koneksi"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Chat pre-login"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Keadaan jalur bawaan"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Menentukan alamat-alamat ip"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Aktifkan/non aktifkan debugging"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Aktifkan/non aktifkan demand dialing"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Aktifkan/non aktifkan persist"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Ubah DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Menambah pengguna ppp"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Chat post-login"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Ubah nama jarak jauh"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Batas waktu menganggur"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Kembali ke menu sebelumnya"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Keluar dari utilitas ini"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Kesalahan internal: tidak ada %s,"
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Masukkan teks bagi pemberitahuan koneksi, jika ada. String ini akan "
"dikirimkan ketika string CONNECT diterima dari modem. Jika anda tidak yakin "
"bahwa ISP membutuhkan pemberitahuan tersebut, anda harus mengabaikan teks "
"pemberitahuan ini sebagai string kosong: yaitu,''.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "String Ack"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan teks bagi prompt login. Chat akan mengirimkan nama pengguna milik "
"Anda sebagai balasan. Prompt yang paling umum adalah login: dan username:. "
"Terkadang huruf pertama dibuat menjadi huruf besar sehingga kita abaikan dan "
"mencocokkan sisa kata yang ada. Terkadang tanda titik dua (colon) diabaikan. "
"Jika Anda tidak yakin, coba ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Prompt Login"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan teks bagi prompt kata kunci. Chat akan mengirimkan kata kunci Anda "
"sebagai balasannya. Prompt yang paling sering digunakan adalah password:. "
"Terkadang huruf pertama dibuat menjadi huruf besar sehingga kita abaikan dan "
"mencocokkan sisa kata."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Prompt Kata Kunci"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Anda mungkin tidak perlu mengisi teks disini. Masukkan teks tambahan yang "
"diperlukan ISP Anda sebelum Anda masuk. Jika Anda perlu untuk memasukkan "
"teks, buat huruf pertama adalah prompt yang Anda harapkan dan huruf kedua "
"adalag balasan yang diinginkan. Contoh: ISP anda mengirimkan 'Server:' dan "
"mengharapkan Anda untuk menjawab dengan 'trilobite'. Anda bisa memasukkan "
"'erver trilobite' (tanpa tanda quote) disini. Semua masukan teks harus "
"dipisahkan dengan spasi kosong. Anda dapat membuat lebih dari satu pasang "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Pre-Login"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Mungkin Anda tidak perlu mengubah kondisi ini. Untuk kondisi awal '' \\d\\c "
"yang memberitahu chat untuk tidak mengharapkan sesuatu, tunggu satu detik "
"dan tidak mengirimkan sesuatu. Hal ini akan memberikan waktu bagi ISP Anda "
"untuk menyalakan ppp. Jika ISP Anda membutuhkan beberapa teks masukkan "
"setelah Anda masuk, maka masukkan disini. Isinya mungkin sebuah nama program "
"seperti misalnya ppp sebagai tanggapan bagi prompt menu. Jika Anda perlu "
"untuk membuat suatu masukkan, buatlah isian pertama adalah prompt yang Anda "
"harapkan dan yang kedua adalah tanggapan yang dibutuhkan. Contoh: ISP Anda "
"mengirimkan 'Protocol' dan mengharap agar Anda menjawab dengan 'ppp'. Anda "
"akan meletakkan 'otocol ppp' (tanpa tanda quote) disini. isian harus "
"dipisahkan oleh spasi kosong. Anda dapat memiliki lebih dari satu pasang "
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Post-Login"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Masukkan nama pengguna yang diberikan oleh ISP Anda."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Nama Pengguna"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Jawab 'yes' untuk mengidentifikasikan secara otomatis port modem Anda yang "
"sedang aktif. Proses ini akan membutuhkan beberapa detik untuk mengetes "
"setiap port serial. Jawab 'no' jika Anda lebih ingin memasukkan port serial "
"secara manual."
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Pilih Metode Konfigurasi Modem"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menyelidiki ketika pppd sedang aktif."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Menyelidiki %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Dibawah ini adalah sebuah daftar semua port serial yang sepertinya memiliki "
"perangkat keras yang dapat digunakan bagi ppp. Salah satunya yang sepertinya "
"memiliki sebuah modem didalamnya, telah dipilih. Jika tidak ada modem yang "
"ditemukan, 'Manual' lah yang dipilih. Untuk menyetujui pilihan tersebut, "
"cukup tekan TAB dan kemudian ENTER. Gunakan tombol panah atas dan bawah "
"untuk bergerak diantara pilihan-pilihan, dan tekan spacebar untuk "
"memilihnya. Setelah Anda selesai, gunakan TAB untuk memilih <OK> dan ENTER "
"untuk berpindah ke menu selanjutnya."
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Memilih Port Modem"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Masukkan port secara manual."
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan port modem anda pada.\n"
"/dev/ttyS0 adalah COM1 di DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 adalah COM2 di DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 adalah COM3 di DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 adalah COM4 di DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 adalah yang paling sering digunakan. Harap diperhatikan bahwa "
"isian ini harus dituliskan persis seperti dengan yang ada di tampilan. Huruf "
"kapital penting: ttyS1 tidak sama dengan dengan ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Memilih Port Modem Secara Manual"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Mengaktifkan jalur bawaan akan memberitahu sistem Anda bahwa jalan untuk "
"mencapai host-host yang tidak terhubung secara langsung adalah melalui ISP "
"Anda. Hal inilah yang kemungkinan besar Anda butuhkan. Gunakan tombol panah "
"atas dan bawah untuk bergerak diantara pilihan-pilihan yang ada dan tekan "
"spacebar untuk memilihnya. Setelah Anda selesai, gunakan TAB untuk memilih "
"<OK> dan ENTER untuk berpindah ke item selanjutnya."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Jalur Bawaan"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Aktifkan jalur bawaan"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Non aktifkan jalur bawaan"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Kemungkinan besar anda tidak ingin mengubah nilai bawaan noipdefault. Ini "
"bukan tempat bagi nomor-nomor IP nameserver anda. Ini adalah tempat bagi "
"nomor IP anda jika dan hanya jika ISP Anda telah menentukan ip statis bagi "
"anda. Jika anda hanya diberikan sebuah ip statis lokal, masukkan dan dengan "
"tanda titik dua (:) di bagian akhir, seperti ini: Jika anda "
"telah diberi baik ip lokal atau remote ip, masukkan ip lokal, tanda titik "
"dua, dan remote ip, seperti ini:"
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "Nomor IP"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan kecepatan port modem Anda (misalnya 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, "
"115200). Kami menyarankan Anda mengabaikannya dan tetap menggunakan 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Kecepatan"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan string inisialisasi bagi modem. Nilai bawaan adalah ATZ, yang "
"memberitahukan modem untuk menggunakan nilai bawaannya. Karena sebagian "
"besar modem telah ditentukan nilai bawaannya oleh pabrik pembuatnya yang "
"cocok bagi ppp, kami menyarankan Anda untuk tidak mengubah nilai ini."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Inisialisasi Modem"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Pilih metode untuk memanggil nomor telepon. Karena hampir semua orang "
"memiliki nada-sentuh, Anda harus membiarkan pilihan penggunaan metode yang "
"menggunakan nada terkecuali Anda yakin Anda membutuhkan metode denyut. "
"Gunakan tombol panah atas dan bawah untuk bergerak diantara pilihan-pilihan, "
"dan tekan spacebar untuk memilih. Setelah Anda selesai, gunakan TAB untuk "
"memilih <OK> dan ENTER untuk berpindah ke item selanjutnya."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Denyut atau Nada"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan nomor yang akan dipanggil. Jangan sertakan tanda dash (-). Lihat "
"buku petunjuk modem Anda jika ingin melakukan hal yang tidak biasa seperti "
"misalnya memanggil nomor melalui sebuah PBX."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Nomor Telepon"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Masukkan kata kunci yang telah diberikan ISP Anda."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Kata Kunci"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan nama yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk menunjuk ke ISP Anda. Mungkin "
"Anda perlu memberikan nama bawaan sebagai 'provider' bagi ISP primernya. "
"Pada kondisi ini, Anda dapat memanggil nomor telepon hanya dengan perintah "
"'pon'. Berikan nama unik bagi setiap ISP tambahan. Sebagai contoh, Anda "
"mungkin memberikan nama 'theoffice' bagi kantor dan 'theschool' untuk kampus "
"Anda. Maka untuk menghubungkan ke ISP Anda dengan 'pon', untuk kantor Anda "
"dengan 'pon theoffice' dan untuk kampus Anda dengan 'pon theschool'. "
"Catatan: nama harus tidak berisikan spasi kosong."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Nama Provider"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Koneksi ini ada. Anda ingin menimpanya?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Koneksi Ada"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Selesai mengonfigurasi koneksi dan menuliskan perubahan ke berkas. String "
"bagi chat untuk menghubungkan ke ISP adalah pada /etc/chatscripts/%s, "
"sementara pilihan bagi pppd ada pada /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Mungkin Anda perlu "
"mengedit berkas-berkas ini secara manual bila diinginkan. Sekarang Anda "
"memiliki kesempatan untuk keluar dari program, mengonfigurasi koneksi yang "
"lain atau meninjau kembali berkas ini atau yang lain."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Selesai"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Membuat Koneksi"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Tidak ada koneksi yang perlu diubah."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Pilih Sebuah Koneksi"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Pilih koneksi yang ingin diubah."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Tidak ada koneksi yang perlu dihapus."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Hapus Sebuah Koneksi"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Pilih koneksi yang ingin dihapus."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Kembali ke Menu Sebelumnya"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr ""
"Apakah Anda ingin keluar tanpa terlebih dahulu menyimpan perubahan yang "
"telah terjadi?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Keluar"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Debugging saat ini diaktifkan"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Debugging saat ini tidak diaktifkan"
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"Memilih YES akan mengaktifkan proses debug. Memilih NO akan "
"menonaktifkannya. %s."
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Perintah Debug"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Dengan memilih YES akan memungkinkan panggilan bagi provider ini. Dengan "
"memilih NO akan menonaktifkannya. Sebagai catatan, anda masih perlu "
"menyalakan pppd dengan pon: pppconfig tidak akan melakukannya untuk anda. "
"Bila anda menyalakan pppd dengan pon:, pppd akan aktif di latar belakang dan "
"menunggu usaha anda mengakses sesuatu di Net, dan kemudian memanggil nomor "
"telepon ISP. Jika anda mengaktifkan permintaan panggilan yang diinginkan, "
"Anda juga perlu menentukan batas waktu diam sehingga koneksi akan terputus "
"ketika sedang tidak melakukan kegiatan. Permintaan panggilan saat ini adalah "
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Perintah Demand"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Dengan memilih YES akan mengaktifkan mode persist. Dengan memilih NO akan "
"menonaktifkannya. Hal ini akan menyebabkan pppd akan terus mencoba sampai "
"terjadi hubungan dan mencoba untuk menghubungkan kembali jika koneksi "
"terputus. Persist tidak kompatibel dengan pemanggilan nomor yang diinginkan: "
"mengaktifkan demand akan menonaktifkan persist. Untuk saat ini persist "
"adalah %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Perintah Persist"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Pilih sebuah metode. 'Static' berarti bahwa nameserver yang sama akan "
"digunakan setiap kali provider ini digunakan. Anda akan mendapat pertanyaan "
"tentang nomor nameserver pada layar selanjutnya. 'Dynamic' berarti bahwa "
"pppd secara otomatis akan mendapatkan nomor nameserver setiap kali Anda "
"terhubung ke provider ini. 'None' berarti bahwa DNS akan diatur oleh "
"aplikasi lain, misalnya BIND (named) atau pengeditan secara manual di /etc/"
"resolv.conf. Pilih 'None' jika Anda tidak menginginkan /etc/resolv.conf "
"untuk berubah ketika Anda terhubung ke provider ini. Gunakan tombol panah "
"atas dan bawah untuk bergerak diantara pilihan-pilihan dan tekan spacebar "
"untuk memilihnya. Setelah Anda selesai, gunakan TAB untuk memilih <OK> dan "
"ENTER untuk berpindah ke item selanjutnya."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Mengonfigurasi Nameserver (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Menggunakan DNS statis"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Menggunakan DNS dinamis"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS akan diolah oleh aplikais lain"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Masukkan nomor IP bagi nameserver primer anda."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "Nomor IP"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Masukkan nomor IP bagi nameserver sekunder Anda (jika ada)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Masukkan nama pengguna bagi pengguna yang diinginkan untuk dapat menyalakan "
"dan mematikan ppp. Pengguna tersebut akan dapat menyalakan setiap koneksi. "
"Untuk menghapus pengguna, jalankan program vigr dan hapus pengguna dari grup "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Menambah Pengguna"
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Tidak ada pengguna sebagai %s."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Kemungkinan Anda tidak ingin mengubah kondisi ini. pppd menggunakan nama "
"server jarak jauh dan juga nama pengguna untuk menemukan kata kunci yang "
"benar pada berkas rahasia. Nama server jarak jauh bawaan adalah nama "
"provider. Hal ini memperbolehkan Anda untuk menggunakan nama pengguna yang "
"sama untuk provider yang berbeda-beda. Untuk menonaktifkan nama server jarak "
"jauh, berikan isian yang kosong pada opsi. Pilihan nama server jarak jauh "
"akan dihilangkan dari berkas provider dan sebuah baris dengan karakter * dan "
"bukan nama server jarak jauh yang akan diletakkan pada berkas rahasia."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Nama Server Jarak Jauh"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menginginkan hubungan PPP ini mati secara otomatis ketika telah "
"menganggur selama waktu tertentu, masukkan jumlah detik disini. Abaikan "
"pilihan ini jika Anda tidak menginginkan proses mematikan hubungan ketika "
"sedang menganggur."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Batas Waktu Menganggur"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Saat ini tidak dapat membuka %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Saat ini tidak dapat mengunci %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Tidak dapat menampilkan %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengubah nama %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Penggunaan: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' akan menampilkan versi.\n"
" '--help' akan menampilkan sebuah pesan bantuan.\n"
"'--dialog' menggunakan dialog dan bukannya gdialog. \n"
"'--whiptail' menggunakan whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' menggunakan gdialog. \n"
" '--noname' memaksa nama provider menjadi 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' memaksa nama provider menjadi 'providername'.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig adalah sebuah utilitas berbasiskan menu yang interaktif untuk \n"
"membantu secara otomatis pengaturan dial up koneksi ppp. Pada saat ini \n"
"mendukung otentikasi melalui PAP, CHAP, dan chat. pppconfig menggunakan \n"
"berkas-berkas konfigurasi standar pppd. pppconfig tidak membuat koneksi ke "
"ISP \n"
"anda, namun hanya mengkonfigurasi sistem anda agar anda dapat membuat \n"
"koneksi ke ISP menggunakan utilitas lain, misalnya pon. pppconfig dapat \n"
"mendeteksi modem Anda, dan dapat pula mengkonfigurasi ppp bagi dns \n"
"dinamis, multi ISP dan pemanggilan nomor telepon sesuai keinginan (demand)\n"
"Sebelum menjalankan pppconfig, anda harus mengetahui jenis otentikasi yang \n"
"dibutuhkan oleh ISP anda, nama pengguna dan kata kunci yang ISP butuhkan, \n"
"dan nomor telepon. Jika ISP membutuhkan otentikasi yang menggunakan chat \n"
"Anda juga perlu mengetahui prompt login dan kata kunci dan prompt-prompt \n"
"lain dan tanggapan yang diperlukan oleh login. Jika Anda tidak bisa "
"mendapatkan \n"
"informasi ini dari ISP, Anda dapat mencobanya dengan memanggil nomor "
"telepon \n"
"menggunakan minicom dan menjalankan prosedur yang diperlukan sampai \n"
"Anda mendapatkan pesan-pesan yang mengindikasikan bahwa ppp \n"
"telah menyala di satu sisi.\n"
"Karena pppconfig membuat perubahan pada berkas konfigurasi sistem, Anda "
"harus \n"
"masuk sebagai root atau menggunakan sudo untuk menjalankannya. \n"

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@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
# pppconfig 2.0.9 messages.po
# Copyright John Hasler
# You may treat this document as if it were in the public domain.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 2.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-03 18:19+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Kenshi Muto <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "GNU/Linux PPP 設定ユーティリティ"
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "UI なし\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "このプログラムは root で実行する必要があります。\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s が存在しません。\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "親で WTR をクローズできません: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "親で RDR をクローズできません: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "フォークできません: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "子で RDR をクローズできません: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "標準エラーにリダイレクトできません: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "実行に失敗: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "内部エラー: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "接続の作成"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "%s の接続の変更"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "%s の接続の作成"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"これは PPP 設定ユーティリティです。このツールであなたの ISP に接続するわけで"
"はありません。これは単に pon などのユーティリティで接続できるよう PPP を設定"
"するだけです。ISP から提供されたユーザ名、パスワード、電話番号について尋ねま"
"す。ISP が PAP または CHAP を使っているのであれば、必要なものはこれだけです。"
"チャットスクリプトが必要なのであれば、ユーザ名とパスワードについてあなたの "
"ISP がどのようなプロンプトを示すかを知っておく必要があります。あなたの ISP が"
"何を使っているのかわからなければ、PAP を試してください。メニューの移動には ↑↓"
"キーを使います。項目を選択するには ENTER を押してください。メニューを <了解> "
"や <取消> または戻るには、TAB キーを使います。次の項目に進む準備ができたら、<"
"了解> に移動して ENTER を押します。メインメニューに戻るには <取消> に移動し"
"て ENTER を押します。"
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "メインメニュー"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "接続の変更"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "接続の削除"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "終了してファイルを保存する"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"この接続の認証方法を選択してください。PAP は Windows 95 で最も一般的に使われ"
"る方法で、ISP が NT または Windows 95 のダイヤルアップクライアントをサポート"
"しているのであれば PAP を試してみてください。現在の設定は %s です。"
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr "%s の認証方法"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "login:/password: 認証に \"チャット\" を使う"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"変更したいプロパティを選択してください。最初に戻るには <取消> を選択し、変更"
"したファイルを書き出すには <完了> を選択してください。"
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"%s のプロパティ\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s 電話番号"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s ログインプロンプト"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s ISP のユーザ名"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s パスワードプロンプト"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s ISP パスワード"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s ポート速度"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s モデム COM ポート"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s 認証方法"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "上級オプション"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "ファイルを書き出してメインメニューに戻ります。"
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"%s の上級設定\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s モデムの初期化文字列"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s 接続レスポンス"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s ログイン前チャット"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s デフォルトルート状態"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s IP アドレスの設定"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s デバッギングの on / off"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s デマンドダイヤリングの on / off"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s 永続化の on / off"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s DNSの変更"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " PPP ユーザの追加"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s ログイン後のチャット "
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s リモート名の変更 "
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s アイドルタイムアウト "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "前のメニューに戻る"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "このユーティリティの終了"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "内部エラー: %s というものはありません,"
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"もし存在するなら、接続承認のテキストを入力してください。この文字列は CONNECT "
"文字列をモデムから受け取ったときに送られます。あなたの ISP がそのような承認を"
"必要とする確信がなければ、空のまま ('') にしておきます。\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "承認文字列"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"なたのユーザ名を送ります。ほとんどの共通のプロンプトは login: と username: で"
"ogin: を試してみてください。"
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "ログインプロンプト"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"あなたのパスワードを送ります。ほとんどの共通のプロンプトは password: です。と"
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "パスワードプロンプト"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"おそらくここに何かを書く必要はありません。ログインする前にあなたの ISP に追加"
"す。例: あなたの ISP が 'Server:' を送り、'trilobite' を返すという場"
"合、'erver trilobite' (引用符はなし) をここに指定します。すべてのエントリはス"
"ペースで区切る必要があります。1 つ以上の期待値/送出ペアを持つことができま"
"す。 "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "ログイン前"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"おそらくこれを変更する必要はないでしょう。初期値の '' \\d\\c はチャットに何も"
"期待せず、1秒待ち、何も送らないことを示します。これはあなたの ISP に、PPP が"
"開始するまでの時間を与えます。もしあなたの ISP があなたのログイン後に追加入力"
"ンスとして ppp のようなプログラム名があります。エントリを作る必要がある場合に"
"指定します。例: あなたの ISP が 'Protocol' を送り、'ppp' を返すという場"
"合、'otocol ppp' (引用符はなし) をここに指定します。フィールドはスペースで区"
"切る必要があります。1 つ以上の期待値/送出ペアを持つことができます。"
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "ログイン後"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "ISP から与えられたユーザ名を入力してください。"
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "ユーザ名"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"モデムのポートを自動的に識別するには 'はい' と答えてください。すべてのシリア"
"指定したいのであれば、'いいえ' と答えてください。"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "モデムの設定方法を選択"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "pppd が実行しているあいだに検出できません。"
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "%s を検出中"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"以下に PPP に利用できるハードウェアを持つすべてのシリアルポートのリストを示し"
"は 'Manual' が事前選択されています。事前選択を受け入れるには単に TAB を押し"
"て ENTER を押すだけです。選択の移動には ↑↓ キーを使い、1 つを選んでスペース"
"キーを押してください。完了したら、TAB キーで <了解> に移動し、次の項目に移動"
"するために ENTER を押してください。"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "モデムポートの選択"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "ポートを手で入力"
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"/dev/ttyS0 は DOS でいう COM1 です。\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 は DOS でいう COM2 です。\n"
"/dev/ttyS2 は DOS でいう COM3 です。\n"
"/dev/ttyS3 は DOS でいう COM4 です。\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 が最も一般的です。これは正確に入力される必要があることに注意してく"
"ださい。大文字小文字は重要です。ttyS1 は ttys1 と同じではありません。"
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "手動でモデムポートを選択する"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"デフォルトルーティングを有効にすると、あなたの ISP を経由して、直接接続されて"
"あなたの望むことのはずです。選択の移動には ↑↓ キーを使い、1 つを選んでスペー"
"スキーを押してください。完了したら、TAB キーで <了解> に移動し、次の項目に移"
"動するために ENTER を押してください。"
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "デフォルトルート"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "デフォルトルートを有効にする"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "デフォルトルートを無効にする"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"デフォルト値の noipdefault から変更する必要は通常、ないでしょう。これはあなた"
"のネームサーバの IP アドレスではありません。あなたの ISP が固定の 1 つを割り"
"当てている場合のみ、あなたの IP アドレスを指定します。ローカルの固定 IP アド"
"レスのみが与えられているのであれば、 のようにコロンで終わるように"
"入力します。ローカルとリモートの IP アドレスが与えられているなら、"
" のようにローカル IP、コロン、リモート IP で入力しま"
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP アドレス"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"あなたのモデムポートの速度 (たとえば 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200) を入"
"力してください。115200 と仮定しています。"
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "速度"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"モデムの初期化文字列を入力してください。デフォルト値は ATZ で、モデムにそのデ"
"フォルト設定を使うよう指示します。ほとんどのモデムは PPP に適切なデフォルト設"
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "モデムの初期化"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"ダイヤル方法を選択します。ほとんどの人はタッチトーンを使っているので、パルス "
"(Pulse) が必要であると確信がない限りはダイヤル方法はトーン (Tone) のままでよ"
"いでしょう。選択の移動には ↑↓ キーを使い、1 つを選んでスペースキーを押してく"
"ださい。完了したら、TAB キーで <了解> に移動し、次の項目に移動するために "
"ENTER を押してください。"
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "パルスまたはトーン"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"ダイヤル先の電話番号を入力してください。ダッシュ (-) は含めないでください。"
"PBX を通してダイヤルするなどの一般的ではない方法が必要なときには、モデムのマ"
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "電話番号"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "ISP から与えられたパスワードを入力してください。"
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "パスワード"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"この ISP を参照するのに使う名前を入力してください。主 ISP にはデフォルト名 "
"'provider' を与えるのがよいでしょう。こうすることで、'pon' コマンドを単に実行"
"するだけでダイヤルできます。追加するそれぞれの ISP には固有の名前を与えてくだ"
"さい。たとえば、あなたの会社であれば 'theoffice'、大学であれば 'theschool' と"
"いった具合です。'pon' で ISP に接続するには会社であれば 'pon theoffice'、大学"
"であれば 'pon theschool' として接続できます。注意: 名前にはスペースを含めるこ"
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "プロバイダ名"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "この接続は存在します。上書きしますか?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "接続が存在"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"接続の設定を完了し、変更されたファイルを書き出します。ISP への接続のチャット"
"文字列は /etc/chatscripts/%s に、pppd のオプションは /etc/ppp/peers/%s に置か"
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "完了"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "接続の作成"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "変更する接続がありません。"
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "接続の選択"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "変更する接続を選択してください。"
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "削除する接続がありません。"
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "接続の削除"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "削除する接続を選択してください。"
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "前のメニューに戻る"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "変更を保存せずに終了しますか?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "終了"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "デバッグが直ちに有効になりました。"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "デバッグが直ちに無効になりました。"
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"<はい> を選択すると、デバッギングが有効になります。<いいえ> を選択すると無効"
"になります。デバッギングは %s となっています。"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "デバッグコマンド"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"<はい> を選択すると、このプロバイダへのデマンドダイヤリングを有効にします。<"
"いいえ> を選択すると無効になります。pon で pppd を開始することがまだ必要であ"
"ることに注意してください。pppconfig はそこまでは行いません。そうしたいのであ"
"れば、pppd はバックグラウンドで動作し、あなたがネットのどこかにアクセスを試み"
"るまで待機し、それから ISP にダイヤルアップします。デマンドダイヤリングを有効"
"するのがよいでしょう。デマンドダイヤリングは現在 %s です。"
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "デマンドコマンド"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"<はい> を選択すると、持続モードを有効にします。<いいえ> を選択すると無効にし"
"ます。これは pppd に接続し続けるようにし、接続がダウンしたときには再接続を試"
"ると持続は無効になります。現在の持続は %s です。"
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "持続コマンド"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"方法を選択してください。'Static' は、このプロバイダが使われるときに毎回同じ"
"ネームサーバを使うことを意味します。次の画面でネームサーバの IP アドレスを尋"
"ねられます。 'Dynamic' は、pppd がこのプロバイダに接続するときに毎回自動的に"
"ネームサーバの IP アドレスを取得することを意味します。'None' は、BIND "
"(named) や /etc/resolv.conf の手動変更のような DNS が別の方法で操作されること"
"を意味します。/etc/resolv.conf をこのプロバイダに接続するときに変更されたくな"
"いなら、'None' を選んでください。選択の移動には ↑↓ キーを使い、1 つを選んでス"
"ペースキーを押してください。完了したら、TAB キーで <了解> に移動し、次の項目"
"に移動するために ENTER を押してください。"
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "ネームサーバ (DNS) の設定"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "静的 DNS を使う"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "動的 DNS を使う"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS をほかの方法で操作する"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"あなたの主ネームサーバの IP アドレスを入力してください。"
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP アドレス"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr ""
"(もし存在するなら) あなたの副ネームサーバの IP アドレスを入力してください。"
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"PPP を起動/停止することができるユーザのユーザ名を入力してください。いずれの接"
"続の開始にも利用されます。ユーザを削除するには vigr プログラムを実行して、"
"dip グループからユーザを削除してください。"
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "ユーザの追加 "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"%s というユーザはいません。"
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"この変更はおそらく望まないでしょう。pppd は、secrets ファイルから正しいパス"
"ワードを見つけるのにユーザ名と同様リモート名を使います。デフォルトの "
"remotename はプロバイダ名です。異なるプロバイダで同じユーザ名を使うようにする"
"りに * 行が secrets ファイルに書かれます。"
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "リモート名"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"指定の秒数アイドル状態になったときに自動的に PPP リンクをシャットダウンしたい"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "アイドルタイムアウト"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "%s を開けません。\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "%s を開けません。\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "%s をロックできません。\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "%s を出力できません。\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "%s を名前変更できません。\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"使い方: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' バージョンを表示.\n"
"'--help' ヘルプメッセージを表示.\n"
"'--dialog' gdialog の代わりに dialog を使用.\n"
"'--whiptail' whiptail を使用.\n"
"'--gdialog' gdialog を使用.\n"
"'--noname' プロバイダ名を強制的に 'provider' にする.\n"
"'providername' はプロバイダ名をこれに強制する.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig は、ダイヤルアップ ppp 接続を自動設定するのを支援する、インタ\n"
"ラクティブでメニュー駆動型のユーティリティです。現時点で PAP、CHAP、\n"
"chat 認証をサポートしています。標準の pppd 設定ファイルを使用します。\n"
"あなたの ISP への接続は行わず、単に pon などのユーティリティで接続できる\n"
"ようにあなたのシステムを設定するだけです。モデムの検出や、動的 DNS、複数の\n"
"ISP、デマンドダイヤリングの ppp 設定が可能です。\n"
"pppconfig を実行する前に、あなたの ISP が必要とする認証の種類、ISP\n"
"レスポンスを知る必要もあります。あなたの ISP からこの情報を得られない\n"
"ときには、minicom でダイヤルして、ppp が他方との接続を開始したことを\n"
"pppconfig はシステム設定ファイルを変更するので、これを実行するには、\n"
"root でログインするか sudo を使う必要があります。\n"

po/ko.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

po/lt.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
# translation of pppconfig_po_lt.po to Lithuanian
# Copyright John Hasler
# You may treat this document as if it were in the public domain.
# Kęstutis Biliūnas <>, 2004, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig_po_lt\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-01 16:30+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Kęstutis Biliūnas <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <>\n"
"Language: lt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"GNU/Linux PPP konfigūravimo programa\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Be UI\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Šios programos vykdymui Jūs turite būti root (administratoriumi).\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s neegzistuoja.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Negaliu uždaryti WRT protėvyje: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Negaliu uždaryti RDR protėvyje: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "negaliu padaryti atsišakojimo (fork): "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Negaliu uždaryti RDR palikuonyje: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Negaliu nukreipti stderr: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Exec nepavyko: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Vidinė klaida: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Sukurti ryšio jungtį"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Pakeisti ryšio jungtį vardu %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Sukurti ryšio jungtį vardu %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Tai PPP konfigūravimo programa. Ji nesujungia su Jūsų interneto paslaugos "
"tiekėju (ISP): ji konfigūruoja ppp taip, kad Jūs galėtumėte prisijungti pon "
"ar panašiomis programomis. Ji paklaus apie naudotojo vardą, slaptažodį ir "
"telefono numerį, kuriuos Jūs gavote iš ISP. Jei Jūsų ISP naudoja PAP ar "
"CHAP, tai viskas ko Jums reikės. Jei Jums reikia naudoti prisijungimo "
"scenarijų (chat script), reikės žinoti kaip Jūsų ISP paklausia apie "
"naudotojo vardą ir slaptažodį. Jei nežinote ką naudoja Jūsų ISP, bandykite "
"PAP. Judėjimui po meniu naudokite rodyklių aukštyn ir žemyn klavišus. "
"Paspausdami ENTER pažymėkite pasirinktą punktą. Naudokite TAB klavišą, "
"perėjimui iš meniu į <Gerai> ar <Atšaukti> ir atgal. Kai esate pasiruošę "
"eiti į sekantį meniu, eikite į <Gerai> ir paspauskite ENTER. Jei norite "
"grįžti atgal į pagrindinį meniu, eikite į <Atšaukti> ir paspauskite ENTER."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Pagrindinis meniu"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Pakeisti ryšio jungtį"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Panaikinti ryšio jungtį"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Baigti ir išsaugoti failus"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkite autentikacijos metodą šiai ryšio jungčiai. Metodas PAP yra "
"dažniausiai Windows 95 naudojamas metodas, todėl jei Jūsų ISP palaiko NT ar "
"Win95 modeminius (dial up) klientus, bandykite PAP. Šiuo metu nustatytas "
"metodas %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Autentikacijos metodas skirtas %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Mazgo autentikacijos protokolas (PAP)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Autentikacijai naudoti \"chat\", naudojantis login:/password:"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake autentikacijos protokolas (CHAP)"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkite parametrą, kurį norite keisti, \"Atšaukti\", jei norite grįžti į "
"pradžią, arba \"Baigta\", jei norite įrašyti pakeistus failus."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"Nustatymai %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Telefono numeris"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Prisijungimo kvietinys"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Interneto paslaugos naudotojo vardas"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Slaptažodžio įvedimo kvietinys"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Interneto paslaugos tiekėjo slaptažodis"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Jungties greitis"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Modemo com jungtis"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Autentikacijos metodas"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Papildomi parametrai"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Įrašyti failus ir grįžti į pagrindinį meniu."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Šis meniu leis Jums keisti kai kuriuos mažiau žinomus nustatymus. "
"Pasirinkite nustatymą, kurį norėtumėte keisti, o kai baigsite, pasirinkite "
"\"Ankstesnis\". Naudokite rodyklių klavišus vaikščiojimui po sąrašą."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"Papildomi nustatymai %s\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Modemo inicializacijos eilutė"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Susijungimo atsakymas"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Scenarijus vykdomas prieš prisijungimą"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Pagal nutylėjimą numatytoji maršruto būsena"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Nustatyti IP adresą"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Įjungti ar išjungti derinimo veikseną"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Įjungti ar išjungti automatinį prisiskambinimą"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Įjungti ar išjungti nuolatinį susijungimą"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Keisti DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Pridėti ppp naudotoją"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Scenarijus vykdomas po prisijungimo"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Keisti remotename "
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Nenaudojimo (idle) trukmė "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Grįžti į ankstesnįjį meniu"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Išeiti iš šios programos"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Vidinė klaida: nėra tokio dalyko kaip %s, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Įveskite tekstą susijungimo patvirtinimui, jei reikia. Ši eilutė bus "
"siunčiama, iš modemo priėmus CONNECT eilutę. Jei nežinote ar Jūsų ISP "
"reikalauja tokio patvirtinimo, tuomet palikite šią eilutę kaip nulinę: t.y. "
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Ack eilutė"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite tekstą kvietinio įvesti naudotojo vardą. Prisijungimo scenarijus, "
"atsakydamas nusiųs naudotojo vardą. Dažniausiai naudojami kvietiniai yra "
"login: ir username:. Kartais pirmoji raidė rašoma didžiąja, taigi mes "
"naudojame be pirmosios raidės, ir ieškome likusios žodžio dalies sutapimo. "
"Kartais nenaudojamas dvitaškis. Jei abejojate, bandykite ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Prisijungimo kvietinys"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite tekstą kvietinio įvesti slaptažodį. Prisijungimo scenarijus "
"atsakydamas nusiųs Jūsų slaptažodį. Dažniausiai naudojamas kvietinys yra "
"password:. Kartais pirmoji raidė rašoma didžiąja, taigi mes naudojame be "
"pirmosios raidės, ir ieškome likusios žodžio dalies sutapimo."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Slaptažodžio įvedimo kvietinys"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Tikriausiai Jūs neturite čia nieko įvesti. Įveskite bet kokį papildomą "
"tekstą, kurio reikalauja Jūsų ISP prieš prisijungimą. Tam pirmiausiai "
"įveskite tekstą. kurį tikitės priimti, o po to reikiamo atsakymo tekstą. "
"Pavyzdžiui: Jūsų ISP siunčia 'Server:' ir tikisi, kad Jūs atsakysite "
"'trilobite'. Jums reikia nurodyti 'erver trilobite' (be kabučių). Visi "
"laukai turi būti atskiriami tarpais. Galima nurodyti ir daugiau negu vieną "
"tokių porų. "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Prieš prisijungimą"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Tikriausiai Jums nereikia keisti šio nustatymo. Jis ('' \\d\\c) nurodo "
"scenarijui nieko nesitikėti priimti, palaukti vieną sekundę, ir nieko "
"nesiųsti. Tai suteikia laiko Jūsų isp ppp programos startavimui. Jei Jūsų "
"isp reikalauja kokios nors papildomos informacijos įvedimo po prisijungimo, "
"ją turite patalpinti čia. Tai gali būti programos pavadinimas, pvz. ppp, "
"kaip atsakymas į siūlomą meniu. Tam pirmiausiai nurodykite ką tikitės gauti, "
"o po to Jūsų atsakymą. Pavyzdžiui: Jūsų isp siunčia 'Protocol' ir tikisi "
"atsakymo 'ppp'. Jūs turite nurodyti čia 'otocol ppp' (be kabučių). Laukai "
"turi būti atskirti tarpo simboliu. Galima nurodyti ir daugiau negu vieną "
"tokių porų."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Po prisijungimo"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Įveskite interneto paslaugos tiekėjo Jums suteiktą vardą."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Naudotojo vardas"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Atsakykite 'taip', tam kad būtų automatiškai nustatyta Jūsų modemo pajungimo "
"jungtis. Tai užtruks po kelias sekundes kiekvienai tikrinamai jungčiai. "
"Atsakykite 'ne', jei norite nurodyti naudojamą jungtį patys"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Pasirinkite modemo konfigūravimo metodą"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Negaliu bandyti, nes yra veikiantis pppd."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Bandomas %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Žemiau nurodytos visos nuoseklios jungtys, matomai turinčios įrenginius, "
"kuriuos gali naudoti ppp. Išrinktoji eilutė yra ta, kurioje yra numanomas "
"modemas. Jei modemas nebuvo rastas, tuomet išrinktoji eilutė - 'Rankinis'. "
"Tam kad patvirtinti pasirinkimą, paspauskite TAB ir tada ENTER. Judėjimui po "
"sąrašą naudokite rodyklių aukštyn ir žemyn klavišus, ir paspauskite tarpo "
"klavišą pasirinkimo pažymėjimui. Kai baigsite, naudokite TAB perėjimui į "
"<Gerai>, ir paspauskite ENTER perėjimui į kitą įrašą."
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Pasirinkite modemo jungtį"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Įveskite jungtį rankiniu būdu. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite jungtį, prie kurios yra prijungtas modemas. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 atitinka COM1 DOS'e. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 atitinka COM2 DOS'e. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 atitinka COM3 DOS'e. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 atitinka COM4 DOS'e. \n"
"Tankiausiai yra naudojama /dev/ttyS1 jungtis. Pastebėkite, kad įvedama turi "
"būti tiksliai kaip parodyta. Didžiosios raidės svarbu: ttyS1 ne tas pats "
"kaip ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Rankiniu būdu pasirinkite modemo jungtį"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Maršrutizavimo pagal nutylėjimą leidimas pasako Jūsų sistemai kelią, kuriuo "
"pasiekiami kompiuteriai neprijungti tiesiogiai prie Jūsų ISP. Tai "
"dažniausiai tai ko jums reikia. Judėjimui po sąrašą naudokite rodyklių "
"aukštyn ir žemyn klavišus, ir paspauskite tarpo klavišą pasirinkimo "
"pažymėjimui. Kai baigsite, naudokite TAB perėjimui į <OK>, ir paspauskite "
"ENTER perėjimui į kitą įrašą."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Pagal nutylėjimą numatytas maršrutas"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Įjungti pagal nutylėjimą numatytą maršrutą"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Išjungti pagal nutylėjimą numatytą maršrutą"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Greičiausiai Jūs nenorėsite keisti nustatytos pagal nutylėjimą parametro "
"noipdefault reikšmės. Tai ne vardų serverio ip adresų nustatymo vieta. Tai "
"Jūsų ip adreso nurodymo vieta, jei Jūsų ISP suteikė Jums statinį ip adresą. "
"Jei Jums yra skirtas tik lokalus statinis ip adresas, įveskite jį su "
"dvitaškiu gale, kaip pvz.: Jei jūs turite abu, lokalų ir "
"išorinį ip adresus, įveskite lokalų ip, dvitaškį, ir išorinį ip, kaip pvz.: "
" "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP Numeriai"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite Jūsų modemo jungties greitį (pvz. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, "
"115200). Aš siūlau palikti 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Greitis"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite modemo inicializacijos eilutę. Reikšmė pagal nutylėjimą yra ATZ, "
"kuri nurodo modemui naudoti savo nuosavus nustatymus. Dauguma modemų yra "
"parduodami su gamykliniais nustatymais, kurie tinka darbui su ppp. Aš siūlau "
"nieko nekeisti čia."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Modemo inicializacija"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkite numerio rinkimo būdą. Kadangi beveik visur naudojamas toninis "
"numerio rinkimo būdas, pasirinkite toninį, jeigu nesate įsitikinęs, kad jums "
"reikia impulsinio rinkimo būdo. Judėjimui po sąrašą naudokite rodyklių "
"aukštyn ir žemyn klavišus, ir paspauskite tarpo klavišą pasirinkimo "
"pažymėjimui. Kai baigsite, naudokite TAB perėjimui į <OK>, ir paspauskite "
"ENTER perėjimui į kitą įrašą."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Impulsinis arba toninis"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite rinkimo (skambinimo) numerį. Neįterpkite brūkšnelių. Jei reikia "
"daryti kažką neįprasto, kaip jungimasis per ofiso ATS, žiūrėkite modemo "
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefono numeris"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Įveskite ISP Jums duotą slaptažodį."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Slaptažodis"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite vardą, kurį norite naudoti nurodant Jūsų isp. Galbūt Jūs norėsite "
"pagrindiniam savo interneto paslaugų tiekėjui (isp) palikti pagal nutylėjimą "
"esantį vardą 'provider'. Tokiu atveju Jūs galėsite susijungti su juo surinkę "
"komandą 'pon'. Sutekite unikalų vardą kiekvienam papildomam isp. Pavyzdžiui, "
"Jūs galite pavadinti savo darbo vietą 'theoffice', o savo universitetą "
"'theschool'. Tuomet Jūs galėsite prisijungti prie savo isp naudodami komandą "
"'pon', prie savo darbo - komanda 'pon theoffice', prie universiteto - 'pon "
"theschool' Pastaba: varde negali būti tarpo simbolių."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Tiekėjo pavadinimas"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Tokia ryšio jungtis egzistuoja. Ar norite ją perrašyti?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Ryšio jungtis egzistuoja"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Konfigūravimas ir nustatymų pakeitimų įrašymas į failus baigtas. "
"Prisijungimo prie ISP scenarijaus eilutės yra faile /etc/chatscripts/%s, o "
"pppd nustatymų parametrai - faile /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Jei norite, galite "
"juos keisti rankiniu būdu. Dabar Jūs turite galimybę išeiti iš šios "
"programos, konfigūruoti kitą ryšio jungtį, arba keisti šią ar kitą ryšio "
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Baigta"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Kurti ryšio jungtį"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Nėra ryšio jungties keitimui."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Pasirinkti ryšio jungtį"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Pasirinkti ryšio jungtį keitimui."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Nėra ryšio jungties pašalinimui."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Pašalinti ryšio jungtį"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Pasirinkite šalinamą ryšio jungtį."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Grįžti į ankstesnįjį meniu"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Ar Jūs norite išeiti, neišsaugojus Jūsų pakeitimų?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Išėjimas"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Šiuo metu derinimas leistas."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Šiuo metu derinimas uždraustas."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkus TAIP derinimas bus leistas. Pasirinkus NE uždraus derinimą. Šiuo "
"metu derinimas (debugging) %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Derinimo (debug) komanda"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkimas TAIP leis automatinį prisiskambinimą paslaugos tiekėjui. "
"Pasirinkimas NE uždraus tai. Pastebėkite, kad Jūs vis tiek turėsite paleisti "
"vykdyti pppd pasinaudodami komanda pon: pppconfig nepadarys to už Jus. Kai "
"Jūs tai padarysite, pppd dirbs foniniame režime ir lauks Jūsų bandymo "
"jungtis prie ko nors tinkle, ir tada skambins ISP telefono numeriu. Jei Jūs "
"leisite automatinį prisiskambinimą, Jūs taip pat norėsite nustatyti "
"prastovos laiką (idle-timeout), tam kad ryšys butų nutrauktas kai "
"nenaudojamas. Šiuo metu automatinis prisiskambinimas yra %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Automatinio prisiskambinimo komanda"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkimas TAIP leis pastovaus susijungimo režimą. Pasirinkimas NE uždraus "
"jį. Šis režimas verčia pppd bandyti prisijungti kol pavyks tai padaryti, ir "
"bandyti naujai prisijungti ryšiui nutrūkus. Šis režimas nesuderinamas su "
"automatinio prisiskambinimo režimu: leidus automatinį prisiskambinimą bus "
"uždraustas pastovaus susijungimo režimas. Šiuo metu pastovaus susijungimo "
"režimas yra %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Pastovaus (persist) susijungimo komanda"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkite metodą. 'Statinis' reiškia, kad kiekvieną kartą prisijungus prie "
"šio paslaugos tiekėjo bus naudojami tie patys vardų serveriai. Sekančiame "
"ekrane Jūsų paprašys nurodyti vardų serverių adresus. 'Dinaminis' reiškia, "
"kad pppd automatiškai gaus vardų serverių adresus kiekvieną kartą "
"prisijungus prie šio paslaugos tiekėjo. 'Joks' reiškia, kad DNS bus "
"atliekamas kitu būdu, tokiu kaip BIND (named) ar rankiniu būdu redaguojant "
"failą /etc/resolv.conf. Pasirinkite 'Joks', jei nenorite kad šis failas /etc/"
"resolv.conf būtų keičiamas prisijungus prie paslaugos tiekėjo. Judėjimui po "
"sąrašą naudokite rodyklių aukštyn ir žemyn klavišus, ir paspauskite tarpo "
"klavišą pasirinkimo pažymėjimui. Kai baigsite, naudokite TAB perėjimui į "
"<OK>, ir paspauskite ENTER perėjimui į kitą įrašą."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Vardų serverių (DNS) konfigūravimas"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Naudoti statinį DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Naudoti dinaminį DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS bus tvarkomas kitu būdu"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite Jūsų pagrindinio vardų serverio IP adresą."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP numeris"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Įveskite Jūsų papildomo vardų serverio IP adresą (jei yra)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Įveskite naudotojo vardą, kuriam Jūs norite leisti ppp vykdymo paleidimą ir "
"stabdymą. Jis galės paleisti (start) bet kurią jungtį. Tokios galimybės "
"pašalinimui paleiskite programą vigr ir pašalinkite naudotoją iš grupės dip. "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Pridėti naudotoją "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Nėra tokio naudotojo kaip %s. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Tikriausiai Jūs nenorite keisti šio parametro. Pppd naudoja remotename kaip "
"ir username tam kad rastų teisingą slaptažodį faile secrets. Pagal "
"nutylėjimą remotename yra paslaugos tiekėjo vardas. Tai leidžia Jums tą patį "
"vardą naudoti skirtingiems paslaugų tiekėjams. Tam, kad uždrausti remotename "
"naudokite tuščią reikšmę. Parametras remotename faile provider bus "
"praleistas ir eilutė su simboliu * vietoje remotename bus patalpinta faile "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Remotename"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Jei Jūs norite, kad PPP ryšys būtų automatiškai išjungtas, kuomet nėra "
"naudojamas tam tikrą sekundžių skaičių, nurodykite šį skaičių čia. Palikite "
"tuščią, jei nenorite nutraukti jungties jos nenaudojant."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Prastovos laikas"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Negaliu atidaryti %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Negaliu atidaryti %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Negaliu blokuoti (lock) %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Negaliu spausdinti į %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Negaliu pervadinti %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
#| "gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]'--version' prints the version. '--"
#| "help' prints a help message.'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog. '--"
#| "whiptail' uses whiptail."
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Naudojimas: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [tiekėjo_vardas]]'--version' išveda versijos "
"numerį. '--help' išveda pagalbos pranešimą.'--dialog' naudoja dialog "
"vietoje gdialog. '--whiptail' naudoja whiptail."
#: pppconfig:1711
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting "
#| "up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat "
#| "authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does "
#| "not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that "
#| "you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and "
#| "it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. "
#| "Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
#| "isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and "
#| "the phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you "
#| "will also need to know the login and password prompts and any other "
#| "prompts and responses required for login. If you can't get this "
#| "information from your isp you could try dialing in with minicom and "
#| "working through the procedure until you get the garbage that indicates "
#| "that ppp has started on the other end. Since pppconfig makes changes in "
#| "system configuration files, you must be logged in as root or use sudo to "
#| "run it. \n"
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig yra interaktyvi, valdoma meniu pagalba programa, kuri padeda "
"automatizuoti ppp ryšio jungties per telefono liniją konfigūravimą. Ji "
"palaiko PAP, CHAP ir scenarijaus (chat) autentikaciją. Ji naudoja "
"standartinius pppd konfigūracijos failus. Ji neatlieka prisijungimo prie "
"Jūsų interneto paslaugos tiekėjo (ISP), ji tik konfigūruoja Jūsų sistemą "
"taip, kad Jūs galėtumėte tai padaryti su tokia programa kaip pon. Ji gali "
"aptikti Jūsų modemą, nustatyti ppp dinaminio dns naudojimui, keleto ISP "
"naudojimui ir automatiniam prisiskambinimui. Prieš paleidžiant vykdyti "
"pppconfig Jūs turite žinoti kokio tipo autentikaciją naudoja Jūsų isp, "
"naudotojo vardą ir slaptažodį, kuri jis nori kad naudotumėte ir telefono "
"numerį. Jei jie reikalauja autentikacijai naudoti prisijungimo scenarijų "
"(chat), Jūs turite žinoti prisijungimo ir slaptažodžio įvedimo kvietinius ir "
"visus kitus kvietinius bei atsakymus, reikalingus prisijungimui. Jei Jūs "
"negalite gauti šios informacijos iš Jūsų isp, bandykite prisiskambinti "
"naudodamiesi programa minicom ir bandyti prisijungimo procedūrą tol, kol "
"kitame gale startuos ppp. Kadangi pppconfig atlieka pakeitimus sisteminiuose "
"konfigūracijos failuose, Jūs turite būti prisijungęs kaip administratorius "
"(root) arba naudotis programa sudo.\n"

po/nb.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

po/nl.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
# Pppconfig Template File
# Copyright (C) 2004 John Hasler
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# John Hasler <>, 2004.
# Luk Claes <>, 2004.
# Frans Spiesschaert <>, 2015.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-15 17:48+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Frans Spiesschaert <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Dutch l10n Team <>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuratiegereedschap\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Geen UI\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "U moet root zijn om dit programma uit te voeren.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s bestaat niet.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Kan WTR niet sluiten in ouder:"
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Kan RDR niet sluiten in ouder:"
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "kan niet forken:"
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Kan RDR niet sluiten in kind:"
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Kan niet naar stderr omleiden:"
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Exec faalde:"
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Interne fout:"
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Een verbinding opzetten"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "De verbinding met naam %s wijzigen"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Zet een verbinding op met als naam %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Dit is het PPP-configuratiegereedschap. Het zet geen verbinding op met uw "
"isp: het stelt enkel ppp in, zodat u een verbinding kunt opzetten via een "
"hulpprogramma zoals pon. Het zal de gebruikersnaam, het wachtwoord en het "
"telefoonnummer vragen die uw ISP u heeft gegeven. Als uw ISP PAP of CHAP "
"gebruikt, dan is dit alles wat u nodig heeft. Als u een chat-script moet "
"gebruiken, dan zult u moeten weten hoe uw ISP uw gebruikersnaam en "
"wachtwoord opvraagt. Als u niet weet wat uw ISP gebruikt, probeer dan PAP. "
"Gebruikt de pijltjestoetsen om de menu's te bedienen. Druk op ENTER om een "
"item te selecteren. Gebruik de TAB-toets om van het menu naar <OK> naar "
"<CANCEL> en weer terug te gaan. Wanneer u klaar bent om naar het volgende "
"menu te gaan, ga dan naar <OK> en druk op ENTER. Om terug te gaan naar het "
"vorige menu, ga naar <CANCEL> en druk op enter."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hoofdmenu"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Wijzig een verbinding"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Verwijder een verbinding"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Stop en bewaar bestanden"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Selecteer de authenticatiemethode voor deze verbinding. PAP is de meest "
"gebruikte methode in Windows95, dus als uw ISP de NT- of Win95-inbelcliënt "
"ondersteunt, probeer dan PAP. De methode staat nu op %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr "Authenticatiemethode voor %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authenticatie Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Gebruik \"chat\" voor login:/wachtwoord-authenticatie"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handschudden Authenticatie Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Selecteer de eigenschap die u wenst te wijzigen, selecteer \"Cancel\" om "
"terug te gaan en opnieuw te beginnen, of selecteer \"Finished\" om de "
"gewijzigde bestanden weg te schrijven."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"Eigenschappen van %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Telefoonnummer"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Login-prompt"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s ISP-gebruikersnaam"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Wachtwoord-prompt"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s ISP-wachtwoord"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Poortsnelheid"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Modem-com-poort"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Authenticatiemethode"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Geavanceerde Opties"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Bestanden wegschrijven en terugkeren naar het hoofdmenu."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Dit menu laat u toe om enkele obscure instellingen te wijzigen. Selecteer de "
"instelling die u wilt wijzigen en selecteer \"Previous\" wanneer u klaar "
"bent. Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen om door de lijst te scrollen."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"Geavanceerde Instellingen voor %s\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Modem init-string"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Verbindingsantwoord"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Pre-login-chat"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Standaard route-toestand"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Stel ip-adressen in"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Schakel debugging in of uit"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Schakel inbellen op aanvraag in of uit"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Schakel doorduwen in of uit"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Wijzig DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Voeg een ppp-gebruiker toe"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Post-login-chat"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Wijzig \"remote\"-naam"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Idle-timeout"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Ga terug naar het vorige menu"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Sluit dit hulpprogramma af"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Interne fout: geen %s,"
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Geef de verbindingsbevestigingstekst, indien nodig. Deze string zal worden "
"verstuurd wanneer de CONNECT-string wordt ontvangen van de modem. Tenzij u "
"zeker weet dat uw ISP zo'n bevestiging vereist, moet u dit blanco laten: dus "
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Ack-string"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Geef de tekst van de login-prompt. Chat zal uw gebruikersnaam versturen als "
"antwoord. De meestgebruikte prompts zijn login: en gebruikersnaam:. Soms is "
"de eerste letter een hoofdletter en dus negeren we ze en vergelijken de rest "
"van het woord. Soms wordt de dubbele punt weggelaten. Als u niet zeker bent, "
"probeer dan ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Login-prompt"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Geef de tekst van de wachtwoord-prompt. Chat zal uw wachtwoord versturen als "
"antwoord. De meestgebruikte prompt is password:. Soms is de eerste letter "
"een hoofdletter en dus negeren we ze en vergelijken het laatste deel van het "
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Wachtwoord-prompt"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"U moet hier waarschijnlijk niets plaatsen. Geef de bijkomende invoer die uw "
"isp vereist alvorens u in te loggen. Als u iets moet ingeven, geef dan eerst "
"de prompt die u verwacht en dan het vereiste antwoord. Voorbeeld: uw isp "
"verstuurt 'Server:' en verwacht dat u antwoordt met 'trilobite'. Dan geeft u "
"hier 'erver trilobite' (zonder de aanhalingstekens) in. Alle delen moeten "
"gescheiden worden door witruimte. U kunt meer dan één paar prompt-antwoord "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Pre-login"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"U moet dit waarschijnlijk niet wijzigen. Het is initieel '' \\d\\c wat "
"betekent dat chat niets hoeft te verwachten, dan één seconde moet wachten en "
"niets moet versturen. Dit geeft uw isp de tijd om ppp op te starten. Als uw "
"isp bijkomende invoer verwacht nadat u bent ingelogd, dan moet u deze hier "
"opgeven. Dit kan een programmanaam zijn zoals ppp als antwoord op een menu-"
"prompt. Als u iets moet ingeven, geef dan eerst de prompt die u verwacht en "
"dan het vereiste antwoord. Voorbeeld: uw isp verstuurt 'Protocol' en "
"verwacht dat u 'ppp' antwoordt. Dan moet u hier 'otocol ppp' (zonder "
"aanhalingstekens) opgeven. Velden moeten gescheiden worden door witruimte. U "
"kunt meer dan één paar opgeven."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Post-login"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Geef de gebruikersnaam die u van uw ISP gekregen hebt."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Antwoord 'yes' om de poort waarop uw modem zich bevindt automatisch te "
"identificeren. Het zal enkele seconden duren om elke seriële poort te "
"testen. Antwoord 'no' als u liever zelf de seriële poort ingeeft"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Kies configureermethode voor de modem"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Kan niet proberen zolang pppd draait."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "%s aan het proberen"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Hieronder is een lijst van alle seriële poorten waaraan hardware is "
"aangesloten die gebruikt kan worden voor ppp. Er is één voorgeselecteerd die "
"een modem blijkt te bevatten. Als er geen modem is gevonden, is 'Manual' "
"voorgeselecteerd. Om de voorselectie te aanvaarden druk op TAB en dan op "
"ENTER. Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen om tussen de selecties te bewegen en druk "
"op de spatiebalk om er één te selecteren. Wanneer u klaar bent, gebruik dan "
"TAB om <OK> te selecteren en ENTER om verder te gaan met het volgende item."
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Selecteer modempoort"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Geef de poort handmatig op."
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Geef de poort waarop uw modem zich bevindt. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is het meestgebruikte. Merk op dat dit precies zoals getoond moet "
"worden ingegeven. Hoofdletters zijn belangrijk: ttyS1 is niet hetzelfde als "
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Selecteer modempoort handmatig"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Standaard routing inschakelen, maakt uw systeem duidelijk dat het hosts die "
"er niet rechtstreeks mee zijn verbonden, kan bereiken via uw ISP. Dit is "
"bijna zeker wat u wilt. Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen om tussen de selecties te "
"bewegen en druk op de spatiebalk om er één te selecteren. Wanneer u klaar "
"bent, gebruik dan TAB om <OK> te selecteren en ENTER om verder te gaan met "
"het volgende item."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Standaard Route"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Schakel standaard route in"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Schakel standaard route uit"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"U wilt dit bijna zeker niet wijzigen van de standaard waarde van "
"noipdefault. Dit is niet de plaats voor uw naamserver-ip-nummers. Het is de "
"plaats voor uw ip-nummer als en slechts als uw ISP u een statisch nummer "
"heeft toegewezen. Als u enkel een lokaal statisch ip heeft gekregen, geef "
"het dan in met een dubbele punt op het einde, zoals dit: Als u "
"èn een lokaal èn een 'remote' ip hebt gekregen, geef dan het lokale ip, een "
"dubbele punt en het 'remote' ip, zoals dit:"
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP-nummers"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Geef uw modempoortsnelheid (vb. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). De "
"standaard waarde is 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Snelheid"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Geef de modem-initialisatiestring. De standaard waarde is ATZ, wat de modem "
"vertelt om de standaard instellingen te gebruiken. Omdat de meeste modems "
"verkocht worden met standaard waarden die toepasselijk zijn voor ppp, hoeft "
"u dit meestal niet te wijzigen."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Modem-initialisatie"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Selecteer de inbelmethode. Omdat bijna iedereen 'touch-tone' heeft, laat u "
"de inbelmethode staan op tone, tenzij u zeker bent dat u pulse nodig heeft. "
"Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen om tussen te selecties te bewegen en druk op de "
"spatiebalk om er één te selecteren. Wanneer u gereed bent, gebruik dan TAB "
"om <OK> te selecteren en ENTER om naar het volgende item over te gaan."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Puls of Toon"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Geef het te draaien nummer. Gebruik in geen geval streepjes. Bekijk uw "
"modemhandleiding als u iets ongewoons moet doen zoals bellen door een PBX."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefoonnummer"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Geef het wachtwoord dat uw ISP u gaf."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Geef de naam die u wenst te gebruiker om naar deze isp te refereren. U zult "
"waarschijnlijk de standaard naam 'provider' willen geven aan uw primaire "
"isp. Zo kunt u verbinden door enkel 'pon' uit te voeren. Geef elke "
"bijkomende isp een unieke naam. Bijvoorbeeld kunt u uw werkgever 'kantoor' "
"noemen en uw universiteit 'univ'. Dan kunt u een verbinding maken met uw isp "
"met de opdracht 'pon', met uw werkgever met 'pon kantoor' en met uw "
"universiteit met 'pon univ'. Merk op: de naam mag geen spaties bevatten."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Provider-naam"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Deze verbinding bestaat al. Wilt u ze overschrijven?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Verbinding bestaat al"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"De configuratie van de verbinding is beëindigd en de gewijzigde bestanden "
"worden weggeschreven. De chat-strings voor verbinding met de ISP bevinden "
"zich in /etc/chatscripts/%s, de opties voor pppd zijn in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. "
"U kunt deze bestanden handmatig wijzigen als u wilt. U zult nu een "
"mogelijkheid krijgen om het programma af te sluiten, een andere verbinding "
"te configureren, of deze of een andere te herbekijken."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Beëindigd"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Maak verbinding"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Geen te wijzigen verbindingen"
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Selecteer een verbinding"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Selecteer te wijzigen verbinding"
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Geen te verwijderen verbinding"
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Verwijder een verbinding"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Selecteer de te verwijderen verbinding."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Keer terug naar het vorige menu"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Wilt u afsluiten zonder uw wijzigingen te bewaren?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Afsluiten"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Debuggen staat momenteel aan."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Debuggen staat momenteel niet aan."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"YES selecteren zal debuggen inschakelen. NO selecteren zal het uitschakelen. "
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Debug-commando"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"YES selecteren zal inbellen op aanvraag voor deze provider inschakelen. NO "
"selecteren zal het uitschakelen. Merk op dat u nog altijd pppd moet "
"opstarten met pon: pppconfig zal dit niet voor u doen. Wanneer u dit doet, "
"zal pppd in de achtergrond draaien en op u wachten voor een poging om iets "
"van het Net te halen, dan zal uw ISP worden opgebeld. Als u inbellen op "
"aanvraag inschakelt, dan zal u ook een idle-timeout willen instellen zodat "
"de verbinding wordt verbroken wanneer ze idle is. Inbellen op aanvraag is "
"momenteel %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Commando op aanvraag"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"YES selecteren zal de persistente modus inschakelen. NO selecteren zal ze "
"uitschakelen. Dit zal pppd doen proberen totdat er verbinding is en proberen "
"opnieuw te verbinden als de verbinding wordt verbroken. Persistentie is "
"incompatibel met inbellen op aanvraag: op aanvraag inschakelen zal "
"persistentie uitschakelen. Persistentie is momenteel %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Commando persistentie"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Kies een methode. 'Static' betekent dat dezelfde naamservers zullen gebruikt "
"worden telkens wanneer deze provider wordt gebruikt. U zult naar de "
"naamservernummers gevraagd worden in het volgende scherm. 'Dynamic' betekent "
"dat pppd de naamservernummers automatisch zal krijgen telkens u verbinding "
"maakt met deze provider. 'None' betekent dat DNS op een andere manier wordt "
"afgehandeld, zoals met BIND (named) of handmatige wijziging van /etc/resolv."
"conf. Selecteer 'None' als u niet wilt dat /etc/resolv.conf wordt gewijzigd "
"wanneer u verbinding maakt met deze provider. Gebruik de pijltjestoetsen om "
"tussen de selecties te bewegen en druk op de spatiebalk om er één te "
"selecteren. Wanneer u gereed bent, gebruik dan TAB om <OK> te selecteren en "
"ENTER om naar het volgende item over te gaan."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Naamservers (DNS) configureren"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Gebruik statische DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Gebruik dynamische DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS zal op een andere manier worden afgehandeld"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Geef het IP-nummer voor uw primaire naamserver."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP-nummer"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Geef het IP-nummer voor uw secundaire naamserver (indien nodig)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Geef de gebruikersnaam van een gebruiker die u ppp wenst te laten starten en "
"stoppen. Die kan elke verbinding opzetten. Om een gebruiker te verwijderen, "
"voert u het programma vigr uit en verwijdert u de gebruiker uit de dip-groep."
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Gebruiker toevoegen"
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Geen gebruiker %s."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"U zult dit waarschijnlijk niet willen wijzigen. Pppd gebruikt de 'remote'-"
"naam en de gebruikersnaam om het correcte wachtwoord te vinden in het "
"wachtwoordenbestand. De standaard 'remote'-naam is de provider-naam. Dit "
"laat u toe om dezelfde gebruikersnaam te gebruiken bij verschillende "
"providers. Om de 'remote'-naamoptie uit te schakelen, geeft u een blanco "
"'remote'-naam op. De 'remote'-naamoptie zal worden weggelaten van het "
"provider-bestand en een regel met een * zal in plaats van een 'remote'-naam "
"gebruikt worden in het wachtwoordenbestand."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "'Remote'-naam"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Als u wilt dat deze PPP-verbinding automatisch wordt afgesloten wanneer ze "
"idle is geweest voor een bepaald aantal seconden, geef dan hier dat aantal "
"op. Laat dit blanco als u dit niet wenst."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Idle-timeout"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Kon %s niet openen.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Kan %s niet openen.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Kan %s niet vergrendelen.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Kon niet printen naar %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Kon %s niet hernoemen.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Gebruik: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [provider-naam]]\n"
"'--version' toont de versie.\n"
"'--help' toont een hulptekst.\n"
"'--dialog' gebruikt dialog in plaats van gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' gebruikt whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' gebruikt gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' zorgt dat de provider-naam 'provider' is.\n"
"'provider-naam' zorgt dat de provider-naam 'provider-naam' is.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig is een interactief, menu-gebaseerd hulpprogramma om te helpen "
"bij \n"
"het automatisch opzetten van een ppp-verbinding. Het ondersteunt momenteel \n"
"PAP-, CHAP- en chat-authenticatie. Het gebruikt de standaard pppd-"
"Het maakt geen verbinding met uw isp, het configureert enkel uw systeem "
"zodat \n"
"u dit kan doen met een hulpprogramma zoals pon. Het kan uw modem detecteren\n"
"en het kan ppp configureren voor dynamische dns, meerdere ISP's en \n"
"inbellen op aanvraag.\n"
"Vooraleer pppconfig uit te voeren moet u weten welke soort authenticatie uw\n"
"isp vereist, de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord dat u moet gebruiken en \n"
"het telefoonnummer. Als u chat-authenticatie moet gebruiken, dan zult u ook\n"
"de login- en wachtwoord-prompts en enige andere prompts vereist om \n"
"in te loggen moeten weten. Als u deze informatie niet krijgt van uw isp, "
"kunt u proberen inbellen met minicom en de procedure volgen totdat u de\n"
"bevestiging ontvangt dat ppp is gestart op het andere uiteinde.\n"
"Omdat pppconfig systeemconfiguratiebestanden wijzigt, moet u ingelogd zijn\n"
"als root of sudo gebruiken om het uit te voeren.\n"

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@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
# translation of pppconfig_2.3.18_ru.po to Russian
# pppconfig 2.0.9 messages.po
# Copyright John Hasler
# You may treat this document as if it were in the public domain.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2004.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2006, 2008.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig 2.3.18+nmu3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-06 13:16+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuri Kozlov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "«Программа настройки GNU/Linux PPP»"
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Не UI\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Для запуска этой программы вы должны быть суперпользователем.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s не существует.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Не удалось закрыть WTR в родителе: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Не удалось закрыть RDR в родителе: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "не удалось сделать вызов fork: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Не удалось закрыть RDR в потомке: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Не удалось перенаправить stderr: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Вызов Exec завершился неудачно: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Внутренняя ошибка: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Создать подключение"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Изменить настройки подключения %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Создать подключение с именем %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Это программа настройки PPP. Она не соединяет вас с вашим провайдером "
"интернета(ISP): она только настраивает ppp, так чтобы вы могли соединяться с "
"помощью утилиты типа pon. Она спросит имя пользователя, пароль и номер "
"телефона, которые вы получили у ISP. Если ваш ISP использует PAP или CHAP, "
"то вам больше ничего не нужно. Если вы должны использовать сценарий входа, "
"то вам нужно знать как ISP запрашивает имя пользователя и пароль. Если вы не "
"знаете, что использует ISP, попробуйте PAP. Для навигации по меню "
"пользуйтесь клавишами стрелок вверх и вниз. Для выбора пункта нажмите ENTER. "
"Используйте клавишу TAB для перехода из меню к <OK> и <CANCEL> и обратно. "
"Для входа в следующее меню выберите <OK> и нажмите ENTER. Для перехода "
"обратно к главному меню выберите <CANCEL> и нажмите ENTER."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Главное меню"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Изменить настройки подключения"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Удалить подключение"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Сохранить изменения и закончить"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Выберите метод аутентификации для этого подключения. Метод PAP часто "
"используется в Windows 95, поэтому если ваш ISP поддерживает модемных "
"клиентов NT или Win95, попробуйте PAP. Сейчас используется %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Метод аутентификации для %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Протокол аутентификации узла (PAP)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Использовать «chat» для аутентификации через login:/password:"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Протокол аутентификации по методу вызов-приветствие (CHAP)"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Выберите параметр, который хотите изменить, «Cancel», чтобы вернуться к "
"началу, или «Finished», чтобы сохранить изменения."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "«Параметры %s»"
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Номер телефона"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Строка приглашения ввода имени пользователя"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Имя пользователя"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Строка приглашения ввода пароля"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Пароль"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Скорость порта"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Com порт модема"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Метод аутентификации"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Расширенные параметры"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Сохранить настройки и вернуться в главное меню"
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Это меню позволяет изменить несколько более сложных параметров. Выберите "
"параметр, который хотите изменить, и выберите «Previous» когда закончите. "
"Используйте клавиши стрелок для прокрутки списка."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "«Расширенные параметры для %s»"
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Строка инициализации модема"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Ответ модема при соединении"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Сценарий, выполняемый перед входом"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Состояние маршрута по умолчанию"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Установка IP-адресов"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Вкл/выкл отладку"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Вкл/выкл автодозвон"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Вкл/выкл постоянное соединение"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Изменить DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Добавить пользователя ppp"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Сценарий, выполняемый после входа"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Изменить remotename"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Время простоя "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Вернуться в предыдущее меню"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Выход"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Внутренняя ошибка: нет такой вещи как %s, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Введите текст для подтверждения соединения, если нужно. Эта строка будет "
"послана после получения от модема строки CONNECT. Если вы не уверены, что "
"ваш ISP требует такое подтверждение, то оставьте это строку пустой: ''.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Ack строка"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Введите текст строки приглашения ввода имени пользователя. Chat пошлёт имя "
"пользователя в ответ. Наиболее часто употребляются -- login: и username:. "
"Иногда первую букву пишут заглавной и поэтому мы используем слово без первой "
"буквы. Иногда нет двоеточия. Если вы не уверены, попробуйте ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Строка приглашения ввода имени пользователя"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Введите текст строки приглашения ввода пароля. Chat пошлёт пароль в ответ. "
"Наиболее часто употребляется password. Иногда первую букву пишут заглавной и "
"поэтому мы используем слово без первой буквы."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Строка приглашения ввода пароля"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Вероятно, вам ненужно менять этот параметр. Введите любой дополнительный "
"текст, который требует ваш ISP перед входом в сеть. Для этого сначала "
"указывайте, то что ожидаете получить, а затем ваш ответ. Пример: ваш ISP "
"посылает «Server:» и ожидает от вас ответа «trilobite». Вам нужно указать "
"здесь «erver trilobite» (без кавычек). Поля должны разделяться пробельным "
"символом. Можно указывать более одной пары."
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Перед входом"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Вероятно, вам ненужно менять этот параметр. Он равен '' \\d\\c, что для chat "
"означает ничего не ожидать, подождать одну секунду и ничего не посылать. Это "
"даёт время вашему ISP для запуска ppp. Введите любой дополнительный текст, "
"который требует ваш ISP после входа в сеть.Это может быть имя программы, "
"например ppp, чтобы автоматически запустить её из предлагаемого меню. Для "
"этого сначала указывайте, то что ожидаете получить, а затем ваш ответ. "
"Пример: ваш ISP посылает «Protocol» и ожидает от вас ответа «ppp». Вам нужно "
"указать здесь «otocol ppp» (без кавычек). Поля должны разделяться пробельным "
"символом. Можно указывать более одной пары."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "После входа"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Введите имя пользователя, выданное вам ISP."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Имя пользователя"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Ответьте «да» для автоматического определения порта, на котором установлен "
"модем. Это займёт несколько секунд на каждый тестируемый последовательный "
"порт. Ответьте «нет», если хотите указать порт вручную."
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Укажите метод настройки модема"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Невозможно протестировать, так как запущен pppd."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Тестирование %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Ниже перечислены все последовательные порты с устройствами, которые можно "
"использовать с ppp. Строка с предполагаемым модемом является выделенной. "
"Если модема не было найдено, то выделена строка «Manual». Чтобы подтвердить "
"выбор, просто нажмите TAB и ENTER. Используйте клавиши стрелок, чтобы "
"переместить строку указатель и нажмите клавишу пробел для выделения. Когда "
"закончите, используйте TAB для перемещения на <OK> и ENTER для перехода к "
"следующему элементу."
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Выберите порт модема"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Назначение порта вручную. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Укажите порт, к которому подключён ваш модем.\n"
"/dev/ttyS0 соответствует COM1 в DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 соответствует COM2 в DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS2 соответствует COM3 в DOS.\n"
"/dev/ttyS3 соответствует COM4 в DOS.\n"
"Наиболее часто употребляется /dev/ttyS1. Заметим, что нужно вводить точно "
"как показано. Заглавные буквы важны: ttyS1 это не то же самое что ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Ввести порт модема вручную"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Включение маршрутизации по умолчанию говорит вашей системе, что удалённые "
"машины доступны через ISP. Это почти всегда должно быть включено. "
"Используйте клавиши стрелок, чтобы переместить строку указатель и нажмите "
"клавишу пробел для выделения. Когда закончите, используйте TAB для "
"перемещения на <OK> и ENTER для перехода к следующему элементу."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Маршрут по умолчанию"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Включить маршрутизацию по умолчанию"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Выключить маршрутизацию по умолчанию"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Вероятно, вам ненужно менять параметр noipdefault. Это не место для задания "
"ip адресов серверов DNS. Это место для вашего ip адреса, если ваш ISP "
"назначил вам его статически. Если вам выделили только локальный статический "
"ip, то введите его с двоеточием на конце, например так: Если "
"вам выделили локальный и удалённый ip, то введите локальный ip, двоеточие и "
"удалённый ip, например так:"
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP-адреса"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Введите скорость порта модема (например 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). "
"Скорее всего, это будет 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Скорость"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Введите строку инициализации модема. Значение по умолчанию — ATZ, говорит "
"модему использовать свои собственные настройки по умолчанию. Большинство "
"модемов продаётся с заводскими настройками, которые подходят для ppp, "
"поэтому нет необходимости ничего менять здесь."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Строка инициализации модема"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Выберите способ набора номера. Так как почти везде используется тональный "
"набор, вы должны оставить метод набора номера тональным, если не уверены, "
"что используется импульсный. Используйте клавиши стрелок, чтобы переместить "
"строку указатель и нажмите клавишу пробел для выделения. Когда закончите, "
"используйте TAB для перемещения на <OK> и ENTER для перехода к следующему "
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Импульсный или тональный набор"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Введите набираемый номер. Не указывайте тире. Если подключение телефона "
"нестандартное, например через офисную АТС, обратитесь к руководству по "
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Номер телефона"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Введите пароль, который дал вам ISP."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Пароль"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Введите название вашего ISP. Вероятно, вы захотите оставить название по "
"умолчанию «provider» для вашего основного ISP. Сделав так, вы можете "
"соединяться с ним просто набрав команду «pon». Назначайте уникальное имя "
"каждому дополнительному ISP. Например, вы можете назвать место вашей работы "
"«theoffice», а ваш университет «theschool». Затем вы можете подключаться к "
"вашему ISP просто набирая «pon», к вашему офису «pon theoffice» и "
"университету «pon theschool». Замечание: название не должно содержать "
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Название провайдера"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Такое подключение существует. Хотите переписать его?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Подключение существует"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Завершение настройки подключения и сохранение изменений. Строки chat для "
"подключения к ISP находятся в /etc/chatscripts/%s, параметры pppd находятся "
"в /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Вы можете редактировать их вручную, если хотите. Сейчас "
"удобный момент чтобы выйти из программы, настроить другое подключение, или "
"изменить существующие."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Завершено"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Создать подключение"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Нет подключений для изменения."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Выбрать подключение"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Выберите модифицируемое подключение."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Нет подключений для удаления."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Удалить подключение"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Выберите удаляемое подключение."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Вернуться в предыдущее меню"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Хотите выйти без сохранения изменений?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Выход"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Сейчас отладка включена."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Сейчас отладка выключена."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr "Выбор YES включит режим отладки. Выбор NO выключит его. %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Команда отладки"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Выбор YES включит автодозвон для этого провайдера. Выбор NO выключит его. "
"Заметим, что вам всё равно нужно запускать pppd командой pon: pppconfig не "
"сделает это за вас. Как только вы так сделаете, pppd запустится в фоновом "
"режиме и будет ждать, когда вы попытаетесь подключиться к чему-нибудь в "
"Сети, и затем начнёт звонить ISP. Если вы разрешите автодозвон, то вы также "
"захотите задать время простоя, для того чтобы связь прерывалась по его "
"истечению. Сейчас автодозвон %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Команда автодозвона"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Выбор YES включит режим постоянного соединения. Выбор NO выключит его. Этот "
"режим заставляет pppd пытаться соединяться, пока не произойдёт подключение и "
"стараться переподключиться, если соединение разорвётся. Постоянное "
"соединение не совместимо с автодозвоном: включение автодозвона выключает "
"постоянное соединение. Сейчас постоянное соединение %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Команда постоянного соединения"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Выберите метод. «Static» означает, что каждый раз при подключении к данному "
"провайдеру используются одни и те же сервера имён. Вас попросят задать "
"адреса имён серверов на следующем экране. «Dynamic» означает, что pppd будет "
"автоматически получать адреса имён серверов при подключении к данному "
"провайдеру. «None» означает, что поиск соответствия имён будет производиться "
"другим способом, таким как BIND (named) или исходя из отредактированного "
"вручную /etc/resolv.conf. Используйте клавиши стрелок, чтобы переместить "
"строку указатель и нажмите клавишу пробел для выделения. Когда закончите, "
"используйте TAB для перемещения на <OK> и ENTER для перехода к следующему "
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Настройка имён серверов (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Использовать статически задаваемые адреса DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Использовать динамически получаемые адреса DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS будет определён другим способом"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Введите IP-адрес основного сервера имён."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP-адрес"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Введите IP-адрес дополнительного сервера имён (если есть)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Введите имя пользователя, которому разрешено запускать и останавливать ppp. "
"Он станет способен запустить любое подключение. Для удаления пользователя "
"запустите программу vigr и удалите пользователя из группы dip. "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Добавить пользователя "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Пользователя %s не существует. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Вероятно, вам ненужно изменять этот параметр. Pppd использует remotename и "
"username для того чтобы найти правильный пароль в файле secrets. remotename "
"по умолчанию совпадает с именем провайдера. Это позволяет вам использовать "
"одинаковое имя пользователя для разных провайдеров. Для выключения "
"remotename укажите пустое значение. Параметр remotename будет пропущен в "
"файле provider и строка с * вместо remotename будет помещена в файл secrets. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Remotename"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Если вы хотите, чтобы это PPP соединение выключалось автоматически по "
"истечении определённого числа секунд, то укажите это число здесь. Оставьте "
"это поле пустым, если не хотите выключать соединение по таймауту."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Время простоя"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Не удалось открыть %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Невозможно открыть %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Невозможно заблокировать %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Невозможно напечатать в %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Не удалось переименовать %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Использование: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] "
"| [--gdialog] [--noname] | [имя_провайдера]]\n"
"'--version' показать номер версии.\n"
"'--help' показать помощь.\n"
"'--dialog' использовать dialog вместо gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' использовать whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' использовать gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' изменить название провайдера на «provider».\n"
"'имя_провайдера' принудительно изменить имя провайдера на «имя_провайдера».\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig — это интерактивная, управляемая из меню программа, которая \n"
"помогает автоматизировать настройку ppp соединения по телефонной линии. \n"
"Она поддерживает аутентификацию PAP, CHAP и chat. Она использует "
"стандартные \n"
"файлы настроек pppd. Она не устанавливает соединение с вашим ISP, она "
"только \n"
"настраивает вашу систему, для того чтобы вы могли сами делать это с "
"помощью \n"
"утилиты типа pon. Она может обнаружить ваш модем и настроить ppp для \n"
"использования динамических получаемых адресов dns, нескольких ISP и \n"
"Перед запуском pppconfig вы должны знать тип аутентификации, \n"
"который использует ваш ISP, имя пользователя, пароль и номер телефона. "
"Если \n"
"ISP требует использовать аутентификацию chat, то вам также нужно знать \n"
"строки приглашения ввода имени пользователя и пароля и любые другие \n"
"приглашения и ответы, необходимые для входа. Если вы не можете получить \n"
"такую информацию от вашего ISP, то попытайтесь позвонить из minicom и "
"пройти \n"
"через процедуру входа, пока не получите мусор на экране, который "
"указывает, \n"
"что на другом конце запустилось ppp. \n"
"Так как pppconfig изменяет системные конфигурационные файлы, то для его \n"
"запуска вы должны войти суперпользователем или использовать sudo.\n"
" \n"

po/sk.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
# Slovak translation of pppconfig.
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# thanks to Miroslav Kure <> for Czech translation
# Peter KLFMANiK Mann <>, 2004.
# Ivan Masár <>, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-01 16:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ivan Masár <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "„Program pre GNU/Linux na nastavenie PPP“"
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Žiadne UI\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Na spustenie tohto programu musíte byť root.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s neexistuje.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Nedá sa zavrieť WTR predchodcu: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Nedá sa zavrieť RDR predchodcu: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "nedá sa rozvetviť: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Nedá sa zavrieť RDR potomka: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Nedá sa presmerovať stderr: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Zlyhalo spustenie: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Vnútorná chyba: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Vytvoriť spojenie"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Zmeniť spojenie nazvané %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Vytvoriť spojenie nazvané %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Toto je nástroj na nastavenie PPP pripojenia. Nerobí však pripojenie k vášmu "
"poskytovateľovi, ale iba nastaví systém tak, aby ste sa mohli pripojiť, "
"napr. pomocou programu. Bude požadovať zadanie používateľského mena, hesla a "
"telefónneho čísla. Ak váš poskytovateľ používa PAP alebo CHAP overovanie, "
"tak je to všetko, čo je potrebné. Pri nutnosti použitia chat skriptu musíte "
"vedieť, aké výzvy používa váš poskytovateľ na zadanie používateľského mena a "
"hesla. Ak neviete, aký typ overovania váš poskytovateľ používa, skúste PAP. "
"Pre pohyb v menu používajte šípky hore a dole, klávesom ENTER potvrdíte "
"výber. Klávesom TAB môžete preskakovať medzi menu a tlačidlami <OK> a "
"<CANCEL>, ktoré vás v sprievodcovi posúvajú ďalej alebo späť."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hlavné menu"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Zmena pripojenia"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Zmazanie pripojenia"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Ukončenie a uloženie súborov"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Zvoľte spôsob overovania pre toto pripojenie. Vo Windows 95 sa najčastejšie "
"používa PAP spôsob, takže je pravdepodobné, že ju váš poskytovateľ "
"podporuje. Momentálne je zvolený %s spôsob."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Spôsob overovania pre %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "PAP (Peer Authentication Protocol)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Na overenie pomocou login:/heslo: použijte \"chat\" spôsob"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "CHAP (Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol)"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Zvoľte si vlastnosť, ktorú chcete upraviť, „Cancel“ pre návrat späť, alebo "
"„Hotovo“ pre uloženie vykonaných zmien."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "„Vlastnosti pripojenia %s“"
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Telefónne číslo"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Výzva na prihlásenie"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Používateľské meno"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Výzva na zadanie hesla"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Heslo na pripojenie"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Rýchlosť portu"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Port pre modem"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Spôsob overovania"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Rozšírené možnosti"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Zapísať súbory a vrátiť sa späť do hlavného menu."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Toto menu vám umožňuje zmeniť niektoré z menej obvyklých nastavení. Keď "
"ukončíte nastavovanie, zvoľte „Predchádzajúci“."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "„Rozšírené možnosti pre %s“"
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Inicializačný reťazec modemu"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Odpoveď na pripojenie"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Konverzácia pred pripojením"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Stav predvoleného smerovania"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Nastavenie ip adries"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Zapnutie/vypnutie ladenia"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Zapnutie/vypnutie vytáčania na žiadosť"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Zapnutie/vypnutie trvalého pripojenia"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Zmena DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Pridanie ppp používateľa"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Konverzácia po pripojení"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Zmena vzdialeného mena"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Doba nečinnosti"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Návrat do predchádzajúceho menu"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Ukončenie tohoto programu"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Vnútorná chyba: %s neexistuje, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Zadajte text povrdzujúci pripojenie, ak ho používate. Tento reťazec bude "
"odoslaný po obdržaní reťazca CONNECT od modemu. Ak si nie ste istí či váš "
"poskytovateľ toto potvrdenie vyžaduje, mali by ste tu nechať prázdny "
"reťazec, t.j. „“.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Potvrdzovací reťazec"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte text výzvy na prihlásenie. Chat odošle ako odpoveď vaše "
"používateľské meno. Najčastejšími výzvami sú login: a username:. Niekedy je "
"prvé písmeno veľké, takže sa vynecháva a porovnáva sa iba zvyšok slova. "
"Poskytovateľ niekedy vynecháva aj záverečnú dvojbodku. Skúste najprv ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Výzva na prihlásenie"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte text výzvy na zadánie hesla. Chat odošle ako odpoveď vaše heslo. "
"Najčastejšou výzvou je password:. Niekedy je prvé písmeno veľké, takže sa "
"vynecháva a porovnáva sa iba zvyšok slova."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Výzva na zadánie hesla"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Tu nemusíte pravdepodobne nič zadávať. Ak váš poskytovateľ vyžaduje túto "
"položku, zadajte najprv očakávanú výzvu a potom odpoveď. Napríklad: "
"Poskytovateľ pošle výzvu „Server:“ a očakáva, že odpoviete „trilobit“. V "
"takom prípade tu zadajte „erver trilobit“ (bez úvodzoviek). Všetky položky "
"musia byť oddelené medzerou. Môžete použiť viac dvojíc výzva-odpoveď. "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Pred prihlásením"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Pravdepodobne tu nemusíte nič meniť. Implicitne je tu „“ \\d\\c, čo znamená, "
"že chat nemá nič očakávať, má počkať jednu sekundu a potom sa už nemá nič "
"odosielať. To dá vášmu poskytovateľovi dostatok času na spustenie ppp. Ak "
"váš poskytovateľ vyžaduje nejaké ďalšie odozvy, môžete ich tu zadať. "
"Napríklad: Poskytovateľ pošle výzvu „Protokol:“ a očakáva, že odpoviete "
"„ppp“. V takom prípade tu zadajte „otocol ppp“ (bez úvodzoviek). Všetky "
"položky musia byť oddelené medzerou. Môžete použiť viac dvojíc výzva-"
"odpoveď. "
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Po prihlásení"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Zadajte používateľské meno, ktoré vám pridelil poskytovateľ."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Používateľské meno"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Ak chcete, aby pppconfig automaticky rozpoznal port, na ktorom je pripojený "
"modem, odpovedzte „yes“. (Skúšanie každého portu môže trvať niekoľko "
"sekúnd). Ak chcete zadať port manuálne, odpovedzte „no“."
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Vyberte spôsob nastavenia modemu"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Nie je možné skúšať, pokým pppd beží."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Skúša sa %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Nižšie je uvedený zoznam všetkých sériových portov, na ktorých by mohol byť "
"pripojený modem. Je zvolený port, ku ktorému je pripojený modem. Na pohyb "
"medzi voľbami použijte šípky hore a dole, výber vykonáte klávesom medzera. "
"Po skončení výberu sa presuňte na tlačidlo <OK> pomocou klávesu TAB a "
"potvrďte klávesom ENTER."
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Výber modemového portu"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Manuálne zadanie portu. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte port, na ktorom sa nachádza modem. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 je v DOSe COM1. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 je v DOSe COM2. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 je v DOSe COM3. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 je v DOSe COM4. \n"
"Najčastejšie je to /dev/ttyS1. Pri zadávaní si dajte pozor na veľké a malé "
"písmená: ttyS1 nie je to isté ako ako ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Manuálny výber modemového portu"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Povolením implicitného smerovania vravíte systému, že cesta k neznámym "
"počítačom vedie cez vášho poskytovateľa, čo je zvyčajne to, čo očakávate. Na "
"pohyb medzi voľbami použijte šípky hore a dole, výber vykonáte medzerníkom. "
"Po skončení výberu sa presuňte na tlačidlo <OK> pomocou klávesu TAB a "
"potvrďte klávesom ENTER."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Implicitné smerovanie"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Povoliť implicitné smerovanie"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Zakázať implicitné smerovanie"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Takmer určite tu chcete ponechať štandartnú hodnotu „noipdefault“. Konkrétnu "
"IP adresu tu zadajte iba v prípade, že vám poskytovateľ pridelil pevnú "
"adresu. Ak máte iba lokálnu statickú ip adresu, zadajte ju s dvojbodkou na "
"konci - napr. Ak poznáte lokálnu aj vzdialenú pevnú ip adresu, "
"zadajte lokálnu ip adresu, dvojbodku a vzdialenú ip adresu - napr. "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP adresy"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte rýchlosť modemu (napr. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). Odporúča "
"sa ponechať 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Rýchlosť"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte inicializačný reťazec pre modem. Implicitná hodnota je ATZ, čo "
"znamená, že sa majú použiť predvolené nastavenia modemu. Pretože väčšina "
"modemov je správne nastavená už od výrobcu, odporúča sa nemeniť túto hodnotu."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Inicializácia modemu"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte spôsob vytáčania. Keďže skoro každý už používa tónovú voľbu, mali by "
"ste ponechať tónovú voľbu, kým si nie ste ozaj istí, že potrebujete pulznú "
"voľbu. Pre pohyb medzi voľbami použijte šípky hore a dole, výber vykonáte "
"klávesom medzera. Po skončení výberu sa presuňte na tlačidlo <OK> pomocou "
"klávesu TAB a potvrďte klávesom ENTER."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "pulzná alebo tónová"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte telefónne číslo, ktoré sa bude vytáčať. Vynechajte medzery a "
"pomlčky. Ak máte nezvyčajné požiadavky, napr. vytáčanie cez PBX, pozrite sa "
"do návodu k svojmu modemu."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefónne číslo"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Zadajte heslo, ktoré vám pridelil poskytovateľ."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte názov, pomocou ktorého sa chcete odkazovať na tohoto poskytovateľa. "
"Hlavnému poskytovateľovi môžete ponechať implicitný názov „provider“, "
"pretože tak sa neskôr môžete pripojiť príkazom „pon“ bez ďalších parametrov. "
"Ďalším poskytovateľom potom prideľte vhodné jedinečné názvy ako napr. "
"„skola“ alebo „kancelaria“. K týmto poskytovateľom sa potom môžete pripojiť "
"pomocou príkazu „pon skola“ alebo „pon kancelaria“. Poznámka: názvy nesmú "
"obsahovať medzery."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Názov poskytovateľa"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Takéto pripojenie už existuje. Chcete ho prepísať?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Pripojenie existuje"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Pripojenie je nastavené a zmeny sú uložené. Reťazce pre chat sú uložené v /"
"etc/chatscripts/%s, parametre pre pppd sú v /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Tieto súbory "
"môžete upraviť aj manuálne. Teraz môžete program ukončiť, vytvoriť nové "
"pripojenie, alebo upraviť niektoré jestvujúce."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Hotovo"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Vytvorenie pripojenia"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Žiadne pripojenia na úpravu."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Výber pripojenia"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Vyberte pripojenie, ktoré chcete zmeniť."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Žádne pripojenia na zmazanie."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Zmazanie pripojenia"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Zvoľte pripojenie, ktoré chcete zmazať."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Návrat do predošlého menu"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Chcete skončiť bez uloženia vykonaných zmien?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Koniec"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Ladenie je moemntálne zapnuté."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Ladenie je moemntálne vypnuté."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr "Zvolením ÁNO povolíte ladenie, zvolením NIE ladenie zakážete. %s."
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Ladenie"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Zvolením ÁNO/NIE povolíte/zakážete pre tohoto poskytovateľa vytáčanie na "
"žiadosť. Nezabudnite, že pppd budete musieť stále spúštať manuálne príkazom "
"pon. pppd sa tak spustí na pozadí, kde bude čakať na zachyteni pokusu o "
"prístup k internetu a potom sa automaticky pripojí k poskytovateľovi. Pri "
"zapnutí tejto voľby budete takisto chcieť nastaviť dobu nečinnosti, po "
"ktorej sa má linka odpojiť. Vytáčanie na žiadosť je momentálne %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Vytáčanie na žiadosť"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Zvolením ÁNO/NIE povolíte/zakážete trvalý režim. Týmto zabezpečíte, že pppd "
"sa bude snažiť pripájať dovtedy, kým sa mu to nepodarí. Ak sa spojenie "
"preruší, pppd sa ho bude snažiť obnoviť. Trvalý režim sa vylučuje s "
"vytáčaním na žiadosť (ak jedno zapnete, druhé sa vypne). Trvalý režim je "
"teraz %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Trvalý režim"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Zvoľte spôsob práce s DNS. „Statické DNS“ znamená, ža sa stále použijú tie "
"isté DNS servery, ktorých ip adresy budete musieť zadať na ďalšej obrazovke. "
"„Dynamické DNS“ znamená, že pppd získa ip adresy DNS serverov pri každom "
"pripojení sa k poskytovateľovi. „Iný spôsob“ znamená, že budete DNS "
"spravovať iným spôsobom, napr. pomocou programu BIND (named) alebo manuálnou "
"úpravou /etc/resolv.conf. Na pohyb medzi voľbami použijte šípky hore a dole, "
"výber urobíte medzerníkom. Po skončení výberu sa presuňte na tlačidlo <OK> "
"pomocou klávesu TAB a potvrďte klávesom ENTER."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Nastaviť DNS servery"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Použiť statické DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Použiť dynamické DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS bude spravované iným spôsobom"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte IP adresu primárneho DNS servera."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP adresa"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Zadajte IP adresu sekundárneho DNS servera (ak existuje)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Zadajte používateľa, ktorý má mať právo spustiť a zastaviť ppp. (Môže tak "
"spustiť ľubovoľné spojenie.) Ak chcete používateľovi odobrať práva na "
"spustenie ppp, spustením programu vigr môžete používateľa odobrať zo skupiny "
"dip. "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Pridať používateľa "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Používateľ %s neexistuje. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Túto položku pravdepodobne nepotrebujete meniť. PPPD používa vzdialené meno "
"zároveň s používateľským menom na nájdenie správneho hesla v súbore secrets. "
"Predvoleným vzdialeným menom je názov poskytovateľa, čo vám umožňuje použiť "
"rovnaké prihlasovacie meno pre rôznych poskytovateľov. Na zakázanie tejto "
"vlastnosti zadajte prazdné meno - táto voľba tak bude vynechaná v súbore o "
"poskytovateľovi a do súboru secrets sa namiesto vzdialeného mena vloží "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Vzdialené meno"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Ak chcete, aby sa po určitej dobe nečinnosti toto PPP pripojenie automaticky "
"ukončilo, zadajte tu požadovaný počet sekúnd. Ak nechcete spojenie ukončovať "
"nechajte pole prázdne."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Doba nečinnosti"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "%s sa nedá otvoriť.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "%s sa nedá otvoriť.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "%s sa nedá zamknúť.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Do %s sa nedá zapisovať.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "%s sa nedá premenovať.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
#| "gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]'--version' prints the version. '--"
#| "help' prints a help message.'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog. '--"
#| "whiptail' uses whiptail."
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Použitie: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [názov_poskytovateľa]] „--version“ zobrazí verziu. "
"„--help“ zobrazí text Pomocníka. „--dialog“ použije dialog namiesto gdialog. "
"'--whiptail' použije whiptail."
#: pppconfig:1711
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting "
#| "up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat "
#| "authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does "
#| "not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that "
#| "you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and "
#| "it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. "
#| "Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
#| "isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and "
#| "the phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you "
#| "will also need to know the login and password prompts and any other "
#| "prompts and responses required for login. If you can't get this "
#| "information from your isp you could try dialing in with minicom and "
#| "working through the procedure until you get the garbage that indicates "
#| "that ppp has started on the other end. Since pppconfig makes changes in "
#| "system configuration files, you must be logged in as root or use sudo to "
#| "run it. \n"
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig je interaktívny nástroj na vytvoranie a správu vytáčaného ppp "
"pripojenia. Momentálne podporuje overovanie PAP, CHAP a chat. pppconfig "
"samotný nevykonáva pripojenie k poskytovateľovi, ale iba nastaví systém tak, "
"aby ste sa mohli pripojiť, napr. pomocou programu „pon“. Používa štandardné "
"konfiguračné súbory programu pppd, vie rozpoznať pripojený modem a zvládne "
"aj pokročilejšie funkcie ako je napr. vytáčanie na žiadosť. Pred spustením "
"pppconfig by ste si mali zistiť používateľské meno, heslo, telefónne číslo a "
"typ overovania, ktoré váš poskytovateľ vyžaduje. Pri použití overovania chat "
"musíte poznať aj všetky výzvy a odpovede vyžadované na prihlásenie. Ak "
"nemôžete získať tieto údaje od vášho poskytovateľa, skúste sa prihlásiť "
"manuálne pomocou programu minicom a prejsť prihlasovacou procedúrou dovtedy, "
"kým ndostanete nezmyselné znaky indikujúce, že ppp bolo na druhom konci "
"spustené. Pretože pppconfig mení niektoré systémové súbory, musíte sa "
"prihlásiť ako root, alebo použiť program sudo.\n"

po/sv.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
# Swedish translation of Pppconfig debconf messages
# Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Bagge
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# John Hasler <>, 2004.
# Daniel Nylander <>, 2005
# Martin Bagge <>, 2010
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig 2.3.12\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-01 16:34+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Swedish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: Sweden\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"GNU/Linux PPP-konfigurationsverktyg\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Inget gränssnitt\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Du måste vara root för att köra det här programmet.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s existerar inte.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Kan inte stänga WTR i huvud: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Kan inte stänga RDR i huvud: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "kan inte grena process: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Kan inte stänga RDR i barnprocess: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Kan inte dirigera om STDERR: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Exekvering misslyckades: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Internt fel:"
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Skapa en anslutning"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Ändra anslutningen %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Skapa en anslutning kallad %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Detta är PPP-konfigurationsverktyget. Den ansluter dig inte till din "
"Internetleverantör (ISP), den bara konfigurerar PPP så att du kan göra det "
"med verktyg såsom pon. Den kommer att fråga dig efter användarnamn, "
"lösenord och telefonnummer som din ISP givit dig. Om din ISP använder PAP "
"eller CHAP är allt du behöver veta. Om du måste använda ett chatskript "
"måste du veta hur din ISP frågar efter användarnamn och lösenord vid "
"inloggning. Om du inte vet vad din ISP använder, försök med PAP. Använd "
"upp och nedpilarna för att flytta runt i menyerna. Tryck ENTER för att "
"välja en funktion. Använd TAB-knappen för att flytta mellan meny till <OK> "
"och tillbaka. För att flytta till nästa meny, gå till <OK> och tryck ENTER. "
"För att gå tillbaka till föregående meny, gå till <Avbryt> och tryck ENTER."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Huvudmeny"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Ändra en anslutning"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Ta bort en anslutning"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Gör klart och spara filerna"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Välj en autentiseringsmetod för denna anslutning. PAP är den mest använda i "
"Windows 95 så om din Internetleverantör har stöd för NT eller Win95-"
"uppringning, försök med PAP. Metoden är just nu satt till %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Autentiseringsmetod för %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Använd \"chat\" för login:/lösenord: autentisering"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Välj den funktion du vill modifiera, välj \"Avbryt\" för att gå tillbaka och "
"börja om eller välj \"Klar\" för att skriva ned de ändrade filerna."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"Egenskaper för %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Telefonnummer"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Login fråga"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Användarnamn hos Internetleverantör"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Lösenordsfråga"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Lösenord hos Internetleverantör"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Porthastighet"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Modemport"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Autentiseringsmetod"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Avancerade inställningar"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Skriv ner filerna och återgå till huvudmenyn"
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Denna meny ger dig chansen att ändra några av de mer obskyra "
"inställningarna. Välj inställningen du vill ändra och välj \"Föregående\" "
"när du är klar. Använd pilknapparna för att skrolla i listan."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"Avancerade inställningar för %s\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Initieringssträng för modem"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Svar vid uppkoppling"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Före login chat"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Status för standardrutt"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Sätt IP-adresser"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Slå på eller av felsökning"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Slå på eller av uppringning vid behov"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Slå på eller av persist"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Ändra DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Lägg till en PPP-användare"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Efter login chat "
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Ändra fjärrnamn"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Maxtid för inaktivitet "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Återgå till föregående meny"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Avsluta detta verktyg"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Internt fel: finns inget kallat %s. "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ange texten för bekräftelse av uppkoppling, om det finns någon. Denna "
"sträng kommer att skickas när strängen CONNECT tas emot från modemet. Om du "
"inte vet säkert att din Internetleverantör kräver den här typ av bekräftelse "
"bör du lämna den som en blank sträng, alltså \"\".\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Ack-sträng"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Ange texten för loginfrågan. Chat kommer att skicka ditt användarnamn som "
"svar. Den mest vanliga frågan är \"login:\" och \"username:\".. Ibland kan "
"första bokstaven vara stor så att vi tar bort den och matchar resten av "
"ordet istället. Ibland är även kolontecknet borta. Om du inte är säker, "
"prova \"ogin:\"."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Loginfråga"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Ange texten för lösenordsfrågan. Chat kommer att skicka ditt lösenord som "
"svar. Det mest vanliga här är \"password:\" Ibland kan den första bokstaven "
"vara stor bokstav så vi utelämnar den och matchar sista delen av ordet."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Lösenordsfråga"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Du behöver antagligen inte ange något här. Ange ytterligare inmatning som "
"din Internetleverantör kräver före du loggar in. Om du behöver skapa ett "
"val, ta den första frågan du förväntar dig och sen som den andra, det svar "
"som krävs. Exempel: din Internetleverantör skickar \"Server:\" och "
"förväntar sig att du svarar med \"trilobyte\". Du skulle då sätta \"erver "
"trilobyte\" (utan citattecken) här. Alla inlägg måste separeras med "
"mellanslag. Du kan ha mer än ett förvänta-skicka."
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Före login"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Du behöver antagligen in ändra något här. Det är initiellt '' \\d\\c vilket "
"säger till chat att förvänta sig inget, vänta en sekund och skicka inget. "
"Detta ger din Internetleverantör tid att starta ppp. Om du "
"Internetleverantör kräver en extra inmatning efter att du har loggat in bör "
"du ange det här. Detta kan vara ett programnamn såsom ppp som svar på en "
"menyfråga. Om du behöver göra ett inlägg här, gör det första valet till den "
"frågan och den andra till svaret som krävs. Exempel: din Internetleverantör "
"skickar \"Protocol\" och förväntar sig att du svarar med \"ppp\". Du borde "
"då ange \"otocol ppp\" (utan citattecken) här. Fält måste vara separerade "
"med mellanslag. Du kan har mer än ett förväntat-skicka par."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Efter login"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Ange användarnamnet du fick av din Internetleverantör."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Användarnamn"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Svara \"ja\" för att få din modemport automatiskt identifierad. Det kommer "
"att ta flera sekunder att testa varje seriellport. Svara \"nej\" om du "
"hellre vill ange porten själv"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Välj konfigurationsmetod för modem"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Kan inte avsöka när pppd körs."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Söker av %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Nedan är en lista av alla seriellportar som verkar ha rätt hårdvara för att "
"användas med ppp. En som ser att ha ett modem på sig har blivit förvald. "
"Om inget modem hittades så är \"Manuell\" förvald. För att acceptera "
"förvalet, tryck bara TAB och sedan ENTER. Använd upp och nedknapparna för "
"att flytta runt mellan valen och tryck mellanslag för att välja en. När du "
"är klar, använd TAB för att välja <OK> och ENTER för att komma till nästa "
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Välj modemport"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Ange porten manuellt. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Ange porten ditt modem är inkopplad på. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 är COM1 i Dos. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 är COM2 i Dos. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 är COM3 i Dos. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 är COM4 i DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 är den mest vanliga. Observera att den måste anges exakt som den "
"visas. Stora och små bokstäver är viktiga: ttyS1 är inte samma som ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Manuellt val av modemport"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Aktivera standardrutt talar om för ditt system vilken väg den ska ta för att "
"nå till andra värdmaskiner som inte är direkta anslutna till din "
"Internetleverantör. Detta är mycket säkert att du vill ha. Använd upp och "
"nedknapparna för att flytta runt mellan valen och tryck mellanslag för att "
"välja en. När du är klar, använd TAB för att välja <OK> och ENTER för att "
"komma till nästa skärm."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Standardrutt"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Aktivera standardrutt"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Stäng av standardrutt"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Med stor sannorlikhet behöver du inte ändra denna från standardvärdet "
"\"noipdefault\". Det är inte stället för din namnservers IP-nummer. Det är "
"stället för ditt IP-nummer och bara om din Internetleverantör har gett dig "
"en statisk. Om du har fått bara en lokal statisk IP, ange den med ett kolon "
"på slutet, till exempel: Om du har fått båda en lokal och en "
"fjärr-IP, ange den lokala IP-adressen, ett kolon och fjärr-IP-adressen, till "
"exempel: "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP-nummer"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Ange porthastigheten för ditt modem (exempel 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, "
"115200). Jag rekommenderar att du lämnar den på 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Hastighet"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Ange strängen för modeminitiering. Standardvärdet är ATZ som talar om för "
"modemet att använda dess standardinställningar. De flesta modem levereras "
"från fabrik med standardinställningar som passar för ppp. Jag rekommenderar "
"att du inte ändrar detta."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Initiering av modem"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Välj metod för uppringning. Eftersom nästan alla använder ton bör du lämna "
"ringmetoden satt till ton men inte om du är säker att du behöver puls. "
"Använd upp och nedknapparna för att flytta runt mellan valen och tryck "
"mellanslag för att välja en. När du är klar, använd TAB för att välja <OK> "
"och ENTER för att komma till nästa skärm."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Puls eller ton"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Ange numret som ska ringas upp. Inkludera inte några minustecken. Se "
"manualen till ditt modem om du behöver göra något ovanligt som exempel att "
"ringa genom en växel."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefonnummer"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Ange lösenordet du fick av din Internetleverantör."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Lösenord"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Ange namnet du önskar använda för att referera till denna "
"Internetleverantör. Du vill antagligen ge standardnamnet \"leverantör\" "
"till din primära Internetleverantör. På så sätt kan du ringa den genom att "
"köra kommandot \"pon\". Ge varje ytterligare Internetleverantör ett unikt "
"namn. För exempel kan du ringa din arbetsgivare \"kontoret\" och ditt "
"universitet \"skolan\". Sen kan du ansluta till din Internetleverantör med "
"\"pon\", ditt kontor med \"pon kontoret\" och ditt universitet med \"pon "
"skolan\". Notera att namnet inte får innehålla mellanslag."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Namn på leverantör"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Denna anslutning existerar. Vill du skriva över den?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Anslutningen existerar"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Färdigkonfigurerad anslutning och skrivning av ändrade filer. "
"Chatsträngarna för anslutning till din Internetleverantör finns i /etc/"
"chatscripts/%s medan inställningarna för pppd finns i /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Du "
"kan ändra dessa filer för hand om du vill. Du har nu möjlighet att avsluta "
"programmet, konfigurera en annan anslutning eller omarbeta denna eller en "
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Klar"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Skapa anslutning"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Inga anslutningar att ändra."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Välj en anslutning"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Välj anslutning att ändra."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Inga anslutningar att ta bort."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Ta bort en anslutning"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Välj en anslutning att ta bort."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Återgå till föregående meny"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Vill du avsluta utan att spara dina ändringar?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Avsluta"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Felsökningsläget är aktiverat."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Felsökningsläget är avaktiverat."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"Valet JA kommer att aktivera felsökning. Valet NEJ kommer att stänga av "
"den. %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Felsökningskommando"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Välja JA kommer att aktivera uppringning vid behov för denna leverantör. "
"Välj NEJ kommer att stänga av den. Notera att du fortfarande behöver starta "
"pppd med pon. pppconfig kommer inte att göra det åt dig. När du gjort det "
"kommer pppd att fortsätta köra i bakgrunden och vänta på att du ska göra "
"något mot nätverket och sen ringa upp din Internetleverantör. Om du "
"aktiverar uppringning vid behov vill du säkert också sätta en maxtid för "
"inaktivitet så att länken kopplas ned vid inaktivitet. Uppringning vid "
"behov är nu satt till %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Behov-kommando"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Välja JA kommer att aktivera persist-läge. Välja NEJ kommer att stänga av "
"det. Detta kommer få pppd att försöka prova till den ansluter och försöka "
"återansluta om anslutningen bryts. Persist är inte kompatibel med "
"uppringning vid behov: aktivera uppringning vid behov kommer att stänga av "
"persist. Persist är just nu %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Persist-kommando"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Välj en metod. \"Statisk\" betyder att samma namnserver kommer att användas "
"varje gång denna leverantör används. Du kommer att bli frågad om adressen "
"till namnservern på nästa skärm. \"Dynamisk\" betyder att pppd kommer att "
"automatiskt hämta information om namnservern varje gång du ansluter till "
"denna leverantör. \"Ingen\" betyder att DNS hanteras på andra sätt, såsom "
"BIND (named) eller manuell ändring av /etc/resolv.conf. Välj \"Ingen\" om "
"du inte vill att /etc/resolv.conf ska ändras när du ansluter til denna "
"leverantör. Använd upp och nedknapparna för att flytta runt mellan valen "
"och tryck mellanslag för att välja en. När du är klar, använd TAB för att "
"välja <OK> och ENTER för att komma till nästa skärm."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Konfigurera namnservrar (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Använd statisk DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Använd dynamisk DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS kommer att hanteras på annat sätt"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Ange IP-adress till din primära namnserver."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP-nummer"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Ange IP-adressen till din sekundära namnserver (om används)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Ange användarnamnet för en användare du vill ska kunna starta och stoppa "
"PPP. Hon ska kunna starta alla anslutningar. För att ta bort en användare, "
"kör programmet vigr och ta bort användaren från gruppen \"dip\". "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Lägg till användare "
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Finns ingen användare kallad %s. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Du vill antagligen inte ändra denna. Pppd använder ett fjärrnamn så väl som "
"användarnamnet för att hitta det rätta lösenordet i filen secrets. Standard "
"för fjärrnamn är leverantörens namn. Detta gör att du kan använda samma "
"användarnamn med olika leverantörer. För att stänga av fjärrnamn, ange ett "
"blankt fjärrnamn. Inställningen för fjärrnamn kommer att utelämnas från "
"leverantörsfilen och en rad med ett * istället för fjärrnamn kommer att "
"sättas i filen secrets."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Fjärrnamn"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Om du vill att denna PPP-länk ska kopplas ned automatiskt när det har varit "
"inaktiv i ett antal sekunder, ange det antalet här. Lämna den blank och du "
"inte vill ha någon nedkoppling alls."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Maxtid för inaktivitet"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte öppna %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Kan inte öppna %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Kan inte låsa %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte skriva till %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte byta namn på %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
#| "gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]'--version' prints the version. '--"
#| "help' prints a help message.'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog. '--"
#| "whiptail' uses whiptail."
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Användning: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
"[--gdialog] [--noname] | [leverantör]] \"--version\" skriver ut versionen. "
"\"--help\" skriv ut ett hjälpmeddelande.\"--dialog\" använder dialog "
"istället för gdialog. \"--whiptail\" använder whiptail."
#: pppconfig:1711
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting "
#| "up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat "
#| "authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does "
#| "not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that "
#| "you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and "
#| "it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. "
#| "Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your "
#| "isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and "
#| "the phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you "
#| "will also need to know the login and password prompts and any other "
#| "prompts and responses required for login. If you can't get this "
#| "information from your isp you could try dialing in with minicom and "
#| "working through the procedure until you get the garbage that indicates "
#| "that ppp has started on the other end. Since pppconfig makes changes in "
#| "system configuration files, you must be logged in as root or use sudo to "
#| "run it. \n"
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig är ett interaktivt, menydrivet verktyg för att hjälpa till att "
"automatisera inställningar för uppringda PPP-anslutningar. Den har för "
"närvarande stöd för PAP, CHAP och chat-autentisering. Den använder standard "
"konfigurationsfiler för pppd. Den ansluter inte din dator till din "
"Internetleverantör, den bara konfigurerar ditt system så att du kan det med "
"andra verktyg såsom pon. Den kan upptäcka ditt modem och konfigurera ppp "
"för dynamisk DNS, multipla Internetleverantörer och uppringning vid behov. "
"Före pppconfig körs bör du veta vilken typ av autentisering din "
"Internetleverantör kräver, användarnamn och lösenord som de vill du ska "
"använda och telefonnumret. Om de kräver att du använder chat-autentisering "
"behöver du veta hur login och lösenord frågas efter och andra frågor och "
"svar som krävs för anslutningen. Om du inte kan få tag på denna information "
"från din internetleverantör kan du prova att ringa in med minicom och jobba "
"dig igenom processen tills du får det skräpdata som indikerar att ppp har "
"startat på andra sidan. Eftersom pppconfig gör ändringar i "
"systemkonfigurationen måste du vara inloggad som root eller använda sudo för "
"att köra det.\n"

po/templates.pot Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr ""
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr ""
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr ""
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr ""
#. @menuvar = (gettext("\
#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select \
#. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. \
#. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr ""
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr ""
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr ""
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr ""
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr ""
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr ""
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr ""
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr ""
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr ""
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr ""
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr ""
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr ""
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""

po/tl.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

po/tr.po Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

po/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
cd po
xgettext --language=Perl --default-domain=pppconfig --directory=.. \
--add-comments --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ \ && test ! -f pppconfig.po \
|| ( rm -f templates.pot && mv pppconfig.po templates.pot )
# Moving along..
ls *.po | sed 's/\.po$//' > LINGUAS
for lang in `cat LINGUAS`; do
mv $lang.po $lang.old.po
echo "$lang:"
if msgmerge --previous $lang.old.po templates.pot -o $lang.po; then
rm -f $lang.old.po
echo "msgmerge for $lang.po failed!"
if cmp --quiet $lang.po $lang.old.po ; then
rm -f $lang.old.po
mv -f $lang.old.po $lang.po

po/vi.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
# Vietnamese translation for pppconfig.
# Copyright © 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# Phan Vinh Thinh <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-03 15:16+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Nguyen Vu Hung <>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
"Language: vi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "\"Tiện ích cấu hình PPP của GNU/Linux\""
#: pppconfig:128
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "Không có giao diện đồ họa\n"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "Cần quyền root để chạy chương trình này.\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s không tồn tại.\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "Không đóng được WTR trong tiến trình mẹ: "
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "Không đóng được RDR trong tiến trình mẹ: "
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "không tạo được tiến trình con: "
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "Không đóng được RDR trong tiến trình con: "
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "Không chuyển hướng được tới stderr: "
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Exec (thực hiện) không thành công: "
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "Lỗi nội bộ: "
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "Tạo một kết nối"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "Thay đổi kết nối có tên %s"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "Tạo một kết nối với tên %s"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"Đây là tiện ích cấu hình PPP. Nó không kết nối tới ISP (nhà cung cấp dịch vu "
"Mạng) của bạn, mà chỉ cấu hình giao thức ppp để chúng ta có thể kết nối bằng "
"một tiện ích khác như pon. Nó sẽ hỏi tên người dùng, mật khẩu, và số điện "
"thoại mà ISP đã cung cấp. Nếu ISP của bạn sử dụng phương pháp PAP hay CHAP, "
"thì đó là tất cả những gì cần nhập. Nếu cần có một tập lệnh chat, thì còn "
"cần phải biết cách ISP hỏi nhắc tên người dùng và mật khẩu. Nếu không biết "
"ISP dùng gì thì hãy thử PAP. Dùng phím mũi tên lên và xuống để di chuyển "
"giữa các trình đơn. Bấm phím ENTER để chọn. Dùng phím TAB để chuyển từ "
"trình đơn sang «Được» sang «Thôi» và ngược lại. Để chuyển sang trình đơn "
"tiếp theo, chuyển tới «Được» và gõ ENTER. Để quay lại trình đơn trước, đi "
"tới «Thôi» và gõ ENTER."
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Trình đơn chính"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "Thay đổi một kết nối"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "Xóa bỏ một kết nối"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "Kết thúc và ghi các tập tin"
#: pppconfig:283
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"Xin hãy chọn phương pháp xác thực cho kết nối này. PAP là phương pháp "
"thường dùng trên Windows 95, vì thế nếu ISP hỗ trợ máy khách quay số NT hay "
"Win95, thì hãy thử PAP. Bây giờ đặt phương pháp thành %s."
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " Phương pháp xác thực cho %s"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Giao thức xác thực ngang hàng (PAP)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "Dùng \"chat\" cho xác thực login:/password: (đăng nhập:/mật khẩu:)"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Giao thức xác thực bắt tay mật mã (CHAP)"
#: pppconfig:309
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"Xin hãy chọn thuộc tính muốn sửa đổi, chọn «Thôi» để quay lại từ đầu hoặc "
"chọn «Xong rồi» để ghi các tập tin đã thay đổi."
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "\"Thuộc tính của %s\""
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s Số điện thoại"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s Dấu nhắc đăng nhập"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s Tên người dùng ISP"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s Dấu nhắc mật khẩu"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s Mật khẩu ISP"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s Tốc độ cổng"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s Cổng com mô-đem"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s Phương pháp xác thực"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Tùy chọn nâng cao"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "Ghi các tập tin và quay lại trình đơn chính."
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
"Trình đơn này cho phép thay đổi một vài thiết lập không rõ ràng. Hãy chọn "
"thiết lập muốn thay đổi, rồi chọn «Trước» khi hoàn thành. Sử dụng phím mũi "
"tên để cuộn kéo danh sách."
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "\"Thiết lập nâng cao cho %s\""
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s Chuỗi khởi động mô-đem"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s Trả lời kết nối"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s Chat trước khi đăng nhập"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s Trạng thái định tuyến mặc định"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s Đặt địa chỉ IP (Giao thức Mạng)"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s Bật/tắt tìm gỡ lỗi"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s Bật/tắt quay số theo nhu cầu"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s Bật/tắt cố định"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s Thay đổi DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " Thêm một người dùng PPP"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s Chat sau khi đăng nhập"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s Thay đổi tên ở xa"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s Thời gian chờ khi không hoạt động"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "Quay lại trình đơn trước"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "Thoát tiện ích này"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "Lỗi nội bộ: không có cái như %s, "
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nhập chuỗi công nhận kết nối nếu có.. Chuỗi này được gửi khi nhận được chuỗi "
"CONNECT từ modem. Trừ khi biết chắc chắn rằng ISP yêu cầu công nhận, hãy dặt "
"chuỗi này là rỗng, nghĩa là, ''.\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Chuỗi Ack"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập văn bản của dấu nhắc đăng nhập. Chat sẽ gửi tên người dùng trong "
"câu trả lời. Dấu nhắc thường dùng là login: (đăng nhập) và username: (tên "
"dùng). Đôi khi ký tự đầu tiên viết hoa và như thế chúng ta bỏ ký tự đó và "
"tương ứng phần còn lại của từ. Đôi khi dấu hai chấm cũng bị bỏ đi. Nếu "
"không chắc, hãy thử ogin:."
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "Dấu nhắc đăng nhập"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập văn bản của dấu nhắc mật khẩu. Chat sẽ gửi mật khẩu trong câu trả "
"lời. Dấu nhắc thường dùng là password: (mật khẩu). Đôi khi ký tự đầutiên "
"viết hoa và như thế chúng ta bỏ ký tự đó và tương ứng phần còn lại của từ."
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "Dấu nhắc mật khẩu"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Rất có thể không cần đặt gì ở đây. Hãy nhập bất kỳ thông tin gì ISP yêu cầu "
"trước khi đăng nhập. Nếu cần tạo một mục, thì đầu tiên là dấu nhắc chờ đợi, "
"và thứ hai là câu cần trả lời. Ví dụ: ISP gửi 'Server:' (máy chủ) và chờ "
"câu trả lời 'doconbo'. Có thể đặt 'erver doconbo' (không có dấu ngoặc đơn) "
"ở đây. Mọi mục phải phân cách nhau bởi khoảng trắng. Có thể tạo một vài "
"cặp chờ đợi-gửi đi như vậy."
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "Trước khi đăng nhập"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"Có thể không cần thay đổi gì ở đây. Đây là '' \\d\\c để chat không mong đợi "
"gì, chờ một giây, và không gửi gì. Việc này cho ISP thờigian để PPP chạy. "
"Nếu ISP yêu cầu nhập thêm thứ gì bất kỳ sau khiđăng nhập thì cần đặt chúng ở "
"đây. Đó có thể là tên chương trìnhnhư PPP dùng làm câu trả lời dấu nhắc "
"trình đơn. Nếu cần tạo một mục, thì đầu tiên là dấu nhắc mong đợi và thứ "
"hai là câu trả lời yêu cầu.Ví dụ: isp gửi 'Protocol' và chờ câu trả lời "
"'ppp'. Cần đặt 'otocol ppp' (không có dấu ngoặc) ở đây. Các phần phải phân "
"cách nhau bởi khoảng trắng. Có thể tạo một vài cặp như vậy."
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "Sau khi đăng nhập"
#: pppconfig:603
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr "Hãy nhập tên người dùng do ISP cung cấp."
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Tên người dùng"
#: pppconfig:621
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"Trả lời 'yes' (có) để tự động nhận ra cổng của môđem. Sẽ cần vài giây để "
"thử tất cả các cổng tiếp nối. Trả lời 'no' (không) nếu muốn tự nhập số cổng."
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "Chọn Phương pháp cấu hình môđem"
#: pppconfig:625
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr "Không thử được khi tiến trình pppd đang chạy."
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "Đang thử %s"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"Dưới đây là danh sách những cổng tiếp nối có phần cứng có thể dùng cho PPP. "
"Một trong số chúng có môđem và đã được chọn trước. Nếu không tìm thấy môđem "
"chọn trước 'Manual' (Tự làm). Để chấp nhận sự lựa chọn trước này chỉ cần "
"nhấn TAB và sau đó ENTER. Sử dụng phím mũi tên lên và xuống để di chuyển "
"giữa các sự lựa chọn, và nhấn phím trắng để chọn một. Khi đã hoàn thành, "
"dùng TAB để chọn «Được» và ENTER để di chuyển tới mục tiếp theo. "
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Chọn cổng môđem"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "Tự nhập cổng. "
#: pppconfig:649
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"Nhập cổng modem gắn vào. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 là COM1 trên DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 là COM2 trên DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 là COM3 trên DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 là COM4 trên DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 là trường hợp hay gặp nhất. Chú ý rằng cần phải gõ chính xác như "
"hiển thị. Có phân biệt chữ hoa, chữ thường: ttyS1 là khác ttys1."
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "Tự chọn cổng môđem"
#: pppconfig:670
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Cho phép định tuyến mặc định cho hệ thống biết cách tìm đến các máy không "
"kết nối thẳng là qua ISP. Đây thông thường là cái người dùng muốn. Sử dụng "
"phím mũi tên lên và xuống để di chuyển giữa các sự lựa chọn, và nhấn phím "
"trắng để chọn một. Khi đã hoàn thành, dùng TAB để chọn «Được» và ENTER để "
"di chuyển tới mục tiếp theo."
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "Định tuyến mặc định"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "Dùng định tuyến mặc định"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "Tắt bỏ định tuyến mặc định"
#: pppconfig:680
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"Thông thường không cần thay đổi giá trị mặc định của noipdefault. Đây không "
"phải là nơi cấu hình cho địa chỉ IP của máy chủ tên. Đây là nơi đặt IP nếu "
"ISP cung cấp cho bạn một địa chỉ tĩnh. Nếu chỉ có một IP tĩnh nội bộ, hãy "
"nhập nó với dấu hai chấm ở cuối, ví dụ: Nếu có cả IP nội bộ và "
"IP ở xa, hãy nhập IP nội bộ, dấu hai chấm, và IP ở xa, ví dụ: "
" "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "Số IP"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập tốc độ cổng môđem (ví dụ, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). Đề "
"nghị để nguyên là 115200."
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Tốc độ"
#: pppconfig:697
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập chuỗi cấu hình ban đầu của môđem. Giá trị mặc định là ATZ, để "
"chomôđem sử dụng thiết lập mặc định của nó. Vì hầu hết các môđem xuất xưởng "
"có thiết lập mặc định thích hợp với PPP, đề nghị không thay đổi gì."
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "Cấu hình ban đầu môđem"
#: pppconfig:711
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Chọn phương pháp quay số. Vì hầu hết người dùng có kết nối điện thoại kiểu "
"«sờ tiếng» (touch-tone), nên đặt phương pháp quay số thành tone (tiếng) trừ "
"khi chắc chắn là cần pulse (mạch). Sử dụng phím mũi tên lên và xuống để di "
"chuyển giữa các sự lựa chọn, và nhấn phím trắng để chọn một. Khi đã hoàn "
"thành, dùng TAB để chọn «Được» và ENTER để di chuyển tới mục tiếp theo."
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "Tiếng hay Mạch"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập số điện thoại để quay. Đừng thêm bất kỳ gạch ngang nào. Hãy xem "
"tài liệu đi kèm với môđem nếu cần những gì đặc biệt như quay số qua một hệ "
"thống điện thoại chung như PBX."
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "Số điện thoại"
#: pppconfig:732
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr "Hãy nhập mật khẩu ISP đưa cho bạn."
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mật khẩu"
#: pppconfig:797
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập tên muốn dùng cho ISP này. Có thể để tên mặc định 'provider' (nhà "
"cung cấp) cho ISP chính. Như thế, có thể quay số chỉ bằng câu lệnh 'pon'. "
"Cho mỗi isp phụ một tên duy nhất. Ví dụ, có thể gọi nơi làm việc là "
"'congso' và trường đại 'daihoc'. Sau đó có thể kết nối tới isp với 'pon', "
"kết nối tới nơi làm việc bằng 'pon congso', và với trường đại học với 'pon "
"daihoc'. Chú ý: tên không được có khoảng trắng."
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "Tên nhà cung cấp"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Kết nối này đã có. Ghi chèn lên nó?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "Kết nối đã có"
#: pppconfig:816
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"Đã hoàn tất việc cấu hình kết nối và đang ghi các tập tin đã thay đổi. "
"Chuỗi chat để kết nối tới ISP nằm trong /etc/chatscripts/%s, còn tùy chọn "
"cho pppd nằm trong /etc/ppp/peers/%s. Có thể tự sửa đổi những tập tin này "
"nếu muốn. Bây giờ có thể chọn thoát khỏi chương trình, cấu hình kết nối "
"khác, hoặc xem lại một kết nối."
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Xong rồi"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "Tạo kết nối"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "Không có kết nối để thay đổi."
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "Chọn một kết nối"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "Chọn kết nối để thay đổi."
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "Không có kết nối để xóa bỏ."
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "Xóa bỏ một kết nối"
#: pppconfig:917
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr "Chọn kết nối để xoá bỏ."
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "Trở lại trình đơn trước"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr "Thoát mà không ghi nhớ thay đổi sao?"
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Thoát"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr "Đang bật gỡ rối."
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr "Đang tắt gỡ rối."
#: pppconfig:939
#, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr "Chọn YES (Có) để bật gõ rối. Chọn NO (Không) để tắt gỡ rối. %s"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "Câu lệnh gỡ lỗi"
#: pppconfig:954
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Chọn YES sẽ cho phép quay số theo nhu cầu tới nhà cung cấp này. Chọn NO để "
"tắt. Chú ý rằng vẫn sẽ cầu chạy tiến trình pppd với pon: pppconfig sẽ không "
"thực hiện việc đó. Khi thực hiện pon, pppd sẽ đi vào chế độ nền sau và chờ "
"truy cập Mạng nào đó của người dùng, rồi quay số ISP. Nếu dùng quay số theo "
"nhu cầu, sẽ cần đặt một thời gian chờ khi ngừng hoạt động để ngắt bỏ kết nối "
"khi không sử dụng. Quay số theo nhu cầu hiện tại là %s."
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "Câu lệnh Nhu cầu"
#: pppconfig:968
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"Chọn YES (Có) sẽ dùng chế độ cố định. Chọn NO (Không) sẽ không dùng nó. "
"Tính năng này khiến pppd cố thử cho đến khi kết nối và cố kết nối lại nếu bị "
"ngắt giữa chừng. Cố định không tương thích với quay số theo nhu cầu: dùng "
"quay số theo nhu cầu sẽ loại bỏ cố định. Cố định hiện thời %s."
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "Câu lệnh Cố định"
#: pppconfig:992
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"Hãy chọn phương pháp. «Tĩnh» có nghĩa là luôn luôn sử dụng một máy chủ tên "
"cho nhà cung cấp này. Trong màn hình tới cần nhập vào địa chỉ của máy chủ "
"tên. «Động» có nghĩa là pppd sẽ tự động lấy địa chỉ máy chủ tên mỗi lần kết "
"nối tới nhà cung cấp này. «Không có» có nghĩa là DNS sẽ được điều khiển "
"bằng cách khác, ví dụ BIND (named) hoặc tự sửa /etc/resolv.conf. Chọn «Không "
"có» nếu không muốn /etc/resolv.conf bị thay đổi khi kết nối tới nhà cung cấp "
"này. Sử dụng các phím mũi tên lên và xuống để di chuyển giữa các lựa chọn "
"và nhấn phím trắng để chọn một. Khi đã kết thúc, dùng TAB để chọn «Được» và "
"ENTER để di chuyển tới mục tiếp theo."
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "Cấu hình máy chủ tên (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "Sử dụng DNS tĩnh"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "Sử dụng DNS động"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS sẽ được điều khiển bằng cách khác"
#: pppconfig:1001
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập địa chỉ IP cho nameserver chính."
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "Địa chỉ IP"
#: pppconfig:1012
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr "Hãy nhập địa chỉ IP cho máy chủ tên phụ (nếu có)."
#: pppconfig:1043
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập tên người dùng của người muốn cho phép bắt đầu và dừng ppp. Cô ấy "
"sẽ có khả năng tạo bất kỳ kết nối nào. Để xóa bỏ một người dùng, chạy "
"chương trình vigr và xóa bỏ người dùng ấy khỏi nhóm «dip». "
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "Thêm người dùng"
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"Người dùng không tồn tại %s. "
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"Rất có thể không nên thay đổi mục này. Pppd dùng tên ở xa cũng như tên "
"người dùng để tìm ra mật khẩu đúng trong tập tin bí mật. Tên ở xa mặc định "
"là tên nhà cung cấp. Điều này cho phép sử dụng cùng một tên người dùng với "
"các nhà cung cấp khác nhau. Để tắt bỏ tùy chọn tên ở xa chỉ cần đưa ra một "
"tên ở xa trống. Tùy chọn tên ở xa sẽ bị bỏ đi khỏi tập tin nhà cung cấp và "
"đặt một dòng với một * thay vì tên ở xa trong tập tin bí mật."
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "Tên ở xa"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"Nếu muốn kết nối PPP này tự động tắt khi không dùng đến sau số giây chỉ ra, "
"thì đặt số đó ở đây. Để trống, nếu không muốn tắt kết nối."
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "Thời gian chờ khi ngừng làm việc"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Không mở được %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "Không mở được %s.\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "Không khoá được %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "Không in được tới %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "Không đổi tên được %s.\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Cách dùng: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | "
" [--noname] | [tênnhàcungcấp]]\n"
"'--version' in ra số _phiên bản_.\n"
"'--help' in ra _trợ giúp_.\n"
"'--dialog' dùng dialog thay cho gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' dùng whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' dùng gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' bắt buộc tên nhà cung cấp là 'provider' (_không tên_).\n"
"'tên nhà cung cấp' sẽ ép tên nhà cung cấp là tên đó.\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig là một tiện ích tương tác có hệ thống trình đơn để giúp tự động\n"
"thiết lập một kết nối ppp quay số. Hiện tại ppp hỗ trợ xác thực PAP, CHAP, "
"và chat. Nó sử dụng các tập tin cấu hình chuẩn của pppd. Tiện ích \n"
"không thực sự tạo kết nối tới ISP, mà chỉ cấu hình hệ thống để có thể \n"
"kết nối bằng một tiện ích khác như pon. Nó có thể nhận ra môđem và có \n"
"thể cấu hình ppp dùng dns động, nhiều nhà ISP và quay số theo nhu cầu. \n"
"Trước khi chạy pppconfig cần biết dạng xác thực ISP yêu cầu, tên người \n"
"dùng và mật khẩu ISP cung cấp và số điện thoại. Nếu ISP yêu cầu dùng \n"
"xác thực chat thì còn cần biết dấu nhắc đăng nhập và dấu nhắc mật \n"
"khẩu cũng như các dấu nhắc khác và câu trả lời để có thể đăng nhập. \n"
"Nếu không thể nhận thông tin này từ ISP thì có thể thử quay số với \n"
"minicom và theo dõi cho đến khi có tín hiệu cho biến ppp đã chạy ở \n"
"dầu phía bên kia. \n"
"Vì pppconfig tạo thay đổi trong các tập tin cấu hình của hệ thống, cần "
"phải \n"
"đăng nhập dưới quyền root hoặc dùng lệnh sudo để chạy nó. \n"
" \n"

po/zh_CN.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
# Pppconfig's Simplified Chinese translation
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# Carlos Z.F. Liu <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig 2.3.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-31 05:29+1200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Z.F. Liu <>\n"
"Language-Team: zh_CN <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "“GNU/Linux PPP 配置工具”"
#: pppconfig:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "无 UI"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "您必须以 root 用户身份运行此程序。\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s 不存在。\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "无法在父进程中关闭 WTR"
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "无法在父进程中关闭 RDR"
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "无法 fork"
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "无法在子进程中关闭 RDR"
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "无法重定向标准错误输出:"
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "Exec 失败:"
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "内部错误:"
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "创建一个连接"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "修改名为 %s 的连接"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "创建名为 %s 的连接"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"此程序是 PPP 配置工具。它的功能是设置 ppp使您可以通过 pon 命令连接到\n"
"ISP。它将询问 ISP 提供给您的用户名、密码和电话号码。如果您的 ISP 使用\n"
"PAP 或 CHAP这些设置就足够了。如果必须使对话脚本(chat scropt),就还需\n"
"要知道您的 ISP 所使用的用户名和密码提示符。如果不清楚您的 ISP 使用的是\n"
"哪种技术,请选择 PAP。请在程序中使用上下箭头按键来移动菜单选项光标、按\n"
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "主菜单"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "修改连接"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "删除连接"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "完成并保存文件"
#: pppconfig:283
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"请为此连接选择认证方式。PAP 通常是 Windows 95 中最常用的方式,如果您的 ISP\n"
"支持 NT 或 Win95 拔号客户端,请试用 PAP。前设定的方式是 %s。"
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " %s 的验证模式"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer 认证协议(Peer Authentication Protocol)"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "使用“chat”作为 login:/password: 认证方式"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "加密握手认证协议(Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol)"
#: pppconfig:309
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "“%s 的属性”"
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s 电话号码"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s 登录提示符"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s 互连网服务提供商(ISP)名称"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s 密码提示符"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s ISP 密码"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s 端口速度"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s 调制解调器 com 端口"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s 认证方式"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "高级选项"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "写入文件并返回主菜单。"
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "“%s 的高级设定”"
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s 调制解调器初始化字符串(init string)"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s 连接应答"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s 登录前对话(Pre-login chat)"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s 默认路由状态(route state)"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s 设定 ip 地址"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s 是否打开调试开关"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s 是否打开按需拔号(demand dialing)开关"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s 是否打开保持活跃(persist)开关"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s 修改 DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " 增加一个 ppp 用户"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s 登录后对话(Post-login chat) "
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s 修改远端名称 "
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s 空闲(Idle)超时 "
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "返回前一菜单"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "退出此工具"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "内部错误:没有 %s 之类的东西,"
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"如果有的话,请输入连接响应内容。此字符串将会在调制解调器收到 CONNECT\n"
"字串后发出。除非您确切的知道您的 ISP 需要这样一个响应,否则请将此处设\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "Ack 字符串"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"login: 和 username:。有时候提示符的首字母是大写,所以我们将忽略它并匹配\n"
"余下的部分。有时候冒号也被省略。如果您不确定,请试用 ogin:。\n"
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "登录提示符"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "密码提示符"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"您多半不需要在此填写任何内容。请输入登录前您的 ISP 所要求的额外内容。\n"
"内容。例如,您的 ISP 发送这“Server:”并希望您回应“trilobite”。您\n"
"就应该在此写入“erver trilobite”(不带引号)。所有输入项必须以空格分\n"
" "
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "登录前(Pre-Login)"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"等待一秒钟,不发送任何内容。这将会给您的 ISP 留下时间以启动 ppp。如果您的\n"
"ISP 需要任何登录后的额外输入,请填写在此处。这可能是一个类似 ppp 的程序名\n"
"后是所需的回应内容。例如,您的 ISP 发送这“Protocol”并希望您回应“ppp”。\n"
"您就应该在此写入“rotocol ppp”(不带引号)。所有输入项必须以空格分隔。当然,\n"
" "
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "登录后(Post-Login)"
#: pppconfig:603
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr ""
"请输入 ISP 给您的用户名。"
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "用户名"
#: pppconfig:621
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "选择调制解调器配置方式"
#: pppconfig:625
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
"当 pppd 正在运行时无法进行探测。"
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "正在探测 %s"
#: pppconfig:639
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"以下列表是所有在硬件上可以用于 ppp 的串行端口,其中被预先选中的那一个看起\n"
"您要接受预定义的默认选项,请按 TAB 键然后回车。您可以使用上下箭头键来在选\n"
"择列表中移动,使用空格来选中。当您完成选择后,使用 TAB 键将光标移到<确定>\n"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "请选择调制解调器端口"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "手动输入端口号。"
#: pppconfig:649
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"/dev/ttyS0 即 DOS 中的 COM1。\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 即 DOS 中的 COM2。\n"
"/dev/ttyS2 即 DOS 中的 COM3。\n"
"/dev/ttyS3 即 DOS 中的 COM4。\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 是最常见的选择。请注意,您所填写的内容必须与以上所显示的完全相\n"
"同。字母大小写敏感ttyS1 与 ttys1 是不同的。"
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "手动选择调制解调器端口"
#: pppconfig:670
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"开启默认路由将告诉系统通往非直接连接到本机的主机的路径是通过您的 ISP 服务\n"
"来选中。当您完成选择后,使用 TAB 键将光标移到<确定>上并回车以进入下一个设置\n"
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "默认路由"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "开启默认路由"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "禁用默认路由"
#: pppconfig:680
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"您几乎肯定不会想修改此项的默认设定值 nopidefault。这里所填的并不是您的域名\n"
"服务器的 ip 地址,而是您自己的 ip 地址,如果您的 ISP 给您了一个静态地址的\n"
"话。如果您所得到的仅仅是一个本地静态 ip输入它并在末尾加一个冒号比如\n"
" 如果您同时得到了本地 ip 和远端 ip请输入本地ip 冒号 远端ip\n"
"比如192.168.1.2: "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP 地址"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"请输入您的调制解调器端口速度 (比如 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)。 \n"
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "速度"
#: pppconfig:697
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"请输入调制解调器的初始化字符串。默认值为 ATZ它将通知调制解调器使用其默\n"
"认设置。绝大部分调制解调器的出厂默认设置都能正常的配合 ppp我建议您不要\n"
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "调制解调器初始化"
#: pppconfig:711
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"空格来选中。当您完成选择后,使用 TAB 键将光标移到<确定>上并回车以进入下一\n"
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "脉冲或音频"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"比如通过 PBX 拔号,请查阅您的调制解调器手册。"
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "电话号码"
#: pppconfig:732
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr ""
"请输入 ISP 给您的密码。"
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密码"
#: pppconfig:797
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"请输入您想为此 ISP 设定的名称。您可以将主 ISP 的名称保留为“provider”\n"
"这样您就可以直接运行“pon”命令来拔号。而给其它 ISP 设定各自独立的名称。\n"
"您就可以用“pon”命令来连接您的 ISP用“pon theoffice”连接到公司用\n"
"“pon theschool”连接到学校。注意名称不能包含空格。"
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "提供商名称"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "此连接已存在。您要覆盖它吗?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "连接已存在"
#: pppconfig:816
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"完成连接配置并将修改内容存盘。连接到 ISP 的 chat 字符串将被保存到\n"
"/etc/chatscripts/%spppd 的选项将存在 /etc/ppp/peers/%s 中。如果您希望,\n"
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "完成"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "创建连接"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "无可修改之连接"
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "选择连接"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "请选择要修改的连接。"
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "无可删除之连接"
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "删除连接"
#: pppconfig:917
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "返回前一菜单"
#: pppconfig:926
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "退出"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:939
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"调试状态的设定目前是 %s。"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "调试命令"
#: pppconfig:954
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"通过pon 命令到启动 pppdpppconfig 不会为您执行此任务。在您执行之后,\n"
"pppd 将会进入后台并等待您尝试读取网络上的东西,一旦发现读取要求,就拔号连\n"
"接到 ISP。如果您开启了按需拔号功能您还应该进行空闲(idle)超时设置以使连接\n"
"能在空闲状态下自动挂断。按需拔号功能当前的状态是 %s。"
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "按需拔号命令(Demand Command)"
#: pppconfig:968
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"选择“是”将开启保持活跃模式。选择“否”关闭之。此模式将使 pppd 持续重试直到\n"
"保持活跃模式当前的状态是 %s。"
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "保持活跃命令(Persist Command)"
#: pppconfig:992
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"pppd 都会自动获取域名服务器地址。“无”则意味着用其它方式控制 DNS\n"
"例如 BIND (named)或手工编辑 /etc/resolv.conf 文件。如果您不希望在连接到提\n"
"供商时 /etc/resov.conf 被发动,就请选择“无”。您可以使用上下箭头键来在选择\n"
"列表中移动,使用空格来选中。当您完成选择后,使用 TAB 键将光标移到<确定>上\n"
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "配置域名服务器(DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "使用静态 DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "使用动态 DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS 将会由其它方式控制"
#: pppconfig:1001
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"请输入您的主域名服务器的 IP 地址。"
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP 地址"
#: pppconfig:1012
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr ""
"请输入您的次域名服务器的 IP 地址。"
#: pppconfig:1043
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"请输入能开启或关闭 ppp 的用户的名称。他将能够启动任何连接。\n"
"如果要删除用户,请运行 vigr 程序并将该用户从 dip 组中删除。"
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "增加用户"
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"没有 %s 用户。"
#: pppconfig:1060
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"您可能不会想要改变此项设定。Pppd 使用此远端名称和用户名在 secrets 文件中\n"
"使用同一用户名。要禁止远端名称选项请将此置空。provider 文件将忽略远端名\n"
"称选项而在secrets 文件将使用 * 而非远端名称。\n"
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "远端名称"
#: pppconfig:1068
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"如果您希望当 PPP 连接处于空闲状态一定时间后自动挂断,请在此处输入相应的秒\n"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "空闲(Idle)超时"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "无法打开 %s。\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "无法打开 %s。\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "无法锁定 %s。\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "无法打印至 %s。\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "无法将 %s 改名。\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"用法pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
" [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' 打印版本号。'--help' 打印帮助信息。\n"
"'--dialog' 使用 dialog 程序,而非 gdialog。'--whiptail' 使用 whiptail 程"
"'--gdialog' 使用 gdialog 程序. '--noname' 强制使用提供商名为 "
"'provider'。 \n"
"'providername' 强制使用提供商名为 'providername'。\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig 是一个帮助进行拔号 ppp 连接的互动式的菜单工具,支持 PAP、CHAP\n"
"和 chat 认证方式。它使用标准的 pppd 配置文件。它并不会建立连到您的 ISP\n"
"的连接,它的作用只是配置您的系统,使您能用 pon 之类的工具完成建立连接的\n"
"任务。本程序可以自动探测调制解调器,还可以为动态 dns、多 ISP 和\n"
"按需拔号(demand dialing)作相应的 ppp 配置。\n"
"在运行 pppconfig 之前,您需要知道您的 ISP 所要求的认证方式以及您的用户\n"
"名、密码和电话号码。如果他们要求使用 chat 认证,您还需要知道登录和密码提\n"
"示符以及其它登录所需的提示符和回应内容。如果您无法从您的 ISP 获得这些信\n"
"息,您还可以使用 minicom 进行拔号并完成整个登录过程直到您接收到一堆垃圾\n"
"因为 pppconfig 需要对系统配置文件进行修改,所以您必须以 root 登录或通过\n"
" \n"

po/zh_TW.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
# Traditional Chinese translation for pppconfig
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pppconfig package.
# Tetralet <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pppconfig 2.3.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-15 23:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-11-15 03:05+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Tetralet <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian-user in Chinese [Big5] <debian-chinese-big5@lists."
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
#. If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
#: pppconfig:69
msgid "\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\""
msgstr "「GNU/Linux PPP 設定工具」"
#: pppconfig:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "No UI\n"
msgstr "無使用介面"
#: pppconfig:131
msgid "You must be root to run this program.\n"
msgstr "您必須以 root 身份來執行這個程式。\n"
#: pppconfig:132 pppconfig:133
#, perl-format
msgid "%s does not exist.\n"
msgstr "%s 並不存在。\n"
#. Parent
#: pppconfig:161
msgid "Can't close WTR in parent: "
msgstr "無法關閉父行程中的 WTR"
#: pppconfig:167
msgid "Can't close RDR in parent: "
msgstr "無法關閉父行程中的 RDR"
#. Child or failed fork()
#: pppconfig:171
msgid "cannot fork: "
msgstr "無法進行 fork"
#: pppconfig:172
msgid "Can't close RDR in child: "
msgstr "無法關閉子行程中的 RDR"
#: pppconfig:173
msgid "Can't redirect stderr: "
msgstr "無法將標準錯誤輸出重新導向:"
#: pppconfig:174
msgid "Exec failed: "
msgstr "執行失敗:"
#: pppconfig:178
msgid "Internal error: "
msgstr "內部錯誤:"
#: pppconfig:255
msgid "Create a connection"
msgstr "建立連線"
#: pppconfig:259
#, perl-format
msgid "Change the connection named %s"
msgstr "修改名為 %s 的連線"
#: pppconfig:262
#, perl-format
msgid "Create a connection named %s"
msgstr "建立一個名為 %s 的連線"
#. This section sets up the main menu.
#: pppconfig:270
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: "
"just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It "
"will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave "
"you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use a "
"chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username "
"and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up "
"and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. "
"Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. To move "
"on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go back to the previous "
"menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter."
msgstr ""
"這是 PPP 設定工具。它並不能讓您連線至您的 ISP它是用來進行 PPP 的設定,讓\n"
"您可以使用像是 pon 之類的工具程式來達到這個目的。它會詢問您的 ISP 所提供給\n"
"您的 帳號、密碼,以及 電話號碼。如果您的 ISP 使用 PAP 或是 CHAP那麼這些資\n"
"訊便已足夠。如果您必須使用 Chat Script就還需要知道您的 ISP 如何對您的帳號\n"
"和密碼使用提示文字。如果您並不清楚您的 ISP 使用的是什麼,那麼試著使用 PAP。\n"
"請使用上、下方向鍵來在選單中移動。請使用 ENTER 鍵來選擇項目。可以使用 TAB \n"
"鍵來在 選單、<確定> 及 <取消> 間循環移動。當您準備好要進入下一個選單時,請\n"
"移至 <確定> 並按下 ENTER 鍵。如果想要返回上一個選單,請移至 <取消> 並按下\n"
"ENTER 鍵。"
#: pppconfig:271
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "主選單"
#: pppconfig:273
msgid "Change a connection"
msgstr "修改連線"
#: pppconfig:274
msgid "Delete a connection"
msgstr "刪除連線"
#: pppconfig:275
msgid "Finish and save files"
msgstr "完成並儲存檔案"
#: pppconfig:283
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the "
"method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or "
"Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to %s."
msgstr ""
"請替這個連線設定認証方式。在 Windows 95 裡,最常見的方法是使用 PAP。\n"
"所以如果您的 ISP 支援 NT 或是 Win85 的撥接用戶端,請試著使用 PAP。\n"
"認証方式目前是設定為 %s。"
#: pppconfig:284
#, perl-format
msgid " Authentication Method for %s"
msgstr " %s 的認証方式"
#: pppconfig:285
msgid "Peer Authentication Protocol"
msgstr "Peer Authentication Protocol"
#: pppconfig:286
msgid "Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication"
msgstr "使用「chat」做為 login:/password: 之認証方式"
#: pppconfig:287
msgid "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
msgstr "Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol"
#: pppconfig:309
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back "
"to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files."
msgstr ""
"或選擇 <完成> 來寫入已變更的檔案。"
#: pppconfig:310
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Properties of %s\""
msgstr "「%s 之屬性」"
#: pppconfig:311
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Telephone number"
msgstr "%s 電話號碼"
#: pppconfig:312
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Login prompt"
msgstr "%s 登入提示文字"
#: pppconfig:314
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP user name"
msgstr "%s ISP 使用者帳號"
#: pppconfig:315
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Password prompt"
msgstr "%s 密碼提示文字"
#: pppconfig:317
#, perl-format
msgid "%s ISP password"
msgstr "%s ISP 密碼"
#: pppconfig:318
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Port speed"
msgstr "%s 連接埠速度"
#: pppconfig:319
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem com port"
msgstr "%s 數據機 COM 埠"
#: pppconfig:320
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Authentication method"
msgstr "%s 認証方式"
#: pppconfig:322
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "進階選項"
#: pppconfig:324
msgid "Write files and return to main menu."
msgstr "寫入檔案並返回至主選單"
#. @menuvar = (gettext("#. This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select #. the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. #. Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."),
#: pppconfig:360
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select "
"the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. "
"Use the arrow keys to scroll the list."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:361
#, perl-format
msgid "\"Advanced Settings for %s\""
msgstr "「%s 的進階設定」"
#: pppconfig:362
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Modem init string"
msgstr "%s 的數據機初始化字串"
#: pppconfig:363
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Connect response"
msgstr "%s 連線回應"
#: pppconfig:364
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Pre-login chat"
msgstr "%s 登入前交談"
#: pppconfig:365
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Default route state"
msgstr "%s 預設路由狀況"
#: pppconfig:366
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Set ip addresses"
msgstr "%s 設定 IP 位址"
#: pppconfig:367
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn debugging on or off"
msgstr "%s 啟用或關閉除錯"
#: pppconfig:368
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn demand dialing on or off"
msgstr "%s 啟用或關閉監視撥號要求"
#: pppconfig:369
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Turn persist on or off"
msgstr "%s 啟用或關閉永久連線"
#: pppconfig:371
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change DNS"
msgstr "%s 修改 DNS"
#: pppconfig:372
msgid " Add a ppp user"
msgstr " 新增 ppp 使用者"
#: pppconfig:374
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Post-login chat "
msgstr "%s 登入後交談"
#: pppconfig:376
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Change remotename "
msgstr "%s 修改遠端名稱"
#: pppconfig:378
#, perl-format
msgid "%s Idle timeout "
msgstr "%s 閒置逾時"
#. End of SWITCH
#: pppconfig:389
msgid "Return to previous menu"
msgstr "返回上一個選單"
#: pppconfig:391
msgid "Exit this utility"
msgstr "關閉這個工具程式"
#: pppconfig:539
#, perl-format
msgid "Internal error: no such thing as %s, "
msgstr "內部錯誤:沒有像是 %s 這類的東西,"
#. End of while(1)
#. End of do_action
#. the connection string sent by the modem
#: pppconfig:546
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be sent "
"when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know for "
"sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave this as "
"a null string: that is, ''.\n"
msgstr ""
"如果有的話,請輸入連線回應文字。當數據機收到了 CONNECT 字串後,將會傳回這\n"
"個字串。除非您已確定您的 ISP 需要這樣的連線回應,否則您應該將其保留為空字\n"
#: pppconfig:547
msgid "Ack String"
msgstr "確認字串"
#. the login prompt string sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:555
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in "
"response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the "
"first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of the "
"word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren't sure, try ogin:."
msgstr ""
"請輸入登入提示文字Chat 將會傳送您的帳號以做為回應。最為常見的提示文字為\n"
"login: 及 username:。有時會在第一個字母使用大寫,所以我們將其省略並以剩下\n"
"的字來進行比對。有時冒號也會被省略。如果您無法確定,請試著使用 ogin:。\n"
#: pppconfig:556
msgid "Login Prompt"
msgstr "登入提示文字"
#. password prompt sent by the ISP
#: pppconfig:564
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in "
"response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter "
"is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the word."
msgstr ""
"請輸入密碼提示文字Chat 將會傳送您的密碼以做為回應。最為常見的提示文字為\n"
#: pppconfig:564
msgid "Password Prompt"
msgstr "密碼提示文字"
#. optional pre-login chat
#: pppconfig:572
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input "
"your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make the "
"first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Server:' and expect you to respond with "
"'trilobite'. You would put 'erver trilobite' (without the quotes) here. "
"All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more than one "
"expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"您似乎並不需要在此填入任何文字。請輸入在您登入之前,您的 ISP 所需要的任\n"
"文字,而第二個項目則為所需輸入的回應內容。例如:您的 ISP 會傳送 'Server:'\n"
"並要求您能回應 'trilobite'。因而您就應該在此填入 erver trilobite。所有的\n"
"輸入項目必須以空白分隔。您可以輸入多組的 提示文字/回應內容。"
#: pppconfig:572
msgid "Pre-Login"
msgstr "登入之前"
#. post-login chat
#: pppconfig:580
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You probably do not need to change this. It is initially '' \\d\\c which "
"tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. This gives "
"your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any additional input "
"after you have logged in you should put it here. This may be a program name "
"like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to make an entry, make "
"the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. "
"Example: your isp sends 'Protocol' and expect you to respond with 'ppp'. "
"You would put 'otocol ppp' (without the quotes) here. Fields must be "
"separated by white space. You can have more than one expect-send pair."
msgstr ""
"您多半並不需要對它進行修改。它的初始值是 '' \\d\\c用來設定在 chat 的過程\n"
"中,先不進行接收、等待一秒、然後不進行傳送。這樣可以讓您的 ISP 有時間來啟\n"
"動 ppp。如果在您已登入之後您的 ISP 還會要求您再輸入的其它額外資訊,您應\n"
"該在此填入。它可能是一個像是 ppp 的程式名稱,用來作為選單提示之回應。如果\n"
"需輸入的回應內容。例如:您的 ISP 會傳送 'Protocol' 並要求您能回應 'ppp'。\n"
"因而就應該在此輸入 otocol ppp。所有的輸入項目必須以空白分隔。您可以輸入多\n"
"組的 提示文字/回應內容。"
#: pppconfig:580
msgid "Post-Login"
msgstr "登入之後"
#: pppconfig:603
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the username given to you by your ISP."
msgstr ""
"請輸入您的 ISP 所給予您的帳號。"
#: pppconfig:604
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "使用者帳號"
#: pppconfig:621
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Answer 'yes' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. It "
"will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer 'no' if you "
"would rather enter the serial port yourself"
msgstr ""
"請回答 yes 來自動偵測您的數據機所在的通訊埠。它將會花上一些時間來測試每個\n"
"串列埠。如果您希望能自行輸入串列埠,請回答 no。"
#: pppconfig:622
msgid "Choose Modem Config Method"
msgstr "選擇數據機的設定方法"
#: pppconfig:625
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't probe while pppd is running."
msgstr ""
"在 pppd 正在執行期間無法進行偵測。"
#: pppconfig:632
#, perl-format
msgid "Probing %s"
msgstr "正在偵測 %s"
#: pppconfig:639
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware that "
"can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has been "
"preselected. If no modem was found 'Manual' was preselected. To accept the "
"preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and down arrow keys to "
"move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you "
"are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item. "
msgstr ""
"以下是上面似乎已安裝了 ppp 可以使用的硬體的串列埠全部列表,且已預先選取了\n"
"請直接按下 TAB然後按下 ENTER 來使用預先選取之項目。可以使用上下方向鍵來\n"
"在列表中移動,並使用 空白鍵 來進行選取。在動作完畢後,請使用 TAB 來選擇\n"
" <確定> 並按下 ENTER 來進入下一個項目。"
#: pppconfig:639
msgid "Select Modem Port"
msgstr "選擇數據機連接埠"
#: pppconfig:641
msgid "Enter the port by hand. "
msgstr "手動輸入連接埠"
#: pppconfig:649
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the port your modem is on. \n"
"/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \n"
"/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as "
"shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1."
msgstr ""
"/dev/ttyS0 就是 DOS 中的 COM1。\n"
"/dev/ttyS1 就是 DOS 中的 COM2。\n"
"/dev/ttyS2 就是 DOS 中的 COM3。\n"
"/dev/ttyS3 就是 DOS 中的 COM4。\n"
"絕大部份是使用 /dev/ttyS1。請注意到請務必按照所顯示的文字來進行輸入。\n"
"而大小寫也要注意ttyS1 和 ttys1 是不一樣的。"
#: pppconfig:655
msgid "Manually Select Modem Port"
msgstr "手動來選擇數據機連接埠"
#: pppconfig:670
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to "
"which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost "
"certainly what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the "
"selections, and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, "
"use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"啟用預設的路由 (default routing) 是用來告訴您的系統要如何才能經由您的 ISP\n"
" 來和未和您直接連接的主機進行連線,而這應該就是您所希望的。您可以使用上下\n"
"方向鍵來在列表中移動,並使用 空白鍵 來進行選取。在動作完畢後,請使用 TAB\n"
"來選擇 <確定>;並按下 ENTER 來進入下一個項目。"
#: pppconfig:671
msgid "Default Route"
msgstr "預設路由 (Default Route)"
#: pppconfig:672
msgid "Enable default route"
msgstr "啟用預設的路由 (default route)"
#: pppconfig:673
msgid "Disable default route"
msgstr "關閉預設的路由 (default route)"
#: pppconfig:680
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of "
"noipdefault. This is not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is "
"the place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a "
"static one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a "
"colon at the end, like this: If you have been given both a "
"local and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like "
msgstr ""
"您大概根本就不會想要去變更目前為 noipdefault 的這個預設值。在此並不是用來\n"
"設定您的名稱伺服器 (nameserver) 的 IP 位址,而是您自已的 IP 位址 - 而這只\n"
"發生於您的 ISP 給了您一個固定的IP 位址的情況下。如果您得到的只是一個用於\n"
"區域網路的固定 IP在輸入時請於後面加上一個冒號像是192.168.1.2:。而如\n"
"果您得到的是一個區域網路的 IP 以及一個遠端 IP請輸入區域網路 IP、冒號\n"
"以及遠端 IP像是192.168.1.2: "
#: pppconfig:681
msgid "IP Numbers"
msgstr "IP 位址"
#. get the port speed
#: pppconfig:688
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). I "
"suggest that you leave it at 115200."
msgstr ""
"請在此輸入您的數據機連接埠的速度 (如9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)。\n"
"在此建議您能將其保留為 115200 。"
#: pppconfig:689
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "速度"
#: pppconfig:697
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells "
"the modem to use it's default settings. As most modems are shipped from the "
"factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest you "
"not change this."
msgstr ""
"請輸入數據機的初始化字串。其預設值為 ATZ也就是告訴數據機使用它的預設的設\n"
"定。因為大多的數據機在從工廠出貨時的預設設定已經很適合於 ppp所以在此建議\n"
#: pppconfig:698
msgid "Modem Initialization"
msgstr "數據機初始化"
#: pppconfig:711
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should "
"leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need pulse. "
"Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the "
"spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and "
"ENTER to move on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"確定您是使用轉盤式的電話機,否則您應當將撥號方式保留為 tone按鍵式。\n"
"可以使用上下方向鍵來在列表中移動,並使用 空白鍵 來進行選取。在動作完畢後,\n"
"請使用 TAB 來選擇 <確定> 並按下 ENTER 來進入下一個項目。"
#: pppconfig:712
msgid "Pulse or Tone"
msgstr "轉盤式或按鍵式"
#. Now get the number.
#: pppconfig:719
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the number to dial. Don't include any dashes. See your modem manual "
"if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX."
msgstr ""
"請輸入撥號號碼。不要參雜任何的破折號。如果您還需要進行一些像是藉由 PBX\n"
#: pppconfig:720
msgid "Phone Number"
msgstr "電話號碼"
#: pppconfig:732
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the password your ISP gave you."
msgstr ""
"請輸入您的 ISP 給予您的密碼。"
#: pppconfig:733
msgid "Password"
msgstr "密碼"
#: pppconfig:797
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably want "
"to give the default name of 'provider' to your primary isp. That way, you "
"can dial it by just giving the command 'pon'. Give each additional isp a "
"unique name. For example, you might call your employer 'theoffice' and your "
"university 'theschool'. Then you can connect to your isp with 'pon', your "
"office with 'pon theoffice', and your university with 'pon theschool'. "
"Note: the name must contain no spaces."
msgstr ""
"請替這個 ISP 輸入您想要使用的名稱。您也許會想要將您主要的 ISP 設定為預設的\n"
"名稱provider。這樣您就可以僅僅使用 pon 就能夠直接進行撥號。請替每個其它 \n"
"ISP 以不同的名字命名。比如說,您可能要將您的公司命名為 theoffice而您的學\n"
"校則為 theschool然後您就能使用 pon 來連接至您的 ISP使用 pon theoffice \n"
"來連接至公司,使用 pon theschool 連接至學校。注意:名稱中不能包含空白。"
#: pppconfig:798
msgid "Provider Name"
msgstr "供應者名稱"
#: pppconfig:802
msgid "This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "這個連線已經存在。您是否要覆蓋它?"
#: pppconfig:803
msgid "Connection Exists"
msgstr "連線已存在"
#: pppconfig:816
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat strings "
"for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/%s, while the options for "
"pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/%s. You may edit these files by hand if you "
"wish. You will now have an opportunity to exit the program, configure "
"another connection, or revise this or another one."
msgstr ""
"要連線至該 ISP 時所使用的 chat 字串位於/etc/chatscripts/%s\n"
"而 pppd 的選項則位於 /etc/ppp/peers/%s。\n"
#: pppconfig:817
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "已完成"
#. this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
#. - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
#. - query the user for information about a connection
#: pppconfig:853
msgid "Create Connection"
msgstr "建立連線"
#: pppconfig:886
msgid "No connections to change."
msgstr "沒有連線可供修改。"
#: pppconfig:886 pppconfig:890
msgid "Select a Connection"
msgstr "選擇連線"
#: pppconfig:890
msgid "Select connection to change."
msgstr "選擇一個連線以進行修改。"
#: pppconfig:913
msgid "No connections to delete."
msgstr "沒有連線可供刪除。"
#: pppconfig:913 pppconfig:917
msgid "Delete a Connection"
msgstr "刪除連線"
#: pppconfig:917
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select connection to delete."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:917 pppconfig:919
msgid "Return to Previous Menu"
msgstr "回到上一個選單"
#: pppconfig:926
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?"
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:926
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "關閉"
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently enabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:938
msgid "Debugging is presently disabled."
msgstr ""
#: pppconfig:939
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid "Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. %s"
msgstr ""
"除錯目前是設定為 %s。"
#: pppconfig:939
msgid "Debug Command"
msgstr "除錯指令"
#: pppconfig:954
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO "
"will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: "
"pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the "
"background and wait for you to attempt to access something on the Net, and "
"then dial up the ISP. If you do enable demand dialing you will also want to "
"set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle. Demand "
"dialing is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"請注意到,您還是需要使用 pon 來啟動 pppdpppconfig 並不會替您代勞。而當您\n"
"這麼做時pppd 將會在背景執行,並等待著您試圖要存取網路上的東西,接著就會\n"
"和 ISP 進行撥接連線。如果您啟用了監視撥號要求,您也許還要進行「閒置逾時」\n"
"監視撥號要求目前是設定為 %s。"
#: pppconfig:954
msgid "Demand Command"
msgstr "撥號要求指令"
#: pppconfig:968
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. This "
"will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to reconnect if "
"the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand dialing: "
"enabling demand will disable persist. Persist is presently %s."
msgstr ""
"若選擇了「是」將啟用永久連線。而選擇「否」則將會關閉。這將會使得 pppd\n"
"永久連線目前是設定為 %s。"
#: pppconfig:968
msgid "Persist Command"
msgstr "永久連線指令"
#: pppconfig:992
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Choose a method. 'Static' means that the same nameservers will be used "
"every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver "
"numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically "
"get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' "
"means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or "
"manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Select 'None' if you do not want /etc/"
"resolv.conf to be changed when you connect to this provider. Use the up and "
"down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to "
"select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER to move "
"on to the next item."
msgstr ""
"請選擇一個模式。Static 表示和這個供應者連線時將會固定得使用相同的名稱伺服\n"
"器。在下個畫面裡將詢問您該名稱伺服器的位址。而 Dynamic 表示在您和這個供應\n"
"者連線時pppd 將會自動取得名稱伺服器的位址。而 None 則表示將用其它方法來\n"
"管控 DNS像是由 BIND (named) 或是手動編輯 /etc/resolv.conf。如果您在和這\n"
"個供應者連線時不要去修改到 /etc/resolv.conf請選擇 None。\n"
"您可以使用上下方向鍵來在列表中移動,並使用 空白鍵 來進行選取。在動作完畢\n"
"後,請使用 TAB 來選擇 <確定> 並按下 ENTER 來進入下一個項目。"
#: pppconfig:993
msgid "Configure Nameservers (DNS)"
msgstr "設定名稱伺服器 (DNS)"
#: pppconfig:994
msgid "Use static DNS"
msgstr "使用固定的 DNS"
#: pppconfig:995
msgid "Use dynamic DNS"
msgstr "動態取得 DNS"
#: pppconfig:996
msgid "DNS will be handled by other means"
msgstr "DNS 將用其它方法來管控"
#: pppconfig:1001
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver."
msgstr ""
"請替您的主要名稱伺服器 (nameserver) 輸入 IP 位址。"
#: pppconfig:1002 pppconfig:1012
msgid "IP number"
msgstr "IP 位址"
#: pppconfig:1012
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any)."
msgstr ""
"請替您的次要名稱伺服器 (nameserver) 輸入 IP 位址。(如果有的話)"
#: pppconfig:1043
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. "
"She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program "
"vigr and remove the user from the dip group. "
msgstr ""
"請輸入您想要讓她能夠啟動及關閉 ppp 的使用者帳號。她將能夠啟用任何的連\n"
"線。若要移除使用者帳號,您可以執行 vigr 指令,並將該使用者從 dip 群組\n"
#: pppconfig:1044
msgid "Add User "
msgstr "新增使用者"
#. Make sure the user exists.
#: pppconfig:1047
#, fuzzy, perl-format
msgid ""
"No such user as %s. "
msgstr ""
"沒有 %s 這一個使用者。"
#: pppconfig:1060
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well as "
"the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default "
"remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username "
"with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank "
"remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file "
"and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file."
msgstr ""
"您大概不會想要對此進行修改。pppd 使用遠端名稱及使用者帳號來在 secrets 檔案\n"
"將會略過遠端名稱選項,並在 secrets 檔中會以 * 來取代遠端名稱。\n"
#: pppconfig:1060
msgid "Remotename"
msgstr "遠端名稱"
#: pppconfig:1068
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle "
"for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank if "
"you want no idle shutdown at all."
msgstr ""
"如果您希望當這個 PPP 連線已閒置了某個秒數後能自動掛斷,請在此輸入這個數字。\n"
#: pppconfig:1068
msgid "Idle Timeout"
msgstr "閒置逾時"
#. $data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
#: pppconfig:1078 pppconfig:1689
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't open %s.\n"
msgstr "無法開啟 %s。\n"
#: pppconfig:1394 pppconfig:1411 pppconfig:1588
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't open %s.\n"
msgstr "無法開啟 %s。\n"
#. Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
#. Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
#: pppconfig:1396 pppconfig:1413 pppconfig:1591
#, perl-format
msgid "Can't lock %s.\n"
msgstr "無法鎖定 %s。\n"
#: pppconfig:1690
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't print to %s.\n"
msgstr "無法列印至 %s。\n"
#: pppconfig:1692 pppconfig:1693
#, perl-format
msgid "Couldn't rename %s.\n"
msgstr "無法更改 %s 的名稱。\n"
#: pppconfig:1698
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
"gdialog] [--noname] | [providername]]\n"
"'--version' prints the version.\n"
"'--help' prints a help message.\n"
"'--dialog' uses dialog instead of gdialog.\n"
"'--whiptail' uses whiptail.\n"
"'--gdialog' uses gdialog.\n"
"'--noname' forces the provider name to be 'provider'.\n"
"'providername' forces the provider name to be 'providername'.\n"
msgstr ""
"用法pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog] | [--whiptail] | [--"
" [--noname] | [提供者名稱]]\n"
"'--version' 顯示版本資訊。'--help' 顯示求助訊息。\n"
"'--dialog' 使用 dialog 來代替 gdialog。'--whiptail' 使用 whiptail。\n"
"'--gdialog' 使用 gdialog。'--noname' 將提供者名稱強制為 provider。\n"
"'提供者名稱' 將提供者名稱強制為 '提供者名稱'。\n"
#: pppconfig:1711
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \n"
"up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \n"
"authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \n"
"not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \n"
"you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and \n"
"it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \n"
"Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \n"
"isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \n"
"phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \n"
"also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \n"
"responses required for login. If you can't get this information from your \n"
"isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the "
"procedure \n"
"until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \n"
"end. \n"
"Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \n"
"logged in as root or use sudo to run it.\n"
msgstr ""
"pppconfig 是一個互動式的,採用選單介面的工具程式,可以用來自動設定撥接式的\n"
"ppp 連線。目前它能支援 PAP、CHAP 及 chat 等認証方式。它使用的是標準的 pppd\n"
"設定檔。它並不是用來讓您連線至您的 ISP 的;它只是設定您的系統,讓您可以使用\n"
"像是 pon 之類的工具程式來達到這個目的。它能夠偵測您的數據機,並能替 ppp 進\n"
"行如動態 DNS、多個 ISP 及監視撥號要求等設定。\n"
"在執行 pppconfig 之前,您應該知道您的 ISP 所使用的認証方式、在該 ISP 上所使\n"
"用的帳號、密碼、以及電話號碼。如果他們要求您使用 chat 認証,您也必須要知道\n"
"法由您的 ISP 得知這些相關資訊,您可以試著使用 minicom 來進行撥號並逐步進行\n"
"直至您已收到一些亂碼文字,而這則是代表了 ppp 已在另一端啟動了。\n"
"因為 pppconfig 會修改系統設定檔,您必項以 root 登入或以 sudo 來執行它。\n"
" \n"

pppconfig Executable file

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