
93 lines
2.9 KiB

* This script will create the final r.js file used in node projects to use
* RequireJS.
* This file uses Node to run:
* node dist.js
/*jslint strict: false */
/*global require: false, process: false, console: false */
var fs = require('fs'),
child_process = require('child_process'),
contents = fs.readFileSync('build/jslib/x.js', 'utf8'),
loadRegExp = /\/\/INSERT ([\w\/\.]+)/g,
moduleNameRegExp = /build\/jslib\/([\w\/\-]+)\.js$/,
defRegExp = /define\s*\(/,
envs = ['browser', 'node', 'rhino', 'xpconnect'],
//Update this list of files by running the optimizer against
//but then remove any jslib/node entries and make sure there is
//an env! entry for each one of them. Include
//build/jslib/commonjs.js in the list, but remove build/build.js
//since it is loaded separately.
libFiles = [
optimizerStartFile = 'build/build.js',
libText = '';
function readAndNameModule(fileName) {
var contents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8'),
match = moduleNameRegExp.exec(fileName),
moduleName = (match && match[1]) || fileName;
//Insert the module name.
return contents.replace(defRegExp, function (match) {
return match + "'" + moduleName + "', ";
//Load up all the optimizer files.
libFiles.forEach(function (fileName) {
if (fileName.indexOf('env!') === 0) {
envs.forEach(function (env) {
libText += "\nif(env === '" + env + "') {\n" +
readAndNameModule(fileName.replace(/env!env\//, 'build/jslib/' + env + '/') + '.js') +
} else {
libText += readAndNameModule(fileName, 'utf8');
//Inline file contents
contents = contents.replace(loadRegExp, function (match, fileName) {
if (fileName === 'LIB') {
return libText;
} else {
var text = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8');
if (fileName.indexOf('require.js') !== -1) {
text = text.replace(/var requirejs, require\, define\;/, '');
return text;
//Set the isOpto flag to true
fs.writeFileSync('r.js', contents, 'utf8');