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2017-01-16 14:12:57 +08:00
# Filename: Join.h
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail:
# Last Modified: 2015-12-13 16:05
# Description: design join strategies and select/cost modules
#ifndef _JOIN_JOIN_H
#define _JOIN_JOIN_H
#include "../Query/IDList.h"
#include "../Query/BasicQuery.h"
#include "../Query/SPARQLquery.h"
#include "../KVstore/KVstore.h"
#include "../Util/Util.h"
//BETTER?:place multi_join and index_join in separated files
typedef vector<int> RecordType;
typedef vector<int>::iterator RecordIterator;
typedef list<RecordType> TableType;
typedef list<RecordType>::iterator TableIterator;
typedef list<RecordType>::reverse_iterator TableReverseIterator;
//typedef list< vector<int> > TableType;
//typedef list< vector<int> >::iterator TableIterator;
//typedef list< vector<int> >::reverse_iterator TableReverseIterator;
typedef vector< vector<int*> > IdLists;
typedef vector< vector<int> > IdListsLen;
typedef struct IndexItem
int value;
bool isValid; //needed for final travelling
//NOTICE: the size of vector is expected to be small
//the order in vector must be same as in IndexList vector
vector< list< list<struct IndexItem>::iterator > > travel;
vector< set<int> > check;
//map< int, list < list<struct IndexItem>::iterator > > links; //direct next index list id and linking
//map< int, set <int> > check; //indirect previous index list id and verifying
this->value = -1;
this->isValid = false;
IndexItem(int _val)
this->value = _val;
this->isValid = true;
typedef struct IndexList
//int next;
//NOTICE:the list should be ordered at the beginning
list<IndexItem> candidates;
list<IndexItem>::iterator border; //used to divide valid and invalid area
bool prepared; //find and set all invalid eles restricted by subtree in travelling
int position; //current neighbor to travel
vector<int> travel_map; //the mapping between links position and IndexList id
vector<int> check_map; //the mapping between check position and IndexList id
//this->next = -1;
this->prepared = false;
this->position = 0;
bool end()
return this->position == (int)this->travel_map.size();
int next()
return this->travel_map[this->position++];
//NOTICE:we can not use binary-search in list, but this search method maybe slow
//BETTER?:adjust the list to binary-tree or other struture?
list<IndexItem>::iterator search(int _val)
for(list<IndexItem>::iterator it = this->candidates.begin(); it != this->border; ++it)
if(it->value == _val)
return it;
return this->border;
typedef struct Satellite
int id;
int* idlist;
int idlist_len;
Satellite(int _id, int* _idlist, int _idlist_len)
this->id = _id;
this->idlist = _idlist;
this->idlist_len = _idlist_len;
typedef list<IndexItem> ItemList;
typedef list<IndexItem>::iterator ItemListIterator;
typedef list< list<struct IndexItem>::iterator > IteratorList;
//Database new Join and pass something like kvstore
class Join
int start_id;
int var_num;
//bool* dealed_triple;
BasicQuery* basic_query;
KVstore* kvstore;
//used by score_node for parameters
static const unsigned PARAM_DEGREE = 1;
static const unsigned PARAM_SIZE = 100000;
static const unsigned PARAM_DENSE = 1;
static const double JUDGE_LIMIT = 0.5;
static const int LIMIT_CANDIDATE_LIST_SIZE = 1000;
//BETTER?:predefine size to avoid copy cost
TableType current_table;
TableIterator new_start; //keep to end() as default
//list<bool> table_row_new;
//keep the mapping for disordered ids in vector<int> table
int* id2pos;
int id_pos; //the num of id put into id2pos currently
int* pos2id;
bool* dealed_triple;
stack<int> mystack;
vector<int*>* result_list;
vector<Satellite> satellites;
int* record;
int record_len;
void init(BasicQuery* _basic_query);
void clear();
void add_id_pos_mapping(int _id);
void reset_id_pos_mapping();
//judge which method should be used according to
//the size of candidates and structure of quering graph
int judge(int _smallest, int _biggest);
//select the start point and search order
void select();
//score the cost to link two tables and the efficience
//of filtering
//int score(List1, List2);
//score the node according to degree and size
double score_node(unsigned _degree, unsigned _size);
void toStartJoin();
bool filter_before_join();
bool constant_edge_filter(int _var_i);
void preid_filter(int _var_i);
bool only_pre_filter_after_join();
void add_literal_candidate();
bool pre_var_handler();
//bool filterBySatellites(int _var, int _ele);
bool filterBySatellites(int _var);
bool allFilterByPres();
void generateAllSatellites();
void cartesian(int pos, int end);
//functions for help
//copy/add to the end of current_table and set true
void add_new_to_results(TableIterator it, int id);
//void set_results_old(list<bool>::iterator it);
int choose_next_node(int id);
bool is_literal_var(int id);
bool is_literal_ele(int _id);
void copyToResult();
//BETTER?:change these params to members in class
void acquire_all_id_lists(IdLists& _id_lists, IdListsLen& _id_lists_len, IDList& _can_list, vector<int>& _edges, int _id, int _can_list_size);
bool if_prepare_idlist(int _can_list_size, bool _is_literal);
bool new_join_with_multi_vars_prepared(IdLists& _id_lists, IdListsLen& _id_lists_len, vector<int>& _edges, IDList& _can_list, int _can_list_size);
bool new_join_with_multi_vars_not_prepared(vector<int>& _edges, IDList& _can_list, int _can_list_size, int _id, bool _is_literal);
bool multi_join();
//The index join method saves the memory cost because 2m+2mn < 3mn,
//and time may be reduced if the pre-process is not too costly
//because we can reuse the links other than recompute in temporal table
//New struct is needed for node, i.e. list<bool, int, list<iterator> >,
//because we may have to delete, but how can we know if an iterator
//is valid if the one it points to is removed?(remove if the other is removed; using end())
//1. based on edges: process each time only in valid area(already
//macthed with others, invalid is removed), and finally it must be
//all ok, just copy to result_list. We should select the edge order
//to better the efficiency, but how can we keep only a neighbor links
//set if we want to save memory?(ensure all can be linked later)
//2. based on points: search deeply like multi-index-join, only a
//neighbor links set is kept for a node(not every edge), so memory
//cost is low. Finally, travel around along valid iterator, copy...
IndexList* index_lists;
void buildIndexLists();
bool travel_init(int _lid);
bool index_link(int _nid, int _idx);
bool index_filter(int _nid, int _idx);
bool table_travel(int _id1, int _id2);
bool table_check(int _id1, int _id2);
bool index_travel_one();
bool index_travel_two();
bool index_travel();
bool index_join();
//NOTICE:this is only used to join a BasicQuery
bool join();
Join(KVstore* _kvstore);
//these functions can be called by Database
bool join_sparql(SPARQLquery& _sparql_query);
bool join_basic(BasicQuery* _basic_query);
#endif //_JOIN_JOIN_H