2016-05-16 03:16:22 +08:00
# Filename: Strategy.cpp
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail: zengli-bookug@pku.edu.cn
# Last Modified: 2016-05-07 16:31
# Description: implement functions in Strategy.h
#include "Strategy.h"
using namespace std;
this->method = 0;
this->kvstore = NULL;
this->vstree = NULL;
Strategy::Strategy(KVstore* _kvstore, VSTree* _vstree)
this->method = 0;
this->kvstore = _kvstore;
this->vstree = _vstree;
//delete[] this->dispatch;
//this->dispatch = new QueryHandler[Strategy::QUERY_HANDLER_NUM];
//this->dispatch[0] = Strategy::handler0;
//NOTICE: 2-triple case ?s1 p1 c0 ?s2 p2 c0 is viewed as an unconnected graph
//however, this can be dealed due to several basicquery and linking
Strategy::handle(SPARQLquery& _query)
Util::logging("IN GeneralEvaluation::handle");
vector<BasicQuery*>& queryList = _query.getBasicQueryVec();
// enumerate each BasicQuery and retrieve their variables' mapping entity in the VSTree.
vector<BasicQuery*>::iterator iter=queryList.begin();
for(; iter != queryList.end(); iter++)
this->method = 0;
vector<int*>& result_list = (*iter)->getResultList();
int select_var_num = (*iter)->getSelectVarNum();
int varNum = (*iter)->getVarNum(); //the num of vars needing to be joined
int total_num = (*iter)->getTotalVarNum();
int pre_varNum = (*iter)->getPreVarNum();
if((*iter)->getTripleNum() == 1 && pre_varNum == 1)
Triple triple = (*iter)->getTriple(0);
int* id_list = NULL;
int id_list_len = 0;
if(total_num == 2)
//TODO:consider special case, select ?s (?p) ?o where { ?s ?p ?o . }
//filter and join is too costly, should enum all predicates and use p2so
//maybe the selected vars are ?s (?p) or ?o (?p)
cerr << "not supported now!" << endl;
else if(total_num == 1)
//TODO:if just select s/o, use o2s/s2o
//if only p is selected, use s2p or o2p
//only if both s/o and p are selected, use s2po or o2ps
if(triple.subject[0] != '?') //constant
int sid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(triple.subject);
this->kvstore->getpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(sid, id_list, id_list_len);
else if(triple.object[0] != '?') //constant
int oid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(triple.object);
if(oid == -1)
oid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByLiteral(triple.object);
this->kvstore->getpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(oid, id_list, id_list_len);
//always place s/o before p in result list
for(int i = 0; i < id_list_len; i += 2)
int* record = new int[2]; //2 vars selected
record[1] = id_list[i]; //for the pre var
record[0] = id_list[i+1]; //for the s/o var
else if(total_num == 0) //only ?p
//just use so2p
int sid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(triple.subject);
int oid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(triple.object);
if(oid == -1)
oid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByLiteral(triple.object);
2016-05-20 21:57:15 +08:00
#ifdef SO2P
2016-05-16 03:16:22 +08:00
this->kvstore->getpreIDlistBysubIDobjID(sid, oid, id_list, id_list_len);
2016-05-20 21:57:15 +08:00
int *list1 = NULL, *list2 = NULL;
int len1 = 0, len2 = 0;
this->kvstore->getpreIDlistBysubID(sid, list1, len1);
this->kvstore->getpreIDlistByobjID(oid, list2, len2);
Util::intersect(id_list, id_list_len, list1, len1, list2, len2);
2016-05-16 03:16:22 +08:00
//copy to result list
for(int i = 0; i < id_list_len; ++i)
int* record = new int[1];
record[0] = id_list[i];
delete[] id_list;
if(pre_varNum == 0 && (*iter)->getTripleNum() == 1) //only one triple and no predicates
//only one variable and one triple: ?s pre obj or sub pre ?o
if(total_num == 1)
this->method = 1;
//only two vars: ?s pre ?o
else if(total_num == 2)
if(varNum == 1) //the selected id should be 0
this->method = 2;
else //==2
this->method = 3;
//cerr << "this BasicQuery use query strategy 2" << endl;
//cerr<<"Final result size: "<<(*iter)->getResultList().size()<<endl;
//QueryHandler dispatch;
//dispatch[0] = handler0;
case 0:
this->handler0(*iter, result_list);
case 1:
this->handler1(*iter, result_list);
case 2:
this->handler2(*iter, result_list);
case 3:
this->handler3(*iter, result_list);
cerr << "not support this method" << endl;
cerr<<"Final result size: "<<(*iter)->getResultList().size()<<endl;
//BETTER: use function pointer array in C++ class
cerr << "this BasicQuery use original query strategy" << endl;
long tv_handle = Util::get_cur_time();
long tv_retrieve = Util::get_cur_time();
cout << "after Retrieve, used " << (tv_retrieve - tv_handle) << "ms." << endl;
this->join = new Join(kvstore);
delete this->join;
long tv_join = Util::get_cur_time();
cout << "after Join, used " << (tv_join - tv_retrieve) << "ms." << endl;
Util::logging("OUT Strategy::handle");
return true;
Strategy::handler0(BasicQuery* _bq, vector<int*>& _result_list)
long before_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "this BasicQuery use query strategy 0" << endl;
//BETTER:not all vars in join filtered by vstree
//(A)-B-c: B should by vstree, then by c, but A should be generated in join(first set A as not)
//if A not in join, just filter B by pre
//divided into star graphs, join core vertices, generate satellites
//join should also start from a core vertex(neighbor can be constants or vars) if available
//QUERY: is there any case that a node should be retrieved by other index?(instead of vstree or generate whne join)
//we had better treat 1-triple case(no ?p) as special, and then in other cases, core vertex exist(if connected)
//However, if containing ?p and 1-triple, we should treat it also as a special case, or select a variable as core vertex
//and retrieved (for example, ?s ?p o or s ?p ?o, generally no core vertex in these cases)
long tv_handle = Util::get_cur_time();
int varNum = _bq->getVarNum(); //the num of vars needing to be joined
for(int i = 0; i < varNum; ++i)
if(_bq->if_need_retrieve(i) == false)
bool flag = _bq->isLiteralVariable(i);
const EntityBitSet& entityBitSet = _bq->getVarBitSet(i);
IDList* idListPtr = &( _bq->getCandidateList(i) );
this->vstree->retrieveEntity(entityBitSet, idListPtr);
//the basic query should end if one non-literal var has no candidates
if(idListPtr->size() == 0 && !flag)
//TODO:end directly if one is empty!
long tv_retrieve = Util::get_cur_time();
cout << "after Retrieve, used " << (tv_retrieve - tv_handle) << "ms." << endl;
Join *join = new Join(kvstore);
delete join;
long tv_join = Util::get_cur_time();
cout << "after Join, used " << (tv_join - tv_retrieve) << "ms." << endl;
Strategy::handler1(BasicQuery* _bq, vector<int*>& _result_list)
long before_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "this BasicQuery use query strategy 1" << endl;
//int neighbor_id = (*_bq->getEdgeNeighborID(0, 0); //constant, -1
char edge_type = _bq->getEdgeType(0, 0);
int triple_id = _bq->getEdgeID(0, 0);
Triple triple = _bq->getTriple(triple_id);
int pre_id = _bq->getEdgePreID(0, 0);
int* id_list = NULL;
int id_list_len = 0;
if(edge_type == Util::EDGE_OUT)
//cerr<<"edge out!!!"<<endl;
int nid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(triple.object);
if(nid == -1)
nid = (this->kvstore)->getIDByLiteral(triple.object);
this->kvstore->getsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(nid, pre_id, id_list, id_list_len);
//cerr<<"edge in!!!"<<endl;
this->kvstore->getobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(this->kvstore->getIDByEntity(triple.subject), pre_id, id_list, id_list_len);
long after_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "after filter, used " << (after_filter - before_filter) << "ms" << endl;
//cerr<<"now to copy result to list"<<endl;
for(int i = 0; i < id_list_len; ++i)
int* record = new int[1]; //only this var is selected
record[0] = id_list[i];
long after_copy = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr<<"after copy to result list: used "<<(after_copy-after_filter)<<" ms"<<endl;
delete[] id_list;
cerr<<"Final result size: "<<_result_list.size()<<endl;
Strategy::handler2(BasicQuery* _bq, vector<int*>& _result_list)
long before_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "this BasicQuery use query strategy 2" << endl;
int triple_id = _bq->getEdgeID(0, 0);
Triple triple = _bq->getTriple(triple_id);
int pre_id = _bq->getEdgePreID(0, 0);
int var1_id = _bq->getIDByVarName(triple.subject);
int var2_id = _bq->getIDByVarName(triple.object);
int* id_list = NULL;
int id_list_len = 0;
if(var1_id == 0) //subject var selected
//use p2s directly
this->kvstore->getsubIDlistBypreID(pre_id, id_list, id_list_len);
else if(var2_id == 0) //object var selected
//use p2o directly
this->kvstore->getobjIDlistBypreID(pre_id, id_list, id_list_len);
cerr << "ERROR in Database::handle(): no selected var!"<<endl;
long after_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "after filter, used " << (after_filter - before_filter) << "ms" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < id_list_len; ++i)
int* record = new int[1]; //only one var
record[0] = id_list[i];
long after_copy = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr<<"after copy to result list: used "<<(after_copy-after_filter)<<" ms"<<endl;
delete[] id_list;
cerr<<"Final result size: "<<_result_list.size()<<endl;
Strategy::handler3(BasicQuery* _bq, vector<int*>& _result_list)
long before_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "this BasicQuery use query strategy 3" << endl;
int triple_id = _bq->getEdgeID(0, 0);
Triple triple = _bq->getTriple(triple_id);
int pre_id = _bq->getEdgePreID(0, 0);
int* id_list = NULL;
int id_list_len = 0;
this->kvstore->getsubIDobjIDlistBypreID(pre_id, id_list, id_list_len);
int var1_id = _bq->getIDByVarName(triple.subject);
int var2_id = _bq->getIDByVarName(triple.object);
long after_filter = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr << "after filter, used " << (after_filter - before_filter) << "ms" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < id_list_len; i += 2)
int* record = new int[2]; //2 vars and selected
record[var1_id] = id_list[i];
record[var2_id] = id_list[i+1];
long after_copy = Util::get_cur_time();
cerr<<"after copy to result list: used "<<(after_copy-after_filter)<<" ms"<<endl;
delete[] id_list;
cerr<<"Final result size: "<<_result_list.size()<<endl;