implement http api for python

This commit is contained in:
mrmrfan 2018-07-26 19:44:20 +08:00
parent dd13072d4a
commit 568419839c
3 changed files with 268 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# Filename:
# Author: yangchaofan
# Last Modified: 2018-7-18 15:13
# Description: a simple example of multi-thread query
import threading
import sys
import GstoreConnector
# variables definition
tnum = 3000
correctness = True
threads = []
result = [15, 0, 828, 27, 27, 5916]
sparql = []
sparql0 = "select ?x where\
?x <ub:name> <FullProfessor0> .\
sparql1 = "select distinct ?x where\
?x <rdf:type> <ub:GraduateStudent>.\
?y <rdf:type> <ub:GraduateStudent>.\
?z <rdf:type> <ub:GraduateStudent>.\
?x <ub:memberOf> ?z.\
?z <ub:subOrganizationOf> ?y.\
?x <ub:undergaduateDegreeFrom> ?y.\
sparql2 = "select distinct ?x where\
?x <rdf:type> <ub:Course>.\
?x <ub:name> ?y.\
sparql3 = "select ?x where\
?x <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>.\
?y <ub:name> <Course1>.\
?x <ub:takesCourse> ?y.\
?z <ub:teacherOf> ?y.\
?z <ub:name> <FullProfessor1>.\
?z <ub:worksFor> ?w.\
?w <ub:name> <Department0>.\
sparql4 = "select distinct ?x where\
?x <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>.\
?y <ub:name> <Course1>.\
?x <ub:takesCourse> ?y.\
?z <ub:teacherOf> ?y.\
?z <ub:name> <FullProfessor1>.\
?z <ub:worksFor> ?w.\
?w <ub:name> <Department0>.\
sparql5 = "select distinct ?x where\
?x <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>.\
# thread function
def Mythread(rnum, sparql, filename):
global correctness
# query
gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 3305)"test", "data/lubm/lubm.nt", "root", "123456")
#gc.load("test", "root", "123456")
gc.fquery("root", "123456", "test", sparql, filename)
#res = gc.query("root", "123456", "test", sparql)
# read the file to a str
with open(filename, "r") as f:
res =
# count the nums
m = 0
for i in range(len(sparql)):
if (sparql[i] == "?"):
m = m + 1
if (sparql[i] == "{"):
n = 0
for i in range(len(res)):
if (res[i] == "{"):
n = n + 1
Num = (n-3)/(m+1)
# compare the result
if (rnum != Num):
correctness = False
print("sparql: "+sparql)
print("Num: "+str(Num))
# create sparql
#create the threads
for i in range(tnum):
filename = "result/res" + str(i) + ".txt"
t = threading.Thread(target=Mythread, args=(result[i%6],sparql[i%6],filename,))
# start threads
for i in threads:
# wait for the threads
for i in threads:
if (correctness == True):
print("The answers are correct!")
print("The answers exist errors!")
print("Main thread exit")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Filename:
# Author: yangchaofan
# Last Modified: 2018-7-18 15:10
# Description: a simple example of python API
import sys
import GstoreConnector
# before you run this example, make sure that you have started up gStore server (use ./ghttp ~ ~)
username = "root"
password = "123456"
sparql = "select ?x where \
{ \
?x <rdf:type> <ub:UndergraduateStudent>. \
?y <ub:name> <Course1>. \
?x <ub:takesCourse> ?y. \
?z <ub:teacherOf> ?y. \
?z <ub:name> <FullProfessor1>. \
?z <ub:worksFor> ?w. \
?w <ub:name> <Department0>. \
filename = "res.txt"
# start a gc with given IP and Port
gc = GstoreConnector.GstoreConnector("", 3305)
# unload the database
#ret = gc.unload("test", username, password)
# build database with a RDF graph
ret ="test", "data/lubm/lubm.nt", username, password)
# load the database
ret = gc.load("test", username, password)
# query
print (gc.query(username, password, "test", sparql))
# query and save the result in a file
gc.fquery(username, password, "test", sparql, filename)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Filename:
# Author: yangchaofan
# Last Modified: 2018-7-18 14:44
# Description: http api for python
import requests
defaultServerIP = ""
defaultServerPort = "3305"
class GstoreConnector:
def __init__(self, ip, port):
if (ip == "localhost"):
self.serverIP = defaultServerIP
self.serverIP = ip
self.serverPort = port
self.Url = "http://" + self.serverIP + ":" + str(self.serverPort)
def UrlEncode(self, s):
ret = ""
for i in range(len(s)):
c = s[i]
if ((ord(c)==42) or (ord(c)==45) or (ord(c)==46) or (ord(c)==47) or (ord(c)==58) or (ord(c)==95)):
ret += c
elif ((ord(c)>=48) and (ord(c)<=57)):
ret += c
elif ((ord(c)>=65) and (ord(c)<=90)):
ret += c
elif ((ord(c)>=97) and (ord(c)<=122)):
ret += c
ret += "{}{:X}".format("%", ord(c))
return ret
def Get(self, strUrl):
r = requests.get(self.UrlEncode(strUrl))
return r.text
def fGet(self, strUrl, filename):
r = requests.get(self.UrlEncode(strUrl), stream=True)
with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in r.iter_content(4096):
def load(self, db_name, username, password):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=load&db_name=" + db_name + "&username=" + username + "&password=" + password
res = self.Get(cmd)
print res
if res == "load database done.":
return True
return False
def unload(self, db_name, username, password):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=unload&db_name=" + db_name + "&username=" + username + "&password=" + password
res = self.Get(cmd)
if res == "unload database done.":
return True
return False
def build(self, db_name, rdf_file_path, username, password):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=build&db_name=" + db_name + "&ds_path=" + rdf_file_path + "&username=" + username + "&password=" + password
res = self.Get(cmd)
if res == "import RDF file to database done.":
return True
return False
def query(self, username, password, db_name, sparql):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=query&username=" + username + "&password=" + password + "&db_name=" + db_name + "&format=json&sparql=" + sparql
return self.Get(cmd)
def fquery(self, username, password, db_name, sparql, filename):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=query&username=" + username + "&password=" + password + "&db_name=" + db_name + "&format=json&sparql=" + sparql
self.fGet(cmd, filename)
def show(self):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=show"
return Get(cmd)
def user(self, type, username1, password1, username2, addtion):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=user&type=" + type + "&username1=" + username1+ "&password1=" + password1 + "&username2=" + username2 + "&addtion=" +addition
return self.Get(cmd)
def showUser(self):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=showUser"
return self.Get(cmd)
def monitor(self, db_name):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=monitor&db_name=" + db_name;
return self.Get(cmd)
def checkpoint(self, db_name):
cmd = self.Url + "/?operation=checkpoint&db_name=" + db_name
return self.Get(cmd)