
1945 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* CBtreeFunc.cpp
* Created on: 2012-3-5
* Author: liyouhuan
#include "CBtreeH.h"
using namespace std;
KeyType KeyNULL;
eletype _eletype;
int _ii;
string filePath_s2sID;
string filePath_sID2s;
string filePath_o2sID;
string filePath_opID2sID;
FILE * _log_btree;
// 在中间结点中插入键
bool mItnlNode::Insert( mNode * pNode)
if(getCount() >= MAXNUM_KEY)
printf("err large\n");
return false;
KeyType & data = pNode ->getKey(1);
// for check
int _ikey = this ->iInsert(data);
if(_ikey <= 1)
printf("err in insert itnl\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
// 在要插入的点是在最右端时要特殊处理, solved
for(int i = getCount() + 1; i > _ikey; i --)
this ->setElement(i, this ->getElement(i - 1) );
mitnldata _mitnl;
_mitnl.mPointer = pNode;
_mitnl.mAddr_sonFB = pNode ->getAddrFB();
_mitnl.mKey = data;
this ->setElement(_ikey, _mitnl);
this ->IncCount();
pNode ->setFather(this);
this ->setMemory(_ikey);
this ->setModify();
return true;
// 在中间结点中删除键,以及该键后的指针
int mItnlNode::Delete(const KeyType & _keytype)
int _index = -1;
int _ibegin = 1, _iend = getCount();
int _imiddle;
// 二分查找index
while(_ibegin < _iend)
_imiddle = (_ibegin + _iend) / 2;
if(ItnlData[_ibegin].mKey == _keytype)
_index = _ibegin;
if(ItnlData[_iend].mKey == _keytype)
_index = _iend;
if(_ibegin == _iend - 1) break;
if(ItnlData[_imiddle].mKey> _keytype)
_iend = _imiddle;
_ibegin = _imiddle;
// 对于insert index = 1 的时候一定是整棵树的最右边!!!
// delete则不同
if(_index == 1 && this ->getFather() != NULL)
mItnlNode * itnl_father = (mItnlNode *)(this ->getFather() );
KeyType & f_data = this ->getKey(1);
KeyType & i_data = this ->getKey(2);
while(itnl_father != NULL)
// 此处同insert不同审慎其不同之处
int tmp_key = itnl_father ->iExist(f_data);
if(tmp_key < 1)
cout << "bug tmp_key" << endl;
itnl_father ->setKey(tmp_key, i_data);
itnl_father ->setMemory(tmp_key);
itnl_father ->setModify();
if(tmp_key != 1) break;
itnl_father = (mItnlNode *)(itnl_father ->getFather() );
if(_index > 0 && _index <= getCount())
for(int i = _index; i < getCount(); i ++)
this ->setElement(i, this ->getElement(i + 1) );
(this ->getElement(getCount()) ).cleardata();
this ->DecCount();
this ->setModify();
return _index;
cout << "bug index" << endl;
return -1;
KeyType & mItnlNode::Split(mItnlNode* pNode)
pNode ->setCount(ORDER_V);
for(int i = ORDER_V + 1; i <= MAXNUM_KEY; i ++)
pNode ->setElement(i - ORDER_V, this ->getElement(i) );
if(pNode ->isInMemory(i - ORDER_V))//debug for long time!!!
( pNode ->getPointer(i - ORDER_V) ) ->setFather(pNode);
this ->setCount(ORDER_V);
this ->setModify();
pNode ->setModify();
return (pNode ->getElement(1)).mKey;
// 结合结点,把指定中间结点的数据全部剪切到本中间结点
bool mItnlNode::Combine(mItnlNode * pNode)
if(this ->getCount() + pNode ->getCount() > MAXNUM_KEY)
return false;
int _count = this ->getCount();
for(int i = 1; i <= pNode ->getCount(); i ++)
this ->setElement(_count + i, pNode ->getElement(i) );
this ->IncCount();
return true;
// 从另一结点移一个元素到本结点
bool mItnlNode::MoveOneElement(mNode* pNode)
return false;
// 清除叶子结点中的数据
// 在叶子结点中插入数据
bool mLeafNode::Insert(const mleafdata & _leafdata)
const KeyType & data = _leafdata.mData;
// fputs(data.sKey, _log_btree);
// fputs("\n", _log_btree);
if(getCount() >= MAXNUM_KEY)
printf("err count too large\n");
return false;
// 返回i data 介于i - 1 与 i 之间, 要放在i 上
int _i_insert = this ->iInsert(data);
// 还要考虑仅根节点是叶子节点的情况, 需要再加个条件
if(_i_insert == 1 && this ->getFather() != NULL)
mItnlNode * _pFather = (mItnlNode *)(this ->getFather());
KeyType & f_data = this ->getKey(1);
while(_pFather != NULL)
int _ikey = _pFather ->iExist(f_data);
if(_ikey <= 0 || _ikey > _pFather ->getCount())
printf("err in _ikey\n");
//同步使得内存位等其它位失效, 策略失策, 弥补之。。
_pFather ->setKey(_ikey, _leafdata.mData);
_pFather ->setMemory(_ikey);
_pFather ->setModify();
_pFather = (mItnlNode *)(_pFather ->getFather());
for(int i = getCount() + 1; i > _i_insert; i --)
this ->setElement(i, this ->getElement(i - 1) );
this ->setElement(_i_insert, _leafdata);
this ->IncCount();
this ->setModify();
return true;
* key的下标 -1
* insert不同
* insert若出现最左端必然是整棵树的最左端
int mLeafNode::Delete(KeyType & _keytype)
int _index = -1;
int _ibegin = 1, _iend = getCount();
int _imiddle;
while(_ibegin < _iend)
_imiddle = (_ibegin + _iend) / 2;
if(LeafData[_ibegin].mData == _keytype)
_index = _ibegin;
if(LeafData[_iend].mData == _keytype)
_index = _iend;
if(_ibegin == _iend - 1) break;
if(LeafData[_imiddle].mData> _keytype)
_iend = _imiddle;
_ibegin = _imiddle;
// 对于insert index = 1 的时候一定是整棵树的最右边!!!
// delete则不同
if(_index == 1 && this ->getFather() != NULL)
mItnlNode * itnl_father = (mItnlNode *)(this ->getFather() );
KeyType & f_data = this ->getKey(1);
KeyType & i_data = this ->getKey(2);
while(itnl_father != NULL)
// 此处同insert不同审慎其不同之处
int tmp_key = itnl_father ->iExist(f_data);
if(tmp_key < 1)
cout << "bug tmp_key" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
itnl_father ->setKey(tmp_key, i_data);
itnl_father ->setMemory(tmp_key);
itnl_father ->setModify();
if(tmp_key != 1) break;
itnl_father = (mItnlNode *)(itnl_father ->getFather() );
if(_index > 0 && _index <= getCount())
(this ->getElement(_index)).cleardata();
for(int i = _index; i < getCount(); i ++)
this ->setElement(i, this ->getElement(i + 1) );
(this ->getElement(getCount() )).cleardata();
this ->DecCount();
this ->setModify();
return _index;
cout << "bug index" << endl;
return -1;
//重载delete of leaf
int mLeafNode::Delete(KeyType & _keytype, char partval[], int & pvFlag)
int _index = -1;
int _ibegin = 1, _iend = getCount();
int _imiddle;
while(_ibegin < _iend)
_imiddle = (_ibegin + _iend) / 2;
if(LeafData[_ibegin].mData == _keytype)
_index = _ibegin;
if(LeafData[_iend].mData == _keytype)
_index = _iend;
if(_ibegin == _iend - 1) break;
if(LeafData[_imiddle].mData> _keytype)
_iend = _imiddle;
_ibegin = _imiddle;
if(_index <= 0 || _index > getCount()) return -1;
bool del_pv_ret = this ->getElement(_index).deletePartVal(partval, pvFlag);
// delete fail, return false;
if(del_pv_ret == false)
return -1;
// delete successfully and element no null, return true
if(pvFlag == FLAG_NO_ZERO)
return _index;
//如果删除成功并且元素变为空, 则继续删除对应的key
// 对于insert index = 1 的时候一定是整棵树的最右边!!!
// delete则不同
if(_index == 1 && this ->getFather() != NULL)
mItnlNode * itnl_father = (mItnlNode *)(this ->getFather() );
KeyType & f_data = this ->getKey(1);
KeyType & i_data = this ->getKey(2);
while(itnl_father != NULL)
// 此处同insert不同审慎其不同之处
int tmp_key = itnl_father ->iExist(f_data);
if(tmp_key < 1)
cout << "bug tmp_key" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
itnl_father ->setKey(tmp_key, i_data);
itnl_father ->setMemory(tmp_key);
itnl_father ->setModify();
if(tmp_key != 1) break;
itnl_father = (mItnlNode *)(itnl_father ->getFather() );
if(_index > 0 && _index <= getCount())
(this ->getElement(_index)).cleardata();
for(int i = _index; i < getCount(); i ++)
this ->setElement(i, this ->getElement(i + 1) );
(this ->getElement(getCount() )).cleardata();
this ->DecCount();
this ->setModify();
return _index;
return -1;
// 分裂叶子结点,把本叶子结点的后一半数据剪切到指定的叶子结点中
KeyType & mLeafNode::Split(mLeafNode * pNode)
for(int i = ORDER_V + 1; i <= MAXNUM_KEY; i ++)
pNode ->setElement(i - ORDER_V, this ->getElement(i) );
this ->setCount(ORDER_V);
pNode ->setCount(ORDER_V);
this ->setModify();
pNode ->setModify();
return (pNode ->getElement(1)).mData;
// 结合结点,把指定叶子结点的数据全部剪切到本叶子结点
bool mLeafNode::Combine(mLeafNode * pNode)
int this_count = this ->getCount();
int pnode_count = pNode ->getCount();
for(int i = 1; i <= pnode_count; i ++)
this ->setElement(this_count + i, pNode ->getElement(i) );
this ->IncCount();
return false;
// 查找对应的叶子结点
mLeafNode* BPlusTree::SearchLeafNode(const KeyType & data)const
mNode * pNode = mRoot;
if(mRoot ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_LEAF)
return (mLeafNode *)mRoot;
else// no check
* while
* pNode break
* pNode指向叶子节点
* Search ,
// int _floor = 1;
while(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
mItnlNode * _pItnl = (mItnlNode *)pNode;
int _enter_ret = _pItnl ->iNextFloor(data);
int _enter_num = _enter_ret;
if(_enter_ret <= 0)
_enter_num = 1;
bool _in_memory = _pItnl ->isInMemory(_enter_num);
long long int _addrfb = _pItnl ->getSonAddr(_enter_num);
mNode * _pmnode = ReadNode(mfp, _addrfb);
_pItnl ->setPointer(_enter_num, _pmnode);
_pItnl ->setMemory(_enter_num);
pNode = _pmnode;
pNode = pNode ->getPointer(_enter_num);
if(pNode == NULL){
cout << "pNode is err in searchLeafNode" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
if(pNode ->getType() != NODE_TYPE_LEAF)
cout << "err in searchleafnode" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
return (mLeafNode*) pNode;
return NULL;
// 在树中查找数据
bool BPlusTree::Search(KeyType & data, mleafdata & _ret)//增加一参数, 用于接收查找过程中进入的叶子节点
mLeafNode * _pLeaf = SearchLeafNode(data);
int _ikey = _pLeaf ->iExist(data);
if(_ikey > _pLeaf ->getCount())
printf("err in ikey\n");
if(_ikey > 0)
/* mValue* in _ret should not be released */
_ret.assign_val_ptr(_pLeaf ->getElement(_ikey));
// _ret = _pLeaf ->getElement(_ikey);
return true;
//cout << "not find, the iKey is " << _ikey << endl;
return false;
bool BPlusTree::Insert(const mleafdata & _leafdata)
const KeyType & data = _leafdata.mData;
mLeafNode * _pOldLeaf = SearchLeafNode(data);
int _ikey = _pOldLeaf ->iExist(data);
if(_ikey > 0)
if(! _pOldLeaf ->getModify())
DelDisk(mfp, _pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB(), mblockQueue);
// set modified in dupInsert
return _pOldLeaf ->dupInsert(_leafdata, _ikey);
this ->insert_count ++;
if(_pOldLeaf ->getCount() < MAXNUM_KEY)
if(! _pOldLeaf ->getModify())
DelDisk(mfp, _pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB(), mblockQueue);
// set modified in insert
return _pOldLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata);
// set modified in mnode_initial;
mLeafNode * _pNewLeaf = new mLeafNode;
// new node need a addrfb
long long int _addr_newleaf = mblockQueue.Pop();
_pNewLeaf ->setAddrFB(_addr_newleaf);
// _key_tmp 也就将是_pnewleaf的第一个元素的key
// set modified in split;
if(! _pOldLeaf ->getModify())
DelDisk(mfp, _pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB(), mblockQueue);
KeyType &_key_tmp = _pOldLeaf ->Split(_pNewLeaf);
if(data < _key_tmp) { _pOldLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata); }
else { _pNewLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata); }
mItnlNode * _pFather = (mItnlNode*)(_pOldLeaf ->getFather());
if(_pFather == NULL)
// _pOldLeaf以前是根节点要把offset = 0 让出来
// 还存在占用外存链的情况下则需要释放外存链
// if(!preModified)
// {
// DelDisk(mfp, 0l, mblockQueue);
// }
long long int _addr_new = mblockQueue.Pop();
_pOldLeaf ->setAddrFB(_addr_new);
// setmodified in initial;
mItnlNode * _pItnl = new mItnlNode;
// 分配新的首地址ַ
long long int _addr_root = 0;
long long int _addr_2 = _pNewLeaf ->getAddrFB();
long long int _addr_1 = _pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB();
KeyType & _key_1 = _pOldLeaf ->LeafData[1].mData;
KeyType & _key_2 = _pNewLeaf ->LeafData[1].mData;
_pOldLeaf ->setFather(_pItnl);
_pNewLeaf ->setFather(_pItnl);
_pItnl ->setAddrFB(_addr_root);
_pItnl ->setCount(2);
_pItnl ->setPointer(1, _pOldLeaf);
_pItnl ->setPointer(2, _pNewLeaf);
_pItnl ->setKey(1, _key_1);
_pItnl ->setKey(2, _key_2);
_pItnl ->setSonAddr(1, _addr_1);
_pItnl ->setMemory(1);
_pItnl ->setMemory(2);
_pItnl ->setSonAddr(2, _addr_2);
this ->setRoot(_pItnl);
return true;
bool _ret = InsertItnlNode(_pFather, _pNewLeaf);
return _ret;
return false;
/* dupInsert will replace previous value */
bool mLeafNode :: dupInsert(const mleafdata & _mleafdata, int _index_insert)
mleafdata & _tmp_leafdata = (this ->getElement(_index_insert));
_tmp_leafdata = _mleafdata;
this ->setModify();
return true;
/* 删除某数据
* ~~
bool BPlusTree::Delete(KeyType & data)
mLeafNode * _pOldLeaf = SearchLeafNode(data);
// for when _ikey = 1
//if ok , return the index of the deleted
//如果idelete是1的话则函数里会是否进行向上删除 考虑
int _idelete = _pOldLeaf ->Delete(data);
if(_idelete < 0) return false;
mItnlNode * _pFather = (mItnlNode* )(_pOldLeaf ->getFather());
if(_pFather == NULL)
return true;
if(_pOldLeaf ->getCount() >= ORDER_V)
//如果idelete = 1 向上删除 不需要
return true;
// count < 50%
int flag = FLAG_LEFT;
// 右兄弟优先
mLeafNode * _pBrother = (mLeafNode*)(_pOldLeaf ->getBrother(flag));
//brother > 50%
if(_pBrother ->getCount() > ORDER_V)
if(FLAG_LEFT == flag)
mleafdata & _leafdata = _pBrother ->getElement(_pBrother ->getCount() );
KeyType & _key = _leafdata.mData;
_pOldLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata);
_pBrother ->Delete(_key);
mleafdata & _leafdata = _pBrother ->getElement(1 );
KeyType & _key = _leafdata.mData;
_pOldLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata);
_pBrother ->Delete(_key);
return true;
// combine
if(FLAG_LEFT == flag)
_pBrother ->Combine(_pOldLeaf);
KeyType & _key = _pOldLeaf ->getKey(1);
bool dRet = this ->DeleteItnlNode(_pFather, _key);
DelDisk(this ->mfp, _pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB(), this ->mblockQueue);
this ->mblockQueue.Push(_pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB());
delete _pOldLeaf;
return dRet;
_pOldLeaf ->Combine(_pBrother);
KeyType & _key = _pBrother ->getKey(1);
bool dRet = this ->DeleteItnlNode(_pFather, _key);
DelDisk(this ->mfp, _pBrother ->getAddrFB(), this ->mblockQueue);
this ->mblockQueue.Push(_pBrother ->getAddrFB());
delete _pBrother;
return dRet;
cout << "bug run" << endl;
return false;
bool BPlusTree :: Delete(KeyType & data, char PartVal[])
mLeafNode * _pOldLeaf = SearchLeafNode(data);
// for when _ikey = 1
//if ok , return the index of the deleted
//如果idelete是1的话则函数里会是否进行向上删除 考虑
int pvFlag = FLAG_ZERO;
int _idelete = _pOldLeaf ->Delete(data, PartVal, pvFlag);
if(_idelete < 0) return false;
if(pvFlag == FLAG_NO_ZERO) return true;
mItnlNode * _pFather = (mItnlNode* )(_pOldLeaf ->getFather());
if(_pFather == NULL)
return true;
if(_pOldLeaf ->getCount() >= ORDER_V)
//如果idelete = 1 向上删除 不需要
return true;
// count < 50%
int flag = FLAG_LEFT;
mLeafNode * _pBrother = (mLeafNode*)(_pOldLeaf ->getBrother(flag));
//brother > 50%
if(_pBrother ->getCount() > ORDER_V)
if(FLAG_LEFT == flag)
mleafdata & _leafdata = _pBrother ->getElement(_pBrother ->getCount() );
KeyType & _key = _leafdata.mData;
_pOldLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata);
_pBrother ->Delete(_key);
mleafdata & _leafdata = _pBrother ->getElement(1 );
KeyType & _key = _leafdata.mData;
_pOldLeaf ->Insert(_leafdata);
_pBrother ->Delete(_key);
return true;
// combine
if(FLAG_LEFT == flag)
_pBrother ->Combine(_pOldLeaf);
KeyType & _key = _pOldLeaf ->getKey(1);
bool dRet = this ->DeleteItnlNode(_pFather, _key);
DelDisk(this ->mfp, _pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB(), this ->mblockQueue);
this ->mblockQueue.Push(_pOldLeaf ->getAddrFB());
delete _pOldLeaf;
return dRet;
_pOldLeaf ->Combine(_pBrother);
KeyType & _key = _pBrother ->getKey(1);
bool dRet = this ->DeleteItnlNode(_pFather, _key);
DelDisk(this ->mfp, _pBrother ->getAddrFB(), this ->mblockQueue);
this ->mblockQueue.Push(_pBrother ->getAddrFB());
delete _pBrother;
return dRet;
cout << "bug run" << endl;
return false;
return false;
void BPlusTree::Flush(){
this ->StoreTree();
this ->ClearTree();
// 清除整个树,删除所有结点
void BPlusTree :: ClearTree()
queue<mNode *> pQueue[100];
stack<mNode *> pStack;
int nFloor = 0;
mNode * pRoot = this ->getRoot();
if(pRoot == NULL) return;
mNode * pNode;
//printf("\n\nthe %d floor:\n\n", nFloor + 1);
pNode = pQueue[nFloor].front();
if(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
for(int i = 1; i <= pNode ->getCount(); i ++)
if(pNode ->isInMemory(i))
pQueue[nFloor + 1].push(pNode ->getPointer(i));
pStack.push( pNode ->getPointer(i) );
nFloor ++;
//cout << "delete node" << endl;
int _n_node = 0;
pNode =;
delete pNode;
_n_node ++;
pNode = NULL;
if(_n_node % 400 == 0)
//cout << "_delete_node: " << _n_node << " ";
if(_n_node > 1)
cout << "clear end " << this ->getTreeFileName().c_str() << endl;
this ->setRoot(NULL);
fclose(this ->mfp);
// 检查树是否满足B+树的定义
//bool BPlusTree::CheckTree()
// 递归检查结点及其子树是否满足B+树的定义
//bool BPlusTree::CheckNode(mNode* pNode)
// 打印整个树
//void BPlusTree::PrintTree(FILE * ifp)
// 打印某结点
//void BPlusTree::PrintNode(mNode* pNode, FILE * ifp)
bool BPlusTree::InsertItnlNode(mItnlNode* pNode, mNode* pSon)
if(pNode == NULL || pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_LEAF)
return false;
KeyType data;
if(pSon ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_LEAF)
data = ((mLeafNode*)pSon) ->LeafData[1].mData;
if(pSon ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
data = ((mItnlNode*)pSon) ->ItnlData[1].mKey;
printf("err in pson\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
if(pNode ->getCount() < MAXNUM_KEY)
// setmodified in insert;
if(!pNode ->getModify())
DelDisk(mfp, pNode ->getAddrFB(), mblockQueue);
bool _pI_Ret;
_pI_Ret = pNode ->Insert(pSon);
mItnlNode * _pOldItnl = pNode;
// setmodified in mnode_intial;
mItnlNode * _pNewItnl = new mItnlNode;
long long int _addr_newitnl = mblockQueue.Pop();
_pNewItnl ->setAddrFB(_addr_newitnl);
if(!pNode ->getModify())
DelDisk(mfp, pNode ->getAddrFB(), mblockQueue);
KeyType & _key_tmp = _pOldItnl ->Split(_pNewItnl);
if(_key_tmp > data)
_pOldItnl ->Insert(pSon);
_pNewItnl ->Insert(pSon);
mItnlNode * _pFather = (mItnlNode *)(_pOldItnl ->getFather());
if(_pFather == NULL)
// 原offset = 0处块以及相应后续链接块先清除
// 判断是否需要删除的外存链
// if(!preModified)
// {
// DelDisk(mfp, 0l, mblockQueue);
// }
int _look_;
_look_ = _ii;
long long int _addr_new = mblockQueue.Pop();
_pOldItnl ->setAddrFB(_addr_new);
// setmodified in mnode_initial;
mItnlNode * _pItnl = new mItnlNode;
long long int _addr_root = 0l;
long long int _addr_1 = _pOldItnl ->getAddrFB();
long long int _addr_2 = _pNewItnl ->getAddrFB();
KeyType & _key_1 = _pOldItnl ->ItnlData[1].mKey;
KeyType & _key_2 = _pNewItnl ->ItnlData[1].mKey;
_pOldItnl ->setFather(_pItnl);
_pNewItnl ->setFather(_pItnl);
_pItnl ->setAddrFB(_addr_root);
_pItnl ->setCount(2);
_pItnl ->setPointer(1, _pOldItnl);
_pItnl ->setPointer(2, _pNewItnl);
_pItnl ->setKey(1, _key_1);
_pItnl ->setKey(2, _key_2);
_pItnl ->setSonAddr(1, _addr_1);
_pItnl ->setSonAddr(2, _addr_2);
_pItnl ->setMemory(1);
_pItnl ->setMemory(2);
this ->setRoot(_pItnl);
return true;
bool _ret = InsertItnlNode(_pFather, _pNewItnl);
return _ret;
return false;
* key对应的元素并在delete函数中完成对父节点的修改
* > 50%
// 递归函数:在中间结点中删除键
bool BPlusTree::DeleteItnlNode(mItnlNode* pItnl, KeyType & key)
int _idelete = pItnl ->Delete(key);
if(_idelete < 0)
cout << "bug idelete" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
mItnlNode * _pFather = (mItnlNode*)(pItnl ->getFather());
if(_pFather == NULL || pItnl ->getCount() > ORDER_V)
return true;
int flag = FLAG_LEFT;
mItnlNode * _pBrother = (mItnlNode *)(pItnl ->getBrother(flag));
// brother > 50%
if(_pBrother ->getCount() > ORDER_V)
if(FLAG_LEFT == flag)
mitnldata & _itnldata = _pBrother ->getElement(_pBrother ->getCount() );
pItnl ->Insert(_itnldata.mPointer);// maybe have bug~~~~~
_pBrother ->Delete(_itnldata.mKey);
mitnldata & _itnldata = _pBrother ->getElement(1);
pItnl ->Insert(_itnldata.mPointer);// maybe have bug~~~~~
_pBrother ->Delete(_itnldata.mKey);
return true;
// brother = 50% combine
if(FLAG_LEFT == flag)
_pBrother ->Combine(pItnl);
KeyType & _key = pItnl ->getKey(1);
bool dRet = this ->DeleteItnlNode(_pFather, _key);
DelDisk(this ->mfp, pItnl ->getAddrFB(), this ->mblockQueue);
this ->mblockQueue.Push(pItnl ->getAddrFB());
delete pItnl;
return dRet;
pItnl ->Combine(_pBrother);
KeyType & _key = _pBrother ->getKey(1);
bool dRet = this ->DeleteItnlNode(_pFather, _key);
DelDisk(this ->mfp, _pBrother ->getAddrFB(), this ->mblockQueue);
this ->mblockQueue.Push(_pBrother ->getAddrFB());
delete _pBrother;
return dRet;
cout << "run bug" << endl;
return false;
* 1
* 2
void BPlusTree :: StoreTree()
mNode * pRoot = this ->getRoot();
FILE * fp = this ->mfp;
queue<mNode*> pQueue;
mNode * pNode;
int _i_ord = 0;
bool any = false;
pNode = pQueue.front();
// 内有unmodify
any = true;
WriteNode(pNode, fp, this ->mblockQueue);
_i_ord ++;
if(_i_ord % 1600 == 0)
cout << " - _i_ord= " << _i_ord;
if(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
mItnlNode * pItnl = (mItnlNode *)pNode;
for(int i = 1; i <= pNode ->getCount(); i ++)
if(pItnl ->isInMemory(i))
pQueue.push(pItnl ->getPointer(i));
cout << endl;
char _queuefile[1024];
strcpy(_queuefile, mTreeName);
strcat(_queuefile, "_queue.btree");
this ->mblockQueue.WriteQueue(_queuefile);
fflush(this ->mfp);
fflush(this ->mfp);
cout << "store end " << this ->getTreeFileName().c_str() << endl;
void BPlusTree :: PrintTree()
queue<mNode *> pQueue[100];
int nFloor = 0;
mNode * pRoot = this ->getRoot();
if(pRoot == NULL)
cout << "root null" << endl;
mNode * pNode;
int fThreshold;
cout << "input the floor threshold" << endl;
scanf("%d", & fThreshold);
printf("\n\nthe %d floor:\n\n", nFloor + 1);
int _i_ord = 0;
while(!pQueue[nFloor].empty() && nFloor < fThreshold)
pNode = pQueue[nFloor].front();
pNode ->printNode();
cout << "##" << _i_ord ++ << "## ";
if(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
for(int i = 1; i <= pNode ->getCount(); i ++)
if(pNode ->isInMemory(i))
pQueue[nFloor + 1].push(pNode ->getPointer(i));
nFloor ++;
printf("\n\nthe %d floor:\n\n", nFloor + 1);
* type int
* count int
* count_block int
* blocklink mBlockLink
mNode * ReadNode(FILE * fp, long long _addrfb)//每个新建的节点都有分配的或上层节点给予的首块存储区地址
fseek(fp, _addrfb, SEEK_SET);
int _type_tmp;
int _count_tmp;
int _count_block_ele;
mBlockLink _curblocklink;
fread(&_type_tmp, sizeof(_type_tmp), 1, fp);
fread(&_count_tmp, sizeof(_count_tmp), 1, fp);
fread(&_count_block_ele, sizeof(_count_block_ele), 1, fp);
fread(&_curblocklink, sizeof(_curblocklink), 1, fp);
int size_int = sizeof(int);
int size_blocklink = sizeof(mBlockLink);
NODE_TYPE _nodetype = (NODE_TYPE)_type_tmp;
int _i_tmp = 1;
if(_nodetype == NODE_TYPE_LEAF)
mLeafNode * _pLeaf = new mLeafNode;
_pLeaf ->setCount(_count_tmp);
_pLeaf ->unModify();
_pLeaf ->setAddrFB(_addrfb);
fread(&(_pLeaf ->leafLink), sizeof(_pLeaf ->leafLink), 1, fp);
* while cycle里
* for cycle
* count值
* -1 len便 sizeleft 412 -1lensizeleft自身
* sizeleft    
* buffer及其size
*  buffer()
* buffer后回写长度及块链接 fp指针 & sizeleft
bool ReadIn = true;
while(_i_tmp <= _count_tmp)
for(int i = 0; i < _count_block_ele; i ++)
ReadIn = _pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].Read_mleafdata(fp);
int _size_buffer = 0;
int _len = 0;
int _size_left = 0;
int _size_inBlock = 0;
_pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].pVal = new mValue;
fread(&_len, size_int, 1, fp);
_size_buffer = _len + 1;
char * _buffer = new char[_size_buffer];
_pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].pVal ->Term[0] = _buffer;
_pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].pVal ->lenTerm[0] = _len;
fread(&_size_left, size_int, 1, fp);
fread(_buffer, sizeof(char), _size_left, fp);
_buffer += _size_left;
_size_buffer -= _size_left;
while(_size_buffer > 0)
fseek(fp, _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr, SEEK_SET);
fread(&_size_inBlock, sizeof(_size_inBlock), 1, fp);
fread(&_curblocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
fread(_buffer, sizeof(char), _size_inBlock, fp);
_buffer += _size_inBlock;
_size_buffer -= _size_inBlock;
if(_size_buffer != 0)
cout << "size buffer" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
_pLeaf ->setMemory(_i_tmp);
_i_tmp ++;
// printf("_i_tmp :read = %d, in count: %d\n", _i_tmp, _count_tmp);
if(_curblocklink.nextBlockAddr < 0 && _i_tmp < _count_tmp)
printf("err in nextblockaddr of readnode()");
system("pause"); exit(0);
if(_i_tmp > _count_tmp) break;
// cout << "nextblockaddr: " << _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr << endl;
fseek(fp, _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr, SEEK_SET);
fread(&_count_block_ele, sizeof(_count_block_ele), 1, fp);
fread(&_curblocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
return _pLeaf;
if(_nodetype == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
mItnlNode * _pItnl = new mItnlNode;
_pItnl ->setCount(_count_tmp);
_pItnl ->unModify();
// 后加, 未知之前没有设地址的原因
_pItnl ->setAddrFB(_addrfb);
while(_i_tmp <= _count_tmp)
for(int i = 0; i < _count_block_ele; i ++)
_pItnl ->ItnlData[_i_tmp].Read_mitnldata(fp);
_i_tmp ++;
// printf("_i_tmp read = %d, in count: %d\n", _i_tmp, _count_tmp);
if(_curblocklink.nextBlockAddr < 0 && _i_tmp < _count_tmp)
printf("err in nextblockaddr of readnode()");
system("pause"); exit(0);
// cout << "nextblockaddr: " << _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr << endl;
fseek(fp, _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr, SEEK_SET);
fread(&_count_block_ele, sizeof(_count_block_ele), 1, fp);
fread(&_curblocklink, sizeof(_curblocklink), 1, fp);
return _pItnl;
printf("err in readnode of type\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
return NULL;
void WriteNode(mNode * pNode, FILE * fp, mQueue & _mqueue)
if(!pNode ->getModify()) return;
long long int _addrfb = pNode ->getAddrFB();
// for check
// printf("addr write : %lld\n", _addrfb);
if(_addrfb < 0)
printf("err in setAddrFB\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
pNode ->unModify();
int _size_left = BLOCKSIZE;
//cout << "size_left1" << _size_left << endl;
fseek(fp, _addrfb, SEEK_SET);
int size_nodetype = sizeof(NODE_TYPE_LEAF);
int size_count = sizeof(pNode ->getCount());
int size_int = sizeof(int);
int size_lli = sizeof(long long int);
int size_blocklink = sizeof(mBlockLink);//-----------------16
int _type_tmp = (int)pNode ->getType();
int _count_tmp = pNode ->getCount();
fwrite(&(_type_tmp), size_nodetype, 1, fp);
_size_left -= size_nodetype;//-----------------------------int
fwrite(&(_count_tmp), size_count, 1, fp);
_size_left -= size_count;//--------------------------------int
long long int _addr_blocklink = ftell(fp); // 可能产生问题
fseek(fp, size_int + size_blocklink, SEEK_CUR);
_size_left -= size_int + size_blocklink;//------------------int + long_long_int*2
//cout << "size_left2" << _size_left << endl;
if(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_LEAF)
mLeafNode * _pLeaf = (mLeafNode *)pNode;
int _count = _pLeaf ->getCount();
fwrite(&(_pLeaf ->leafLink), sizeof(_pLeaf ->leafLink), 1, fp);
_size_left -= sizeof(_pLeaf ->leafLink);//--------------long_long_int*2
int _i_tmp = 1;
bool bool_WriteIn;
int nEle_inBlock = 0;
int first_int = 0;
long long int _preblockaddr = -1;
long long int _curblockaddr = _addrfb;
mBlockLink _blocklink;
for(; _i_tmp <= _count; _i_tmp ++)
* true false;
* false则先返写块容元素个数 _ _addr_blocklink
* _size_left, mblocklink
* ,
int size_key = -1;
int size_val = -1;
int _tmp_i = -1;
bool_WriteIn = _pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].Write_mleafdata(fp, _size_left, size_key, size_val);
if(!bool_WriteIn) //确定不可能有单一元素超过4K 可能产生问题
if(size_key + size_val > BLOCKSIZE - size_int*3 - size_lli*4
&& _size_left > size_key + size_int * 3 + 1)
_pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].mData.WriteKey(fp);
_size_left -= size_key;
fwrite(&_tmp_i, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
_size_left -= size_int;
int val_len = _pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].pVal ->lenTerm[0];
fwrite(&val_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
_size_left -= size_int;
_size_left -= size_int + 1;// for safety
fwrite(&_size_left, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
char * _term_buffer = _pLeaf ->LeafData[_i_tmp].pVal ->Term[0];
int _size_buffer = val_len;
fwrite(_term_buffer, sizeof(char), _size_left, fp);
_size_buffer -= _size_left;
_term_buffer += _size_left;
// _preblockaddr = _curblockaddr;
// _curblockaddr = _mqueue.Pop();
_blocklink.preBlockAddr = _preblockaddr;
_preblockaddr = _curblockaddr; // 新块的上一块就是当前块(首块指向-1
_curblockaddr = _mqueue.Pop(); //当前块变量再调整为指向新块
_blocklink.nextBlockAddr = _curblockaddr; // 上一块的下一块即为新块
fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
nEle_inBlock ++;
fwrite(&nEle_inBlock, size_int, 1, fp);
nEle_inBlock = 0;
fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
fseek(fp, _curblockaddr, SEEK_SET);
_addr_blocklink = _curblockaddr;//调整回写偏移
fseek(fp, size_blocklink + size_int, SEEK_CUR);
//write back blocklink
int _block_hold = BLOCKSIZE - size_blocklink - size_int - 1;
while(_size_buffer > _block_hold)
fwrite(_term_buffer, sizeof(char), _block_hold, fp);
_term_buffer += _block_hold;
_size_buffer -= _block_hold;
_blocklink.preBlockAddr = _preblockaddr;
_preblockaddr = _curblockaddr; // 新块的上一块就是当前块(首块指向-1
_curblockaddr = _mqueue.Pop(); //当前块变量再调整为指向新块
_blocklink.nextBlockAddr = _curblockaddr; // 上一块的下一块即为新块
fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&_block_hold, size_int, 1, fp);
fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
fseek(fp, _curblockaddr, SEEK_SET);
_addr_blocklink = _curblockaddr;//调整回写偏移
fseek(fp, size_blocklink + size_int, SEEK_CUR);
// finish the left;
_size_buffer ++; // write size is len + 1;
fwrite(_term_buffer, sizeof(char), _size_buffer, fp);
// fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
// fwrite(&_size_buffer, size_int, 1, fp);
// fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
// fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink + _size_buffer + size_int + size_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
// _size_left = BLOCKSIZE - _size_buffer - size_int - size_blocklink;
_size_left = -1;
first_int = _size_buffer;
* -1 len便 sizeleft 412 -1lensizeleft自身
* sizeleft    
* buffer及其size
*  buffer()
* buffer后回写长度及块链接 fp指针 & sizeleft
_i_tmp --;
_blocklink.preBlockAddr = _preblockaddr;
_preblockaddr = _curblockaddr; // 新块的上一块就是当前块(首块指向-1
_curblockaddr = _mqueue.Pop(); //当前块变量再调整为指向新块
_blocklink.nextBlockAddr = _curblockaddr; // 上一块的下一块即为新块
fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
int size_ele_inblock = sizeof(nEle_inBlock);
fwrite(&first_int, size_ele_inblock, 1, fp);
fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
fseek(fp, _curblockaddr, SEEK_SET);
_addr_blocklink = _curblockaddr;//调整回写偏移
fseek(fp, size_ele_inblock + size_blocklink, SEEK_CUR);
_size_left -= size_ele_inblock + size_blocklink;//===========int + lli * 2
nEle_inBlock = 0;
nEle_inBlock ++;
first_int = nEle_inBlock;
}// if write_in
}// for count
_blocklink.preBlockAddr = _preblockaddr;
_blocklink.nextBlockAddr = -1; // 上一块的下一块即为新块
fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&first_int, size_int, 1, fp);
fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
if(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
mItnlNode * _pItnl = (mItnlNode *)pNode;
int _count = _pItnl ->getCount();
int _i_tmp = 1;
bool bool_WriteIn;
int nEle_inBlock = 0;
long long int _preblockaddr = -1;
long long int _curblockaddr = _addrfb;
mBlockLink _blocklink;
for(; _i_tmp <= _count; _i_tmp ++)
* true false;
* false则先返写块容元素个数 _ _addr_blocklink
* _size_left, mblocklink
* ,
bool_WriteIn = _pItnl ->ItnlData[_i_tmp].Write_mitnldata(fp, _size_left);
if(!bool_WriteIn) //确定不可能有单一元素超过4K 可能产生问题
_i_tmp --;
_size_left = BLOCKSIZE; //回复块内容量
_blocklink.preBlockAddr = _preblockaddr;
_preblockaddr = _curblockaddr; // 新块的上一块就是当前块(首块指向-1
_curblockaddr = _mqueue.Pop(); //当前块变量再调整为指向新块
_blocklink.nextBlockAddr = _curblockaddr; // 上一块的下一块即为新块
fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
int size_ele_inblock = sizeof(nEle_inBlock);
fwrite(&nEle_inBlock, size_ele_inblock, 1, fp);
fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
fseek(fp, _curblockaddr, SEEK_SET);
_addr_blocklink = _curblockaddr;//调整回写偏移
fseek(fp, size_ele_inblock + size_blocklink, SEEK_CUR);
_size_left -= size_ele_inblock + size_blocklink;
nEle_inBlock = 0;
nEle_inBlock ++;
_blocklink.preBlockAddr = _preblockaddr;
_blocklink.nextBlockAddr = -1; // 上一块的下一块即为新块
fseek(fp, _addr_blocklink, SEEK_SET);
int size_ele_inblock = sizeof(nEle_inBlock);
fwrite(&nEle_inBlock, size_ele_inblock, 1, fp);
fwrite(&_blocklink, size_blocklink, 1, fp);
printf("err in nodetype\n");
void DelDisk(FILE * fp, long long int _addrfb, mQueue & _mqueue)
fseek(fp, _addrfb, SEEK_SET);
// cout << "Del" << _addrfb << endl;
int _type_tmp;
int _count_tmp;
int _count_block_ele;
mBlockLink _curblocklink;
fread(&_type_tmp, sizeof(_type_tmp), 1, fp);
fread(&_count_tmp, sizeof(_count_tmp), 1, fp);
fread(&_count_block_ele, sizeof(_count_block_ele), 1, fp);
fread(&_curblocklink, sizeof(_curblocklink), 1, fp);
long long int _cur_addr = 0;
int _i_tmp = 0;
long long int BackAddr[1000] = {};
vector<long long int> BackVec;
// BackAddr[_i_tmp] = _addrfb;
// _i_tmp ++; 首块地址绝非要一起回收, 在delete实现之后首块地址在适时push的
while(_curblocklink.nextBlockAddr != -1)
_cur_addr = _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr;
fseek(fp, _cur_addr, SEEK_SET);
fread(&_count_block_ele, sizeof(_count_block_ele), 1, fp);
fread(&_curblocklink, sizeof(_curblocklink), 1, fp);
// BackAddr[_i_tmp] = _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr;
// _i_tmp ++;
// _cur_addr = _curblocklink.nextBlockAddr;
// fseek(fp, _cur_addr, SEEK_SET);
// fread(&_count_block_ele, sizeof(_count_block_ele), 1, fp);
// fread(&_curblocklink, sizeof(_curblocklink), 1, fp);
//// for check
// if(_i_tmp <= 0 || _i_tmp > 1000000)
// {
// printf("bug in _i_tmp\n");
// system("pause"); exit(0);
// }
int myStrcmp(char _str1[], int len1, char _str2[], int len2)
int minlen = len1;
int maxlen = len2;
if(len1 > len2)
minlen = len2;
maxlen = len1;
int i = 0;
for(; i < minlen; i ++)
if(_str1[i] < _str2[i]) return -1;
if(_str1[i] > _str2[i]) return 1;
if(len1 > len2) return 1;
if(len1 < len2) return -1;
return 0;
bool Delete_KeyVal(char keyStr[], int keyLen, BPlusTree * _ptree)
KeyType _key_del;
_key_del.set_sKey(keyStr, keyLen);
bool dRet = _ptree ->Delete(_key_del);
return dRet;
bool Delete_Key_PartVal(char keyStr[], int keyLen, char partVal[], BPlusTree * _ptree)
KeyType _key_del;
_key_del.set_sKey(keyStr, keyLen);
bool dRet = _ptree ->Delete(_key_del, partVal);
return dRet;
// 以下为四个对应的删除实现, 调用了上面两个函数;
bool Delete_sID2sub(int _sID, BPlusTree * _p_sID2sub)
char * sid2str = new char[5];
*(int*)sid2str = _sID;
sid2str[4] = '\0';
bool bret = Delete_KeyVal(sid2str, 4, _p_sID2sub);
delete [] sid2str;
return bret;
bool Delete_s2sID(char _sub_str[], BPlusTree * _p_s2sID)
bool bret = Delete_KeyVal(_sub_str, (int)strlen(_sub_str), _p_s2sID);
return bret;
bool Delete_obj2sID(char _obj_str[], int _del_sID, BPlusTree * _p_obj2sID)
char * sid2str = new char[5];
*(int*)sid2str = _del_sID;
sid2str[4] = '\0';
bool bret = Delete_Key_PartVal(_obj_str, (int)strlen(_obj_str), sid2str, _p_obj2sID);
delete [] sid2str;
return bret;
bool Delete_objpID2sID(char _obj_str[], int _pID, int _del_sID, BPlusTree * _p_obj2sID)
char * sid2str = new char[5];
char * pid2str = new char[5];
int obj_len = (int)strlen(_obj_str);
*(int*)sid2str = _del_sID;
*(int*)pid2str = _pID;
pid2str[4] = '\0';
sid2str[4] = '\0';
char * _objpID_str = new char[obj_len + 5];
memcpy(_objpID_str, _obj_str, obj_len);
memcpy(_objpID_str + obj_len, pid2str, 5);
bool bret = Delete_Key_PartVal(_objpID_str, obj_len + 4, sid2str, _p_obj2sID);
delete [] sid2str;
delete [] pid2str;
delete [] _objpID_str;
return bret;
bool DATAINPUT(FILE * ifp, char _row_str[], char _str[][600] )
memset(_row_str, 0, sizeof(_row_str));
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i ++)
memset(_str[i], 0, sizeof(_str[i]));
fgets(_row_str, 5000, ifp);
if(feof(ifp) || (int)strlen(_row_str) == 0) return false;
int _row_len = (int)strlen(_row_str);
int _nTab = 0;
int _ri = 0;
for(_nTab = 0; _nTab < 5; _nTab ++)
int j = _ri;
while(_row_str[_ri] != ' ')
_str[_nTab][_ri - j] = _row_str[_ri];
_ri ++;
_str[_nTab][_ri - j] = '\0';
_ri ++;
//_ri ++; // NO another tab
for(int i = _ri; i < _row_len; i ++)
_str[5][i - _ri] = _row_str[i];
int len5;
len5 = (int)strlen(_str[5]);
if(_str[5][len5 -1] == '\n') { _str[5][len5 - 1] = '\0'; }
if(_str[5][len5 - 2] == '\t') { _str[5][len5 - 2] = '\0'; }
return true;
void FP_Initial(FILE * & _fp)
if((_fp = fopen("sixtriples_yago", "rt")) == NULL) //sixtriples_yago
cout << "bug" << endl;
cout << "open successfully" << endl;
void KeyType::ReadKey(FILE * fp)
fread(&mLenKey, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
if(_eletype == B_CHARARRAY)
sKey = new char[mLenKey + 1];
fread(sKey, sizeof(char), mLenKey + 1, fp);
if(sKey == NULL)
cout << "NULL err" << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
fread(&iKey, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
sKey = NULL;
void KeyType::WriteKey(FILE * fp)
fwrite(&mLenKey, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
if(_eletype == B_CHARARRAY)
fwrite(sKey, sizeof(char), mLenKey + 1, fp);
fwrite(&iKey, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
void mValue::ReadVal(FILE * fp)
fread(lenTerm, sizeof(int), TERM_NUMBER, fp);
for(int i = 0; i < TERM_NUMBER; i ++)
if(Term[i] != NULL)
printf("bug term null\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
Term[i] = new char[ lenTerm[i] + 1 ];
fread(Term[i], sizeof(char), lenTerm[i] + 1, fp);
void mValue::WriteVal(FILE * fp)
fwrite(lenTerm, sizeof(int), TERM_NUMBER, fp);
for(int i = 0; i < TERM_NUMBER; i ++)
fwrite(Term[i], sizeof(char), lenTerm[i] + 1, fp);
void mitnldata::Read_mitnldata(FILE * fp)
fread(&mAddr_sonFB, sizeof(mAddr_sonFB), 1, fp);
bool mitnldata::Write_mitnldata( FILE * fp, int & _size_left )
* KeyType
int size_lli = sizeof(long long int);
int size_mKey = mKey.WriteSize();
if(_size_left < size_lli + size_mKey) return false;
_size_left -= size_lli + size_mKey;
fwrite(&mAddr_sonFB, sizeof(mAddr_sonFB), 1, fp);
return true;
bool mleafdata::Read_mleafdata(FILE * fp)
if(pVal != NULL)
printf("bug - null\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
// pVal ->ReadVal(fp);
int _len=0;
fread(&_len, sizeof(int), TERM_NUMBER, fp);
if(_len == -1)
return false;
pVal = new mValue;
for(int i = 0; i < TERM_NUMBER; i ++)
if(pVal ->Term[i] != NULL)
printf("bug term null\n");
system("pause"); exit(0);
pVal ->Term[i] = new char[ _len + 1 ];
pVal ->lenTerm[i] = _len;
fread(pVal ->Term[i], sizeof(char), _len + 1, fp);
return true;
bool mleafdata::Write_mleafdata(FILE * fp, int & _size_left, int & _key_size, int & _val_size)
int size_Key = mData.WriteSize();
int size_Val = pVal ->WriteSize();
//cout << "kv" << size_Key + size_Val << endl;
if(_size_left < size_Key + size_Val)
_key_size = size_Key;
_val_size = size_Val;
return false;
_size_left -= size_Key + size_Val;
pVal ->WriteVal(fp);
return true;
void BPlusTree::Initial(){
this ->pmLeafHead = NULL;
this ->pmLeafTail = NULL;
mRoot = NULL;
mfp = NULL;
BPlusTree::BPlusTree(const char * const_tree_name, const char * _build_or_open)
_log_btree = fopen("log_btree", "w+");
this ->Initial();
insert_count = 0;
char _tree_name[1024];
memcpy(_tree_name, const_tree_name, (int)strlen(const_tree_name));
_tree_name[(int)strlen(const_tree_name)] = '\0';
int _key_chose;
char treetype[200] = "initial";
strcpy(mTreeName, _tree_name);
_key_chose = 1;
if(_key_chose == 1)
_eletype = B_CHARARRAY;
strcpy(treetype, "char");
//strcat(mTreeName, treetype);
if(_key_chose == 2)
_eletype = B_INTEGER;
strcpy(treetype, "int");
strcat(mTreeName, treetype);
pmLeafHead = pmLeafTail = NULL;
if(!strcmp(_build_or_open, "build"))
mRoot = new mLeafNode;
mRoot ->setAddrFB( 0 );
printf("the tree called: %s\n", mTreeName);
char _treefile[1024];
strcpy(_treefile, mTreeName);
strcat(_treefile, ".btree");
if((mfp = fopen(_treefile, "wb+")) == NULL)
printf("bug in create file\n");
string _treefile = this ->getTreeFileName();
_treefile += ".btree";
if((mfp = fopen(_treefile.c_str(), "rb+")) == NULL)
printf("err in open %s", mTreeName); cout << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
mRoot = ReadNode(mfp, 0);
if(mRoot == NULL){
cout << "root of btree [" << _treefile << "] is NULL" << endl;
char _queuefile[1024];
strcpy(_queuefile, mTreeName);
strcat(_queuefile, "_queue.btree");
this ->ClearTree();
string BPlusTree::getTreeFileName(){
string _tree_name = this ->mTreeName;
return _tree_name;
void BPlusTree::log(const char* _log)const{
bool debug_mode = true;
if(!debug_mode) {
fputs(_log, _log_btree);
void BPlusTree::forcheck()
queue<mNode *> pQueue[100];
int nFloor = 0;
mNode * pRoot = this ->getRoot();
mNode * pNode;
int fThreshold;
int _i_ord = 0;
while(!pQueue[nFloor].empty() && nFloor < fThreshold)
pNode = pQueue[nFloor].front();
cout << _i_ord ++ << endl;
if(pNode ->getType() == NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL)
for(int i = 1; i <= pNode ->getCount(); i ++)
if(pNode ->isInMemory(i))
if(pNode != ((pNode ->getPointer(i)) ->getFather()))
cout << " bug " << _ii;
cout << " bug key : ";
pNode ->getKey(i).PrintKey();
cout << endl;
system("pause"); exit(0);
nFloor ++;
printf("\n\nthe %d floor:\n\n", nFloor + 1);