287 lines
11 KiB
287 lines
11 KiB
#help for make
#to use gprof to analyse efficience of the program:
#to use gcov and lcov
#Notice that optimization should not be used here
#gcov -a main.cpp
#lcov --directory . --capture --output-file dig.info
#genhtml --output-directory . --frames --show-details dig.info
#to use doxygen+graphviz+htmlhelp to generate document from source code:
#(also include good comments norm)
#NOTICE: to speed up the make process, use make -j4
#use -j8 or higher may cause error
#TODO:the dependences are not complete!
#compile parameters
CC = ccache g++
#CC = g++
#the optimazition level of gcc/g++
#NOTICE: -O2 is recommended, while -O3 is dangerous
#when developing, not use -O because it will disturb the normal
#routine. use it for test and release.
#CFLAGS = -c -Wall -g #-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage #-pg
#EXEFLAG = -g #-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage #-pg
CFLAGS = -c -Wall -O2
#add -lreadline -ltermcap if using readline or objs contain readline
library = -ltermcap -lreadline -L./lib -lantlr -lgcov
# paths
objdir = .objs/
exedir = bin/
lib_antlr = lib/libantlr.a
api_cpp = api/cpp/lib/libgstoreconnector.a
api_java = api/java/lib/GstoreJavaAPI.jar
inc = -I./tools/libantlr3c-3.4/ -I./tools/libantlr3c-3.4/include
TARGET = $(exedir)gbuild $(exedir)gserver $(exedir)gclient $(exedir)gquery $(exedir)gconsole $(api_java) $(exedir)gadd $(exedir)gsub
objfile = $(objdir)SPARQLquery.o $(objdir)Database.o $(objdir)DBparser.o $(objdir)SparlParser.o $(objdir)SparqlLexer.o \
$(objdir)QueryParser.o $(objdir)Server.o $(objdir)GeneralEvaluation.o
#auto generate dependencies
# http://blog.csdn.net/gmpy_tiger/article/details/51849474
# http://blog.csdn.net/jeffrey0000/article/details/12421317
DEPEND = Util/Util.d Util/Bstr.d Util/Stream.d Util/Stream.d Util/Triple.d Util/BloomFilter.d \
KVstore/SITree/SITree.d KVstore/SITree/SIStorage.d KVstore/SITree/SINode.d KVstore/SITree/SIIntlNode.d KVstore/SITree/SILeafNode.d KVstore/SITree/SIHeap.d \
KVstore/ISTree/ISTree.d KVstore/ISTree/ISStorage.d KVstore/ISTree/ISNode.d KVstore/ISTree/ISIntlNode.d KVstore/ISTree/ISLeafNode.d KVstore/ISTree/ISHeap.d \
KVstore/KVstore.d Query/BasicQuery.d Query/ResultSet.d Query/IDList.d Database/Join.d Database/Strategy.d \
Query/Varset.d Query/QueryTree.d Query/ResultFilter.d StringIndex/StringIndex.d \
Signature/SigEntry.d Signature/Signature.d VSTree/VSTree.d VSTree/EntryBuffer.d VSTree/LRUCache.d VSTree/VNode.d \
Parser/RDFParser.d Parser/TurtleParser.d Server/Operation.d Server/Client.d Server/Socket.d
#NOTICE: not place tab before include
#-include Util/Util.d
all: $(TARGET)
-include $(DEPEND)
test_index: test_index.cpp
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o test_index test_index.cpp $(objfile) $(library)
#executables begin
#BETTER: use for loop to reduce the lines
#NOTICE: g++ -MM will run error if linking failed, like Database.h/../SparlParser.h/../antlr3.h
#NOTICE:not include g*.o in objfile due to multiple definitions of main()
$(exedir)gbuild: $(lib_antlr) $(objdir)gbuild.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gbuild $(objdir)gbuild.o $(objfile) $(library)
$(exedir)gquery: $(lib_antlr) $(objdir)gquery.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gquery $(objdir)gquery.o $(objfile) $(library)
$(exedir)gserver: $(lib_antlr) $(objdir)gserver.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gserver $(objdir)gserver.o $(objfile) $(library)
$(exedir)gclient: $(lib_antlr) $(objdir)gclient.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gclient $(objdir)gclient.o $(objfile) $(library)
$(exedir)gconsole: $(lib_antlr) $(objdir)gconsole.o $(objfile) $(api_cpp)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gconsole $(objdir)gconsole.o $(objfile) $(library) -L./api/cpp/lib -lgstoreconnector
#executables end
#objects in Main/ begin
$(objdir)gbuild.o: Main/gbuild.cpp Database/Database.h Util/Util.h $(lib_antlr)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gbuild.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gbuild.o
$(objdir)gquery.o: Main/gquery.cpp Database/Database.h Util/Util.h $(lib_antlr)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gquery.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gquery.o #-DREADLINE_ON
#add -DREADLINE_ON if using readline
$(objdir)gserver.o: Main/gserver.cpp Server/Server.h Util/Util.h $(lib_antlr)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gserver.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gserver.o
$(objdir)gclient.o: Main/gclient.cpp Server/Client.h Util/Util.h $(lib_antlr)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gclient.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gclient.o #-DREADLINE_ON
$(objdir)gconsole.o: Main/gconsole.cpp Database/Database.h Util/Util.h api/cpp/src/GstoreConnector.h $(lib_antlr)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gconsole.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gconsole.o -I./api/cpp/src/ #-DREADLINE_ON
#objects in Main/ end
# auto generated objects
#TODO:maybe multiple lines? how about auto compile with given CC/CFLAGS args? \\n
%.d: %.cpp
$(CC) -MM $^ > $@.tmp2
sed "s/\(\\\n\)/ /g" < $@.tmp2 > $@.tmp
#sed "s/\([^\.]*\)\(\.o: \)\([^\/]*\)/.objs\/\1.o \3\/\1.d: \3/g" < $@.tmp > $@
sed "s/\([^\.]*\)\(\.o: \)\([^\/]*\)\(.*\)/.objs\/\1.o: \3\4\n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) \3\/\1.cpp -o .objs\/\1.o/g" < $@.tmp > $@
#NOTICE: use "" instead of '' if need to use shell var
#sed "s/\(${name}.o\)/$(objdir)\1 $@/g" < $@.tmp > $@
rm $@.tmp*
# special objects
$(objdir)Database.o: Database/Database.cpp Database/Database.h \
Util/Util.h Util/Triple.h Parser/DBparser.h Parser/SparlParser.h Parser/RDFParser.h \
Query/IDList.h Query/ResultSet.h Query/SPARQLquery.h Query/BasicQuery.h \
Signature/SigEntry.h KVstore/KVstore.h VSTree/VSTree.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Database/Database.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)Database.o
$(objdir)DBparser.o: Parser/DBparser.cpp Parser/DBparser.h $(objdir)SparqlParser.o $(objdir)SparqlLexer.o $(objdir)Triple.o $(objdir)SPARQLquery.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Parser/DBparser.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)DBparser.o
$(objdir)SparqlParser.o: Parser/SparqlParser.c Parser/SparqlParser.h
gcc $(CFLAGS) Parser/SparqlParser.c $(inc) -o $(objdir)SparqlParser.o
$(objdir)SparqlLexer.o: Parser/SparqlLexer.c Parser/SparqlLexer.h
gcc $(CFLAGS) Parser/SparqlLexer.c $(inc) -o $(objdir)SparqlLexer.o
$(objdir)QueryParser.o: Parser/QueryParser.cpp Parser/QueryParser.h $(objdir)SparqlParser.o $(objdir)SparqlLexer.o $(objdir)QueryTree.o $(objdir)Util.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Parser/QueryParser.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)QueryParser.o
$(objdir)Server.o: Server/Server.cpp Server/Server.h $(objdir)Socket.o $(objdir)Database.o $(objdir)Operation.o $(objdir)Util.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Server/Server.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)Server.o
$(objdir)SPARQLquery.o: Query/SPARQLquery.cpp Query/SPARQLquery.h $(objdir)BasicQuery.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Query/SPARQLquery.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)SPARQLquery.o
$(objdir)GeneralEvaluation.o: Query/GeneralEvaluation.cpp Query/GeneralEvaluation.h $(objdir)QueryParser.o $(objdir)QueryTree.o \
$(objdir)SPARQLquery.o $(objdir)Varset.o $(objdir)KVstore.o $(objdir)ResultFilter.o $(objdir)Strategy.o $(objdir)StringIndex.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Query/GeneralEvaluation.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)GeneralEvaluation.o
#$(objdir)SIStorage.o: KVstore/SITree/storage/SIStorage.cpp KVstore/SITree/storage/SIStorage.h Util/Util.h
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) KVstore/SITree/storage/SIStorage.cpp -o $(objdir)SIStorage.o $(def64IO)
#$(objdir)ISStorage.o: KVstore/ISTree/storage/ISStorage.cpp KVstore/ISTree/storage/ISStorage.h Util/Util.h
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) KVstore/ISTree/storage/ISStorage.cpp -o $(objdir)ISStorage.o $(def64IO)
#$(objdir)VSTree.o $(objdir)VSTree.o: VSTree/VSTree.cpp VSTree/VSTree.h $(objdir)EntryBuffer.o $(objdir)LRUCache.o $(objdir)VNode.o
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) VSTree/VSTree.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)VSTree.o $(def64IO)
#$(objdir)EntryBuffer.o: VSTree/EntryBuffer.cpp VSTree/EntryBuffer.h Signature/SigEntry.h
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) VSTree/EntryBuffer.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)EntryBuffer.o $(def64IO)
#$(objdir)LRUCache.o: VSTree/LRUCache.cpp VSTree/LRUCache.h VSTree/VNode.h
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) VSTree/LRUCache.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)LRUCache.o $(def64IO)
#$(objdir)VNode.o: VSTree/VNode.cpp VSTree/VNode.h
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) VSTree/VNode.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)VNode.o $(def64IO)
rm -rf tools/libantlr3c-3.4/
cd tools; tar -xzvf libantlr3c-3.4.tar.gz;
cd tools; cd libantlr3c-3.4/; ./configure -enable-64bit; make;
rm -rf lib/libantlr.a
ar -crv lib/libantlr.a tools/libantlr3c-3.4/*.o
#NOTICE: update the sparql.tar.gz if Sparql* in Parser are changed manually
rm -rf Parser/Sparql*
cd tools; tar -xzvf sparql.tar.gz; mv Sparql* ../Parser/;
$(api_cpp): $(objdir)Socket.o
$(MAKE) -C api/cpp/src
$(MAKE) -C api/java/src
.PHONY: clean dist tarball api_example gtest sumlines
rm -rf lib/libantlr.a
$(MAKE) -C api/cpp/src clean
$(MAKE) -C api/cpp/example clean
$(MAKE) -C api/java/src clean
$(MAKE) -C api/java/example clean
#$(MAKE) -C KVstore clean
rm -rf $(exedir)g* $(objdir)*.o $(objdir)*.d $(exedir).gserver*
#rm -rf .project .cproject .settings just for eclipse
#rm -rf cscope* just for vim
find . -type f -print|grep -E "\.d"|xargs rm
dist: clean
rm -rf *.nt *.n3 .oebug/*.log .tmp/*.oat *.txt *.ob
rm -rf tools/libantlr3c-3.4 lib/libantlr.a Parser/Sparql*
#rm -rf Parser/SparqlLexer* Parser/SparlParser.cpp
rm -rf cscope* .cproject .settings tags
rm -rf *.info
tar -czvf devGstore.tar.gz api bin lib tools .oebug .tmp .objs test docs data makefile \
Main Database KVstore Util Query Signature VSTree Parser Server README.md init.conf NOTES.md StringIndex
APIexample: $(api_cpp) $(api_java)
$(MAKE) -C api/cpp/example
$(MAKE) -C api/java/example
gtest: $(objdir)gtest.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gtest $(objdir)gtest.o $(objfile) lib/libantlr.a $(library)
$(objdir)gtest.o: test/gtest.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) test/gtest.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gtest.o
$(exedir)gadd: $(objdir)gadd.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gadd $(objdir)gadd.o $(objfile) lib/libantlr.a $(library)
$(objdir)gadd.o: Main/gadd.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gadd.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gadd.o
$(exedir)gsub: $(objdir)gsub.o $(objfile)
$(CC) $(EXEFLAG) -o $(exedir)gsub $(objdir)gsub.o $(objfile) lib/libantlr.a $(library)
$(objdir)gsub.o: Main/gsub.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) Main/gsub.cpp $(inc) -o $(objdir)gsub.o
bash test/sumline.sh
ctags -R
find `realpath .` -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cpp" > cscope.files
cscope -bkq #-i cscope.files
bash test/cover.sh
#NOTICE:compile gstore with -O2 only
#setup new virtuoso and configure it
cp test/full_test.sh ~
cd ~
bash full_test.sh