The whole architecture of gStore system is presented in [Architecture](png/system_architecture_en.png).
The thread model of 'ghttp' can be viewed in [EN](png/ghttp_thread_model_en.png) and [ZH](png/ghttp_thread_model_zh.png), which shows the relationship among main process, sever thread, query thread and so on.
The flow of answering a SPARQL query is given in [SPARQL Processing](png/sparql_processing.png), and the subprocess, which only targets at the BGP(Basic Graph Pattern) processing, is drawed in [BGP Processing](png/BGP.png).
To acquire a deep understanding of gStore codes, please go to [Code Detail](pdf/code_overview.pdf). See [use case](pdf/Gstore2.0_useCaseDoc.pdf) to understand the design of use cases, and see [OOA](pdf/OOA_class.pdf) and [OOD](pdf/OOD_class.pdf) for OOA design and OOD design, respectively.
It is really not strange to see something different with the original design in the source code. And some designed functions may have not be achieved so far.
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#### Others
The api/ folder in gStore is used to store API program, libs and examples, please go to [API]( for details. And test/ is used to store a series test programs or utilities, such as gtest, full_test and so on. Chapters related with test/ are [How To Use]( and [Test Result]( This project need an ANTLR lib to parse the SPARQL query, whose code is placed in tools/(also archived here) and the compiled libantlr.a is placed in lib/ directory.
We place some datasets and queries in data/ directory as examples, and you can try them to see how gStore works. Related instructions are in [How To Use]( The docs/ directory contains all kinds of documents of gStore, including a series of markdown files and two folders, pdf/ and jpg/. Files whose type is pdf are placed in pdf/ folder, while files with jpg type are placed in jpg/ folder.
You are advised to start from the [README](../ in the gStore root directory, and visit other chapters only when needed. At last, you will see all documents from link to link if you are really interested in gStore.