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# Filename: VList.h
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail:
# Last Modified: 2017-03-27 15:40
# Description:
#ifndef _UTIL_VLIST_H
#define _UTIL_VLIST_H
#include "Util.h"
#include "Bstr.h"
//NOTICE: not keep long list in memory, read each time
//but when can you free the long list(kvstore should release it after parsing)
//CONSIDER: if to keep long list in memory, should adjust the bstr in memory:
//unsigned: 0 char*: an object (if in memory, if modified, length, content, block num)
//when reading a long list in a node, generate the object first, and the object will tell you whether
//the list is in mmeory or not
//BETTER: use two kind of blocks in two files, like 1M and 1G (split the block num into two parts)
//STRUCT: a long list real-address is the block ID in file2(only for long value lists, a list across several 1M blocks)
//tree-value Bstr: unsigned=the real address char*=NULL
//in disk:
//file1 is tree file, the long list is represented as: 0 real-address
//NOTICE: long list is not kept in mmeory for cache, it is read/update each time on need!
//TODO: use fread/fwrite here instead of fgetc/fputc
//including other trees
class VList
//NOTICE:the border is 10^6, but the block is larger, 1M
static const unsigned LENGTH_BORDER = 1000000;
//static const unsigned LENGTH_BORDER = 100;
static const unsigned BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << 20; //fixed size of disk-block
static const unsigned MAX_BLOCK_NUM = 1 << 23; //max block-num
//below two constants: must can be exactly divided by 8
static const unsigned SET_BLOCK_NUM = 1 << 3; //initial blocks num
static const unsigned SET_BLOCK_INC = SET_BLOCK_NUM; //base of blocks-num inc
static const unsigned SuperNum = MAX_BLOCK_NUM / (8 * BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;
unsigned long long max_buffer_size;
unsigned cur_block_num;
std::string filepath;
BlockInfo* freelist;
//very long value list are stored in a separate file(with large block)
//NOTICE: according to the summary result, 90% value lists are just below 100 bytes
//<10%: 5000000~100M bytes
FILE* valfp;
//NOTICE: freemem's type is long long here, due to large memory in server.
//However, needmem in handler() and request() is ok to be int/unsigned.
//Because the bstr' size is controlled, so is the node.
unsigned long long freemem; //free memory to use, non-negative
//unsigned long long time; //QUERY(achieving an old-swap startegy?)
long Address(unsigned _blocknum) const;
unsigned Blocknum(long address) const;
unsigned AllocBlock();
void FreeBlock(unsigned _blocknum);
void ReadAlign(unsigned* _next);
void WriteAlign(unsigned* _next);
bool readBstr(char*& _bp, unsigned& _len, unsigned* _next);
bool writeBstr(const char* _str, unsigned _len, unsigned* _curnum);
VList(std::string& _filepath, std::string& _mode, unsigned long long _buffer_size);//create a fixed-size file or open an existence
bool readValue(unsigned _block_num, char*& _str, unsigned& _len);
unsigned writeValue(const char* _str, unsigned _len);
bool removeValue(unsigned _block_num);
static bool isLongList(unsigned _len);